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Dispersal is a fundamental process that influences the response of species to landscape change and habitat fragmentation. In an attempt to better understand dispersal in the Australian bush rat, Rattus fuscipes, we have combined a new multilocus autocorrelation method with hypervariable microsatellite genetic markers to investigate fine-scale (< or = 1 km) patterns of spatial distribution and spatial genetic structure. The study was conducted across eight trapping transects at four sites, with a total of 270 animals sampled. Spatial autocorrelation analysis of bush rat distribution revealed that, in general, animals occurred in groups or clusters of higher density (< or = 200 m across), with intervening gaps or lower density areas. Spatial genetic autocorrelation analysis, based on seven hypervariable microsatellite loci (He = 0.8) with a total of 80 alleles, revealed a consistent pattern of significant positive local genetic structure. This genetic pattern was consistent for all transects, and for adults and sub-adults, males and females. By testing for autocorrelation at multiple scales from 10 to 800 m we found that the extent of detectable positive spatial genetic structure exceeded 500 m. Further analyses detected significantly weaker spatial genetic structure in males compared with females, but no significant differences were detected between adults and sub adults. Results from Mantel tests and hierarchical AMOVA further support the conclusion that the distribution of bush rat genotypes is not random at the scale of our study. Instead, proximate bush rats are more genetically alike than more distant animals. We conclude that in bush rats, gene flow per generation is sufficiently restricted to generate the strong positive signal of local spatial genetic structure. Although our results are consistent with field data on animal movement, including the reported tendency for males to move further than females, we provide the first evidence for restricted gene flow in bush rats. Our study appears to be the first microsatellite-based study of fine-scale genetic variation in small mammals and the first to report consistent positive local genetic structure across sites, age-classes, and sexes. The combination of new forms of autocorrelation analyses, hypervariable genetic markers and fine-scale analysis (< 1 km) may thus offer new evolutionary insights that are overlooked by more traditional larger scaled (> 10 km) population genetic studies.  相似文献   

We describe here 16 new microsatellite markers for the bush rat, Rattus fuscipes greyii, and characterize their cross‐species amplification within the Australian Rattus and at a greater level of divergence in Rattus rattus and Rattus norvegicus. Within R. f. greyii, all of the loci are highly polymorphic, with six to 24 alleles per locus across the species range and expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.48 to 0.90 per locus within a sample of 24 rats from a large population on Kangaroo Island. Cross‐species amplification rates were approximately 87% within the Australian Rattus and approximately 50% within R. rattus and R. norvegicus. These loci are highly polymorphic with a high success rate of cross‐species amplification, making them potentially useful for a wide range of genetic studies.  相似文献   

In species acting as hosts of infectious agents, the extent of gene flow between populations is of particular interest because the expansion of different infectious diseases is usually related to the dispersal of the host. We have estimated levels of gene flow among populations of the sigmodontine rodent Oligoryzomys flavescens, in which high titers of antibodies have been detected for a Hantavirus in Argentina that produces a severe pulmonary syndrome. Enzyme polymorphism was studied by means of starch gel electrophoresis in 10 populations from the area where human cases of Hantavirus have occurred. Genetic differentiation between populations was calculated from FST values with the equation Nm = [(1/FST−1]/4. To assess the relative importance of current gene flow and historical associations between populations, the relationship of population pairwise log Nm and log geographic distance was examined. Low FST (mean = 0.038) and high Nm (15.27) values suggest high levels of gene flow among populations. The lack of an isolation by distance pattern would indicate that this species has recently colonized the area. The northernmost population, located on the margin of a great river, shows very high levels of gene flow with the downstream populations despite the large geographic distances. Passive transport of animals down the river by floating plants would promote unidirectional gene flow. This fact and the highest mean heterozygosity of that northernmost population suggest it is a center of dispersal within the species' range. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Levels of gene flow among populations vary both inter- and intraspecifically, and understanding the ecological bases of variation in levels of gene flow represents an important link between the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of populations. The effects of habitat spatial structure on gene flow have received considerable attention; however, most studies have been conducted at a single spatial scale and without background data on how individual movement is affected by landscape features. We examined the influence of habitat connectivity on inferred levels of gene flow in a high-altitude, meadow-dwelling butterfly, Parnassius smintheus. For this species, we had background data on the effects of landscape structure on both individual movement and on small-scale population genetic differentiation. We compared genetic differentiation and patterns of isolation by distance, based on variation at seven microsatellite loci, among three regions representing two levels of connectivity of high-altitude, nonforested habitats. We found that reduced connectivity of habitats, resulting from more forest cover at high altitudes, was associated with greater genetic differentiation among populations (higher estimated FST), a breakdown of isolation by distance, and overall lower levels of inferred gene flow. These observed differences were consistent with expectations based on our knowledge of the movement behaviour of this species and on previous population genetic analyses conducted at the smaller spatial scale. Our results indicate that the role of gene flow may vary among groups of populations depending on the interplay between individual movement and the structure of the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   

Abstract This review clarifies important points on habitat selection by the Swamp Rat Rattus lutreolus (Rodentia: Muridae), a species that has been the subject of much research in Australia and has provided a useful model for understanding ecological and biological processes. It also provides an opportunity to cite important earlier research, not readily available through electronic search engines, thus bringing it into current literature to avoid its disappearance into Internet obscurity. We comment on some papers in the literature to correct errors detected and to emphasize the importance of due care in all aspects of a research project, including its reporting. We show that both floristic and structural components have been reported as important to an understanding of habitat and microhabitat selection by R. lutreolus and conclude that it is vegetation density that is of paramount importance. Female R. lutreolus are clearly dominant in driving microhabitat selection, occupying the ‘best’ or densest habitats with male R. lutreolus occupying the next best and Pseudomys or other species, where present occupying the remainder. This demonstrates the important role that intraspecific and interspecific competition play in determining habitat selection. Direct predation and the perception of predation risk may also play a role in habitat selection, again perceived to be pushing individuals towards denser vegetation, representing ‘better cover’. Whether these effects operate as bottom‐up or top‐down needs careful consideration. Climatic variables, such as ENSO‐affecting productivity, and related variables such as temperature and humidity may also play important roles in habitat selection, as can disturbance effects such as wildfire. The relative importance of all of these potential determining factors may vary from place to place, particularly when climatic clines are involved.  相似文献   

Greater prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) were once found throughout the tallgrass prairie of midwestern North America but over the last century these prairies have been lost or fragmented by human land use. As a consequence, many current populations of prairie-chickens have become isolated and small. This fragmentation of populations is expected to lead to reductions in genetic variation as a result of random genetic drift and a decrease in gene flow. As expected, we found that genetic variation at both microsatellite DNA and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers was reduced in smaller populations, particularly in Wisconsin. There was relatively little range-wide geographical structure (FST) when we examined mtDNA haplotypes but there was a significant positive relationship between genetic (FST) and geographical distance (isolation by distance). In contrast, microsatellite DNA loci revealed significant geographical structure (FST) and a weak effect of isolation by distance throughout the range. These patterns were much stronger when populations with reduced levels of genetic variability (Wisconsin) were removed from the analyses. This suggests that the effects of genetic drift were stronger than gene flow at microsatellite loci, whereas these forces were in range-wide equilibrium at mtDNA markers. These differences between the two molecular markers may be explained by a larger effective population size (Ne) for mtDNA, which is expected in species such as prairie-chickens that have female-biased dispersal and high levels of polygyny. Our results suggest that historic populations of prairie-chickens were once interconnected by gene flow but current populations are now isolated. Thus, maintaining gene flow may be important for the long-term persistence of prairie-chicken populations.  相似文献   

Abstract Three broad dietary categories—fungus, plant and arthropod—were identified from faecal samples of two species of small terrestrial mammal in forest vegetation in southwestern Victoria. Fungal material formed the major component of the diet of the long-nosed potoroo Potorous tridactylus throughout the year and of the bush rat Rattus fuscipes during autumn and winter. Fungal material was most abundant for both species during autumn and winter and significantly less common in spring and summer. These results confirm previous studies which found P. tridactylus to be highly mycophagous throughout the year and R. fuscipes to be strongly mycophagous seasonally. Particular consideration was given to the composition of fungi in the diet. Fungal spores in faecal material were assigned to spore classes, which represent one or more fungal species that have similar spore morphology. Twenty-four fungal spore classes were recorded, but for both animal species most of the fungi consumed were from seven major spore classes. The proportions of major spore classes in the diet of both animals were generally similar, even though the composition of spore classes differed markedly across seasons. Minor differences between species in the fungi consumed may be related to differences in selectivity, foraging, or microhabitat use. If fungal resources are limiting, competition for such resources may be important in this and other small mammal communities. The amount and diversity of hypogeal fungi consumed by the two animal species makes them both important spore dispersal agents in forest ecosystems. The capacity of R. fuscipes and other seasonally mycophagous mammals in this role may be more important than previously recognized, especially in habitats where species of the Potoroidae are absent.  相似文献   

Invasions by pest organisms are among the main challenges for sustainable crop protection. They pose a serious threat to crop production by introducing a highly unpredictable element to existing crop protection strategies. The western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Insecta, Thysanoptera) managed to invade ornamental greenhouses worldwide within < 25 years. To shed light on possible genetic and/or ecological factors that may have been responsible for this invasion success, we studied the population genetic structure of western flower thrips in its native range in western North America. Analysis of nucleotide sequence variation and variation at microsatellite loci revealed the existence of two habitat‐specific phylogenetic lineages (ecotypes) with allopatric distribution. One lineage is associated with hot/dry climates, the second lineage is restricted to cool/moist climates. We speculate that the ecological niche segregation found in this study may be among the key factors determining the invasion potential of western flower thrips.  相似文献   

Loss of genetic variation in small, isolated populations is commonly observed at neutral or nearly neutral loci. In this study, the loss of genetic variation was assessed in island populations for a locus of major histocompatibility complex (Mhc), a locus shown to be under the influence of balancing selection. A total of 36 alleles was found at the second exon of RT1.Ba in 14 island and two mainland populations of Rattus fuscipes greyii. Despite this high overall diversity, a substantial lack of variation was observed in the small island populations, with 13 islands supporting only one to two alleles. Two populations, Waldegrave and Williams Islands, showed moderately high levels of heterozygosity (52-56%) which were greater than expected under neutrality, suggesting the action of balancing selection. However, congruence between the level of variation at this Mhc locus and in previous allozyme electrophoresis and mitochondrial DNA studies highlights the dominant influence of genetic drift and population factors, such as bottlenecks and structuring in the founding population, in the loss of genetic variation in these small, isolated populations.  相似文献   

Human commensal species such as rodent pests are often widely distributed across cities and threaten both infrastructure and public health. Spatially explicit population genomic methods provide insights into movements for cryptic pests that drive evolutionary connectivity across multiple spatial scales. We examined spatial patterns of neutral genomewide variation in brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) across Manhattan, New York City (NYC), using 262 samples and 61,401 SNPs to understand (i) relatedness among nearby individuals and the extent of spatial genetic structure in a discrete urban landscape; (ii) the geographic origin of NYC rats, using a large, previously published data set of global rat genotypes; and (iii) heterogeneity in gene flow across the city, particularly deviations from isolation by distance. We found that rats separated by ≤200 m exhibit strong spatial autocorrelation (r = .3, p = .001) and the effects of localized genetic drift extend to a range of 1,400 m. Across Manhattan, rats exhibited a homogeneous population origin from rats that likely invaded from Great Britain. While traditional approaches identified a single evolutionary cluster with clinal structure across Manhattan, recently developed methods (e.g., fineSTRUCTURE, sPCA, EEMS) provided evidence of reduced dispersal across the island's less residential Midtown region resulting in fine‐scale genetic structuring (FST = 0.01) and two evolutionary clusters (Uptown and Downtown Manhattan). Thus, while some urban populations of human commensals may appear to be continuously distributed, landscape heterogeneity within cities can drive differences in habitat quality and dispersal, with implications for the spatial distribution of genomic variation, population management and the study of widely distributed pests.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of four enzymatic loci has been examined in 27 populations of Tetranychus urticae in relation to their geographical distribution and to two ecological parameters: open field vs. greenhouse habitats, and species of the colonized host plant. Genetic differentiation was significantly correlated to geographical distance in both types of habitat. Mite density and distribution of infested plants appear to be important factors for the population structure of T. urticae . In open field, T. urticae specimens from citrus trees were genetically more similar to other 'citrus' samples collected in different localities than they were from mites collected in the same locality on other plant species.  相似文献   

Genetic structure of the large Japanese field mouse populations in suburban landscape of West Tokyo, Japan was determined using mitochondrial DNA control region sequence. Samples were collected from six habitats linked by forests and green tract along the Tama River, and from two forests segregated by urban areas from those continuous habitats. Thirty-five haplotypes were detected in 221 animals. Four to eight haplotypes were found within each local population belonging to the continuous landscape. Some haplotypes were shared by two or three adjacent local populations. On the other hand, two isolated habitats were occupied by one or two indigenous haplotypes. Significant genetic differentiation between all pairs of local populations, except for one pair in the continuous habitats, was found by analysis of molecular variance (amova). The geographical distance between habitats did not explain the large variance of pairwise F(ST)-values among local populations. F(ST)-values between local populations segregated by urban areas were higher than those between local populations in the continuous habitat, regardless of geographical distance. The results of this study demonstrated quantitatively that urban areas inhibit the migration of Apodemus speciosus, whereas a linear green tract along a river functions as a corridor. Moreover, it preserves the metapopulation structure of A. speciosus as well as the corridors in suburban landscape.  相似文献   

Coryphogonimus aglaos n. g., n. sp. (Digenea: Prosthogonimidae) is described from the liver of the Australian bush rat, Rattus fuscipes (Rodentia: Muridae). The new genus is distinguished from other prosthogonimids by the possession of the following combination of characters: oral and ventral suckers well developed; caeca terminating in front of testes; genital pore opening dorsal to oral sucker; vitelline follicles restricted to caecal region; uterus extending posterior to testes; and uterus without an egg reservoir. A single specimen of an as yet undetermined Coryphogonimus species is recorded from the Australian water rat, Hydromys chrysogaster (Rodentia: Muridae). A new host, Sminthopsis macroura (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae), is recorded for Coelomotrema antechinomes. Attention is drawn to the apparent rarity of the six known mammal prosthogonimids.  相似文献   

Allozyme and mitochondrial DNA variation was surveyed in Acanthopagrus butcheri to examine the pattern of gene flow among estuaries in south‐east Australia. Allozymes distinguished two peripheral estuaries from the remaining six, although the pattern of genetic variation could owe more to selection than reproductive isolation, and overall structure was small (θ = 0·012). In contrast, mitochondrial DNA revealed a high degree of genetic structure (θ = 0·263), and a significant relationship with geographic isolation. Consequently, contemporary gene flow mostly between adjacent estuaries, consistent with a one‐dimensional stepping stone model, is evident in south‐east Australia. The data indicate that management of A. butcheri within the study range should be conducted at the scale of individual or geographically proximate estuaries.  相似文献   

Urbanization can result in the fragmentation of once contiguous natural landscapes into a patchy habitat interspersed within a growing urban matrix. Animals living in fragmented landscapes often have reduced movement among habitat patches because of avoidance of intervening human development, which potentially leads to both reduced gene flow and pathogen transmission between patches. Mammalian carnivores with large home ranges, such as bobcats (Lynx rufus), may be particularly sensitive to habitat fragmentation. We performed genetic analyses on bobcats and their directly transmitted viral pathogen, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), to investigate the effects of urbanization on bobcat movement. We predicted that urban development, including major freeways, would limit bobcat movement and result in genetically structured host and pathogen populations. We analysed molecular markers from 106 bobcats and 19 FIV isolates from seropositive animals in urban southern California. Our findings indicate that reduced gene flow between two primary habitat patches has resulted in genetically distinct bobcat subpopulations separated by urban development including a major highway. However, the distribution of genetic diversity among FIV isolates determined through phylogenetic analyses indicates that pathogen genotypes are less spatially structured-exhibiting a more even distribution between habitat fragments. We conclude that the types of movement and contact sufficient for disease transmission occur with enough frequency to preclude structuring among the viral population, but that the bobcat population is structured owing to low levels of effective bobcat migration resulting in gene flow. We illustrate the utility in using multiple molecular markers that differentially detect movement and gene flow between subpopulations when assessing connectivity.  相似文献   

A range-wide survey of Dakotaskipper (Hesperia dacotae) populationsassessed levels of genetic variability andgeographic scale of population structure inthis species of conservation concern. Thisspecies exists on isolated patches of nativetall- and mixed-grass prairie within a highlymodified landscape dominated by agriculture. It has been extirpated from the southernportion of its range and has sufferedrange-wide declines. Nine populations weresampled from western Minnesota, eastern SouthDakota, and southern Manitoba. Starch gelelectrophoresis was used to resolve 21 isozymeloci in 278 Dakota skippers. Dakota skipperpopulations were approximately as variable asother lepidopterans found in isolated habitats. Genetic distances indicated that Manitobapopulations were somewhat distinct from ones inMinnesota and South Dakota. Isolation-by-distance was detected range-wideand among the seven southern-most populations. Genetically effective immigration rates weresmall at both range-wide and regional scalesand effective populations sizes were lowsuggesting that Dakota skipper populations aregenetically isolated from one another, althoughthey were likely more connected in the recentpast. Genotype assignment tests revealed twoclusters of populations in Minnesota and SouthDakota that were not apparent from theisolation-by-distance results. Significantheterozygote deficiencies relative toHardy-Weinberg expectations and high inbreedingcoefficients suggest structure within samplelocations. Management recommendations includethe maximization of effective population sizein each Dakota skipper population to offset theeffects of drift and habitat corridors in somecases. Habitat management should consider thewithin-site population structure and possibletemporal population structure detected in thisstudy.  相似文献   

褐家鼠Rattus norvegicus可能是云南省部分鼠疫流行区的储存宿主之一, 其体表的某些寄生虫种类可能是人类疾病的传播媒介。为了解洱海周边地带褐家鼠的体表寄生虫群落, 并对其医学和兽医学的重要性进行描述。用U检验和相关分析的统计方法对2003-2004年采自云南洱海(中国滇西北著名的淡水湖泊)周边地区的431头褐家鼠的体表寄生虫群落进行了研究。用构成比(C), 侵染率(P)和平均丰富度(A)反映体表寄生虫的流行和密度状况。调查点位于我国11大鼠疫自然疫源地之一, 此地也是我国恙虫病和流行性出血热的流行地区。结果表明: 431头褐家鼠中307头寄生有体表寄生虫, 侵染率为71%。采集到的体表寄生虫有47种, 包括23种恙螨、16种革螨、6种蚤和2种吸虱, 其中16种以前已经被证明是人类疾病的媒介。结果提示褐家鼠的体表寄生虫物种多样性高。  相似文献   

1. Gene flow and dispersal among populations of a stone‐cased caddis (Tasimiidae: Tasimia palpata) were estimated indirectly using a 460 bp region of the cytochrome oxidase I gene of mitochondrial DNA. 2. There was no significant differentiation at the largest spatial scale (between catchments) and no correlation between genetic distance and geographic distance. These results are consistent with widespread adult dispersal. 3. Conversely, significant genetic differentiation was detected at the smallest spatial scale examined (among reaches within streams). This pattern was primarily because of significant FST values in a single stream (Bundaroo Creek). 4. Bundaroo Creek also had the lowest mean number of haplotypes per population (n = 7) suggesting that a limited number of females may be responsible for recruitment at these sites. Significant FST's at the reach scale may be a result of this ‘patchy’ recruitment. However, additional evidence regarding the long‐range dispersal ability and fecundity of T. palpata females is needed to test this hypothesis fully.  相似文献   

An important question for the conservation of species dwelling in fragmented habitats is whether changes to the intervening landscape create a barrier to gene flow. Here, we make use of the spatial distribution of the granite outcrop‐dwelling lizard, Ctenophorus ornatus, to compare inferred levels of gene flow between outcrops in a nature reserve with that between outcrops in the adjacent agricultural land. Genetic variation, relatedness and subdivision were compared within groups of individuals from different outcrops similar in size and distance apart at each site. In the agricultural land, we found significantly lower genetic variation within outcrops and greater genetic differentiation between outcrops than in the reserve. Further, the rate at which genetic divergence between outcrops increased over geographical distance was significantly greater in the agricultural land than in the reserve. We also found that individuals were more closely related within outcrops but more distantly related between outcrops in the cleared land. These effects occur over a small spatial scale with an average distance between outcrops of less than five kilometres. Thus, even though land clearing around the outcrops leaves outcrop size unchanged, it restricts gene flow, reducing genetic variation and increasing population structure, with potentially negative consequences for the long‐term persistence of the lizards on these outcrops.  相似文献   

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