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北美香柏雌球果的发育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用扫描电镜(SEM)观察了北美香柏 Thuja occidentalis 雌球果的发育过程。在北京,北美香柏的雌球果是在八月初由营养芽转变而来,雌球果一般有4~6对苞片,中间2~3对可育,每一苞片腋部着生两枚胚珠,在可育苞片腋部最先观察到一扁平的隆起,并在其上分化出两个胚珠原基,接着分化出珠被和珠心,最后形成扁平而两侧对称的胚珠。在北美香柏雌球果发育过程中,约一半的雌球果在2~3对可育苞片中位于下面的1~2对的腋部产生3个胚珠原基,中间一个较小,并在以后的发育中逐渐退化。由此推测北美香柏的雌球果可能是由祖先类群中每一苞片具多于2个胚珠的雌球果演化而来。在光镜下对雌球果维管系统的观察发现,传粉前幼小雌球果的苞片内仅有一束维管束,传粉后随着苞片基部的居间生长,有4—8束维管束在苞片内形成,但是新发育的维管束木质部和韧皮部相对位置与正常叶性器官一致,这与在以往报道的柏科植物成熟雌球果的苞片中均有反向维管束的发育不同。北美香柏雌球果早期发育和维管束分析结果支持傅德志和杨亲二提出的解释裸子植物生殖器官形态演化的“苞鳞-种鳞复合体”理论。关键词北美香柏;雌球果的发育;胚珠分化;SEM  相似文献   

Abstract. Human impact influences patterns of plant distribution and dominates disturbance dynamics in the agricultural landscape of Haut-Saint-Laurent, Québec. We investigated the influence of such impact on the dynamics of Thuja occidentalis in the hardwood forest of southern Québec. A bimodal species of either dry or wet habitats, T. occidentalis has successfully invaded mesic sites of the study area where, although generally considered a poor competitor, it persists as dense populations that seem to resist invasion by more tolerant species. As Acer saccharum is expected to be a dominant latesuccessional species under mesic conditions, we first evaluated the relative importance of abiotic and historical factors in the distribution of 34 T. occidentalis stands and 21 A. saccharum stands. We then classified 55 stands that include T. occidentalis and investigated the dynamic relationships between the species and its associates in 13 mixed mesic sites. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of T. occidentalis and A. saccharum stands suggested that land use and drainage are the most important variables correlated with plant community composition. A partial CCA with drainage as the constraining variable showed that T. occidentalis stands were significantly associated to present or past use as pasture. Correspondence analysis of 55 stands where T. occidentalis is present produced a clear segregation between nearly monospecific stands and mixed communities, but the chosen environmental variables were not significant in explaining the vegetation gradient at this scale. In all mixed stands, Thuja occidentalis was most often associated with Ulmus americana, Acer rubrum, Betula populifolia, Fraxinus americana, A. saccharum, and Tsuga canadensis. Finally, size-class ordination of 13 mixed mesic stands did not show convergence toward A. saccharum. Our results suggest that grazing has played a significant part in the appearance of T. occidentalis stands on mesic sites, whereas competition processes and landscape patterns possibly contribute to the maintenance of relatively persistent T. occidentalis stands in the landscape.  相似文献   

Abstract: Seasonal changes in the efficiency of charge separation in PSII were studied in Thuja occidentalis (L.) and Chamaecyparis lawsonia (A. Murray bis.). Maximum light-dependent charge separation decreased with decreasing temperatures in early winter in both species, but this was less drastic in Chamaecyparis than in Thuja. No positive relationship was seen between photoinhibition and irradiance. Rather, photoinhibition increased as photon flux densities decreased towards midwinter, and it decreased as photon flux densities increased towards spring. However, the decrease in maximum light-dependent charge separation was much stronger on the light-exposed upper surface of the twigs, where in Thuja visible browning occurred, than on the underside of the twigs. During spring, recovery of the photosynthetic efficiency and regreening were observed as both mean temperatures and irradiance increased. Transfer in midwinter of strongly photo-inhibited twigs of Thuja to temperatures close to 20 °C resulted in considerable recovery of PSII activity within several days when low light was also present. Recovery did not occur at temperatures close to freezing or at room temperature in darkness. An analysis of fluorescence quenching suggested photoprotective dissipation of excess radiation not only in the light harvesting antennae of PSII but also in the reaction centres. Reaction centre quenching appeared to be stronger in Thuja than in Chamaecyparis. PSI was fully active in twigs whether or not PSII was photoinhibited. The antioxidant ascorbate was almost fully reduced even in midwinter.  相似文献   

Cambium samples of Thuja occidentalis L. were collected at five different times, covering spring reactivation and early and late resting period, and used for sucrose determinations. Fragments of the different cell types - xylem ray, cambial initials, sieve-elements including phloem parenchyma cells, phloem ray - were dissected from freeze-dried radial sections and analyzed individually. Results show large differences in sucrose concentrations in the different cell types of the cambial layer. In addition, each cell type also shows seasonal fluctuations in sucrose content, whose amplitudes and patterns of variation appear specific for the particular cell type.  相似文献   

观察了侧柏(Phaycladusorientalis(L.)Franco)和北美香柏(ThujaoccidentalisL.)散粉后花粉进入珠孔的过程。在散粉期,这两种植物的胚珠均分泌出传粉滴。当花粉落到传粉滴上后,引起传粉滴表面的形状发生改变或减弱胚珠的继续分泌,使得该传粉滴蒸腾加快,导致其比未授粉的传粉滴明显收缩。观察结果表明:不同植物的花粉导致侧柏传粉滴的收缩速率不尽相同。其中,与侧柏亲缘关系较近的植物花粉引起传粉滴的收缩速率和侧柏自身花粉引起的传粉滴收缩速率相似;反之,收缩速率变慢。侧柏传粉滴的收缩可能主要是由于花粉减弱胚珠分泌的结果。  相似文献   

Summary A protocol for clonal propagation of eastern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.) was enhanced by optimizing the shoot multiplication stage using unbranched in vitro-produced shoots. This was achieved by careful selection of different medium components. An optimum range of 10 to 14 axillary shoots was obtained when shoots were cultured on half-strength Quiorin and LePoivre medium containing 10μM filter-sterilized zeatin for 3 wk. Transfer of the treated shoots to cytokinin-free medium containing 0.05% activated charcoal improved both the number and quality of the axillary shoots produced. Maximum axillary bud induction was also accomplished when shoots were pulsed in 1 mM liquid, filter-sterilized zeatin for 3 h, and then transferred to half-strength Quiorin and LePoivre, charcoal-containing medium. Inclusion of 4% sucrose improved the number of axillary shoots obtained. Half strength of the major salts produced an optimum response. Shoots obtained from different cultures (1 to 5 yr old) responded similarly to the applied cytokinin; however, newly induced shoots (4 mo. old) gave a significantly higher response.  相似文献   

This work was done to determine if suppressed growth of stunted old-growth Thuja occidentalis along Niagara Escarpment cliff edges was associated with low concentrations of tissue macronutrients and/or the absence of mycorrhizae, and if the restriction of Acer saccharum from cliff edges could be due to similar limitations Mycorrhizal colonization rates and foliar concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg were compared between the cliff face, cliff edge, deciduous forest and a swamp for T occidentalis , and between the cliff edge and deciduous forest for A saccharum There were statistically significant differences in tissue nutrient concentrations and mycorrhizal colonization between species but not among habitats This suggests that the stunted growth of T occidentalis on the cliff face, and the absence of A saccharum from the cliff edge are not due to limitations imposed by macronutrients or lack of mycorrhizae  相似文献   

An improved method of counting acoustic emission (AE) events from water-stressed stems of cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.) is presented. Amplified AEs are analyzed on a real time basis by a microcomputer. The instrumentation counts AE events in a fashion nearly analogous to scintillation counting of radioactive materials.

The technique was applied to measuring ultrasonic AEs from the stems of cedar inside a pressure bomb. The shoots were originally fully hydrated. When the shoots are dehydrated in the bomb by application of an overpressure very few AEs were detected. When the bomb pressure is reduced after dehydration of the shoot, AE events could be detected. We conclude that ultrasonic AEs are caused by cavitation events (= structural breakdown of water columns in the tracheids of cedar) and not by the breaking of cellulose fibers in the wood.


The studies on the development and structure of transfusiontissue in the leaves of Thuja orientalis L. reveal that thetransfusion tissue develops all around the vascular bundle andforms a broad wing-like structure on either side of the midrib,in almost the entire length of the leaf. It extends beyond thevascular strand and reaches the apex where it is reduced considerably. The transfusion tissue in T. orientalis is of complex natureand is composed of living and non-living elements. The formerincludes transfusion parenchyma and albuminous cells while thelatter only the tracheids. Both vary in their size and shapeat various positions within a leaf.  相似文献   

In cold‐temperate ecosystems of the upper Great Lakes Region, evergreen conifer‐dominated forests were once common. As a result of past management practices, early‐successional deciduous forests now dominate the landscape. Embedded in this matrix are stands of shade‐tolerant conifers, including Thuja occidentalis. For the past several decades, large‐scale T. occidentalis regeneration in remnant T. occidentalis and adjacent Betula papyrifera forests has not occurred. Using a combination of restoration experiments and field surveys at three study sites on the Lake Superior Highlands, Minnesota, U.S.A., we examined safe sites for T. occidentalis regeneration under both Thuja and Betula canopy types. This study focused on the colonization and establishment phases of regeneration, differentiating among safe‐site components for T. occidentalis. Seedbed type determined colonization success, with higher rates on conifer logs than on B. papyrifera logs, mounds, or pits. Mortality rates for seedlings on natural decayed wood seedbeds were higher under Thuja canopy than under Betula canopy, but the reverse was true for seedlings on manipulated seedbeds, suggesting that seedbed type was more important than the dominant canopy type. Growth rates for seedlings on moved log segments were greater under the Betula than the Thuja canopy type, but seedlings on natural decayed wood seedbeds did not exhibit this difference. Results indicated that T. occidentalis regeneration was more limited in Betula forest by seedbed availability, while in Thuja forest canopy conditions were more limiting.  相似文献   

Pronk  A.A.  De Willigen  P.  Heuvelink  E.  Challa  H. 《Plant and Soil》2002,243(2):161-171
Aboveground dry mass, total root dry mass and root length density of the fine roots of Thuja occidentalis `Brabant' were determined under non- and drip-irrigated field conditions. Two-dimensional diffusion parameters for dynamic root growth were estimated based on dry mass production of the fine roots and the concept of the convective-diffusion model of cylindrical root growth and proliferation. Drip irrigation increased above-ground dry mass and the shoot:root ratio compared with no irrigation. Dry mass of the coarse roots increased as well due to drip irrigation. No effect on total or fine root dry mass was found. Drip irrigation increased root length densities in the top 0.1 m but not significantly. However, drip irrigation decreased root proliferation in depth by 27%, whereas proliferation in the horizontal direction was not altered. Measured root length densities were overestimated by 6–21% by the model (0.68 < R 2 < 0.92).  相似文献   

Abstract Concurrent estimates of stem density, leaf and stem water potential, stomatal conductance and ultrasonic acoustic emissions (cavitations) in an excised sapling of Thuja occidentalis L. were made. As the sapling dehydrated in air, the decline in leaf water potential to about - 2.0 MPa was followed by apparent rehydration of the foliage while the stem showed no sign of rehydration. The rate of acoustic emissions peaked prior to the onset of rehydration which coincided with virtual stomatal closure. There was a significant decline in stem density until maximum foliage rehydration level was reached. From this point, leaf water potential, stem water potential and stem density continued a relatively slow decline while acoustic emission rate and stomatal conductance remained low. Removal of the bark and majority of foliage from the sapling resulted in increased cavitation and more rapid deelines in leaf and stem water potential and stem density.  相似文献   

Recently, the distribution of the Mediterranean cedar bark beetle, Phloeosinus aubei Perris (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), has expanded to Central Europe. Reported mostly on cypress in the Mediterranean area, potential host plants in the invaded range include other scale‐leafed conifers, such as cultivars of arborvitae, Thuja occidentalis L. To reveal potential kairomonal cues for P. aubei, volatiles of T. occidentalis were collected and analysed by gas chromatography with electroantennographic detection (GC‐EAD). Assignments of chemical structures of antennally active components were carried out by gas chromatography linked to mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) using authentic reference samples. Antennal responses to synthetic samples of the identified compounds were studied by electroantennography (EAG), with antennae of female and male P. aubei. GC‐EAD analysis of head space volatiles of T. occidentalis revealed 22 antennally active compounds, of which 21 were identified. The most abundant components were α‐ and β‐thujone, fenchone, camphor, terpinen‐4‐ol, bornyl acetate and α‐terpinyl acetate, all of which are oxygenated monoterpenes. When EAG activities of synthetic samples were compared, the most intensive responses from female antennae were elicited by a mixture of α‐ and β‐thujone, followed by (–)‐terpinen‐4‐ol, (+)‐camphor, cis‐4‐thujanol, (+)‐sabina ketone, (+)‐terpinen‐4‐ol, isopulegone, (–)‐fenchone, borneol, (3Z)‐hexen‐1‐ol, (–)‐1‐octen‐3‐ol and (+)‐sulcatol. Male antennae responded the most to (–)‐terpinen‐4‐ol and cis‐4‐thujanol followed by the mixture of α‐ and β‐thujone. The next highest responses were elicited by (+)‐camphor, borneol, (+)‐terpinen‐4‐ol, (+)‐sulcatol and (+)‐sabina ketone. Striking differences were found between responses to the enantiomers of fenchone, sulcatol and 1‐octen‐3‐ol, whereas responses to the enantiomers of terpinen‐4‐ol did not differ significantly from each other. Several antennally active volatiles of T. occidentalis have also been reported from cypress and various other members of the Cupressaceae, suggesting that the sensory apparatus of P. aubei may recognize the shared components, which may enable rapid adaptation to new hosts in the invaded areas.  相似文献   

Vujanovic V  St-Arnaud M 《Mycologia》2003,95(5):955-958
Pseudorobillarda monica sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The endophyte was isolated from living leaves and bark of twigs of a Thuja occidentalis bonsai (>90 years old) at the Montréal Botanical Garden and ornamental trees in Montréal urban plantations. This pycnidial fungus is typical of the genus in morphology but clearly differs from other species in Pseudorobillarda by the distinct size of the conidiomata and the shape and size of conidia and paraphyses. Its taxonomic placement is discussed and a key to the species of Pseudorobillarda is provided.  相似文献   

The appearance and growth of individual leaves were examinedin crops of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) grown either fullyirrigated or droughted from plant emergence. The rate of appearance of leaves was increased and the durationof growth decreased in leaves of the droughted crop in 1986but not in 1987. In droughted crops, leaf growth rate was correlatedwith afternoon measurements of leaf water potential (1) andturgor (P), being reduced in comparison with that in irrigatedcrops when 1 and P were less than –0.28 and 0.5 MPa respectively.Leaf growth was highly correlated to soil moisture deficit (SMD)and declined rapidly when the SMD was greater than 16 mm. Key words: Solanum tuberosum, leaf growth, leaf appearance, drought, irrigation  相似文献   

In Luffa cylindrica a few cells around the archesporial cellsin the nucellus develop thick PAS-positive walls. At the globularembryo stage, they gradually differentiate into pitted tracheidswith reticulate thickenings. These cells cover the entire nucellusexcept the epidermis and extend right up to the ovular vascularsupply in a seed. The occurrence of such extensive nucellartracheids in the Cucurbitaceae is being reported here for thefirst time.  相似文献   

We examined the responses of two coniferous species Picea abies and Thuja occidentalis to decreased nitrogen availability. Plants were grown for 2 months in inorganic substrate irrigated by nutrient solution. Nitrogen availability was reduced either by lower N concentration in the nutrient solution or by a patchy supply of a high N concentration to only one side root isolated in a split-root setup where the rest of the root system received all nutrients except N. At the end of cultivation we measured rates of net photosynthetic CO2 uptake, net nitrogen and water uptake, some structural characteristics (dry mass of fine roots, dry mass and area of needles) and the total N content of needles. For a more detailed analysis of the distribution of the newly acquired N within the shoot, 15N was administered to subsets of plants in each of the three treatments. Low N availability resulted in lower specific leaf area in Thuja but not in Picea. The decrease of net photosynthesis at lower N supply was greater in Picea than in Thuja. Photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency, however, linearly decreased with increasing N content only in Thuja. Patchy N supply caused uneven distribution of newly acquired labeled nitrogen and total N but did not result in significantly greater heterogeneity in the rate of photosynthesis among branches both in Picea and in Thuja plants. We conclude that both examined species possess mechanisms that reduce adverse effects of patchy N supply and restricted nitrogen transport in xylem to some parts of crown on their photosynthetic carbon assimilation.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that marginal fragmented populations of eastern white cedar (EWC) are genetically isolated due to reduced pollen and gene flow. In accordance with the central-marginal model, we predicted a decrease in population genetic diversity and an increase in differentiation along the latitudinal gradient from the boreal mixed-wood to northern coniferous forest. A total of 24 eastern white cedar populations were sampled along the north-south latitudinal gradient for microsatellite genotyping analysis. Positive Fis values and heterozygote deficiency were observed in populations from the marginal (Fis = 0.244; PHW = 0.0042) and discontinuous zones (Fis = 0.166; PHW = 0.0042). However, populations from the continuous zone were in HW equilibrium (Fis = −0.007; PHW = 0.3625). There were no significant latitudinal effects on gene diversity (Hs), allelic richness (AR), or population differentiation (Fst). Bayesian and NJT (neighbor-joining tree) analyses demonstrated the presence of a population structure that was partly consistent with the geographic origins of the populations. The impact of population fragmentation on the genetic structure of EWC is to create a positive inbreeding coefficient, which was two to three times higher on average than that of a population from the continuous zone. This result indicated a higher occurrence of selfing within fragmented EWC populations coupled with a higher degree of gene exchange among near-neighbor relatives, thereby leading to significant inbreeding. Increased population isolation was apparently not correlated with a detectable effect on genetic diversity. Overall, the fragmented populations of EWC appear well-buffered against effects of inbreeding on genetic erosion.  相似文献   

植物抗脱水胁迫的分子机制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
主要介绍植物在脱水胁迫下,逆激基因产物的功能和胁迫信号的转导过程.逆激基因产物的功能可分为两类:一类起“保护”作用,另一类起“调节”作用.在脱水胁迫起始信号和基因表达之间至少存在四条信号转导通路,两条依赖脱落酸(ABA),两条不依赖ABA,依赖ABA的途径中有1条必须有蛋白质合成.不依赖ABA的途径中有1条与低温胁迫应答有共同的信号转导通路.  相似文献   

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