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A case-control study of all perinatal deaths in Leicestershire was established in 1976. By 1985 some 1342 singleton perinatal deaths had occurred. Perinatal mortality among patients of Asian origin was consistently higher than that among European women. Many of the sociomedical risk factors for perinatal death known at booking were common to both population groups. In this population of Asian women, however, low social class was not associated with perinatal risk and illegitimacy hardly ever occurred. In contrast, previous infertility among the Asian women was associated with risk of perinatal death, while no such association was found with European women. In 19% of perinatal deaths care was either inadequately provided or taken up. The case-control design in these circumstances provides a practicable way to evaluate causal factors and at the same time to provide information of value to educators and health service planners.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine what proportion of pre-hospital deaths from accidental injury--deaths at the scene of the accident and those that occur before the person has reached hospital--are preventable. DESIGN--Retrospective study of all deaths from accidental injury that occurred between 1 January 1987 and 31 December 1990 and were reported to the coroner. SETTING--North Staffordshire. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Injury severity score, probability of survival (probit analysis), and airway obstruction. RESULTS--There were 152 pre-hospital deaths from accidental injury (110 males and 42 females). In the same period there were 257 deaths in hospital from accidental injury (136 males and 121 females). The average age at death was 41.9 years for those who died before reaching hospital, and their average injury severity score was 29.3. In contrast, those who died in hospital were older and equally likely to be males or females. Important neurological injury occurred in 113 pre-hospital deaths, and evidence of airway obstruction in 59. Eighty six pre-hospital deaths were due to road traffic accidents, and 37 of these were occupants in cars. On the basis of the injury severity score and age, death was found to have been inevitable or highly likely in 92 cases. In the remaining 60 cases death had not been inevitable and airway obstruction was present in up to 51 patients with injuries that they might have survived. CONCLUSION--Death was potentially preventable in at least 39% of those who died from accidental injury before they reached hospital. Training in first aid should be available more widely, and particularly to motorists as many pre-hospital deaths that could be prevented are due to road accidents.  相似文献   

One thousand consecutive deaths from injury in 11 coroner''s districts in England and Wales were reviewed by four independent assessors, who studied necropsy reports to identify deaths in hospital that might have been preventable. Of 514 patients admitted to hospital alive, 102 deaths (20%) were judged by all four assessors to have been potentially preventable. When those cases in which three out of four assessors considered that the death was preventable were added the total rose to 170 (33%). Nearly two thirds of all non-central nervous system deaths were judged to have been preventable. The median age of the 170 patients whose deaths were preventable was 41, and the mean Injury Severity Score was 29. Further analysis suggested that the preventable deaths were principally the result of failure to stop bleeding and prevent hypoxia and the absence of, or delay in, surgical treatment.The results closely parallel those from similar studies from the United States and suggest that there are serious deficiencies in the services for managing severe injury in England and Wales. Debate is needed now on how to correct these deficiencies. In particular, the place of trauma centres must be considered.  相似文献   

Prisoners sometimes die in prison, either due to natural illness, violence, suicide, or a result of imprisonment. The purpose of this study is to understand deaths in custody using qualitative methodology and to argue for a comprehensive definition of death in custody that acknowledges deaths related to the prison environment. Interviews were conducted with 33 experts, who primarily work as lawyers or forensic doctors with national and/or international organisations. Responses were coded and analysed qualitatively. Defining deaths in custody according to the place of death was deemed problematic. Experts favoured a dynamic approach emphasising the link between the detention environment and occurrence of death rather than the actual place of death. Causes of deaths and different patterns of deaths were discussed, indicating that many of these deaths are preventable. Lack of an internationally recognised standard definition of death in custody is a major concern. Key aspects such as place, time, and causes of death as well as relation to the prison environment should be debated and incorporated into the definition. Systematic identification of violence within prison institutions is critical and efforts are needed to prevent unnecessary deaths in prison and to protect vulnerable prisoners.  相似文献   

Juvenile mortality is a key factor influencing population growth rate in density-independent, predation-free, well-managed captive populations. Currently at least a quarter of all Asian elephants live in captivity, but both the wild and captive populations are unsustainable with the present fertility and calf mortality rates. Despite the need for detailed data on calf mortality to manage effectively populations and to minimize the need for capture from the wild, very little is known of the causes and correlates of calf mortality in Asian elephants. Here we use the world''s largest multigenerational demographic dataset on a semi-captive population of Asian elephants compiled from timber camps in Myanmar to investigate the survival of calves (n = 1020) to age five born to captive-born mothers (n = 391) between 1960 and 1999. Mortality risk varied significantly across different ages and was higher for males at any age. Maternal reproductive history was associated with large differences in both stillbirth and liveborn mortality risk: first-time mothers had a higher risk of calf loss as did mothers producing another calf soon (<3.7 years) after a previous birth, and when giving birth at older age. Stillbirth (4%) and pre-weaning mortality (25.6%) were considerably lower than those reported for zoo elephants and used in published population viability analyses. A large proportion of deaths were caused by accidents and lack of maternal milk/calf weakness which both might be partly preventable by supplementary feeding of mothers and calves and work reduction of high-risk mothers. Our results on Myanmar timber elephants with an extensive keeping system provide an important comparison to compromised survivorship reported in zoo elephants. They have implications for improving captive working elephant management systems in range countries and for refining population viability analyses with realistic parameter values in order to predict future population size of the Asian elephant.  相似文献   

Between 1976 and 1981 some 939 perinatal deaths occurred to women living in Leicestershire, of which 128 (14%) were to Asian women. The qualifications of the general practitioners, the gestation at which women start antenatal care, and perinatal death were used as structural, process, and outcome measures for evaluating the services provided to Asian immigrants within this population. Perinatal deaths were divided into four groups: congenital malformation, macerated stillbirth, asphyxia in labour, and immaturity. Asian mothers had one and a half times the risk of perinatal mortality when social class, parity, height, legitimacy, and the general practitioner''s qualifications were taken into account. Asian and non-Asian mothers with general practitioners who were not on the obstetric list had more than twice the risk of a perinatal death when a similar adjustment was made. Recommendations include priority allocation of community midwives to practitioners not on the obstetric list, the establishment of postgraduate courses for such doctors, and the continued evaluation of the effect of such proposals on perinatal mortality.  相似文献   

A maternal welfare committee was founded in 1947 by representatives of nine hospitals in San Diego County, with the purpose of inquiring into all deaths involving maternity in order to reduce maternal mortality. At open meetings cases of such death are reviewed and a vote is taken on whether the death was preventable. Deaths of newborn children are also investigated for preventable factors. From 1947 to 1952 the maternal mortality rate has declined among residents of the county from 7.3 per the thousand live births to 2.7. It is believed that the emphasis placed on high standards of prenatal and postpartum care by the committee's observations has greatly aided in securing this improvement.  相似文献   

A maternal welfare committee was founded in 1947 by representatives of nine hospitals in San Diego County, with the purpose of inquiring into all deaths involving maternity in order to reduce maternal mortality. At open meetings cases of such death are reviewed and a vote is taken on whether the death was preventable. Deaths of newborn children are also investigated for preventable factors.From 1947 to 1952 the maternal mortality rate has declined among residents of the county from 7.3 per the thousand live births to 2.7. It is believed that the emphasis placed on high standards of prenatal and postpartum care by the committee''s observations has greatly aided in securing this improvement.  相似文献   


Using information provided by institutions handling Jewish deaths, this study identified 735 deaths among Jewish residents of Rhode Island during 1979–81. Official death records then provided data on the characteristics of the deceased and on cause of death, allowing comparisons of Jewish/non‐ Jewish patterns of mortality and cause of death, as well as analysis of differentials among the Jewish decedents, taking account of birthplace and occupation. The findings indicate that relatively fewer Jewish males die at ages below 65, and more at ages 85 and over than is true of total white males. Jewish females exhibit an age‐at‐death pattern more similar to that of all white women. These sex differences characterize cause of death as well. Differences are more pronounced between Jewish and non‐Jewish males than between the female groups. Most noteworthy, Jewish male deaths from diabetes are significantly higher and deaths from respiratory disease significantly lower than among total white men. Differentials in age of death between Jewish native‐born and foreign‐born are largely a function of their differential age composition, and socioeconomic status showed no clear relation to age at death or cause of death.  相似文献   

Rob Lovering has developed an interesting new critique of views that regard embryos as equally valuable as other human beings: the moral argument for frozen human embryo adoption. The argument is aimed at those who believe that the death of a frozen embryo is a very bad thing, and Lovering concludes that some who hold this view ought to prevent one of these deaths by adopting and gestating a frozen embryo. Contra Lovering, we show that there are far more effective strategies for preserving the lives of frozen embryos than adoption. Moreover, we point out that those who regard the deaths of frozen embryos as a very bad thing will generally regard the deaths of all embryos as a very bad thing, whether they are discarded embryos, aborted embryos or embryos that spontaneously abort. This entails that these other embryos must be taken into account when considering moral obligations, as well as other human lives at risk from preventable causes.  相似文献   

Low serum cholesterol concentrations are associated with deaths from cancer. This association was found in a prospective study of middle aged men in Malmö and consideration of possible explanations for the lowering of serum cholesterol prompted an analysis of serum urate in relation to deaths from cancer. A total of 127 of the 7725 participants in the Malmö study had died since screening. A weakly positive but significant correlation between raised serum urate concentration and total mortality was found. This correlation was wholly explained by neoplastic deaths (p less than 0.01), while there were no associations with alcohol related deaths or with deaths from coronary heart disease. When the deaths from cancer were classified as "early" or "late"--that is, occurring less than or more than 2.5 years after the screening--the correlation between raised urate concentrations and cancer mortality was confined to the "early" deaths (p less than 0.001). Further studies are needed to substantiate the relation between raised serum urate concentrations and fatal neoplasia. Nevertheless, these findings weigh against recent suggestions that uric acid has an antioxidant protective effect against cancer.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that natural disasters, and hurricanes in particular, have led to more deaths than those usually documented in short post-storm surveys. Such indirect deaths, thought to be related to dietary, stress or pre-existing medical conditions, can exceed the number of direct deaths and may persist for weeks or even months beyond the event itself. In the present study, cumulative sum of deviations plots are used to quantify the number of direct and indirect deaths resulting from Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne that made landfall in Florida in 2004. Results suggest that there was an elevated mortality for up to 2 months following each storm, resulting in a total of 624 direct and indirect deaths attributable to the storm. Trauma-related deaths that can be associated directly with the storm account for only ∼4% of the total storm-related mortality, while indirect mortality accounts for most storm-related deaths. Specifically, a large percentage of the elevated mortality was associated with heart (34%) and cancer-related deaths (19%), while diabetes (5%) and accident-related deaths (9%) account for a smaller but still significant percentage of the elevated mortality. The results further suggest that the elevated mortality was the result of additional deaths that would not have otherwise occurred within that 5 month period, and not simply a clustering of deaths that were inevitable between 1 August and 31 December 2004. The elevated mortality identified in this study is significantly greater than the official count of 31 direct and 113 indirect deaths resulting from the four hurricanes combined. This suggests a need for improved mortality counts and surveillance in order to better evaluate and identify effective prevention policies, and to identify preventable deaths.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty deaths definitely or potentially due to asthma occurring in hospitals in the North East Thames region over one year were identified from death certificates and Hospital Activity Analysis records. Thirty five of these deaths were considered after independent assessment to have been directly due to asthma. Control patients who left hospital alive after acute asthma attacks were selected and matched with cases for sex, age, and hospital. Management was compared in the two groups. Inadequate monitoring, including failure to monitor arterial blood gas values, and inadequate use of nebulised beta agonists occurred significantly more often in fatal cases. Use of sedation, inadequate treatment with steroids, exposure to potentially toxic doses of aminophylline, and inadequate clinical assessment were more common in cases than controls, but not significantly so. Failure to institute artificial ventilation contributed to seven deaths. Assessors considered important defects in management to have occurred in 83% (29/35) of the cases and 40% (14/35) of the controls. Nevertheless, most of the hospital deaths (19/35) were considered not to have been preventable. Eight other deaths in the region were attributed to the complications of asthma or its treatment. Three of these were associated with gastrointestinal bleeding and one with perforation of a duodenal ulcer. Before considering policies aimed at speeding admission to hospital of patients with acute attacks of asthma it is crucial that the general standard of hospital care offered to all patients with asthma should be improved.  相似文献   

Many wildlife species suffer from human–wildlife conflict, especially crop-raiding. Long-term analyses of mortality patterns are needed to assess the efficacy of management strategies that address this issue. We report mortality patterns from necropsies of 498 Asian elephants from 2009–2018 in an area of northwestern Sri Lanka. Deaths were lowest in July and highest in October, a period of peak crop availability. Most (about 70%) deaths were human-related, and males were killed in these incidents more frequently than females. As gunshot deaths decreased, other forms of human-related deaths increased. Additionally, causes of death differed between districts, with more intentional human-related mortality observed in the district with the highest percent of protected land. These results highlight the importance of understanding the long-term spatial and temporal variation in wildlife mortality to effectively address human–wildlife conflict. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The death rate of a group of 87 widowers and 279 widows was followed for two years from the death of their spouses. The life tables for England and Wales 1970-2 indicated that the expected number of deaths would be 6 men and 11 women. The actual numbers (9 men and 11 women, 5.5%) were not significantly different, though there were more widowers'' deaths during the first six months of bereavement. There was no significantly greater mortality among those whose spouses had died in hospital; but when this had occurred the health of the second spouse was likely to have been poorer than that of those whose spouses had died at home.  相似文献   

Biological and epidemiological evidence has linked early-life psychosocial stress with late-life health, with inflammation as a potential mechanism. We report here the association between familial death in childhood and adulthood and increased levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of systemic inflammation. The Cache County Memory Study is a prospective study of persons initially aged 65 and older in 1995. In 2002, there were 1,955 persons in the study with data on CRP (42.3 percent male, mean [SD] age = 81.2 [5.8] years), linked with objective data on family member deaths. Using logistic regression, high (> 10 mg/L) versus low (≤ 10 mg/L) CRP was regressed on cumulative parental, sibling, spouse, and offspring deaths during childhood and during early adulthood, adjusted for family size in each period (percentage family depletion; PFD). Findings revealed PFD during childhood to be significantly associated with CRP (OR = 1.02, 95% CI [1.01, 1.04]). Individuals with two or more family deaths were 79 percent more likely to have elevated CRP than those with zero family deaths (OR = 1.79, 95% CI [1.07, 2.99]). Early adulthood PFD was not related to CRP. This study demonstrates a link between significant psychosocial stress in early life and immune-inflammatory functioning in late life, and suggests a mechanism explaining the link between early-life adversity and late-life health.  相似文献   

Cervical cancer is a leading cause of cancer death in women in developing countries. A key factor linked to the relatively high levels of cervical cancer in these populations is the lack of awareness and access to preventive methods. This study aimed to determine the level of awareness of cervical cancer and Papanicolaou test (Pap smear test) and factors associated with the utilization of Pap test among female civil servants in Jos. Data was obtained from female workers (n = 388) aged 18–65 years in a Nigerian Federal establishment. Participants were randomly approached and instructed to complete validated questionnaires. Data was analyzed using Chi-square, t-tests and logistic regression analysis to determine if there was an association between variables and identify any predictors of awareness and utilization of the Pap test. Cervical cancer and Pap smear test awareness was 50.9% and 38.6% respectively, with the media as the major source of information. Pap smear test utilization rate was 10.2%, with routine antenatal care (ANC) as the major reason for getting screened. Personal barriers to screening include the lack of awareness, and belief that cervical cancer is not preventable. Opportunistic screening, mass media campaigns and ANC education were suggested as ways of improving awareness and utilization of cervical cancer screening services.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine the hypothesis that a J curve relation between blood pressure and death from coronary heart disease is confined to high risk subjects with myocardial infarction. DESIGN--Cohort longitudinal epidemiological study with biennial examinations since 1950. SETTING--Framingham, Massachusetts, USA. SUBJECTS--5209 subjects in the Framingham study cohort followed up by a person examination approach. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Coronary heart disease deaths and non-cardiovascular disease deaths in men and women with or without myocardial infarction relative to blood pressure. RESULTS--Among subjects without myocardial infarction non-cardiovascular disease deaths were twice to three times as common as coronary heart disease deaths. Furthermore, there was no significant relation between non-cardiovascular disease death and diastolic or systolic blood pressure. Also coronary heart disease deaths were linearly related to diastolic and systolic blood pressures. Among high risk patients (that is, people with myocardial infarction but free of congestive heart failure) death from coronary heart disease was more common than non-cardiovascular disease death. There was a significant U shaped relation between coronary heart disease death and diastolic blood pressure. Although there was an apparent U shaped relation between coronary heart disease death and systolic blood pressure, it did not attain statistical significance when controlling for age and change in systolic blood pressure from the pre-myocardial infarction level. None of the above conclusions changed when adjustments were made for risk factors such as serum cholesterol concentration, antihypertensive treatment, and left ventricular function. The U shaped relation between diastolic blood pressure and high risk subjects existed for both those given antihypertensive treatment and those not. CONCLUSIONS--These data suggest that an age and sex independent U curve relation exists for diastolic blood pressure and coronary heart disease deaths in patients with myocardial infarction but not for low risk subjects without myocardial infarction. The relation seems to be independent of left ventricular function and antihypertensive treatment.  相似文献   

Patients who use phenytoin and some other anticonvulsive drugs have been shown to have raised concentrations of plasma high density lipoprotein. As this lipoprotein is known to be inversely associated with the incidence of ischaemic heart disease the causes of death of all patients with epilepsy known to be taking anticonvulsive drugs who died during 1978-80 were studied. Of 1399 deaths of anticonvulsant users, 258 (18.4%) were caused by ischaemic heart disease. This was significantly less (p less than 0.001) than the 382 deaths from ischaemic heart disease (27.3%) observed among paired controls matched for sex, age, and date of death. The total cardiovascular mortality was also lower among patients with epilepsy than among controls (p less than 0.02) despite there being more deaths due to cerebrovascular disease among patients. The difference in mortality from ischaemic heart disease was significant for both sexes and was not accounted for by excess deaths due to any other single cause. Users of phenytoin, carbamazepine, and barbiturates (alone or in combination) showed 29% less mortality due to ischaemic heart disease than respective controls (p less than 0.001).  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking is an important cause of preventable death globally, but associations between smoking and mortality vary substantially across country and calendar time. Although methodological biases have been discussed, it is biologically plausible that persistent organic pollutants (POPs) like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine (OC) pesticides can affect this association. This study was performed to evaluate if associations of cigarette smoking with mortality were modified by serum concentrations of PCBs and OC pesticides. We evaluated cigarette smoking in 111 total deaths among 986 men and women aged 70 years in the Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS) with mean follow-up for 7.7 years. The association between cigarette smoking and total mortality depended on serum concentration of PCBs and OC pesticides (P value for interaction = 0.02). Among participants in the highest tertile of the serum POPs summary score, former and current smokers had 3.7 (95% CI, 1.5–9.3) and 6.4 (95% CI, 2.3–17.7) times higher mortality hazard, respectively, than never smokers. In contrast, the association between cigarette smoking and total mortality among participants in the lowest tertile of the serum POPs summary score was much weaker and statistically non-significant. The strong smoking-mortality association observed among elderly people with high POPs was mainly driven by low risk of mortality among never smokers with high POPs. As smoking is increasing in many low-income and middle-income countries and POPs contamination is a continuing problem in these areas, the interactions between these two important health-related issues should be considered in future research.  相似文献   

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