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A new genus and species of humicolous microcharmid scorpion are described on the basis of a single specimen collected in the Ankarana Reserve, Madagascar. New considerations regarding the taxonomy and morphology of micro-buthoid Malagasy scorpions are proposed, based mainly on the study of the peg-shaped sensillae of the pectines by scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Extreme AT bias in Hymenopteran mitochondrial genes have created difficulties for molecular phylogenetic analyses, especially for older divergences where multiple substitutions can erode signal. Heterogeneity in the evolutionary rates of different codon positions and different genes also appears to have been a major problem in resolving ancient divergences in allodapine bees. Here we examine the phylogeny of relatively recent divergences in the allodapine bee genus Braunsapis. We examined heterogeneity in nucleotide substitution parameters for one nuclear gene and codon positions in two mitochondrial genes, exploring various phylogenetic analyses for recovering relationships among species from Africa, Madagascar, southern Asia, and Australia. We explored maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, Log determinant and Bayesian analyses. Broad topological features of best fit trees tended to be similar for equivalent data sets (e.g., total, or with 3rd mt positions excluded), regardless of the analytic method used (e.g., maximum likelihood or Bayesian). Analyses that used the total data set without modelling partitions separately gave unlikely results, indicating that the Malagasy species was most closely related to Australian species. However, analyses that excluded 3rd mitochondrial positions, or modelled partitions separately, suggested that the Malagasy species falls within the African clade. The unlikely topologies apparently result from long branch attraction, and this problem is ameliorated where modelling allows more realistic estimates of base composition and evolutionary rates for 3rd mitochondrial positions. However, we found that even when codon positions are modelled separately, estimated evolutionary rates for 3rd mitochondrial positions are likely to underestimate true rates. Long branch attraction and multiple substitutions are likely to be much more difficult to circumvent in analyses that explore older, generic-level, divergences in allodapine bees where overwriting is expected to be much more extreme. Our results indicate an African origin for Braunsapis, followed by a single, very early, dispersal event into Asia and then by a later dispersal event into Australia. The Malagasy species is derived from within the African clade.  相似文献   

In an investigation of Pythium species in lawn grassland of south China, two new species, Pythium breve and P. baisense, were identified based on morphological characteristics and DNA sequence data. These two new species differ morphologically from the other Pythium species by the oogonia encompassed by many antheridia and with 1?C3 antheridia on the wavy and curved stalks. Furthermore, P. baisense with complexly lobed antheridial stalks differs from P. breve with antheridial stalks entwining the hyphae nearby the oogonia with several turns. Results of phylogenetic analyses showed that these two new species were clearly separated from morphologically similar Pythium species based on the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COXI) gene sequences using maximum parsimony and Bayesian methods. These two new species are described and illustrated in detail.  相似文献   

Aim A previous study of the allodapine bee genus Braunsapis suggested an African origin, with dispersal events into Madagascar and Asia, and from Asia into Australia. We re‐examine the phylogeny of this genus, using an expanded set of taxa from Madagascar and Malawi and additional sequence data, in order to determine the number of dispersals and the timeframe over which they occurred. Location Africa, Madagascar, Malawi, Asia and Australia. Methods One nuclear (EF‐1α F2) and two mitochondrial (CO1 and Cyt b) gene regions were sequenced for 36 allodapine bee species (including members of the genera Braunsapis, Nasutapis, Allodape, Allodapula, and Macrogalea) and one ceratinine species (Ceratina japonica). We used Bayesian analyses to examine phylogenetic structure and a penalized likelihood approach to estimate approximate ages for key divergences in our phylogeny. Results Our analyses indicate a tropical African origin for Braunsapis in the early Miocene followed by very early dispersal into Asia and then a subsequent dispersal, following Asian diversification, into Australia during the late Miocene. There have also been two dispersals of Braunsapis from Africa to Madagascar and this result, when combined with phylogenetic and biogeographical data for other allodapines, suggests that these bees have the ability to cross moderately large ocean expanses. These dispersals may have been aided by the West Wind Drift, but rafting across the Mozambique Channel is also possible, and could be aided by the existence of developmental stages that require minimal or no feeding and by tolerance to sea water and spume. Accumulating evidence suggests that many biogeographical patterns in the southern hemisphere may be better explained by dispersal than by Gondwanan vicariance hypotheses. Our results add to this growing body of data and raise the possibility that some puzzling trans‐Indian Ocean distributions may also be explained by historical dispersal events across oceanic barriers that now seem insuperable.  相似文献   

Traditional classification in the genus Capra is based mainly on horn morphology. However, previous investigations based on allozyme data are not consistent with this classification. We thus reexamined the evolutionary history of the genus by analyzing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation. We collected bone samples from museums or dead animals found in the field. Thirty-four individuals were successfully sequenced for a portion of the mtDNA cytochrome b gene and control region (500 bp in total). We obtained a star-like phylogeny supporting a rapid radiation of the genus. In accordance with traditional classification, mtDNA data support the presence of two clades in the Caucasus and the hypothesis of a domestication event in the Fertile Crescent. However, in conflict with morphology, we found that C. aegagrus and C. ibex are polyphyletic species, and we propose a new scenario for Capra immigration into Europe.  相似文献   

ZTR: a new format for DNA sequence trace data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MOTIVATION: To produce an open and extensible file format for DNA trace data which produces compact files suitable for large-scale storage and efficient use of internet bandwidth. RESULTS: We have created an extensible format named ZTR. For a set of data taken from an ABI-3700 the ZTR format produces trace files which require 61.6% of the disk space used by gzipped SCFv3, and which can be written and read at greater speed. The compression algorithms used for the trace amplitudes are used within the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) trace archive. lmb.cam.ac.uk/pub/staden/io_lib/test_data.  相似文献   

Kankana manampoka n. gen., n. sp. (Monogenea, Polystomatidae), is described from the urinary bladder of the narrow-mouthed frog Platypelis pollicaris. This is the first record of a polystome from the Microhylidae and the third polystome genus from Madagascar, next to Metapolystoma and Madapolystoma. The extensive uterus and presence of hamuli resemble Metapolystoma but the vitellarium confined to the lateral fields in Kankana is different. Madapolystoma also has an extensive uterus but contain only up to 32 advanced developed larvae. Based on the extensive uterus filling the body proper and the vitellarium confined to two lateral fields posterior in the body this new polystome resembles Eupolystoma known from Africa and India. However, unlike Eupolystoma, the gonads are in the middle of the body, vaginae are lacking and a pair of hamuli is present. A molecular phylogenetic analysis of concatenated 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA gene sequences supplemented by genetic distances inferred from 28S and COI sequences showed that this new genus is more related to Madapolystoma, a genus only reported from Madagascar, than to Eupolystoma known from Africa and India and Metapolystoma known from Africa and Madagascar.  相似文献   

Morphology‐based studies have suggested a very depauperate bee fauna for islands in the South West Pacific, and recent genetic studies since have indicated an even smaller endemic fauna with many bee species in this region resulting from human‐aided dispersal. These introduced species have the potential to both disrupt native pollinator suites as well as augment crop pollination, but for most species the timings of introduction are unknown. We examined the distribution and nesting biology of the long‐tongued bee Braunsapis puangensis that was first recorded from Fiji in 2007. This bee has now become widespread in Fiji and both its local abundance and geographical range are likely to increase dramatically. The impacts of this invasion are potentially enormous for agriculture and native ecosystems, but they also provide opportunities for understanding how social insect species adapt to new environments. We outline the major issues associated with this recent invasion and argue that a long‐term monitoring study is needed.  相似文献   

Symmetry is such a conspicuous feature of life that asymmetries draw our immediate attention. While not uncommon in bilateral organisms in general, asymmetry in spiders is rare. Here I report the first case of antisymmetry in external female genitalia in spiders, in the new genus Asygyna (Theridiidae: Araneae) from Madagascar. In the nearly 39 000 species of spiders described to date, the external structure of the female genitalia is symmetric. In entelegyne spiders paired external copulatory openings each lead to an internal copulatory duct, whose roughly symmetrical trajectories terminate in paired receptacles, the spermathecae. In Asygyna , here exemplified by two new species, A. huberi and A. coddingtoni , laterality is evident in the internal and external female genitalia. A single copulatory opening leads (either to the left or right depending on the individual) to a single copulatory duct with a distinctly asymmetric trajectory. The duct splits terminally shortly before entering the two spermathecae. The males are symmetric, but possibly only one palp can be used in copulation with each female. If adaptive, the selective forces behind this asymmetry are perplexing, as male access to females seems reduced. However, if males are plentiful, asymmetry may benefit the female by reducing insertion times and thus shortening copulation time, and by tightening her control over which males sire her offspring. Asygyna has a range of other bizarre sex-related morphologies, including prosomal pits and a well developed stridulatory mechanism in both sexes, a male proboscis, and simplified palps. A phylogenetic analysis, including 63 taxa and 242 morphological characters, places Asygyna in Pholcommatinae, sister to the enigmatic genus Carniella .  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 211–232.  相似文献   

Field mice of the genus Calomys are small, mostly granivorous rodents common to several habitats in South America. To date, phylogenies for the genus have been proposed on the basis of morphological, chromosomal, and biochemical data, often with contradictory results due to incomplete species sampling or methodological shortcomings. In this paper, we propose relationships among 10 species of Calomys based on the complete cytochrome b gene sequence. Our analyses show that Calomys is constituted by two major clades, one mostly associated with mountain habitats with subsequent invasions to lowland habitats and another with species restricted to lowland habitats both north and south of the Amazon basin. The evolution of the genus was likely accompanied by a reduction of chromosome diploid numbers that occurred independently in each of the two evolutionary lineages. A "clock" calibrated on the split between Auliscomys and Loxodontomys suggests that the almost nonexistent fossil record for the genus greatly underestimates divergence times among its species.  相似文献   

Subfamily Barnadesioideae (Asteraceae) consists of nine genera and 91 species endemic to South America. They include annual and perennial herbs, arching shrubs and trees up to 30 m tall. Presumed sister to all other Asteraceae, its intergeneric relationships are key to understanding the early evolution of the family. Results of the only molecular study on the subfamily conflict with relationships inferred from morphology. We investigate inter- and intrageneric relationships in Barnadesioideae with novel DNA sequence data and morphological characters using parsimony, likelihood and Bayesian inference. All results verify Barnadesioideae as monophyletic and sister to the rest of the family. A basal split within the subfamily is recognized, with Chuquiraga, Doniophyton and Duseniella in one clade, and Arnaldoa, Barnadesia, Dasyphyllum, Fulcaldea, Huarpea and possibly Schlechtendalia in another. The largest genus, Dasyphyllum, is revealed as biphyletic with the two clades separating along subgeneric and geographic lines. Schlechtendalia, suggested as the earliest diverging lineage of the subfamily by morphological studies and parsimony analyses, is found in a more derived position under model-based inference methods. Competing phylogenetic hypotheses, both previous and present, are evaluated using likelihood-based tests. Evolutionary trends within Barnadesioideae are inferred: hummingbird pollination has developed convergently at least three times. An early vicariance in the subfamily’s distribution is revealed. X = 9 is supported as the ancestral base chromosome number for both Barnadesioideae and the family as a whole.  相似文献   

The bird fauna of Madagascar includes a high proportion of endemic species, particularly among passerine birds (Aves: Passeriformes). The endemic genera of Malagasy songbirds are not allied obviously with any African or Asiatic taxa, and their affinities have been debated since the birds first were described. We used mitochondrial sequence data to estimate the relationships of 13 species of endemic Malagasy songbirds, 17 additional songbird species, and one species of suboscine passerine. In our optimal trees, nine of the 13 Malagasy species form a clade. although these birds currently are classified in three different families. In all optimal trees, the sister to this endemic clade is a group of Old World warblers including both African and Malagasy birds. The endemic Malagasy songbird clade rivals other island radiations, including the vangas of Madagascar and the finches of the Galapagos, in ecological diversity.  相似文献   

The bee genus Lasioglossum Curtis is a model taxon for studying the evolutionary origins of and reversals in eusociality. This paper presents a phylogenetic analysis of Lasioglossum species and subgenera based on a data set consisting of 1240 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene for seventy-seven taxa (sixty-six ingroup and eleven outgroup taxa). Maximum parsimony was used to analyse the data set (using paup *4.0) by a variety of weighting methods, including equal weights, a priori weighting and a posteriori weighting. All methods yielded roughly congruent results. Michener’s Hemihalictus series was found to be monophyletic in all analyses but one, while his Lasioglossum series formed a basal, paraphyletic assemblage in all analyses but one. Chilalictus was consistently found to be a basal taxon of Lasioglossum sensu lato and Lasioglossum sensu stricto was found to be monophyletic. Within the Hemihalictus series, major lineages included Dialictus + Paralictus, the acarinate Evylaeus + Hemihalictus + Sudila and the carinate Evylaeus + Sphecodogastra. Relationships within the Hemihalictus series were highly stable to altered weighting schemes, while relationships among the basal subgenera in the Lasioglossum series (Lasioglossum s.s., Chilalictus, Parasphecodes and Ctenonomia) were unclear. The social parasite of Dialictus, Paralictus, is consistently and unambiguously placed well within Dialictus, thus rendering Dialictus paraphyletic. The implications of this for understanding the origins of social parasitism are discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Cayratia Juss. in the traditional sense (i.e., Cayratia s.l.) of the grape family has been shown to be non‐monophyletic. Previous studies supported the splitting of Cayratia s.l. into three genera, that is, Cayratia s.s., Causonis Raf., and a new genus representing the African Cayratia clade. However, the morphology of the African Cayratia clade has not been studied carefully and its phylogenetic position within Vitaceae remains unclear. Our study integrates molecular, distributional, and morphological data and supports the recognition of the new genus Afrocayratia from continental Africa and Madagascar. Phylogenetic analyses strongly support the monophyly of Afrocayratia and resolve it as a sister of Cayratia s.s. based on the chloroplast data, but it is placed sister to Cyphostemma based on the internal transcribed spacer dataset. Molecular dating suggests that Afrocayratia split with Cayratia s.s. during the Paleocene, but that the extant species of Afrocayratia did not diversify until the early Miocene. Afrocayratia differs from its allied genera in having short stigmas and seeds with subcircular ventral infold cavities in cross‐section. Three clades are detected within Afrocayratia, with A. debilis (Baker) J.Wen & L.M.Lu as the first diverged lineage. The second diverged lineage includes A. delicatula (Willems) J.Wen & Z.D.Chen and A. gracilis (Guill. & Perr.) J.Wen & Z.D.Chen. The third diverged lineage includes A. imerinensis (Baker) J.Wen & L.M.Lu, A. longiflora (Desc.) J.Wen & Rabarijaona, and A. triternata (Baker) J.Wen & Rabarijaona from Madagascar, which form a monophyletic group that diverged from the second lineage in the middle Miocene. Combining the morphological and molecular evidence, we formally describe the new genus Afrocayratia, make seven new combinations, and provide a key to species of the genus.  相似文献   

Two new Mycetophilidae species, Neuratelia jabalmoussae sp. n. and Neuratelia salmelai sp. n. are described on the basis of material collected from Lebanon, Estonia and Finland. Detailed figures of male terminalia and photographs of general facies are provided along with discussions of their morphological distinction from sibling species. For the first time molecular characters are used to distinguish new fungus gnat species. Molecular analysis relies on cytochrome oxidase subunit one (COI) but has additionally been corroborated by information from the 28S and ITS2 regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Situations where morphological and molecular data provide conflicting evidence for species delimitation are discussed. A new country record from Georgia is provided for Neuratelia caucasica.  相似文献   

Molecular systematics is frequently beset with phylogenetic results that are not fully resolved. Researchers either state that the absence of resolution is due to character conflict, explosive speciation, or some combination of the two, but seldom do they carefully examine their data to distinguish between these causes. In this study, we exhaustively analyze a set of nuclear and mitochondrial nucleotide data for the Asian tropical butterfly genus Arhopala so as to highlight the causes of polytomies in the phylogenetic trees, and, as a result, to infer important biological events in the history of this genus. We began by using non-parametric statistical methods to determine whether the ambiguously resolved regions in these trees represent hard or soft polytomies. In addition we determined how this correlated to number of inferred changes on branches, using parametric maximum likelihood estimations. Based on congruent patterns in both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, we concluded that at two stages in the history of Arhopala there have been accelerated instances of speciation. One event, at the base of the phylogeny, generated many of the groups and subgroups currently recognized in this genus, while a later event generated another major clade consisting of both Oriental and Papuan species groups. Based on comparisons of closely related taxa, the ratio of instantaneous rate of evolution between mitochondrial and nuclear DNA evolution is established at approximately 3:1. The earliest radiation is dated between 7 and 11 Ma by a molecular clock analysis, setting the events generating much of the diversity of Arhopala at well before the Pleistocene. Periodical flooding of the Sunda plateau during interglacial periods was, therefore, not responsible for generating the major divisions in the genus Arhopala. Instead, we hypothesize that large-scale climatic changes taking place in the Miocene have induced the early acceleration in speciation.  相似文献   

Species structure and phylogenetic relationships among the four currently recognised North Atlantic redfish species, Sebastes mentella (‘deep‐sea’ and ‘oceanic’ phenotype), S. marinus (including ‘giant’ phenotype), S. fasciatus and S. viviparus, were investigated by sequencing the complete mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 (ND3) gene for 313 individuals (333 including outliers). Low levels of sequence divergence of 0.3–2.3% between the North Atlantic Sebastes haplotypes, low resolution in phylogenetic trees and a star‐like statistical parsimony network indicate a population bottleneck and/or founder event with a subsequent population expansion and a rapid speciation in North Atlantic Sebastes. Diagnostic mutations within the ND3 gene were recognised for some of the species. The results lead to the hypothesis that the ancestral haplotype lineage is now very rare or has suffered extinction and that the most basal lineage is found in S. viviparus. The results further indicate direct descendants in the S. fasciatus and S. marinus lineages from the S. mentella lineage, whereas the S. viviparus lineage originates from an earlier division. The observation of two haplotype lineages in S. marinus with a relatively high level of intraspecific genetic divergence, points towards a possible cryptic speciation.  相似文献   

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