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Size evolution in island lizards   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aim  The island rule, small animal gigantism and large animal dwarfism on islands, is a topic of much recent debate. While size evolution of insular lizards has been widely studied, whether or not they follow the island rule has never been investigated. I examined whether lizards show patterns consistent with the island rule.
Location  Islands worldwide.
Methods  I used literature data on the sizes of island–mainland population pairs in 59 species of lizards, spanning the entire size range of the group, and tested whether small insular lizards are larger than their mainland conspecifics and large insular lizards are smaller. I examined the influence of island area, island isolation, and dietary preferences on lizard size evolution.
Results  Using mean snout–vent length as an index of body size, I found that small lizards on islands become smaller than their mainland conspecifics, while large ones become larger still, opposite to predictions of the island rule. This was especially strong in carnivorous lizards; omnivorous and herbivorous species showed a pattern consistent with the island rule but this result was not statistically significant. No trends consistent with the island rule were found when maximum snout–vent length was used. Island area had, at best, a weak effect on body size. Using maximum snout–vent length as an index of body size resulted in most lizard populations appearing to be dwarfed on islands, but no such pattern was revealed when mean snout–vent length was used as a size index.
Main conclusions  I suggest that lizard body size is mostly influenced by resource availability, with large size allowing some lizard populations to exploit resources that are unavailable on the mainland. Lizards do not follow the island rule. Maximum snout–vent length may be biased by sampling effort, which should be taken into account when one uses this size index.  相似文献   

Aim A major Late Quaternary vertebrate extinction event affected mostly large‐bodied ‘megafauna’. This is well documented in both mammals and birds, but evidence of a similar trend in reptiles is scant. We assess the relationship between body size and Late Quaternary extinction in reptiles at the global level. Location Global. Methods We compile a body size database for all 82 reptile species that are known to have gone extinct during the last 50,000 years and compare them with the sizes of 10,090 extant reptile species (97% of known extant diversity). We assess the body size distributions in the major reptile groups: crocodiles, lizards, snakes and turtles, while testing and correcting for a size bias in the fossil record. We examine geographical biases in extinction by contrasting mainland and insular reptile assemblages, and testing for biases within regions and then globally by using geographically weighted models. Results Extinct reptiles were larger than extant ones, but there was considerable variation in extinction size biases among groups. Extinct lizards and turtles were large, extinct crocodiles were small and there was no trend in snakes. Lizard lineages vary in the way their extinction is related to size. Extinctions were particularly prevalent on islands, with 73 of the 82 extinct species being island endemics. Four others occurred in Australia. The fossil record is biased towards large‐bodied reptiles, but extinct lizards were larger than extant ones even after we account for this. Main conclusions Body size played a complex role in the extinction of Late Quaternary reptiles. Larger lizard and turtle species were clearly more affected by extinction mechanisms such as over exploitation and invasive species, resulting in a prevalence of large‐bodied species among extinct taxa. Insularity was by far the strongest correlate of recent reptile extinctions, suggesting that size‐biased extinction mechanisms are amplified in insular environments.  相似文献   

As more data have become available on lizard diets in the past few decades, researchers have stressed the importance of lizards as pollinators and seed dispersers. Whereas large body size has been traditionally put forward as a major biological factor allowing herbivory and frugivory in lizards, a recent review of frugivory and seed dispersal by lizards showed that frugivory might be considered to be a typical island phenomenon, independent of body size. Here we show that frugivory is correlated with lizard body size among a group of syntopic Anolis species in Jamaica, with larger species eating more fruit. Additionally, the size of the fruits consumed is significantly related to lizard body size. Multiple regression analyses show that this is largely a pure body size effect as head shape or residual bite force are uncorrelated to overall fruit size. Moreover, we demonstrate that among polychrotid (Anolis-like) lizards in general, those that consume fruit are on average larger than those that do not. Lizards from the mainland were not significantly different in body size from island species. We thus suggest that fruit consumption in polychrotid lizards is mediated by large body size whether living on islands or not.  相似文献   

Sexual‐size dimorphism (SSD) is widespread in animals. Body length is the most common trait used in the study of SSD in reptiles. However, body length combines lengths of different body parts, notably heads and abdomens. Focusing on body length ignores possible differential selection pressures on such body parts. We collected the head and abdomen lengths of 610 lizard species (Reptilia: Squamata: Sauria). Across species, males have relatively larger heads, whereas females have relatively larger abdomens. This consistent difference points to body length being an imperfect measure of lizard SSD because it comprises both abdomen and head lengths, which often differ between the sexes. We infer that female lizards of many species are under fecundity selection to increase abdomen size, consequently enhancing their reproductive output (enlarging either clutch or offspring size). In support of this, abdomens of lizards laying large clutches are longer than those of lizards with small clutches. In some analyses, viviparous lizards have longer abdomens than oviparous lizards with similar head lengths. Our data also suggest that male lizards are under sexual selection to increase head size, which is positively related to winning male–male combats and to faster grasping of females. Thus, larger heads could translate into higher probability to mate. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 665–673.  相似文献   

Aim Island taxa often attain forms outside the range achieved by mainland relatives. Body size evolution of vertebrates on islands has therefore received much attention, with two seemingly conflicting patterns thought to prevail: (1) islands harbour animals of extreme size, and (2) islands promote evolution towards medium body size (‘the island rule’). We test both hypotheses using body size distributions of mammal, lizard and bird species. Location World‐wide. Methods We assembled body size and insularity datasets for the world’s lizards, birds and mammals. We compared the frequencies with which the largest or smallest member of a group is insular with the frequencies expected if insularity is randomly assigned within groups. We tested whether size extremes on islands considered across mammalian phylogeny depart from a null expectation under a Brownian motion model. We tested the island rule by comparing insular and mainland members of (1) a taxonomic level and (2) mammalian sister species, to determine if large insular animals tend to evolve smaller body sizes while small ones evolve larger sizes. Results The smallest species in a taxon (order, family or genus) are insular no more often than would be expected by chance in all groups. The largest species within lizard families and bird genera (but no other taxonomic levels) are insular more often than expected. The incidence of extreme sizes in insular mammals never departs from the null, except among extant genera, where gigantism is marginally less common than expected under a Brownian motion null. Mammals follow the island rule at the genus level and when comparing sister species and clades. This appears to be driven mainly by insular dwarfing in large‐bodied lineages. A similar pattern in birds is apparent for species within orders. However, lizards follow the converse pattern. Main conclusions The popular misconception that islands have more than their fair share of size extremes may stem from a greater tendency to notice gigantism and dwarfism when they occur on islands. There is compelling evidence for insular dwarfing in large mammals, but not in other taxa, and little evidence for the second component of the island rule – gigantism in small‐bodied taxa.  相似文献   

In several higher animal taxa, such as mammals and birds, the distribution of species body sizes is heavily skewed towards small size. Previous studies have suggested that small‐bodied organisms are less prone to extinction than large‐bodied species. If small body size is favourable during mass extinction events, a post mass extinction excess of small‐bodied species may proliferate and maintain skewed body size distributions sometime after. Here, we modelled mass extinctions and found that even unrealistically strong body mass selection has little effect on the skew of interspecific body size distributions. Moreover, selection against large body size may, counter intuitively, skew size distributions towards large body size. In any case, subsequent evolutionary diversification rapidly erases these rather small effects mass extinctions may have on size distributions. Next, we used body masses of extant species and phylogenetic methods to investigate possible changes in body size distributions across the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K‐Pg) mass extinction. Body size distributions of extant clades that originated during the Cretaceous are on average more skewed than their subclades that originated during the Paleogene, but the difference is only minor in mammals, and in birds, it can be explained by a positive relationship between species richness and skewness that is also present in clades that originated after the transition. Hence, we cannot infer from extant species whether the K‐Pg mass extinctions were size‐selective, but they are not the reason why most extant bird and mammal species are small‐bodied.  相似文献   

Comparing elevational gradients across a wide spectrum of climatic zones offers an ideal system for testing hypotheses explaining the altitudinal gradients of biodiversity. We document elevational patterns of lizard and snake species richness, and explore how land area and climatic factors may affect species distributions of lizards and snakes. Our synthesis found 42 lizard species and 94 snake species known from the Hengduan Mountains. The lizards are distributed between 500 and 3500 m, and the snakes are distributed between 500 and 4320 m. The relationship between species richness and elevation for lizards and snakes is unimodal. Land area explains a significant amount of the variation in lizard and snake species richness. The cluster analysis reveals pronounced distinct assemblages for lizards and snakes to better reflect the vertical profiles of climate in the mountains. Climatic variables are strongly associated with lizard and snake richness along the elevational gradient. The data strongly implicate water availability as a key constraint on lizard species richness, and annual potential evapotranspiration is the best predictor of snake species richness along the elevational gradient in the Hengduan Mountains.  相似文献   

The diversity of body sizes of organisms has traditionally been explained in terms of microevolutionary processes: natural selection owing to differential fitness of individual organisms, or to macroevolutionary processes: species selection owing to the differential proliferation of phylogenetic lineages. Data for terrestrial mammals and birds indicate that even on a logarithmic scale frequency distributions of body mass among species are significantly skewed towards larger sizes. We used simulation models to evaluate the extent to which macro- and microevolutionary processes are sufficient to explain these distributions. Simulations of a purely cladogenetic process with no bias in extinction or speciation rates for different body sizes did not produce skewed log body mass distributions. Simulations that included size-biased extinction rates, especially those that incorporated anagenetic size change within species between speciation and extinction events, regularly produced skewed distributions. We conclude that although cladogenetic processes probably play a significant role in body size evolution, there must also be a significant anagenetic component. The regular variation in the form of mammalian body size distributions among different-sized islands and continents suggests that environmental conditions, operating through both macro- and microevolutionary processes, determine to a large extent the diversification of body sizes within faunas. Macroevolution is not decoupled from microevolution.  相似文献   

All lizard species of the subfamily Iguaninae except Amblyrynchus cristatus possess from one to eleven transverse valves in the proximal colon. Valves are of two kinds: circular (sometimes with a sphincter valve) or semilunar. Circular valves (if present) always occur proximally to semilunar valves. Intraspecific variation in the number and type of valves is small, but increase with modal number of valves. No significant ontogenetic change in number of valves could be demonstrated. Colic valves in iguanine lizards apparently evolved as simple infoldings of the medical colic wall. Comparisons are made with colic modifications occurring in other lizard families. Herbivorous species of the Scincidae, Agamidae, and Iguanidae are the only lizards known to exhibit colic partitioning, suggesting that the evolution of these structures is intimately related to the evolution of herbivory in these lizards. The potential taxonomic and phylogenetic importance of lizard colon anatomy is discussed.  相似文献   

Aim Anolis lizard invasions are a serious threat world‐wide, and information about how this invasive predator affects the diversity of prey assemblages is important for many strategic conservation goals. It is hypothesized that these predators reduce the slope of species–area relationships (SARs) of their prey assemblages. The effects of island area and predation by anolis lizards on the species richness of insular insect assemblages were investigated. Location Twenty‐four isles around Staniel Cay, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Methods Flying insects were sampled using half‐sized Malaise traps for three consecutive days on each island in May 2007. First, the effect of island area on the probability of lizard presence was evaluated. Then, the effects of the presence–absence of predatory lizards on SARs were analysed for the overall insect assemblage and for the assemblages of five dominant insect orders. Results Our results indicated that anolis lizards occurred primarily on larger islands. The species richness of the overall insect assemblage and five dominant insect orders significantly increased with island area. The interaction between island area and predator presence–absence significantly affected the overall insect assemblage and Diptera and Hymenoptera assemblages (but not Coleoptera, Hemiptera and Lepidoptera assemblages). The presence of predators caused decreases in the slope of the SARs. Main conclusions The presence of predatory lizards strongly affects species richness of insular insect assemblages with the island area being a crucial determinant of the species richness. Therefore, the slope of the SAR can serve as a measure of the consequence of invasive predatory species on native insect assemblages.  相似文献   

Many features of species' biology, including life history, physiology, morphology, and ecology are tightly linked to body size. Investigation into the causes of size divergence is therefore critical to understanding the factors shaping phenotypic diversity within clades. In this study, we examined size evolution in monitor lizards (Varanus), a clade that includes the largest extant lizard species, the Komodo dragon (V. komodoensis), as well as diminutive species that are nearly four orders of magnitude smaller in adult body mass. We demonstrate that the remarkable body size disparity of this clade is a consequence of different selective demands imposed by three major habitat use patterns-arboreality, terrestriality, and rock-dwelling. We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships and ancestral habitat use and applied model selection to determine that the best-fitting evolutionary models for species' adult size are those that infer oppositely directed adaptive evolution associated with terrestriality and rock-dwelling, with terrestrial lineages evolving extremely large size and rock-dwellers becoming very small. We also show that habitat use affects the evolution of several ecologically important morphological traits independently of body size divergence. These results suggest that habitat use exerts a strong, multidimensional influence on the evolution of morphological size and shape disparity in monitor lizards.  相似文献   

截至2020年底, 中国共有226种蜥蜴类(不包括外来入侵种), 是世界上蜥蜴类多样性最丰富的国家之一。系统整理中国现有蜥蜴类的特征数据在物种起源与进化、形成与灭绝、保护生物学等研究中具有重要意义。但是, 目前还没有关于我国蜥蜴类生活史、生态学和地理分布等物种特征的完整数据库。本文通过系统查阅文献和数据资料, 共收集整理了中国现有226种本土蜥蜴类19个特征数据: 描述年份、中国受威胁等级、全球受威胁等级、是否中国特有种、是否岛屿特有种、平均体长、平均体重、食性、窝卵数、繁殖模式、四肢发育、活动时间、栖息生境、栖息地类型、栖息地宽度、海拔分布范围、地理分布范围、动物地理界和分布省份。在上述特征中, 除了四肢发育、描述年份、是否中国特有种、是否岛屿特有种和分布省份外, 其余特征数据均存在不同程度的缺失, 数据完整度为47.14%-100%。本数据集是目前关于中国蜥蜴类最新和最全的物种特征数据库, 可为我国蜥蜴类生态学、进化生物学、生物地理学和保护生物学等研究领域提供数据支持。  相似文献   

Males and females differ in body size in many animals, but the direction and extent of this sexual size dimorphism (SSD) varies widely. Males are larger than females in most lizards of the iguanian clade, which includes dragon lizards (Agamidae). I tested whether the male larger pattern of SSD in the peninsula dragon lizard, Ctenophorus fionni, is a result of sexual selection for large male size or relatively higher mortality among females. Data on growth and survivorship were collected from wild lizards during 1991–1994. The likelihood of differential predation between males and females was assessed by exposing pairs of male and female lizards to a predator in captivity, and by comparing the frequency of tail damage in wild‐caught males and females. Male and female C. fionni grew at the same rate, but males grew for longer than females and reached a larger asymptotic size (87 mm vs. 78 mm). Large males were under‐represented in the population because they suffered higher mortality than females. Predation may account for some of this male‐biased mortality. The male‐biased SSD in C. fionni resulted from differences in growth pattern between the sexes. The male‐biased SSD was not the result of proximate factors reducing female body size. Indeed SSD in this species remained male‐biased despite high mortality among large males. SSD in C. fionni is consistent with the ultimate explanation of sexual selection for large body size in males.  相似文献   

Aim We provide a new quantitative analysis of lizard reproductive ecology. Comparative studies of lizard reproduction to date have usually considered life‐history components separately. Instead, we examine the rate of production (productivity hereafter) calculated as the total mass of offspring produced in a year. We test whether productivity is influenced by proxies of adult mortality rates such as insularity and fossorial habits, by measures of temperature such as environmental and body temperatures, mode of reproduction and activity times, and by environmental productivity and diet. We further examine whether low productivity is linked to high extinction risk. Location World‐wide. Methods We assembled a database containing 551 lizard species, their phylogenetic relationships and multiple life history and ecological variables from the literature. We use phylogenetically informed statistical models to estimate the factors related to lizard productivity. Results Some, but not all, predictions of metabolic and life‐history theories are supported. When analysed separately, clutch size, relative clutch mass and brood frequency are poorly correlated with body mass, but their product – productivity – is well correlated with mass. The allometry of productivity scales similarly to metabolic rate, suggesting that a constant fraction of assimilated energy is allocated to production irrespective of body size. Island species were less productive than continental species. Mass‐specific productivity was positively correlated with environmental temperature, but not with body temperature. Viviparous lizards were less productive than egg‐laying species. Diet and primary productivity were not associated with productivity in any model. Other effects, including lower productivity of fossorial, nocturnal and active foraging species were confounded with phylogeny. Productivity was not lower in species at risk of extinction. Main conclusions Our analyses show the value of focusing on the rate of annual biomass production (productivity), and generally supported associations between productivity and environmental temperature, factors that affect mortality and the number of broods a lizard can produce in a year, but not with measures of body temperature, environmental productivity or diet.  相似文献   

The evolution of striking phenotypes on islands is a well‐known phenomenon, and there has been a long‐standing debate on the patterns of body size evolution on islands. The ecological causes driving divergence in insular populations are, however, poorly understood. Reduced predator fauna is expected to lower escape propensity, increase body size and relax selection for crypsis in small‐bodied, insular prey species. Here, we investigated whether escape behaviour, body size and dorsal coloration have diverged as predicted under predation release in spatially replicated islet and mainland populations of the lizard species Podarcis gaigeae. We show that islet lizards escape approaching observers at shorter distances and are larger than mainland lizards. Additionally, we found evidence for larger between‐population variation in body size among the islet populations than mainland populations. Moreover, islet populations are significantly more divergent in dorsal coloration and match their respective habitats poorer than mainland lizards. These results strongly suggest that predation release on islets has driven population divergence in phenotypic and behavioural traits and that selective release has affected both trait means and variances. Relaxed predation pressure is therefore likely to be one of the major ecological factors driving body size divergence on these islands.  相似文献   

Female-biased sexual size dimorphism is uncommon among vertebrates and traditionally has been attributed to asymmetric selective pressures favoring large fecund females (the fecundity-advantage hypothesis) and/or small mobile males (the small-male advantage hypothesis). I use a phylogenetically based comparative method to address these hypotheses for the evolution and maintenance of sexual size dimorphism among populations of three closely related lizard species (Phrynosoma douglasi, P. ditmarsi, and P. hernandezi). With independent contrasts I estimate evolutionary correlations among female body size, male body size, and sexual size dimorphism (SSD) to determine whether males have become small, females have become large, or both sexes have diverged concurrently in body size during the evolutionary Xhistory of this group. Population differences in degree of SSD are inversely correlated with average male body size, but are not correlated with average female body size. Thus, variation in SSD among populations has occurred predominantly through changes in male size, suggesting that selective pressures on small males may affect degree of SSD in this group. I explore three possible evolutionary mechanisms by which the mean male body size in a population could evolve: changes in size at maturity, changes in the variance of male body sizes, and changes in skewness of male body size distributions. Comparative analyses indicate that population differentiation in male body size is achieved by changes in male size at maturity, without changes in the variance or skewness of male and female size distributions. This study demonstrates the potential of comparative methods at lower taxonomic levels (among populations and closely related species) for studying microevolutionary processes that underlie population differentiation.  相似文献   

Hugh  Griffith 《Journal of Zoology》1994,233(4):541-550
Relationships between body shape and relative abdominal size were compared among differentially elongate species within the scincid lizard genus Brachymeles , to investigate how morphological evolution affects the proportion of body volume available to hold eggs and offspring. Relative abdominal size is inversely related to elongation, suggesting that relative clutch mass decreases with addition of abdominal body segments. Shape-volume relationships contradict trends seen in comparisons among distantly related limbed and limbless squamates (lizards and snakes), in which snakes have relatively more abdominal volume. Comparison within a phylogenetically restricted group allows the identification of functional and ontogenetic factors potentially limiting reproductive output. In Bruchymeles , constraining factors include retention of anterior body segments bearing parasternal ribs, which prevents extension of the clutch anteriorly within the body, and reduction of allometry of abdominal segments, which provides extended series of uniformly-sized vertebrae for limbless locomotion, but reduces the relative size of the abdomen. The latter trait is associated with overall size reduction, which affects relative egg-size and packing. Factors constraining abdominal volume in this genus are probably common to other elongate lizards, a morphological group that has been rarely represented in comparative studies of life history.  相似文献   

Aims (1) To map the species richness of Australian lizards and describe patterns of range size and species turnover that underlie them. (2) To assess the congruence in the species richness of lizards and other vertebrate groups. (3) To search for commonalities in the drivers of species richness in Australian vertebrates. Location Australia. Methods We digitized lizard distribution data to generate gridded maps of species richness and β‐diversity. Using similar maps for amphibians, mammals and birds, we explored the relationship between species richness and temperature, actual evapotranspiration, elevation and local elevation range. We used spatial eigenvector filtering and geographically weighted regression to explore geographical patterns and take spatial autocorrelation into account. We explored congruence between the species richness of vertebrate groups whilst controlling for environmental effects. Results Lizard richness peaks in the central deserts (where β‐diversity is low) and tropical north‐east (where β‐diversity is high). The intervening lowlands have low species richness and β‐diversity. Generally, lizard richness is uncorrelated with that of other vertebrates but this low congruence is strongly spatially structured. Environmental models for all groups also show strong spatial heterogeneity. Lizard richness is predicted by different environmental factors from other vertebrates, being highest in dry and hot regions. Accounting for environmental drivers, lizard richness is weakly positively related to richness of other vertebrates, both at global and local scales. Main conclusions Lizard species richness differs from that of other vertebrates. This difference is probably caused by differential responses to environmental gradients and different centres of diversification; there is little evidence for inter‐taxon competition limiting lizard richness. Local variation in habitat diversity or evolutionary radiations may explain weak associations between taxa, after controlling for environmental variables. We strongly recommend that studies of variation in species richness examine and account for non‐stationarity.  相似文献   

BackgroundFor almost two centuries, ecologists have examined geographical patterns in the evolution of body size and the associated determinants. During that time, one of the most common patterns to have emerged is the increase in body size with increasing latitude (referred to as Bergmann''s rule). Typically, this pattern is explained in terms of an evolutionary response that serves to minimize heat loss in colder climates, mostly in endotherms. In contrast, however, this rule rarely explains geographical patterns in the evolution of body size among ectotherms (e.g., reptiles).LocationChina.AimIn this study, we assembled a dataset comprising the maximum sizes of 211 lizard species in China and examined the geographical patterns in body size evolution and its determinants. Specifically, we assessed the relationship between body size and climate among all lizard species and within four major groups at both assemblage and interspecific levels.ResultsAlthough we found that the body size of Chinese lizards was larger in warmer regions, we established that at the assemblage level, size was correlated with multiple climatic factors, and that body size–climate correlations differed within the four major groups. Phylogenetic analysis at the species level revealed that no single climatic factor was associated with body size, with the exception of agamids, for which size was found to be positively correlated with temperature.Main conclusionsGeographical patterns in Chinese lizard body size are driven by multiple factors, and overall patterns are probably influenced by those of the major groups. We suggest that our analyses at two different levels may have contributed to the inconsistent results obtained in this study. Further studies investigating the effects of altitude and ecological factors are needed to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the evolution of ectotherm body size.  相似文献   

Body weight distributions of European Hymenoptera   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
WernerUlrich 《Oikos》2006,114(3):518-528
Species number–body weight distributions are generally thought to be skewed to the right. Hence it is assumed that the number of relatively small species is larger than the number of relatively large species. While this pattern is well documented in vertebrates, comparative studies on larger invertebrate taxa are still scarce. Here I show that the weight distributions of European Hymenoptera (based on 12 601 species body weight data compiled from major catalogues) do not exhibit a general trend towards right skewed species–body weight distributions. Skewness did not depend on the number of species per taxon. Species richness peaked at intermediate body weights irrespective of taxonomic level. Kernel density analysis revealed that hymenopteran taxa had between one and four peaks in their size distributions with larger taxa having fewer peaks. Within genus variability in body weight was allometrically related to mean body weight (σ21.81) in line with a proportional rescaling pattern. These results call for a rethinking about the generality of current vertebrate centred models of body size evolution.  相似文献   

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