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Gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and water potentials, together with ascorbate and glutathione concentrations, were studied during moderate and severe drought stress and in response to re-watering in Allocasuarina luehmannii seedlings. Moderate drought stress (MS) decreased stomatal conductance (gs) and net CO2 assimilation rates (A) to ∼40% and ∼60% of control values, respectively, and caused decreases in internal CO2 concentration (Ci) and maximum light use efficiency of light-acclimated photosystem II (PSII) centres (Fv'/Fm'). Severe drought stress (SS) decreased gs and A to ∼5% and ∼15% of the control values, respectively, and caused increases in Ci and PSII excitation pressure (1 − qP), as well as decreases in water potentials, effective quantum yield of PSII (ΦPSII), maximum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) and Fv'/Fm'. Ascorbate and glutathione concentrations remained unaffected by drought treatments, but ascorbate became more oxidised under severe stress. MS seedlings recovered within 1 day (Ci, Fv'/Fm') to 1 week (A, gs) of re-watering. In comparison, SS seedlings had longer-lasting after-stress effects, with recovery of many variables (gs, water potentials, Fv/Fm, ΦPSII, Fv'/Fm') taking between 1 and 3 weeks from re-watering. We found no indication that interaction with antioxidants played a significant role in recovery. In conclusion, A. luehmannii seedlings appear to function normally under moderate drought, but do not seem to have particular metabolic tolerance mechanisms to endure severe drought, which may have implications for its persistence under climate change at the drier margins of its distribution.  相似文献   

This work was carried out to determine the relative importance of the endomycorrhizal and (or) ectomycorrhizal association in species of Casuarina and Allocasuarina. Under axenic conditions, Pisolithus and Scleroderma isolates formed ectomycorrhizas with a mantle and a Hartig net on Allocasuarina verticillata but failed to form a Hartig net on Casuarina glauca. In a controlled soil system, C. glauca was inoculated with the endomycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices Schenck & Smith, and A. verticillata was inoculated with Pisolithus albus IR100 Bougher & Smith and (or) G. intraradices. Both symbionts significantly stimulated growth in both plant species. For A. verticillata, its growth response to ectomycorrhizal inoculation was higher than to endomycorrhizal inoculation. When both symbionts were inoculated, antagonism among the fungal isolates was observed with a higher ectomycorrhizal colonization. These results showed that A. verticillata was ectomycorrhizal dependent, whereas C. glauca was endomycorrhizal dependent. From a practical point of view, this study shows the importance of selecting compatible mycorrhizal fungi for developing successful inoculation programmes. In addition, it would help to further research and determine the effect of ecto- and endo-mycorrhizal symbiosis on the formation and function of N2-fixing actinorhizal nodules.  相似文献   

Pollen grains from samples of Camellia japonica living in soil (A) and in greenhouse (B) were collected daily from just-opened anthers. The pollen was sown in various liquid media and incubated at 28 C. Higher germinative ability of A in comparison with B was observed and related to the relative humidity which is higher in soil than in greenhouse. This phenomenon recurs even if the composition of the culture medium is changed. However the composition of the medium greatly influences the percentage of germination of both A and B notwithstanding the environmental conditions. The pollen collected from anthers dehiscing in the first day of the anthesis has a high germinative ability which suddenly decreases in the ripe pollen of the following days.  相似文献   

The colouration of living specimens of Lineus atrocaeruleus (Lineidae, Nemertea) is bluish or brownish black with many transverse yellow rings. The pigments responsible for the colouration are granular and are elaborated by epidermal and dermal pigment cells, both of which contain uroporphyrins. Granules of melanic nature occur in the dermal pigment cells. The significance of the epidermal pigment cells is discussed.  相似文献   

DONG DONG  ZHONG  CHEN  JIE  LI  TING  CHEN  FENG  QUN CUI  DANG 《Journal of genetics》2015,94(3):453-459
Journal of Genetics - To investigate allelic variation of Myb10-1 genes in Chinese wheat and to examine its association with germination level in wheat, a total of 582 Chinese bread wheat cultivars...  相似文献   

Floral colour change in Pedicularis monbeigiana (Orobanchaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined the effects of the retention of colour-changed flowers on long- and short-distance attractiveness of bumblebees and the likelihood of successive flower visits by bumblebees in Pedicularis monbeigiana. The lower lip changed colour with age from white to purple. Hand geitonogamous pollination significantly reduced seed production. No pollen limitation occurred in this species. Purple-phase flowers contributed minimally to pollinator attractiveness at long distance. The combination of less reproductive flowers with a lower amount of reward and floral colour change enabled plants to direct pollinators to reproductive, highly rewarding white flowers at close range. A high percentage of purple-phase flowers in an inflorescence was associated with a marked reduction in the frequency of successive flower visits to individual plants. We suggest floral colour change in P. monbeigiana may serve as a mechanism for enhancing inter-individual pollen transfer and reducing intra-individual pollen transfer.  相似文献   

The distribution of four variants for flower colour ofCrocus scepusiensis in the northern part of the Western Carpathians is described. The frequency of white stigmata morphs declines from east to west. In the center of the area stigmata colour morphs show strikingly patchy distribution. White perianth morphs usually occur at low frequencies and their distribution with minor exceptions is restricted to the central part of the area, where patchy distribution of the morphs is a rule. These distribution patterns suggest that the founder effect has played a major role in determining the genetic composition of individual populations. The cline for stigmata colour may also be explained by the dynamics of population expansion. No influence of selection can be demonstrated, but the association between perianth and stigmata colour, and the excessively low frequency of white perianth morphs may imply that the polymorphisms are not selectively neutral.  相似文献   

In a Pinus halepensis Mill. forest, a field experiment was designed to evaluate post-fire seed predation as affected by combinations of seed colour and soil substrates: light grey and black seeds combined with light grey ash, dark grey ash and pale brown sand. A survey of bird species inhabiting the area was also carried out and polyphenolic content of seed coat was assessed in seed lots of different colour. Light grey seeds were observed to be less predated on light grey ash, suggesting eucrypsis as a protective strategy against bird predation. On the contrary, no clear pattern was observed for the predation of black seeds on different substrates. In the study area both bird species breaking the seed coat and eating the endosperm and bird species swallowing the whole seed were monitored. We have estimated that more seeds were swallowed than broken, in all colour categories. Light grey seeds, which were found to have a higher content of polyphenols, were predated more than black seeds when exposed on the same substrate. Thus, no evidence was produced that the amount of polyphenols in seed coat could protect seeds from predation.  相似文献   

Colour preference of individual juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss was tested at 1 and 12° C, and also at 12° C after a 42 day growth experiment under white, blue, green, yellow or red ambient colour. All experiments were carried out under controlled laboratory conditions and the preference was assessed by the location of the fish in a preference tank with four chambers. Rainbow trout showed a preference for blue and green at 1° C and for green at 12° C. After the growth experiment the fish reared in blue tanks preferred blue and green but green was the most preferred colour for the fish reared in green, yellow and red tanks. Yellow and especially red chambers were avoided, irrespective of the ambient colour during the growth trial. The final mass of fish reared in the red aquaria was significantly smaller than that of the fish in green tanks. In addition, when the data of the preference tests were correlated with the data of the growth experiment using mean values of the four tested colours, a very good linear relationship was observed between the preference ( i.e. visit frequency in coloured compartments) and growth rate as well as food intake. When considering the results both from the preference and growth trials it is suggested that green is the best environmental colour for rearing juvenile rainbow trout while rearing in a red environment cannot be recommended.  相似文献   

This study examined how colour varies across season and sex in the fantail darter Etheostoma flabellare and the banded darter Etheostoma zonale. Etheostoma flabellare has male‐only parental care and exhibited slight sexual dimorphism in overall colour, with no discernible effect of season on colour; whereas E. zonale does not have parental care and exhibited substantial sexual dimorphism in colour, but only in the breeding season. Additionally, antipredator behaviour of E. zonale was compared between males that were fully coloured during the breeding season and males that were partially coloured at that time, but the effects of colour and season were not consistent across males.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of subtribe Gorteriinae (Asteraceae‐Arctotideae) is investigated by means of cladistic analysis of morphological characters. Two sister groups are formed, namely a Gorteria clade also containing Hirpicium and Gazania, and a Berkheya clade, which also contains Cullumia, Cuspidia, Didelta and Heterorhachis. The Gorteria clade has strong jackknife support and is diagnosed by four morphological characters (leaves with longitudinally striate hairs, fringed anther apical appendages, pollen of the “Gazania‐type”, and subulate‐ensiform, ascending style sweeping hairs) that are unique within the Asteraceae. The Berkheya clade is moderately supported and diagnosed by two characters without contradiction (spiny leaves, and mamillate, large style sweeping hairs). Hirpicium and Berkheya are paraphyletic, with the other, morphologically more homogeneous genera (Gorteria, and Gazania, Cullumia, Cuspidia, Didelta and Heterorhachis, respectively) nested within them. There is some evidence for a radiation of species of the summer rainfall area of South Africa and tropical Africa and the corresponding species are nested within a grade confined to the Cape Floristic Region. © The Willi Hennig Society 2006.  相似文献   

Emigrants of Hyalopterus pruni (flying outdoors) are attracted to colour plates in the range of orange-yellow-green with an optimum at yellow, but only when these colours are unsaturated tints — i.e. when they are mixed up with white lead. (Maximum alighting occurred at a reflection of about 35%, in the range of 320–460 nm). Leaf areas of Phragmites communis Tr. (9.5×9.5 cm) attracted twice as many landings as beet leaves (Beta vulgaris L.) From this it is concluded that a limited degree of alighting on a specific hostplant is caused by specific adaptation to the unsaturated colour of the hostplant, Phragmites. In contrast to H. pruni, Aphis fabae prefers the more saturated colours and Beta-leaf to those of Phragmites.
Zusammenfassung Hyalopterus pruni wird als Emigrante im Freiland zum Landen veranlasst durch senkrecht stehende Farbflächen im Bereich der Farbtöne Orange-Gelb-Grün, aber nur dann, wenn diese Farben ungesättigt, d.h. mit Bleiweiss gemischt sind (Optimum bei 50%, Bereich von etwa 72 bis 35% Sättigung bzw. 35% und zwischen 15% und 47% Remission im Blau-Violett-Ultraviolett-Bereich). Eine Abschwächung der Intensität der optimalen Bleiweissgelb-Mischung um 17% mindert die Attraktivität nicht.Unter gleichen Bedingungen werden Blattflächen (9,5×9,5 cm) von Schilf (Phragmites communis) doppelt so häufig beflogen wie solche von Zuckerrübe (Beta vulgaris) (640/339). Die Reizwirkung des Schilfblattes ist farbabhängig: mit vorgesetztem, u.v.-absorbierendem Filter sinkt der Anflug auf 15% von Schilf mit Weissglasfilter. Man kann demnach wohl von einem begrenzt wirtspflanzenspezifischen Anflug sprechen, der auf eine spezifische Anpassung an die ungesättigte Farbe der Wirtspflanze (Phragmites) zurückzuführen ist. Durch diese Anpassung besteht offenbar überhaupt erst die Möglichkeit, eine Wirtspflanze mit ziemlich ungesättigter, graugrüner Farbe sicher genug zu finden, während ohne diese Anpassung alle Nichtwirte mit mehr gesättigtem Grün allzu häufige Irrlandungen veranlassen würden. Aphis fabae bevorzugte im Gegensatz dazu die mehr gesättigten Farben und beflog Beta-Blattfläche dreimal so stark wie Schilfblattfläche (177/51).

The ability of four horses (Equus caballus) to discriminate coloured (three shades of blue, green, red, and yellow) from grey (neutral density) stimuli, produced by back projected lighting filters, was investigated in a two response forced-choice procedure. Pushes of the lever in front of a coloured screen were occasionally reinforced, pushes of the lever in front of a grey screen were never reinforced. Each colour shade was randomly paired with a grey that was brighter, one that was dimmer, and one that approximately matched the colour in terms of brightness. Each horse experienced the colours in a different order, a new colour was started after 85% correct responses over five consecutive sessions or if accuracy showed no trend over sessions. All horses reached the 85% correct with blue versus grey, three horses did so with both yellow and green versus grey. All were above chance with red versus grey but none reached criterion. Further analysis showed the wavelengths of the green stimuli used overlapped with the yellow. The results are consistent with histological and behavioural studies that suggest that horses are dichromatic. They differ from some earlier data in that they indicate horses can discriminate yellow and blue, but that they may have deficiencies in discriminating red and green.  相似文献   

The endosperm is nuclear, cell wall initiation starts 5 days after pollination. During early stages endosperm nuclei exhibit synchrony in their division. Embryogeny is of the Asterad type. A7-to 10-celled suspensor persists up to the dicot stage of the embryo. Both integuments contribute towards formation of the seed coat. 30 days after pollination seeds become mature. Their endosperm is scanty and persists as a thin layer between the folds of the cotyledons. Nucellus remnants are present towards the funicular side.  相似文献   

Vegetation clearing, land modification and agricultural intensification have impacted on many ecological communities around the world. Understanding how species respond to fragmentation and the scales over which functionality is retained, can be critical for managing biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Allocasuarina verticillata (drooping sheoak, drooping she-oak) is a dioecious, wind-pollinated and -dispersed species with key conservation values across southeastern Australia. But vegetation clearing associated with agricultural expansion has reduced the abundance and spatial distribution of this species in many regions. Spatial genetic structure, relatedness among trees, pollen dispersal and mating patterns were examined in fragmented A. verticillata populations selected to represent the types of remnants that now characterise this species. Short scale spatial genetic structure (5–25 m) and relatedness among trees were observed in most populations. Unexpectedly, the two male trees closest to each female did not have a reproductive advantage accounting for only 4–15% of the seed produced in larger populations. Biparental inbreeding was also generally low (<4%) with limited evidence of seed crop domination by some male trees. More male trees contributed to seed crops in linear remnants (mean 17) compared to those from patch remnants (mean 11.3) which may reflect differences in pollen dispersal within the two remnant types. On average, pollen travels ~100 m irrespective of remnant type but was also detected to have dispersed as far as 1 km in open landscapes. Low biparental inbreeding, limited reproductive assurance for near-neighbour and probably related males and variability in the distances over which females sample pollen pools suggest that some mechanism to prevent matings between relatives exists in this species.  相似文献   

A study of the phenolic compounds of the closely related papilionoid tribes,Podalyrieae andLiparieae, proved that the flavonoid patterns of hydrolysed seed extracts are remarkably conservative. Butin (7, 3, 4-trihydroxyflavanone), 3-hydroxydaidzein (7, 3, 4-trihydroxyisoflavone), vicenin-2 (6, 8-di--D-glucopyranosyl-5, 7, 4-trihydroxyflavone) and orobol (5, 7, 3, 4-tetrahydroxyisoflavone) were isolated and identified as the major flavonoids. The seeds ofAmphithalea, Coelidium, Liparia, Xiphotheca, Calpurnia, Stirtonanthus andPodalyria accumulated three isoflavone O-glycosides that yielded 3-hydroxydaidzein on hydrolysis. In contrast,Virgilia contained a unique combination of vicenin-2 and orobol. Vicenin-2 was also present inCalpurnia as a major compound, butStirtonanthus insignis was the only other species studied that contained orobol (in trace amounts only). Butein, a chalcone, was reported byHarborne from the seed ofCyclopia subternata. This compound's flavanone analog, butin, was the principal component inCyclopia. A cladistic analysis, using flavonoid, alkaloid and morphological data, showed that the seed flavonoids of thePodalyrieae andLiparieae behave rather poorly as cladistic characters. They are, however, of considerable taxonomic value at the tribal level favouring the opinion that the two tribes should be combined. The apparent absence of flavonoids in the seed ofHypocalyptus supports the suggestion that it should be excluded from theLiparieae. Flavonoids also show that theArgyrolobium-group is very different from the tribeCrotalarieae and support the recent transfer of this group to the tribeGenisteae.  相似文献   

Acacia gerrardii is the only native tree species of the Kuwaiti desert ecosystem. However, anthropogenic disturbances and harsh arid climate have contributed towards the disappearance of this keystone species from its habitat. In this study, effects of different seed pretreatments to break dormancy, water entry pathway, and ecology (seasonal timing) of dormancy loss and germination of A. gerrardii were investigated. Effects of mechanical scarification, hot water treatment (30 s, 1, 2, and 5 min), and concentrated acid scarification (10, 20, and 30 min) on germination percentage and rate (time to 50% germination and final germination) were also examined. Pretreatment with mechanical scarification produced the highest germination in the least time and 20 °C, 40% RH with 12 h of light (2370 Lux) were found to provide the best germination environment. Seeds were rapidly aged at 60% RH and 45 or 50 °C to determine longevity, and the results were analyzed using probit analysis. Times taken for viability of A. gerrardii seeds aged at 45 and 50 °C to fall to 50% (p50) were 38.6 and 9.3 days, respectively, and therefore the seeds can be considered to have medium longevity. Experiments to find the water entry pathway in A. gerrardii indicated that the micropyle region was the primary point of water entry into the seed. Seed burial experiments indicated that though seed retention decreased over time, there was no significant decrease in number of viable seeds after 31 weeks. The findings of this study are important to nursery managers, seed banks, and those involved in conservation and restoration activities.  相似文献   

Enchytraeidae is a family of soil inhabiting small‐ to medium‐sized oligochaete worms using degradable plant material as a food source and primarily adapted to terrestrial or semi‐terrestrial environments. The molecular phylogeny based upon both mitochondrial and nuclear genes indicates early segregations of the two genera Enchytraeus and Lumbricillus leaving the remaining genera included in this study as a later segregated major monophyletic branch. Extant members of the two former genera dominate in decaying seaweed in the littoral zone along the sea although members of in particular the genus Enchytraeus have also invaded other habitats. Historically the littoral zone of the sea is undoubtedly the first terrestrial or semi‐terrestrial habitat where dead plant material accumulates to any greater extent and Enchytraeus and Lumbricillus may represent early successful attempts to exploit this resource. Inland soils probably had to await the emergence of land plants in order to provide a similar food resource and here the major branch of enchytraeid genera diversified into a high number of species in the numerous decomposer networks of this varied environment. A subdivision into the genera Enchytraeus and Lumbricillus on the one hand and a branch of mainly inland genera on the other is supported by differences in two somewhat neglected morphological features. Firstly, in Enchytraeus and Lumbricillus the testes are enclosed in a testis sac within which the male cells mature, by one possible exception a unique feature among Oligochaeta, The other enchytraeid genera studied and Oligochaeta in general lack this sac and the male cells mature directly in the cavity of the testicular segment. Secondly, species of Enchytraeus and Lumbricillus generally have a higher reproductive output than species of the inland terrestrial branch and this may represent an adaptation to the unpredictable littoral zone compared to the more stable nature of inland habitats. In the older literature the genus Mesenchytraeus is considered to have a basic position within the entire family but our molecular data do not support this expectation. In Enchytraeidae the nephridia are elaborate organs of a characteristic and constant shape covering species from different genera in a pattern following the molecular phylogeny. Other much used morphological features such as shape of setae, anteclitellar origin of the dorsal vessel and various modifications of the intestine have arisen more than once.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: and Aims Free-flowing surface exudates at the stigmatic (wet versus dry stigma) and adaxial epidermis at the site of angiospermy in carpels of Chloranthaceous species have been proposed to comprise a continuous extracellular matrix (ECM) operating in pollen tube transmission to the ovary. The aim of this research was to establish the spatial distribution and histo/immunochemical composition of the ECM involved in pollen tube growth in Sarcandra glabra and Chloranthus japonicus (Chloranthaceae). METHODS: Following confirmation of the pollen tube pathway, the histo/immunochemical make-up of the ECM was determined with histochemistry on fresh tissue to detect cuticle, esterase, proteins, pectins, and lipids and immunolocalization at the level of the TEM on sections from cryofixed/freeze-substituted tissue to detect molecules recognized by antibodies to homogalacturonans (JIM7, 5), arabinogalactan-proteins (JIM13) and cysteine-rich adhesion (SCA). KEY RESULTS: Pollen germinability is low in both species. When grains germinate, they do so on an ECM comprised of an esterase-positive cuticle proper (dry versus wet stigma). Pollen tubes do not track the surface ECM of stigma or adaxial epidermal cells at the site of angiospermy. Instead, tubes grow between stigmatic cells and subsequently along the inner tangential walls of the stigmatic and adaxial carpel cells at the site of angiospermy. Pollen tubes enter the ovary locule at the base of the funiculus. The stigmatic ECM is distinct by virtue of the presence of anti-JIM5 aggregates, lipids, and a protein recognized by anti-SCA. CONCLUSIONS: The Chloranthaceae joins a growing number of basal angiosperm taxa whereby pollen tubes germinate on a dry versus wet stigma to subsequently grow intercellularly en route to the ovary thereby challenging traditional views that the archetype pollen tube pathway was composed of the surface of stigma and adaxial epidermal cells covered with a free-flowing exudate.  相似文献   

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