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Felsenstein J 《Genetics》1979,91(4):769-775
By extension of the argument of Kosambi (1944), a family of mapping functions can be derived, which has a parameter regulating the intensity of interference. Different values of this parameter yield the Haldane (1919) and Kosambi mapping functions as special cases. The parameter is the coincidence coefficient for nearby small intervals. The family includes mapping functions for negative interference. A simple rule for combining recombination fractions in adjacent intervals is also obtained.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to determine whether the magnitude effect is present in cases where delayed sequences of rewards are discounted. The magnitude effect refers to the inverse relationship between the amount of a reward and the steepness of temporal discounting. This study was conducted with a computer program to estimate the indifference points, which served as indicators of the present subjective value of delayed sequences of small and large rewards. In the indifference point the subjective value of a single, immediate reward was equal to the subjective value of the delayed sequence (or to the value of a single delayed reward). As a control condition, we added an experimental task involving choices between single immediate and single delayed rewards. The experiment showed that the sequences of large rewards are discounted less steeply than are the sequences of small rewards. This finding suggests that the magnitude effect is present within the delayed sequences of rewards. In addition, when outcomes are relatively large, the results suggest that a single reward is discounted less steeply than the sequence of a total nominal value equal to this single reward. However, for relatively small rewards, the difference is not statistically significant. The less steep discounting of sequences of large rewards may explain the reward-bundling effect, which refers to less steep discounting of longer sequences than of shorter ones: longer sequences usually have greater overall nominal value. The present study was conducted on hypothetical rewards, and the results should be validated using real rewards.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the rate of muscle glycogen storage could be enhanced during the initial 4-h period postexercise by substantially increasing the amount of the carbohydrate consumed. Eight subjects cycled for 2 h on three separate occasions to deplete their muscle glycogen stores. Immediately and 2 h after exercise they consumed either 0 (P), 1.5 (L), or 3.0 g glucose/kg body wt (H) from a 50% glucose polymer solution. Blood samples were drawn from an antecubital vein before exercise, during exercise, and throughout recovery. Muscle biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis immediately, 2 h, and 4 h after exercise. Blood glucose and insulin declined significantly during exercise in each of the three treatments. They remained below the preexercise concentrations during recovery in the P treatment but increased significantly above the preexercise concentrations during the L and H treatments. By the end of the 4 h-recovery period, blood glucose and insulin were still significantly above the preexercise concentrations in both treatments. Muscle glycogen storage was significantly increased above the basal rate (P, 0.5 mumol.g wet wt-1.h-1) after ingestion of either glucose polymer supplement. The rates of muscle glycogen storage, however, were not different between the L and H treatments during the first 2 h (L, 5.2 +/- 0.9 vs. H, 5.8 +/- 0.7 mumol.g wet wt-1.h-1) or the second 2 h of recovery (L, 4.0 +/- 0.9 vs. H, 4.5 +/- 0.6 mumol.g wet wt-1. h-1).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

不同入流条件下植被过滤带对坡面径流氮、磷的拦截效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植被过滤带能有效拦截坡面径流泥沙,在防治水土流失和农业面源污染等方面具有重大潜力.为探讨不同入流条件下植被过滤带对坡面径流氮、磷的拦截效果及其水动力学机理,本研究通过模拟上方来水冲刷试验,定量分析了上方来水流量、氮磷含量浓度等因素影响下植被过滤带对径流氮、磷的拦截规律及其与径流水动力学参数之间的关系.结果表明: 植被过滤带能有效拦截上方来水中氮、磷等污染物,入流流量分别为200、400、600 L·h-1时,模拟植被过滤带对总氮的拦截率分别为74.9%、62.0%、58.3%,对总磷拦截率分别为85.0%、75.6%、72.0%,在上方来水流量较低时拦截效果最优;上方来水入流氮、磷浓度变化对植被过滤带拦截效率的影响不显著.不同入流条件处理下,植被过滤带对氮、磷的拦截率随弗洛德数增大而增大,呈显著线性正相关关系;与阻力系数、水流剪切力、水流功率呈线性负相关关系;其中,氮、磷拦截率与水流剪切力的相关关系最优,可以用含水流剪切力的公式表征植被过滤带对氮、磷的拦截效率.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to study changes in pulsatile secretion of LH and FSH during the breeding season or anoestrus in ovariectomized Ile-de-France ewes fed different amounts of the phyto-oestrogen coumestrol. In Exp. 1, conducted during the breeding season, ewes (3-4 per group) were fed lucerne supplying 4, 18 or 30 mg coumestrol per ewe per day for 15 days. Experiments 2 and 3 were conducted during seasonal anoestrus. In Exp. 2, ewes (4 per group) were fed lucerne supplying coumestrol concentrations ranging from 4 to 38 mg/ewe/day for 15 days. In Exp. 3, ewes (10 per group) were fed lucerne supplying 14 or 125 mg coumestrol/ewe/day for 15 days. During the breeding season, an increased concentration of coumestrol in the diet significantly decreased the amplitude of LH pulses. There were no effects on LH pulse frequency or on FSH concentrations. During seasonal anoestrus, there were no significant effects on LH pulse frequency, or amplitude and no significant effect on FSH concentration. These results show that high concentrations of coumestrol in lucerne diets would not explain seasonal variation in LH pulse frequency in ovariectomized ewes. However, lucerne diets with increased coumestrol concentrations can influence LH release during the breeding season.  相似文献   

The steady state fluorescence anisotropy (rs) of 1-acyl-2-cis parinaroyl phosphatidylcholine (PnPC) was compared with that of diphenylhexatriene (DPH) in a variety of model- and biological membrane systems. The fluorescence anisotropy of both probes responded similarly to temperature changes and variations in the acyl chain composition in phosphatidylcholine (PC) liposomes. The presence of proteins and cholesterol increased rs for both DPH and PnPC in the biological membranes as compared to the isolated polar membrane lipids. Comparison of DPH and PnPC in dipalmitoyl-PC-liposomes with and without 50 mol% cholesterol, showed at temperatures above the phase transition of pure dipalmitoyl-PC the presence of cholesterol increased the rs-value for DPH strongly, whereas the rs-value for PnPC was much less affected. In the cholesterol-rich erythrocyte membrane as well as in microsomes from Morris hepatoma 7787, which have an increased cholesterol content as compared to normal rat liver microsomes, the rs of DPH was higher than that of PnPC. No large differences between the rs-values of both probes were evident in the normal cholesterol-poor rat liver microsomes. These effects are discussed in terms of structural differences between the probes and variation of cholesterol content. Alterations in the fatty acid composition of PC present in human erythrocyte membranes were introduced with the aid of a PC-specific transfer protein. Fluorescence anisotropy values of both probes hardly changed upon enrichment of the red cell membrane with either dipalmitoyl PC or 1-palmitoyl-2-arachidonyl PC.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

‘Human-red’ flowers are traditionally considered to be rather unpopular with bees, yet some allogamous species in the section Oncocyclus (genus Iris, Iridaceae) have evolved specialized interactions with their pollinators, a narrow taxonomic range of male solitary bees. The dark-red, tubular flowers of these irises are nectarless but provide protective shelters (i.e. a non-nutritive form of reward) primarily to male solitary bees (Apidae, Eucerini) that pollinate the flowers while looking for a shelter. An earlier study on orchids suggested that species pollinated predominantly by male solitary bees produce significantly larger amounts and larger numbers of different n-alkenes (unsaturated cuticular hydrocarbons). Whether or not this also applies to the Oncocyclus irises and whether pollinators are attracted by specific colours or scents of these flowers is unknown.


Using Iris atropurpurea, recording of pollinator preferences for shelters with different spatial parameters was combined with analyses of floral colours (by spectrophotometry) and scents (by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry) to test the hypotheses that (a) pollinators significantly prefer floral tunnels facing the rising sun (floral heat-reward hypothesis), and that (b) flowers pollinated predominantly by male solitary bees produce significantly larger amounts and larger numbers of unsaturated cuticular hydrocarbons (n-alkenes) in their floral scent (preadaptation to sexual-deception hypothesis).

Key Results

Male bees do not significantly prefer shelters facing the rising sun or with the presence of high absolute/relative amounts and numbers of n-alkenes in the floral scent.


The results suggest that the flowers of I. atropurpurea probably evolved by pollinator-mediated selection acting primarily on floral colours to mimic large achromatic (‘bee-black’) protective shelters used preferentially by male solitary bees, and that pollinator visits are presumably not the result of an odour-based sexual stimulation or motivated by an increased morning floral heat reward in tunnels facing the rising sun.  相似文献   

Benada  O. 《Folia microbiologica》1983,28(3):244-246
A simple set for dialysis of small amounts of biological macromolecules which can be easily performed in any laboratory is described.  相似文献   

Resveratrol, a plant phenolic compound, is found in grapes and red wine, but is not widely distributed in other common food sources. The pathway for resveratrol biosynthesis is well characterized. Metabolic engineering of this compound has been achieved in tomato plants ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in order to improve their nutritional value. Tomato plants synthesizing resveratrol were obtained via the heterologous expression of a grape ( Vitis vinifera L.) cDNA encoding for the enzyme stilbene synthase (StSy), under the control of the fruit-specific promoter TomLoxB. The resulting LoxS transgenic plants accumulated trans -resveratrol and trans -piceid, in particular in the skin of the mature fruits. Quantitative analyses carried out on LoxS fruits were compared with those of a tomato line constitutively expressing the stsy gene (35SS). The LoxS fruits contained levels of trans -resveratrol that were 20-fold lower than those previously reported for the 35SS line. The total antioxidant capability and ascorbate content in transformed fruits were also evaluated, and a significant increase in both was found in the LoxS and 35SS lines. These results could explain the higher capability of transgenic fruits to counteract the pro-inflammatory effects of phorbol ester in monocyte–macrophages via the inhibition of induced cyclo-oxygenase-2 enzyme.  相似文献   

We recently reported a highly sensitive assay for measuring protein in solution based on the capacity of glutaraldehyde-treated protein to bind silver. This assay has now been made more sensitive, with a lower limit of detection of 5 ng, and more reproducible by supplementing protein samples with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) to reduce protein loss to glassware. Two procedures have been developed. In one, protein samples are supplemented with both SDS and Tween 20 to yield very steep protein dose-response curves, which allow for more precise protein determinations, and very stable color formation, permitting OD measurements to be made several hours after the assay has been completed. In the second procedure, protein samples are supplemented with SDS alone which results in a less steep dose-response curve and less stable color formation but makes the assay substantially more tolerant of interfering substances. Thus, proteins in most commonly used buffers can be assayed directly with the second procedure without the need for buffer exchange. The procedure of choice, therefore, depends on the type and concentration of interfering substance. Proteins in buffers totally incompatible with either assay procedure (e.g., those containing reducing agents) can be easily buffer exchanged by centrifugation through 0.2% SDS equilibrated, drained Bio-Gel P-2 beads. The clinical utility of this improved assay is demonstrated by the accurate quantitation of protein in 0.5 μl of samples of human cerebral spinal fluid. This assay should therefore prove especially useful when a limited amount of protein is available for quantitation.  相似文献   

A radiometric method has been devised for the determination of small quantities of NADH formed in preceding dehydrogenase reactions. In a coupled enzymatic reaction, phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) catalyzes the transfer of [32P]orthophosphate from [gamma-32P]ATP to 3-phosphoglycerate; the intermediate, 1,3-[1-32P]diphosphoglycerate, is dephosphorylated by glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAP-DH). [32P]Orthophosphate is released proportionally to NADH and can be measured after adsorption of [gamma-32P]ATP to activated charcoal. With this method, 0.2 pmol of NADH are detectable in the presence of a 10(4)-fold excess of NAD over NADH.  相似文献   

Results from an analysis of 6 different design approaches for stabilization ponds (plus 5 sub-approaches) under the influence of country-specific conditions are presented. The investigation included facultative aerated ponds, facultative ponds and anaerobic ponds. Two different approaches were used to investigate sensitivity. A Monte Carlo method running several thousand automated simulations was carried out as well as an analysis focussing especially on temperature effects. The results showed high temperature dependencies as well as structural differences between the different approaches. Temperature increases by only 5 °C caused maximum decreases in calculated areas by 15% (aerated facultative ponds), by around 40% (facultative ponds) and by even 50% (anaerobic pond). On the other hand the calculated efficiencies were usually less dependent on temperature or were not part of the approach at all. Significant differences between the design approaches of a certain treatment system occurred (e.g. up to more than 80% with respect to areas). The results suggest that the applicability of design approaches may be restricted and these approaches should be analysed carefully for every specific situation. A design based on stochastic simulations is recommended especially if combined systems are to be designed.  相似文献   

The experimental model of D-hypovitaminosis is first obtained on guinea pigs. It is established that the least degree of its manifestation is determined under conditions of the optimal supply of the organism with vitamin C. The necessity of using ascorbic acid in a complex of rachitis prophylaxis measures is substantiated.  相似文献   

不同灌溉量对小麦-玉米轮作农田生态系统净碳汇的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
灌溉对农田温室效应与碳足迹贡献产生重要影响.本文采用静态暗箱-气相色谱法对关中平原小麦-玉米轮作(2014—2015年)农田温室气体(CO2、CH4和N2O)排放通量进行了监测,并用净增温潜势(NGWP)和碳足迹两个指标评估不同灌溉量对关中平原农田温室效应、作物生产碳足迹的分布和构成的影响.试验在作物关键需水期(冬小麦越冬期和拔节期、夏玉米出苗期和拔节期)设置W0(0 mm)、W120(120 mm)、W180(180 mm)、W240(240 mm)4个处理.结果表明: 与W0处理相比,W120、W180、W240处理下小麦产量分别增加了31.3%、44.3%、33.7%,玉米产量分别增加了9.9%、22.6%、33.8%; CO2的年际排放总量分别增加了22.2%、24.3%、15.1%,N2O的年际排放总量分别增加了18.6%、67.8%、91.5%,但CH4的年际吸收总量分别降低了51.7%、79.6%、97.8%;NGWP分别增加了20.1%、31.6%、31.4%.W120处理下碳足迹较W0处理降低了19.1%,但W180、W240处理与W0处理相比无显著性差异;W120、W240处理单位产量碳足迹较W0处理分别增加了44.5%、23.3%,而W180处理与W0处理无显著性差异.综合考虑不同灌溉量的经济效应和环境效应,180 mm的灌水量更有利于关中平原小麦-玉米轮作系统的节水及固碳减排.  相似文献   

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