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Invasive species have been cited as major causes of population extinctions in several animal and plant classes worldwide. The North American grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) has a major detrimental effect on native red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) populations across Britain and Ireland, in part because it can be a reservoir host for the deadly squirrelpox virus (SQPV). Whilst various researchers have investigated the epizootiology of SQPV disease in grey squirrels and have modelled the consequent effects on red squirrel populations, less work has examined morphological and physiological characteristics that might make individual grey squirrels more susceptible to contracting SQPV. The current study investigated the putative relationships between morphology, parasitism, and SQPV exposure in grey squirrels. We found geographical, sex, and morphological differences in SQPV seroprevalence. In particular, larger animals, those with wide zygomatic arch widths (ZAW), males with large testes, and individuals with concurrent nematode and/or coccidial infections had an increased seroprevalence of SQPV. In addition, males with larger spleens, particularly those with narrow ZAW, were more likely to be exposed to SQPV. Overall these results show that there is variation in SQPV seroprevalence in grey squirrels and that, consequently, certain individual, or populations of, grey squirrels might be more responsible for transmitting SQPV to native red squirrel populations.  相似文献   

To investigate why Grey squirrels strip bark from young trees, squirrel populations and tree quality were studied at 30 English Midland woods. In young beech and sycamore woodlands, the area of bark which Grey squirrels stripped from each tree was strongly related to the phloem width (volume per unit area) of the tree, and not to the phloem sugar content. Variation in bark-stripping between woods was strongly related to average phloem widths in each plantation. The extent of bark-stripping also correlated with juvenile squirrel density, but only in years with relatively little squirrel breeding. There was a tendency for damage to recur in previously damaged areas, in a pattern suggesting that squirrels had learned the habit. The results indicate that bark-stripping can be initiated by young squirrels, perhaps through agonistic gnawing or exploratory feeding, or by older squirrels which have learned the habit, but that severe damage occurs only where the tree phloem is suitable.  相似文献   

Individuals of many species cache food to gain direct benefits from consuming their own caches, but individuals of a few species also gain indirect benefits by sharing caches with kin. We investigated whether gray squirrels cache primarily to gain direct benefits or if they also gain indirect benefits by sharing caches with kin. If squirrels share caches with kin, then genetically related squirrels should live near one another and cache near one another to facilitate cache sharing. In contrast, if squirrels cache primarily for direct benefits, then they should clump their caches near the center of their ranges to facilitate cache defense. This study was conducted with 140 squirrels in a 10 ha forest. DNA was extracted from blood samples taken from squirrels, and genetic similarity scores from randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) loci were used to measure relatedness. Squirrels were given piles of pecans for caching at six sites and observed from a blind. We recorded the direction squirrels took nuts from piles and at one site determined the location of caches. For male–female comparisons, related squirrels lived significantly closer to one another than unrelated squirrels, but this was not the case for female–female and male–male comparisons. The genetic similarity of neighboring squirrels did not influence the location of caches or the direction that squirrels took nuts from piles. Squirrels clumped their own caches and moved nuts toward their own home range centers. These results suggest that gray squirrels cache primarily to gain direct benefits rather than indirect benefits.  相似文献   

A synchronized seasonal cycle of sexual regression and development is described for the male Grey squirrel in Britain. Sexual development is maximal in December and May and minimal in August. The seasonal cycle can be overriden, but this is exceptional. Comparisons with previous work and the suggestion that the synchronized seasonal sexual cycle is general for Grey squirrels in Britain, and probably America, are made.  相似文献   

Supplementary feeding of birds, particularly in urban areas, is often associated with increased population size and fecundity. In the UK, the non‐native Grey Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis is common in rural and urban habitats. It exploits supplementary feeders and may induce interference competition by excluding birds, but empirical evidence of this is unavailable. Using controlled model presentation experiments, we demonstrate that Grey Squirrels could reduce bird use of supplementary feeders and induce interference competition. Total bird resource use was reduced by 98% and most species exhibited similar sensitivities. The likelihood and magnitude of interference competition will depend on how rapidly displaced birds find alternative food sources; it will be greatest where there are high Grey Squirrel densities and few supplementary feeders. Other studies suggest that supplementary feeding increases Grey Squirrel numbers, and the species is also predicted to expand its non‐native range across most of Europe. Our data indicate that Grey Squirrels may eventually alter the net effect of supplementary feeding on bird populations across the European continent; increased use of squirrel‐proof feeders may help to minimize such effects.  相似文献   

Using X-ray and lens weight techniques on wild and known age captive animals age criteria have been established for Grey squirrels in Britain. Adults have fused epiphyses of the radius and ulna and a paired dried lens weight above 76.0 mg. The longevity of Grey squirrels in Britain is considered. Comparisons with similar data from the USA are made.  相似文献   

The distributions of the Red and Grey Squirrel were surveyed in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland between 1994 and 1996. Survey methods differed between the two studies. In the former, all suitable habitat, of at least 15 ha, was inspected for species presence or absence. In the Republic, data were gathered through questionnaires to governmental and independent wildlife bodies. The combined results indicate that the Red Squirrel remains widespread and locally abundant, and is present in all but two counties. The Grey Squirrel is now more widespread than ever before, and can be found in 22 of the 32 counties. Its range expansion has varied from 0 km/yr to an estimated 13.4 km/yr, as various geographical features, principally rivers, have hindered its progress in certain directions.  相似文献   

Nesting behaviour of Abert squirrels (Sciurus aberti), including site selection and use, was studied in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Boulder County, Colorado. Only females were observed building nests, although both males and females maintained nests once they were built. Communal nesting by Abert squirrels was rare, but the majority of observed nest sharings involved unrelated male and female pairs. A total of 14 variables were used to evaluate the nests (n = 49) inhabited by Abert squirrels from May 1988 to Jun. 1991. All nests were located in Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) trees. The majority of nests were constructed of twigs and located in the upper one-third of the canopy, near the trunk, on the south-east side of the tree. Trees with nests were predominantly located in closed stands. Nest trees, when compared with unused control trees that were equally accessible to squirrels, were significantly different from control trees in five of nine variables. Nest tree crowns intertwined with a larger number of adjacent tree crowns than did control tree crowns. Nest trees were also significantly taller than control trees, but subdominant to adjacent trees within a stand. Seasonal and diurnal patterns of nest use indicate that Abert squirrels do not choose nest locations on the south-east sides of trees to facilitate behavioural thermoregulation. Rather, Abert squirrels select nest site locations to (1) maximize accessibility and (2) maximize structural stability which may provide protection from wind and rain.  相似文献   

We compared the use of olfactory, visual, and spatial cues for learning the location of stored food by gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis). All experimental cues were extrinsic, that is, they originated from the environment around the food rather than from the food itself. In training trials, artificial caches with one of two odors, one of two colors, and six of 12 spatial locations contained sunflower seeds. In experimental trials, the odors, colors, and sets of spatial locations associated with food were reversed one at a time, so that only two of the three training cues gave evidence of the food rewards. Consequent declines in food localization by the squirrels revealed differential use of particular cue modalities. The data show that squirrels used visual cues the most and olfactory cues the least with this design. These results, along with other evidence, suggest that gray squirrels use spatial memory in food recovery.  相似文献   

Biological Invasions - The grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) is an invasive rodent in Ireland that has had detrimental impacts on the native Irish red squirrel (S. vulgaris) as well as on...  相似文献   

Beginning in the fall of 1998 and extending into the spring and early summer of 1999 there was a large epizootic of squirrel fibromatosis in squirrels in seven counties in peninsular Florida. Hundreds of gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) with multiple cutaneous tumors were submitted or reported to biologists, veterinary hospitals, and private wildlife rehabilitators. Most squirrels died or were euthanized soon after submission. Twenty squirrels were submitted for necropsy. The majority of the squirrels examined were adults (12/20) and male (15/20). The number and location of tumors varied widely among the affected squirrels; however, a consistent finding was involvement of the eyelids (20/20). Histopathology revealed a proliferative population of mesenchymal cells within the dermis and marked ballooning degeneration of keratinocytes in the overlying epidermis. Intracytoplasmic viral inclusions were present in the neoplastic mesenchymal cell population and the degenerating keratinocytes. Ulceration and necrosis of the surface of the tumors or associated tissues was present in 14 of the 20 squirrels. Virions consistent with poxvirus were observed via electron microscopy in samples collected from a representative tumor. Death of the squirrels was attributed to emaciation, tissue damage, and severe negative energy balance associated with poxvirus infection and massive tumor growth. The underlying cause of this unusual epizootic of fibromatosis in gray squirrels remains unknown.  相似文献   

Jeffrey  Pudney 《Journal of Zoology》1976,179(1):107-120
The histological changes in the testis and epididymis of the American Grey squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis (Gmelin) during development and the testicular cycle are described. It was observed that male Grey squirrels, as a population, did not undergo a pronounced seasonal reproductive cycle, however, individual males did experience periods of reproductive inactivity which were asynchronous and not related to seasonal changes in the environment. It is suggested that the individual sexual cycles are due to an endogenous rhythm of gonadotrophin secretion by the pituitaries of these animals.  相似文献   

Recognition of heterospecific (interspecific) alarm calls has been demonstrated in birds and mammals, but bird–mammal interactions have rarely been studied. Here, I tested the hypothesis that red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) are able to recognize alarm calls of a sympatric bird species, the Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius), and respond adequately with anti‐predator behaviour. Both animals are preyed upon by the same predators. To test whether squirrels would react to heterospecific alarm calls, I recorded squirrels behaviour during playbacks of jay alarm calls, control playbacks (territorial songs of sympatric songbirds) and during silence. Differences between the control treatment (songbirds) and silence were not significant. Seven of the 13 squirrels responded with escape after broadcasting alarm calls of jays. Further, squirrels spent less time in the patch, expressed a higher vigilance, and showed more rapid head and body movements. These results suggest that squirrels recognize heterospecific alarm vocalizations of jays and discriminate them from equally loud non‐threatening sounds.  相似文献   

Hepatozoon infections of Sciurus carolinensis were investigated by a 30-month capture/recapture trapping programme. Details of trapping methods, squirrel husbandry and blood sampling techniques are discussed.
Hepatozoon gametocytes infected blood monocytes and could be detected in blood smears or by concentration of leucocytes. From blood smears, 71% (154/218) of the squirrels were infected. Prevalence appeared to be influenced by host hormonal and breeding patterns. Significantly more adult males than adult females were infected (P<0.025). Infections were significantly more prevalent in adults overall and in adult males than in juvenile males (P< 0.001 in both cases), but not significantly different between female adults and juveniles (P>0.05). Prevalence rates were generally higher: (i) in summer and winter, when animals mate, compared to spring and autumn; and (ii) in 1984 than in 1983, possibly relating to differences of squirrel breeding success and juvenile recruitment in the two years. Parasitaemias were overdispersed in the sampled host population and significantly lower in females (38%) than in males (48%) (P<0.05), although there was no significant difference between the age classes. Animals, either recaptured or laboratory-maintained, showed chronic fluctuating parasitaemias with no obvious pattern. Squirrels with overt parasitaemias showed trophozoites and schizogonic stages of Hepatozoon in the lung and rarely in liver and spleen. Three out of 16 animals with no obvious parasitaemias had lung tissue stages of the parasite. Results suggest that Hepatozoon is more prevalent in grey squirrel populations than blood smears suggest.  相似文献   

In Britain, the population of native red squirrels Sciurus vulgaris has suffered population declines and local extinctions. Interspecific resource competition and disease spread by the invasive gray squirrel Sciurus carolinensis are the main factors behind the decline. Gray squirrels have adapted to the British landscape so efficiently that they are widely distributed. Knowledge on how gray squirrels are using the landscape matrix and being able to predict their movements will aid management. This study is the first to use global positioning system (GPS) collars on wild gray squirrels to accurately record movements and land cover use within the landscape matrix. This data were used to validate Geographical Information System (GIS) least‐cost model predictions of movements and provided much needed information on gray squirrel movement pathways and network use. Buffered least‐cost paths and least‐cost corridors provide predictions of the most probable movements through the landscape and are seen to perform better than the more expansive least‐cost networks which include all possible movements. Applying the knowledge and methodologies gained to current gray squirrel expansion areas, such as Scotland and in Italy, will aid in the prediction of potential movement areas and therefore management of the invasive gray squirrel. The methodologies presented in this study could potentially be used in any landscape and on numerous species.  相似文献   

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