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The conformation of single stranded polynucleotides is changed specifically upon binding of the helix destabilizing protein of bacteriophage T4 (GP32). On the basis of circular dichroism (CD) and absorption experiments it is shown that denaturing conditions and the binding of oligopeptides can not induce the altered conformation. On the contrary, according to the current CD and absorption theory, the optical properties of the complex can be explained by a specific, regular conformation, characterized by an appreciable tilt of the bases (less than or equal to -10 degrees) and either a small rotation per base or a small helix diameter. This conformation agrees nicely with the increase of the base-base distance in the complex as determined in solution by electric field induced birefringence measurements. Our calculations show that also the model proposed by Alma (Ph.D. Thesis Catholic University Nijmegen, The Netherlands (1982)) for the complex of the helix destabilizing protein of bacteriophage fd, in which the helix diameter is large and the bases are almost parallel to the helix axis, would agree with the CD- and absorption spectra of the GP32-complex. For the latter protein this model would have to be modified with regard to the axial increment of the bases which is much larger in the GP32-complexes.  相似文献   

A helix destabilizing protein, the product of gene 32 (gp32) of bacteriophage T4, was subjected to limited proteolysis to produce three types of products with differing affinities for DNA. Previous work has suggested that the 18 amino acids at the N-terminus are required for tight binding to single-stranded DNA (Hosoda &; Moise, 1978). This paper reports the sequence of the N-terminal region and predicts the amino acid residues responsible for DNA binding.  相似文献   

The CD and absorption (OD) spectra of single-stranded nucleic acids in complex with the helix-destabilizing protein of either bacteriophage T4 (GP32) or bacteriophage fd (GP5) show similar and unusual features for all polynucleotides investigated. The change in the CD spectra between 310 and 240 nm is in all cases characterized by a considerable decrease in the positive band, while the negative band (if present) remains relatively intense. These changes are different from those due to temperature or solvent denaturation and, moreover, cannot be induced by the binding of simple oligopeptides. Absorption measurements show that all polynucleotides remain hypochromic in the complex. Both CD and OD spectra point to a specific and probably similar conformation in complex for all polynucleotides with substantial interactions between the bases. The spectral properties are almost temperature independent (0–40°C). Therefore, we conclude that the conformation must be regular and rigid. To investigate the relation between these optical properties and the specific polynucleotide structure, CD and OD spectra were calculated for an adenine hexamer over a wide range of the conformational parameters. It appears that the calculated CD intensity is not very sensitive to an increase in the axial increment and that many different conformations can give rise to more or less similar CD spectra. However, simulation of the very nonconservative experimental CD spectrum of the poly(rA)-GP32 complex requires that the conformation satisfies two criteria: (1) a considerable tilt of the bases (? – 10°) in combination with (2) a small rotation per base (?20°) and/or a position of the bases close to the helix axis (dx ? 0 Å). Such conformations can also explain the observed hyperchromism upon binding of GP32 to poly(rA)/(dA). Very similar structural characteristics also account for the optical properties of the complexes with GP5. These are discussed as an alternative to the structure suggested by Alma-Zeestraten for poly(dA) in the complex [N. C. M. Alma-Zeestraten (1982) Doctoral thesis Catholic University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands]. The secondary structure proposed in this work can be reconciled with the overall dimensions of the complex, assuming that the polynucleotide helix is further organized in a superhelix.  相似文献   

In this study it is established by calculation which regular conformations single-stranded DNA and RNA can adopt in the complex with the single-stranded DNA binding protein GP32 of bacteriophage T4. In order to do so, information from previous experiments about base orientations and the length and diameter of the complexes is used together with knowledge about bond lengths and valence angles between chemical bonds. It turns out that there is only a limited set of similar conformations which are in agreement with experimental data. The arrangement of neighboring bases is such that there is ample space for aromatic residues of the protein to partly intercalate between the bases, which is in agreement with a previously proposed model for the binding domain of the protein [Prigodich, R. V., Shamoo, Y., Williams, K. R., Chase, J. W., Konigsberg, W. H., & Coleman, J. E. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 3666-3671]. Both C2'endo and C3'endo sugar conformations lead to calculated DNA conformations that are consistent with experimental data. The orientation of the O2' atoms of the sugars in RNA can explain why the binding affinity of GP32 for polyribonucleotides is lower than for polydeoxyribonucleotides.  相似文献   

We have investigated the association kinetics of the co-operatively binding T4-coded gene 32 (helix destabilizing) protein with a variety of single-stranded homopolynucleotides (both RNA and DNA). Stopped-flow mixing experiments were performed by monitoring the partial quenching of the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of the protein upon binding to the nucleic acid under conditions where the nucleic acid concentration is in great excess over the protein concentration. Investigations of the association rate (and rate constants) as a function of solution variables has demonstrated quite different behavior at the extremes of “low” and “high” salt concentration. Under low salt (high binding constant) conditions the non-co-operative association is rate-limiting and we measure a bimolecular rate constant of 3 × 106 to 4 × 106 m?1 (nucleotide)s?1 (0·1 m-NaCl, 25·0 °C). However, at higher salt concentrations (lower binding constant) a pre-equilibrium involving non-co-operatively bound protein is established, followed by the rate-limiting formation of co-operatively bound protein clusters.Based on these observations we have proposed a mechanism for the formation of co-operatively bound T4 gene 32 protein clusters, under conditions of low binding density, which consists of three steps: (1) pre-equilibrium formation of non-co-operatively bound protein (nucleation); followed by (2) association of free protein to the singly contiguous sites established in the nucleation step, hence forming the first co-operative interactions (growth step); and (3) a redistribution of the growing protein clusters to form the final equilibrium distribution. From comparisons of our experimental values of the forward rate constant for the second step (growth of clusters) with theoretical estimates based on the work of Berg &; Blomberg (1976,1978) we infer that the T4 gene 32 protein is able to translocate along singlestranded polynucleotides. The implications of these results for the in vivo action of the T4 gene 32 protein are discussed.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 gp59 helicase assembly protein (gp59) is required for loading of gp41 replicative helicase onto DNA protected by gp32 single-stranded DNA-binding protein. The gp59 protein recognizes branched DNA structures found at replication and recombination sites. Binding of gp32 protein (full-length and deletion constructs) to gp59 protein measured by isothermal titration calorimetry demonstrates that the gp32 protein C-terminal A-domain is essential for protein-protein interaction in the absence of DNA. Sedimentation velocity experiments with gp59 protein and gp32ΔB protein (an N-terminal B-domain deletion) show that these proteins are monomers but form a 1:1 complex with a dissociation constant comparable with that determined by isothermal titration calorimetry. Small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) studies indicate that the gp59 protein is a prolate monomer, consistent with the crystal structure and hydrodynamic properties determined from sedimentation velocity experiments. SAXS experiments also demonstrate that gp32ΔB protein is a prolate monomer with an elongated A-domain protruding from the core. Fitting structures of gp59 protein and the gp32 core into the SAXS-derived molecular envelope supports a model for the gp59 protein-gp32ΔB protein complex. Our earlier work demonstrated that gp59 protein attracts full-length gp32 protein to pseudo-Y junctions. A model of the gp59 protein-DNA complex, modified to accommodate new SAXS data for the binary complex together with mutational analysis of gp59 protein, is presented in the accompanying article (Dolezal, D., Jones, C. E., Lai, X., Brister, J. R., Mueser, T. C., Nossal, N. G., and Hinton, D. M. (2012) J. Biol. Chem. 287, 18596-18607).  相似文献   

Low dose electron diffraction and imaging techniques have been applied to the study of the crystalline structure of gp32*I, a DNA helix destabilizing protein derived from bacteriophage T4 gene 32 protein. A quantitative analysis of intensities from electron diffraction patterns from tilted, multilayered gp32*I crystal has provided the unit cell thickness of the crystal. The three-dimensional phases indicate that the space group P2(1)2(1)2. By taking into account the unit cell volume and the solvent content in the crystal, it was deduced that there is one gp32*I molecule in each asymmetric unit. A projected density map of unstained, glucose-embedded gp32*I crystal was synthesized with amplitudes from electron diffraction intensities and phases from electron images with reflections out to 7.6 A. Because of the similarity in the scattering density between glucose and protein, this projected map cannot be interpreted with certainty. A low resolution three-dimensional reconstruction shows that the protein molecule is about 90 A long and about 20 A in diameter. Because the dimer is formed around a dyad axis, the protein molecules comprising it must be arranged head-to-head. This dimeric arrangement of the proteins in the unit cell may be implicated as one of the conformational states of this protein in solution.  相似文献   

Three recombination proteins of bacteriophage T4, uvsX, uvsY, and gene 32 proteins, were examined for the formation of a complex with short single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) molecules containing either 24 or 69 nucleotides. Gel-shift assays revealed that either the uvsX or uvsY protein, when present alone, formed a stable complex only with the 69-mer, while the gene 32 protein bound stably to both ssDNAs. However, a characteristic stable complex formed on the 24-mer when both the uvsX and uvsY proteins were present, and the uvsY protein bound to this DNA in the presence of the gene 32 protein. Isolation of the complexes by centrifugation through a glycerol gradient revealed their protein constituents and showed that the uvsX protein-uvsY protein-24-mer ssDNA complex formed even in the presence of excess gene 32 protein. The possible biological significance of these protein-DNA complexes is discussed.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 gene 59 protein greatly stimulates the loading of the T4 gene 41 helicase in vitro and is required for recombination and recombination-dependent DNA replication in vivo. 59 protein binds preferentially to forked DNA and interacts directly with the T4 41 helicase and gene 32 single-stranded DNA-binding protein. The helicase loader is an almost completely alpha-helical, two-domain protein, whose N-terminal domain has strong structural similarity to the DNA-binding domains of high mobility group proteins. We have previously speculated that this high mobility group-like region may bind the duplex ahead of the fork, with the C-terminal domain providing separate binding sites for the fork arms and at least part of the docking area for the helicase and 32 protein. Here, we characterize several mutants of 59 protein in an initial effort to test this model. We find that the I87A mutation, at the position where the fork arms would separate in the model, is defective in binding fork DNA. As a consequence, it is defective in stimulating both unwinding by the helicase and replication by the T4 system. 59 protein with a deletion of the two C-terminal residues, Lys(216) and Tyr(217), binds fork DNA normally. In contrast to the wild type, the deletion protein fails to promote binding of 32 protein on short fork DNA. However, it binds 32 protein in the absence of DNA. The deletion is also somewhat defective in stimulating unwinding of fork DNA by the helicase and replication by the T4 system. We suggest that the absence of the two terminal residues may alter the configuration of the lagging strand fork arm on the surface of the C-terminal domain, so that it is a poorer docking site for the helicase and 32 protein.  相似文献   

In this paper we summarize a series of thermodynamic, and preliminary kinetic, studies on the molecular details and specificity of interaction of phage T4-coded gene 32-protein (GP32) with nucleic acid lattices. It is shown that the binding of GP32 to short (l = 2--8 residues) oligonucleotides is essentially independent of base composition and sugar-type, as well as of salt concentration. In contrast, cooperative (continuous) or isolated binding of GP32 to single-stranded polynucleotides is base and sugar composition-dependent (binding is tighter to DNA than to RNA) and highly dependent on salt concentrations. Binding constants (K), cooperativity parameters (w), and binding site sizes (n) are determined for binding to various nucleic acid lattices under a variety of environmental conditions. These results are used to show that GP32 can bind to nucleic acid lattices in two different conformations, and to characterize the molecular details of these binding species. Further insight into the molecular origins of binding cooperativity is obtained by determining these thermodynamic parameters also for the specifically proteolytically degraded GP32 fragments GP32 I (C-terminal peptide removed) and GP32 III (C- and N-terminal peptides removed). It is also shown that these GP32-nucleic acid binding measurements can be used to provide a quantitative molecular interpretation of the sequential (competitive) binding equilibria involved in the autogenous translational regulation of GP32 synthesis (Lemaire et al., 1978, J. Mol. Biol. 126:73, 1978), and to illustrate some general principles of the development of interactional specificity in cooperatively binding protein-nucleic acid complexes. Preliminary experiments have also been carried out on the kinetics of GP32 association to, and dissociation from, single-stranded nucleic acid lattices. In particular, fluorescence stopped-flow measurements of the dissociation of GP32 from such lattices as a function of lattice saturation (and protein cluster size) can be interpreted to suggest that the protein may translocate ("slide") on the lattice before dissociation, These studies permit an approach to possible rates and mechanisms of such translocation events.  相似文献   

The gene 4 protein of bacteriophage T7 is a multifunctional enzyme that catalyzes (i) the hydrolysis of nucleoside 5'-triphosphates, (ii) the synthesis of tetraribonucleotide primers at specific recognition sequences on a DNA template, and (iii) the unwinding of duplex DNA. All three activities depend on binding of gene 4 protein to single-stranded DNA followed by unidirectional 5' to 3' translocation of the protein (Tabor, S., and Richardson, C. C. (1981) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78, 205-209). Binding of gene 4 protein to single-stranded DNA, assayed by retention of DNA-protein complexes on nitrocellulose filters, is random with regard to DNA sequence. Although gene 4 protein does not bind to duplex DNAs, the presence of a 240-nucleotide-long single-stranded tail on a 7200-base pair duplex DNA molecule is sufficient for gene 4 protein to cause retention of the DNA on a filter. The binding reaction requires, in addition to MgCl2, the presence of a nucleoside 5'-triphosphate, but binding is not dependent on hydrolysis; nucleoside 5'-diphosphate will substitute for nucleoside 5'-triphosphate. Of the eight common nucleoside triphosphates, dTTP promotes optimal binding. The half-life of the gene 4 protein-DNA complex depends on both the secondary structure of the DNA and on whether or not the nucleoside 5'-triphosphate cofactor can be hydrolyzed. Using the nonhydrolyzable nucleoside 5'-triphosphate analog, beta,gamma-methylene dTTP, the half-life of the gene 4 protein-DNA complex is greater than 80 min. In the presence of the hydrolyzable nucleoside 5'-triphosphate, dTTP, the half-life of the gene 4 protein-DNA complex using circular M13 DNA is at least 4 times longer than that observed using linear M13 DNA.  相似文献   

Summary The product of gene 32 of bacteriophage T4 is a single-stranded DNA binding protein involved in T4 DNA replication, recombination and repair. Functionally differentiated regions of the gene 32 protein have been described by protein chemistry. As a preliminary step in a genetic dissection of these functional domains, we have isolated a large number of missense mutants of gene 32. Mutant isolation was facilitated by directed mutagenesis and a mutant bacterial host which is unusually restrictive for missense mutations in gene 32. We have isolated over 100 mutants and identified 22 mutational sites. A physical map of these sites has been constructed and has shown that mutations are clustered within gene 32. The possible functional significance of this clustering is considered.  相似文献   

The annealing of complementary strands of DNA is a vital step during the process of DNA replication, recombination, and repair. In bacteriophage T7-infected cells, the product of viral gene 2.5, a single-stranded DNA-binding protein, performs this function. We have identified a single amino acid residue in gene 2.5 protein, arginine 82, that is critical for its DNA annealing activity. Expression of gene 2.5 harboring this mutation does not complement the growth of a T7 bacteriophage lacking gene 2.5. Purified gene 2.5 protein-R82C binds single-stranded DNA with a greater affinity than the wild-type protein but does not mediate annealing of complementary strands of DNA. A carboxyl-terminal-deleted protein, gene 2.5 protein-Delta26C, binds even more tightly to single-stranded DNA than does gene 2.5 protein-R82C, but it anneals homologous strands of DNA as well as does the wild-type protein. The altered protein forms dimers and interacts with T7 DNA polymerase comparable with the wild-type protein. Gene 2.5 protein-R82C condenses single-stranded M13 DNA in a manner similar to wild-type protein when viewed by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Low dose cryoelectron microscopy has been used to record images and electron diffraction patterns of frozen hydrated crystals of the single-stranded DNA binding protein gp32*I. Fourier transforms from 13 image areas, corresponding to approximately 40,000 unit cells, were aligned by a minimal phase residual search and merged by vector addition in reciprocal space. Phases from the resulting composite transform were combined with amplitudes from electron diffraction patterns to reconstruct the projected mass density of the gp32*I crystal at 8.4 A resolution.  相似文献   

A tryptic core (residues 22 to 253) of the single-stranded DNA binding protein, or gene 32 protein, of bacteriophage T4 has been crystallized in four different crystal forms. One of these forms appears suitable for high-resolution X-ray crystallographic studies. It is triclinic, space group PI, with a = 67.7 A?, b = 67.8 A?, c = 66.0 A?, α = 101.6 °, β = 107.0 °, γ = 105.2 °. There appear to be three protein protomers in a near-rhombohedral packing in the unit cell.  相似文献   

C Otto  F F de Mul  J Greve 《Biopolymers》1987,26(10):1667-1689
Raman spectra of the bacteriophage T4 denaturing protein gp32, its complex with the polynucleotides poly(rA), poly(dA), poly(dT), poly(rU), and poly(rC), and with the oligonucleotides (dA)8 and (dA)2, were recorded and interpreted. According to an analysis of the gp32 spectra with the reference intensity profiles of Alix and co-workers [M. Berjot, L. Marx, and A. J. P. Alix (1985) J. Ramanspectrosc., submitted; A. J. P. Alix, M. Berjot, and J. Marx (1985) in Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, A. J. P. Alix, L. Bernard, and M. Manfait, Eds., pp. 149–154], 1 gp32 contains ≈ 45% helix, ≈ 40% β-sheet, and 15% undefined structure. Aggregation of gp32 at concentrations higher than 40 mg/mL leads to a coordination of the phenolic OH groups of 4–6 tyrosines and of all the sulfhydryl (SH) groups present in the protein with the COO? groups of protein. The latter coordination persists even at concentrations as low as 1 mg/mL. In polynucleotide–protein complexes the nucleotide shields the 4–6 tyrosine residues from coordination by the COO? groups even at high protein concentration. The presence of the nucleotide causes no shielding of the SH groups. With Raman difference spectroscopy it is shown that binding of the protein to a single-stranded nucleotide involves both tyrosine and trytophan residues. A change in the secondary structure of the protein upon binding is observed. In the complex, gp32 contains more β-sheet structure than when uncomplexed. A comparison of the spectra of complexed poly(rA) and poly(dA) with the spectra of their solution conformations at 15°C reveals that in both polynucleotides the phosphodiester vibration changes upon complex formation in the same way as upon a transition from a regular to a more disordered conformation. Distortion of the phosphate–sugar–base conformation occurs upon complex formation, so that the spectra of poly(rA) and poly(dA) are more alike in the complex than they are in the free polynucleotides. The decrease in intensity of the Raman bands at 1304 cm?1 in poly(rA), at 1230 cm?1 in poly(rU), and at 1240 and 1378 cm?1 of poly(dT) may be indicative of increased stacking interactions in the complex. No influence of the nucleotide chain length upon the Raman spectrum of gp322 in the complex was detected. Both the nucleotide lines and the protein lines in the spectrum of a complex are identical in poly(dA) and (dA)8.  相似文献   

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