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The spatial genetic structure of Martino's vole, a rare palaeoendemic species of the western Balkans, was investigated using DNA isolated from archived museum samples. The study was based on partial sequencing (555 bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene for 63 specimens from 20 different localities throughout the species' range. Three highly divergent allopatric phylogenetic lineages (Northwestern, Central and Southeastern) were recognized among 47 haplotypes, suggesting three independent glacial differentiation centres within the western Balkans. The Northwestern lineage, which showed the highest divergence from all other samples (mean sequence divergence of 6.64% +/- 1.10), comprised samples collected from northwest of the Neretva River in Croatia, western Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Central and Southeastern lineages were separated by an average sequence divergence of 2.95% +/- 0.66 and were geographically divided by the Drim River (the Kosovo Basin in Serbia). Overall, haplotype diversity decreased from the Northwestern lineage to the Central and subsequently the Southeastern lineage, in a geographical pattern consistent with a stepping stone colonization. The observed distribution indicates a gradual southerly expansion with subsequent allopatry across the Neretva River and Drim River approximately 1 and 0.3 million years ago, respectively. Such a scenario is concordant with palaeontological evidence. Several highly divergent sublineages within the Northwestern and Central lineages showed no significant geographical structuring, suggesting secondary contact of allopatrically evolved lineages. We hypothesize that the topographical complexity of the Balkans promoted allopatry and isolation on a small geographical scale during interglacial periods, with secondary contact during glacial maxima. Furthermore, the three main lineages should be regarded as evolutionary significant units with important implications for conservation. Ecological data show that the Northwestern lineage in particular fulfils all criteria for a highly endangered, evolutionarily significant unit.  相似文献   

1. Zebra mussels and their relatives (Dreissena spp.) have been well studied in eastern, central and western Europe as well as in North America, because of their invasiveness and economic importance. Much less is known about the biology and biogeography of indigenous (endemic) taxa of Dreissena, in the Balkans. A better knowledge of these taxa could help us (i) understand the factors triggering invasiveness in some taxa and (ii) identify other potentially invasive species. 2. Using a phylogenetic approach (2108 base pairs from three gene fragments), Dreissena spp. from natural lakes in the Balkans were studied to test whether invasive Dreissena populations occur in such lakes on the Balkan Peninsula, whether Dreissena stankovici really is endemic to the ancient Lakes Ohrid and Prespa, and to infer the phylogenetic and biogeographical relationships of Balkan dreissenids. 3. No invasive species of Dreissena, such as Dreissena polymorpha, were recorded. The supposedly ‘endemic’D. stankovici is not restricted to the ancient Lakes Ohrid and Prespa, but is the most widespread and dominant species in the west‐central Balkans. Its southern sister taxon, Dreissena blanci, occurs sympatrically with D. stankovici in Lakes Prespa, Mikri Prespa and Pamvotis. Both species are classified into the subgenus Dreissena (Carinodreissena) of which the subgenus Dreissena (Dreissena) (which includes the invasive D. polymorpha) is the sister taxon. Dreissena blanci and D. stankovici are considered to represent distinct species. 4. On a global scale, the two Balkan species have small ranges. An early Pliocene time frame for the divergence of the subgenera Carinodreissena and Dreissena is discussed, as well as potential colonization routes of the most recent common ancestor of Carinodreissena spp. 5. The ambiguous taxonomy of dreissenids in the Balkans is addressed. As nominal D. blanci presbensis from Lake Prespa has nomenclatural priority over D. stankovici, the correct name for the latter taxon should be Dreissena presbensis.  相似文献   

We studied 1140 bp cytochrome b sequences of social voles from three localities in Lebanon. The results were compared with published sequences representing seven species of social voles. New sequences from Lebanon clustered with reference samples of two species: M. guentheri and M. irani. While M. guentheri was already reported for Lebanon, M. irani is a new addition to the fauna of Lebanon, and the third known record for the species. Animals were collected in two localities above Tripolis at 855 m and 1430 m a.s.l., respectively.  相似文献   

Rarity, specialization and extinction in primates   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Halacsya and Paramoltkia are two monotypic genera of the Balkan ultramafic outcrops, both classified as paleoendemics. They show close phylogenetic relationship, similar ecology and partially sympatric range, but contrasting life-history traits, patterns of distribution and chromosomal features. We performed a study to compare their infraspecific genetic structure using AFLP fingerprinting. Within-population heterozygosity (HS) and total heterozygosity (HT) were lower in diploid H. sendtneri than in polyploid P. doerfleri (0.121 and 0.142 vs. 0.165 and 0.178, respectively). Number of polymorphic loci was also higher in the latter species. Halacsya showed significant levels of among-population variation (14.5%) and population differentiation (FST = 0.145), as well as a structuring in four main geographic groups connected by low gene flow. Combined with inability for long-distance dispersal, these data suggest that present-day range fragmentation in this species is the result of historical losses of intervening populations and support its status of paleoendemic surviving in refugial serpentine “islands”. Populations of P. doerfleri were instead genetically very close (FST = 0.049), and variation was partitioned almost exclusively among individuals (95.1%). Lack of population groupings and higher levels of gene flow suggested a single, panmictic group, fitting more a metapopulation than a “classical” paleoendemic model.  相似文献   

Divergent natural selection affecting specific trait combinations that lead to greater efficiency in resource exploitation is believed to be a major mechanism leading to trophic polymorphism and adaptive radiation. We present evidence of trophic polymorphism involving two benthic morphs within Percichthys trucha , a fish endemic to temperate South America. In a series of lakes located in the southern Andes, we found two morphs of P. trucha that could be distinguished on the basis of gill raker length and five other morphological measures, most of which are likely associated with the use of food resources. The differences were consistent across all lakes examined, and were correlated with habitat use and diet. Individuals with longer gill rakers were more abundant in the littoral zone (littoral morph) while the short gill-raker morph was more abundant at 10 m depth and deeper (deep benthic morph). Both morphs fed primarily on benthic invertebrates, but the littoral morph fed more on larval Anisoptera than did the deep benthic morph. Phenotypic correlations among traits were high for the littoral morph, but low and non-significant for the deep-benthic morph. We suggest that gill raker length may influence the relative efficiency of suction feeding for the two morphs. This is the first evidence of trophic polymorphism in fishes from temperate South America.  相似文献   

竞争排斥益生菌(competitive exclusion product, CE)是1973年由Nurmi和Rantala提出的用于预防和控制刚出壳鸡沙门氏菌感染的复合益生菌产品,后来渐渐扩展到用于其他肠道病原菌的防控。除了控制病原菌定殖外,CE产品也可以促进生长、提高饲料转化率和降低死亡率等。现欧美等国家也开发出20多种CE产品用于养禽和养猪业。关于竞争排斥益生菌的作用机制尚不清楚,但已经提出了一些假说,如竞争粘附位点或营养、刺激局部免疫反应和产生各种各样的抗菌物质等。由于细菌的抗菌素抗性日益严重,CE产品的应用前景将非常广阔。  相似文献   

The last glaciation was a dynamic period with strong impact on the demography of many species and populations. In recent years, mitochondrial DNA sequences retrieved from radiocarbon-dated remains have provided novel insights into the history of Late Pleistocene populations. However, genotyping of loci from the nuclear genome may provide enhanced resolution of population-level changes. Here, we use four autosomal microsatellite DNA markers to investigate the demographic history of woolly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) in north-eastern Siberia from before 60 000 years ago up until the species' final disappearance c.4000 years ago. We identified two genetic groups, implying a marked temporal genetic differentiation between samples with radiocarbon ages older than 12 thousand radiocarbon years before present (ka) and those younger than 9ka. Simulation-based analysis indicates that this dramatic change in genetic composition, which included a decrease in individual heterozygosity of approximately 30%, was due to a multifold reduction in effective population size. A corresponding reduction in genetic variation was also detected in the mitochondrial DNA, where about 65% of the diversity was lost. We observed no further loss in genetic variation during the Holocene, which suggests a rapid final extinction event.  相似文献   

极地雪藻在不同培养基中生长和虾青素累积的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在常温(23℃)和低温(10℃)条件下,用BBM、Bold 1NV、TAP和MCM四种培养基对极地雪藻进行培养。通过对生长速率、细胞数、A535值及虾青素累积量的测定,比较不同培养基、不同培养条件对极地雪藻的生长与虾青素累积的影响。结果表明,低温有利于极地雪藻的生长和虾青素的累积,BBM培养基比其它培养基更适合极地雪藻的生长,10℃时条件下其生长速率最高,培养14d细胞数可达到3.53×10^6/mL;在高光强条件下培养15d后用BBM培养基培养的极地雪藻细胞的虾青素累积为其它培养基的2.21-3.59倍。  相似文献   

Ulrich Sommer 《Hydrobiologia》1993,249(1-3):59-65
Phytoplankton diversity was studied in two North German lakes of comparable nutrient chemistry but different exposure to winds. In both lakes, phytoplankton was primarily N-limited but diatoms were Si-limited. Plußsee had a very constant mixing depth during summer, while week-to-week changes of several meters were quite common in the more exposed Behler See. In Plußsee, phytoplankton biomass during summer came closer to the carrying capacity as defined by the available total N. In Plußsee there was a marked decline of diversity during the summer maximum of biomass, while this decline was less pronounced in Behler See. It is concluded that disturbances which prevented phytoplankton from reaching the carrying capacity also maintained a high level of diversity. A negative response of diversity to undisturbed conditions became apparent, after phytoplankton biomass had exceeded about 5% of the carrying capacity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a two-species competitive system where both the species produce toxin against each other at some cost to their growth rates. A much wider set of outcomes is possible for our system. These outcomes are important contrasts to competitive exclusion or bistable attractors that are often the outcomes for competitive systems. We show that toxin helps to gain an advantage in competition for toxic species whenever the cost of toxin production remains within some moderate value; otherwise it may result in the extinction of the species itself.  相似文献   

Abstract Frog populations are rapidly disappearing throughout the world. An important issue for ecologists to resolve is why some frog species are more susceptible to decline than others. Here, we performed a comparative study of the endemic Australian frog fauna to determine whether the life history and ecology of declining species have predisposed them to extinction. Decline was consistently found to be correlated with geographical range size across contemporary species and in analyses based on phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs). Species with narrow geographical ranges have been disproportionately more susceptible to decline. Across species, decline was also correlated with large body size and a high proportion of the geographical range overlapping with the distribution of cane toads and landscape stress (e.g. land clearing). We show that with the exception of range size, however, correlates of decline across species are underpinned by a small number of evolutionary events. Hence, the suite of traits that correlate with decline in the cross‐species analysis is only relevant to a small number of clades. We also found that clutch size, testes mass, ova size and distributional overlap with feral pigs were not significantly related to decline. In the ongoing search for life‐history and ecological correlates of decline and extinction, our results highlight the importance of performing analyses across contemporary species and using PICs.  相似文献   

Theoretical and experimental evidence of substantial damped oscillations during batch interaction of two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown as a mixed culture in pure (distilled) water is provided. The experimental results show that in the limited nutrient conditions of growth in pure water both strains coexist if the initial concentration ratio between the two strains is 1:1. A new theoretical model that was originally developed for recovering the growth of single species in isolation is extended and applied to the two strains of yeast competing over a common ecological niche. The model solutions are shown to recover all the qualitative features captured in the experiments.  相似文献   

The stress response is initially adaptive, operating to maintain homeostasis. However, chronic long-term exposure to stressors may have detrimental effects. We proposed that chronic stress may be a major factor in demographic vole cycles, inducing decline in high-density populations. We monitored four populations of the fossorial water vole Arvicola scherman, which undergo pluriannual demographic cycles in the Jura Mountains (France). Sampling was conducted during the high densities and the decline. We measured fecal corticosterone metabolites (FCMs) to assess stress levels and injected phytohemagglutinin to estimate the cell-mediated immune response. We demonstrated that stress levels increase between the high densities and the decline in most of the vole populations. At the individual level, FCM concentrations varied with reproductive status and body condition. During the outbreak, we observed significantly higher levels of FCM concentrations in nulliparous females than in females that had previously reproduced. Moreover, a significant negative correlation was observed between concentrations of FCMs and both immunocompetence and body condition during population decline. These results might reflect an impairment of the female reproductive capability in high densities and accelerated senescence affecting immune function during decline, both arising from chronic stress.  相似文献   

Aim To assess whether eight factors thought to be involved in the extinction process can explain the pattern of recent decline in Australia's mammal fauna. Location Australia. Methods We compiled the first comprehensive lists of mammal species extant at the time of European settlement in each of Australia's 76 mainland regions, and assigned a current conservation status to each species in each region to derive an index of faunal attrition. We then sought to explain the observed region‐to‐region variation in attrition (the dependent variable) by building a series of models using variables representing the eight factors. Results A strong geographically based pattern of attrition emerged, with faunal losses being greatest in arid regions and least in areas of high rainfall. The Akaike information criterion showed support for one model that explained 93% of the region‐to‐region variation in attrition. Its six variables all made independent contributions towards explaining the observed variation. Two were environmental variables, namely mean annual rainfall (a surrogate for regional productivity) and environmental change (a measure of post‐European disturbance). The other four were faunal variables, namely phylogenetic similarity, body‐weight distribution, area (as a surrogate for extent of occurrence), and proportion of species that usually shelter on the ground (rather than in rock piles, burrows or trees). Main conclusions In combination with historical evidence, the analysis provides an explicit basis for setting priorities among regions and species. It also shows that the long‐term recovery of populations of many species of Australian mammals will require introduced predator suppression as well as extensive habitat management that includes controlling feral herbivores. Specifically, habitat management should restore aspects of productivity relevant to the types of species at risk and ensure the continual availability of suitable refuges from physiological stressors.  相似文献   

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