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The relatively recent fields of terrestrial landscape and marine seascape genetics seek to identify the influence of biophysical habitat features on the spatial genetic structure of populations or individuals. Over the last few years, there has been accumulating evidence for the effect of environmental heterogeneity on patterns of gene flow and connectivity in marine systems. Here, we investigate the population genetic patterns of an anemonefish, Amphiprion bicinctus, along the Saudi Arabian coast of the Red Sea. We collected nearly one thousand samples from 19 locations, spanning approximately 1500 km, and genotyped them at 38 microsatellite loci. Patterns of gene flow appeared to follow a stepping‐stone model along the northern and central Red Sea, which was disrupted by a distinct genetic break at a latitude of approximately 19°N. The Red Sea is characterized by pronounced environmental gradients along its axis, roughly separating the northern and central from the southern basin. Using mean chlorophyll‐a concentrations as a proxy for this gradient, we ran tests of isolation by distance (IBD, R2 = 0.52) and isolation by environment (IBE, R2 = 0.64), as well as combined models using partial Mantel tests and multiple matrix regression with randomization (MMRR). We found that genetic structure across our sampling sites may be best explained by a combined model of IBD and IBE (Mantel: R2 = 0.71, MMRR: R2 = 0.86). Our results highlight the potential key role of environmental patchiness in shaping patterns of gene flow in species with pelagic larval dispersal. We support growing calls for the integration of biophysical habitat characteristics into future studies of population genetic structure.  相似文献   

In this response we have incorporated data on gastropod and seaweed biodiversity referred to by Ávila et al. (2016, Journal of Biogeography, doi: 10.1111/jbi.12816 ) to allow an updated analysis on marine shallow‐water biogeography patterns. When compared to the biogeography patterns reported in Hachich et al. (2015, Journal of Biogeography, 42 , 1871–1882), we find (1) no differences in the patterns originally reported for reef fish or seaweeds, (2) minor differences in gastropod species–area and species–age patterns and (3) a significant difference for the gastropod species‐isolation pattern. In our original work, we reported that there was limited evidence that gastropod species richness was influenced by island isolation; however, our new analysis reveals a power‐model relationship between these variables. Thus, we are now able to conclude that gastropod species diversity, whose dispersal capacity is intermediate between seaweeds (lowest) and reef fish (highest), is also influenced by island isolation.  相似文献   

The collapse of Caribbean coral reefs has been attributed in part to historic overfishing, but whether fish assemblages can recover and how such recovery might affect the benthic reef community has not been tested across appropriate scales. We surveyed the biomass of reef communities across a range in fish abundance from 14 to 593 g m−2, a gradient exceeding that of any previously reported for coral reefs. Increased fish biomass was correlated with an increased proportion of apex predators, which were abundant only inside large marine reserves. Increased herbivorous fish biomass was correlated with a decrease in fleshy algal biomass but corals have not yet recovered.  相似文献   

Cleaning behaviour is considered to be a classical example of mutualism. However, no studies, to our knowledge, have measured the benefits to clients in terms of growth. In the longest experimental study of its kind, over an 8 year period, cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus were consistently removed from seven patch reefs (61-285 m(2)) and left undisturbed on nine control reefs, and the growth and parasite load of the damselfish Pomacentrus moluccensis determined. After 8 years, growth was reduced and parasitic copepod abundance was higher on fish from removal reefs compared with controls, but only in larger individuals. Behavioural observations revealed that P. moluccensis cleaned by L. dimidiatus were 27 per cent larger than nearby conspecifics. The selective cleaning by L. dimidiatus probably explains why only larger P. moluccensis individuals benefited from cleaning. This is the first demonstration, to our knowledge, that cleaners affect the growth rate of client individuals; a greater size for a given age should result in increased fecundity at a given time. The effect of the removal of so few small fish on the size of another fish species is unprecedented on coral reefs.  相似文献   

Habitat degradation not only disrupts habitat‐forming species, but alters the sensory landscape within which most species must balance behavioural activities against predation risk. Rapidly developing a cautious behavioural phenotype, a condition known as neophobia, is advantageous when entering a novel risky habitat. Many aquatic organisms rely on damage‐released conspecific cues (i.e. alarm cues) as an indicator of impending danger and use them to assess general risk and develop neophobia. This study tested whether settlement‐stage damselfish associated with degraded coral reef habitats were able to use alarm cues as an indicator of risk and, in turn, develop a neophobic response at the end of their larval phase. Our results indicate that fish in live coral habitats that were exposed to alarm cues developed neophobia, and, in situ, were found to be more cautious, more closely associated with their coral shelters and survived four‐times better than non‐neophobic control fish. In contrast, fish that settled onto degraded coral habitats did not exhibit neophobia and consequently suffered much greater mortality on the reef, regardless of their history of exposure to alarm cues. Our results show that habitat degradation alters the efficacy of alarm cues with phenotypic and survival consequences for newly settled recruits.  相似文献   

We developed a dynamic programming model of group size choicefor settling coral reef fish to help understand variabilityin observed group sizes. Rather than calculating optimal groupsize, we modeled optimal choice and calculated the acceptablegroup sizes that arose from this choice. In the model, settling individualsweigh the fitness value of settling in a group against the expectedfitness of searching another day and encountering other groups, choosingthe option with the higher value. Model results showed that individualssettling on any given day in the settling season have several acceptablegroup sizes in which they can settle. The range of acceptablegroup sizes also changes across the season. Early in the season,when there is still adequate time to grow, large groups (withhigher survival) have the highest fitness. Late in the season,when the ability to grow fast becomes more important, smallgroups, which convey fast growth rates (although riskier), havehigher fitness. Thus, according to our model, even when fishall make the same, simple decisions, a variety of outcomes arepossible, depending on the specific options encountered andtemporally changing ecological pressures. Even when all fishbehave optimally, initial variability in group sizes will persist.  相似文献   

The species–area relationship (SAR) constitutes one of the most general ecological patterns globally. A number of different SAR models have been proposed. Recent work has shown that no single model universally provides the best fit to empirical SAR datasets: multiple models may be of practical and theoretical interest. However, there are no software packages available that a) allow users to fit the full range of published SAR models, or b) provide functions to undertake a range of additional SAR‐related analyses. To address these needs, we have developed the R package ‘sars’ that provides a wide variety of SAR‐related functionality. The package provides functions to: a) fit 20 SAR models using non‐linear and linear regression, b) calculate multi‐model averaged curves using various information criteria, and c) generate confidence intervals using bootstrapping. Plotting functions allow users to depict and scrutinize the fits of individual models and multi‐model averaged curves. The package also provides additional SAR functionality, including functions to fit, plot and evaluate the random placement model using a species–sites abundance matrix, and to fit the general dynamic model of oceanic island biogeography. The ‘sars’ R package will aid future SAR research by providing a comprehensive set of simple to use tools that enable in‐depth exploration of SARs and SAR‐related patterns. The package has been designed to allow other researchers to add new functions and models in the future and thus the package represents a resource for future SAR work that can be built on and expanded by workers in the field.  相似文献   

Aim To determine the applicability of biogeographical and ecological theory to marine species at two remote island locations. This study examines how biogeography, isolation and species geographic range size influence patterns of species richness, endemism, species composition and the abundance of coral reef fishes. Location Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean. Methods Published species lists and underwater visual surveys were used to determine species richness, endemism, species composition and abundance of reef fishes at the islands. These data were statistically compared with patterns of species composition and abundance from the neighbouring ‘mainland’ Indonesian region. Results The two isolated reef fish communities were species‐poor and contained a distinct taxonomic composition with an overrepresentation of species with high dispersal potential. Despite low species richness, we found no evidence of density compensation, with population densities on the islands similar to those of species‐rich mainland assemblages. The mix of Indian and Pacific Ocean species and the proportional representations of the various regional faunas in the assemblages were not influenced by the relative proximity of the islands to different biogeographical provinces. Moreover, species at the edge of their range did not have a lower abundance than species at the centre of their range, and endemic species had substantially higher abundances than widespread species. At both locations, endemism was low (less than 1.2% of the community); this may be because the locations are not sufficiently isolated or old enough to promote the evolution of endemic species. Main conclusions The patterns observed generally conform to terrestrial biogeographical theory, suggesting that similar processes may be influencing species richness and community composition in reef fish communities at these remote islands. However, species abundances differed from typical terrestrial patterns, and this may be because of the life history of reef fishes and the processes maintaining isolated populations.  相似文献   

Dramatic coral loss has significantly altered many Caribbean reefs, with potentially important consequences for the ecological functions and ecosystem services provided by reef systems. Many studies examine coral loss and its causes—and often presume a universal decline of ecosystem services with coral loss—rather than evaluating the range of possible outcomes for a diversity of ecosystem functions and services at reefs varying in coral cover. We evaluate 10 key ecosystem metrics, relating to a variety of different reef ecosystem functions and services, on 328 Caribbean reefs varying in coral cover. We focus on the range and variability of these metrics rather than on mean responses. In contrast to a prevailing paradigm, we document high variability for a variety of metrics, and for many the range of outcomes is not related to coral cover. We find numerous “bright spots,” where herbivorous fish biomass, density of large fishes, fishery value, and/or fish species richness are high, despite low coral cover. Although it remains critical to protect and restore corals, understanding variability in ecosystem metrics among low‐coral reefs can facilitate the maintenance of reefs with sustained functions and services as we work to restore degraded systems. This framework can be applied to other ecosystems in the Anthropocene to better understand variance in ecosystem service outcomes and identify where and why bright spots exist.  相似文献   

We developed 16 pairs of primers for microsatellite loci of the fierce shrimpgoby, Ctenogobiops feroculus. Analysis of 35–40 gobies per locus from five islands in French Polynesia indicated that allele frequency varied from two to 30 per locus, while observed heterozygosity ranged between 0.05 and 0.98. These microsatellites should provide insight into patterns of dispersal and connectivity among populations of this common coral reef fish.  相似文献   

Since all forms of mimicry are based on perceptual deception, the sensory ecology of the intended receiver is of paramount importance to test the necessary precondition for mimicry to occur, that is, model‐mimic misidentification, and to gain insight in the origin and evolutionary trajectory of the signals. Here we test the potential for aggressive mimicry by a group of coral reef fishes, the color polymorphic Hypoplectrus hamlets, from the point of view of their most common prey, small epibenthic gobies and mysid shrimp. We build visual models based on the visual pigments and spatial resolution of the prey, the underwater light spectrum and color reflectances of putative models and their hamlet mimics. Our results are consistent with one mimic‐model relationship between the butter hamlet H. unicolor and its model the butterflyfish Chaetodon capistratus but do not support a second proposed mimic‐model pair between the black hamlet H. nigricans and the dusky damselfish Stegastes adustus. We discuss our results in the context of color morphs divergence in the Hypoplectrus species radiation and suggest that aggressive mimicry in H. unicolor might have originated in the context of protective (Batesian) mimicry by the hamlet from its fish predators rather than aggressive mimicry driven by its prey.  相似文献   

We quantify the relative importance of multi‐scale drivers of reef fish assemblage structure on isolated coral reefs at the intersection of the Indian and Indo‐Pacific biogeographical provinces. Large (>30 cm), functionally‐important and commonly targeted species of fish, were surveyed on the outer reef crest/front at 38 coral reef sites spread across three oceanic coral reef systems (i.e. Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Rowley Shoals), in the tropical Indian Ocean (c. 1.126 x 106 km2). The effects of coral cover, exposure, fishing pressure, lagoon size and geographical context, on observed patterns of fish assemblage structure were modelled using Multivariate Regression Trees. Reef fish assemblages were clearly separated in space with geographical location explaining ~53 % of the observed variation. Lagoon size, within each isolated reef system was an equally effective proxy for explaining fish assemblage structure. Among local‐scale variables, ‘distance from port’, a proxy for the influence of fishing, explained 5.2% of total variation and separated the four most isolated reefs from Cocos (Keeling) Island, from reefs with closer boating access. Other factors were not significant. Major divisions in assemblage structure were driven by sister taxa that displayed little geographical overlap between reef systems and low abundances of several species on Christmas Island corresponding to small lagoon habitats. Exclusion of geographical context from the analysis resulted in local processes explaining 47.3% of the variation, highlighting the importance of controlling for spatial correlation to understand the drivers of fish assemblage structure. Our results suggest reef fish assemblage structure on remote coral reef systems in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean reflects a biogeographical legacy of isolation between Indian and Pacific fish faunas and geomorphological variation within the region, more than local fishing pressure or reef condition. Our findings re‐emphasise the importance that historical processes play in structuring contemporary biotic communities.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if electromagnetic field (EMF) emissions from undersea power cables impacted local marine life, with an emphasis on coral reef fish. The work was done at the South Florida Ocean Measurement Facility of Naval Surface Warfare Center in Broward County, Florida, which has a range of active undersea detection and data transmission cables. EMF emissions from a selected cable were created during non‐destructive visual fish surveys on SCUBA. During surveys, the transmission of either alternating current (AC), direct current (DC), or none (OFF) was randomly initiated by the facility at a specified time. Visual surveys were conducted using standardized transect and point‐count methods to acquire reef fish abundances and species richness prior to and immediately after a change in transmission frequency. The divers were also tasked to note the reaction of the reef fish to the immediate change in EMF during a power transition. In general, analysis of the data did not find statistical differences among power states and any variables. However, this may be a Type II error as there are strong indications of a potential difference of a higher abundance of reef fish at the sites when the power was off, and further study is warranted. Bioelectromagnetics. 39:35–52, 2018. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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