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We studied diversity and distribution of transposable elements residing in different strains (DSM 11072, DSM 11073, DSM 65, and LMD 82.5) of a soil bacterium Paracoccus pantotrophus (alpha-Proteobacteria). With application of a shuttle entrapment vector pMEC1, several novel insertion sequences (ISs) and transposons (Tns) have been identified. They were sequenced and subjected to detailed comparative analysis, which allowed their characterization (i.e., identification of transposase genes, terminal inverted repeats, as well as target sequences) and classification into the appropriate IS or Tn families. The frequency of transposition of these elements varied and ranged from 10(-6) to 10(-3) depending on the strain. The copy number, localization (plasmid or chromosome), and distribution of these elements in the Paracoccus species P. pantotrophus, P. denitrificans, P. methylutens, P. solventivorans, and P. versutus were analyzed. This allowed us to distinguish elements that are common in paracocci (ISPpa2, ISPpa3--both of the IS5 family--and ISPpa5 of IS66 family) as well as strain-specific ones (ISPpa1 of the IS256 family, ISPpa4 of the IS5 family, and Tn3434 and Tn5393 of the Tn3 family), acquired by lateral transfer events. These elements will be of a great value in the design of new genetic tools for paracocci, since only one element (IS1248 of P. denitrificans) has been described so far in this genus.  相似文献   

Discovering and detecting transposable elements in genome sequences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The contribution of transposable elements (TEs) to genome structure and evolution as well as their impact on genome sequencing, assembly, annotation and alignment has generated increasing interest in developing new methods for their computational analysis. Here we review the diversity of innovative approaches to identify and annotate TEs in the post-genomic era, covering both the discovery of new TE families and the detection of individual TE copies in genome sequences. These approaches span a broad spectrum in computational biology including de novo, homology-based, structure-based and comparative genomic methods. We conclude that the integration and visualization of multiple approaches and the development of new conceptual representations for TE annotation will further advance the computational analysis of this dynamic component of the genome.  相似文献   



Transposable element (TE) sequences, once thought to be merely selfish or parasitic members of the genomic community, have been shown to contribute a wide variety of functional sequences to their host genomes. Analysis of complete genome sequences have turned up numerous cases where TE sequences have been incorporated as exons into mRNAs, and it is widely assumed that such 'exonized' TEs encode protein sequences. However, the extent to which TE-derived sequences actually encode proteins is unknown and a matter of some controversy. We have tried to address this outstanding issue from two perspectives: i-by evaluating ascertainment biases related to the search methods used to uncover TE-derived protein coding sequences (CDS) and ii-through a probabilistic codon-frequency based analysis of the protein coding potential of TE-derived exons.  相似文献   

By using phage P22spl, a deletion mutant of phage P22, the structures of two new transposons on P22 genomes were studied by the electron microscopic heteroduplex method. One of these was the Cm (chloramphenicol) transposon derived from an R plasmid, NR1, and the other the Km (kanamycin) transposon frin obr502. the heteroduplex between P22 phage DNAs with and without the Cm transposon revealed that the Cm transposon was similar in structure to the Tn9 element, a well-known Cm transposon derived from the R plasmid pMS14. On the other hand, the Km transposon of pNR502 was quite different in structure from other Km transposons reported previously. This transposon consists of a 6.8 kilobase (kb) segment of DNA, in which a short inverted repeat is contained. The heteroduplex experiments showed that a 4.5 kb segment of DNA was deleted from the P22 genome in the P22spl genome. Because of a shorter unit length of the genome, phage P22spl is considered to be useful of assaying various kinds of transposable elements.  相似文献   

Survey of transposable elements from rice genomic sequences   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Oryza sativa L. (domesticated rice) is a monocotyledonous plant, and its 430 Mb genome has been targeted for complete sequencing. We performed a high-resolution computer-based survey for transposable elements on 910 Kb of rice genomic DNA sequences. Both class I and II transposable elements were present, contributing 19.9% of the sequences surveyed. Class II elements greatly outnumbered class I elements (166 versus 22), although class I elements made up a greater percentage (12.2% versus 6.6%) of nucleotides surveyed. Several Mutator-like elements (MULEs) were identified, including rice elements that harbor truncated host cellular genes. MITEs (miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements) account for 71.6% of the mined transposable elements and are clearly the predominant type of transposable element in the sequences examined. Moreover, a putative Stowaway transposase has been identified based on shared sequence similarity with the mined MITEs and previously identified plant mariner-like elements (MLEs). Members of a group of novel rice elements resembling the structurally unusual members of the Basho family in Arabidopsis suggest a wide distribution of these transposons among plants. Our survey provides a preview of transposable element diversity and abundance in rice, and allows for comparison with genomes of other plant species.  相似文献   

Combined evidence annotation of transposable elements in genome sequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile, repetitive sequences that make up significant fractions of metazoan genomes. Despite their near ubiquity and importance in genome and chromosome biology, most efforts to annotate TEs in genome sequences rely on the results of a single computational program, RepeatMasker. In contrast, recent advances in gene annotation indicate that high-quality gene models can be produced from combining multiple independent sources of computational evidence. To elevate the quality of TE annotations to a level comparable to that of gene models, we have developed a combined evidence-model TE annotation pipeline, analogous to systems used for gene annotation, by integrating results from multiple homology-based and de novo TE identification methods. As proof of principle, we have annotated "TE models" in Drosophila melanogaster Release 4 genomic sequences using the combined computational evidence derived from RepeatMasker, BLASTER, TBLASTX, all-by-all BLASTN, RECON, TE-HMM and the previous Release 3.1 annotation. Our system is designed for use with the Apollo genome annotation tool, allowing automatic results to be curated manually to produce reliable annotations. The euchromatic TE fraction of D. melanogaster is now estimated at 5.3% (cf. 3.86% in Release 3.1), and we found a substantially higher number of TEs (n = 6,013) than previously identified (n = 1,572). Most of the new TEs derive from small fragments of a few hundred nucleotides long and highly abundant families not previously annotated (e.g., INE-1). We also estimated that 518 TE copies (8.6%) are inserted into at least one other TE, forming a nest of elements. The pipeline allows rapid and thorough annotation of even the most complex TE models, including highly deleted and/or nested elements such as those often found in heterochromatic sequences. Our pipeline can be easily adapted to other genome sequences, such as those of the D. melanogaster heterochromatin or other species in the genus Drosophila.  相似文献   

F J De Bruijn  A I Bukhari 《Gene》1978,3(4):315-331
We have examined the genomes of the temperate bacteriophages Mu and P1 and some of their insertion mutants for hybridization with the prokaryotic transposable elements IS1 and IS2. We used the DNA blotting-hybridization technique in which denatured DNA fragments are transferred to nitrocellulose paper directly from agarose gels and hybridized to 32P-labeled probe DNA. The 800 base pair insertion in an X mutant of Mu was found to hybridize with IS1. The chloramphenicol resistance transposon, Tn9, in Mu X cam mutants was found to be located at or close to the sites of IS1 insertion in X mutants; Tn9 also hybridized with IS1. The restriction endonuclease BalI cleaved IS1 once; it cleaved Tn9 in all Mu X cam mutants twice to release a fragment of about 1700 base pairs. These results support the conclusion that Tn9 contains one copy of IS1 at each end. In the P1cam isolate, from which Tn9 was transposed to Mu, BalI made a third cut in Tn9 giving rise to fragments of about 850 base pairs. The data further suggested that Tn9 is present in tandem copies in the P1cam isolate we examined. P1 itself was found to harbor IS1. The two P1 strains tested had a common fragment containing IS1; one strain had an additional copy of IS1. The IS1 element common to the P1 strains was shown to be the site of the Tn9 insertion in the P1cam isolate examined. No hybridization between IS2 and any of the Mu and P1 strains could be detected.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to increase the number of genes assigned by in situ hybridization to equine chromosomes and thus the number of links for comparative mapping with other species. Forty-four new sequences were added to the horse cytogenetic map by FISH mapping of BAC clones containing genes (35) or ESTs (9). Three approaches were developed: use of horse BAC clones screened with (i) horse EST primers, (ii) interspecific consensus intraexonic primers, and (iii) use of goat BAC containing genes previously localized on goat chromosomes. Present data suggest that the second approach is the most promising. A total of 46 segments containing one or several genes could be compared, among which 40 loci could be included in 16 synteny groups between human and horse, displaying one ordered segment and several breaking points along chromosomes. All single BAC localizations confirm the most recent mapping data. Twenty-six out of 31 chromosomes now contain a gene mapped by in situ hybridization, and 14 new arm-to-arm segment homologies were revealed. Received: 2 May 2000 / Accepted: 27 July 2000  相似文献   

Evolutionary dynamics of structural genetic variation in lineages of hybrid origin is not well explored, although structural mutations may increase in controlled hybrid crosses. We therefore tested whether structural variants accumulate in a fish of recent hybrid origin, invasive Cottus, relative to both parental species Cottus rhenanus and Cottus perifretum. Copy‐number variation in exons of 10,979 genes was assessed using comparative genome hybridization arrays. Twelve genes showed significantly higher copy numbers in invasive Cottus compared to both parents. This coincided with increased expression for three genes related to vision, detoxification and muscle development, suggesting possible gene dosage effects. Copy number increases of putative transposons were assessed by comparative mapping of genomic DNA reads against a de novo assembly of 1,005 repetitive elements. In contrast to exons, copy number increases of repetitive elements were common (20.7%) in invasive Cottus, whereas decrease was very rare (0.01%). Among the increased repetitive elements, 53.8% occurred at higher numbers in C. perifretum compared to C. rhenanus, while only 1.4% were more abundant in C. rhenanus. This implies a biased mutational process that amplifies genetic material from one ancestor. To assess the frequency of de novo mutations through hybridization, we screened 64 laboratory‐bred F2 offspring between the parental species for copy‐number changes at five candidate loci. We found no evidence for new structural variants, indicating that they are too rare to be detected given our sampling scheme. Instead, they must have accumulated over more generations than we observed in a controlled cross.  相似文献   

We suggest an annotation strategy for genes encoded by retroviruses and transposable elements (RETRA genes) based on a set of marker protein domains. Usually RETRA genes are masked in vertebrate genomes prior to the application of automated gene prediction pipelines under the assumption that they provide no selective advantage to the host. Yet, we show that about 1000 genes in four vertebrate gene sets analyzed contain at least one RETRA gene marker domain. Using the conservation of genomic neighborhood (synteny), we were able to discriminate between RETRA genes with putative functionality in the vertebrates and those that probably function only in the context of mobile elements. We identified 35 such genes in human, along with their corresponding mouse and rat orthologs; which included almost all known human genes with similarity to mobile elements. The results also imply that the vast majority of the remaining RETRA genes in current gene sets are unlikely to encode vertebrate functions. To automatically annotate RETRA genes in other vertebrate genomes, we provide as a tool a set of marker protein domains and a manually refined list of domesticated or ancestral RETRA genes for rescuing genes with vertebrate functions.  相似文献   

As a further step toward understanding transposable element-host genome interactions, we investigated the molecular anatomy of introns from five heterochromatic and 22 euchromatic protein-coding genes of Drosophila melanogaster. A total of 79 kb of intronic sequences from heterochromatic genes and 355 kb of intronic sequences from euchromatic genes have been used in Blast searches against Drosophila transposable elements (TEs). The results show that TE-homologous sequences belonging to 19 different families represent about 50% of intronic DNA from heterochromatic genes. In contrast, only 0.1% of the euchromatic intron DNA exhibits homology to known TEs. Intraspecific and interspecific size polymorphisms of introns were found, which are likely to be associated with changes in TE-related sequences. Together, the enrichment in TEs and the apparent dynamic state of heterochromatic introns suggest that TEs contribute significantly to the evolution of genes located in heterochromatin.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) are abundant in mammalian genomes and have potentially contributed to their hosts' evolution by providing novel regulatory or coding sequences. We surveyed different classes of regulatory region in the human genome to assess systematically the potential contribution of TEs to gene regulation. Almost 25% of the analyzed promoter regions contain TE-derived sequences, including many experimentally characterized cis-regulatory elements. Scaffold/matrix attachment regions (S/MARs) and locus control regions (LCRs) that are involved in the simultaneous regulation of multiple genes also contain numerous TE-derived sequences. Thus, TEs have probably contributed substantially to the evolution of both gene-specific and global patterns of human gene regulation.  相似文献   

A few foldback (FB) transposable elements have, between their long terminal inverted repeats, central loop sequences which have been shown to be different from FB inverted repeat sequences. We have investigated loop sequences from two such FB elements by analyzing their genomic distribution and sequence conservation and, in particular, by determining if they are normally associated with FB elements. One of these FB loop sequences seems to be present in a few conserved copies found adjacent to FB inverted repeat sequences, suggesting that it represents an integral component of some FB elements. The other loop sequence is less well-conserved and not usually associated with FB inverted repeats. This sequence is a member of another family of transposable elements, the HB family, and was found inserted in an FB element only by chance. We compare the complete DNA sequences of two HB elements and examine the ends of four HB elements.  相似文献   

Sakai H  Tanaka T  Itoh T 《Gene》2007,392(1-2):59-63
Despite a wide distribution of transposable elements (TEs) in the genomes of higher eukaryotes, much of their evolutionary significance remains unclear. Recent studies have indicated that TEs are involved with biological processes such as gene regulation and the generation of new exons in mammals. In addition, the completion of the genome sequencings in Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa has permitted scientist to describe a genome-wide overview in plants. In this study, we examined the positions of TEs in the genome of O. sativa. Although we found that more than 10% of the structural genes contained TEs, they were underrepresented in exons compared with non-exonic regions. TEs also appeared to be inserted preferentially in 3'-untranslated regions in exons. These results suggested that purifying selection against TE insertion has played a major role during evolution. Moreover, our comparison of the numbers of TEs in the protein-coding regions between single copy genes and duplicate genes showed that TEs were more frequent in duplicate than single copy genes. This observation indicated that gene duplication events created a large number of functionally redundant genes. Subsequently, many of them were destroyed by TEs because the redundant copies were released from purifying selection. Another biological role of TEs was found to be the recruitment of new exons. We found that approximately 2% of protein-coding genes contained TEs in their coding regions. Insertion of TEs in genic regions may have the potential to be an evolutionary driving force for the creation of new biological functions.  相似文献   

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