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We determined in situ feeding rates of three co-occurring coastal mysid species using [methyl-3H]-thymidine-labelled algal detritus (Lessonia corrugata), NaH14CO3-labelled phytoplankton (Isochrysis galbana) and zooplankton (Artemia sp. nauplii). All three species showed a wide and overlapping range of feeding rates on the three food types, suggesting they were broadly omnivorous. However, selectivity studies often showed a strong preference for animal prey. Although there was an overlap in the types of food the mysids ingested, some degree of feeding niche partitioning was demonstrated. Paramesopodopsis rufa tended to be more carnivorous, Tenagomysis tasmaniae fed least on zooplankton and phytoplankton, and largely on algal detritus, and Anisomysis mixta australis ingested few zooplankters, and moderate amounts of algal detritus and phytoplankton. Handling editor: P. Viaroli  相似文献   

New roles for DIF? Effects on early development in Dictyostelium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The DIFs are unusual, chlorinated molecules which induce stalk cell differentiation during the later, multicellular phase of Dictyostelium development. Here we provide evidence that one or more DIFs have a role during early development, when small amounts are known to be made. Initial indications came from an optical technique which detects changes in shape or cohesion of cells in suspension (Gerisch and Hess, PNAS 71, 2118, 1974). After a period of optical inactivity at the start of development, cell suspensions normally produce spontaneous spike-shaped light-scattering oscillations synchronised by oscillations in extracellular cAMP levels, followed by sinusoidal oscillations where the synchroniser is not known. DIFs 1 and 2 produce optical responses from cells at all these early stages of development. The phase of both spiked and sinusoidal oscillations can be shifted, indicating an effect on the oscillator in each case. We find further: (1) cAMP oscillations and cAMP relay during spiked oscillations are transiently inhibited by DIF-1. (2) DIF-1 causes a transient decrease in cellular cGMP levels in cells taken before oscillations commence and likewise inhibits the cGMP response to a cAMP stimulus in cells taken later in development. Cytoskeletal organization and hence cell shape might be affected by DIF-1 by this indirect route. (3) The effects of DIF-1 are transient, even though it is essentially stable in the cell suspension. Cells somehow adapt to DIF-1. (4) The effects are chemically specific: DIF-1 and DIF-2 are active at 10(-7) to 10(-8) M, with DIF-2 being the more active, whereas related compounds have little or no activity at 10(-6) M. These results indicate that cells are responsive to DIFs 1 and 2 from the start of development and suggest a wider role for the DIFs. This role might involve effects on cAMP signalling and on intracellular second messengers.  相似文献   

饱食则耐渴?论干旱和盐度对新西兰红树林的影响尽管已有大量的研究考察了非生物胁迫因素对植物的影响,但是我们对干旱造成植物死亡的机理尚无定论,而对多种胁迫因子之间的相互作用更是知之甚少。非结构性碳水化合物(NSCs)在防止或延缓因干旱造成死亡方面的作用正日益引人关注。在本研究中,我们探讨了NSCs在缓解新西兰红树林(Avicennia marina subsp. australasica)受干旱和盐度影响时所起的作用。首先,我们对植物体内的NSC 水平进行了实验调控,随后将植株置于不同的干旱和盐度组合环境中培育。研究结果表明,在高盐度且高度干旱的条件下,高NSC水平组(H-NSC)的植物生长速率和存活率分别比低NSC水平组(L-NSC)的高出2和3倍。在高盐度且高度干旱的条件下培育了12周后,H-NSC组植株的茎杆导水率(281 ± 50 mmol cm−1 s−1 MPa−1)高于L-NSC组植株(134 ± 40 mmol cm−1 s−1 MPa−1)。尽管淀粉含量保持相对稳定,但H-NSC组植株茎杆中的可溶性糖含量在高盐度且高度干旱条件下的第8周时比第12周时高出20%。这些研究结果表明:1) NSCs对于缓解因干旱和与之相关的高盐度造成的较低土壤水势的影响具有重要作用;2)旱、盐联合胁迫下的植株生长受到库的限制。  相似文献   

正Translational medicine refers to the conversion of scientific discoveries into improvements in medical practice.‘From bench to bedside and back’is a phrase that is often used to describe the two-way information flow in translational medicine.On one hand,scientists working at the bench make new discoveries that enable clinicians to revolutionize  相似文献   



Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been increasingly implemented in analyzing the environmental performance of buildings and construction projects. To assess the life cycle environmental performance, decision-makers may adopt the two life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) approaches, namely the midpoint and endpoint models. Any imprudent usage of the two approaches may affect the assessment results and thus lead to misleading findings. ReCiPe, a well-known work, includes a package of LCIA methods to provide assessments on both midpoint and endpoint levels. This study compares different potential LCIA results using the midpoint and endpoint approaches of ReCiPe based on the assessment of a commercial building in Hong Kong.


This paper examines 23 materials accounting for over 99 % of the environmental impacts of all the materials consumed in commercial buildings in Hong Kong. The midpoint and endpoint results are compared at the normalization level. A commercial building in Hong Kong is further studied to provide insights as a real case study. The ranking of impact categories and the contributions from various construction materials are examined for the commercial building. Influence due to the weighting factors is discussed.

Results and discussion

Normalization results of individual impact categories of the midpoint and endpoint approaches are consistent for the selected construction materials. The difference in the two approaches can be detected when several impact categories are considered. The ranking of materials is slightly different under the two approaches. The ranking of impact categories demonstrates completely different features. In the case study of a commercial building in Hong Kong, the contributions from subprocesses are different at the midpoint and endpoint. The weighting factors can determine not only the contributions of the damage categories to the total environment, but also the value of a single score.


In this research, the midpoint and endpoint approaches are compared using ReCiPe. Information is whittled down from the inventories to a single score. Midpoint results are comprehensive while endpoint results are concise. The endpoint approach which provides additional information of damage should be used as a supplementary to the midpoint model. When endpoint results are asked for, a LCIA method like ReCiPe that provides both the midpoint and endpoint analysis is recommended. This study can assist LCA designers to interpret the midpoint and endpoint results, in particular, for the assessment of commercial buildings in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

The effects of low-dose γ-rays on the embryonic development of animal cells are not well studied. The mouse melanocyte is a good model to study the effects of low-dose γ-rays on the development of animal cells, as it possesses visible pigment (melanin) as a differentiation marker. The aim of this study is to investigate in detail the effects of low-dose γ-rays on embryonic development of mouse melanoblasts and melanocytes in the epidermis and hair bulbs at cellular level. Pregnant females of C57BL/10J mice at nine days of gestation were whole-body irradiated with a single acute dose of γrays (0.1, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 Gy), and the effects of γ-rays were studied by scoring changes in the development of epidermal melanoblasts and melanocytes, hair follicles, and hair bulb melanocytes at 18 days in gestation. The number of epidermal melanoblasts and melanocytes, hair follicles, and hair bulb melanocytes in the dorsal and ventral skins was markedly decreased even at 0.1 Gy-treated embryos (P < 0.001), and gradually decreased as dose increased. The effects on the ventral skin were greater than those on the dorsal skin. The dramatic reduction in the number of melanocytes compared to melanoblasts was observed in the ventral skin, but not in the dorsal skin. These results suggest that low-dose γ-rays provoke the death of melanoblasts and melanocytes, or inhibit the proliferation and differentiation of melanoblasts and melanocytes, even at the low dose.  相似文献   

W. U. Blanckenhorn 《Oecologia》1997,111(3):318-324
The effects of rearing temperature (and photoperiod) on growth, development, body size, and diapause induction and termination in the yellow dung fly, Scathophaga stercoraria, were investigated by allowing replicate families of larvae to develop in the field along a time sequence approaching the onset of winter. This was supplemented with extensive laboratory rearing. At constant laboratory temperatures, growth rates were maximal between 15°C and 20°C and decreased at higher (25°C) and lower (10°C) temperatures, while the development rate was maximal at 25°C. Perhaps related to this, yellow dung flies reached a given size faster at naturally variable, as opposed to constant, temperatures. In the field, lower temperatures towards the end of the season resulted in larger individuals that grew faster. Adult body size increased as development time, expressed in calendar days, increased, a positive relationship commonly taken for granted in life history theory, but decreased as development time expressed in degree-days increased. The effect of temperature on growth, development and body size can thus change or even reverse if individuals can alter their growth rate independently of development time, and if the physiological effects of temperature are factored out by converting development time into degree-days above a lower development threshold. Therefore, supposedly well-established trends possibly need to be re-examined along these lines. Pupal winter diapause towards the end of the season was highly reversible by temperature. Pre- and post-winter emergence patterns together suggest that the minimum time for yellow dung flies to successfully complete development, at any time of the year, is about 230–250 degree-days. Received: 2 September 1996 / Accepted: 26 February 1997  相似文献   

There has been a strong research focus on optical properties in temperate estuaries but very much less in tropical estuaries. These properties comprise light and beam attenuation dominated by suspended particulate matter, Chl a, and CDOM. Spatially and temporally distributed data on optical properties in a tropical wet and dry estuary are compared and discussed in relation to those of temperate estuaries. Sampling in the Nha Phu estuary, Vietnam, consisted of five stations on a transect from head to mouth that was sampled four times during dry conditions and three times during wet conditions between May 2006 and April 2008. Methods comprised CTD, optical measurements, and water sampling for suspended matter, Chl a, and CDOM. Results showed high light attenuation—K d(PAR)—in wet conditions and low in dry. K d(PAR) was highest at the estuary head and lower in the outer part. Spatial and temporal variations in K d(PAR) were in general dominated by variations in suspended particulate matter concentrations in both wet and dry conditions. Chl a concentrations were low and showed no strong variations between wet and dry conditions. CDOM absorption coefficients were higher in wet conditions with high values at the head and lower in the central part of the estuary. The depth of the photic zone was reduced by up to 50% during wet conditions. A residence time in the estuary of 5–6 days was derived from the rate of change of K d(PAR) after a period of heavy rain and discharge of freshwater into the estuary. This complied with a residence time of four and a half days derived from a basic physical relation. Optical properties were in general comparable to temperate estuaries in dry conditions although Chl a concentrations were lower in Nha Phu. A second distinctive point, as compared to temperate estuaries, was the episodic character with days of strong rainfall followed by longer periods of dry weather. All sampling, both wet and dry, was carried out in the dry season which implies a less definitive perception of wet and dry seasons.  相似文献   

The influence of NO 3 ? -N on growth and osmotic adjustment was studied in Tamarix laxa Willd., a halophyte with salt glands on its twigs. Seedlings of T. laxa Willd. were exposed to 1 mM (control) or 300 mM NaCl, with 0.05, 1 or 10 mM NO 3 ? -N for 24 days. The relative growth rate of seedlings at 300 mM NaCl was lower than that of control plants at all NO 3 ? -N levels, but the concentrations of organic N and total N in the twigs did not differ between the two NaCl treatments. Increasing NO 3 ? supply under 300 mM NaCl improved the growth of T. laxa, indicating that NO 3 ? played positive roles in improving salt resistance of the plant. The twigs of T. laxa Willd. accumulated mainly inorganic ions, especially Na+ and Cl?, to lower osmotic potential (Ψs): the contributions of Na+ and Cl? to Ψs were estimated at 31% and 27% respectively, at the highest levels of supply of both NaCl and NO 3 ? -N. The estimated contribution of NO 3 ? -N to Ψs was as high as 20% in the twigs in these conditions, indicating that NO 3 ? was also involved in osmotic adjustment in the twigs. Furthermore, increases in tissue NO 3 ? were accompanied by decreases in tissue Cl? and proline under 300 mM NaCl. The estimated contribution of proline to Ψs declined as with NO 3 ? -N supply increased from 1 to 10 mM, while the contributions of nitrate to Ψs were enhanced under 300 mM NaCl. This suggested that higher accumulation of nitrate in the vacuole alleviated the effects of salinity stress on the plant by balancing the osmotic potential. In conclusion, NO 3 ? -N played both nutritional and osmotic roles in T. laxa Willd. in saline conditions.  相似文献   

There are many recorded cases of parasites that are capable of altering the behaviour of their host to enhance their transmission efficiency. However, not all of these cases are necessarily the results of the parasites actively manipulating host behaviour; they may rather be the 'by-products' of pathology caused by the parasite's presence. This study investigates the effect of the microphallid trematode Maritrema novaezealandensis on the behaviour of one of its crustacean intermediate hosts, the amphipod Paracalliope novizealandiae. Uninfected amphipods were experimentally infected by exposure to M. novaezealandensis cercariae. The activity level and vertical position of experimentally infected amphipods were compared with uninfected amphipods at 2 weeks and 6 weeks post-infection, i.e. both before and after the parasite achieved infectivity to its definitive host. Infected amphipods were found to exhibit significantly lower levels of activity and to occur significantly lower in the water column than uninfected controls during both periods. Based on the timing of the change in behaviour exhibited by infected amphipods, the results suggest that the altered behaviour exhibited by P. novizealandiae infected with M. novaezealandensis is most likely due to pathology caused by the parasite rather than a case of active, and adaptive, behavioural manipulation.  相似文献   

Summary Pregnant rats were exposed to absorbed doses of 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 Gy of60Co- rays either on day 8 or on day 12 p.c.. The embryos were collected on day 18 p.c.. Irradiations both on day 8 and 12 p.c. result in a dose dependent decrement of weight. The effect is larger for irradiation on day 8 p.c.. Caryometric studies of the neurons in the trigeminal ganglion show, on the other hand, that the reduction of nuclear sizes in this tissue is more substantial for an irradiation on day 12 p.c. when the ganglion is in a stage of formation. Cytophotometric determinations of the Feulgen-DNA content and determination of the RNA content by staining with chromic gallocyanin in combination with ribonuclease digestion lead to the conclusion that the irradiation induces no significant hyperploidy and that the irradiated neurons have the nuclear RNA content that is normal at this stage of gestation. This applies both to the irradiations on day 8 and on day 12 p.c.  相似文献   

Apoptosis as an early event in the development of multiple organ failure?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have recently developed a simple method of plasma free DNA detection, which enables us to distinguish between apoptotic and genomic (necrotic) DNA. After applying this method to the critically ill, we revealed apoptotic DNA on the day of admission to be higher than later when multiple-organ failure developed. Moreover, apoptotic DNA contributed to total plasma DNA much more than DNA from necrotic cells and its increase predicted future development of multiple-organ failure and death.  相似文献   

Some properties of the inducible α-glucosidase system of Mucor rouxii were investigated. This enzymatic activity was induced after resuspending glucose-grown cells in a maltose-supplemented medium. The wall-bound activity of α-glucosidase was determined by using intact cells in the enzymatic assay; this activity represented from 80 to 90% of the total activity present in the induced cells. The addition of glucose before, or during, the induction period repressed α-glucosidase synthesis. α-Glucosidase induction was tested under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. It was found that the enzyme synthesis and the appearance of wall-bound activity were not affected by changing the gaseous environment. On the other hand, it was observed that anaerobically grown yeast-like cells were much less efficient than aerobic mycelia to develop wall-bound α-glucosidase activity. This could explain earlier observations about the incapacity of M. rouxii to utilize maltose as a substrate for anaerobic growth. This idea was strengthened by the fact that, if an anaerobic culture was induced to develop under a mycelial morphology by adding to the medium the chemical agent EDTA, these cells also acquired the capacity to grow on maltose and concomitantly possessed wall-bound α-glucosidase activity. The relevance of the structure of the cell wall on the capacity of M. rouxii to metabolize maltose is discussed.  相似文献   

Salt stress can suppress the immune function of fish and other aquatic animals, but such an effect has not yet been examined in air-breathing vertebrates that frequently cope with waters (and prey) of contrasting salinities. We investigated the effects of seawater salinity on the strength and cost of mounting an immune response in the dunlin Calidris alpina, a long-distance migratory shorebird that shifts seasonally from freshwater environments during the breeding season to marine environments during migration and the winter period. Phytohaemagglutinin (PHA)-induced skin swelling, basal metabolic rate (BMR), body mass, fat stores, and plasma ions were measured in dunlins acclimated to either freshwater or seawater (salinity: 0.3 and 35.0 ‰, respectively). Seawater-acclimated dunlins mounted a PHA-induced swelling response that was up to 56 % weaker than those held under freshwater conditions, despite ad libitum access to food. Freshwater-acclimated dunlins significantly increased their relative BMR 48 h after PHA injection, whereas seawater-acclimated dunlins did not. However, this differential immune and metabolic response between freshwater- and seawater-acclimated dunlins was not associated with significant changes in body mass, fat stores or plasma ions. Our results indicate that the strength of the immune response of this small-sized migratory shorebird was negatively influenced by the salinity of marine habitats. Further, these findings suggest that the reduced immune response observed under saline conditions might not be caused by an energy or nutrient limitation, and raise questions about the role of osmoregulatory hormones in the modulation of the immune system.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity, differentiation and performance of some dominant invertebrates in the marine coastal zone of Europe are reviewed in order to discuss the use of the metapopulation concept in the marine coastal realm. A consistently high genetic diversity of the species studied (mussels of the Mytilus edulis complex, Baltic clams Macoma balthica and lugworms Arenicola marina), a low differentiation and an almost uniform ecophysiological performance (determined by growth, maximum length, level reserve constituents or stress resistance) all along the coast of Europe do not support the use of the metapopulation concept. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Recordings were made of post-denervation changes in resting potential and input resistance in muscle fiber membrane, as well as anode break, tetrodotoxin resistant action potentials, and asynaptic sensitivity to acetylcholine during experiments on cultured diaphragm muscle fiber isolated from rats. Addition of -endorphin to the culture medium prevented increase in the input resistance of muscle fibers and reduced development of asynaptic transmitter sensitivity in the membrane, but failed to change the ability of the denervated muscle membrane to generate anode break and tetrodotoxin-resistant action potentials. The effects of -endorphin were not abolished by naloxone, which itself had endorphin-like powers as measured by the indices used in this research. It is therefore suggested that -endorphin or like substances could be claimed as the neurotrophic factors responsible for controlling passive electrical properties of the muscle fiber membrane and contribute to regulating its acetylcholine sensitivity.S. V. Kurashov Medical Institute, Ministry of Public Health of the RSFSR, Kazan'. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 759–766, November–December, 1987.  相似文献   


Biological invasion is globally pervasive and an increasing threat to biodiversity. We need to be able to predict the ecological impacts of alien species, in order to prioritize management of those expected to be most damaging. Comparisons of functional response (FR) between invaders and trophically similar natives has been proposed as useful for predicting invader impacts, as interaction intensity tends to be reflected in higher FRs. We undertook feeding trials comparing FRs of four invasive poeciliids (mosquitofish [Gambusia affinis], guppy [Poecilia reticulata], liberty molly [P. salvatoris] and swordtail [Xiphophorus hellerii]) in Hong Kong with three similar-sized native fishes (ricefish [Oryzias curvinotus: Adrianichthyidae]; predaceous chub [Parazacco spilurus] and half-banded barb [Puntius semifasciolatus: Cyprinidae]). We tested whether FRs correctly reflected known impacts of the mosquitofish and guppy locally, and used FRs to forecast potential impacts of the molly and swordtail. Overall, the swordtail and molly consumed more prey and had higher FRs than the other five fishes, owing to their shorter prey handling time and/or higher attack rate. Mosquitofish and guppy had similar FRs to native fishes. All fishes showed type-II FRs, and had some potential to destabilize prey populations. Such results predict that the molly and swordtail could have strong ecological effects in Hong Kong freshwaters. However, FR alone was not highly predictive of known impacts of mosquitofish and guppy. It is suggested a more holistic approach incorporating estimates of field abundance and parameterization of other niche dimensions of the invader will be needed.


We investigated the potential role of magnesium (Mg) dysbalance in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance (IR) in patients with mildly-to-moderately decreased renal function (creatinine: 142.8+/-11.0 mmol/l). The data were compared to those of 8 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (CTRL). The standard oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT) was performed in 61 patients. Twenty-two patients were classified as IR according to their values on fasting and after-load immunoreactive insulin concentrations. Serum and total erythrocyte Mg (tErMg) (atomic absorption spectro-photometry) and free erythrocyte Mg (fErMg) concentrations ((31) P NMR spectroscopy) were determined prior to and two hours after the glucose load. Ten out of 39 insulin-sensitive (IS) patients, but only one out of 22 insulin-resistant (IR) patients, had a low basal fErMg concentration (<162.2 micromol/l, chi2, p<0.01). IR patients had higher serum Mg, total erythrocyte Mg and bound erythrocyte Mg (bErMg) concentrations (both before and after glucose load) when compared with the IS group. Both groups responded to the glucose load with a significant decrease in serum Mg concentration (within the normal range), while the IR group also exhibited a decline in tErMg and bErMg. The mean sum of insulin needed to metabolize the same glucose load correlated positively with tErMg (r=0.545, p<0.01) and bErMg (r=0.560, p<0.01) in the IR patients. It is concluded that, at an early stage of renal dysfunction, IR is not associated with the decline in free erythrocyte Mg concentration, but the magnesium handling in red blood cells is altered.  相似文献   

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