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Sediment samples were collected worldwide from 16 locations on four continents (in New York, California, New Jersey, Virginia, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Italy, Latvia, and South Korea) to assess the extent of the diversity and the distribution patterns of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in contaminated sediments. The SRB communities were examined by terminal restriction fragment (TRF) length polymorphism (TRFLP) analysis of the dissimilatory sulfite reductase genes (dsrAB) with NdeII digests. The fingerprints of dsrAB genes contained a total of 369 fluorescent TRFs, of which <20% were present in the GenBank database. The global sulfidogenic communities appeared to be significantly different among the anthropogenically impacted (petroleum-contaminated) sites, but nearly all were less diverse than pristine habitats, such as mangroves. A global SRB indicator species of petroleum pollution was not identified. However, several dsrAB gene sequences corresponding to hydrocarbon-degrading isolates or consortium members were detected in geographically widely separated polluted sites. Finally, a cluster analysis of the TRFLP fingerprints indicated that many SRB microbial communities were most similar on the basis of close geographic proximity (tens of kilometers). Yet, on larger scales (hundreds to thousands of kilometers) SRB communities could cluster with geographically widely separated sites and not necessarily with the site with the closest proximity. These data demonstrate that SRB populations do not adhere to a biogeographic distribution pattern similar to that of larger eukaryotic organisms, with the greatest species diversity radiating from the Indo-Pacific region. Rather, a patchy SRB distribution is encountered, implying an initially uniform SRB community that has differentiated over time.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic diversity of dissimilatory sulfite reductase (DSR, EC -subunit genes from a deep-sea cold seep was analyzed. Bulk genomic DNA was extracted from the cold seep sediment and used for amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of DSR -subunit gene. Two sizes of PCR products, 1.4 kb (expected) and 1.3 kb (unexpected), were amplified. Sixteen clones of the 1.4-kb amplicons and 16 clones of 1.3-kb amplicons, a total of 32 clones, were obtained and grouped into operational DSR units (ODUs) based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) by digestion with HaeIII and MboI. A total of 14 ODUs, i.e., 5 ODUs from 1.4-kb amplicon clones and 9 ODUs from 1.3-kb amplicon clones, were recovered. About 400 bp of the 5 ends of all the clones was sequenced and validated the RFLP-based ODU grouping. All the 5-end 400-bp sequences of ODUs, even from the 1.3-kb amplicons, showed the characteristic DSR amino acid sequence motifs. The ODUs from 1.4-kb amplicons were closely related to the -Proteobacterial lineage with the DSR genes from -Proteobacterial epibionts of the hot vent worm Alvinella pompejana. The ODUs from 1.3-kb amplicons were mostly related to the unknown but possibly archaeal lineage. The diversity of the DSR genes may indicate the diversity of sulfate reducers in the seep sediment as well as the complexity of electron donors including methane.  相似文献   

The diversity and distribution of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP) was investigated in the Nankai Trough sediments of off-central Japan by exploring the diversity of a functional gene, dissimilatory sulfite reductase (dsrAB). Bulk DNAs were extracted from five piston-cored samples (up to 4.5 m long) with 41 vertical sections, and full-length dsrABgene sequences (ca. 1.9 kb) were PCR amplified and cloned. A total of 382 dsrAB clones yielded eight phylogenetic groups with an indigenous group forming a unique dsrAB lineage. The deltaproteobacterial dsrAB genes were found in almost all sediment samples, especially in the surface layer. One unique dsrAB clone group was also widespread in the dsrAB profiles of the studied sediments, and the percentage of its clones was generally shown gradual increase with sediment depth.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of genes encoding dissimilatory sulfite reductase (DSR) was used to identify sulfate-reducing bacteria in a hypersaline microbial mat and to evaluate their distribution in relation to levels of oxygen. The most highly diverse DSR sequences, most related to those of the Desulfonema-like organisms within the δ-proteobacteria, were recovered from oxic regions of the mat. This observation extends those of previous studies by us and others associating Desulfonema-like organisms with oxic habitats.  相似文献   

Diversity of the nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ) gene was examined in sediments obtained from the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean continental shelves. Approximately 1,100 bp of the nosZ gene were amplified via PCR, using nosZ gene-specific primers. Thirty-seven unique copies of the nosZ gene from these marine environments were characterized, increasing the nosZ sequence database fourfold. The average DNA similarity for comparisons between all 49 variants of the nosZ gene was 64% ± 10%. Alignment of the derived amino acid sequences confirmed the conservation of important structural motifs. A highly conserved region is proposed as the copper binding, catalytic site (CuZ) of the mature protein. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated three major clusters of nosZ genes, with little overlap between environmental and culture-based groups. Finally, the two non-culture-based gene clusters generally corresponded to sampling location, implying that denitrifier communities may be restricted geographically.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Rice sulfite reductase (OsSiR) is important protein in reducing sulfite to sulfide. In this paper, it is aimed to shed light on OsSiR’s probable...  相似文献   

The diversity of ascomycete laccase sequences was surveyed in a southeastern US salt marsh using a degenerate primer set designed around copper binding sites conserved in fungal laccases. This gene was targeted for diversity analysis because of its potential function in lignin degradation in the salt marsh ecosystem and because few studies have assessed functional gene diversity in natural fungal communities. Laccase sequences were amplified from genomic DNA extracted from 24 isolates (representing 10 ascomycete species) cultured from decaying blades of Spartina alterniflora, and from DNA extracted directly from the decaying blades. Among the ascomycete isolates, 21 yielded a PCR product of expected size (˜900 bp) that was tentatively identified as laccase based on sequence similarities to previously published laccase sequences from related organisms. Overall, 13 distinct sequence types, containing 39 distinct sequences, were identified among the isolates, with several species yielding multiple distinct laccase types. PCR amplifications from early and late decay blades of S. alterniflora yielded seven laccase types. Of these, five were composed of sequences >96% similar at the amino acid level to sequences from three cultured ascomycetes previously found to be dominant members of the fungal communities on decaying S. alterniflora blades. Two of the laccase types from the natural-decay clone library were novel and did not match any of the sequences obtained from the cultured ascomycetes. The 39 distinct sequences and 15 distinct laccase sequence types retrieved from the S. alterniflora decay system demonstrate high sequence diversity of this functional gene in a natural fungal community.  相似文献   

The bacterial community and genes involved in geobiocycling of arsenic (As) from sediment impacted by long-term gold mining were characterized through culture-based analysis of As-transforming bacteria and metagenomic studies of the arsC, arrA, and aioA genes. Sediment was collected from the historically gold mining impacted Mina stream, located in one of the world’s largest mining regions known as the “Iron Quadrangle”. A total of 123 As-resistant bacteria were recovered from the enrichment cultures, which were phenotypically and genotypically characterized for As-transformation. A diverse As-resistant bacteria community was found through phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rRNA gene. Bacterial isolates were affiliated with Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria and were represented by 20 genera. Most were AsV-reducing (72%), whereas AsIII-oxidizing accounted for 20%. Bacteria harboring the arsC gene predominated (85%), followed by aioA (20%) and arrA (7%). Additionally, we identified two novel As-transforming genera, Thermomonas and Pannonibacter. Metagenomic analysis of arsC, aioA, and arrA sequences confirmed the presence of these genes, with arrA sequences being more closely related to uncultured organisms. Evolutionary analyses revealed high genetic similarity between some arsC and aioA sequences obtained from isolates and clone libraries, suggesting that those isolates may represent environmentally important bacteria acting in As speciation. In addition, our findings show that the diversity of arrA genes is wider than earlier described, once none arrA-OTUs were affiliated with known reference strains. Therefore, the molecular diversity of arrA genes is far from being fully explored deserving further attention.  相似文献   

The anaerobic pathway of chitin decomposition by chitinoclastic bacteria was examined with an emphasis on end product coupling to other salt marsh bacteria. Actively growing chitinoclastic bacterial isolates produced primarily acetate, H2, and CO2 in broth culture. No sulfate-reducing or methanogenic isolates grew on chitin as sole carbon source or produced any measurable degradation products. Mixed cultures of chitin degraders with sulfate reducers resulted in positive sulfide production. Mixed cultures of chitin-degrading isolates with methanogens resulted in the production of CH4 with reductions in headspace CO2 and H2. The combination of all three metabolic types resulted in the simultaneous production of methane and sulfide, with more methane being produced in mixed cultures containing CO2-reducing methanogens and acetoclastic sulfate reducers because of less interspecific H2 competition.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD) contaminates thousands of kilometers of stream in the western United States. At the same time, nitrogen loading to many mountain watersheds is increasing because of atmospheric deposition of nitrate and increased human use. Relatively little is known about nitrogen cycling in acidic, heavy-metal-laden streams; however, it has been reported that one key process, denitrification, is inhibited under low pH conditions. The objective of this research was to investigate the capacity for denitrification in acidified streams. Denitrification potential was assessed in sediments from several Colorado AMD-impacted streams, ranging from pH 2.60 to 4.54, using microcosm incubations with fresh sediment. Added nitrate was immediately reduced to nitrogen gas without a lag period, indicating that denitrification enzymes were expressed and functional in these systems. First-order denitrification potential rate constants varied from 0.046 to 2.964 day−1. The pH of the microcosm water increased between 0.23 and 1.49 pH units during denitrification. Additional microcosm studies were conducted to examine the effects of initial pH, various electron donors, and iron (added as ferrous and ferric iron). Decreasing initial pH decreased denitrification; however, increasing pH had little effect on denitrification rates. The addition of ferric and ferrous iron decreased observed denitrification potential rate constants. The addition of glucose and natural organic matter stimulated denitrification potential. The addition of hydrogen had little effect, however, and denitrification activity in the microcosms decreased after acetate addition. These results suggest that denitrification can occur in AMD streams, and if stimulated within the environment, denitrification might reduce acidity.  相似文献   

Located in southwest China, the Aha watershed is continually contaminated by acid mine drainage (AMD) produced from upstream abandoned coal mines. The watershed is fed by creeks with elevated concentrations of aqueous Fe (total Fe > 1 g/liter) and SO42− (>6 g/liter). AMD contamination gradually decreases throughout downstream rivers and reservoirs, creating an AMD pollution gradient which has led to a suite of biogeochemical processes along the watershed. In this study, sediment samples were collected along the AMD pollution sites for geochemical and microbial community analyses. High-throughput sequencing found various bacteria associated with microbial Fe and S cycling within the watershed and AMD-impacted creek. A large proportion of Fe- and S-metabolizing bacteria were detected in this watershed. The dominant Fe- and S-metabolizing bacteria were identified as microorganisms belonging to the genera Metallibacterium, Aciditerrimonas, Halomonas, Shewanella, Ferrovum, Alicyclobacillus, and Syntrophobacter. Among them, Halomonas, Aciditerrimonas, Metallibacterium, and Shewanella have previously only rarely been detected in AMD-contaminated environments. In addition, the microbial community structures changed along the watershed with different magnitudes of AMD pollution. Moreover, the canonical correspondence analysis suggested that temperature, pH, total Fe, sulfate, and redox potentials (Eh) were significant factors that structured the microbial community compositions along the Aha watershed.  相似文献   

Intertidal restoration through realignment of flood defenses has become an important component of the U.K. coastal and estuarine management strategy. Although experimentation with recent deliberate breaches is in progress, the long‐term prognosis for salt marsh restoration can be investigated at a number of sites around Essex, southeast England where salt marshes have been reactivated (unmanaged restoration) by storm events over past centuries. These historically reactivated marshes possess higher creek densities than their natural marsh counterparts. Both geomorphology and sedimentology determine the hydrology of natural and restored salt marshes. Elevation relative to the tidal frame is known to be the primary determinant of vegetation colonization and succession. Yet vegetation surveys and geotechnical analysis at a natural marsh, where areas with good drainage exist in close proximity to areas of locally hindered drainage at the same elevation, revealed a significant inverse relationship between water saturation in the root zone and the abundance of Atriplex portulacoides, normally the physiognomic dominant on upper salt marsh in the region. Elsewhere in Essex natural and restored marshes are typified by very high sediment water contents, and this is reflected in low abundance of A. portulacoides. After a century of reestablishment no significant difference could be discerned between the vegetation composition of the storm‐reactivated marshes and their natural marsh counterparts. We conclude that vegetation composition may be restored within a century of dike breaching, but this vegetation does not provide a reliable indicator of ecological functions related to creek structure.  相似文献   

Metal resistance determinants have traditionally been found in cultivated bacteria. To search for genes involved in nickel resistance, we analyzed the bacterial community of the rhizosphere of Erica andevalensis, an endemic heather which grows at the banks of the Tinto River, a naturally metal-enriched and extremely acidic environment in southwestern Spain. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis of rhizosphere DNA revealed the presence of members of five phylogenetic groups of Bacteria and the two main groups of Archaea mostly associated with sites impacted by acid mine drainage (AMD). The diversity observed and the presence of heavy metals in the rhizosphere led us to construct and screen five different metagenomic libraries hosted in Escherichia coli for searching novel nickel resistance determinants. A total of 13 positive clones were detected and analyzed. Insights about their possible mechanisms of resistance were obtained from cellular nickel content and sequence similarities. Two clones encoded putative ABC transporter components, and a novel mechanism of metal efflux is suggested. In addition, a nickel hyperaccumulation mechanism is proposed for a clone encoding a serine O-acetyltransferase. Five clones encoded proteins similar to well-characterized proteins but not previously reported to be related to nickel resistance, and the remaining six clones encoded hypothetical or conserved hypothetical proteins of uncertain functions. This is the first report documenting nickel resistance genes recovered from the metagenome of an AMD environment.  相似文献   

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