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The concept of “biased agonism” arises from the recognition that the ability of an agonist to induce a receptor-mediated response (i.e. “efficacy”) can differ across the multiple signal transduction pathways (e.g. G protein and β-arrestin (βarr)) emanating from a single GPCR. Despite the therapeutic promise of biased agonism, the molecular mechanism(s) whereby biased agonists selectively engage signaling pathways remain elusive. This is due in large part to the challenges associated with quantifying ligand efficacy in cells. To address this, we developed a cell-free approach to directly quantify the transducer-specific molecular efficacies of balanced and biased ligands for the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R), a prototypic GPCR. Specifically, we defined efficacy in allosteric terms, equating shifts in ligand affinity (i.e. KLo/KHi) at AT1R-Gq and AT1R-βarr2 fusion proteins with their respective molecular efficacies for activating Gq and βarr2. Consistent with ternary complex model predictions, transducer-specific molecular efficacies were strongly correlated with cellular efficacies for activating Gq and βarr2. Subsequent comparisons across transducers revealed that biased AT1R agonists possess biased molecular efficacies that were in strong agreement with the signaling bias observed in cellular assays. These findings not only represent the first measurements of the thermodynamic driving forces underlying differences in ligand efficacy between transducers but also support a molecular mechanism whereby divergent transducer-specific molecular efficacies generate biased agonism at a GPCR.  相似文献   

The peptide hormone relaxin is showing potential as a treatment for acute heart failure. Although it is known that relaxin mediates its actions through the G protein-coupled receptor relaxin family peptide receptor 1 (RXFP1), little is known about the molecular mechanisms by which relaxin binding results in receptor activation. Previous studies have highlighted that the unique N-terminal low density lipoprotein class A (LDLa) module of RXFP1 is essential for receptor activation, and it has been hypothesized that this module is the true “ligand” of the receptor that directs the conformational changes necessary for G protein coupling. In this study, we confirmed that an RXFP1 receptor lacking the LDLa module binds ligand normally but cannot signal through any characterized G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway. Furthermore, we comprehensively examined the contributions of amino acids in the LDLa module to RXFP1 activity using both gain-of-function and loss-of-function mutational analysis together with NMR structural analysis of recombinant LDLa modules. Gain-of-function studies with an inactive RXFP1 chimera containing the LDLa module of the human LDL receptor (LB2) demonstrated two key N-terminal regions of the module that were able to rescue receptor signaling. Loss-of-function mutations of residues in these regions demonstrated that Leu-7, Tyr-9, and Lys-17 all contributed to the ability of the LDLa module to drive receptor activation, and judicious amino acid substitutions suggested this involves hydrophobic interactions. Our results demonstrate that these key residues contribute to interactions driving the active receptor conformation, providing further evidence of a unique mode of G protein-coupled receptor activation.  相似文献   

Agonist-induced internalization of G protein-coupled receptors plays an important role in signal regulation. The underlying mechanisms of the internalization of the human neuropeptide Y(2) receptor (hY(2)R), as well as its desensitization, endocytosis, and resensitization are mainly unknown. In the present study we have investigated the role of carboxyl-terminal (C-terminal) Ser/Thr residues and acidic amino acids in regulating receptor internalization, arrestin interaction, and recycling by fluorescence microscopy, cell surface enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer in several cell lines. Strikingly, C-terminal truncation mutants revealed two different internalization motifs. Whereas a distal motif (373)DSXTEXT(379) was found to be the primary regulatory internalization sequence acting in concert with arrestin-3, the proximal motif (347)DXXXSEXSXT(356) promoted ligand-induced internalization in an arrestin-3-independent manner. Moreover, we identified a regulatory sequence located between these internalization motifs ((357)FKAKKNLEVRKN(368)), which serves as an inhibitory element. We found that hY(2)R recycling is also governed by structural determinants within the proximal internalization motif. In conclusion, these results indicate that the hY(2)R C terminus is involved in multiple molecular events that regulate internalization, interaction with arrestin-3, and receptor resensitization. Our findings provide novel insights into complex mechanisms of controlled internalization of hY(2)R, which is likely applicable to other GPCRs.  相似文献   

Understanding the molecular basis of natural ligand binding and activation of the glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP1) receptor may facilitate the development of agonist drugs useful for the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. We previously reported molecular approximations between carboxyl-terminal residues 24 and 35 within GLP1 and its receptor. In this work, we have focused on the amino-terminal region of GLP1, known to be critical for receptor activation. We developed two high-affinity, full agonist photolabile GLP1 probes having sites of covalent attachment in positions 6 and 12 of the 30-residue peptide (GLP1(7–36)). Both probes bound to the receptor specifically and covalently labeled single distinct sites. Chemical and protease cleavage of the labeled receptor identified the juxtamembrane region of its amino-terminal domain as the region of covalent attachment of the position 12 probe, whereas the region of labeling by the position 6 probe was localized to the first extracellular loop. Radiochemical sequencing identified receptor residue Tyr145, adjacent to the first transmembrane segment, as the site of labeling by the position 12 probe, and receptor residue Tyr205, within the first extracellular loop, as the site of labeling by the position 6 probe. These data provide support for a common mechanism for natural ligand binding and activation of family B G protein-coupled receptors. This region of interaction of peptide amino-terminal domains with the receptor may provide a pocket that can be targeted by small molecule agonists.  相似文献   

Agonist-induced internalization was observed for both inducible and constitutively expressed forms of the cannabinoid CB(1) receptor. These were also internalized by the peptide orexin A, which has no direct affinity for the cannabinoid CB(1) receptor, but only when the orexin OX(1) receptor was co-expressed along with the cannabinoid CB(1) receptor. This effect of orexin A was concentration-dependent and blocked by OX(1) receptor antagonists. Moreover, the ability of orexin A to internalize the CB(1) receptor was also blocked by CB(1) receptor antagonists. Remarkably, orexin A was substantially more potent in producing internalization of the CB(1) receptor than in causing internalization of the bulk OX(1) receptor population, and this was true in cells in which the CB(1) receptor was maintained at a constant level, whereas levels of OX(1) could be varied and vice versa. Both co-immunoprecipitation and cell surface, homogenous time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer based on covalent labeling of N-terminal "SNAP" and "CLIP" tags present in the extracellular N-terminal domain of the receptors confirmed the capacity of these two receptors to heteromultimerize. These studies confirm the capacity of the CB(1) and OX(1) receptors to interact directly and demonstrate that this complex has unique regulatory characteristics. The higher potency of the agonist orexin A to regulate the CB(1)-OX(1) heteromer compared with the OX(1)-OX(1) homomer present in the same cells and the effects of CB(1) receptor antagonists on the function of orexin A suggest an interplay between these two systems that may modulate appetite, feeding, and wakefulness.  相似文献   

GPR35 is a G protein-coupled receptor expressed in the immune, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems in gastric carcinomas and is implicated in heart failure and pain perception. We investigated residues in GPR35 responsible for ligand activation and the receptor structure in the active state. GPR35 contains numerous positively charged amino acids that face into the binding pocket that cluster in two distinct receptor regions, TMH3-4-5-6 and TMH1-2-7. Computer modeling implicated TMH3-4-5-6 for activation by the GPR35 agonists zaprinast and pamoic acid. Mutation results for the TMH1-2-7 region of GPR35 showed no change in ligand efficacies at the K1.32A, R2.65A, R7.33A, and K7.40A mutants. However, mutation of arginine residues in the TMH3-4-5-6 region (R4.60, R6.58, R3.36, R(164), and R(167) in the EC2 loop) had effects on signaling for one or both agonists tested. R4.60A resulted in a total ablation of agonist-induced activation in both the β-arrestin trafficking and ERK1/2 activation assays. R6.58A increased the potency of zaprinast 30-fold in the pERK assay. The R(167)A mutant decreased the potency of pamoic acid in the β-arrestin trafficking assay. The R(164)A and R(164)L mutants decreased potencies of both agonists. Similar trends for R6.58A and R(167)A were observed in calcium responses. Computer modeling showed that the R6.58A mutant has additional interactions with zaprinast. R3.36A did not express on the cell surface but was trapped in the cytoplasm. The lack of surface expression of R3.36A was rescued by a GPR35 antagonist, CID2745687. These results clearly show that R4.60, R(164), R(167), and R6.58 play crucial roles in the agonist initiated activation of GPR35.  相似文献   

Metabotropic GABAB receptors are abundantly expressed at glutamatergic synapses where they control excitability of the synapse. Here, we tested the hypothesis that glutamatergic neurotransmission may regulate GABAB receptors. We found that application of glutamate to cultured cortical neurons led to rapid down-regulation of GABAB receptors via lysosomal degradation. This effect was mimicked by selective activation of AMPA receptors and further accelerated by coactivation of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors. Inhibition of NMDA receptors, blockade of L-type Ca2+ channels, and removal of extracellular Ca2+ prevented glutamate-induced down-regulation of GABAB receptors, indicating that Ca2+ influx plays a critical role. We further established that glutamate-induced down-regulation depends on the internalization of GABAB receptors. Glutamate did not affect the rate of GABAB receptor endocytosis but led to reduced recycling of the receptors back to the plasma membrane. Blockade of lysosomal activity rescued receptor recycling, indicating that glutamate redirects GABAB receptors from the recycling to the degradation pathway. In conclusion, the data indicate that sustained activation of AMPA receptors down-regulates GABAB receptors by sorting endocytosed GABAB receptors preferentially to lysosomes for degradation on the expense of recycling. This mechanism may relieve glutamatergic synapses from GABAB receptor-mediated inhibition resulting in increased synaptic excitability.  相似文献   

Allosteric binding pockets in peptide-binding G protein-coupled receptors create opportunities for the development of small molecule drugs with substantial benefits over orthosteric ligands. To gain insights into molecular determinants for this pocket within type 1 and 2 cholecystokinin receptors (CCK1R and CCK2R), we prepared a series of receptor constructs in which six distinct residues in TM2, -3, -6, and -7 were reversed. Two novel iodinated CCK1R- and CCK2R-selective 1,4-benzodiazepine antagonists, differing only in stereochemistry at C3, were used. When all six residues within CCK1R were mutated to corresponding CCK2R residues, benzodiazepine selectivity was reversed, yet peptide binding selectivity was unaffected. Detailed analysis, including observations of gain of function, demonstrated that residues 6.51, 6.52, and 7.39 were most important for binding the CCK1R-selective ligand, whereas residues 2.61 and 7.39 were most important for binding CCK2R-selective ligand, although the effect of substitution of residue 2.61 was likely indirect. Ligand-guided homology modeling was applied to wild type receptors and those reversing benzodiazepine binding selectivity. The models had high predictive power in enriching known receptor-selective ligands from related decoys, indicating a high degree of precision in pocket definition. The benzodiazepines docked in similar poses in both receptors, with C3 urea substituents pointing upward, whereas different stereochemistry at C3 directed the C5 phenyl rings and N1 methyl groups into opposite orientations. The geometry of the binding pockets and specific interactions predicted for ligand docking in these models provide a molecular framework for understanding ligand selectivity at these receptor subtypes. Furthermore, the strong predictive power of these models suggests their usefulness in the discovery of lead compounds and in drug development programs.  相似文献   

Ligand binding to extracellular domains of G protein-coupled receptors can result in novel and nuanced allosteric effects on receptor signaling. We previously showed that the protein-protein interaction of carboxypeptidase M (CPM) and kinin B1 receptor (B1R) enhances B1R signaling in two ways; 1) kinin binding to CPM causes a conformational activation of the B1R, and 2) CPM-generated des-Arg-kinin agonist is efficiently delivered to the B1R. Here, we show CPM is also a positive allosteric modulator of B1R signaling to its agonist, des-Arg10-kallidin (DAKD). In HEK cells stably transfected with B1R, co-expression of CPM enhanced DAKD-stimulated increases in intracellular Ca2+ or phosphoinositide turnover by a leftward shift of the dose-response curve without changing the maximum. CPM increased B1R affinity for DAKD by ∼5-fold but had no effect on basal B1R-dependent phosphoinositide turnover. Soluble, recombinant CPM bound to HEK cells expressing B1Rs without stimulating receptor signaling. CPM positive allosteric action was independent of enzyme activity but depended on interaction of its C-terminal domain with the B1R extracellular loop 2. Disruption of the CPM/B1R interaction or knockdown of CPM in cytokine-treated primary human endothelial cells inhibited the allosteric enhancement of CPM on B1R DAKD binding or ERK1/2 activation. CPM also enhanced the DAKD-induced B1R conformational change as detected by increased intramolecular fluorescence or bioluminescence resonance energy transfer. Thus, CPM binding to extracellular loop 2 of the B1R results in positive allosteric modulation of B1R signaling, and disruption of this interaction could provide a novel therapeutic approach to reduce pathological B1R signaling.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors of nociceptive neurons can sensitize transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels, which amplify neurogenic inflammation and pain. Protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2), a receptor for inflammatory proteases, is a major mediator of neurogenic inflammation and pain. We investigated the signaling mechanisms by which PAR2 regulates TRPV4 and determined the importance of tyrosine phosphorylation in this process. Human TRPV4 was expressed in HEK293 cells under control of a tetracycline-inducible promoter, allowing controlled and graded channel expression. In cells lacking TRPV4, the PAR2 agonist stimulated a transient increase in [Ca2+]i. TRPV4 expression led to a markedly sustained increase in [Ca2+]i. Removal of extracellular Ca2+ and treatment with the TRPV4 antagonists Ruthenium Red or HC067047 prevented the sustained response. Inhibitors of phospholipase A2 and cytochrome P450 epoxygenase attenuated the sustained response, suggesting that PAR2 generates arachidonic acid-derived lipid mediators, such as 5′,6′-EET, that activate TRPV4. Src inhibitor 1 suppressed PAR2-induced activation of TRPV4, indicating the importance of tyrosine phosphorylation. The TRPV4 tyrosine mutants Y110F, Y805F, and Y110F/Y805F were expressed normally at the cell surface. However, PAR2 was unable to activate TRPV4 with the Y110F mutation. TRPV4 antagonism suppressed PAR2 signaling to primary nociceptive neurons, and TRPV4 deletion attenuated PAR2-stimulated neurogenic inflammation. Thus, PAR2 activation generates a signal that induces sustained activation of TRPV4, which requires a key tyrosine residue (TRPV4-Tyr-110). This mechanism partly mediates the proinflammatory actions of PAR2.  相似文献   

The ACTH receptor, known as the melanocortin-2 receptor (MC2R), plays an important role in regulating and maintaining adrenocortical function. MC2R is a subtype of the melanocortin receptor (MCR) family and has unique characteristics among MCRs. Endogenous ACTH is the only endogenous agonist for MC2R, whereas the melanocortin peptides α-, β-, and γ-melanocyte-stimulating hormone and ACTH are full agonists for all other MCRs. In this study, we examined the molecular basis of MC2R responsible for ligand selectivity using ACTH analogs and MC2R mutagenesis. Our results indicate that substitution of Phe7 with d-Phe or d-naphthylalanine (d-Nal(2′)) in ACTH(1–24) caused a significant decrease in ligand binding affinity and potency. Substitution of Phe7 with d-Nal(2′) in ACTH(1–24) did not switch the ligand from agonist to antagonist at MC2R, which was observed in MC3R and MC4R. Substitution of Phe7 with d-Phe7 in ACTH(1–17) resulted in the loss of ligand binding and activity. Molecular analysis of MC2R indicated that only mutation of the third transmembrane domain of MC2R resulted in a decrease in d-Phe ACTH binding affinity and potency. Our results suggest that Phe7 in ACTH plays an important role in ligand selectivity and that the third transmembrane domain of MC2R is crucial for ACTH selectivity and potency.  相似文献   

The parathyroid hormone (PTH)/PTH-related peptide (PTHrP) receptor (PTHR1) in cells of the renal proximal tubule mediates the reduction in membrane expression of the sodium-dependent P(i) co-transporters, NPT2a and NPT2c, and thus suppresses the re-uptake of P(i) from the filtrate. In most cell types, the liganded PTHR1 activates Gα(S)/adenylyl cyclase/cAMP/PKA (cAMP/PKA) and Gα(q/11)/phospholipase C/phosphatidylinositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3))/Ca(2+)/PKC (IP(3)/PKC) signaling pathways, but the relative roles of each pathway in mediating renal regulation P(i) transport remain uncertain. We therefore explored the signaling mechanisms involved in PTH-dependent regulation of NPT2a function using potent, long-acting PTH analogs, M-PTH(1-28) (where M = Ala(1,12), Aib(3), Gln(10), Har(11), Trp(14), and Arg(19)) and its position 1-modified variant, Trp(1)-M-PTH(1-28), designed to be phospholipase C-deficient. In cell-based assays, both M-PTH(1-28) and Trp(1)-M-PTH(1-28) exhibited potent and prolonged cAMP responses, whereas only M-PTH(1-28) was effective in inducing IP(3) and intracellular calcium responses. In opossum kidney cells, a clonal cell line in which the PTHR1 and NPT2a are endogenously expressed, M-PTH(1-28) and Trp(1)-M-PTH(1-28) each induced reductions in (32)P uptake, and these responses persisted for more than 24 h after ligand wash-out, whereas that of PTH(1-34) was terminated by 4 h. When injected into wild-type mice, both M-modified PTH analogs induced prolonged reductions in blood P(i) levels and commensurate reductions in NPT2a expression in the renal brush border membrane. Our findings suggest that the acute down-regulation of NPT2a expression by PTH ligands involves mainly the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway and are thus consistent with the elevated blood P(i) levels seen in pseudohypoparathyroid patients, in whom Gα(s)-mediated signaling in renal proximal tubule cells is defective.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling is affected by formation of GPCR homo- or heterodimers, but GPCR regulation by other cell surface proteins is not well understood. We reported that the kinin B1 receptor (B1R) heterodimerizes with membrane carboxypeptidase M (CPM), facilitating receptor signaling via CPM-mediated conversion of bradykinin or kallidin to des-Arg kinin B1R agonists. Here, we found that a catalytically inactive CPM mutant that still binds substrate (CPM-E264Q) also facilitates efficient B1R signaling by B2 receptor agonists bradykinin or kallidin. This response required co-expression of B1R and CPM-E264Q in the same cell, was disrupted by antibody that dissociates CPM from B1R, and was not found with a CPM-E264Q-B1R fusion protein. An additional mutation that reduced the affinity of CPM for C-terminal Arg and increased the affinity for C-terminal Lys inhibited the B1R response to bradykinin (with C-terminal Arg) but generated a response to Lys(9)-bradykinin. CPM-E264Q-mediated activation of B1Rs by bradykinin resulted in increased intramolecular fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) in a B1R FRET construct, similar to that generated directly by a B1R agonist. In cytokine-treated human lung microvascular endothelial cells, disruption of B1R-CPM heterodimers inhibited B1R-dependent NO production stimulated by bradykinin and blocked the increased endothelial permeability caused by treatment with bradykinin and pyrogallol (a superoxide generator). Thus, CPM and B1Rs on cell membranes form a critical complex that potentiates B1R signaling. Kinin peptide binding to CPM causes a conformational change in the B1R leading to intracellular signaling and reveals a new mode of GPCR activation by a cell surface peptidase.  相似文献   

Regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins play essential roles in the regulation of signaling via G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). With hundreds of GPCRs and dozens of G proteins, it is important to understand how RGS regulates selective GPCR-G protein signaling. In neurons of the striatum, two RGS proteins, RGS7 and RGS9-2, regulate signaling by μ-opioid receptor (MOR) and dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) and are implicated in drug addiction, movement disorders, and nociception. Both proteins form trimeric complexes with the atypical G protein β subunit Gβ5 and a membrane anchor, R7BP. In this study, we examined GTPase-accelerating protein (GAP) activity as well as Gα and GPCR selectivity of RGS7 and RGS9-2 complexes in live cells using a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer-based assay that monitors dissociation of G protein subunits. We showed that RGS9-2/Gβ5 regulated both Gi and Go with a bias toward Go, but RGS7/Gβ5 could serve as a GAP only for Go. Interestingly, R7BP enhanced GAP activity of RGS7 and RGS9-2 toward Go and Gi and enabled RGS7 to regulate Gi signaling. Neither RGS7 nor RGS9-2 had any activity toward Gz, Gs, or Gq in the absence or presence of R7BP. We also observed no effect of GPCRs (MOR and D2R) on the G protein bias of R7 RGS proteins. However, the GAP activity of RGS9-2 showed a strong receptor preference for D2R over MOR. Finally, RGS7 displayed an four times greater GAP activity relative to RGS9-2. These findings illustrate the principles involved in establishing G protein and GPCR selectivity of striatal RGS proteins.  相似文献   

The mammalian corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)/urocortin (Ucn) peptide hormones include four structurally similar peptides, CRF, Ucn1, Ucn2, and Ucn3, that regulate stress responses, metabolism, and cardiovascular function by activating either of two related class B G protein-coupled receptors, CRFR1 and CRFR2. CRF and Ucn1 activate both receptors, whereas Ucn2 and Ucn3 are CRFR2-selective. The molecular basis for selectivity is unclear. Here, we show that the purified N-terminal extracellular domains (ECDs) of human CRFR1 and the CRFR2α isoform are sufficient to discriminate the peptides, and we present three crystal structures of the CRFR2α ECD bound to each of the Ucn peptides. The CRFR2α ECD forms the same fold observed for the CRFR1 and mouse CRFR2β ECDs but contains a unique N-terminal α-helix formed by its pseudo signal peptide. The CRFR2α ECD peptide-binding site architecture is similar to that of CRFR1, and binding of the α-helical Ucn peptides closely resembles CRF binding to CRFR1. Comparing the electrostatic surface potentials of the ECDs suggests a charge compatibility mechanism for ligand discrimination involving a single amino acid difference in the receptors (CRFR1 Glu104/CRFR2α Pro-100) at a site proximate to peptide residue 35 (Arg in CRF/Ucn1, Ala in Ucn2/3). CRFR1 Glu-104 acts as a selectivity filter preventing Ucn2/3 binding because the nonpolar Ala-35 is incompatible with the negatively charged Glu-104. The structures explain the mechanisms of ligand recognition and discrimination and provide a molecular template for the rational design of therapeutic agents selectively targeting these receptors.  相似文献   

The enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) plays an important role in the kidney by up-regulating the production of the vasoconstrictor hormone angiotensin II (AngII), which in turn down-regulates COX-2 expression via activation of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) receptor. Chemical inhibition of the catalytic activity of COX-2 is a well-established strategy for treating inflammation but little is known of cellular mechanisms that dispose of the protein itself. Here we show that in addition to its indirect negative feedback on COX-2, AT1 also down-regulates the expression of the COX-2 protein via a pathway that does not involve G-protein or β-arrestin-dependent signaling. Instead, AT1 enhances the ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of the enzyme in the proteasome through elements in its cytosolic carboxyl tail (CT). We find that a mutant receptor that lacks the last 35 amino acids of its CT (Δ324) is devoid of its ability to reduce COX-2, and that expression of the CT sequence alone is sufficient to down-regulate COX-2. Collectively these results propose a new role for AT1 in regulating COX-2 expression in a mechanism that deviates from its canonical signaling pathways. Down-regulation of COX-2 by a short peptide that originates from AT1 may present as a basis for novel therapeutic means of eliminating excess COX-2 protein.  相似文献   

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) play important roles in insulin secretion through their receptors, GLP1R and GIPR. Although GLP-1 and GIP are attractive candidates for treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity, little is known regarding the molecular interaction of these peptides with the heptahelical core domain of their receptors. These core domains are important not only for specific ligand binding but also for ligand-induced receptor activation. Here, using chimeric and point-mutated GLP1R/GIPR, we determined that evolutionarily conserved amino acid residues such as Ile(196) at transmembrane helix 2, Leu(232) and Met(233) at extracellular loop 1, and Asn(302) at extracellular loop 2 of GLP1R are responsible for interaction with ligand and receptor activation. Application of chimeric GLP-1/GIP peptides together with molecular modeling suggests that His(1) of GLP-1 interacts with Asn(302) of GLP1R and that Thr(7) of GLP-1 has close contact with a binding pocket formed by Ile(196), Leu(232), and Met(233) of GLP1R. This study may provide critical clues for the development of peptide and/or nonpeptide agonists acting at GLP1R.  相似文献   

Umami taste perception in mammals is mediated by a heteromeric complex of two G-protein-coupled receptors, T1R1 and T1R3. T1R1/T1R3 exhibits species-dependent differences in ligand specificity; human T1R1/T1R3 specifically responds to l-Glu, whereas mouse T1R1/T1R3 responds more strongly to other l-amino acids than to l-Glu. The mechanism underlying this species difference remains unknown. In this study we analyzed chimeric human-mouse receptors and point mutants of T1R1/T1R3 and identified 12 key residues that modulate amino acid recognition in the human- and mouse-type responses in the extracellular Venus flytrap domain of T1R1. Molecular modeling revealed that the residues critical for human-type acidic amino acid recognition were located at the orthosteric ligand binding site. In contrast, all of the key residues for the mouse-type broad response were located at regions outside of both the orthosteric ligand binding site and the allosteric binding site for inosine-5′-monophosphate (IMP), a known natural umami taste enhancer. Site-directed mutagenesis demonstrated that the newly identified key residues for the mouse-type responses modulated receptor activity in a manner distinct from that of the allosteric modulation via IMP. Analyses of multiple point mutants suggested that the combination of two distinct determinants, amino acid selectivity at the orthosteric site and receptor activity modulation at the non-orthosteric sites, may mediate the ligand specificity of T1R1/T1R3. This hypothesis was supported by the results of studies using nonhuman primate T1R1 receptors. A complex molecular mechanism involving changes in the properties of both the orthosteric and non-orthosteric sites of T1R1 underlies the determination of ligand specificity in mammalian T1R1/T1R3.  相似文献   

The CARMA1, Bcl10, and MALT1 proteins together constitute a signaling complex (CBM signalosome) that mediates antigen-dependent activation of NF-κB in lymphocytes, thereby representing a cornerstone of the adaptive immune response. Although CARMA1 is restricted to cells of the immune system, the analogous CARMA3 protein has a much wider expression pattern. Emerging evidence suggests that CARMA3 can substitute for CARMA1 in non-immune cells to assemble a CARMA3-Bcl10-MALT1 signalosome and mediate G protein-coupled receptor activation of NF-κB. Here we show that one G protein-coupled receptor, the type 1 receptor for angiotensin II, utilizes this mechanism for activation of NF-κB in endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells, thereby inducing pro-inflammatory signals within the vasculature, a key factor in atherogenesis. Further, we demonstrate that Bcl10-deficient mice are protected from developing angiotensin-dependent atherosclerosis and aortic aneurysms. By uncovering a novel vascular role for the CBM signalosome, these findings illustrate that CBM-dependent signaling has functions outside the realm of adaptive immunity and impacts pathobiology more broadly than previously known.  相似文献   

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