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Abstract We examined the impact of severe cyclone ‘Larry’ on the vegetation structure of monoculture and mixed species timber plantations, restoration plantings and reference sites in upland rainforests on the Atherton Tableland, north Queensland, Australia. Sites were initially assessed in 2000 and resurveyed in 2006, 6–8 months after the cyclone traversed the region. In both surveys, timber plantations had a relatively open canopy, grassy understorey and few shrubs or small‐sized trees; whereas restoration plantings had a relatively closed canopy, an understorey of bare ground, leaf litter and rainforest seedlings, a high density of small‐diameter trees and a moderate representation of special life forms characteristic of rainforest. Cyclone damage varied with tree size, site type, proximity to the cyclone and stem density. First, the proportion of trees that were severely damaged by the cyclone (major branches broken, stem snapped or pushed over) increased with the diameter of trees across all site types. Second, damage to larger‐sized trees (>10 cm d.b.h., >20 cm d.b.h.) was proportionally highest in monoculture plantations, intermediate in mixed species plantations and rainforest, and lowest in restoration plantings. Third, within site types, damage levels decreased with distance from the cyclone track and with stem density. There was no evidence that topographical position influenced damage levels, at least for timber plantations. We tentatively attribute the high levels of damage experienced by timber plantations to their relatively open structure and the large size of stems in plantations. Restoration plantings generally escaped severe damage by the cyclone, but their continued development towards rainforest conditions may require a coordinated monitoring and maintenance programme to address the potential threat of weed invasion.  相似文献   

Abstract Patterns of co-occurrence were examined among the suite of species of arboreal marsupials that inhabit the montane ash forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria, southeastern Australia. The data used in our analyses were counts of different species of arboreal marsupials derived from stagwatching surveys of 152 sites throughout the Central Highlands region. Our work investigated both the number of species that tend to occur together, as well as identity of the taxa in such associations. A total of eight different species of arboreal marsupials were recorded from field surveys of montane ash forests: Leadbeater's Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri), Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps), Yellow-bellied Glider (Petaurus australis), Greater Glider (Petauroides volans), Mountain Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus caninus), Feathertail Glider (Acrobates pygmaeus), Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirusperegrinus), and Eastern Pygmy Possum (Cercartetus nanus). Large assemblages of taxa were rare and no sites supported the full array of species of arboreal marsupials– the maximum number of species recorded on a given 3 ha site was five. The results of our analyses indicated that if any one species of arboreal marsupials was present at a site, then on average 1. 5 other taxa will co-inhabit that site. The exception was the Common Ringtail Possum. When this species was detected, few other arboreal marsupial taxa tended to be recorded with it. Principal Co-ordinates Analysis showed that although combinations of animals comprised of either Mountain Brushtail Possum, Leadbeater's Possum, or Greater Glider were often recorded, there were no strong patterns in the identities of co-occurring taxa. This finding, together with the result that most taxa in these forests typically co-occurred with one or two other species, indicates that none of the arboreal marsupials inhabiting the montane ash forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria would be a good surrogate for (or ‘indicator’ of), the presence of the suite of other species in the assemblage.  相似文献   

The aquatic vegetation of three sites on the Atherton Tableland is described and analysed with the aid of numerical classifications. Despite major physiognomic differences in the vegetation between sites, four floristic groups are recognized which can be related to major habitat types. Water depth and seasonal fluctuations in water level are suggested as the main factors controlling vegetation distributions in the absence of disturbance by biotic agencies. Species characteristic of particular aquatic communities are identified and these could prove useful in the recognition of hydroseral stages in pollen diagrams constructed from these sites and in the determination of past lake levels.  相似文献   

Tree cavities are an important shelter site for a variety of vertebrate species, including birds, reptiles and mammals. Studies indicate that in most taxa favoured tree hollows are those in larger trees and higher from the ground, generally thought to be related to decreased predation risk and a more optimal thermal environment. However, neither of these ideas has been tested definitively. Here, we investigate the microclimate of daytime den sites in tree hollows of common brushtail possums in tropical northern Australia. We compare tree and hollow characteristics of dens known to be used by possums, and those not known to be used, to determine whether possums choose trees with microhabitats with a more favourable daytime microclimate. Possums chose to den in tree hollows which were on average 1.6 °C cooler during the day, and were more buffered from temperature extremes, than other potential den locations. Important factors explaining daytime temperatures between hollows included height of the hollow, entrance width and tree diameter. Tropical arboreal marsupials have been identified as being particularly vulnerable to climate change and there are calls to identify and preserve natural refuges, such as tree hollows, which could buffer them from extreme temperatures. Our results highlight the value of older, larger hollow-bearing trees as refuges from extreme temperature, the importance of which may become critical for some temperature-sensitive species under the combined effects of continuing habitat loss and climate change.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 on foliar concentrations of nitrogen, mineral nutrients and phenolics, and leaf toughness, in seedlings of two common rainforest trees from north‐east Queensland, Australia. The trees were the pioneer species Alphitonia petriei Braid and C. White and the mid‐successional species Flindersia brayleyana F. Muell. Both species are important in the diets of folivorous marsupials endemic to the region. Seedlings were grown in native rainforest soils (nutrient‐rich basalt and nutrient‐poor rhyolite) and exposed to unreplicated treatments of ambient (350 p.p.m.) and elevated (790 p.p.m.) CO2 for 60 days in a glasshouse. The foliage of seedlings exposed to elevated CO2 had lower concentrations of nitrogen and sodium than did seedlings exposed to ambient conditions. Nitrogen levels declined by 4.5 mg g‐1 in Alphitonia and 5.9 mg/g in Flindersia, or 25 and 29% of ambient levels, respectively. Sodium levels declined by 44% in both species. In Flindersia, concentrations of phosphorus, potassium and calcium were also reduced in elevated CO2 by 19–28% of ambient levels, but these minerals did not vary with CO2 treatment in Alphitonia. In elevated CO2, levels of condensed tannins were higher in Flindersia, but not Alphitonia. Levels of total phenolics did not vary significantly with CO2 in Flindersia; whereas in Alphitonia, total phenolics were lower in elevated CO2, but only on basalt soils. Leaves were thicker in both species in elevated CO2. Leaves were tougher in both species in elevated CO2, but only on rhyolite soils. If the results of the present study can be extrapolated to mature trees exposed to elevated CO2 over the long‐term, folivores would be expected to become less abundant under elevated CO2 conditions, as foliar chemistry is a good predictor of folivore abundance in the higher elevation rainforests of north‐east Queensland.  相似文献   

Urban expansion is a major cause of land use change and presents a significant threat to biodiversity worldwide. Agricultural land is often acquired by local councils and developers to expand urban growth boundaries and establish new housing estates. However, many agricultural landscapes support high biodiversity values, especially farmlands that feature mosaics of native vegetation and keystone habitat such as hollow‐bearing trees. In south‐eastern Australia, many arboreal marsupials including the threatened Squirrel Glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) have populations within peri‐urban zones of expanding rural cities. A key challenge to planners, developers and conservation organisations is the need to maintain habitat for locally rare and threatened species as land undergoes changes in management. Critical to the sustainable development of peri‐urban landscapes is a thorough understanding of the distribution, habitat requirements and resources available to maintain and improve habitat for species dependent on limited resources such as tree cavities. In this management report, we present background information on an integrated research programme designed to evaluate potential impacts of urban development on fauna in the Albury Local Government Area, NSW. We mapped hollow‐bearing trees, erected nest boxes and monitored arboreal marsupials. Information presented in this report provides a blueprint for monitoring arboreal marsupials, including threatened species in other developing regions, and will assist the Albury‐Wodonga local governments in future planning of sustainable living environments.  相似文献   

Oceanic islands are biodiversity hotspots with highly endemic ecosystems that are vulnerable to invasive alien species. Understanding the status of endangered species and identifying threats have the highest priority for insular biodiversity conservation. The two remaining populations of endangered Crepidiastrum grandicollum on Chichi-jima Island were studied for 5 years to describe their status and evaluate the impacts of feral goats (Capra hircus). The main cause of population decline was browsing by goats. The populations protected by the exclosures were stable but declined after an exclosure was removed. Even in the protected population, regeneration was limited outside the exclosures and in 1 year of the survey, a high proportion of feeding damage by moth larvae was observed in one population. These facts indicate that exclosures are not a sufficient conservation measure, and eradication of goats and population restoration in novel habitats are necessary to reduce the extinction risk of C. grandicollum.  相似文献   

Abstract Cyclone Larry (category 4) was the most severe cyclone to impact on the Wet Tropics bioregion since the devastating 1918 Innisfail cyclone. Based on an analysis of earlier cyclones impacting on this region over the period 1856–2006, it was determined that Larry was a ‘1 in 50 year’ event. This paper provides an overview of the landscape‐scale impacts of Larry on the forest ecosystems of the Wet Tropics region, based on low‐level helicopter surveys 2 weeks after the event. Cyclone Larry has been described as a ‘midget’ cyclone. Severe forest damage only extended about 30 km from the central track of the cyclone while moderate to severe damage extended some 50 km. Moderate to slight canopy disturbance was rarely identified more than 75 km from the centre of the cyclone's track. Beyond 75 km, forest damage was restricted to exposed areas of elevated terrain and in places exposed to strong lee (gravity) waves from the west. The ecological role of cyclones as important disturbance agents affecting the structure and function of forest ecosystems in the region is discussed, followed by an evaluation of likely effects of climate change on cyclone frequency and intensity.  相似文献   

Abstract Severe category 4 Tropical Cyclone Larry, which crossed north‐east Queensland on 20 March 2006, provided a unique opportunity to examine the short‐term impacts of a major disturbance event on the population of a highly mobile threatened species, Pteropus conspicillatus. As we had recorded, the species’ population distribution in colonial roosts (camps) across the region each month for almost 2 years prior to Cyclone Larry, we continued monthly surveying of P. conspicillatus camp‐sites for a year post‐cyclone. Here we report on how P. conspicillatus responded and redistributed immediately after the cyclone, and over the subsequent year. Post‐cyclone, P. conspicillatus typically roosted in smaller camps than pre‐cyclone, suggesting that these animals had largely dispersed to locate available blossoms and fruit. For 6 months after Cyclone Larry, up to 90% of the pre‐cyclone P. conspicillatus population (ca. 250 000) was unaccounted for across the region. Information provided by the general public assisted us in locating six small camps of P. conspicillatus at ‘new’ locations, but contributed little to increase our overall population estimate for the species at this time. After November 2006, the number of P. conspicillatus built up at located camp‐sites until a post‐cyclone peak of 209 000 at the end of the study in March 2007, comparable with the population estimates in March 2005 and 2006. There is no evidence that the cyclone caused significant direct mortality among P. conspicillatus, although there may yet be longer‐term and indirect effects on population size. We suggest that redistribution by P. conspicillatus makes sense ecologically in the face of major habitat disturbance and short‐ to long‐term food resource limitation, and is not unlike the response of other Australian mainland Pteropus species to seasonal changes in food availability.  相似文献   

Habitat corridors that facilitate functional connectivity are a fundamental component of wildlife conservation in fragmented landscapes. However, the landscape matrix separating suitable habitat is not uniformly impermeable to movement and management to increase matrix permeability could be an alternative means to maintain connectivity. Gliding mammals are particularly sensitive to fragmentation because their movements are constrained by glide distance thresholds. Populations of gliders in cities are at risk of being isolated by increasing habitat loss and urban development, yet little is known about how the urban matrix affects glider movement. Here we investigate how the level of urbanization and tree cover in the matrix influence matrix permeability to sugar gliders (Petaurus breviceps) within suburban forest reserves. Twenty‐two sugar gliders were radio‐tracked over winter and summer at four reserves. Boundary crossing behaviour was measured as the number of times each glider crossed into the matrix, and matrix permeability was determined as the maximum distance travelled by gliders into the matrix. The majority of gliders (81%) were located in the matrix at least once, and rates of boundary crossing were consistent across urbanization and tree cover levels. Matrix permeability was negatively affected by matrix urbanization, but not by matrix tree cover, and no interaction effects were found. Although distances travelled by gliders into the matrix did not exceed 180 m, they were comparable with typical movement distances by gliders in reserves. Our results demonstrate that the urban matrix can provide suitable habitat for gliding mammals to move and forage, but that increased urbanization may inhibit glider use of the matrix irrespective of tree cover. This finding has implications for conservation planning and suggests that structurally connected areas may not be used if movement behaviour is inhibited. Conversely, management of matrix permeability could be used to maintain connectivity without needing to construct physical corridors.  相似文献   

Fire regimes are changing throughout the world. Changed fire patterns across northern Australian savannas have been proposed as a factor contributing to recent declines of small‐ and medium‐sized mammals. Despite this, few studies have examined the mechanisms that underpin how species use habitat in fire‐affected landscapes. We determined the habitats and resources important to the declining golden‐backed tree‐rat (Mesembriomys macrurus) in landscapes partially burnt by recent intense fire. We aimed to (i) compare the relative use of rainforest and savanna habitats; (ii) examine the effect of fire history on use of savanna habitats; and (iii) identify key foraging and denning resources. Habitat selection was examined by comparing the availability of eight habitat types around real (used) and generated (available) location points. Individuals used a range of habitats, but consistently selected long unburnt rainforest in preference to recently burnt savanna (1–12 months post‐fire); however, recently burnt savanna was used in preference to long unburnt savanna. Tree‐rats foraged in Terminalia hadleyana, Planchonia rupestris, Celtis philippensis and Owenia vernicosa, tree species that are found in a variety of habitat types. Individuals used a range of den sites, including cliffs, trees, logs, scree and stags found throughout the study area. Although multiple factors may have led to the decline of Mes. macrurus across its range, these results are consistent with the idea that changes in the savanna structure as a consequence of contemporary fire patterns could also have a role. The continued persistence of Mes. macrurus in the northwest Kimberley may be supported by land management strategies that conserve fruiting and hollow‐bearing trees, and maintain the availability of fire‐sensitive vegetation types.  相似文献   

The island rule states that small mammals isolated on islands have the evolutionary tendency to become larger, while large mammals tend to become smaller. However, the underlying mechanisms and life history consequences of these insular shifts in body size still remain speculative. The aim of this study was to investigate whether an arboreal mammal, the edible dormouse (Glis glis), showed shifts in body size when inhabiting isolated forest fragments. We analysed a data set of 541 individuals captured between 2005 and 2010 in four different forest fragments and one continuous forest, which served as a reference area. Sex, age, body mass, and size of all individuals were known. We used linear mixed-effect models to investigate whether individuals differed in their body size and mass between forest fragments and continuous forest. Our study revealed that edible dormice inhabiting forest fragments were significantly larger and heavier than individuals in the continuous forest, in accordance with patterns described by the island rule for small mammals. Because edible dormice frequently use nest boxes to rest during the day and to rear offspring, the life history strategies of this rodent can be easily investigated under evolutionary relevant conditions in the field. Thus the edible dormouse represents an excellent model organism for studying the mechanisms underlying shifts in body size as a response to habitat fragmentation and to investigate the consequences of these shifts on their life history strategies.  相似文献   

Wet‐sclerophyll forests are unique ecosystems that can transition to dry‐sclerophyll forests or to rainforests. Understanding of the dynamics of these forests for conservation is limited. We evaluated the long‐term succession of wet‐sclerophyll forest on World Heritage listed K'gari (Fraser Island)—the world's largest sand island. We recorded the presence and growth of tree species in three 0.4 hectare plots that had been subjected to selective logging, fire, and cyclone disturbance over 65 years, from 1952 to 2017. Irrespective of disturbance regimes, which varied between plots, rainforest trees recruited at much faster rates than the dominant wet‐sclerophyll forest trees, narrowly endemic species Syncarpia hillii and more common Lophostemon confertus. Syncarpia hillii did not recruit at the plot with the least disturbance and recruited only in low numbers at plots with more prominent disturbance regimes in the ≥10 cm at breast height size. Lophostemon confertus recruited at all plots but in much lower numbers than rainforest trees. Only five L. confertus were detected in the smallest size class (<10 cm diameter) in the 2017 survey. Overall, we find evidence that more pronounced disturbance regimes than those that have occurred over the past 65 years may be required to conserve this wet‐sclerophyll forest, as without intervention, transition to rainforest is a likely trajectory. Fire and other management tools should therefore be explored, in collaboration with Indigenous landowners, to ensure conservation of this wet‐sclerophyll forest.  相似文献   

In temperate rainforests on Chiloé Island in southern Chile (42°S), most canopy trees bear fleshy, avian‐dispersed propagules, whereas emergent tree species have dry, wind‐borne propagules. In the present study, the following hypothesis was tested: regardless of species, fleshy propagules are deposited in greater numbers in canopy gaps and in forest margins and hence have a more heterogeneous seed shadow than wind‐dispersed propagules. To test this hypothesis, the seed rains of these two types of propagules were compared in the following forest habitats: (i) tree‐fall gaps (edges and centre); (ii) forest margins with adjacent pastures; and (iii) under closed canopy (forest interior). Seed collectors (30‐cm diameter) were placed in two (15 and 100 ha) remnant forest patches (n = 60–100 seed collectors per patch) distributed in the four habitats. Seeds were retrieved monthly from each collector during two reproductive seasons (1996, 1997). In both years, the seed rain was numerically dominated by two species with dry propagules (Laureliopsis philippiana and Nothofagus nitida) and three species with fleshy fruits (Drimys winteri, Amomyrtus luma, and Amomyrtus meli). The seed shadows of the two species with dry, wind‐dispersed seeds differed markedly. Seeds of L. philippiana were deposited predominantly in canopy openings, whereas N. nitida seeds fell almost entirely in the forest interior. The fleshy‐fruited species, Drimys and Amomyrtus spp., had similar seed deposition patterns in the various habitats studied, but the between‐year differences in seed rain were greater in Drimys winteri than in Amomyrtus spp. Although no more than 10% of fleshy‐fruited propagules reached the margins of the patch, approximately 7% of these were carried there by birds. Every year, canopy gaps (pooling data from edges and centres) concentrated approximately 60% of the total seed rain of both propagule types in both forest patches. Forest margins received less than 20% of the total seed rain, which was largely dominated by fleshy‐fruited species. Seed shadows were a species‐specific attribute rather than a trait associated with propagule type and dispersal mode.  相似文献   

Urban landscapes often expose wildlife populations to enhanced edge effects where the biotic and abiotic attributes of native ecosystems have been significantly altered. While some species may respond favourably to edges, there are likely to be varying negative consequences for many forest‐dependent species. In particular, marsupial gliders are influenced by changes in forest composition and structure near edges due to highly specific feeding and nesting requirements, and a high reliance on tree cover to traverse a landscape. We addressed this problem using the squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) in the fragmented urban landscape of southeast Queensland, Australia. Analysis of variance was applied to determine differences in habitat resources and structure in relation to glider presence and trap success rates in forest fragment interiors compared with road (minor & major) and residential edge habitats. We postulate that an increased presence of squirrel gliders in sites adjacent to minor road and residential edges may be due to the availability of additional resources and/or varying dispersal opportunities. Conversely, forest fragment interiors contain a higher abundance of nest hollows and large trees, together with a greater floristic species richness providing more reliable seasonal foraging sources, which may explain the greater trap success rates of squirrel gliders in these sites. We conclude that while forest fragment interiors provide habitat suitable for year‐round use by greater numbers of squirrel gliders, the conservation value of some edge habitats that provide additional resources and dispersal opportunities should not be underestimated for forest‐dependent mammals; however, each edge type must be assessed individually.  相似文献   

Abstract Over 35 days in January–February 2003, wildfires burnt across much of the subalpine/alpine landscape of south‐eastern Australia, including about 70% of the land above 1500 m in the Snowy Mountains. At the time of the fire, studies of two subalpine faunal assemblages were being undertaken. The opportunity to resurvey the assemblages was taken in order to examine the immediate impact of fire in an environment where it is uncommon but predicted to occur increasingly with global warming. A study area in the Whites River Valley, where the number of bird species was counted monthly from 1996 to 2003, and weekly in late winter–spring from 2000 to 2003, was burnt in one fire. As well as the expected decrease in the number of individual birds, the fire resulted in an immediate decrease in the number of bird species, unlike in previously studied montane forest, with only the regularly wintering species plus the olive whistler and the ground‐feeding flame robin remaining. During the post‐winter avian immigration, few regular spring migrants appeared on burnt sites despite their nearby presence on the unburnt side of the valley. Five of six small mammal trapping grids were burnt. As with fires at lower altitudes, there was an immediate reduction in mammal numbers on burnt grids following the fire, but in addition, one species, Mastacomys fuscus, declined further in the ensuing 2 months both on burnt and unburnt sites. Numbers of Antechinus swainsonii and Rattus fuscipes stabilized until autumn/winter when there was a further decline due to the unavailability of subnivean space to allow winter foraging, allied with a concentration of fox predation on areas still carrying populations of small mammals.  相似文献   

Abstract Patch‐burning is frequently advocated as a management tool to enhance the biodiversity and pasture values of spinifex (Triodia) grasslands. In this study we compare the capture rates of small mammals in habitats regenerating shortly after fire (aged 1–5 years) and in long‐unburnt habitats (aged >25 years). To unravel the effects of temporally and spatially variable rainfall on capture rates, the study was replicated at three locations spaced over 50 km apart that experience different rainfall regimes. Ten species of small mammals were captured over the course of the study, between October 1999 and June 2001. Pseudomys desertor showed a strong preference for long‐unburnt habitats. Notomys alexis, Sminthopsis youngsoni and Sminthopsis hirtipes showed some preferences for regenerating habitats, but these were not consistent throughout the study. Factors indicative of temporal and spatial variation in rainfall, time and site had important effects on capture rates. High rainfalls associated with the La Niña phase of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation in 2000 increased seed production and prompted eruptions of rodent species and the carnivorous Dasycercus cristicauda. The greatest numbers of captures were made at the sites that received the highest rainfalls. We conclude that patch‐burning regimes do not benefit small mammals directly, but are likely to increase the resilience of ‘fire‐sensitive’ species that are dependent on dense spinifex by reducing the extent of wildfires.  相似文献   

1 The spatial distribution of forest defoliating insects at endemic density is a generally little known aspect of pest biology, which may have some importance in monitoring and prediction of outbreaks. In a natural spruce stand in Northern Italy it was possible to detect the presence of some species of web‐spinning sawflies (Cephalcia spp.) at endemic density. This was done over a 3‐year period by using trapping devices for both adults and larvae, including a trap which intercepted adult females climbing the trunk. Traps were operated on eight sample trees with signs of defoliation of the previous year (focal trees) and on 14 trees lacking signs of larval feeding (neighbour trees). 2 Trunk traps on focal trees caught a higher number of adult females than traps on neighbour trees in each of the 3 years considered. The distribution pattern of catches was not spatially autocorrelated at any of the distance bands considered. Focal trees produced more mature larvae per adult female of C. abietis than neighbour trees, indicating that insect performance was higher on focal trees. 3 The endemic population density of C. abietis was similar to that observed in other forests and the relationships between yellow trap catches and prepupal density fitted adequately with the predictive model validated for C. arvensis. The endemic density of the spruce web‐spinning sawflies seems to he higher than that of pine diprionids, and outbreak‐prone species of Cephalcia seem to be more abundant than non‐outbreak species even at very low population level.  相似文献   

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