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The development of jet nebulizers for medical purposes is an important challenge of aerosol therapy. The performance of a nebulizer is characterized by its output rate of droplets with a diameter under 5 µm. However the optimization of this parameter through experiments has reached a plateau. The purpose of this study is to design a numerical model simulating the nebulization process and to compare it with experimental data. Such a model could provide a better understanding of the atomization process and the parameters influencing the nebulizer output. A model based on the Updraft nebulizer (Hudson) was designed with ANSYS Workbench. Boundary conditions were set with experimental data then transient 3D calculations were run on a 4 µm mesh with ANSYS Fluent. Two air flow rate (2 L/min and 8 L/min, limits of the operating range) were considered to account for different turbulence regimes. Numerical and experimental results were compared according to phenomenology and droplet size. The behavior of the liquid was compared to images acquired through shadowgraphy with a CCD Camera. Three experimental methods, laser diffractometry, phase Doppler anemometry (PDA) and shadowgraphy were used to characterize the droplet size distributions. Camera images showed similar patterns as numerical results. Droplet sizes obtained numerically are overestimated in relation to PDA and diffractometry, which only consider spherical droplets. However, at both flow rates, size distributions extracted from numerical image processing were similar to distributions obtained from shadowgraphy image processing. The simulation then provides a good understanding and prediction of the phenomena involved in the fragmentation of droplets over 10 µm. The laws of dynamics apply to droplets down to 1 µm, so we can assume the continuity of the distribution and extrapolate the results for droplets between 1 and 10 µm. So, this model could help predicting nebulizer output with defined geometrical and physical parameters.  相似文献   

目的:探索目前临床广泛使用的喷射式雾化机对质粒DNA(pDNA)完整性破坏的影响及保护措施。方法:在研究雾化时间对pDNA完整性影响的实验中,加入5ml pDNA(20μg/ml),分别在开始雾化后收集第1min内;第2min内;第3min内;第4min内;第5min内及第10min内雾化器喷口处的雾化液滴;在研究加样量对裸pDNA完整性影响的实验中,分别取2ml、4ml、6ml、8ml,各雾化4min,收集最后一分钟内雾化液滴。在两种高分子聚合物对pDNA保护性研究的实验中,各取4ml未经高分子聚合物修饰的以及经过聚乙烯亚胺(polyethylenimine, PEI)或阳离子脂质体修饰后的pDNA,分别雾化10min,收集最后一分钟内雾化液滴。使用琼脂糖凝胶电泳分析雾化样本质粒完整性。结果:在雾化时间由1min增至10min后完整性部分所占百分比由(83.5±2.2)%降至(37.1±2.8)%;加样量由2ml 增至8ml 后,pDNA完整性部分所占百分比由(32.1±3.5)%增至(93.6±0.6)%;经过PEI或阳离子脂质体修饰后的pDNA在雾化过程中几乎无破坏现象。结论:喷射式雾化机对pDNA的破坏呈剂量、时间依赖性,PEI与阳离子脂质体对pDNA保护效果良好,为喷射式雾化机在基因雾化治疗中的应用打下一定基础。  相似文献   

The survival of airborne Flavobacterium sp. in particle sizes ranging from 1 to 5 μm was significantly influenced by atmospheric temperature. A progressive increase in temperature from −18 to 49 C resulted in increases in death rates of the airborne organism. The lowest death rates were observed in the temperature range of −40 to −18 C, and the highest death rates were observed in the 29 to 49 C range. At 24 C, the survival of airborne Flavobacterium did not appear to be significantly affected by relative humidity ranging from 25 to 99%.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on conidial germination and susceptibility of adults of the desert locust , Schistocerca gregaria, to four isolates of Metarhizium flavoviride were determined . In addition , the effects of inoculation method (topical or spray) , spore carrier (oil or water) and ambient relative humidity (RH) on susceptibility of the locust to the most thermotolerant isolate (Mf324) were investigated . There were differences among the isolates in the effects of temperature on germination of conidia after a 24 - h incubation period . Over 90% of conidia of all isolates germinated after 24 h at 30 o C . In contrast , at 40 o C , none of the isolates germinated for up to 72 h . However , there were differences in germination between the isolates at 35 o C . Locust mortality and disease progression were significantly affected by temperature . At both 25 and 30 o C , all isolates induced 98 - 100% mortality within 8 days; however , there were differences between isolates at 35 o C . None of the isolates caused significant mortality at 40 o C . Humidity and inoculation method had no influence on levels of mortaility in fungus treated locusts . In contrast , carrier type significantly affected cumulative mortality . Topical oil treatment resulted in higher overall mycosis than the three other treatments . Control mortality on the other hand was strongly affected by inoculation method and to a lesser extent by humidity and carrier . In these conditions , application of oil by spray was generally toxic at all humidities whereas topical application of water was most toxic at near saturation . The results of these laboratory studies demonstrate the importance of strain selection , formulation and application method in the development of a microbial control agent against the desert locust . Low RH should not impede use of this fungus under dry conditions .  相似文献   

The use of aerosolized bacteriophages as surrogates for hazardous viruses might simplify and accelerate the discovery of links between viral components and their persistence in the airborne state under diverse environmental conditions. In this study, four structurally distinct lytic phages, MS2 (single-stranded RNA [ssRNA]), ϕ6 (double-stranded RNA [dsRNA]), ϕX174 (single-stranded DNA [ssDNA]), and PR772 (double-stranded DNA [dsDNA]), were nebulized into a rotating chamber and exposed to various levels of relative humidity (RH) and temperature as well as to germicidal UV radiation. The aerosolized viral particles were allowed to remain airborne for up to 14 h before being sampled for analysis by plaque assays and quantitative PCRs. Phages ϕ6 and MS2 were the most resistant at low levels of relative humidity, while ϕX174 was more resistant at 80% RH. Phage ϕ6 lost its infectivity immediately after exposure to 30°C and 80% RH. The infectivity of all tested phages rapidly declined as a function of the exposure time to UVC radiation, phage MS2 being the most resistant. Taken altogether, our data indicate that these aerosolized phages behave differently under various environmental conditions and highlight the necessity of carefully selecting viral simulants in bioaerosol studies.  相似文献   

Effects of Humidity on Photosynthesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It was found for two species that net carbon dioxide uptakerates were reduced at constant intercellular carbon dioxidepartial pressure when single attached leaves were exposed tolarge leaf to air water vapour pressure differences. Leaf temperature,irradiance, and ambient carbon dioxide and oxygen partial pressureswere kept constant. Net carbon dioxide uptake rates decreasedlinearly with increasing vapour pressure difference, even incases where transpiration rates were highest at intermediatevalues of vapour pressure difference. Decreases in net carbondioxide uptake rates were quickly reversible. Different windspeeds across the measured leaf, different vapour pressure deficitsaround the rest of the shoot, and transient responses of netcarbon dioxide uptake rate to abrupt changes in vapour pressuredifference all gave the same response of net carbon dioxideuptake rate to vapour pressure difference. The data show thatthe inhibition of net carbon dioxide uptake rate at a givenvapour pressure difference was not simply related to whole leaftranspiration rate or stomatal conductance. Key words: Vapour pressure difference, CO2 uptake rate, Leaf temperature  相似文献   

为探究具有较高观赏价值的鼠尾草属(Salvia)植物的耐湿热性,采用人工气候箱模拟高温高湿环境,对丹参(S. miltiorrhiza)、张家界鼠尾草(S. daiguii)、贵州鼠尾草(S. cavaleriei)、铁线鼠尾草(S. adiantifolia)及‘辰丹月白’鼠尾草(‘Chen-danyuebai’)的外部形态变化及生理生化响应进行研究,并利用隶属函数法对5种鼠尾草属植物的耐湿热能力进行综合评价。结果表明,5种鼠尾草在胁迫下黄叶数明显增多,但受湿热伤害程度不高,胁迫结束后经过正常养护均可恢复正常生长;在复合胁迫下,叶绿素含量下降,相对电导率和丙二醛含量上升,植株受到一定程度的湿热伤害;胁迫后,超氧化物歧化酶活性和渗透调节物质含量均显著提高,产生了适应性反应。5种鼠尾草的耐湿热能力表现为:张家界鼠尾草≈铁线鼠尾草 > ‘辰丹月白’鼠尾草≈丹参 > 贵州鼠尾草。‘辰丹月白’鼠尾草表现出了较强的耐湿热能力,可以推广栽培。  相似文献   

The effects of constant air temperature and relative humidity on the longevity of three species of gripopterygid stonefly adults from New Zealand were investigated in laboratory experiments, and the results were compared to field measurements of air temperature and humidity obtained during summer. Greatest longevity for Zelandobius furcillatus, Zelandoperla decorata and Acroperla trivacuata was recorded in cool humid conditions (10°C, 100% humidity) for adults fed water and a 5% sucrose solution. Absence of feeding reduced survival by 37–73% at 17°C and 100% humidity. Survival decreased significantly with increasing constant air temperature (10, 17 and 25°C) and decreasing mean relative humidity (100, 81 and 15%). Males survived significantly longer than females in all temperature treatments for Z. furcillatus, but longevity was not influenced by gender in other species or in the humidity experiments. Interpolated LT 50 values over 96 h for female stoneflies in the temperature treatments averaged of 22–23°C. Field measurements at near-ground level and 1.5 m above the streambank during summer indicated that these air temperatures were exceeded for 25% of the time in a pasture catchment compared to <0.1% of the time in a native forest catchment. These findings implicate air temperature as a factor potentially influencing the longevity of adult stoneflies, and suggest that maintenance of appropriate microclimate conditions should be a consideration in riparian management.  相似文献   

The anti-adhesive surfaces have always aroused great interest of worldwide scientists and engineers.But in practical applications,it often faces the threat and impact of temperature and humidity.In this work,the excellent anti-adhesive performance of maize leaf under high temperature and humidity were investigated in detail.Firstly,the adhesion forces of the maize leaf surface under different temperature and humidity were measured by using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).The temperature of the substrate was varied between 23 ℃ to 100 ℃,and the ambient relative humidity is from 18% to 100%.It was found that the adhesion force of maize leaf decreased with the increase of temperature and humidity.The mechanism of its excellent anti-adhesive performance of maize leaf under high temperature and relative humidity was revealed.The transverse and longitudinal ridges on maize leaf surface interlace with each other,forming small air pockets,which reduces the actual contact area between the object and the maize leaf.With the increase of humidity,the liquid film will be formed in the air pockets gradually and so much water vapor is produced with increase of temperature.Then the air flow rate increases though the wavy top of transverse ridges,inducing the dramatic decrease of adhesion force.Inspired by this mechanism,four samples with this bionic structure were made.This functional "biomimetic structure" would have potential value in the wide medical equipments such as high frequency electric knife with anti-adhesion surface under high temperature and high humidity.  相似文献   

不同生态位计测方法在绿洲荒漠过渡带上的应用比较   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
生态位分化被认为是物种共存的基础 ,亦是物种进化的动力[10 ] ,所以生态位理论已在种间关系、群落结构、物种多样性、种群进化、群落演替等方面广泛应用 ,在现代生态学中占有愈来愈重要的地位[2 ,8] 。对于生态位宽度和生态位重叠已有多种计测公式 ,这些公式的生态学合理性和应用上的可操作性 ,一直是生态学家关注的问题[1,7,9] 。由于各公式有不同的生态学意义 ,侧重点不同 ,加之各种类型植被的结构和功能不同 ,种群的生态学特性各异 ,因而不同的公式对不同的植被类型的使用范围应有所区别。目前 ,常用的生态位测度公式往往被通用于各种植…  相似文献   

Few epidemiological studies have been reported as to whether there was any interactive effect between temperature and humidity on respiratory morbidity, especially in Asian countries. The present study used time-series analysis to explore the modification effects of humidity on the association between temperature and emergency room (ER) visits for respiratory, upper respiratory tract infection (URI), pneumonia, and bronchitis in Beijing between 2009 and 2011. Results showed that an obvious joint effect of temperature and humidity was revealed on ER visits for respiratory, URI, pneumonia, and bronchitis. Below temperature threshold, the temperature effect was stronger in low humidity level and presented a trend fall with humidity level increase. The effect estimates per 1 °C increase in temperature in low humidity level were ?2.88 % (95 % confidence interval (CI) ?3.08, ?2.67) for all respiratory, ?3.24 % (?3.59, ?2.88) for URI, ?1.48 % (?1.93, ?1.03) for pneumonia, and ?3.79 % (?4.37, ?3.21) for bronchitis ER visits, respectively. However, above temperature threshold, temperature effect was greater in high humidity level and trending upward with humidity level increasing. In high humidity level, a 1 °C increase in temperature, the effect estimates were 1.84 % (1.55, 2.13) for all respiratory, 1.76 % (1.41, 2.11) for URI, and 7.48 % (4.41, 10.65) for bronchitis ER visits. But, there was no statistically significant for pneumonia. This suggests that the modifying effects of the humidity should be considered when analyzing health impacts of temperature.  相似文献   

Effects of Atmospheric Humidity on Plant Growth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Increasing the atmospheric humidity in growth rooms increasedgrowth of sugar beet in four experiments, of kale in two experimentsand of wheat in three experiments. Growth of wheat was unaffectedin another three experiments. The effects were variable anddid not occur at all stages of growth. In general, decreasingthe vapour pressure deficit by 5 mb (e.g. increasing the relativehumidity from 70 to 90 per cent at 20 °C) increased dryweight by 20–30 per cent and sometimes by considerablymore. Sugar beet and kale were more sensitive than wheat. Relatively,dry weight of tops was affected more than root weight and leafarea was affected more than total dry weight, so net assimilationrate decreased with increase in humidity. Water loss per plantdepended on the vapour pressure deficit of the air, leaf areaand species; it was only slightly affected by wind speed. Waterloss per unit leaf area was less for wheat than for the otherspecies and less for large than for small plants.  相似文献   

目的研究NGI对转基因阿尔茨海默病小鼠的治疗作用。方法构建包含小鼠OMgp细胞外8LRP重复序列,人Tenascin-R的EGF-L结构域,以及人Nogo-A的氨基端和66个氨基酸细胞外域的重组质粒,肌肉注射AD小鼠,空载体组和空白对照组为对照组。水迷宫检测小鼠行为学差别,免疫组化检测其病理差别。结果4.5月龄AD小鼠经过水迷宫隐蔽平台实验,2d后疫苗组小鼠潜伏期比对照组缩短30%(P〈0.05)。探索实验显示3月龄疫苗组比空载体组和空白对照组小鼠穿越目标象限的次数分别增加48%和44%(P〈0.05)。结论NGI重组DNA疫苗能够提高转基因AD小鼠的学习与记忆能力。  相似文献   

The growth of and production of protease, α-amylase, α-galactosidase, and lipase by Actinomucor taiwanensis in relation to temperature and relative humidity during the preparation of sufu (Chinese cheese) pehtze were investigated. The incubation temperature, humidity, and cultivation time greatly affected the growth of and enzyme production by A. taiwanensis on tofu. It grew best at 97% humidity and 30°C. The highest yields of protease (112 U/g of dry tofu) and lipase (1,448 U/g of dry tofu) were found after 60 h of incubation at 97% humidity and 25°C. On the other hand, the highest yield of α-amylase (1,949 U/g of dry tofu) was observed after 48 h of incubation at 96 to 97% humidity and 30°C, and the highest amount of α-galactosidase (387 U/g of dry tofu) was observed at 35°C and 96% humidity after 60 h of growth. The results suggest that the temperature and humidity should be controlled at 25 to 30°C and around 97%, respectively, during the commercial preparation of sufu pehtze for better growth of and production of enzymes by A. taiwanensis.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the influence of temperature and relative humidity (RH) on germinability and viability of Mucor piriformis spores. Spores did not survive when stored at 35 °C and their survival rate decreased rapidly at 30 °C; however, spores remained viable for more than 1 year at 0 °C. RH also significantly affected spore viability. Spores held at 26 °C and 100% RH no longer germinated after 35 days, while those held at 75 or 90% RH germinated for 65 days. At 20 °C, RH had little effect on spore germinability. The effect of temperature and RH on percentage spore germination also varied. At all temperatures studied, spore viability decreased more rapidly with time at 100% RH than at 75 or 90% RH. The least favorable, temperature-humidity combination, 30 °C and 100% RH, decreased spore germination from 100% to less than 1% in 14 days.  相似文献   

Inactivation of airborne Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus disseminated from liquid suspensions or from lyophilized preparations as 1- to 5-mum particles was investigated under various conditions of relative humidity and temperature in a 2,500-liter static aerosol chamber. Relative humidity ranging from 18 to 90% at 24 C and temperature ranging from -40 to 24 C had no marked effect on the biological decay rate or the recovery of viable airborne VEE virus disseminated from liquid suspensions. However, at 49 C a significant increase in the biological decay rate and decrease in aerosol recovery of the VEE virus were observed. Airborne lyophilized VEE virus was significantly affected by relative humidity. An increase in relative humidity from 20 to 90% resulted in progressive decrease in aerosol recovery of viable VEE virus. A twofold reduction in aerosol recovery of the lyophilized virus was observed at and above 29 C as compared to the lower temperatures studied. However, the differences among biological decay rates of lycphilized VEE virus were not significant within temperature range of -40 to 38 C.  相似文献   

蟾蜍随机分为室温干燥、室温保湿、低温保湿和低温冬眠组,观察禁食蟾蜍在不同温度和湿度条件下的生存时间、体重变化、心脏活动、腓肠肌收缩功能和坐骨神经干动作电位,探寻能够延长禁食蟾蜍生存时间和机体生理功能维持时间的途径。结果显示,室温干燥组蟾蜍体重自实验第1 d起显著性下降(P<0.01),其它组无显著性变化。室温干燥、室温保湿、低温保湿和低温冬眠组蟾蜍的累计死亡率分别为100%(第6 d)、45.83%(第26 d)、16.67%(第36 d)、0%。除室温保湿组蟾蜍的心脏舒缩幅度自实验第20 d起下降之外(P<0.05),其它组的心肌舒缩幅度和心率无显著性变化。室温干燥组蟾蜍的腓肠肌收缩幅度自实验第1 d开始下降,第4 d起有显著性差异(P<0.05),低温保湿组在第27 d也显著性下降(P<0.05),其他组未发生显著性变化。各组蟾蜍坐骨神经干动作电位未发生显著性改变。充足的湿度和适当降温,尤其保持冬眠,能够延长禁食蟾蜍的生存时间和机体生理功能维持时间。  相似文献   

激光针灸对穴位组织温度和血流灌注率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在Pennes方程的基础上研究了激光针灸治疗对穴位组织的温度和血流灌注率的影响。结果显示,连续激光与脉冲激光针灸都能使穴位组织的温度和血流灌注率升高,随着激光的功率密度升高则穴位组织的温度和血流灌注率亦升高。通过这些研究为激光针灸的临床实际应用提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

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