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Characters of the thorax of 30 representatives of all endopterygote orders and four hemimetabolous outgroup taxa were examined. In total, 126 characters potentially useful for phylogenetic reconstruction are discussed and presented as a data matrix. The thoracic features were analysed with different approaches combined with an additional large set of morphological data. Endopterygota were confirmed as monophyletic and new morphological autapomorphies of the group are suggested. The highly controversial Strepsiptera are not placed as sistergroup of Diptera (Halteria‐concept) but consistently as sistergroup of Coleoptera. This clade was mainly supported by characters associated with posteromotorism. The traditionally proposed relationship of Neuropterida + Coleoptera was not confirmed. Hymenoptera was placed as sistergroup of all remaining orders in parsimony analyses. The inclusion of Strepsiptera + Coleoptera in Mecopterida in parsimony analyses is probably artificial and potential thoracic autapomorphies of Mecopterida in the traditional sense are suggested. Mecopterida are confirmed as a clade in Bayesian analyses. Amphiesmenoptera and Antliophora are well supported. The paraphyly of Mecoptera is due to a clade comprising Nannochoristidae and Siphonaptera + Diptera. The phylogenetic reconstruction using characters of the thorax is impeded by functional constraints, parallel losses, a general trend to reinforce the skeleton and to simplify the muscular apparatus, and also by different specializations occurring in potential outgroup taxa. The addition of a large additional morphological data set only partly compensated for these problems. It is apparent that the inclusion of more outgroup and ingroup taxa is required, notably presumably basal representatives of Mecoptera, Trichoptera, and Diptera. This may reduce the effect of an artificial attraction of branches caused by homoplasy, notably character losses occurring within different lineages.© The Willi Hennig Society 2010.  相似文献   

The external and internal head anatomy of Sisyra terminalis is described in detail and compared with data from literature. A salivary pump consisting of a peculiar reservoir and a hitherto unknown muscle, M. ductus salivarii, is newly described for Neuroptera. The upward folded paraglossae form a secondary prolongation of the salivary system. These structures are discussed as functional adaptations for feeding on aphids and desiccated honeydew. In a phylogenetic analysis the basal position of the Sisyridae within Neuroptera is retrieved. The following new synapomorphies are postulated: (1) for Neuropterida, the presence of a M. submentomentalis and prepharyngeal ventral transverse muscles, and the absence of a M. submentopraementalis; (2) for Neuroptera and Sialidae, the presence of a mandibular gland; (3) for Neuroptera, the presence of four scapopedicellar muscles; (4) for Neuroptera exclusive Nevrorthidae and Sisyridae, the weakening of dorsal tentorial arms, the presence of a M. tentoriomandibularis medialis superior and the shifted origin of M. tentoriocardinalis.  相似文献   

Jere Kahanp?? 《ZooKeys》2014,(441):213-223
A checklist of the Lonchopteridae and Phoridae recorded from Finland is presented.  相似文献   

A revised checklist of the Scathophagidae, Fanniidae and Muscidae recorded from Finland is presented. Phaonia amicula Villeneuve, 1922 is noted from Finland for the first time.  相似文献   

Austropanorpa Riek, 1952 cannot be placed within the Panorpidae (Mecoptera), which are restricted to Eurasia and North America, since similarities betweenAustropanorpa and the Panorpidae are based on symplesiomorphies. A new family Austropanorpidae is erected, either being the sister-group of the Panorpidae + Panorpodidae or — in case that the branches of the media in the forewing are reduced to 4 independently from these two families — not being closely related to these.  相似文献   

In Argentina, five genera and 14 species are recorded in the subfamilies Prostemmatinae and Nabinae: Hoplistoscelis sordidus Reuter, Lasiomerus constrictus Champion, Metatropiphorus alvarengai Reuter, Nabis argentinus Meyer-Dür, Nabis (Tropiconabis) capsiformis Germar, Nabis faminei Stål, Nabis paranensis Harris, Nabis punctipennis Blanchard, Nabis roripes Stål, Nabis setricus Harris, Nabis tandilensis Berg, Pagasa (Pagasa) costalis Reuter, Pagasa (Lampropagasa) fuscipennis Reuter and Pagasa (Pagasa) signatipennis Reuter.  相似文献   

Kambiz Minaei 《ZooKeys》2013,(330):53-74
In Iran, as a result of recent changes in nomenclature 201 species and one species group of the insect Order Thysanoptera, are here listed in 70 genera and five families. In considering species listed previously from this country, the presence of 7 species is considered not confirmed, and 12 species are excluded from the Iranian list. Problems in the study of Iranian Thysanoptera are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

A revised checklist of the flies of superfamilies Tephritoidea and Sciomyzoidea of Finland is provided. The following families are covered: Eurygnathomyiidae, Lonchaeidae, Neottiophilidae, Pallopteridae, Piophilidae, Platystomatidae, Tephritidae, Ulidiidae (Tephritoidea); Coelopidae, Dryomyzidae, Heterocheilidae, Phaeomyiidae, Sciomyzidae, Sepsidae (Sciomyzoidea).  相似文献   

Cephalodiscus gracilis Harmer, 1905 is a semi-sessile deuterostome that shares with fish-like chordates pharyngeal gill slits and a dorsally situated brain. In order to reveal structures potentially homologous among deuterostomes and to infer their functional roles, we investigated the axial complex, associated blood vessels and structures of C. gracilis using transmission electron microscopy, light microscopy, and digital 3D reconstructions. We describe the smooth, bipartite cephalic shield retractor muscles that originate as solid compact muscles and fan out to traverse the protocoel as individual muscle cells. The axial complex consists of a cap-shaped coelomic sac, the pericardium that surrounds the central heart. The pericardium is constituted of myoepithelial cells, with the cells facing the heart being thicker and richer in myofilaments. A prominent dorsal median blood vessel opens into the heart, which gives rise to a short median ventral vessel that opens into the paired glomeruli connected to the ventral side of the stomochord. The tip of the curved stomochord rests precisely above the connection of the dorsal median vessel with the heart, a position that would allow the stomochord to function as a valve facilitating unidirectional blood flow. Glomeruli are lined by podocytes of the spacious protocoel and are considered to be the site of ultrafiltration. Two pairs of blood vessels enter the median dorsal blood vessel from the tentacles. The median dorsal blood vessel is separated from the brain by a thin basement membrane. This arrangement is consistent with the hypothesis that blood vessels in the tentacles increase oxygen supply for the brain. Based on detailed similarities, the heart–glomerulus complex of C. gracilis is considered homologous with the heart–glomerulus complex in Rhabdopleura spp., and Enteropneusta, and the axial complex in Echinodermata. In addition, we hypothesize homology to the excretory complex including Hatschek’s nephridium in Cephalochordata. Thus, the heart–glomerulus complex does not support a sister-group relationship between Echinodermata and Hemichordata, whereas the organization of the cephalic shield retractor muscles is consistent with the evolution of pterobranchs within enteropneusts.  相似文献   

Structures of the wings, legs and abdomen of three new species of Jurassic ‘Orthophlebiidae’ from Karatau in Kazachstan (Orthophlebia elenae, O. heidemariae, O. longicauda) are described in detail. On their hind legs, the males of two of the species have a so-called metatarsal organ of unknown function, which certainly is a synapomorphy.Orthophlebia longicauda is very similar to the Tertiary speciesHolcorpa maculosa, as they both possess a fork consisting of two long processes arising from the hind margin of abdominal segment 6 as well as an elongate abdomen. A female specimen ofO. elenae shows, in its 9th abdominal segment, the medigynium, a genital structure of major importance for reconstructing the phylogenetic position of Mecoptera. As in the Panorpodidae andHolcorpa, the medigynium ofO. elenae does not bear two tongue-shaped processes which are characteristic of the Panorpidae. This is the first time that female genitalia are described from a Mesozoic mecopteran species. The males of the three new species show the tergites and sternites of abdominal segments 6 to 8 to be unfused or incompletely fused, as the sclerites’ margins are still visible. This implies that contrary to earlier assumptions, completely fused sclerites in segment 8 leaving no trace of their delimitations are not a synapomorphy of the Panorpomorpha (= Eomeropidae,Apteropanorpa, Choristidae,Choristopanorpa and ‘Orthophlebiidae’ plus descendants).  相似文献   

Malacostracan crustaceans have evolved a conserved stereotyped cell division pattern in the post-naupliar germ band. This cleavage pattern is unique in arthropods investigated so far, and allows a combined analysis of gene expression and cell lineage during segmentation and organ development at the level of individual cells. To investigate the cell lineage in the germ band of the isopod Porcellio scaber, we used a 4D-microscopy system, which enables us to analyse every cell event in the living embryo. The study was combined with the analysis of the expression of the gene engrailed (en) at different stages of germ band formation. Our findings confirm the results of earlier investigations of the cell division pattern in the posterior part of the isopod germ band. Furthermore, we can show that in the anterior region, in contrast to the posterior part, cleavage directions are variable and cell sorting takes place—similar to other arthropod germ bands. Additionally, the gene expression pattern of en in this region is not as regular as in the post-naupliar germ band, and only later becomes regulated into its characteristic stripe pattern. The comparison of the cell lineage of P. scaber with that of other malacostracan crustaceans shows an enhancement in the velocity of cell divisions relative to the arrangement of these cells in rows in the isopod germ band. The striking similarity of the formation of the genealogical units in the anterior part suggests a sister group relationship between the peracarid taxa Tanaidacea and Isopoda.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Although the great genital diversity of the barklouse genus Trichadenotecnum has been described in previous studies, the specific function of the genital structures during the copulation process has received less investigative attention. We reconstructed 3D-models of each structure of the male and female genitalia of Trichadenotecnum incognitum in copula and those of uncopulated male and female of Trichadenotecnum pseudomedium. By comparing the changes in male and female genital structures and related muscles in copulated and uncopulated states, the function of each genital structure can be described. During the copulation, we found that the female subgenital plate was hooked into the male body by the distal process on the male paraproct and was fixed by the male epiproct, hypandrium and phallosome. In addition, sexual coevolution was suggested by tightly contacting structures, that is, thorny male hypandrium and thickened membrane around the female spermapore plate. These results not only give us a new understanding copulation process of Trichadenotecnum, but also explain the reasons why genital structures are so divers in the genus.  相似文献   

Uncompetitive inhibition is much less common in nature than consideration of enzyme structure and mechanism might lead one to expect. A possible explanation may be that uncompetitive inhibition of an enzyme in a metabolic pathway can have enormously larger effects on the concentrations of metabolic intermediates than competitive inhibition, under circumstances where their effects on the kinetics of the isolated enzyme are very similar. The severely toxic effects that an uncompetitive inhibitor might be expected to have may have caused enzymes to have evolved in such a way that there has been selection against structures that might favour uncompetitive inhibition.  相似文献   

D Wei  J Liang  D Ren 《ZooKeys》2012,(217):53-61
A new species attributed to the genus Parvifuzia Guo & Ren, 2011, Parvifuzia peregrinasp. n., is described from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Daohugou Village, Inner Mongolia, China. This new species, with apex of wing almost reaching the end of the abdomen and forewing venation with 30-32 veins at margin, broadens the diversity of Parvifuzia. This new species, with strongly curved cerci, could tightly clasp female and complete copulation more efficiently, same as other members of the family Fuziidae.  相似文献   

The conjugation of Halteria grandinella was studied in protargol preparations. The isogamontic conjugants fuse partially with their ventral sides to a homopolar pair. The first maturation division generates dramatic transformations: (i) the partners obtain an interlocking arrangement; (ii) the number of bristle kineties decreases from seven to four in each partner; and (iii) the right conjugant loses its buccal membranelles, the left the whole adoral zone. The remaining collar membranelles arrange around the pair's anterior end and are shared by both partners; finally, the couple resembles a vegetative specimen in size and outline. The vegetative macronucleus fragments before pycnosis. The micronucleus performs three maturation divisions, but only one derivative each performs the second and third division. The synkaryon divides twice, producing a micronucleus, a macronucleus anlage, and two disintegrating derivatives. Scattered somatic kinetids occur during conjugation, but disappear without reorganization. An incomplete oral primordium originates in both partners. The conjugation of Halteria grandinella resembles in several respects that of hypotrich spirotrichs; however, the majority of morphological, ontogenetical, and ultrastructural features still indicates an affiliation with the oligotrich and choreotrich spirotrichs. Accordingly, the cladistic analysis still contradicts the genealogy based on the sequences of the small subunit rRNA gene.  相似文献   

The Iberian Peninsula is a region with a high endemicity of species of the terrestrial slug subgenus Mesarion. Many of these species have been described mainly on subtle differences in their proximal genitalia. It therefore remains to be investigated 1) whether these locally diverged taxa also represent different species under a phylogenetic species concept as has been shown for other Mesarion species outside the Iberian Peninsula, and 2) how these taxa are phylogenetically related. Here, we analysed DNA sequence data of two mitochondrial (COI and 16S) genes, and of the nuclear ITS1 region, to explore the phylogenetic affinities of two of these endemic taxa, viz. Arion gilvus Torres Mínguez, 1925 and A. ponsi Quintana Cardona, 2007. We also evaluated the use of these DNA sequence data as DNA barcodes for both species. Our results showed that ITS did not allow to differentiate among most of the Mesarion molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs) / morphospecies in Mesarion. Yet, the overall mean p-distance among the Mesarion MOTUs / morphospecies for both mtDNA fragments (16.7% for COI, 13% for 16S) was comparable to that between A. ponsi and its closest relative A. molinae (COI: 14.2%; 16S: 16.2%) and to that between A. gilvus and its closest relative A. urbiae (COI: 14.4%; 16S: 13.4%). Hence, with respect to mtDNA divergence, both A. ponsi and A. gilvus, behave as other Mesarion species or putative species-level MOTUs and thus are confirmed as distinct ‘species’.  相似文献   

The larval pre-competency period and competency window are important in delimiting the potential dispersal distance for pelagic larvae of sessile marine fauna. Here, we provide evidence for morphological changes in the late planulae of Lophelia pertusa that have implications for their dispersal potential. Three weeks after spawning, the planulae gain functional cnidocysts, indicating that they are competent to settle at this time. Cnidae have been shown to be used for primary anchoring during settling, and before this time point, the larvae most probably do not have the ability to attach to a substrate in high flow conditions. The appearance of functional cnidae coincides with larvae gaining a flexible mouth that can be opened to the full width of the larva. The larval isorhizas differ the most from the adult polyps isorhizas, while the p- and b-mastigophores bear more resemblance to the adult homologues of similar size. The external and internal morphology of late planulae is further described with demonstration of long apical cilia and its effect on swimming agility, morphological changes of the ciliated cells in the larval mouth region and an internal nerve plexus. This study also indicates that L. pertusa planulae seek out cryptic spaces for settling.  相似文献   

Taxonomic arrangements for the cormorants and shags (Phalacrocoracidae) had varied greatly until two quite similar arrangements, one based on behavior and the other on osteological characters, became the basis for current thought on the evolutionary relationships of these birds. The terms cormorant and shag, which had previously been haphazardly applied to members of the group, became the vernacular terms for the two major subdivisions within this family. The two taxonomies differ in places, however, with the behavioral taxonomy placing several species within the shags and the osteological taxonomy and phylogeny grouping those species (as the marine cormorants) and placing them within the cormorants. In an attempt to resolve the differences in the relationships hypothesized by behavior and morphology, we sequenced three mitochondrial genes (12S, ATPase 6, and ATPase 8). Initial equally weighted parsimony trees differed slightly from our two weighted parsimony trees, one of which was also our maximum-likelihood tree. Many of the branches within our trees were well supported, but some sections of the phylogeny proved difficult to resolve with confidence. Our sequence trees differ substantially from the morphological phylogeny and show that neither the shags nor the cormorants are monophyletic, but form an intermingled group. Some of the groups supported by both the behavioral and the morphological taxonomies (e.g., the cliff shags, Stictocarbo) appear to be polyphyletic. Conversely, the monophyly of the blue-eyed shags, a traditional group that the osteological analysis had found to be paraphyletic, was supported by the sequence data. Until more taxa are sampled and a fully robust phylogeny is obtained, a conservative approach accepting a single genus, Phalacrocorax, for the shags and cormorants is recommended.  相似文献   

Stoiba Spaeth, 1909 is revised with a phylogenetic analysis of 38 adult morphological characters for nine Stoiba species and 11 outgroup species (Mesomphaliini, Ischyrosonychini, and Hemisphaerotini). Four Cuban species of Stoiba were not sampled. Parsimony analysis located the four most parsimonious trees. The strict consensus (CI=0.59, RI=0.78, Steps=83) resolved the monophyly of Stoiba. The monophyly of Stoiba is supported by pale yellow antennae, antennomere VII broader than its length, and rounded basal line of pronotum. An illustrated key to ten species of Stoiba is provided along with a distribution map of 11 species. Stoiba rufa Blake is synonymized with Stoiba swartzii (Thunberg) by a morphological comparison which includes female genitalia.  相似文献   

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