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Abstract The structure of free‐living arthropod communities on the foliage of Acacia falcata was assessed along an extensive latitudinal gradient in eastern Australia. We hypothesized that abundance and biomass of arthropods within feeding groups would increase from temperate latitudes towards the tropics. We also hypothesized that the ratio of carnivores to herbivores would be consistent along the latitudinal gradient. Three sites at each of four latitudes, spanning 9° and 1150 km (Batemans Bay, Sydney, Grafton, Gympie in Australia), were sampled every season for 2 years, using pyrethrum knockdown. Abundance and biomass (based on dry weight) of arthropods within eight feeding groups were measured. The relative size of the feeding groups, and the ratio of carnivores to herbivores were then compared among latitudes and seasons. We found no consistent north to south (tropical to temperate) change in feeding group structure in terms of abundance. A weak latitudinal trend was evident for predator biomass, consisting of a reduction from north to south, but no significant trends in biomass for other feeding groups were found. Relative abundance and relative biomass of both carnivores and herbivores, as well as the ratio of carnivores to herbivores were consistent among latitudes. Finally, we compared a subset of these data to arthropod communities found on congeneric host species at individual sites along the latitudinal gradient. Overall, 68% of comparisons showed no significant differences in abundance or biomass within different feeding groups between host plants and among latitudes. We conclude that arthropod communities show consistencies among latitudes and between congeneric host species, in terms of feeding group and trophic structure. These results have implications for predicting the impacts of future climate change on arthropod communities.  相似文献   

Ninety-nine length–weight relationships (LWR) were estimated for 70 bentho-demersal fish species captured in four Brazilian estuaries between latitudes 0°S and 25°S. LWR are published for the first time for 13 species. The allometry coefficient ( b ) of the LWR ( W = aTL b ) showed a median of 3.147. Positive allometry was dominant (64 of the 99 species x estuary cases), followed by isometry (28) and negative allometry (7). Twenty-two species were caught in two or more estuaries. In most cases (29 of 33 comparisons), the values of both regression parameters differed significantly among estuaries.  相似文献   

Temperature is widely regarded as a major driver of species richness, but the mechanisms are debated. Niche theory suggests temperature may affect richness by filtering traits and species in colder habitats while promoting specialization in warmer ones. However, tests of this theory are rare because niche dimensions are challenging to quantify along broad thermal gradients. Here, we use individual‐level trait data from a long‐term monitoring network spanning a large geographic extent to test niche‐based theory of community assembly in small mammals. We examined variation in body size among 23 communities of North American rodents sampled across the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), ranging from northern hardwood forests to subtropical deserts. We quantified body size similarity among species using a metric of overlap that accounts for individual variation, and fit a structural equation model to disentangle the relationships between temperature, productivity, body size overlap, and species richness. We document a latitudinal gradient of declining similarity in body size among species towards the tropics and overall increase in the dimensions of community‐wide trait space in warmer habitats. Neither environmental temperature nor net primary productivity directly affect rodent species richness. Instead, temperature determines the community‐wide niche space that species can occupy, which in turn alters richness. We suggest a latitudinal gradient of trait space expansion towards the tropics may be widespread and underlie gradients in species diversity.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Assemblages of phytophagous beetles on Acacia were examined along a 1150 km latitudinal gradient in eastern Australia to investigate the potential effects of climate change on insect communities. The latitudinal gradient was used as a surrogate for differences in temperature. Several possible confounding variables were held constant by selecting comparable sites and emphasising a single host-plant species.
2. Total species richness increased towards the tropics, but there were no significant differences among latitudes for average species density, species richness, Fisher's α , or average Chao-1 index.
3. Beetles sampled along the gradient were classified into four climate change response groups, depending on their latitudinal range and apparent host specificity: cosmopolitan species, generalist feeders , climate generalists , and specialists . These four groups might respond differently to shifting climate zones. Cosmopolitan species (22% of community, found at more than one latitude and on more than one host plant) may be resilient to climate change. Generalist feeders (16%, found only at one latitude but found on more than one Acacia species) may well feed on several species but will have to move with their climatic envelope. Climate generalists (6%, found only on Acacia falcata but found at more than one latitude) may be constrained by the host species' ability to either cope with the changing climate or move with it. Finally, specialists (55%, found only on A. falcata and at only one latitude) may be forced to move poleward concurrently with their host species, or go extinct.
4. The analyses indicate that community structure may be fairly resilient to temperature change. The displacement or local extinction of species, especially the species that are found at only one latitude and on only one host plant, however, may lead to significant changes in community composition.  相似文献   

Aim There is substantial residual scatter about the positive range size–body size relationship in Australian frogs. We test whether species’ life history and abundance can account for this residual scatter. Location Australia. Methods Multiple regressions were performed using both cross‐species and independent contrasts analyses to determine whether clutch size, egg size and species abundance account for variation in range size over and above the effects of body size. Results In both cross‐species and independents contrasts models with body size, clutch size and egg size as predictors, partial r2 values revealed that only egg size was significantly and uniquely related to range size. Contrary to expectation, neither body size nor clutch size could account for significant variation in range size. Incorporating species abundance as a predictor in further multiple regression analysis demonstrated that while abundance accounted for a significant proportion of range size variation, the contribution of egg size was reduced but still significant. Notably, non‐significant relationships persisted between range size and both body size and clutch size. Conclusions The weak positive correlation between body size and range size in Australian frogs disappears after accounting for species abundance and egg size. Our findings demonstrate that species with both high local abundance and small eggs occupy comparatively wider geographical ranges than species with low abundance and large eggs.  相似文献   

Most studies of hibernation physiology sample individuals from populations within a single geographic area, yet some species have large ranges meaning populations likely experience area-specific levels of energetic challenges. As well, few studies have assessed within-season variation. Since physiological adjustments often are influenced by environmental factors, and the types of environments vary with geography, we expected variance in hibernation patterns among geographically separated populations. Our specific goal was to measure intraspecific variation in torpid metabolic rate (TMR) and body temperature (T b) as a function of ambient temperature (T a) for a non-migratory and migratory species to determine whether there is a continuum in physiological responses based on latitude. We chose big brown (Eptesicus fuscus) and eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis) as model species and sampled individuals from populations throughout each species’ winter range. In both species, individuals from southern populations maintained higher TMR at cooler T as and lower TMR at warmer T as than those from northern populations. Big brown bats from southern populations regulated T b during torpor at higher levels and there was no significant difference in T b between populations of eastern red bats. Although metabolic responses were similar across the gradient between species, the effect was more dramatic in big brown bats. Our data demonstrate a continuum in thermoregulatory response, ranging from classic hibernation in northern populations to a pattern more akin to daily torpor in southern populations. Our research highlights the potential usefulness of bats as model organisms to address questions about within-species physiological variation in wild populations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to consider the controlling factors limiting maximum body size of insects. For this analysis, we set up and quantitatively verify the following working hypothesis: insect body sizes can be explained only by the historical changes in the oxygen supply. The present study focuses on the body size of the Protodonata and Odonata. The amount of oxygen needed and that of oxygen entering the insect body was calculated using allometric equations. The theoretical maximum sizes at each geologic time were estimated from palaeo‐atmospheric oxygen partial pressure and compared with the maximum size of known fossilized insects. The historical change in fossilized insect sizes was much larger than that in theoretical sizes. Additionally, from the Jurassic, despite an increase in the partial pressure of oxygen, which would theoretically increase maximum size, the maximum size of fossilized insects became smaller. These findings are inconsistent with the expectations of the working hypothesis. Oxygen supply is likely to partially limit the maximum size of insects with additional factors.  相似文献   

Aims The aims were (1) to assess the species richness and structure of phytophagous Hemiptera communities along a latitudinal gradient, (2) to identify the importance of rare species in structuring these patterns, and (3) to hypothesize about how phytophagous Hemiptera communities may respond to future climate change. Location East coast of Australia. Methods Four latitudes within the 1150 km coastal distribution of Acacia falcata were selected. The insect assemblage on the host plant Acacia falcata was sampled seasonally over two years. Congeneric plant species were also sampled at the sites. Results Ninety‐eight species of phytophagous Hemiptera were collected from A. falcata. Total species richness was significantly lower at the most temperate latitude compared to the three more tropical latitudes. We classified species into four climate change response groups depending on their latitudinal range and apparent host specificity. Pairwise comparisons between groups showed that the cosmopolitan, generalist feeders and specialists had a similar community structure to each other, but the climate generalists had a significantly different structure. Fifty‐seven species were identified as rare. Most of these rare species were phloem hoppers and their removal from the dataset led to changes in the proportional representation of all guilds in two groups: the specialist and generalist feeders. Main conclusions We found no directional increase in phytophagous Hemiptera species richness. This indicates that, at least in the short term, species richness patterns of these communities may be similar to that found today. As the climate continues to change, however, we might expect some increases in species richness at the more temperate latitudes as species migrate in response to shifting climate zones. In the longer term, more substantial changes in community composition will be expected because the rare species, which comprise a large fraction of these communities, will be vulnerable to both direct climatic changes, and indirect effects via changes to their host's distribution.  相似文献   

Food web structure and dynamics depend on relationships between body sizes of predators and their prey. Species‐based and community‐wide estimates of preferred and realized predator–prey mass ratios (PPMR) are required inputs to size‐based size spectrum models of marine communities, food webs, and ecosystems. Here, we clarify differences between PPMR definitions in different size spectrum models, in particular differences between PPMR measurements weighting prey abundance in individual predators by biomass (rbio) and numbers (rnum). We argue that the former weighting generates PPMR as usually conceptualized in equilibrium (static) size spectrum models while the latter usually applies to dynamic models. We use diet information from 170,689 individuals of 34 species of fish in Alaskan marine ecosystems to calculate both PPMR metrics. Using hierarchical models, we examine how explained variance in these metrics changed with predator body size, predator taxonomic resolution, and spatial resolution. In the hierarchical analysis, variance in both metrics emerged primarily at the species level and substantially less variance was associated with other (higher) taxonomic levels or with spatial resolution. This suggests that changes in species composition are the main drivers of community‐wide mean PPMR. At all levels of analysis, relationships between weighted mean rbio or weighted mean rnum and predator mass tended to be dome‐shaped. Weighted mean rnum values, for species and community‐wide, were approximately an order of magnitude higher than weighted mean rbio, reflecting the consistent numeric dominance of small prey in predator diets. As well as increasing understanding of the drivers of variation in PPMR and providing estimates of PPMR in the north Pacific Ocean, our results demonstrate that that rbio or rnum, as well as their corresponding weighted means for any defined group of predators, are not directly substitutable. When developing equilibrium size‐based models based on bulk energy flux or comparing PPMR estimates derived from the relationship between body mass and trophic level with those based on diet analysis, weighted mean rbio is a more appropriate measure of PPMR. When calibrating preference PPMR in dynamic size spectrum models then weighted mean rnum will be a more appropriate measure of PPMR.  相似文献   

In communities sharing a common energy source, the energetic equivalence hypothesis predicts that numerical abundance (N) scales with body mass (M) as M?0.75. However, in size‐structured food webs all individuals do not share a common energy source, and the energy available (E) to larger individuals is constrained by inefficient energy transfer through the food chains that support them. This is expected to lead to steeper scalings of N with M. Here, we formalize and test an existing model for predicting abundance–body mass scaling, where the decline in E with M is calculated from the mean predator–prey body mass ratio (from size‐based nitrogen stable isotope analysis) and trophic transfer efficiency. We show that the steep predicted scalings of abundance and body mass (N scales as M?1.2, B scales as M?0.2) in a marine food web are consistent with empirical estimates and can be attributed to the small predator–prey body mass ratio (106 : 1). As a previous study has shown that environmental stability may favour low predator–prey mass ratios and long food chains, we predict that steeper abundance–body mass relationships will be found in more stable environments.  相似文献   

Urbanization is increasing worldwide and is regarded a major threat to biodiversity in forests. As consequences of intensive human use, the vegetation structure of naturally growing urban forests and their amount of deadwood can be reduced. Deadwood is an essential resource for various saproxylic insects and fungi. We assessed the effects of urbanization and forest characteristics on saproxylic insects and fungi. We exposed standardized bundles consisting of each three freshly cut beech and oak branches in 25 forests along a rural–urban gradient in Basel (Switzerland). After an exposure of 8 months, we extracted the saproxylic insects for 10 months using an emergence trap for each bundle. We used drilling chips from each branch to determine fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs). In all, 193,534 insect individuals emerged from the experimental bundles. Our study showed that the abundance of total saproxylic insects, bark beetles, longhorn beetles, total flies, moths, and ichneumonid wasps decreased with increasing degree of urbanization, but not their species richness. However, the taxonomic composition of all insect groups combined was altered by wood moisture of branches and that of saproxylic beetles was influenced by the degree of urbanization. Unexpectedly, forest size and local forest characteristics had a minor effect on saproxylic insects. ITS (internal transcribed spacer of rDNA) analysis with fungal specific primers revealed a total of 97 fungal OTUs on the bundles. The number of total fungal OTUs decreased with increasing degree of urbanization and was affected by the volume of naturally occurring fine woody debris. The composition of fungal OTUs was altered by the degree of urbanization and pH of the branch wood. As a consequence of the altered compositions of saproxylics, the association between total saproxylic insects and fungi changed along the rural–urban gradient. Our study shows that urbanization can negatively impact saproxylic insects and fungi.  相似文献   

Sex‐dependent gene expression is likely an important genomic mechanism that allows sex‐specific adaptation to environmental changes. Among Drosophila species, sex‐biased genes display remarkably consistent evolutionary patterns; male‐biased genes evolve faster than unbiased genes in both coding sequence and expression level, suggesting sex differences in selection through time. However, comparatively little is known of the evolutionary process shaping sex‐biased expression within species. Latitudinal clines offer an opportunity to examine how changes in key ecological parameters also influence sex‐specific selection and the evolution of sex‐biased gene expression. We assayed male and female gene expression in Drosophila serrata along a latitudinal gradient in eastern Australia spanning most of its endemic distribution. Analysis of 11 631 genes across eight populations revealed strong sex differences in the frequency, mode and strength of divergence. Divergence was far stronger in males than females and while latitudinal clines were evident in both sexes, male divergence was often population specific, suggesting responses to localized selection pressures that do not covary predictably with latitude. While divergence was enriched for male‐biased genes, there was no overrepresentation of X‐linked genes in males. By contrast, X‐linked divergence was elevated in females, especially for female‐biased genes. Many genes that diverged in D. serrata have homologs also showing latitudinal divergence in Drosophila simulans and Drosophila melanogaster on other continents, likely indicating parallel adaptation in these distantly related species. Our results suggest that sex differences in selection play an important role in shaping the evolution of gene expression over macro‐ and micro‐ecological spatial scales.  相似文献   

Body mass, volume and surface area are important for many aspects of the physiology and performance of species. Whereas body mass scaling received a lot of attention in the literature, surface areas of animals have not been measured explicitly in this context. We quantified surface area–volume (SA/V) ratios for the first time using 3D surface models based on a structured light scanning method for 126 species of pollinating insects from 4 orders (Diptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Coleoptera). Water loss of 67 species was measured gravimetrically at very dry conditions for 2 h at 15 and 30 °C to demonstrate the applicability of the new 3D surface measurements and relevance for predicting the performance of insects. Quantified SA/V ratios significantly explained the variation in water loss across species, both directly or after accounting for isometric scaling (residuals of the SA/V ~ mass2/3 relationship). Small insects with a proportionally larger surface area had the highest water loss rates. Surface scans of insects to quantify allometric SA/V ratios thus provide a promising method to predict physiological responses, improving the potential of body mass isometry alone that assume geometric similarity.  相似文献   

Studies of geographical patterns of diversity have focused largely on compiling and analysing data to evaluate alternative hypotheses for the near‐universal decrease in species richness from the equator to the poles. Valuable insights into the mechanisms that promote diversity can come from studies of other patterns, such as variation in species distributions with elevation in terrestrial systems or with depth in marine systems. To obtain such insights, we analysed and interpreted data on species diversity, depth of occurrence and body size of pelagic fishes along an oceanic depth gradient. We used a database on pelagic marine fishes native to the north‐east Pacific Ocean between 40°N and 50°N. We used data from the Pacific Rim Fisheries Program that were obtained from commercial, management and scientific surveys between 1999 and 2000. Depth of occurrence and maximum body length were used to assess the distributions of 409 species of pelagic fishes along a depth gradient from 0 to 8000 m. A presence–absence matrix was used to classify the depth range of each species into 100‐m intervals. Atmar & Patterson's (1995 ) software was used to quantify the degree of nestedness of species distributions. Pelagic fish species diversity decreased steeply with increasing depth; diversity peaked at less than 200 m and more than half of the species had mean depths of occurrence between 0 and 300 m. The distribution of species showed a very strong nested subset pattern along the depth gradient. Whereas species with narrow ranges were generally restricted to shallow waters, wide‐ranging species occurred from near the surface to great depths. The relationship between maximum body size and mean depth range differed between teleost and elasmobranch fishes: being positive for teleosts, but negative for elasmobranches. Results support hypotheses that some combination of high productivity and warm temperature promote high species diversity, and reject those that would attribute the pattern of species richness to the mid‐domain effect, habitat area, or environmental constancy. The data provided a clear example of Rapoport's rule, a negative correlation between average depth range and species diversity.  相似文献   

The magnitude and direction of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) varies greatly across the animal kingdom, reflecting differential selection pressures on the reproductive and/or ecological roles of males and females. If the selection pressures and constraints imposed on body size change along environmental gradients, then SSD will vary geographically in a predictable way. Here, we uncover a biogeographical reversal in SSD of lizards from Central and North America: in warm, low latitude environments, males are larger than females, but at colder, high latitudes, females are larger than males. Comparisons to expectations under a Brownian motion model of SSD evolution indicate that this pattern reflects differences in the evolutionary rates and/or trajectories of sex‐specific body sizes. The SSD gradient we found is strongly related to mean annual temperature, but is independent of species richness and body size differences among species within grid cells, suggesting that the biogeography of SSD reflects gradients in sexual and/or fecundity selection, rather than intersexual niche divergence to minimize intraspecific competition. We demonstrate that the SSD gradient is driven by stronger variation in male size than in female size and is independent of clutch mass. This suggests that gradients in sexual selection and male–male competition, rather than fecundity selection to maximize reproductive output by females in seasonal environments, are predominantly responsible for the gradient.  相似文献   

  • Species responses to climate change will be primarily driven by their environmental tolerance range, or niche breadth, with the expectation that broad niches will increase resilience. Niche breadth is expected to be larger in more heterogeneous environments and moderated by life history. Niche breadth also varies across life stages. Therefore, the life stage with the narrowest niche may serve as the best predictor of climatic vulnerability. To investigate the relationship between niche breadth, climate and life stage we identify germination niche breadth for dormant and non‐dormant seeds in multiple populations of three milkweed (Asclepias) species.
  • Complementary trials evaluated germination under conditions simulating historic and predicted future climate by varying cold–moist stratification temperature, length and incubation temperature. Germination niche breadth was derived from germination evenness across treatments (Levins Bn), with stratified seeds considered less dormant than non‐stratified seeds.
  • Germination response varies significantly among species, populations and treatments. Cold–moist stratification ≥4 weeks (1–3 °C) followed by incubation at 25/15 °C+ achieves peak germination for most populations. Germination niche breadth significantly expands following stratification and interacts significantly with latitude of origin. Interestingly, two species display a positive relationship between niche breadth and latitude, while the third presents a concave quadratic relationship.
  • Germination niche breadth significantly varies by species, latitude and population, suggesting an interaction between source climate, life history and site‐specific factors. Results contribute to our understanding of inter‐ and intraspecific variation in germination, underscore the role of dormancy in germination niche breadth, and have implications for prioritising and conserving species under climate change.

The responses of organisms to temperature variations may be via short term responses of the phenotype (phenotypic plasticity), or they could involve long-term evolutionary change and adaptation (via selection) to the genotype. These could involve changes to the mean size of the animal or to the thermal reaction norm. We examined the effects of various temperatures (of 22, 25, 28, and 31 °C) on development time, adult body size and preadult survivorship in three populations of the cockroach, Eupolyphaga sinensis (Walker), collected at different latitudes. We found substantial temperature-induced plasticity in development time, body size, and preadult survivorship, indicating that developmental temperatures have strong impacts on growth and life history traits of E. sinensis. Genetic differences for development time, body size, and preadult survivorship were detected among populations, and the three traits exhibited highly significant variations in the responses of different populations to various temperature conditions, indicating genetic differences among populations in terms of thermal reaction norms. We also found that two populations seem to support the beneficial acclimation hypothesis whereas the third mid-latitude population does not. The results are likely because of differences in season length and voltinism, indicating that not only temperature regime but also its interactions with generation time (and development time), voltinism, and season length are likely to have considerable effects on insect development time and body size. Overall, changes in development time, body size, and preadult survivorship in E. sinensis can all be regarded as adaptations to changing thermal regimes.  相似文献   

  • Climate change is driving movements of many plants beyond, as well as within, their current distributional ranges. Even migrant plants moving within their current range may experience different plant–soil feedbacks (PSF) because of divergent nonlocal biotic soil conditions. Yet, our understanding to what extent soil biotic conditions can affect the performance of within‐range migrant plants is still very limited.
  • We assessed the emergence and growth of migrant forest herbs (Milium effusum and Stachys sylvatica) using soils and seeds collected along a 1,700 km latitudinal gradient across Europe. Soil biota were manipulated through four soil treatments, i.e. unsterilized control soil (PSFUS), sterilized soil (PSFS), sterilized soil inoculated with unsterilized home soil (PSFS+HI) and sterilized soil inoculated with unsterilized foreign soil (PSFS+FI, expected to occur when both plants and soil biota track climate change).
  • Compared to PSFS, PSFUS had negative effects on the growth but not emergence of both species, while PSFS+FI only affected Ssylvatica across all seed provenances. When considering seed origin, seedling emergence and growth responses to nonlocal soils depended on soil biotic conditions. Specifically, the home–away distance effect on seedling emergence differed between the four treatments, and significant responses to chemistry either disappeared (M. effusum) or changed (S. sylvatica) from PSFUS to PSFS.
  • Soil biota emerge as an important driver of the estimated plant migration success. Our results of the effects of soil microorganisms on plant establishment provide relevant information for predictions of the distribution and dynamics of plant species in a changing climate.

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