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捕食者与猎物的关系研究对了解物种捕食行为及种群空间格局具有重要意义。采用Avisoft Bioacoustics超声波仪录制马铁菊头蝠自然状态下的声波以确定其捕食活动强度,用灯诱法、扫网法和飞行阻隔法相结合采集昆虫,搜集蝙蝠粪便并分析其食物组成。结果表明,马铁菊头蝠在8月份活动最频繁,昆虫丰富度在8月份最丰富,马铁菊头蝠捕食活动与鳞翅目丰富度呈显著正相关。马铁菊头蝠主要以鳞翅目和鞘翅目为食,但食性存在明显的月份变化。卡方检验结果表明,马铁菊头蝠捕食的猎物与环境中可利用的昆虫猎物存在显著差异。在食物资源丰富时,马铁菊头蝠选择性地捕食营养丰富的鞘翅目昆虫。  相似文献   

Whereas echolocation in horseshoe bats is well studied, virtually nothing is known about characteristics and function of their communication calls. Therefore, the communication calls produced by a group of captive adult greater horseshoe bats were recorded during various social interactions in a free-flight facility. Analysis revealed that this species exhibited an amazingly rich repertoire of vocalizations varying in numerous spectro-temporal aspects. Calls were classified into 17 syllable types (ten simple syllables and seven composites). Syllables were combined into six types of simple phrases and four combination phrases. The majority of syllables had durations of more than 100 ms with multiple harmonics and fundamental frequencies usually above 20 kHz, although some of them were also audible to humans. Preliminary behavioral observations indicated that many calls were emitted during direct interaction with and in response to social calls from conspecifics without requiring physical contact. Some echolocation-like vocalizations also appeared to clearly serve a communication role. These results not only shed light upon a so far widely neglected aspect of horseshoe bat vocalizations, but also provide the basis for future studies on the neural control of the production of communicative vocalizations in contrast to the production of echolocation pulse sequences.  相似文献   

We have isolated 14 polymorphic greater horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum microsatellite loci. The number of alleles varied from two to 12 in 58 individuals. These loci will be used to assign paternity in order to characterize patterns of breeding and reproductive success in a wild R. ferrumequinum population. Loci were also tested in 17 other bat species. Twelve loci cross‐amplified in other species and three loci were polymorphic in all eight Rhinolophus species tested.  相似文献   

应用石蜡常规切片、HE染色,对马铁菊头蝠消化系统各器官的组织结构进行了观察.结果 表明:食管粘膜上皮为复层扁平上皮,轻微角质化,前、中、后段的上皮结构没有显著差异,食管腺在前段较多,中、后段较少.胃固有层含有大量的管状腺.小肠粘膜表面有许多环形皱襞,在十二指肠上段粘膜下层分布有十二指肠腺.大肠粘膜表面光滑,无绒毛,在粘膜下层的结缔组织中有小动脉、静脉和淋巴管.肝内结缔组织多,肝小叶分界较明显,肝血窦发达.胰的小叶间分界不明显.  相似文献   

The factors influencing the survival of greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) offspring born over seven years at a maternity colony in south-west Britain were studied. The effects of a range of phenotypic and maternal variables were analysed using a historical data set. In addition, the influence of two genetic measures on mortality, individual heterozygosity and a new measure of outbreeding, termed mean d(2), was assessed. Logistic regressions were undertaken with survival modelled as a binary response variable. Survival to two life stages was studied for each variable and all models were developed for both sexes separately and together. Only one variable, mean d(2), was significantly associated with survival. Male offspring with high mean d(2) scores were more likely to survive to their first and second summers. The influence of mean d(2) was not due to a single locus under selection but a wider multilocus effect and probably represents heterosis as opposed to solely inbreeding depression. Therefore, the extent to which an individual is outbred may determine survival more than widely used phenotypic characteristics such as size and mass. Mean d(2) may reflect immunocompetence, which influences mortality. Protection of mating sites in order to facilitate gene flow and, therefore, outbreeding may help to promote population stability and growth.  相似文献   

We counted the births of greater horseshoe bats born at three small breeding colonies in southwest Wales and south-west England at the extreme edge of the species distribution over nine summers (1984–1993). Overall birth timing was almost identical at the three sites (mean of mean birth dates = 13–14 July), but varied widely from year to year. Mean birth timing was synchronized at the three sites in a given year. Early births followed warm springs; a significant negative regression of mean birth date on mean April plus May temperature was evident. A rise of 2oC accelerated mean birth date by about 18 days. Population levels fell at all three sites following the very late mean birth date of 28 July recorded in 1986, after an extremely cold spring and summer. Recovery of populations in all sites followed a series of warm springs and early mean birth dates, but was hampered by birth sex ratios favouring males for several years. These findings confirm climate, through its effect upon birth timing, and possibly also on sex ratios, as a major factor controlling bat populations, and hence the distribution of bat species.  相似文献   

在自建网室(9 m×4 m×4 m)内驯养马铁菊头蝠(Rhinolophus ferrumequinum),利用超声波探测仪录制蝙蝠不同状态下回声定位声波,声波录制与红外摄像保持同步。结果表明,马铁菊头蝠回声定位声波为调频(FM)/恒频(CF)/调频(FM)型;在蝙蝠接近猎物过程中,声脉冲持续时间和间隔时间显著变短,下调FM(即tFM)组分变得愈为显著,捕捉猎物瞬间,产生捕食蜂鸣;飞行与悬挂状态相比,声脉冲重复率、主频率、声脉冲时间、声脉冲间隔和能率环的差异均达到显著水平。  相似文献   

朱旭  王静  孙克萍  江廷磊  姜云垒  冯江 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5248-5258
2007年在吉林省罗通山自然保护区,利用超声波探测仪(Avisoft-SASLAB PRO)录制并分析不同生境中马铁菊头蝠的回声定位声波。结果显示马铁菊头蝠在不同类型生境中活动;各生境中回声定位声波参数存在显著差异(one-way ANOVA,P〈0.05)。从环境因子中通过主成分分析筛选出与其回声定位声波相关的植被、气候和地形因子,探讨回声定位声波与这些因子的相关性。结果显示FM1和FM2带宽与乔木高(r=-0.948,-0.825;P〈0.05)、FM1起始频率和FM2终止频率与林冠面积(r=-0.967,-0.958;P〈0.05)、FM1起始频率、FM2终止频率和峰频与湿度(r=-0.776、-0.875和-0.794,P〈0.05)、脉冲持续时间和脉冲间隔与平均灌木高均呈显著负相关(r=-0.911,-0.990;P〈0.05),峰频与植被株数(r=0.756,P〈0.05)、脉冲持续时间与冠下高呈显著正相关(r=0.870,P〈0.05)。表明各种环境因子(植被因子、气候因子和地形因子)都在一定程度上影响回声定位声波,回声定位声波具有表型可塑性和生境适应性,这些特性决定了马铁菊头蝠生境利用的程度和可利用的资源。  相似文献   

对四川产中菊头蝠喜马拉雅亚种(Rhinolophus affinis himalayanus)和马铁菊头蝠日本亚种(R.ferrumequinum nippon)的23项外部形态指标和22项头骨形态指标进行了测量,并进行数理统计分析。结果表明,(1)中菊头蝠喜马拉雅亚种和马铁菊头蝠日本亚种的23项外部形态测量指标中有2项差异显著(P<0.05),16项差异极显著(P<0.01),其中:中菊头蝠喜马拉雅亚种(n=14)体长小于59 mm(47.30~58.40),尾长小于26 mm(21.69~25.68),耳长小于22 mm(18.36~21.88),前臂长小于56 mm(50.9~54.20),第Ⅲ掌骨第一指节长小于16 mm(13.2~15.53),第Ⅲ掌骨第二指节小于32 mm(27.38~31.74);而马铁菊头蝠日本亚种(n=6)体长大于62 mm(62.43~66.76),尾长大于30 mm(30.56~36.18),耳长大于24 mm(24.47~27.20),前臂长大于56 mm(58.78~63.46),第Ⅲ掌骨第一指节大于19 mm(19.38~21.39),第Ⅲ掌骨第二指节大于34 mm(34.42~38.11),这些差异可作为区分四川产这两个种的依据。(2)中菊头蝠喜马拉雅亚种和马铁菊头蝠日本亚种的22项头骨形态测量指标中,除颅高、听泡间距差异不显著(P>0.05)外,其他20项指标都存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

Following a dramatic decline last century, the British population of the endangered greater horseshoe bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum is highly fragmented. To examine the consequences of fragmentation and limited dispersal on patterns of genetic structure and variation, we used microsatellite markers to screen bats from around 50% of the known maternity colonies in Britain, and two areas from continental Europe. Analyses revealed that Welsh and English colonies were genetically isolated. This, and lower variability in Britain than north France, may result from either genetic drift, or the species' colonization history. Gene flow among most neighbouring colonies was not generally restricted, with one exception. These findings have important implications for the ongoing conservation management of this species.  相似文献   

Fourteen polymorphic microsatellites isolated in the lesser horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros, are described. A subset of eight loci successfully coamplified in a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and allowed to confirm that expected heterozygosity was relatively high for the eight loci (0.56–0.83). This set of eight microsatellites indeed permits to build genetic tags that distinguish all individuals in colonies consisting of up to more than 1000 individuals.  相似文献   

Intraspecific phylogenies can provide useful insights into how populations have been shaped by historical and contemporary processes. Taiwan formed around 5 million years ago from tectonic uplift, and has been connected to mainland Asia several times since its emergence. A central mountain range runs north to south, bisecting the island, and potentially impedes gene flow along an east-west axis. The Formosan lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus monoceros) is endemic to Taiwan, where it is found mainly at low altitude. To determine the population structure and the demographic and colonization history of this species, we examined variation in the mitochondrial DNA control region in 203 bats sampled at 26 sites. We found very high haplotype and nucleotide diversity, which decreased from the centre to the south and north. Population differentiation followed a pattern of isolation by distance, though most regional genetic variance was attributable to differences between the relatively isolated southern population and those from other regions. A haplotype network was consistent with these findings and also suggested a southward colonization, followed by subsequent secondary contact between the south and other regions. Mismatch distributions were used to infer a past population expansion predating the last glacial maximum, and a neighbour-joining tree showed that R. monoceros formed a monophyletic grouping with respect to its sister taxa. Taken together, our results suggest that this taxon arose from a single period of colonization, and that demographic growth followed in the late Pleistocene. Current genetic structure reflects limited gene flow, probably coupled with stepwise colonization in the past. We consider explanations for the persistence of the species through multiple glacial maxima.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between the orientation sounds and hearing sensitivity in the greater Japanese horseshoe bat,Rhinolophus ferrumequinum nippon was studied.An orientation pulse consisted of a constant frequency (CF) component followed by a short downward frequency-modulated (FM) component. Sometimes, an initial upward FM component preceded the CF component. Duration of pulses was about 30 ms and the CF of resting pulses (RF) averaged 65.5 kHz. The best frequency (BF) at the lowest threshold in audiograms as measured by the pinna reflex averaged 66.1 kHz. Audiograms showed remarkable sharp cut-offs on both sides near the BF. The frequency difference between the BF and the RF was about 0.6 kHz, and the RF was always below the BF. The values of RF and BF were characteristically different from those of the European subspecies,Rhinolophus ferrumequinum ferrumequinum.Abbreviations BF best frequency - CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulated - RF resting frequency  相似文献   

Female greater horseshoe bats form maternity colonies each summer in order to give birth and raise young. During the mating period, females visit males occupying territorial sites, copulation takes place and sperm are stored until ovulation occurs, normally in April. Using microsatellite markers and a likelihood method of parentage analysis, we studied breeding behaviour and male reproductive success over a five-year period in a population of bats in south-west Britain. Paternity was assigned with 80% confidence to 44% of young born in five successive cohorts. While a small annual skew in male reproductive success was detected, the variance increased over five years due to the repeated success of a few individuals. Mating was polygynous, although some females gave birth to offspring sired by the same male in separate years. Such repeated partnerships probably result from fidelity for either mating sites or individuals or from sperm competition. Females mated with males born both within and outside their own natal colony; however, relatedness between parents was no less than the average recorded for male female pairs. Gene flow between colonies is likely to be primarily mediated by both female and male dispersal during the mating period rather than more permanent movements.  相似文献   

许多动物的叫声频率呈现性二态现象。蝙蝠夜间活动,主要利用声音信号导航空间、追踪猎物、传递交流信息。本研究选择成体菲菊头蝠作为研究对象,检验回声定位声波频率性二态是否有利于性别识别。研究发现,菲菊头蝠回声定位声波频率参数具有显著性别差异。播放白噪音、雄性回声定位声波及雌性回声定位声波期间,实验个体的反应叫声数量依次递减。播放白噪音、雌性回声定位声波及雄性回声定位声波后,实验个体的反应叫声数量依次递增。白噪音诱导反应叫声强度高于回声定位声波诱导反应叫声强度。研究结果表明,菲菊头蝠回声定位声波的频率参数编码发声者性别信息,有利于种群内部的性别识别。本研究暗示,回声定位声波可能在蝙蝠配偶选择中扮演一定作用。  相似文献   

Yoon KB  Kim JY  Cho JY  Park YC 《Mitochondrial DNA》2011,22(4):102-104
The total length of the mitogenome of Rhinolophus ferrumequinum korai is 16,839?bp with a total base composition of 31.8% A, 25.4% T, 28.7% C, and 14.0% G. The mitogenome consists of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNA (12S and 16S RNA) genes, 22 tRNA genes, and 1 control region.  相似文献   

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