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Holocene Czech Emys orbicularis are rare in museum collections because the species disappeared from this region centuries ago. Fifteen reconstructed shells of subfossil Czech specimens of E. orbicularis (ranging in age from 3800–3500 BC to 1300 AD) from archaeological sites were used to assess basic morphological data. Our results provide evidence that the extinct Czech turtles fall into the size range of extant Central European E. orbicularis populations from the Hungarian Lowland. Maximum male and female straight-line carapacial lengths of the Czech specimens reached at least 160 and 175 mm, respectively.  相似文献   

European Journal of Wildlife Research - Die Seren von Reh, Rothirsch und Gams zeigen bei der Kurzzeitelektrophorese auf CAF artspezifisch typische Elektrophorese-Kurven. Die bei den Kollektiven...  相似文献   

In Slovenia not much is known about the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) and its habitat use. The purpose of this work was to determine age structure of the Draga pri Igu ponds population using the capture-mark-recapture method. For this purpose, we caught and marked 34 individuals and scored their age, gender and 12 morphometric characters. Turtles in the Draga pri Igu ponds became active in the period of late February to early March. Hibernation started around the second half of October to the beginning of November. Mating took place directly after hibernation. In April, individuals migrated from the hibernation (pond named “Veliki pond”) to the mating ground (“part of Srednji pond”). The preferred egg laying place of the turtles is on the east side of “Veliki pond”, where also plundered nests were recorded. Using radio telemetry, the hibernation site was located on the east side of the pond “Veliki pond”. The mean SCL of 4 females was 183 ± 13.08; of 26 males, 137.89 ± 9.89; and 76.88 ± 1.25 of 2 subadult turtles, respectively. Almost half of all individuals were old adults.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In Japan, the alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica , was first recorded in 1982 from Fukuoka and Okinawa Prefectures and has been spreading to many other prefectures. The weevil seriously infests the Chinese milk vetch, Astragalus sinicus , one of the most important honey resources for honeybees in Japan. Direct sequencing of partial mitochondrial DNA and PCR-RFLP data for alfalfa weevil individuals indicated the coexistence of two haplotypes at various localities in Japan. Molecular phylogenetic analysis for H. postica haplotypes and strains indicated that the two Japanese haplotypes had not derived from a single genetic origin. Based on the results, special comments are made on biological control measures using introduced parasitic waSPS.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the phenotypic plasticity of introduced pikeperch populations in Tunisia, the intra‐ and interpopulation differentiation was analysed using a biometric approach. Thus, nine meristic counts and 23 morphological measurements were taken from 574 specimens collected from three dams and a hill lake. The univariate (anova ) and multivariate analyses (PCA and DFA) showed a low meristic variability between the pikeperch samples and a segregated pikeperch group from the Sidi Salem dam which displayed a high distance between mouth and pectoral fin and a high antedorsal distance. In addition, the Korba hill lake population seemed to have more important values of total length, eye diameter, maximum body height and a higher distance between mouth and operculum than the other populations. However, the most accentuated segregation was found in the Lebna sample where the individuals were characterized by high snout length, body thickness, pectoral fin length, maximum body height and distance between mouth and operculum. This study shows the existence of morphological differentiations between populations derived from a single gene pool that have been isolated in separated sites for several decades although in relatively similar environments.  相似文献   

Huchen Hucho hucho from the Drina River (Serbia) revealed recently the decrease in breakpoint values for both standard length (Sl) and weight (w) in relation to the values recorded in 1999 from 110 cm to 98.4 cm and from 16.5 kg to 10.5 kg, respectively. That might indicate to the change in certain population parameters that could have an influence to the growth in the adult period of life.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to delineateevolutionarily significant units (ESUs) andmanagement units (MUs) for the Europeanbullhead in Flanders (Belgium). Therefore, wedetermined the genetic interrelationshipsbetween 11 bullhead populations, using lengthvariation at 7 polymorphic microsatellite lociand sequence variation in the d-loop of themitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Despite therelatively small geographical scale of ourstudy, the analysis of the d-loop sequencesshows that the Flemish bullhead populationscontain 3 haplotype groups, which can beassigned to 3 previously described EuropeanmtDNA clades. Because of the importantdifferences between these clades, they may bedefined as evolutionarily significant units,which should be managed separately. Analysis ofmicrosatellite data reveals very high degreesof isolation between populations, with theexception of 3 pairwise comparisons whichinvolved adjacent populations. Our data suggestthat the 3 haplotype groups probably qualify asESUs, as they show phylogeographicdifferentiation for mtDNA variants as well assignificant divergence of allele frequencies atnuclear loci. However, one of these units,limited to a single population, may be ofCentral European origin. All populations of theScheldt basin meet the criteria for MUrecognition, since significantly differentmicrosatellite allele frequencies as well asprivate alleles are found. In contrast, geneticdifferentiation among the 3 populations of theMeuse basin is very low.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were studied in 24 populations of Prunus spinosa sampled across Europe. The cpDNA and mtDNA fragments were amplified using universal primers and subsequently digested with restriction enzymes to obtain the polymorphisms. Combinations of all the polymorphisms resulted in 33 cpDNA haplotypes and two mtDNA haplotypes. Strict association between the cpDNA haplotypes and the mtDNA haplotypes was detected in most cases, indicating conjoint inheritance of the two genomes. The most frequent and abundant cpDNA haplotype (C20; frequency, 51 %) is always associated with the more frequent and abundant mtDNA haplotype (M1; frequency, 84 %). All but two of the cpDNA haplotypes associated with the less frequent mtDNA haplotype (M2) are private haplotypes. These private haplotypes are phylogenetically related but geographically unrelated. They form a separate cluster on the minimum-length spanning tree.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of stocked pike (Esox lucius L.) on crucian carp (Carassius carassius L.) biomasses, the annual consumption of pike was estimated and compared with removal fishery catches. The studied lake, Lake Savijärvi, is a small (40 ha), shallow and eutrophicated lake in southern Finland with frequent algal blooms during summers and fish kills during winters. Until the 1980s, the fish fauna consisted of pike, perch (Perca fluviatilis L.), roach [Rutilus rutilus (L.)], crucian carp, and tench (Tinca tinca L.). Since 2003, when crucian carp were abundant in the extreme and with only a few roach and tench individuals, the lake has been biomanipulated by removal seining. To enhance the effects of seining, piscivorous pike were restocked in the spring of 2008. During the 3‐year study, the catch of crucian carp decreased from 243 to 136 kg while the catch of pike increased from 0.1 to 5.7 kg per seining hectare due to their spawning in the lake as of 2009. The total crucian carp consumption by captured pike was 588 kg during the 2008–2010 study period. When applying the number of pike estimated with the mark‐recapture method, consumption estimate increased to 917 kg, or 22.9 kg per lake hectare in 2010. Thus, pike consumption of crucian carp was about 17% of the removal catch in 2010.  相似文献   

Underwater observations of the three common fish species Alburnus alburnus (L., 1758), Rutilus rutilus (L., 1758) and Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L., 1758) in a small part of the Danube flood area near Vienna have been made from June to October 1985 and 1986. Particular emphasis has been laid on the partitioning of feeding resources and habitat. It has been established that these species prefer different water zones. Alburnus a. and Scardinius e. are “obligate” schoolers (BREDER, 1967) whereas Rutilus r. is a facultative schooler. While feeding Rutilus r. and Scardinius e. form “aggregations” (BREDER, 1959) and both adopt equivalent feeding techniques. Furthermore Alburnus a. is a quick moving species living near the surface and chasing mostly in schools. While inter- and intraspecific aggression is rarely observed for Rutilus r. and Scardinius e., Alburnus a. often show interspecific actions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the variability of the genital characters ofHelix pomatia and H. lucorum. Some of these characters are commonlyused to distinguish the two closely related species. Variationswithin and between populations are also investigated. The highvariability of these characters can frequently lead to identificationerrors, especially in eastern Europe. Correct identificationof these edible snails is also of commercial importance, differentspecies having a different price. The reciprocal nature of themale parts of the genitalia and the bursa stalk and diverticulumcomplex is pointed out. A possible function of the diverticulumis suggested on the basis of size relations between genitalsystem features. (Received 12 August 1999; accepted 11 April 2000)  相似文献   

The European fallow deer ( Dama dama dama ) is one of the most widespread cervids, and its distribution has been heavily affected by man. At present, only one wild autochthonous population is reputed to survive in Anatolia, but its census size is dramatically decreasing. This means that a significant portion of the ancestral genetic diversity of this taxon is seriously threatened. In the present study, a portion of the mitochondrial DNA (D-loop) in 37 D. d. dama specimens from three Mediterranean sites, Turkey, the island of Rhodes (Greece), and the Italian Peninsula, and seven individuals of the Persian fallow deer, Dama dama mesopotamica , was sequenced, and the results from the data analysis are interpreted in light of current archaeozoological and biogeographical knowledge. We conclude that: (1) D. d. mesopotamica is strongly differentiated from D. d. dama , confirming the results of previous genetic studies and (2) the Rhodian populations of D. d. dama , founded by humans in Neolithic times, possess a set of mitochondrial lineages, found in no other study populations. The persistence of these haplotypes is particularly significant because human-mediated processes (e.g. domestication) usually result in genetic depletion and erosion of an ancestral genetic pool. In the case of the Rhodes' population of fallow deer, we hypothesize that, during the foundation of this population, humans unknowingly preserved a remarkable portion of the original genetic diversity of the source population(s).  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 835–844.  相似文献   

禾本科燕麦属植物的地理分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨燕麦属(Avena L.)植物的地理分布,通过野外调查及查阅标本和文献资料,对燕麦属植物的地理分布进行整理和研究。结果表明,燕麦属植物约有29种,主要分布在欧洲、地中海地区、北非、西亚、东亚和美洲。中国有4种,分布于华北、西北、西南各省(区)的高海拔地区。燕麦属下分7个组,分别是多年生燕麦组[sect.Avenotrichon(Holub)Baum]、偏凸燕麦组(sect.Ventricosa Baum)、耕地燕麦组(sect.Agraria Baum)、软果燕麦组(sect.Tenuicarpa Baum)、埃塞俄比亚燕麦组(sect.Ethiopica Baum)、厚果燕麦组(sect.Pachycarpa Baum)和真燕麦组(sect.Avena)。其中,埃塞俄比亚燕麦组分布在埃塞俄比亚、沙特阿拉伯、也门,其他6个组分布在欧洲、地中海、西北非洲、西亚、东亚和美洲地区。地中海、西北非洲、西亚地区分布有除埃塞俄比亚燕麦组之外的所有6个组,因此推断该地区可能是燕麦属的现代分布中心和多样性中心,而燕麦属的起源地尚需确证。  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to examine the gross visceral anatomy of ocean sunfish and angler using non-invasive imaging techniques: computed tomography imaging (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Similarities and differences in the internal organisation of these two species are verified. Both species lack a swimbladder and present a significant asymmetry in the hepatic lobes, an elongated bile duct terminating close to the stomach, a compact thyroid embedded in a blood lacuna, and very reduced brain and spinal cord. These observations are important in regard to the close relationships between Tetraodontiformes and Lophiiformes, established by several molecular works, but not yet confirmed by morpho-anatomical data. However the occurrence of these features has to be examined in other taxa before phylogenetic hypotheses are proposed.  相似文献   

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