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  • 1 Egg-size variation over the reproductive span of laboratory-reared females is described in two species of cotton stainers: Dysdercus fasciatus Sign. from woody Malvales and D.cardinalis Gerst. from herbaceous Malvales.
  • 2 Egg size increases with maternal age due to a decrease in clutch size as maternal age advances in both species.
  • 3 The two species are similar in size, but egg size is about 28% larger and clutch size about 19% smaller in D.fasciatus than in D.cardinalis. These contrasts may be related to the host-plant biology which differs between the two species.

The haplodiploid sex determining mechanism in Hymenoptera (males are haploid, females are diploid) has played an important role in the evolution of this insect order. In Hymenoptera sex is usually determined by a single locus, heterozygotes are female and hemizygotes are male. Under inbreeding, homozygous diploid and sterile males occur which form a genetic burden for a population. We review life history and genetical traits that may overcome the disadvantages of single locus complementary sex determination (sl-CSD). Behavioural adaptations to avoid matings between relatives include active dispersal from natal patches and mating preferences for non-relatives. In non-social species, temporal and spatial segregation of male and female offspring reduces the burden of sl-CSD. In social species, diploid males are produced at the expense of workers and female reproductives. In some social species, diploid males and diploid male producing queens are killed by workers. Diploid male production may have played a role in the evolution or maintenance of polygyny (multiple queens) and polyandry (multiple mating). Some forms of thelytoky (parthenogenetic female production) increase homozygosity and are therefore incompatible with sl-CSD. We discuss a number of hypothetical adaptations to sl-CSD which should be considered in future studies of this insect order.  相似文献   

Summary New cytological evidence supporting x = 5 as the basic chromosome number of the genus Zea has been obtained as a consequence of our analysis of the meiotic configurations of Zea mays ssp. mays, Z. diploperennis, Z. perennis and of four F1 artificial interspecific hybrids. Z. mays ssp. mays (2n = 20) presents regular meiosis with 10 bivalents (II) and is considered here as a typical allotetraploid (A2A2B2B2). In Z. diploperennis (2n = 20) 10II are formed in the majority of the cells, but the formation of 1III + 8II + 1I or 1III + 711 + 3I in 4% of the cells would indicate its segmental allotetraploid nature (A1A1B1B1). Z. perennis (2n = 40) had 5IV + 10II in 55% of the cells and would be considered as an auto-allooctoploid (A1A1A'1A'1C1C1C2C2). Z. diploperennis x Z. mays ssp. mays (2n = 20) presents 10II in ca. 70% of the cells and no multivalents are formed. In the two 2n = 30 hybrids (Z. mays ssp. mays x Z. perennis and Z. diploperennis x Z. perennis) the most frequent meiotic configuration was 5III + 5II + 5I and in 2n = 40 hybrid (Z. diploperennis x Z. perennis) was 5IV + 10II. Moreover, secondary association was observed in the three abovementioned tetraploid taxa (2n = 20) where one to five groups of two bivalents each at diakinesis-metaphase I was formed showing the affinities between homoeologous genomes. The results, as a whole, can be interpreed by assuming a basic x = 5 in this polyploid complex. The main previous contributions that support this working hypothesis are reviewed and its phylogenetic implications studied are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The nuclear DNA amount and the heterochromatin content in species and hybrids of Zea were analyzed in telophase nuclei (2C) of the root apex of germinating seeds. The results revealed significant differences among taxa and also among lines and races of maize. The hybrids between Z. mays ssp. mays x Z. mays ssp. mexicana (2n=20), Z. diploperennis x Z. perennis (2n=30), and Z. diploperennis x Z.perennis (2n=40) showed DNA content intermediate between that of the parents. The number of chromosomal C-bands and the proportion of the genome comprising C-band heterochromatin were positively related to genome size. In the different lines and races of maize studied, there was a positive correlation between genome size and the interval from germination to flowering. Octoploid Z. perennis (2n=40) showed the smallest DNA content per basic genome and the smallest heterochromatic blocks, suggesting that the DNA lost by this species consisted mainly of repetitive sequences. Considering that the extant species of Zea are tetraploid (2n=20) and octoploid (2n=40) and that the ancestral diploids are extinct, any consideration of the direction (increase or decrease) of the DNA change would be entirely speculative. The extant species could be the product of natural and artificial selection acting on different genotypic and nucleotypical constitutions at the diploid and/or tetraploid levels.  相似文献   

Summary Premeiotic colchicine treatment brings about the production of one to five quadrivalents in Zea mays ssp. mays (maize, 2n=20) and an increase in the number of quadrivalents from five to ten in Zea perennis (2n=40). The results confirm the allotetraploid nature of maize and suggest that the species possesses two homoeologous genomes (A2A2 B2B2) that fail to pair, probably due to the presence of Ph-like genes. Moreover, the autoallooctoploid nature of Zea perennis, with a genome formula A1A1 A1A1 C1C1 C2C2, is supported by the present results.  相似文献   


The predatory mirids of the genus Macrolophus are key natural enemies of various economically important agricultural pests. Both M. caliginosus and M. pygmaeus are commercially available for the augmentative biological control of arthropod pests in European greenhouses. The latter species is known to be infected with Wolbachia -inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility in its host- but the presence of other endosymbionts has not been demonstrated. In the present study, the microbial diversity was examined in various populations of M. caliginosus and M. pygmaeus by 16S rRNA sequencing and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis.


Besides Wolbachia, a co-infection of 2 Rickettsia species was detected in all M. pygmaeus populations. Based on a concatenated alignment of the 16S rRNA gene, the gltA gene and the coxA gene, the first is phylogenetically related to Rickettsia bellii, whereas the other is closely related to Rickettsia limoniae. All M. caliginosus populations were infected with the same Wolbachia and limoniae-like Rickettsia strain as M. pygmaeus, but did not harbour the bellii-like Rickettsia strain. Interestingly, individuals with a single infection were not found. A PCR assay on the ovaries of M. pygmaeus and M. caliginosus indicated that all endosymbionts are vertically transmitted. The presence of Wolbachia and Rickettsia in oocytes was confirmed by a fluorescence in situ hybridisation. A bio-assay comparing an infected and an uninfected M. pygmaeus population suggested that the endosymbionts had minor effects on nymphal development of their insect host and did not influence its fecundity.


Two species of the palaearctic mirid genus Macrolophus are infected with multiple endosymbionts, including Wolbachia and Rickettsia. Independent of the origin, all tested populations of both M. pygmaeus and M. caliginosus were infected with three and two endosymbionts, respectively. There was no indication that infection with endosymbiotic bacteria had a fitness cost in terms of development and fecundity of the predators.


Among the algal associations of exposed northern shores in Britain, those formed by species of the genus Porphyra deserve greater recognition than has so far been accorded to them. The present paper discusses some of the taxonomic criteria of this plastic genus and delimits five species which are widespread on northern British shores.  相似文献   

The life history strategy and seasonal host plant use of three Dysdercus bugs (D. cingulatus, D. poecilus and D. decussatus) were compared based on 2 years of twice monthly observations on Ishigaki‐jima Island (24°N, 124°E) in the southernmost part of Japan. Dysdercus poecilus reproduced almost year round, exclusively on Sida rhombifolia, which bears fruit and/or seeds almost year round. Dysdercus cingulatus reproduced successively on various malvaceous and bombacaceous plant species, according to their seasonal fruiting cycles. Its robust reproduction was observed on Hibiscus makinoi during winter months and on Chorisia speciosa and Bombax ceiba in early summer, whereas small‐scale reproduction was observed on various malvaceous plant species during the summer and autumn months. Dysdercus decussatus reproduced on Hibiscus tiliaceus and Thespesia populnea during the summer months, when these host plants bear abundant fruit and/or seeds, and its adults formed conspicuous aggregations without copulation on the underside of the leaves of those plants from November to the subsequent May. Each Dysdercus species showed a species‐specific life history strategy according to the differences in the phenology of their host plants.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural studies on the genus Actinomyces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In combination with phytochemical results, the pilot chemotaxonomy study on genus Hedysarum by using HPLC methods revealed differences between section Fruticosa and the three other sections Multicaulia, Obscura and Subacaulia, but there was a closer genetic relationship with Multicaulia and Subacaulia. Isoflavonoids and pterocarpans were proved to be the common constituents of genus Hedysarum, whereas pterocarpans, benzofurans, and coumestans were the characteristic constituents of section Fruticosa, and chalcones were the chemical markers of section Multicaulia and section Subacaulia. The present finding is consistent with the classical morphological classification of genus Hedysarum, and provides supporting evidences for dividing Hedysarum into two subgenera, i.e. subgenus Hedysara and subgenus Ruticosa.  相似文献   

Nogrady  Thomas  Wallace  Robert L. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,313(1):99-104
The genus Notholca has been subjected to taxonomic analysis, using cluster analysis and ordination by principal coordinates analysis, based on 67 phenetic characters. All analyses converge on essentially identical groupings, but fail to inject new hypotheses to remedy the confusing and overlapping taxonomy of the genus. This shortcoming is ascribed to the incompleteness of the character set which currently lacks biochemical and genetic parameters. We suggest to invalidate the subspecies' of N. striata into a single species and consider the pros and cons combining N. haueri and N. latistyla.  相似文献   

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