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Our previous study (1) demonstrated the "cytokine-like" activity of poly(Glu60,Phe40)(GPhe) in augmenting the antigen-dependent proliferation of a variety of long-term murine T cell lines, particularly the bulk, BALB/c anti-poly (Glu36,Lys24,Ala40) (GLA), interleukin-4-producing, DCL-2 T cell line. GPhe was found to also augment the antigen-independent proliferation of DCL-2 in response to exogenous cytokines ([interleukin(IL)-2 +/- IL-1] in most experiments). Such exogenous cytokine-driven proliferative responses of DCL-2 were used to investigate further the role of accessory cells and of various soluble factors in the action of GPhe. GPhe did not act as a direct mitogen for T cells, rather it acted in a costimulatory fashion, requiring the presence of plastic-adherent accessory cells and a T cell growth factor (either IL-2 or IL-4). In the presence of accessory cells and exogenous IL-2, augmentation of antigen-independent DCL-2 proliferation by GPhe or by IL-1 depended upon the induction of autocrine IL-4 production. However, GPhe also augmented the response of these cells in the presence of exogenous IL-4 (+/- IL-2, +/- IL-1), and exogenous IL-4 added in combination with exogenous IL-2 (+/- IL-1) failed to mimic the GPhe effect, suggesting that another signal was involved in the mechanism of action of GPhe. The ability of allogeneic accessory cells to interact with GPhe to augment proliferative responses suggested that either a soluble factor or an unusual non-MHC-restricted cell-cell interaction provided this signal. In the presence of uv-irradiated accessory cells, DCL-2 proliferation was enhanced over that observed in the presence of non-uv-treated accessory cells, mimicking the GPhe effect, and interaction of GPhe with uv-irradiated accessory cells did not result in further enhancement of DCL-2 cytokine-driven proliferation. Using monoclonal antibodies which could block the function of IA or CD4 molecules, these cell-surface "adhesion" molecules were shown not to participate in the activity of GPhe. By the addition of recombinant cytokines, neutralizing antibodies, or indomethacin, the mechanism of action of GPhe was also shown not to be dependent upon IL-1, IL-6, IL-7, TNF alpha, or prostaglandin production by accessory cells. However, the presence, individually, of some of these factors (IL-1, IL-7, or prostaglandins) could influence to a variable degree the magnitude of the GPhe effect.  相似文献   

Following interaction of the random polymer (Glu60,Phe40)n (GPhe) with antigen-presenting accessory cells (APC), unusual costimulatory activities were noted in several murine T cell systems. When GPhe, in contrast with other random copolymers (GT,GL), was added during "inhibition" and T cell "repertoire" studies as a (negative) control to GLA-reactive nonclonal T cell lines of haplotypes H-2d (DCL-2) or H-2bm12, augmentation of T cell proliferation ([3H]thymidine incorporation ([3HT]) to homologous antigen was observed. Augmentation by GPhe was also observed in the response of a GLPhe-reactive (H-2s X H-2d)F1 T cell line and the allogeneic response of the clonal T cell line D10.G4.1. This augmentation was critically dependent on the concentration of adherent accessory cells. Although the mechanism of action of GPhe remains, as yet, undefined, the GPhe-mediated enhancement of DCL-2 (a TH2, H-2d anti-GLA, T cell line) proliferation was not dependent upon the production of either IL-1 or IL-6 by accessory cells. In addition, enhanced DCL-2 proliferation was not accompanied by a significant increase in detectable IL-4 release.  相似文献   

The random amino acid copolymer (Glu60, Phe40)n (GPhe) was previously shown to augment antigen-dependent proliferation of the murine TH2 cell lines DCL-2 and D10.G4.1. In the present study, the addition of GPhe to (Glu36, Lys24, Ala40)n (GLA)-primed BALB/c primary lymph node (1 degree LN) T cell cultures, the source of DCL-2, resulted in significant suppression of both the proliferative and lymphokine response to GLA. Suppression by GPhe of the 1 degree LN response was subsequently shown to be neither antigen- nor haplotype restricted, and was inhibitable by polyclonal anti-GPhe antibodies. Studies were extended to a GLA-reactive T cell hybridoma clone (DL.4G6.1). where significant suppression by GPhe of GLA-stimulated lymphokine production was observed as measured by markedly decreased HT-2 stimulatory activity of the collected supernatants. Subsequent antibody blocking experiments employing the monoclonal anti-murine IL-4 antibody 11B11 revealed that BALB/c GLA-reactive 1 degree LN T cells and DL.4G6.1 did not produce detectable levels of IL-4 in their culture fluids when stimulated by GLA, which suggested that these cells, unlike DCL-2, were TH1-like in nature. The addition of GPhe to the TH1 clones 5.2 and 5.9 resulted in significant suppression of proliferation to homologous antigen (ovalbumin), in contrast to the augmentation observed with the TH2 cell lines DCL-2 and D10.G4.1. It was concluded from these data, that the addition of GPhe to various T cell cultures lead to unusual suppressive and augmenting activities specific for TH1 and TH2 cells, respectively. Although the mechanism for these dichotomous effects of GPhe is as yet undetermined, several possibilities are considered.  相似文献   

Murine Kupffer cells, the tissue macrophages of the liver, were isolated by collagenase digestion, differential sedimentation over Metrizamide, and glass adherence. The resultant cell population was more than 86% phagocytic, and 95% of cells stained positively for alpha-naphthyl butyrate esterase activity. The cells also had cell surface receptors for complement (C) and the Fc portion of IgG. In addition, a large proportion of Kupffer cells was shown to bear Ia antigens: about half of the cells bore I-A subregion-encoded antigens and about half bore I-BJE or I-EC subregion-encoded antigens. Kupffer cell populations were capable of reconstituting antigen-stimulated proliferative responses of antigen-primed, macrophage-depleted, lymph node T cells. The ability to reconstitute proliferation was enriched in the adherent population and was resistant to radiation and treatment with an anti-Thy antiserum and C. We conclude that isolated murine Kupffer cells bear the Ia phenotype of accessory cells that function in antigen presentation and that Kupffer cells can participate in the induction of antigen-specific immune responses. These data suggest that Kupffer cells may play a role in modulating responses to enterically derived antigens.  相似文献   

The bone marrow is a complex microenvironment made up of multiple cell types which appears to play an important role in the maintenance of hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal and proliferation. We used murine long-term marrow cultures and a defective recombinant retrovirus vector containing the simian virus 40 large T antigen to immortalize marrow stromal cells which can support hematopoiesis in vitro for up to 5 weeks. Such cloned cell lines differentially supported stem cells which, when transplanted, allowed survival of lethally irradiated mice, formed hematopoietic spleen colonies in vivo, and stimulated lymphocyte proliferation in vitro. Molecular and functional analyses of these cell lines did not demonstrate the production of any growth factors known to support the proliferation of primitive hematopoietic stem cells. All cell lines examined produced macrophage colony-stimulating factor. The use of immortalizing retrovirus vectors may allow determination of unique cellular proteins important in hematopoietic stem cell proliferation by the systematic comparison of stromal cells derived from a variety of murine tissues.  相似文献   

Lymph node-derived endothelial cells were immortalized by infection with SV40 virus and subclones expressing the marker MECA 325 specific for high-endothelial venules (HEV) were selected. These transformed mouse endothelial (TME-) cell lines grow permanently without requirement for special growth factors. Staining of the selected clones with endothelium-specific antibodies and with anti-von Willebrand factor antiserum and uptake of acetylated low-density lipoprotein provide evidence for their endothelial origin. The vascular addressins identified by mAbs MECA 79 and MECA 367 on HEV are not detectable, indicating that the phenotype of the cells differs from that of HEV-type endothelium. The TME cells display a constitutive capacity to bind lymphocytes. An additional binding component is induced by treatment of the TME cells with TNF alpha. Antibodies against the homing receptor LECAM-1 (lectin-related leucocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1), alpha 4-integrins, vascular addressins, LFA-1, or ICAM-1 known to block lymphocyte interaction with particular types of HEV were unable to inhibit the basal adhesion to TME cells, indicating that a further binding mechanism in mice is displayed by this cell type. The adhesion component induced by TNF alpha is mediated by alpha 4-integrins since enhanced binding could be blocked by an antibody against mouse alpha 4 (lymphocyte-Peyer's patch adhesion molecule 1/2). TME cell lines therefore seem to be a useful model for the dissection and analysis of hitherto poorly characterized murine lymphocyte/endothelial cell interaction mechanisms.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that there is an abnormality in the thymus of dystrophic mice with respect to age-dependent thymus weight changes and altered morphology (T. DeKretser and B. Livett, Nature (London), 263, 682, 1976). Recently, others have shown that natural killer (NK) cells can lyse cells of a large, immature, rapidly dividing cell subpopulation within the thymus of normal young (3 weeks of age) mice (M. Hansson, K. Karre, R. Kiessling, J. Roder, B. Anderson, and P. Hayry, J. Immunol., 123, 765, 1979). The NK susceptibility of dystrophic mouse thymocytes as targets was therefore studied. Spleen cells from normal (+/+) and dystrophic (dy2Jdy2J) male C57BL/6J mice 8–10 weeks old were passed over nylon wool and the nonadherent cells were incubated with 51Cr-labeled YAC-1 lymphoma target cells or thymocytes in a 51Cr-release assay. Spleen cells from dystrophic mice killed twofold more YAC-1 target cells than did spleen cells from normal mice. Thymocytes from 3- to 4-week-old dystrophic mice were three to four times more susceptible to NK lysis by dystrophic mouse spleen cells as compared with normal mouse spleen cells. Spleen cells from dystrophic mice had the same NK activity against dystrophic and normal mouse thymocytes as targets. Normal mouse spleen cells killed three- to fourfold more dystrophic mouse thymocytes than that of normal mouse thymocytes as targets. Target cellbinding studies revealed that conjugate-forming cells from nylon nonadherent dystrophic mouse spleen cells were found to be two- to fourfold greater than for normal mouse spleen cells using YAC-1 tumor cells as targets. The number of lymphocytes bound per YAC-1 target cell ranged from 2 to 5 for dystrophic mouse spleen cells as compared with 1 to 2 for the normal control group. Using both normal and dystrophic mouse thymocytes as targets, the conjugate-forming cells from dystrophic mouse spleen cells were also found to be twofold greater than in the normal control group. Cold target inhibition studies revealed that the natural killing of dystrophic mouse thymocytes was due to a YAC-1-reactive NK cell. Effector cell depletion studies using monoclonal anti-Thy-1.2 plus complement treatment and plastic petri dish adherence also revealed that the natural killing of dystrophic mouse thymocytes was not due to either T lymphocytes or macrophages. Taken together, these results show an increase in NK-sensitive thymocyte targets in dystrophic mice, in combination with an increase in splenic NK activity.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Hemoglobin is capable of electron transfer to Fe(III)-complexes of ATP, EDTA, NTA, and citrate leading to formation of reduced Fe(II) and its concurrent release from these chelating compounds as evident in the formation of a Fe(II)-Tris 2,2' bipyridine complex.
  • 2.2. Multi-component analysis of kinetic spectra in the visible region (700–500 nm) has permitted a determination of the effect of various chelating molecules bound to Fe(III), pH, the effects of ionic strength, temperature, and the molecular nature of the Fe(III)-complex on reaction rates.
  • 3.3. We have examined and compared the reactivities of normal adult hemoglobin A (α2 β2) to reduce these Fe(III)-complexes and suggest possible mechanism(s) for the electron transfer process.

The mode of action of T-cell-suppressor factor (TsF) induced by ultraviolet B (UVB) preirradiation in terms of interaction with several cytokines was studied. Suppression of murine contact photosensitivity (CPS) to 3,3',4',5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCSA) by preirradiation of the sensitizing site to low doses of UVB was caused by antigen-specific suppressor T cells (Ts) and was not associated with the generation of efferent limb-acting suppressor cells. TsF released by Ts inhibited the proliferation of immune lymph node (LN) cells in vitro and reduced interleukin (IL)-2 production of these cells in an antigen-specific fashion without affecting the IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) expression. Both rIL-2 and rGM-CSF have the ability to restore CPS responses in the UVB-preirradiated mice when administered after but not before photosensitization. However, rIL-2 but not rGM-CSF counteracted the in vivo inhibitory effect of TsF. rGM-CSF did not affect the density of I-A+ epidermal Langerhans cells (LCs). It was suggested that TsF inhibited IL-2-mediated immune T-cell proliferation, while rGM-CSF reconstituted the CPS by enhancing the function of photodamaged LCs. These results indicate multiple steps of the UVB-induced immunosuppression circuit, each of which seems to be controlled by different immunomodulators.  相似文献   

Inhibition by anti-Ia sera of guinea pig T lymphocyte proliferation induced by allogeneic macrophages (MLR) and NaIO4 or neuraminidase-galactose oxidase-treated macrophages has been investigated in order to identify the target cell upon which the antisera act. Anti-2 and anti-13 alloantisera were found to inhibit both MLR and aldehydeinduced T cell reactivity when directed against the specificity of the stimulatory macrophage. Little or no inhibition was observed when these antisera were directed against the T lymphocyte specificity when cultures were harvested at the time of peak proliferation. In addition, anti-2 serum was found to inhibit macrophage-lymphocyte rosett formation at 20 hr between neuraminidase-galactose oxidase-treated strain 2 macrophages and strain 13 lymphocytes. These findings demonstrate that inhibition of T cell proliferation can be produced by anti-Ia sera directed against the macrophage and raise the possibility that Ir gene products may function in part at the level of the macrophage.  相似文献   

A single DBA/2 mouse, immunized with L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine40 (GA), was used to produce hybridoma cell lines. Seven hybridoma anti-GA antibodies were obtained for idiotypic analyses. Two hybridoma anti-L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine30-L-tyrosine10 (GAT) antibodies, preferentially reactive to GA, were studied in parallel. Anti-idiotypic antisera to purified anti-GAT and anti-GA serum antibodies and to hybridoma anti-GA antibodies were analyzed by idiotype binding and inhibition of idiotype binding assays. Five of the nine hybridoma antibodies exhibited common GA-1 idiotypic specificities previously demonstrated on the majority of anti-GA antibodies of inbred mouse strains of differing immunoglobulin heavy chain linkage groups; these hybridoma antibodies also possessed private idiotypic determinants. Two GA-1 negative hybridoma anti-GA antibodies appeared identical by immunochemical criteria, arguing that somatic hybridization does not artifactually generate private idiotypic determinants. The results demonstrate that the common GA-1 idiotype system is associated with a family of nonidentical but idiotypically related antibody molecules present in a single DBA/2 mouse, and these antibodies are part of the "GA-1 idiotypic family".  相似文献   

PMA can induce the proliferation of several CTL clones but not of several Th clones derived and tested in our laboratory. The PMA-stimulated proliferation of our CTL clones (which do not make IL-2 mRNA or protein) occurs independently of IL-2 and is not accompanied by lymphokine release. We now report, however, that protein kinase C (PKC) translocation is induced by PMA in CTL clones as well as in Th clones, which lack a proliferative response to PMA. These results suggest that PKC translocation itself is not a sufficient regulatory mechanism to account for cloned T cell proliferation. Moreover, IL-2 did not induce PKC translocation in a CTL clone, which proliferates when stimulated with IL-2. Thus, PKC translocation may not be necessary for activation of CTL proliferation. Nonetheless, cellular PKC activity appears to be required for the proliferative response of T cell clones after stimulation by PMA/PMA + calcium ionophore (A23187) or by triggering through the TCR: chronic PMA treatment, which depletes intracellular PKC activity, abrogates the proliferative response of T cell clones stimulated by PMA/PMA + A23187 or triggered through the TCR. T cell clones depleted of PKC activity, however, retain the ability to proliferate when challenged with IL-2. Murine T cell clones, therefore, possess PKC-dependent and PKC-independent pathways of proliferation that are not regulated by PKC translocation alone.  相似文献   

We analyzed the mechanism by which accessory cells support the induction of the proliferation of human peripheral blood T cells by a monoclonal anti-CD3 antibody, OKT3. Cross-linking of T cell receptor/CD3 complex by anti-CD3 coupled to latex beads and the addition of IL-1 are not enough to induce the IL-2 production and proliferation of T cells extensively depleted of accessory cells, while the addition of both the culture supernatant of macrophages or a monoblastic cell line, U937 cells, and the paraformaldehyde-fixed macrophages or U937 cells which had been precultured with interferon-gamma before fixation into the culture of the T cells with anti-CD3-latex did induce the T cell proliferation. Lack of the addition of either one of these did not induce the response. These results indicate that the signal(s) delivered by soluble factors released from the accessory cells and that delivered by the physical interaction between accessory cells and T cells are both required for the induction of IL 2 production and proliferation of T cells by anti-CD3-latex. Importantly, the macrophages or U937 cells had to be cultured with Con A-stimulated lymphocyte culture supernatant or IFN-gamma prior to fixation with paraformaldehyde, suggesting that a molecule(s) inducible on accessory cells surface by IFN-gamma or other lymphokine is necessary for the effective accessory cell-T cell interaction to induce the T cell response. It was further revealed that the activity of the culture supernatant of accessory cells may be mediated synergistically by IL 1 and a certain other factor(s) and was actually shown to be replaced by the combined addition of rIL-1 and rIL-6 but not by rIL-1 alone. The experimental system described here will be very useful for dissecting the accessory functions for T cell activation.  相似文献   

CD134 (OX40) is a member of the TNF receptor family that is expressed on activated T lymphocytes. T cells from mice that lack expression of CD134 made strong responses to a range of challenges, but they showed impaired proliferation in response to direct stimulation through the TCR with monoclonal anti-CD3epsilon Ab. CD134-deficient mice controlled infection with Leishmania major, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, and Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus, and they made overtly normal Ab responses to a variety of antigens. Thus, CD134 is not essential for many T cell responses in vivo, nor is it required for the provision of help to B cells. Nonetheless, a subtle role in the regulation of T cell reactivity is suggested by the effect of CD134 deficiency on in vitro T cell responses.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of the plasma membranes of cytolytical T lymphocytes (CTL) in their interaction with target cells (TC) was studied. Thirty to sixty minutes after the beginning of interaction shedding of the CTL plasma membrane was observed: its fragments shedded from a local (50–100 nm in diam.) area on the lymphocyte surface at the site opposite to the CTL contact region with TC. Oval structures of high electron density 10 to 40 nm in diam. were detected on the CTL surface. We designated them as “membranosomas” (MS). MS were in close apposition to the inner surface of the plasma membrane and showed projections of 2 to 3 nm in diam. and 5 to 6 nm long towards the outer surface of the plasma membrane. MS were separated from the CTL surface during clasmatosis or as component parts of “shedding” plasma membranes.  相似文献   

We examined stimuli which are required for the induction of in vitro proliferation of follicular lymphoma cells, a low grade non-Hodgkin's B cell lymphoma characterized by a specific chromosomal translocation, t(14;18)(q32;q21), and by in vivo growth of the lymphoma cells in germinal center-like follicles infiltrated with CD4+ T cells. The purified follicular lymphoma cells, which are morphologically uniform, small, and dense, did not respond to stimulation with soluble lymphokines in the absence of T cells. Vigorous in vitro proliferation of follicular lymphoma cells was induced, however, when the follicular lymphoma cells were cultured with a CD4+ T cell clone which recognized alloantigens expressed by the lymphoma cells. This response required B-T cell contact, and was inhibited by anti-class II but not by anti-class I MHC mAb, indicating that these neoplastic B cells behaved as normal B cells and responded to normal activation and differentiation signals from T cells. After the cognate B lymphoma-T cell interaction occurred in culture, addition of IL-2 or IL-4 enhanced the proliferation of the tumor cells. These results, with a monoclonal and homogeneous population of B cells, affirm the idea that cognate interaction between B cells and Th cells is required for the effective activation of resting B cells. Moreover, these results suggest that a critical host-tumor interaction occurs in vivo, and that the polyclonal CD4+ T cells that infiltrate follicular lymphomas play a role in sustaining rather than inhibiting tumor growth in vivo. If so, therapies directed not only against the neoplastic cell but also against specific T cells and their cognate interactions with tumor cells may have a rationale.  相似文献   

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