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在1980年出版的“中国植被”一书中,我国亚热带东部地区中亚热带常绿阔叶林地带北界的东端,在上海境内是沿着长江中的崇明和横沙两岛之间通过的。即是说,除崇明岛外,上海是划入了中亚热带的植被地带之内。这条界线与1960年出版的“中国植被区划(初稿)”中所示的东端界线差距较大。1982年刘昉勋等对江苏境内中亚热带常绿阔叶林地带的北界问题,提出了新的商榷意见,认为“中国植被”中所划的这条界线在江苏境内位置偏北,不应包括整个太湖以及无锡和苏州两地,而应是跨过太湖,经过光福镇,包括吴县南部和吴江县地区,把中亚热带常绿阔叶林地带的北界向南推移了。这一划分对上海境内的问题颇有启发。上海位于长江三角洲的前缘,是由长江挟带的泥沙在江海相互作用下冲淤而成的冲 相似文献
喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶林是中国西南喀斯特地区非地带性顶极森林群落,该研究基于相邻木关系的角尺度、混交度和大小比数3个结构参数,对木论国家级自然保护区常绿落叶阔叶林25 hm^(2)大型固定监测样地整体、上木层、下木层及其优势物种的空间结构特征进行了分析,以期揭示其森林空间结构现状,为喀斯特植被恢复重建提供依据。结果表明:(1)样地群落整体为轻度聚集分布格局,接近随机分布,物种高度混交且个体间大小分化程度相近,上木层呈现随机分布、强度混交和中庸偏亚优势状态,下木层呈现聚集分布、强度混交和中庸偏劣势状态。(2)样地内优势物种大多处于轻度聚集分布、强度混交且中庸偏劣势的状态。(3)林木大小比数与胸径、树高均呈显著负相关关系,混交度与胸径、树高均呈显著正相关关系,随林木的生长发育,树种优势度逐渐增大,物种多样性逐渐增强。研究认为,木论常绿落叶阔叶林空间结构尚未完全稳定,正处于演替中后期,具有发育成顶极群落的潜力。 相似文献
武夷山保存了典型的中亚热带原生性森林生态系统。由于以往研究的空间和时间尺度较小, 方法规范性不强, 该地区尚缺少大型的、规范的综合性观测和研究平台。本文依托环境保护部南京环境科学研究所等单位按照CTFS调查技术规范建立的武夷山中亚热带常绿阔叶林9.6 ha动态监测样地开展植物群落调查, 从物种组成、区系特征、径级结构和空间分布格局等方面分析了其群落特征。结果表明: 样地内有维管植物68科135属232种, 其中乔木层内胸径≥ 1 cm的植物有44科86属171种。热带性质的科和属分别占总科数和总属数的68.58%和58.83%, 热带特征明显。珍稀濒危物种较多, 有4种国家II级重点保护野生植物、2种《中国生物多样性红色名录——高等植物卷》中的“近危”物种、1种《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)附录II物种以及72种中国特有物种, 具有较高的保护和研究价值。稀有种29种, 占总树种数的16.96%。重要值最大的科是壳斗科和山茶科, 二者的重要值之和大于40%。米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)、毛锥(C. fordii)、甜槠(C. eyrei)和少叶黄杞(Engelhardtia fenzlii)的重要值较大, 但没有明显的优势种。小径木较多, 所有个体的平均胸径为5.10 cm, 整体径级分布呈倒J形。乔木层可分为两个亚层, 米槠、毛锥、甜槠等在第I亚层中占优势。米槠和毛锥呈均匀分布, 甜槠、少叶黄杞、赤楠(Syzygium buxifolium)和木荷(Schima superba)呈聚集分布。 相似文献
福建中亚热带常绿阔叶林物种多样性的空间格局 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
对福建中亚热带不同区域、不同海拔梯度的常绿阔叶林群落进行物种多样性测定 ,结果表明 :(1 )在 6个区域中 ,乔木层的物种多样性指数平均值高于灌木层的平均值 ;对丰富度指数 ,太平乔、灌木层 (R1、R2 )最高 ,茂地 (R1、R2 )最低 ;对多样性指数 ,乔木层夏道 (D1、H1)最高 ,土堡 (D1)、茂地 (H1)分别最低 ,灌木层峡阳(D2 )、大洋 (H2 )分别最高 ,太平 (D2 、H2 )最低 ;对均匀度指数 ,乔木层中茂地 (E1、J1)最高 ,土堡 (E1、J1)最低 ,灌木层峡阳 (E2 )、大洋 (J2 )分别最高 ,太平 (E2 、J2 )最低 ;不同区域乔木层的物种多样性指数曲线变化比灌木层缓和 ;(2 )在 6个海拔梯度群落 ,对乔木层物种数和丰富度指数在海拔 2 0 0~ 40 0m(S1、R1)最高 ,对灌木层在海拔 60 0~ 80 0m(S1、R1)最高 ;对乔、灌木层物种数和丰富度指数在海拔 1 0 0 0~ 1 2 0 0m(S1、S2 、R1、R2 )最低 ;对多样性指数 ,在乔木层中在海拔 2 0 0~ 40 0m(D1、H1)最高 ,在海拔 80 0~ 1 0 0 0m(D1、H1)最低 ,在灌木层中在海拔 60 0~ 80 0m(D2 、H2 )最高 ,海拔 80 0~ 1 0 0 0m(D2 、H2 )最低 ;对均匀度指数 ,乔木层中在海拔 10 0 0~ 1 2 0 0m(E1、J1)最高 ,在海拔 80 0~ 1 0 0 0m(E1、J1)最低 ,灌木层中在海拔 1 0 0 0~ 1 2 0 0m(E2 ) 相似文献
福建中亚热带闽北部、闽中部两亚地带,气候条件与植被类型特征均有一定的差异,而其常绿阔叶林中占绝对优势的壳斗科树种的分布,具较明显的水平地带性规律。本文为进一步探讨其分布特点,据该地带12个县(市)的共69处调查样地、15000m2面积的壳斗科树种数据,采用调查县(市)间及其树种间的重要值相似性指数作聚类分析,将全地带壳斗科主要树种的分布划分为闽北部与闽中部两个区域类群。用调查县(市)及树种作极点排序表明,不同地理分布区各树种的数量和长势等特征反映出纬度与降水量呈显著正相关而与温度呈显著负相关。它显示出福建地理因素中的温度与降水量对树种分布的综合作用效果。树种分布的生态幅分析表明,全地带的甜槠等4个树种属于较均匀广布种,而苦槠、乌楣栲与米槠、赤枝栲等,分别属于该地带的闽北部与闽中部亚地带的区域代表种。 相似文献
基于机载激光雷达的中亚热带常绿阔叶林林窗特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
机载激光雷达(LiDAR)是一种新型主动式遥感技术,能直接获取多尺度高精度的冠层三维结构信息,将其推广到森林干扰生态学领域,可为林窗研究提供应用支撑.以湖南中亚热带常绿阔叶林为研究对象,利用小光斑LiDAR数据进行林窗识别和几何特征估测.选择合适的分辨率和内插方法生成冠层高程模型,采用计算机图形学方法估测林窗面积、边界木高度和形状指数,并进行野外观测验证.结果表明: 林窗识别率为94.8%,主要影响因素是林窗面积和林窗形成木类型;估测的林窗面积和边界木高与野外观测值呈较强线性相关,R2值分别为0.962和0.878,其中估测的林窗面积平均比野外观测值高19.9%,估测的林窗边界木高度平均比野外观测值低9.9%;区域内林窗密度为12.8个·hm-2,占森林面积13.3%;林窗面积、边界木高和形状指数的平均值分别为85.06 m2、15.33 m和1.71,区域内多为较小面积、边缘效应不太显著的林窗.
中亚热带常绿阔叶林林隙及其自然干扰特征的研究 总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12
通过对福建万木林中亚热带常绿阔叶林中96个林隙的调查,研究了中亚热带常绿阔叶林的基本特征和自然干扰规律,结果表明,在中亚热带常绿阔叶林中,扩展林隙(EG)和冠空隙(CG)在中亚热带常绿阔叶林景观中的面积比例分别为50.86%和16.66%,每年干扰频率分别为0.85%·年^-1和0.28%·年^-1,林隙干扰的返回间隔期约为357年.林隙形成方式由树木折干形成的最为普遍,占形成木总数58.04%。其次是由于掘根风倒而形成的,占33.48%.林隙大多由两株树木形成,平均每个林隙拥有形成木2.33株.扩展林隙的大小多在100~300m^2之间,其中以200~300m^2者所占的面积比例最大,而以100~200m^2者所占的数量比例最大,冠空隙的大小多在100m^2以下,其中50m^2以下所占的数量比例和面积比例都是最大的.林隙形成木分布最多的径级在20~30cm之间。 相似文献
中亚热带常绿阔叶林不同演替阶段碳储量与格局特征 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
研究了湖南鹰嘴界自然保护区内马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林、马尾松阔叶树混交林和常绿阔叶林这3种处于不同演替阶段森林类型的碳储量及时空分布格局.结果表明:3种类型森林生态系统碳储量分别为182.86、179.84和229.12 Mg C·hm-2,其中乔木层占59.57% -67.88%,随森林进展演替增加,乔木层是生态系统碳储量主要贡献者,且各林分均以树干占乔术层碳储量比例最大;土壤层占31.05%~ 36.55%,碳储量随演替进展而增加,但对森林生态系统碳储量贡献率减小;林下植被和凋落物层分别占0.41% ~3.04%和0.65% ~2.53%,均随演替进展而减少,对生态系统碳储量贡献微弱;演替过程中生物量碳与土壤碳储量比为1.96、1.69和2.20,生物量碳在生态系统碳储量中所占比例呈增加趋势.可见在常绿阔叶林分布区,实施近自然林经营,模拟常绿阔叶林结构,是提升该区域森林碳汇能力的重要途径. 相似文献
秦岭-淮河是我国气候和农业生产上重要的南北分界线,在植被区划上一般认为这一线是暖温带落叶阔叶林带和北亚热带落叶-常绿阔叶混交林带的交界线,也就是亚热带常绿阔叶林带在安徽境内的北界。这一界线,有人主张划在淮河主流上,但是也有一些人分别把它划在淮河以南的不同部位,意见颇有分歧。由于这条界线对安徽农业区划具有重要意义;同时,通过这条界线的讨论,可以使我们更好地学习植被区划的理论和方法,并探索怎样使植被区划更好地为生产实际服务。为此特提出一些极不成熟的意见,供讨论。 相似文献
云南中山湿性常绿阔叶林广泛分布于海拔1800~3400 m的山地,这类常绿阔叶林在生态外貌上具有亚热带常绿阔叶林特征,但其分布生境却是暖温带-温带气候,且植物区系组成与热带植物区系有古老的渊源。该文以研究得比较深入的哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林为例,对其植物区系与其气候条件的不协调进行剖析。哀牢山的中山湿性常绿阔叶林记录了种子植物110科386属821种。在植物区系科的地理成分上,无论是含种数多的科,还是所有科的分布区类型,都是以热带分布科为主,体现了它的远古热带起源背景。在该种子植物区系中,热带分布属占总属数的47.75%,热带分布种占总种数的33.45%,在近代演化上仍体现出明显的热带亲缘特征。按照哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林分布地区的暖温带-温带气候条件,它相当于中国东部的暖温带落叶阔叶林地区。在中国东部地区类似气候条件的地带性植被的植物区系中,热带分布属通常只占总属数的25%~27%,云南中山湿性常绿阔叶林植物区系的地理成分与所在地的温带气候明显不协调。对这种现象的解释,笔者认为结合哀牢山地区曾经是低海拔夷平面,在第四纪以来才迅速抬升形成的地质历史,可能这里曾经在第四纪以前的热带-亚热带性质的植物区系和常绿阔叶林随着地形的迅速抬升,逐渐适应了因海拔上升而形成的温带气候,成为在云南高海拔山地存在的所谓中山湿性常绿阔叶林,其植物区系和植被的热带-亚热带性质及常绿阔叶生态外貌并未因气候改变而发生改变。 相似文献
Topographic Variation in Aboveground Biomass in a Subtropical Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest in China
The subtropical forest biome occupies about 25% of China, with species diversity only next to tropical forests. Despite the recognized importance of subtropical forest in regional carbon storage and cycling, uncertainties remain regarding the carbon storage of subtropical forests, and few studies have quantified within-site variation of biomass, making it difficult to evaluate the role of these forests in the global and regional carbon cycles. Using data for a 24-ha census plot in east China, we quantify aboveground biomass, characterize its spatial variation among different habitats, and analyse species relative contribution to the total aboveground biomass of different habitats. The average aboveground biomass was 223.0 Mg ha−1 (bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals [217.6, 228.5]) and varied substantially among four topographically defined habitats, from 180.6 Mg ha−1 (bootstrapped 95% CI [167.1, 195.0]) in the upper ridge to 245.9 Mg ha−1 (bootstrapped 95% CI [238.3, 253.8]) in the lower ridge, with upper and lower valley intermediate. In consistent with our expectation, individual species contributed differently to the total aboveground biomass of different habitats, reflecting significant species habitat associations. Different species show differently in habitat preference in terms of biomass contribution. These patterns may be the consequences of ecological strategies difference among different species. Results from this study enhance our ability to evaluate the role of subtropical forests in the regional carbon cycle and provide valuable information to guide the protection and management of subtropical broad-leaved forest for carbon sequestration and carbon storage. 相似文献
Yanting Hu Ping Zhao Weijun Shen Liwei Zhu Guangyan Ni Xiuhua Zhao Zhenzhen Zhang Xingquan Rao Lei Ouyang Xiaomin Zeng Dan Sun Yongbiao Lin 《Ecosystems》2018,21(4):811-826
Precipitation changes such as more frequent drought and altered precipitation seasonality may impose substantial impacts on the structure and functioning of forest ecosystems. A better understanding of tree responses to precipitation changes can provide fundamental information for the conservation and management of forests under future climate regimes. We conducted a 2-year seasonal rainfall redistribution experiment to assess the responses of tree transpiration and growth to manipulated precipitation changes in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. Three precipitation treatments were administered including a drier dry season and wetter wet season treatment (DD), an extended dry season and wetter wet season treatment (ED), and an ambient control treatment, with the total amount of annual rainfall being kept the same among the three treatments. Our results showed that the DD and ED treatments reduced daily transpiration of Schima superba by 8–16 and 13–25%, respectively. The ED treatment also reduced the DBH increment of larger S. superba individuals. In contrast, neither treatment showed obvious effects on the transpiration and DBH increment of another dominant species Michelia macclurei. However, the transpiration of both species showed clear inter-annual differences between the 2 years with contrasting annual rainfall (2094 vs 1582 mm). S. superba had a lower transpiration-to-precipitation ratio (T/P) compared to M. macclurei and showed decreased sensitivities to total solar radiation and vapor pressure deficit under the DD and ED treatments. These results indicate the deep-rooted S. superba may be suppressed with a lower ability to obtain water and assimilate carbon compared to the shallow-rooted M. macclurei under the precipitation seasonality changes, which could potentially cause shifts in species dominance within the forest community. 相似文献
The quantity of litter-fall and the standing crop of H sublayer in the forest floor of evergreen broad-leaved forest were higher than that of Pinus yunnanensis forest. The quantity of the forest floor changed with the quantity of litter-fall, and thera was a dynamic equilibrium between the litter-fall and forest floor. The content of nutrient elements of the forest floor was higher than that of litter-fall in both types. The order of nutrient element content in the forest floor differed from that in litter-fall. In the evergreen broad-leaved forest, the order was N > Ca > Si>K>Mg>Al>P>Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu,and in Pinus yunnanensis forest it was Ca>N>Si>K>Al>Mg >Fe>P>Mn>Zn>Cu. But the order of nutrient element content in the forest floor had changed: in evergreen broad-leaved forest it was Si > N > Al > Ca > Fe > K>Mg>P>Mn>Zn>Cu, the Pinus yunnanensis forest it was Si > AI>N>Ca>Fe>K>M>P>Mn>Zn>Cu. With increase in the intensity of litter decomposition Ash, Si and Al had obviously increased, N, Fe, P and K had also increased in varying degrees, but there was some reduction in Ca, Zn and Mg. The ratio of carbon and nitrogen in litter decreased' with increase in litter decomposition. 相似文献
The distribution, accumulation, and cycling of N, P, K, Na, Ca, and Mg in terms of their concentration in the biomass was quite different from those in soil in Heishiding Nature Reserve (111°53′ E, 23°27′ N). The concentrations of N, Ca and P were higher in plant, and much lower in soil. The average content of the elements in different organs was in the order as: leaf>branch>bark>root>wood, although this was not true for all the elements. Trunk and leaf had the most and the least accumulation of the elements, respectively, and branch and root were comparable. In the forest, most of the elements (97 %) were concen- trated in the tree layer. The total amount of elements in the ecosystem was 3324.2 kg· ha-1 among which N amounted 1470.5, P 51.0, K 1097.7, Na 22.6, Ca 566.2, and Mg 116.2. Yearly absorption of the elements was 432.2 kg · ha-1 among which N amounted 207.1, P 6.5, K 144.9, Na 6.9, Ca 52.6, and Mg 14. 1; and element absorption among different organs accounted as 35.0 kg · ha-1 · a-1 in wood, 14.8, in bark, 66.1 in branch, 143.2 in leaf, 25.3 in root, and 147.7 in fine root (D<3 mm). Total return of the elements from litterfall, death and fallen trees was 311.8 kg · ha-1 · a-1, among which N accounted for 154.3, P 4.7, K 102.1, Na 6.2, Ca 34.5, and Mg 10.0. Return from different organs was: wood 10.2, bark 4.3, branch 17.0, leaf 123.0, root (not in- cluding fine root) 9.4, and fine root 147.7. Total retention was 120.4 kg · ha-1 · a-1 among which N accounted for 52.8, P 1.8, K 42.8, Na 0. 7, Ca 18. 1, and Mg 4.1; retention in different organs was: wood 24.8, bark 10.5, branch 49.1, leaf 20. 2, and root 15.9. Ca, Mg and P have higher cycling and utilization efficiencies. 相似文献
Investigating patterns of phylogenetic structure across different life stages of tree species in forests is crucial to understanding forest community assembly, and investigating forest gap influence on the phylogenetic structure of forest regeneration is necessary for understanding forest community assembly. Here, we examine the phylogenetic structure of tree species across life stages from seedlings to canopy trees, as well as forest gap influence on the phylogenetic structure of forest regeneration in a forest of the subtropical region in China. We investigate changes in phylogenetic relatedness (measured as NRI) of tree species from seedlings, saplings, treelets to canopy trees; we compare the phylogenetic turnover (measured as βNRI) between canopy trees and seedlings in forest understory with that between canopy trees and seedlings in forest gaps. We found that phylogenetic relatedness generally increases from seedlings through saplings and treelets up to canopy trees, and that phylogenetic relatedness does not differ between seedlings in forest understory and those in forest gaps, but phylogenetic turnover between canopy trees and seedlings in forest understory is lower than that between canopy trees and seedlings in forest gaps. We conclude that tree species tend to be more closely related from seedling to canopy layers, and that forest gaps alter the seedling phylogenetic turnover of the studied forest. It is likely that the increasing trend of phylogenetic clustering as tree stem size increases observed in this subtropical forest is primarily driven by abiotic filtering processes, which select a set of closely related evergreen broad-leaved tree species whose regeneration has adapted to the closed canopy environments of the subtropical forest developed under the regional monsoon climate. 相似文献
he evergreen broad-leaved forest is widely distributed on the north slope of Mt. Huangshan. Through extensive investigation and analysis of the characteristics,the following conclusions can be achieved. The floristic composition consists of 81 families, 150 genera and 204 species, in which the subtropical elements are of high percentage. The physiognomy of the communities was analyzed on the basis of life forms of plants and their leaf characteristics. In the community structure,there is a distinct stratification and a complex synusiae. For horizonal structure,the pattern of dominant populations follows contagious distribution. Species diversity indexes are about 1. 159–3. 680. Ecological dominance indexes are about 0. 140–0. 481 Community evenness indexes are about 0. 507–0. 920. There are eight formations and twelve associations. Castanopsis sclerophylla formation,C, eyrei formation ,Cyclobalanopsis glauca formation and C. gracilis formation are stable phytocoenosium types. C. rnyrsinaefolia formation: and Lithocarpus henryi formation are unstable phytocoenosium types. They will be replaced by C. glauca formaton. 相似文献