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Seven α-amylase isoenzymes present in quiescent seeds of the South American conifer Araucaria araucana were purified by affinity chromatography and partially characterized. The molecular masses of these isoenzymes were 45.7, 47.0, 50.2, 51.2, 52.0, 53.5 and 55.2 kDa. The two main isoforms were separated from each other and from the rest of the isoenzymes by anion-exchange chromatography using a linear gradient of 0 to 0.6 M NaCl and slightly different CaCl2 concentrations. All isoenzyme bands stained with periodic acid/dansylhydrazine, suggesting that they are glycoproteins. Electroblotting of the isoenzymes onto polyvinylidene difluoride membranes allowed determination of the amino acid composition and NH2-terminal sequence of the 53.5-, 50.2-and 47.0-kDa isoenzymes. Amino acid compositional analysis demonstrated that these enzymes are rich in glycine, aspartic acid/asparagine, alanine, serine, proline and glutamic acid/glutamine. The NH2-terminal sequences of the three isoenzymes are identical. Comparison of the amino acid compositions and the NH2-terminal sequence of these isoenzymes with the cereal and Vigna radiata α-amylases demonstrated that there is no relation between them. However, polyclonal antibodies generated against barley α-amylase cross-reacted with all the A . araucana α-amylases. Peptide mapping analysis of the isoenzymes using cyanogen bromide suggests that there are genetic differences between them.  相似文献   

Aims Understanding fluctuations in plant reproductive investment can constitute a key challenge in ecology, conservation and management. Masting events of trees (i.e. the intermittent and synchronous production of abundant seeding material) is an extreme example of such fluctuations. Our objective was to establish the degree of spatial and temporal synchrony in common four masting tree species in boreal Finland and account for potential causal drivers of these patterns.Methods We investigated the spatial intraspecific and temporal interspecific fluctuations in annual seed production of four tree species in Finland, silver birch Betula pendula Roth, downy birch Betula pubescens Ehrh., Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) H.Karst. and rowanberry Sorbus aucuparia L. We also tested to see whether variations in seed production were linked to annual weather conditions. Seeding abundance data were derived from tens of stands per species across large spatial scales within Finland during 1979 to 2014 (for rowanberries only 1986 to 2014).Important findings All species showed spatial synchrony in seed production at scales up to 1000 km. Annual estimates of seed production were strongly correlated between species. Spring and summer temperatures explained most variation in crop sizes of tree species with 0-to 2-year time lags, whereas rainfall had relatively little influence. Warm weather during flowering (May temperature) in the flowering year (Year t) and 2 years before (t ?2) were correlated with seed production. However, high May temperatures during the previous year (t-1) adversely affected seed production. Summer temperatures in Year t-1 was positively correlated with seed production, likely because this parameter enhances the development of flower primordials, but the effect was negative with a time lag of 2 years. The negative feedback in temperature coefficients is also likely due to patterns of resource allocation, as abundant flowering and seed production in these species is thought to reduce the subsequent initiation of potential new flower buds. Since the most important weather variables also showed spatial correlation up to 1000 km, weather parameters likely explain much of the spatial and temporal synchrony in seed production of these four studied tree species.  相似文献   

Fire is the prevalent disturbance in the Araucaria–Nothofagus forested landscape in south‐central Chile. Although both surface and stand‐replacing fires are known to characterize these ecosystems, the variability of fire severity in shaping forest structure has not previously been investigated in Araucaria–Nothofagus forests. Age structures of 16 stands, in which the ages of approximately 650 trees were determined, indicate that variability in fire severity and frequency is key to explaining the mosaic of forest patches across the Araucaria–Nothofagus landscape. High levels of tree mortality in moderate‐ to high‐severity fires followed by new establishment of Nothofagus pumilio typically result in stands characterized by one or two cohorts of this species. Large Araucaria trees are highly resistant to fire, and this species typically survives moderate‐ to high‐severity fires either as dispersed individuals or as small groups of multi‐aged trees. Small post‐fire cohorts of Araucaria may establish, depending on seed availability and the effects of subsequent fires. Araucaria's great longevity (often >700 years) and resistance to fire allow some individuals to survive fires that kill and then trigger new Nothofagus cohorts. Even in relatively mesic habitats, where fires are less frequent, the oldest Araucaria–Nothofagus pumilio stands originated after high‐severity fires. Overall, stand development patterns of subalpine AraucariaN. pumilio forests are largely controlled by moderate‐ to high‐severity fires, and therefore tree regeneration dynamics is strongly dominated by a catastrophic regeneration mode.  相似文献   

Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) O. Kuntze (Araucariaceae) is a Neotropical tree, widely distributed in subtropical mountain rain forests and nearby natural grasslands of Southern Brazil. This species produces annual growth rings, but its dendroclimatic potential is barely known. In the present paper, the long‐term growth patterns of A. angustifolia were investigated using annual growth ring time series and association to climate over the last century. Wood cores of A. angustifolia trees growing in forest and grassland habitats were obtained with an increment borer. The cores were surfaced, measured and cross‐dated. The dated ring‐width time series were standardized and submitted to correlation and principal component analysis to verify growth trends among sites and trees. Growth‐climate relationships were investigated using correlation and regression analyses, comparing the ordination axes scores to regional time series of precipitation and temperature. Due to anatomical irregularities, mainly partial rings, only 35 out of 60 trees were cross‐dated. The correlation and ordination analyses showed common tree‐growth trends within and between sites, indicative of a regional environmental force determining inter‐annual cambial activity variation. Despite growing in distinct habitats and disturbance regimes, A. angustifolia trees share a common long‐term growth pattern, which is significantly related to thermal conditions during the current and previous growing seasons. Moreover, site‐specific characteristics may have influenced opposite growth responses and association to climate conditions between forest and grassland trees.  相似文献   

A simultaneous masting of two abundant species in the temperate forests of North‐West Argentinean Patagonia occurred in 2013 for the first time ever recorded: the semelparous bamboo grass Chusquea culeou (colihue), dominating the understory, flowered and set seed across 1100 km2 while pehuén (Araucaria araucana), an endemic conifer co‐dominating the tree layer had the highest regionally synchronized mast event in the last 30 years. Strong trophic effects were expected as a consequence of this extraordinary amount of seed, such as rodent outbreaks (ratadas) that followed previous Chusquea spp. mast events and included Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, the main reservoir of the Andes virus causing the Hantavirus Pulmonar Syndrome. From March 2013 to May 2014, we sampled relative abundance and activity of seed‐eaters and carnivores at four study sites with different proportions of both masting species. Surprisingly, total rodent capture rates never exceeded 14% in wild habitats and 8% in peridomestic areas showing low overall density in spite of some heavy O. longicaudatus males extending their reproductive activity into winter. Total abundance and relative proportion of granivorous birds peaked at the four sites in winter or spring, when they are usually scarce. Other surveyed organisms (native and exotic seed‐eaters, ungulates and carnivores) showed moderate responses at most, probably through aggregation from surrounding areas rather than reproduction. Seed removal from experimental seed stations varied in time and space though never peaked. The clearest pattern of community responses, though much subtler than expected, occurred at the site where colihue was abundant and pehuén scarce. This is the first systematic study that reports such a simultaneous double masting and our surveys revealed no widespread community consequences. We propose that either contingent events, such as an unprecedented drought, or permanent environmental features or contextual characteristics may explain the lack of a rodent outbreak in this area.  相似文献   

Identifying habitat or nesting microhabitat variables associated with high levels of nest success is important to understand nest site preferences and bird–habitat relationships. Little is known about cavity availability and nest site requirements of cavity nesters in southern hemisphere temperate forests, although nest site limitation is suggested. Here we ask which characteristics are selected by the Austral parakeet (Enicognathus ferrugineus) for nesting in Araucaria araucana–Nothofagus pumilio forest in Argentine Patagonia. We compared nest plot and tree characteristics with unused plots and trees among areas of different A. araucana–N. pumilio density. We also examine whether nest plot and tree use and selection, and the associated consequences for fitness of Austral parakeets are spatially related to forest composition. Austral parakeets showed selectivity for nests at different spatial scales, consistently choosing isolated live and large trees with particular nest features in a non‐random way from available cavities. Mixed A. araucana–N. pumilio forests are ideal habitat for the Austral parakeets of northern Patagonia, offering numerous potential cavities, mainly in N. pumilio. We argue that Austral parakeet reproduction and fitness is currently very unlikely to be limited by cavity availability, although this situation may be rapidly changing. Natural and human disturbances are modifying south temperate forests with even‐aged mid‐successional stands replacing old growth forests. Cavity nesting species use and need old growth forests, due to the abundance of cavities in large trees and the abundance of larvae in old wood. Neither of the latter resources is sufficiently abundant in mid‐successional forests, increasing the vulnerability and threatening the survival of the Austral.  相似文献   

Demographic and ecophysiological data for the endangered New Caledonian conifer, Araucaria muelleri (Araucariaceae), were analysed to: (i) evaluate population viability in relation to site conditions and human impacts; and (ii) advance our understanding of how stress‐tolerator plant functional traits affect the population dynamic behaviour and conservation requirements of long‐lived tree species. Growth, survivorship and recruitment in four A. muelleri populations were monitored across 9 years. Demographic rates were analysed using stage‐based transition matrices. Leaf δ13C, %N and photosystem II stress (Fv/Fm) were measured for seedlings, saplings and trees, and leaf mass per area (LMA) for trees, and correlations among ecophysiological and demographic variables explored. Seedling, sapling and tree stem growth were among the slowest, and annual survivorship among the highest, reported for any tree. Transition matrix analyses yielded stable estimated population growth rates, λ, not significantly different from 1.0 for all populations. Leaf δ13C was positively correlated with seedling and sapling height growth, while daytime photosystem II stress (Fv/Fm) was high in seedlings, but low in saplings and trees. Ecophysiological measures suggest that individuals transition from moisture‐limited growth at the seedling stage to nutrient‐limited growth as adults. High levels of environmental stress result in slow stand dynamics, characterized by low recruitment and growth rates counterbalanced by equally low mortality rates. These dynamics result in populations with limited capacity to increase in size quickly, but potentially highly vulnerable to decline should the rate of adult mortality increase. This combination of traits is likely typical of extreme stress‐tolerator woody species and suggests a conservation focus on the preservation of mature individuals.  相似文献   

The early genetic effects of habitat degradation were investigated in the critically endangered conifer Araucaria nemorosa. This species occurs in New Caledonia, a global biodiversity hotspot where the world's greatest concentration of endemic conifer species coincides with an extremely high level of habitat destruction due to fire and mining. Using seven microsatellite loci, estimates were made of genetic marker variation, inbreeding coefficients and population differentiation of adult and seedling cohorts of A. nemorosa. These were contrasted with equivalent estimates, made over similar spatial scales and with the same marker loci, in the locally common and more widespread sister species Araucaria columnaris. There were no significant differences in population genetic parameters between adult populations of the two species, despite their different abundances. However, in A. nemorosa, the juvenile cohort showed a loss of rare alleles and elevated levels of inbreeding when compared to the adult cohort. These genetic differences between the cohorts were not observed in the locally common A. columnaris. This suggests that recent environmental degradation is influencing the genetic structure of A. nemorosa populations. Although this is not detectable among predisturbance adult populations, an early warning of these impacts is evident in more recently established seedling cohorts. The conservation implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Despite its small size, New Caledonia has a flora which includes 43 endemic species of conifer. This study examines the stand structure of the New Caledonian conifer, Araucaria laubenfelsii Corbasson, a species which occurs on ukramafic soils as an emergent tree in rainforest and in an unusual structural association with maquis vegetation. Fire and cyclone blow-down are the primary disturbances in the maquis, but fire is infrequent in the rainforests which is evident from the low proportion of fire scarred trees. Preliminary results show abundant seedlings and saplings of A. laubenfelsii both in maquis and forest. Size class distributions of individuals suggest that the species is continuously regenerating in the maquis and immature forests. Variability in the stand structure in maquis communities reflects the probable patchy nature of disturbance from small-scale fires and blow-down from tropical cyclones. In mature forests, Nothofagus codonandra (Baillon) Steenis is the dominant canopy species and ‘other tree species’ are continuously regenerating, while the size class distributions and basal area of A. laubenfelsii suggest that there is, at present, limited regeneration of this species. Tree ring counts indicate that individuals in forest areas grow at a slower rate than those in maquis, but attain greater age, probably as a result of greater protection from fire.  相似文献   

Karin Lönnberg  Ove Eriksson 《Oikos》2013,122(7):1080-1084
The coexistence of multiple seed size strategies within plant communities have been considered puzzling, based on a theoretical expectation of the existence of an optimal seed size under each set of specific environmental conditions. A model aimed at explaining the coexistence of different seed sizes has been suggested, where a seed size – seed number tradeoff is connected to a tradeoff between competition and colonization, leading to a competitive advantage in larger‐seeded species and a colonization advantage in smaller‐seeded species. Recently an alternative model has been suggested, based on a tradeoff between stress tolerance and fecundity, associated with the variation from large to small seeds. Here, we examine the role of seed size for recruitment in two‐species contests subjected to various treatments. In a garden experiment seeds of 14 plant species were combined pair‐wise into seven pairs, each with one larger‐seeded species and one smaller‐seeded species. Each species‐pair was sown with sparse and dense seed densities and subjected to different treatments of shading and litter. Recruitment was recorded during two years. Our results showed a general advantage of larger‐seeded species over smaller‐seeded species. This seed size advantage increased in treatments with litter, whereas there were minor effects of shade, and no effect of seed density was found. We thus found little support for a density dependent seed size game as assumed in models of a competition‐colonization tradeoff, whereas our results fit well with a model based on a tradeoff between stress tolerance and fecundity. Our experiment provides novel empirical data to theoretical models on co‐existence between multiple seed size strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated patterns of spatial distribution and microhabitat selection of rodents in a patch (26 ha) of mixed ombrophilous forest (or Araucaria forest), dominated by the Araucaria ‘pine’Araucaria angustifolia, in the National Park of Aparados da Serra, RS, in southern Brazil. We conducted monthly trapping sessions lasting 6 days (from June 2000 to June 2001) using a square grid of 121 trap stations, separated by 15 m (2.25 ha). We measured 10 microhabitat variables that could influence species distribution. These variables were related to the occurrence of mammals by using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and stepwise multiple regression. The distribution patterns of the three most common rodents differed significantly (χ2 = 38.6; P < 0.002), with Delomys dorsalis being more clumped than the other two species. Both CCA and multiple regression analysis showed a significant effect of microhabitat variables on species occurrence. The multiple regression parameters for Oligoryzomys nigripes were R2 = 0.142, P < 0.05, for Akodon montensis were R2 = 0.222, P < 0.01, and for D. dorsalis R2 = 0.323, P < 0.001. Variables that significantly influenced species distribution were vegetation density at 1 m height and length of fallen logs for O. nigripes, canopy cover for A. montensis, and vegetation density at 2 m height, quantity of leaves of Araucaria trees (negative relationship), tree density (except Araucaria trees), and number of potential shelters, for D. dorsalis. The results indicated that D. dorsalis is the most habitat specialist among the rodent species and that there are no apparent competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Rising global CO2 is changing the carbonate chemistry of seawater, which is expected to influence the way phytoplankton acquire inorganic carbon. All phytoplankton rely on ribulose‐bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (RUBISCO) for assimilation of inorganic carbon in photosynthesis, but this enzyme is inefficient at present day CO2 levels. Many algae have developed a range of energy demanding mechanisms, referred to as carbon concentrating mechanisms (CCMs), which increase the efficiency of carbon acquisition. We investigated CCM activity in three southern hemisphere strains of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi W. W. Hay & H. P. Mohler. Both calcifying and non‐calcifying strains showed strong CCM activity, with HCO3? as a preferred source of photosynthetic carbon in the non‐calcifying strain, but a higher preference for CO2 in the calcifying strains. All three strains were characterized by the presence of pyrenoids, external carbonic anhydrase (CA) and high affinity for CO2 in photosynthesis, indicative of active CCMs. We postulate that under higher CO2 levels cocco‐lithophorids will be able to down‐regulate their CCMs, and re‐direct some of the metabolic energy to processes such as calcification. Due to the expected rise in CO2 levels, photosynthesis in calcifying strains is expected to benefit most, due to their use of CO2 for carbon uptake. The non‐calcifying strain, on the other hand, will experience only a 10% increase in HCO3?, thus making it less responsive to changes in carbonate chemistry of water.  相似文献   

Abstract For successful reproduction animal pollinated plants must provide resources for both pollinator attraction and offspring production, and theory suggests that resources and pollen delivery limit reproduction simultaneously. We conducted a series of experiments involving supplemental pollination, flower removal, fertilizer addition and foliage removal to investigate the interaction of resources and pollen on fruit‐set of Aciphylla squarrosa, a long‐lived, dioecious, masting herb in Wellington, New Zealand. Reducing floral display decreased open‐pollinated fruit‐set, suggesting that display size is a reflection of an optimal investment between attraction and fecundity. In combination with supplemental pollination, resource reduction and fertilization addition did not alter fruit‐set, suggesting that changes in resource availability did not limit reproduction in the current year. In addition, supplemental pollination of non‐manipulated treatments did not increase fruit‐set, demonstrating that plants were not naturally pollen limited. While we found that simultaneous pollen and resource limitation did not occur within a season, this is possibly mitigated by life history patterns including mast flowering and a storage taproot. Multiple year studies are required to further examine simultaneous resource and pollen limitation.  相似文献   

Although plant species with either animal or wind pollination modes are widespread and usually sympatric in nature, the degree of pollen interference from wind‐pollinated species on animal‐pollinated species remains little known. Conifer trees generally release a huge number of pollen grains into the air, floating into our noses and sometimes causing an allergic response. Here we document airborne pollen from two conifers (Pinus densata Mast. and Picea likiangensis (Franch.) E. Pritz.) deposited on the stigmas of eight coflowering insect‐pollinated angiosperms over 2 years in a mountainous forest community, in Shangri‐La, southwest China. Pollen density in the air as well as conifer pollen deposited onto stigmas at short and long distances from the airborne pollen source were quantified. Our results showed that conifer pollen as a proportion of total stigmatic pollen loads in the insect‐pollinated plants varied from 0.16% to 8.67% (3.16% ± 0.41%, n = 735) in 2016 and 0.66% to 5.38% (2.87% ± 0.86%, n = 180), and pollen quantity per unit area was closely related to that of airborne pollen in the air. Conifer pollen deposition on stigmas of insect‐pollinated species decreased greatly with increased distance from the pollen source. In the 10 plant species flowering in summer after conifer pollen release had finished, heterospecific pollen deposited on these stigmas came mainly from other insect‐pollinated flowers, with little contribution from airborne conifer pollen. The results indicate that there might be little interference with coflowering angiosperms by airborne pollen from dominant conifers in natural communities.  相似文献   

We studied the seed predation and scatter‐hoarding behaviour of Azara's agoutis Dasyprocta azarae (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae) in relation to the seeds of the Brazilian ‘pine’, Araucaria angustifolia (Araucariaceae), the rodent's main winter food source. We compared seed‐removal rates, seed‐caching rates, cache distances and recovery rates between a summer period of food abundance (with a low demand for A. angustifolia seeds and no such seeds naturally available) and a winter period of food scarcity (with a high demand for A. angustifolia seeds). We investigated whether the relative seed value affected the rodent's seed‐handling behaviour. We predicted that during the high seed‐demand period (winter): (1) cache distances would be greater; (2) fewer seeds would be stored; (3) more seeds would be recovered and the seed‐recovery time would be lower. In support of our first two predictions, the caching distances were greater in winter (mean ± SE = 15.67 ± 5.11 m) than in summer (9.40 ± 1.59 m), and agoutis hoarded >9 times more seeds in summer (55) than in winter (6). Our third prediction was not supported, and the proportion of unrecovered caches and buried seed recovery times did not differ between winter (mean ± SE = 3.00 ± 0.00 days, n = 5 seeds) and summer (11.05 ± 3.68 days, n = 20 seeds). The high resource density (during summer) rather than the density of A. angustifolia seeds likely influenced seed fate. Agoutis acted mainly as predators, leaving few intact seeds, caching a low proportion of handled seeds (? 8%) and rapidly consuming the caches. Agoutis may cache seeds to keep them safe from competitors on a short‐term basis rather than maintaining medium‐ or long‐term reserves for use during food‐scarcity periods.  相似文献   

 In Brazil, the Araucaria forest and the Atlantic rainforest are two threatened ecosystems, with 10% or less of their original areas presently existing. To assess the mycorrhizal status in these forests, roots of 29 native species, belonging to 19 families, were collected throughout the year from different regions of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Roots were washed, and then cut in a cryo-microtome to seek ectomycorrhizal colonization. Other roots were stained before being examined for vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas (VAM). Patterns of colonization were identified and photographed. All plants presented evidence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization. No evidence of ectomycorrhizal colonization was found. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization patterns varied from single intracellular aseptate hyphae, coils, and/or appressoria, to vesicles and/or arbuscules. Results confirmed that VAM hosts are predominant in South American forests while ectomycorrhizas are extremely rare even among genera known as ectomycorrhizal in other regions of the humid tropics. Accepted: 27 August 2000  相似文献   

The importance of foliar absorption of water and atmospheric solutes in conifers was recognised in the 1970s, and the importance of fog as a water source in forest environments has been recently demonstrated. Araucaria angustifolia (Araucariaceae) is an emergent tree species that grows in montane forests of southern Brazil, where rainfall and fog are frequent events, leading to frequent wetting of the leaves. Despite anatomical evidence in favour of leaf water absorption, there is no information on the existence and physiological significance of a such process. In this study, we test the hypothesis that the use of atmospheric water by leaves takes place and is physiologically relevant for the species, by comparing growth, water relations and nutritional status between plants grown under two conditions of soil water (well‐watered and water‐stressed plants) and three types of leaf spraying (none, water and nutrient solution spray). Leaf spraying had a greater effect in improving plant water relations when plants were under water stress. Plant growth was more responsive to water available to the leaves than to the roots, and was equally increased by both types of leaf spraying, with no interaction with soil water status. Spraying leaves with nutrient solution increased shoot ramification and raised the concentrations of N, P, K, Zn, Cu and Fe in the roots. Our results provide strong indications that water and nutrients are indeed absorbed by leaves of A. angustifolia, and that this process might be as important as water uptake by its roots.  相似文献   

Questions: Fire appears to affect both replacement patterns and coexistence of Araucaria araucanaNothofagus pumilio forests in the Andean Araucarian region of south‐central Chile. A quantitative assessment of coexistence in the absence of recent fires, however, is lacking. In this study, we considered the life‐history attributes, time of recruitment and spatial pattern of individuals of both tree species to address the following questions. How regular has recruitment of both species been in time? Is there any temporal niche differentiation? Are the two species positively or negatively associated in space and, if so, at what scale and for what age and size classes? Is there any spatial niche differentiation? Location: Andean Araucarian region of Chile, Villarrica National Park (39°35′S, 71°31′W; 1300 m a.s.l.). Methods: We stem‐mapped and cored a total of 1073 trees in a 1ha plot in a late‐successional post‐fire stand to examine spatiotemporal patterns of establishment. We used semivariogram modelling and the pair‐correlation function to distinguish between regeneration modes and describe species interactions. Results: The two species differ in their regeneration mode: whereas A. araucana appeared to recruit more continuously in time and space, episodic pulses of establishment were dominant for N. pumilio. At small scales, younger ageclass stems of A. araucana were randomly distributed, while older ageclass stems were aggregated. This was in contrast to common patterns for temperate tree species, including N. pumilio, following processes of self‐thinning. Younger age classes of A. araucana were distributed independently of older trees of both species, but younger age classes of N. pumilio had a negative association with older conspecifics at scales similar to crown diameter. Conclusions: In the absence of recent fires, it is likely that A. araucana would dominate the stand alone, given its greater shade tolerance, greater longevity and continuous recruitment. However, while canopy closure is still incomplete, the shade‐intolerant N. pumilio will be able to recruit in those open areas after seed masting and will coexist with A. araucana.  相似文献   

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