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Soil fauna play a fundamental role on key ecosystem functions like organic matter decomposition, although how local assemblages are responding to climate change and whether these changes may have consequences to ecosystem functioning is less clear. Previous studies have revealed that a continued environmental stress may result in poorer communities by filtering out the most sensitive species. However, these experiments have rarely been applied to climate change factors combining multiyear and multisite standardized field treatments across climatically contrasting regions, which has limited drawing general conclusions. Moreover, other facets of biodiversity, such as functional and phylogenetic diversity, potentially more closely linked to ecosystem functioning, have been largely neglected. Here, we report that the abundance, species richness, phylogenetic diversity, and functional richness of springtails (Subclass Collembola), a major group of fungivores and detritivores, decreased within 4 years of experimental drought across six European shrublands. The loss of phylogenetic and functional richness was higher than expected by the loss of species richness, leading to communities of phylogenetically similar species sharing evolutionary conserved traits. Additionally, despite the great climatic differences among study sites, we found that taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional richness of springtail communities alone were able to explain up to 30% of the variation in annual decomposition rates. Altogether, our results suggest that the forecasted reductions in precipitation associated with climate change may erode springtail communities and likely other drought‐sensitive soil invertebrates, thereby retarding litter decomposition and nutrient cycling in ecosystems.  相似文献   

我国南海诸岛主要是珊瑚岛。植物凋落物分解是生态系统元素循环的关键环节,但目前关于南海珊瑚岛生态系统凋落物分解的研究还是空白。以我国西沙群岛的优势树种抗风桐(Pisonia grandis)和海岸桐(Guettarda speciosa)为研究对象,采用凋落物袋法,分别于分解期间的第3、6、9、13和15个月取样,探究中型土壤动物对两种植物群落中凋落物分解过程中质量损失和养分释放的影响。结果表明:与没有中型土壤动物存在的情况(0.1 mm凋落物袋)相比,分解开始后的6个月内,中型土壤动物存在(2 mm凋落物袋)使抗风桐和海岸桐凋落叶分解速率分别提高了12.3%和4.8%(P<0.05);分解6-15个月期间,中型土壤动物存在使抗风桐和海岸桐凋落叶分解速率分别提高了33.0%和12.3%(P<0.05)。中型土壤动物排除显著影响了不同分解阶段凋落叶总碳(Total carbon,TC)、总氮(Total nitrogen,TN)、纤维素、木质素和半纤维素的残留率变化。中型土壤动物群落组成受土壤温度显著影响(P<0.05),它们对凋落叶分解的贡献可能主要受优势类群如真螨目和寄螨目的影响。相较海岸桐,抗风桐凋落叶的分解周期更短,中型土壤动物对其的贡献更大;选用抗风桐作为南海珊瑚岛退化植被恢复或新建的先锋种对促进生态系统元素循环更有利。  相似文献   

Both contemporary and historical factors are documented to be crucial in regulating species diversity and distribution. Soil fauna contribute substantially to global biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, while it is unclear whether and to what extent historical factors shape their diversity patterns. Here, we used soil nematodes as a model organism to test historical effects on soil fauna and to investigate the relative importance of climatic, soil, and historical factors. Based on nematode distribution data in 16 natural sites at a large scale (ranging from 22 to 40°N) in mainland China, we conducted elastic net regression model to test the effects of climatic (e.g., mean and seasonality of temperature/precipitation), soil (e.g., soil carbon, nitrogen, and pH), and historical (e.g., temperature/precipitation anomaly and the velocity of the change since the Last Glacial Maximum) variables on nematode genus richness and Shannon's diversity. Additionally, variation partitioning was used to determine the contribution of the three predictor sets to the explanation of both Jaccard and Bray–Curtis community dissimilarity. We found that climate generally explained more variations in both diversity and composition than soil and historical predictors in our samples. We also showed that although historical factors (e.g., temperature change velocity) were correlated with nematode diversity and composition, the pure effects of these historical factors were negligible. In other words, the historical effects were commonly represented by their interactions with current climatic and soil factors within our selected sites. Our results indicated that contemporary factors, especially climate, may outperform historical factors in regulating soil nematode diversity patterns at large scales.  相似文献   

Interactions between atmospheric CO2 enrichment and soil fauna   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have reviewed the responses of soil fauna to increased concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and the consequent climate change. These will affect several attributes of animal populations and communities including their density, biomass, diversity, activity, rates of consumption, life history parameters and migration ability. Changes in the quality and quantity of litter and global warming are the main factors which are expected to modify soil fauna. Although changes have been observed in several attributes of the soil fauna as a consequence of increased concentrations of atmospheric CO2, no general trend which might allow to the prediction of a general pattern of response has been identified. Because of the complexity of the biological mechanisms and the synergetic action of several factors, the few resulting responses reported in the literature are inconclusive. However, some aspects of the situation deserve more attention. These include the consequences of (1) changes in the food resources for soil fauna in the litter layer and in the rhizosphere, (2) the consumption of low quality litter by the macrofauna, (3) the change in life span in response to temperature elevation, (4) the enhancement of earthworm burrowing activity and (5) the changes in community composition arising because of specific differential resistance to adverse conditions. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Climate and litter quality have been identified as major drivers of litter decomposition at large spatial scales. However, the role played by soil fauna remains largely unknown, despite its importance for litter fragmentation and microbial activity. We synthesised litterbag studies to quantify the effect sizes of soil fauna on litter decomposition rates at the global and biome scales, and to assess how climate, litter quality and soil fauna interact to determine such rates. Soil fauna consistently enhanced litter decomposition at both global and biome scales (average increment ~ 27%). However, climate and litter quality differently modulated the effects of soil fauna on decomposition rates between biomes, from climate‐driven biomes to those where climate effects were mediated by changes in litter quality. Our results advocate for the inclusion of biome‐specific soil fauna effects on litter decomposition as a mean to reduce the unexplained variation in large‐scale decomposition models.  相似文献   

Confidence in model estimates of soil CO2 flux depends on assumptions regarding fundamental mechanisms that control the decomposition of litter and soil organic carbon (SOC). Multiple hypotheses have been proposed to explain the role of lignin, an abundant and complex biopolymer that may limit decomposition. We tested competing mechanisms using data-model fusion with modified versions of the CN-SIM model and a 571-day laboratory incubation dataset where decomposition of litter, lignin, and SOC was measured across 80 soil samples from the National Ecological Observatory Network. We found that lignin decomposition consistently decreased over time in 65 samples, whereas in the other 15 samples, lignin decomposition subsequently increased. These “lagged-peak” samples can be predicted by low soil pH, high extractable Mn, and fungal community composition as measured by ITS PC2 (the second principal component of an ordination of fungal ITS amplicon sequences). The highest-performing model incorporated soil biogeochemical factors and daily dynamics of substrate availability (labile bulk litter:lignin) that jointly represented two hypotheses (C substrate limitation and co-metabolism) previously thought to influence lignin decomposition. In contrast, models representing either hypothesis alone were biased and underestimated cumulative decomposition. Our findings reconcile competing hypotheses of lignin decomposition and suggest the need to precisely represent the role of lignin and consider soil metal and fungal characteristics to accurately estimate decomposition in Earth-system models.  相似文献   

 草地利用方式影响植被群落结构和土壤微环境, 制约草地生态系统碳循环。该文通过测定温带草原在放牧、割草、围封3种利用方式下湿润年(2012年)和干旱年(2011年)的凋落物产量、质量及其分解速率和土壤碳通量, 分析了草地利用方式对土壤呼吸和凋落物的影响, 探讨了凋落物对土壤呼吸的贡献机制。结果表明: 在干旱年份, 放牧样地土壤呼吸最大, 分别达到割草和围封样地的1.5倍和1.29倍; 在湿润年份, 割草样地土壤呼吸最大, 为309 g C·m–2·a–1, 明显高于放牧样地和围封样地。不论干旱年还是湿润年, 围封样地凋落物产量都大于放牧样地和割草样地。3种利用方式下湿润年土壤呼吸和凋落物分解均比干旱年增强。因此, 水分是温带草原植物生长和生态系统碳循环的主要限制因子, 草地利用方式则显著影响凋落物生产和分解。进一步分析表明, 经过两年的分解, 同一样地内凋落物质量C:N下降, N含量和木质素:N升高, 土壤呼吸与凋落物产量、凋落物分解速率以及木质素:N正相关, 而与凋落物C:N负相关。  相似文献   

草地利用方式影响植被群落结构和土壤微环境, 制约草地生态系统碳循环。该文通过测定温带草原在放牧、割草、围封3种利用方式下湿润年(2012年)和干旱年(2011年)的凋落物产量、质量及其分解速率和土壤碳通量, 分析了草地利用方式对土壤呼吸和凋落物的影响, 探讨了凋落物对土壤呼吸的贡献机制。结果表明: 在干旱年份, 放牧样地土壤呼吸最大, 分别达到割草和围封样地的1.5倍和1.29倍; 在湿润年份, 割草样地土壤呼吸最大, 为309 g C∙m-2∙a-1, 明显高于放牧样地和围封样地。不论干旱年还是湿润年, 围封样地凋落物产量都大于放牧样地和割草样地。3种利用方式下湿润年土壤呼吸和凋落物分解均比干旱年增强。因此, 水分是温带草原植物生长和生态系统碳循环的主要限制因子, 草地利用方式则显著影响凋落物生产和分解。进一步分析表明, 经过两年的分解, 同一样地内凋落物质量C:N下降, N含量和木质素:N升高, 土壤呼吸与凋落物产量、凋落物分解速率以及木质素:N正相关, 而与凋落物C:N负相关。  相似文献   

Climate‐smart agriculture (CSA) management practices (e.g., conservation tillage, cover crops, and biochar applications) have been widely adopted to enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while ensuring crop productivity. However, current measurements regarding the influences of CSA management practices on SOC sequestration diverge widely, making it difficult to derive conclusions about individual and combined CSA management effects and bringing large uncertainties in quantifying the potential of the agricultural sector to mitigate climate change. We conducted a meta‐analysis of 3,049 paired measurements from 417 peer‐reviewed articles to examine the effects of three common CSA management practices on SOC sequestration as well as the environmental controlling factors. We found that, on average, biochar applications represented the most effective approach for increasing SOC content (39%), followed by cover crops (6%) and conservation tillage (5%). Further analysis suggested that the effects of CSA management practices were more pronounced in areas with relatively warmer climates or lower nitrogen fertilizer inputs. Our meta‐analysis demonstrated that, through adopting CSA practices, cropland could be an improved carbon sink. We also highlight the importance of considering local environmental factors (e.g., climate and soil conditions and their combination with other management practices) in identifying appropriate CSA practices for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions while ensuring crop productivity.  相似文献   

全球气候变暖对凋落物分解的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
宋飘  张乃莉  马克平  郭继勋 《生态学报》2014,34(6):1327-1339
凋落物分解作为生态系统核心过程,参与生态系统碳的周转与循环,影响生态系统碳的收支平衡,调控生态系统对全球气候变暖的反馈结果。全球气候变暖通过环境因素、凋落物数量和质量以及分解者3个方面,直接或间接地作用于凋落物分解过程,并进一步影响土壤养分周转和碳库动态。气候变暖可通过升高温度和改变实际蒸散量等环境因素直接作用于凋落物分解。气候变暖可引起植物物种短期内碳、氮和木质素等化学性质的改变以及群落中物种组成的长期变化从而改变凋落物质量。在凋落物分解过程中,土壤分解者亚系统作为主要生命组分(土壤动物和微生物)彼此相互作用、相互协调共同参与调节凋落物的分解过程。凋落物分解可以通过改变土壤微生物量、微生物活动和群落结构来加快微生物养分的固定或矿化,以形成新的养分利用模式来改变土壤有机质从而对气候变化做出响应。未来凋落物分解的研究方向应基于大尺度跨区域分解实验和长期实验,关注多个因子交互影响下,分解过程中碳、氮养分释放、地上/地下凋落物分解生物学过程与联系、分解者亚系统营养级联效应等方面。  相似文献   

凋落物分解是生态系统营养物质循环的核心过程,而土壤微生物群落在凋落物分解过程中扮演着极其重要且不可替代的角色。随着生物多样性的丧失日益严峻,探讨凋落物多样性及组成对凋落物分解和土壤微生物群落的影响,不仅有助于了解凋落物分解的内在机制,而且可为退化草原生态系统的恢复提供参考。以内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原退化恢复群落中的草本植物为研究对象,依据植物多度、盖度、频度和物种的重要值及其在群落中的恢复程度筛选出排序前4的羊草(Leymus chinensis)、茵陈蒿(Artemisia capillaris)、麻花头(Serratula centauroides)、二裂委陵菜(Potentilla bifurca)的凋落物为实验材料,通过设置3种凋落物多样性水平(1,2,4),包括11种凋落物组合(单物种凋落物共4种,两物种凋落物混合共6种,四物种凋落物混合共1种),利用磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)方法来研究分解60 d后凋落物多样性及组成对凋落物分解和土壤微生物群落的影响。结果表明:(1)凋落物物种多样性仅对C残余率具有显著影响,表现在两物种混合凋落物C残余率显著低于单物种凋落物,而凋落物组成对所观测的4个凋落物分解参数(质量、C、N残余率以及C/N)均具有显著影响;(2)凋落物物种多样性对细菌(B)含量具有显著影响,而凋落物组成对真菌(F)含量具有显著影响,两者对F/B以及微生物总量均无显著影响;(3)冗余分析结果表明凋落物组成与凋落物分解相关指标(凋落物质量、C、N残余率及C/N)和土壤微生物(真菌、细菌含量)的相关关系高于凋落物多样性。(4)进一步建立结构方程模型(Structural Equation Model,SEM)发现,凋落物初始C含量对凋落物质量、C、N残余率及C/N有显著正的直接影响;凋落物木质素含量对凋落物质量、C、N残余率有显著正的直接影响;凋落物初始N含量对N残余率有显著正的直接影响,而对C残余率及C/N有显著负的直接影响;凋落物初始C/N对凋落物质量、N残余率有显著正的直接影响,而对C/N有显著负的直接影响。此外,凋落物初始C、N、木质素含量及C/N均对真菌含量具有显著正影响,并可通过真菌对凋落物质量分解产生显著负的间接影响。以上结果表明该退化恢复区域优势种凋落物分解以初始C、木质素为主导,主要通过土壤真菌影响凋落物的分解进程,这将减缓凋落物的分解速率进而减慢草原生态系统的进程。这些结果为凋落物多样性及组成对自身分解和土壤微生物群落的影响提供了实验依据,也为进一步分析凋落物分解内在机制以及草原生态系统的恢复提供了数据参考。  相似文献   

Tundra regions are projected to warm rapidly during the coming decades. The tundra biome holds the largest terrestrial carbon pool, largely contained in frozen permafrost soils. With warming, these permafrost soils may thaw and become available for microbial decomposition, potentially providing a positive feedback to global warming. Warming may directly stimulate microbial metabolism but may also indirectly stimulate organic matter turnover through increased plant productivity by soil priming from root exudates and accelerated litter turnover rates. Here, we assess the impacts of experimental warming on turnover rates of leaf litter, active layer soil and thawed permafrost sediment in two high‐arctic tundra heath sites in NE‐Greenland, either dominated by evergreen or deciduous shrubs. We incubated shrub leaf litter on the surface of control and warmed plots for 1 and 2 years. Active layer soil was collected from the plots to assess the effects of 8 years of field warming on soil carbon stocks. Finally, we incubated open cores filled with newly thawed permafrost soil for 2 years in the active layer of the same plots. After field incubation, we measured basal respiration rates of recovered thawed permafrost cores in the lab. Warming significantly reduced litter mass loss by 26% after 1 year incubation, but differences in litter mass loss among treatments disappeared after 2 years incubation. Warming also reduced litter nitrogen mineralization and decreased the litter carbon to nitrogen ratio. Active layer soil carbon stocks were reduced 15% by warming, while soil dissolved nitrogen was reduced by half in warmed plots. Warming had a positive legacy effect on carbon turnover rates in thawed permafrost cores, with 10% higher respiration rates measured in cores from warmed plots. These results demonstrate that warming may have contrasting effects on above‐ and belowground tundra carbon turnover, possibly governed by microbial resource availability.  相似文献   

In most terrestrial ecosystems, the majority of aboveground net primary productivity enters the decomposition system as plant litter. The decomposition of plant litter plays a critical role in regulating build up of the forest soil organic matter, releasing of nutrients for plant growth, and influencing the carbon cycling. Soil fauna are considered to be an important factor in the acceleration litter decomposition and nutrient transformations. Mechanisms of soil faunal contribution to litter decomposition include digestion of substrates, increase of surface area through fragmentation and acceleration of microbial inoculation into litter. The Pinus koraiensis mixed broad-leaved forest is one of the typical forest vegetation types in Changbai Mountain. Previously, major studies carried here were focused on climate, soil and vegetation; however, on litter decomposition and the role of soil fauna in this forest ecosystem were limited. In this paper, we conducted a litter decomposition experiment using litterbag method to explore the contribution of soil fauna on litter decomposition and provide a scientific basis for maintaining a balanced in P. koraiensis mixed broad-leaved forest in Changbai Mountains. During 2009 and 2010, we used litterbags with different mesh sizes to examine the decomposition of two dominant tree species (P. koraiensis, Fraxinus mandshurica) in studied site. The results showed that the process of litter decomposition can be separated into two apparent stages. The initial decomposition process at former six months was slow, while accelerated the final six months. The former six months (from October 2009 to April 2010) was winter and spring. There was low temperature and almost no activity of soil fauna and microbes. The final six months (from June to October 2010), decomposition rates increased. In summer and autumn, both temperature and moisture increases, abundance of soil fauna was much than before and was most active. The remaining mass of P. koraiensis was higher than that of F. mandshurica in two mesh size litterbags after 1 year decomposition, meanwhile litter in 2 mm mesh size litterbag had higher decomposition rate than that of 0.01 mm for two species litter. The Collembola, Acari, Enchytraeidae Lithobiomorpha and Diptera larvae were mainly fauna groups in the litterbags. The composition of soil fauna community was difference between P. koraiensis and F. mandshurica during litter decomposition. 24 different soil fauna groups and 1431 individual were obtained in P. koraiensis litterbags; Isotomidae, Tomoceridae and Oribatida were dominant groups; while 31 different soil fauna groups and 1255 individual were obtained in F. mandshurica litterbags; Isotomidae, Hypogastruridae Oribatida and Mesostigmata were dominant groups. The rate of litter decomposition was positively correlated with the individual and group density of soil fauna. Contribution rate to litter decomposition was 1.70% for P. koraiensis and 4.83% for F. mandshurica. Repeated measures ANOVA showed that litter species, time and soil fauna had a significant impact on the rate of litter decomposition (P < 0.05). Our results suggested that soil fauna could accelerate litter decomposition and, consequently, nutrient cycling in P. koraiensis mixed broad-leaved forest, Changbai Mountains.  相似文献   

陆地生态系统混合凋落物分解研究进展   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:18  
李宜浓  周晓梅  张乃莉  马克平 《生态学报》2016,36(16):4977-4987
凋落物分解在陆地生态系统养分循环与能量流动中具有重要作用,是碳、氮及其他重要矿质养分在生态系统生命组分间循环与平衡的核心生态过程。自然生态系统中,植物群落大多具有较高的物种丰富度和多样性,其混合凋落物在分解过程中也更有可能发生养分传递、化学抑制等种间互作,形成多样化的分解生境,多样性较高的分解者类群以及复杂的级联效应分解,这些因素和过程均对研究混合凋落物分解过程、揭示其内在机制形成了极大的挑战。从构成混合凋落物物种丰富度和多样性对分解生境、分解者多样性及其营养级联效应的影响等方面,综合阐述混合凋落物对陆地生态系统凋落物分解的影响,探讨生物多样性在凋落物分解中的作用。通过综述近些年的研究发现,有超过60%的混合凋落物对其分解速率的影响存在正向或负向的效应。养分含量有差异的凋落物混合分解过程中,分解者优先利用高质量凋落物,使低质量的凋落物反而具有了较高的养分有效性,引起低质量凋落物分解加快并最终使混合凋落物整体分解速率加快;而凋落物物种丰富度对土壤动物群落总多度有轻微的影响或几乎没有影响,但是对线虫和大型土壤动物的群落组成和多样性有显著影响,并随着分解阶段呈现一定动态变化;混合凋落物改变土壤微生物生存的理化环境,为微生物提供更多丰富的分解底物和养分,优化微生物种群数量和群落结构及其分泌酶的活性,并进一步促进了混合凋落物的分解。这些基于植物-土壤-分解者系统的动态分解过程的研究,表明混合凋落物分解作用不只是经由凋落物自身质量的改变,更会通过逐级影响分解者多样性水平而进一步改变分解速率和养分释放动态,说明生物多样性确实在一定程度上调控凋落物分解及其养分释放过程。  相似文献   

孙丽娟  曾辉  郭大立 《应用生态学报》2011,22(12):3087-3093
2010年7-12月,选取鼎湖山国家级自然保护区亚热带针阔叶混交林,采用全因子控制试验,研究不同类型的凋落物(针叶和阔叶凋落物)添加及氮处理(加氮模拟氮饱和、减氮模拟根吸收)对表层(0~10 cm)和下层(20~30 cm)土壤有机质分解(呼吸)的影响.结果表明: 2010年7-11月间,两种凋落物的添加使土壤-凋落物系统的呼吸速率显著增加,但这种影响在12月消失.减氮和加氮处理均显著增加了土壤-凋落物系统的呼吸.叶凋落物短期内完全分解,对土壤碳分解和积累的影响十分有限,可能不是该系统中土壤有机质的主要来源.通过减少土壤可利用氮模拟根系对氮的吸收能够明显促进土壤有机质的分解.  相似文献   

熊燕  刘强  陈欢  彭少麟 《生态学杂志》2005,24(10):1120-1126
2001年12月~2002年12月,采用不同孔径分解凋落叶样袋法,对鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林3类凋落叶的分解进行了研究,并对落叶分解过程中凋落叶袋内和袋下土样中的土壤动物群落和多样性进行了调查。结果表明,3种孔径袋内凋落叶的分解速率为大孔>中孔>微孔;混合凋落叶的分解速率大于单种凋落叶;蜱螨目在凋落叶分解的整个过程中相对数量都较高,弹尾目在凋落叶的分解过程中在凋落叶袋和土壤间移动,数量变化较大。凋落叶袋内大、中型土壤动物的个体数量在分解前期较多,中、小型土壤动物在分解的中期数量剧增;凋落叶袋内土壤动物的个体数量、密度以及多样性指数都随着落叶的分解而增加,9月最高;土壤样内则在分解的前期较高,以后逐渐降低。凋落叶的分解和土壤动物群落动态及多样性受凋落叶基质质量以及样地温度、降雨量等综合因素的影响。  相似文献   

Belowground life relies on plant litter, while its linkage to living roots had long been understudied, and remains unknown in the tropics. Here, we analysed the response of 30 soil animal groups to root trenching and litter removal in rainforest and plantations in Sumatra, and found that roots are similarly important to soil fauna as litter. Trenching effects were stronger in soil than in litter, with an overall decrease in animal abundance in rainforest by 42% and in plantations by 30%. Litter removal little affected animals in soil, but decreased the total abundance by 60% in rainforest and rubber plantations but not in oil palm plantations. Litter and root effects on animal group abundances were explained by body size or vertical distribution. Our study quantifies principle carbon pathways in soil food webs under tropical land use, providing the basis for mechanistic modelling and ecosystem-friendly management of tropical soils.  相似文献   

Decomposition of plant litter is a fundamental ecosystem process that can act as a feedback to climate change by simultaneously influencing both the productivity of ecosystems and the flux of carbon dioxide from the soil. The influence of climate on decomposition from a postsenescence perspective is relatively well known; in particular, climate is known to regulate the rate of litter decomposition via its direct influence on the reaction kinetics and microbial physiology on processes downstream of tissue senescence. Climate can alter plant metabolism during the formative stage of tissues and could shape the final chemical composition of plant litter that is available for decomposition, and thus indirectly influence decomposition; however, these indirect effects are relatively poorly understood. Climatic stress disrupts cellular homeostasis in plants and results in the reprogramming of primary and secondary metabolic pathways, which leads to changes in the quantity, composition, and organization of small molecules and recalcitrant heteropolymers, including lignins, tannins, suberins, and cuticle within the plant tissue matrix. Furthermore, by regulating metabolism during tissue senescence, climate influences the resorption of nutrients from senescing tissues. Thus, the final chemical composition of plant litter that forms the substrate of decomposition is a combined product of presenescence physiological processes through the production and resorption of metabolites. The changes in quantity, composition, and localization of the molecular construct of the litter could enhance or hinder tissue decomposition and soil nutrient cycling by altering the recalcitrance of the lignocellulose matrix, the composition of microbial communities, and the activity of microbial exo‐enzymes via various complexation reactions. Also, the climate‐induced changes in the molecular composition of litter could differentially influence litter decomposition and soil nutrient cycling. Compared with temperate ecosystems, the indirect effects of climate on litter decomposition in the tropics are not well understood, which underscores the need to conduct additional studies in tropical biomes. We also emphasize the need to focus on how climatic stress affects the root chemistry as roots contribute significantly to biogeochemical cycling, and on utilizing more robust analytical approaches to capture the molecular composition of tissue matrix that fuel microbial metabolism.  相似文献   

植物凋落物影响土壤有机质分解的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
植物凋落物是土壤动物和土壤微生物的主要生命物质和能量来源,其类型、组成以及物理化学等性质直接决定了土壤有机质的品质。对植物凋落物的类型、品质、物理性质、层效应和激发效应以及根际碳淀积与土壤有机质分解的关系进行了总结,可为研究植物凋落物对土壤有机质的影响提供理论参考,指出要在全球变暖背景下进一步加强凋落物分解过程中土壤微生物和酶活性变化的研究。  相似文献   

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