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Active genes are insulated from developmentally regulated chromatin condensation in terminally differentiated cells. We mapped the topography of a terminal stage-specific chromatin-condensing protein, MENT, across the active chicken beta-globin domain. We observed two sharp transitions of MENT concentration coinciding with the beta-globin boundary elements. The MENT distribution profile was opposite to that of acetylated core histones but correlated with that of histone H3 dimethylated at lysine 9 (H3me2K9). Ectopic MENT expression in NIH 3T3 cells caused a large-scale and specific remodeling of chromatin marked by H3me2K9. MENT colocalized with H3me2K9 both in chicken erythrocytes and NIH 3T3 cells. Mutational analysis of MENT and experiments with deacetylase inhibitors revealed the essential role of the reaction center loop domain and an inhibitory affect of histone hyperacetylation on the MENT-induced chromatin remodeling in vivo. In vitro, the elimination of the histone H3 N-terminal peptide containing lysine 9 by trypsin blocked chromatin self-association by MENT, while reconstitution with dimethylated but not acetylated N-terminal domain of histone H3 specifically restored chromatin self-association by MENT. We suggest that histone H3 modification at lysine 9 directly regulates chromatin condensation by recruiting MENT to chromatin in a fashion that is spatially constrained from active genes by gene boundary elements and histone hyperacetylation.  相似文献   

Two serine-rich heptapeptides, Ser-Ser-Ser-Lys-Ser-Ser-Ser (S6K) and Ser-Ser-Ser-Ser-Ser-Ser-Ser (S7), were fused to the C-terminus of chicken lysozyme (Lz) by genetic modification to improve the functional properties of lysozyme. The cDNAs of S6K-lysozyme (S6K-Lz) and S7-lysozyme (S7-Lz) were inserted into the expression vector of Pichia pastoris and secreted in yeast cultivation medium. The secretion amounts of S6K-Lz and S7-Lz were about 60% of that of wild-type lysozyme (Wt-Lz). The CD spectra showed that the conformation of S6K-Lz and S7-Lz was conserved regardless of the attachment of serine-rich peptides. The denaturation curves of S6K-Lz and S7-Lz also showed that the conformational changes were very small. The lytic activity of S6K-Lz and S7-Lz was almost the same as that of Wt-Lz, while the bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli of S6K-Lz and S7-Lz was greatly increased. The acetic acid-urea PAGE of phosphatase-treated S6K-Lz and S7-Lz indicated the possibility of phosphorylation of the fused serine-rich heptapeptides.  相似文献   

The vacuolar system of eukaryotic cells contains a large number of organelles that are primary energized by an H+-ATPase that was named V-ATPase. The structure and function of V-ATPases from various sources was extensively studied in the last few years. Several genes encoding subunits of the enzyme were cloned and sequenced. The sequence information revealed the relations between V-ATPases and F-ATPases that evolved from common ancestral genes. The two families of proton pumps share structural and functional similarity. They contain distinct peripheral catalytic sectors and hydrophobic membrane sectors. Genes encoding subunits of V-ATPase in yeast cells were interrupted to yield mutants that are devoid of the enzyme and are sensitive to pH and calcium concentrations in the medium. The mutants were used to study structure, function, molecular biology, and biogenesis of the V-ATPase. They also shed light on the functional assembly of the enzyme in the vacuolar system.  相似文献   

Imprinting of the mouse insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) and H19 genes is regulated by an imprinting control region (ICR). The hypomethylated maternal copy functions as a chromatin insulator through the binding of CTCF and prevents Igf2 activation in cis, while hypermethylation of the paternal copy inactivates insulator function and leads to inactivation of H19 in cis. The specificity of the ICR sequence for mediating imprinting and chromatin insulation was investigated by substituting it for two copies of the chicken beta-globin insulator element, (Ch beta GI)(2), in mice. This introduced sequence resembles the ICR in size, and in containing CTCF-binding sites and CpGs, but otherwise lacks homology. On maternal inheritance, the (Ch beta GI)(2) was hypomethylated and displayed full chromatin insulator activity. Monoallelic expression of Igf2 and H19 was retained and mice were of normal size. These results suggest that the ICR sequence, aside from CTCF-binding sites, is not uniquely specialized for chromatin insulation at the Igf2/H19 region. On paternal inheritance, the (Ch beta GI)(2) was also hypomethylated and displayed strong insulator activity--fetuses possessed very low levels of Igf2 RNA and were greatly reduced in size, being as small as Igf2-null mutants. Furthermore, the paternal H19 allele was active. These results suggest that differential ICR methylation in the female and male germ lines is not acquired through differential binding of CTCF. Rather, it is likely to be acquired through a separate or downstream process.  相似文献   

The distribution of core histone acetylation across the chicken beta-globin locus has been mapped in 15 day chicken embryo erythrocytes by immunoprecipitation of mononucleosomes with an antibody recognizing acetylated histones, followed by hybridization probing at several points in the locus. A continuum of acetylation was observed, covering both genes and intergenic regions. Using the same probes, the generalized sensitivity to DNase I was mapped by monitoring the disappearance of intact genomic restriction fragments from Southern transfers. Close correspondence between the 33 kb of sensitive chromatin and the extent of acetylation indicates that one role of the modification could be the generation and/or maintenance of the open conformation. The precision of acetylation mapping makes it a possible approach to the definition of chromosomal domain boundaries.  相似文献   

SWIRM is a conserved domain found in several chromatin-associated proteins. Based on their sequences, the SWIRM family members can be classified into three subfamilies, which are represented by Swi3, LSD1, and Ada2. Here we report the SWIRM structure of human MYb-like, Swirm and Mpn domain-containing protein-1 (MYSM1). The MYSM1 SWIRM structure forms a compact HTH-related fold comprising five alpha-helices, which best resembles the Swi3 SWIRM structure, among the known SWIRM structures. The MYSM1 and Swi3 SWIRM structures are more similar to the LSD1 structure than the Ada2alpha structure. The SWIRM domains of MYSM1 and LSD1 lacked DNA binding activity, while those of Ada2alpha and the human Swi3 counterpart, SMARCC2, bound DNA. The dissimilarity in the DNA-binding ability of the MYSM1 and SMARCC2 SWIRM domains might be due to a couple of amino acid differences in the last helix. These results indicate that the SWIRM family has indeed diverged into three structural subfamilies (Swi3/MYSM1, LSD1, and Ada2 types), and that the Swi3/MYSM1-type subfamily has further diverged into two functionally distinct groups. We also solved the structure of the SANT domain of MYSM1, and demonstrated that it bound DNA with a similar mode to that of the c-Myb DNA-binding domain.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli DNA mismatch repair (MMR) protein MutS is essential for the correction of DNA replication errors. In vitro, MutS exists in a dimer/tetramer equilibrium that is converted into a monomer/dimer equilibrium upon deletion of the C-terminal 53 amino acids. In vivo and in vitro data have shown that this C-terminal domain (CTD, residues 801–853) is critical for tetramerization and the function of MutS in MMR and anti-recombination. We report the expression, purification and analysis of the E.coli MutS-CTD. Secondary structure prediction and circular dichroism suggest that the CTD is folded, with an α-helical content of 30%. Based on sedimentation equilibrium and velocity analyses, MutS-CTD forms a tetramer of asymmetric shape. A single point mutation (D835R) abolishes tetramerization but not dimerization of both MutS-CTD and full-length MutS. Interestingly, the in vivo and in vitro MMR activity of MutSCF/D835R is diminished to a similar extent as a truncated MutS variant (MutS800, residues 1–800), which lacks the CTD. Moreover, the dimer-forming MutSCF/D835R has comparable DNA binding affinity with the tetramer-forming MutS, but is impaired in mismatch-dependent activation of MutH. Our data support the hypothesis that tetramerization of MutS is important but not essential for MutS function in MMR.  相似文献   

Mammalian chitinase, a chitinolytic enzyme expressed by macrophages, has been detected in atherosclerotic plaques and is elevated in blood and tissues of guinea pigs infected with Aspergillus. Its normal physiological function is unknown. To understand how the enzyme interacts with its substrate, we have characterized the chitin-binding domain. The C-terminal 49 amino acids make up the minimal sequence required for chitin binding activity. The absence of this domain does not affect the ability of the enzyme to hydrolyze the soluble substrate, triacetylchitotriose, but abolishes hydrolysis of insoluble chitin. Within the minimal chitin-binding domain are six cysteines; mutation of any one of these to serine results in complete loss of chitin binding activity. Analysis of purified recombinant chitin-binding domain revealed the presence of three disulfide linkages. The recombinant domain binds specifically to chitin but does not bind chitosan, cellulose, xylan, beta-1, 3-glucan, beta-1,3-1,4-glucan, or mannan. Fluorescently tagged chitin-binding domain was used to demonstrate chitin-specific binding to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans, Mucor rouxii, and Neurospora crassa. These experiments define structural features of the minimal domain of human chitinase required for both specifically binding to and hydrolyzing insoluble chitin and demonstrate relevant binding within the context of the fungal cell wall.  相似文献   

We have investigated the structural and functional differences between chicken and human cellular fibronectin by comparing the tryptic peptide patterns using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by analyzing the binding properties of isolated trypsin-resistant polypeptide fragments. Although the overall functional organization of chicken and human cellular fibronectins was similar, the tryptic patterns obtained from these two molecules were strikingly different. For example, the tryptic digest of chicken cellular fibronectin contained two unique peptide fragments having molecular sizes of 45 and 70 kilodaltons. The previously unidentified carboxyl-terminal 45-kDa fragment is an intermediate that appears between 15 to 120 s of digestion. The 70-kDa fragment binds to gelatin, to fibrin (with unusually high apparent affinity), to heparin (at low ionic strength), and to fixed Staphylococcus aureus cells; it also contains an acceptor site for factor XIIIa (plasma transglutaminase). These results suggest that the functional domains of chicken and human fibronectins remain constant and that structural variations occur in the protease-susceptible regions of the molecule. The present findings are discussed in terms of the previously existing discrepancies in the literature on fibronectin.  相似文献   

A new method based on the analysis of oligopeptide composition of the amino acid sequences from different protein families is presented. We assume, that any protein family can be characterized by the set of oligopeptides (oligopeptides vocabulary). We demonstrate, that oligopeptides vocabulary comparison can distinguish different families from each other and from random sequences. It should be noted, that this comparison can be successfully performed on the set of only 25 dipeptides and without preliminary alignment. We demonstrate, that characteristic peptides are localized in the regions of functional significance, as shown on the example of GTP-binding domain of translation elongation factors. We suggest how to use this method to localize the boundaries of functional domains in amino sequences. On the example of few functional domains we demonstrate, that the average error of prediction does not exceed 3-4 amino acid residue.  相似文献   

The Krüppel-like factors (KLFs) are a family of Cys2His2 zinc-finger DNA binding proteins with homology to Drosophila Krüppel. KLFs can bind to CACCC elements, which are important in controlling developmental programs. The CACCC promoter element is critical for the developmental regulation of the human gamma-globin gene. In the present study, chicken homologues of the human KLF2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 15 genes were identified. Phylogenetic analysis confirms that these genes are more closely related to their human homologues than they are to other chicken KLFs. This work also represents the first systematic study of the expression patterns of KLFs during erythroid development. In addition, transient transfections of human globin constructs into 5-day (primitive) chicken red blood cells show that human gamma-globin expression is regulated via its CACCC promoter element. This indicates that a CACCC-binding factor(s) important for gamma-globin expression functions in 5-day chicken red cells.  相似文献   

FHA domains are well established as phospho-dependent binding modules mediating signal transduction in Ser/Thr kinase signaling networks in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic species. Although they are unique in binding exclusively to phosphothreonine, the basis for this discrimination over phosphoserine has remained elusive. Here, we attempt to dissect overall binding specificity at the molecular level. We first determined the optimal peptide sequence for Rv0020c FHA domain binding by oriented peptide library screening. This served as a basis for systematic mutagenic and binding analyses, allowing us to derive relative thermodynamic contributions of conserved protein and peptide residues to binding and specificity. Structures of phosphopeptide-bound and uncomplexed Rv0020c FHA domain then directed molecular dynamics simulations which show how the extraordinary discrimination in favor of phosphothreonine occurs through formation of additional hydrogen-bonding networks that are ultimately stabilized by van der Waals interactions of the phosphothreonine γ-methyl group with a conserved pocket on the FHA domain surface.  相似文献   

Line-active molecules (“linactants”) that bind to the boundary interface between different fluid lipid domains in membranes have a strong potential as regulators of the lateral heterogeneity that is important for many biological processes. Here, we use molecular dynamics simulations in combination with a coarse-grain model that retains near-atomic resolution to identify lipid species that can act as linactants in a model membrane that is segregated into two lipid domains of different fluidity. Our simulations predict that certain hybrid saturated/unsaturated chain lipids can bind to the interface and lower the line tension, whereas cone-shaped lysolipids have a less pronounced effect.  相似文献   

The doublecortin-like (DC) domains, which usually occur in tandem, constitute novel microtubule-binding modules. They were first identified in doublecortin (DCX), a protein expressed in migrating neurons, and in the doublecortin-like kinase (DCLK). They are also found in other proteins, including the RP1 gene product which-when mutated-causes a form of inherited blindness. We previously reported an X-ray structure of the N-terminal DC domain of DCLK (N-DCLK), and a solution structure of an analogous module of human doublecortin (N-DCX). These studies showed that the DC domain has a tertiary fold closely reminiscent of ubiquitin and similar to several GTPase-binding domains. We now report an X-ray structure of a mutant of N-DCX, in which the C-terminal fragment (residues 139-147) unexpectedly shows an altered, "open" conformation. However, heteronuclear NMR data show that this C-terminal fragment is only transiently open in solution, and assumes a predominantly "closed" conformation. While the "open" conformation may be artificially stabilized by crystal packing interactions, the observed switching between the "open" and "closed" conformations, which shortens the linker between the two DC-domains by approximately 20 A, is likely to be of functional importance in the control of tubulin polymerization and microtubule bundling by doublecortin.  相似文献   

A 60 minute exposure of chicken immature erythrocytes to n-butyrate shifts actively acetylated and deacetylated histones to hypermodified forms. Micrococcal nuclease digestion of nuclei from n-butyrate treated cells and subsequent fractionation of the chromatin releases 40-45% of the adult beta-globin (beta A) nucleohistone into a soluble fraction. This is an eleven fold enrichment over the soluble chromatin from untreated cells (Ferenz and Nelson (1985) Nucleic Acids Res. 13, 1977-1995). The enhanced beta A chromatin solubility and induced histone hyperacetylation are coincident. Removal of n-butyrate from the cell incubation medium allows rapid histone deacetylation and a striking reduction in beta A chromatin solubility. Chromatin from cells incubated in the absence of n-butyrate, or in medium containing 10 mM NaCl or 2% dimethylsulfoxide, does not exhibit histone hyperacetylation, or the acquired solubility of beta A chromatin. We show that the H4 histone co-isolated with the beta A DNA is in a hyperacetylated state and present evidence that the n-butyrate incubation increases the solubility of both coding and noncoding chromatin regions in the beta-globin domain.  相似文献   

Woo JS  Imm JH  Min CK  Kim KJ  Cha SS  Oh BH 《The EMBO journal》2006,25(6):1353-1363
The B30.2/SPRY domain is present in approximately 700 eukaryotic (approximately 150 human) proteins, including medically important proteins such as TRIM5alpha and Pyrin. Nonetheless, the functional role of this modular domain remained unclear. Here, we report the crystal structure of an SPRY-SOCS box family protein GUSTAVUS in complex with Elongins B and C, revealing a highly distorted two-layered beta-sandwich core structure of its B30.2/SPRY domain. Ensuing studies identified one end of the beta-sandwich as the surface interacting with an RNA helicase VASA with a 40 nM dissociation constant. The sequence variation in TRIM5alpha responsible for HIV-1 restriction and most of the mutations in Pyrin causing familial Mediterranean fever map on this surface, implicating the corresponding region in many B30.2/SPRY domains as the ligand-binding site. The amino acids lining the binding surface are highly variable among the B30.2/SPRY domains, suggesting that these domains are protein-interacting modules, which recognize a specific individual partner protein rather than a consensus sequence motif.  相似文献   

Fstl1 is a TGF‐β superfamily binding protein which involved in many pathological processes. The function of Fstl1 has been widely elucidated, but its structural characterization has not been explored. Here we solved the high‐resolution crystal structure of FK domain of murine Fstl1, analyzed its unique characteristics, and investigated its contribution to the function of full‐length Fstl1. We found that Fstl1‐FK forms a stable dimer in both solution and crystal, which suggest that this protein may function as a dimer during its interaction with TGF‐β, a molecule known to form dimer during activation process. We also found this FK domain is indispensable for the proper function of Fstl1 during the transduction of TGF‐β signaling. These observations provide important insights into the understanding of Fstl1 and may facilitate the exploration of this molecule in clinical study.  相似文献   

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