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Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is a multi-species infection that commonly affects cattle and badgers in Great Britain. Despite years of study, the impact of badgers on BTB incidence in cattle is poorly understood. Using a two-host transmission model of BTB in cattle and badgers, we find that published data and parameter estimates are most consistent with a system at the threshold of control. The most consistent explanation for data obtained from cattle and badger populations includes within-host reproduction numbers close to 1 and between-host reproduction numbers of approximately 0.05. In terms of controlling infection in cattle, reducing cattle-to-cattle transmission is essential. In some regions, even large reductions in badger prevalence can have a modest impact on cattle infection and a multi-stranded approach is necessary that also targets badger-to-cattle transmission directly. The new perspective highlighted by this two-host approach provides insight into the control of BTB in Great Britain.  相似文献   

Nocturnal observations, radio telemetry and time-lapse camera surveillance were used to investigate visits by badgers (Meles meles L.) to two cattle farms. During 59 half-nights (ca. 295 h) of observation and 17 nights (ca. 154 h) of camera surveillance, 139 separate visits to farm buildings, by at least 26 individually identifiable badgers from two social groups, were recorded. The badgers, which included three individuals infected with bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis), used cowsheds, feedsheds, barns, haystacks, slurry pits, cattle troughs and farmyards to exploit a range of food resources, including cattle feed and silage. Cattle feed was contaminated with badger faeces and badgers also came into close contact with cattle. The minimum number of badgers visiting farm buildings per night was negatively correlated with local 24 h rainfall. We conclude that exploitation by badgers of resources provided by cattle farms constitutes a potentially important mechanism for tuberculosis transmission from badgers to cattle.  相似文献   

A PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method for identifying vegetative insecticidal protein (vip) 1-type genes from Bacillus cereus was developed by designing specific primers based on the conserved regions of the genes to amplify vip1-type gene fragments. PCR products were digested with endonuclease AciI, and four known vip1-type genes were identified. Vip1Ac and vip1Aa-type genes appeared in 17 of 26 B. cereus strains. A novel vip1-type gene, vip1Ac1, was identified from B. cereus strain HL12. The vip1Ac1 and vip2Ae3 genes were co-expressed in Escherichia coli strain BL21 by vector pCOLADuet-1. The binary toxin showed activity only against Aphis gossypii (Homoptera), but not for Coleptera (Tenebrio molitor, Holotrichia oblita), Lepidoptera (Spodoptera exigua, Helicoverpa armigera, and Chilo suppressalis), Diptera (Culex quinquefasciatus). The LC(50) of this binary toxin for A. gossypii is 87.5 (34.2-145.3) ng mL(-1) . This is probably only the second report that Vip1 and Vip2 binary toxin shows toxicity against homopteran pests. The PCR-RFLP method developed could be very useful for identifying novel Vip1-Vip2-type binary toxins, and the novel binary toxins, Vip1Ac1 and Vip2Ae3, identified in this study may have applications in biological control of insects, thus avoiding potential problems of resistance.  相似文献   

BackgroundBovine tuberculosis (bTB) is an endemic disease in Rwanda, but little is known about its prevalence and causative mycobacterial species. The disease causes tremendous losses in livestock and wildlife and remains a significant threat to public health.Materials and methodsA cross-sectional study employing a systematic random sampling of cattle (n = 300) with the collection of retropharyngeal lymph nodes and tonsils (n = 300) irrespective of granulomatous lesions was carried out in six abattoirs to investigate the prevalence and identify mycobacterial species using culture, acid-fast bacteria staining, polymerase chain reaction, and GeneXpert assay. Individual risk factors and the origin of samples were analysed for association with the prevalence.FindingsOf the 300 sample pools, six were collected with visible TB-like lesions. Our findings demonstrated the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) in 1.7% (5/300) of sampled slaughtered cattle. Mycobacterium bovis was isolated from 1.3% (4/300) animals while one case was caused by a rifampicin-resistant (RR) M. tuberculosis. Non-tuberculous mycobacteria were identified in 12.0% (36/300) of the sampled cattle. There were no significant associations between the prevalence and abattoir category, age, sex, and breeds of slaughtered cattle.ConclusionsThis study is the first in Rwanda to isolate both M. bovis and RR M. tuberculosis in slaughtered cattle indicating that bTB is present in Rwanda with a low prevalence. The isolation of RR M. tuberculosis from cattle indicates possible zooanthroponotic transmission of M. tuberculosis and close human-cattle contact. To protect humans against occupational zoonotic diseases, it is essential to control bTB in cattle and raise the awareness among all occupational groups as well as reinforce biosafety at the farm level and in the abattoirs.  相似文献   

Sterilization has rarely been considered as an alternative to culling or vaccination to control wildlife diseases. Disease control by sterilization, as by culling, has most promise when the host'ss ability for compensatory growth following the removal of density-dependent inhibitions is limited, and when moderate reductions in population density cause disproportionately large reductions in disease prevalence, or even eliminate the disease. For many host/disease examples this will not be the case and vaccination may have overwhelming advantages or may be the only practical option. The impact of sterilization on host density and disease prevalence will develop relatively slowly because sterilization can prevent the recruitment of only one age-cohort at a time. Moreover, unless there is vertical transmission, this age-cohort will consist only of susceptibles. Culling, on the contrary, removes infected as well as susceptible animals. However, for certain disease/host examples, the r elative effectiveness of the different control strategies may be altered considerably if their variable effects on the probability of disease transmission are taken into account. Social perturbation or stress could render certain culling strategies ineffective or even counter-productive. Depending on how disease dynamics are influenced by the host'ss age-structure and reproductive investment, fertility control could offer epidemiological advantages that have been ignored by most disease/host models. We illustrate some of these principles by investigating the theoretical and practical feasibility of an hypothetical sterilization campaign to control bovine tuberculosis in badgers (and hence cattle) in Britain.  相似文献   

Effective management of infectious disease relies upon understanding mechanisms of pathogen transmission. In particular, while models of disease dynamics usually assume transmission through direct contact, transmission through environmental contamination can cause different dynamics. We used Global Positioning System (GPS) collars and proximity‐sensing contact‐collars to explore opportunities for transmission of Mycobacterium bovis [causal agent of bovine tuberculosis] between cattle and badgers (Meles meles). Cattle pasture was badgers’ most preferred habitat. Nevertheless, although collared cattle spent 2914 collar‐nights in the home ranges of contact‐collared badgers, and 5380 collar‐nights in the home ranges of GPS‐collared badgers, we detected no direct contacts between the two species. Simultaneous GPS‐tracking revealed that badgers preferred land > 50 m from cattle. Very infrequent direct contact indicates that badger‐to‐cattle and cattle‐to‐badger M. bovis transmission may typically occur through contamination of the two species’ shared environment. This information should help to inform tuberculosis control by guiding both modelling and farm management.  相似文献   

A typical strategy for disease control in domesticated animals involves regular field tests and quarantine of infected herds. This prevents disease spread beyond the herd, while slaughter of diseased animals removes the infection from within the herd. A model of bovine tuberculosis (Tb) control in cattle is examined, which includes ''test and slaughter'' combined with herd isolation and vaccination. Herd status is represented by an integral equation expressing the duration of herd isolation. The current Tb situation in New Zealand is used as an example, and vaccination strategy discussed. Extrapolation of existing management strategies indicate that a vaccine of efficacy greater than 96% would be required, reaching 95% of target Tb levels within six years. These results suggest that a complementary strategy of vaccination and vector control may be more promising than vaccination alone.  相似文献   

Of 1479 cattle from herds in Northwestern Spain previously diagnosed as tuberculosis (TB) positive, 218 animals which gave a positive tuberculin or interferon-gamma reaction were examined at the slaughterhouse. Medial retropharyngeal and caudal mediastinal lymph nodes, and any tissues containing lesions suspected to be tuberculous, were removed and submitted to the laboratory. Three techniques for diagnosis of TB were used: post mortem examination (PME), smear staining by means of auramine O method (AOM), and culture isolation in Coletsos and Lowenstein-Jensen media followed by confirmation of M. tuberculosis complex organisms using PCR (CIM-PCR). Only 123 (29.9%) of the 412 samples collected showed typical tuberculous lesions. Confirmed M. tuberculosis complex organisms were isolated in 144 cases, 114 of which were from tissues showing lesions (success rate of 92.8%). Smears were found positive in 113 cases, 96 of which came from lesions suspected to be tuberculous (success rate of 78.0%). The sensitivities of CIM-PCR compared with those of PME and AOM were 92.7% and 85.7%, respectively. Statistical analysis revealed that PME and AOM are good indicators of the presence of M. tuberculosis complex organisms in tuberculin- or interferon-gamma reacting cattle.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is a considerable health threat to livestock keepers and general communities in many developing countries. Information on genetic resistance or susceptibility because of polymorphisms of candidate genes could be used in making selection decisions for breeding disease tolerant/resistant animals. Here, we investigated associations between polymorphisms at the solute carrier family 11 (proton‐coupled divalent metal ion transporters), member 1 gene (SLC11A1, previously known as natural resistant associated macrophage protein 1, NRAMP1), with BTB phenotypes in Chadian cattle. Phenotypes were (i) single intradermal comparative cervical tuberculin test (SICCT) outcome, (ii) presence of gross visible lung lesions, (iii) a bacteriological culture test outcome and (iv) a predicted true BTB infection status using a Bayesian model. All traits were recorded as binary (presence or absence) traits. A total of 211 cattle were genotyped for a microsatellite within the SLC11A1 candidate gene. Standard linear and threshold‐liability models regressing BTB traits on copy number of SLC11A1 alleles revealed statistically significant effects of SLC11A1 alleles (P < 0.001) on most BTB traits. Polymorphisms (alleles 211, 215 and 217) are significantly related to lower incidence of BTB traits in Chadian cattle. This is the first study to report the association of SLC11A1 gene polymorphisms with BTB traits in Chadian or any other African cattle breeds.  相似文献   

Associations between specific host genes and susceptibility to Mycobacterial infections such as tuberculosis have been reported in several species. Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) impacts greatly the UK cattle industry, yet genetic predispositions have yet to be identified. We therefore used a candidate gene approach to study 384 cattle of which 160 had reacted positively to an antigenic skin test ('reactors'). Our approach was unusual in that it used microsatellite markers, embraced high breed diversity and focused particularly on detecting genes showing heterozygote advantage, a mode of action often overlooked in SNP-based studies. A panel of neutral markers was used to control for population substructure and using a general linear model-based approach we were also able to control for age. We found that substructure was surprisingly weak and identified two genomic regions that were strongly associated with reactor status, identified by markers INRA111 and BMS2753. In general the strength of association detected tended to vary depending on whether age was included in the model. At INRA111 a single genotype appears strongly protective with an overall odds ratio of 2.2, the effect being consistent across nine diverse breeds. Our results suggest that breeding strategies could be devised that would appreciably increase genetic resistance of cattle to bTB (strictly, reduce the frequency of incidence of reactors) with implications for the current debate concerning badger-culling.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out to determine the time of appearance, frequency, titre and specificity of lymphocytotoxic antibodies in the plasma of parous Hereford cattle. Cytotoxic antibody was first detected in a small proportion (3162 = 4.8 % ) of primigravid cattle during the last third of pregnancy. Titres were low (neat or 1 in 2) at this time and decreased in one animal so that antibodies were not detectable in samples obtained on the day of calving or 9 days beforehand.
Following parturition, the proportion of primiparous cattle producing lymphocytotoxic antibodies increased markedly and reached a maximum value (8/19 = 42.1 %) during the third month post partum. Antibody levels also rose over the same period. An increase in the parity of the dam also resulted in an increase in the proportion of cattle with lymphocytotoxic plasma. These antibodies appeared earlier in pregnancy, were at a higher titre and had a wider specificity than those found in primigravida.
Non-foetally stimulated antibody was detected in 4 cattle. In one plasma sample, lymphocytotoxic activity was present prior to mating, and in the 3 others it was not directed against cells from either the bull to which the dam was mated or the calf produced by the sire and dam.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out to determine the time of appearance, frequency, titre and specificity of lymphocytotoxic antibodies in the plasma of parous Hereford cattle. Cytotoxic antibody was first detected in a small proportion (3/62 = 4.8%) of primigravid cattle during the last third of pregnancy. Titres were low (neat or 1 in 2) at this time and decreased in one animal so that antibodies were not detectable in samples obtained on the day of calving or 9 days beforehand. Following parturition, the proportion of primiparous cattle producing lymphocytotoxic antibodies increased markedly and reached a maximum value (8/19 = 42.1%) during the third month post partum. Antibody levels also rose over the same period. An increase in the parity of the dam also resulted in an increase in the proportion of cattle with lymphocytotoxic plasma. These antibodies appeared earlier in pregnancy, were at a higher titre and had a wider specificity than those found in primigravida. Non-foetally stimulated antibody was detected in 4 cattle. In one plasma sample, lymphocytotoxic activity was present prior to mating, and in the 3 others it was not directed against cells from either the bull to which the dam was mated or the calf produced by the sire and dam.  相似文献   

Both badgers and livestock movements have been implicated in contributing to the ongoing epidemic of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) in British cattle. However, the relative contributions of these and other causes are not well quantified. We used cattle movement data to construct an individual (premises)-based model of BTB spread within Great Britain, accounting for spread due to recorded cattle movements and other causes. Outbreak data for 2004 were best explained by a model attributing 16% of herd infections directly to cattle movements, and a further 9% unexplained, potentially including spread from unrecorded movements. The best-fit model assumed low levels of cattle-to-cattle transmission. The remaining 75% of infection was attributed to local effects within specific high-risk areas. Annual and biennial testing is mandatory for herds deemed at high risk of infection, as is pre-movement testing from such herds. The herds identified as high risk in 2004 by our model are in broad agreement with those officially designated as such at that time. However, border areas at the edges of high-risk regions are different, suggesting possible areas that should be targeted to prevent further geographical spread of disease. With these areas expanding rapidly over the last decade, their close surveillance is important to both identify infected herds qucikly, and limit their further growth.  相似文献   

The Eurasian badger (Meles meles) has been implicated in the transmission of bovine tuberculosis (TB, caused by Mycobacterium bovis) to cattle. However, evidence suggests that attempts to reduce the spread of TB among cattle in Britain by culling badgers have mixed effects. A large-scale field experiment (the randomized badger culling trial, RBCT) showed that widespread proactive badger culling reduced the incidence of TB in cattle within culled areas but that TB incidence increased in adjoining areas. Additionally, localized reactive badger culling increased the incidence of TB in cattle. It has been suggested that culling-induced perturbation of badger social structure may increase individual movements and elevate the risk of disease transmission between badgers and cattle. Field studies support this hypothesis, by demonstrating increases in badger group ranges and the prevalence of TB infection in badgers following culling. However, more evidence on the effect of culling on badger movements is needed in order to predict the epidemiological consequences of this control strategy. Here, analysis of the genetic signatures of badger populations in the RBCT revealed increased dispersal following culling. While standard tests provided evidence for greater dispersal after culling, a novel method indicated that this was due to medium- and long-distance dispersal, in addition to previously reported increases in home-range size. Our results also indicated that, on average, badgers infected with M. bovis moved significantly farther than did uninfected badgers. A disease control strategy that included culling would need to take account of the potentially negative epidemiological consequences of increased badger dispersal.  相似文献   

In this paper we use mathematical modelling to consider the broad advantages and disadvantages of fertility control over lethal control for bovine tuberculosis in badger populations. We use a deliberately simple model, attempting to capture only the key transmission processes. The model is parametrized with reference to the long-term Woodchester Park study. Estimates of mortality rate from this study suggest no significant extra mortality risk for animals with evidence of infection as indicated by the presence of anti-Mycobacterium bovis antibodies or M. bovis isolation. We find that large reductions in prevalence are sometimes the consequence of only moderate reductions in population numbers. If we assume that the act of control does not in itself affect transmission rates, then as far as eradication is concerned, both fertility control and mortality control operate through the same epidemiological mechanism, the removal of susceptibles: if one is in principle capable of keeping a population low enough to be infection free then so is the other. It is necessary to continue either form of control at regular intervals to maintain a constant level of infection in the long term. If control were to be stopped, return to precontrol levels of badger population and infection prevalence would be expected within a few years. Fertility control is less effective in reducing population density than lethal control since it can only act, at maximum, to remove one age cohort per year. It is also less effective in reducing transmission as it can only ever remove susceptibles, while lethal control also removes infectious badgers. However, if the social disturbance caused by lethal control does in fact increase contact rates for the remaining infectious badgers, the relative efficacies of the two strategies become a great deal less clear. While we have no quantitative data on the extent to which social perturbation does act to promote transmission, model simulations show that it is possible to develop plausible scenarios in which the lethal control may actually act to increase the absolute numbers of animals infected, while reducing the number of uninfected animals to very low numbers.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) is a causative agent of bovine tuberculosis, a significant source of morbidity and mortality in the global cattle industry. The Randomised Badger Culling Trial was a field experiment carried out between 1998 and 2005 in the South West of England. As part of this trial, M. bovis isolates were collected from contemporaneous and overlapping populations of badgers and cattle within ten defined trial areas. We combined whole genome sequences from 1,442 isolates with location and cattle movement data, identifying transmission clusters and inferred rates and routes of transmission of M. bovis. Most trial areas contained a single transmission cluster that had been established shortly before sampling, often contemporaneous with the expansion of bovine tuberculosis in the 1980s. The estimated rate of transmission from badger to cattle was approximately two times higher than from cattle to badger, and the rate of within-species transmission considerably exceeded these for both species. We identified long distance transmission events linked to cattle movement, recurrence of herd breakdown by infection within the same transmission clusters and superspreader events driven by cattle but not badgers. Overall, our data suggests that the transmission clusters in different parts of South West England that are still evident today were established by long-distance seeding events involving cattle movement, not by recrudescence from a long-established wildlife reservoir. Clusters are maintained primarily by within-species transmission, with less frequent spill-over both from badger to cattle and cattle to badger.  相似文献   

The interaction of bovine prothrombin with phospholipids was measured, using as the lipid source monolayers spread at the air-buffer interface. Fluorescence spectroscopy was implemented to determine the equilibrium concentration of free prothrombin in the aqueous subphase of the protein-monolayer suspensions, in a continuous assay system. The increase in surface pressure (pi) from the protein-monolayer adsorption was also measured and, with values of the adsorbed protein concentration (c[s]), was used to calculate dc(s)/d(pi). At a particular phosphatidylserine (PS) content of liquid-expanded (LE) phosphatidylcholine (PC)/PS monolayers, dc(s)/d(pi) was independent of the initial surface pressure (pi[i]), when this latter value exceeded 30 mN/m. However, dc(s)/d(pi) varied significantly with the relative PS content of the monolayer. Values of the equilibrium dissociation constants calculated from the concentration dependence of delta(pi) indicated that the affinity of prothrombin for LE monolayers was higher at higher PS contents and lower packing densities. The affinity of prothrombin for liquid-condensed (LC) PC/PS monolayers was found to be much weaker relative to LE monolayers of similar phospholipid composition. This approach, employing spread monolayers to study prothrombin-phospholipid binding, coupled with a simple and accurate method to determine the free protein concentration in protein-monolayer suspensions, offers significant advantages for the investigation of protein-membrane interaction. The equilibrium characteristics that describe the interaction of prothrombin with the different phospholipid monolayers under various conditions also provide support for previous results which indicated that hydrophobic interactions are involved in the adsorption of vitamin K-dependent coagulation and anticoagulation proteins to model membrane systems.  相似文献   

Vaccination of cattle against bovine tuberculosis could be an important strategy for the control of disease either where there is a wildlife reservoir of Mycobacterium bovis infection or in developing countries where it is not economically feasible to implement a 'test and slaughter' control program. Advances in the understanding of protective immune responses to M. bovis infection in cattle and the advent of new molecular biological techniques, coupled with the sequencing of the M. bovis genome have provided opportunities for the rational development of improved tuberculosis vaccines. A number of new tuberculosis vaccines including attenuated M. bovis strains, killed mycobacteria, protein and DNA vaccines are under development and many are being assessed in cattle. Recent results have revealed several promising vaccine candidates and vaccination strategies. Ways of distinguishing between vaccinated and infected cattle are becoming available and the possibility of new approaches to the eradication of tuberculosis from domestic livestock is discussed. Similarities between the mechanisms of protective immunity against M. bovis and against other intracellular parasites continue to be found and discoveries from vaccine studies on bovine tuberculosis may provide helpful insights into requirements for vaccines against other intracellular pathogens.  相似文献   

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