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1. We estimated uptake of stream water dissolved organic carbon (DOC) through a whole-stream addition of a 13C-DOC tracer coupled with laboratory measurements of bioavailability of the tracer and stream water DOC.
2. The tracer, a leachate of 13C-labelled tree tissues, was added to the head waters of White Clay Creek, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., over a 2-h period and followed 1.27 km downstream to generate mass transfer coefficients for DOC lability classes within the tracer.
3. From the longitudinal 13C uptake curve, we resolved labile and semi-labile DOC classes within the 13C-DOC tracer comprising 82% and 18% of the tracer respectively.
4. Plug-flow laboratory bioreactors colonized and maintained with stream water were used to determine the concentration of stream water DOC fractions that had a similar lability to the labile and semi-labile classes within the tracer and we assumed that stream water DOC and tracer DOC with comparable lability fractions in the bioreactors behaved similarly in the stream, i.e. they had the same mass transfer coefficients.
5. A small fraction (8.6%) of the stream water DOC was labile, travelling 238 m downstream before being taken up. The remaining bioavailable stream water DOC was semi-labile and transported 4.5 km downstream before being taken up. These uptake lengths suggest that the labile DOC is an energy source within a stream reach, while the semi-labile DOC is exported out of the reach to larger rivers and the downstream estuary, where it may provide energy for marine microbial communities or simply be exported to the oceans.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Ambracia, in northwestern Greece, hosts a highly threatened community of about 150 common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Until now, information on their feeding habits was derived exclusively from fish scale samples collected during surface-feeding events targeting small schooling epipelagic fish. The aim of this study was to determine the diet of bottlenose dolphins living in the Gulf of Ambracia through the application of Bayesian isotopic mixing models. Skin biopsy samples of 16 dolphins were analyzed and no difference related to sex or age-class was found in δ13C and δ15N values. Results suggested that the dolphin diet was mainly based on Trachurus trachurus, species belonging to the family Sparidae: Diplodus annularis, Lithognathus mormyrus, and Sepia officinalis, which represented together about 42% ± 15% of the biomass ingested, followed by species belonging to the order Clupeiformes (Engraulis encrasicolus, Sardinella aurita, and Sardina pilchardus) and the genus Gobius (37% ± 17%). A better understanding of the feeding habits of these dolphins sheds light on the feeding ecology of this highly threatened population by, for instance, evidencing interactions with artisanal fisheries sharing the same target species, and is key for identifying adequate management measures consistent with an ecosystem-based approach.  相似文献   

A number of recent studies have attempted to trace diet at different stages of an individual's life by comparing isotope ratios of bone from different gross anatomical sites within the skeleton. In this study we develop this approach further by separating bone of differing mineral densities within one skeletal element, where each density fraction represents a different period of time. Isotope ratios are measured for these fractions. Each density fraction represents a period of bone formation and maturation, where younger (more recently formed) bone is less well-mineralized and therefore less dense than relatively older packets of bone. In an adult, bone is therefore able to partition approximately the last 15 years of life. Bone fractions were recovered by stepped ultracentrifugation in a series of organic solvents of increasing density, and then collagen was recovered by decalcification in dilute acid, and stable carbon isotope ratios ((13)C/(12)C) were measured. Bone density microstructure was checked for bacterial remodelling using backscattered electron imaging in a scanning electron microscope. Our results indicate that the bone density fractionation method is applicable to archaeological material, here extending to a maximum of 5,000 years BP, and that collagen can successfully be extracted from such fractions. The carbon isotope values for bone fractions of different densities patterned out as expected in one modern control bone and in specimens from five archaeological human skeletons, including three precolonial hunter-gatherers and two 18th/19th century individuals. The latter two are known (from previous assessments) to have undergone marked changes in diet during their lifetimes. Postmortem alteration was evident in some of the specimens examined. The bone density fractionation approach has allowed greater resolution of diet than has hitherto been possible and has provided access to the elusive last years and months of an individual's life.  相似文献   

The nature of the particulate organic matter (POM) as well as its temporal and spatial distribution and dynamics in the Curonian Lagoon (south-eastern part of the Baltic Sea) were investigated. The organic matter was characterized by the organic carbon and nitrogen content, δ13C and δ15N signatures as well as POC/Chl-a and C/N ratios. Additionally, data on hydrological, chemical and biological parameters were used for better understanding the POM distribution and dynamics. The sampling was performed at 13 stations in the Curonian Lagoon and its outflow in the Baltic Sea during the 2012–2013 period. Samples were also collected at the Nemunas River mouth in order to test the riverine impact. Obtained results showed that isotopic values of carbon and nitrogen ranged from −36.1‰ to −25.2‰ and from −0.9‰ to 15.5‰, respectively. The isotopic composition, together with the low C/N molar (∼7) and POC/Chl-a ratios (<100) of the POM, suggested the dominance of living phytoplankton in POM throughout the year with the higher input of detrital material (C/N >10, POC/Chl-a ratios >100) in late autumn − winter.The results of multivariate analysis evidenced a spatial distinction of POM distribution in the northern-transitional and central confined areas and allowed us to distinguish the main driving factors. The seasonal variation of the δ13C and δ15N values in POM (towards higher δ13C and lower δ15N values in the summer − early autumn period and lower δ13C and higher δ15N values in the late autumn − spring period) was determined by combination of factors such as availability of inorganic carbon and nitrogen, the riverine discharge, seasonal phytoplankton succession and by the short-term saline water intrusion to the northern-transitional part of the lagoon.  相似文献   

Isotopic analyses of the incrementally growing baleen in Mysticeti have been used to learn about their feeding and movement patterns. Using methods previously applied to Pacific minke whales, stable δ15N and δ13C isotope values were measured along the baleen plates of male and female minke whales from two locations in the Northeast Atlantic. The sample sizes used in this study are comparable to those previously used in the literature, and, although limited in size, the evidence suggests differences in isotopic signatures between whales caught at different locations. Both the δ15N and δ13C data suggest whales at the higher latitude site of Svalbard have a narrower diet than the whales from Lofoten/Vesterålen in Norway. Across all whales, the δ15N data indicate the whales primarily prey on fish for much of the year, only switching to zooplankton during the spring bloom. The δ13C data fail to confirm whether the whales migrate over long distances.  相似文献   

Wildfires have shaped the biogeography of south Chilean Araucaria–Nothofagus rainforest vegetation patterns, but their impact on soil properties and associated nutrient cycling remains unclear. Nitrogen (N) availability shows a site‐specific response to wildfire events indicating the need for an increased understanding of underlying mechanisms that drive changes in soil N cycling. In this study, we selected unburned and burned sites in a large area of the National Park Tolhuaca that was affected by a stand‐replacing wildfire in February 2002. We conducted net N cycling flux measurements (net ammonification, net nitrification and net N mineralization assays) on soils sampled 3 years after fire. In addition, samples were physically fractionated and natural abundance of C and N, and 13C‐NMR analyses were performed. Results indicated that standing inorganic N pools were greater in the burned soil, but that no main differences in net N cycling fluxes were observed between unburned and burned sites. In both sites, net ammonification and net nitrification fluxes were low or negative, indicating N immobilization. Multiple linear regression analyses indicated that soil N cycling could largely be explained by two parameters: light fraction (LF) soil organic matter N content and aromatic Chemical Oxidation Resistant Carbon (CORECarom), a relative measure for char. The LF fraction, a strong NH4+ sink, decreased as a result of fire, while CORECarom increased in the burned soil profile and stimulated NO3 production. The absence of increased total net nitrification might relate to a decrease in heterotrophic nitrification after wildfire. We conclude that (i) wildfire induced a shift in N transformation pathways, but not in total net N mineralization, and (ii) stable isotope measurements are a useful tool to assess post‐fire soil organic matter dynamics.  相似文献   

基于碳稳定同位素示踪的金水河颗粒有机碳来源辨析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谭慧娟  夏晓玲  吴川  张全发 《生态学报》2014,34(19):5445-5452
颗粒有机碳(Particle Organic Carbon,POC)在河流碳循环中占重要地位,并能提供流域内自然及人类活动的记录。通过采集和测定汉江上游金水河流域河岸带土壤和植物及河流中藻类和悬浮颗粒有机碳(POC)的季节性碳稳定同位素值和C/N比值,对河流水体中悬浮颗粒有机碳的浓度的季节性变化特征以及来源及其贡献进行了研究。结果表明,金水河流域水体中颗粒有机碳(POC)的浓度值存在明显的季节性变化特征,夏季春季秋季冬季。河流上游轻度干扰区的POC浓度值明显低于中下游中度干扰区和严重干扰区。河流中POC主要来源于土壤有机质、C3植物和藻类3个端元,而来源于浮游生物和C4植物碎屑的贡献很小。各季节之间具体的来源及其贡献有所差异,且POC的来源及其贡献具有空间差异。因此,金水河水体中颗粒有机碳(POC)的来源及其贡献受到季节变化和人为干扰程度的影响。  相似文献   

The fate of immobilized N in soils is one of the great uncertainties in predicting C sequestration at increased CO2 and N deposition. In a dual isotope tracer experiment (13C, 15N) within a 4‐year CO2 enrichment (+200 ppmv) study with forest model ecosystems, we (i) quantified the effects of elevated CO2 on the partitioning of N; (ii) traced immobilized N into physically separated pools of soil organic matter (SOM) with turnover rates known from their 13C signals; and (iii) estimated the remobilization and thus, the bio‐availability of newly sequestered C and N. (1) CO2 enrichment significantly decreased NO3? concentrations in soil waters and export from 1.5 m deep lysimeters by 30–80%. Consequently, elevated CO2 increased the overall retention of N in the model ecosystems. (2) About 60–80% of added 15NH415NO3 were retained in soils. The clay fraction was the greatest sink for the immobilized 15N sequestering 50–60% of the total new soil N. SOM associated with clay contained only 25% of the total new soil C pool and had small C/N ratios (<13), indicating that it consists of humified organic matter with a relatively slow turn over rate. This implies that added 15N was mainly immobilized in stable mineral‐bound SOM pools. (3) Incubation of soils for 1 year showed that the remobilization of newly sequestered N was three to nine times smaller than that of newly sequestered C. Thus, inorganic inputs of N were stabilized more effectively in soils than C. Significantly less newly sequestered N was remobilized from soils previously exposed to elevated CO2. In summary, our results show firstly that a large fraction of inorganic N inputs becomes effectively immobilized in relative stable SOM pools and secondly that elevated CO2 can increase N retention in soils and hence it may tighten N cycling and diminish the risk of nitrate leaching to groundwater.  相似文献   

Lateral exchange of water and nutrients between xylem and surrounding tissues helps to de‐couple uptake from utilization in all parts of a plant. We studied the dynamics of these exchanges, using stable isotope tracers for water (H218O), magnesium (26Mg), potassium (41K) and calcium (44Ca) delivered via a cut stem for various periods to the transpiration stream of bean shoots (Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Fardenlosa Shiny). Tracers were subsequently mapped in stem cross‐sections with cryo‐secondary ion mass spectrometry. The water tracer equilibrated within minutes across the entire cross‐section. In contrast, the nutrient tracers showed a very heterogeneous exchange between xylem vessels and the different stem tissues, even after 4 h. Dynamics of nutrients in the tissues revealed a fast and extensive exchange of nutrients in the xylem parenchyma, with, for example, calcium being completely replaced by tracer in less than 5 min. Dilution of potassium tracer during its 30 s transit in xylem sap through the stem showed that potassium concentration was up‐regulated over many hours, to the extent that some of it was probably supplied by phloem recirculation from the shoot.  相似文献   

This study presents a comprehensive analysis ofnitrogen (N) cycling in a second-order forestedstream in southern Michigan that has moderatelyhigh concentrations of ammonium (mean,16 g N/L) and nitrate (17 g N/L). Awhole-stream 15NH4 + addition wasperformed for 6 weeks in June and July, and thetracer 15N was measured downstream inammonium, nitrate, and detrital and livingbiomass. Ancillary measurements includedbiomass of organic matter, algae, bacteria andfungi, nutrient concentrations, hydrauliccharacteristics, whole-stream metabolism, andnutrient limitation assays. The resultsprovide insights into the heterotrophic natureof woodland streams and reveal the rates atwhich biological processes alter nitrogentransport through stream systems.Ammonium uptake lengths were 766–1349 m anduptake rates were 41–60 g N m–2min–1. Nitrate uptake could not bedetected. Nitrification rates were estimatedfrom the downstream increase in15N-enriched nitrate using a simulationmodel. The ammonium was removed bynitrification (57% of total uptake),heterotrophic bacteria and fungi associatedwith detritus (29%), and epilithic algae(14%). Growth of algae was likely limited bylight rather than nutrients, and dissolvedO2 revealed that the stream metabolism washeterotrophic overall (P:R = 0.2). Incubationsof detritus in darkened chambers showed thatuptake of 15N was mostly heterotrophic.Microbial N in detritus and algal N inepilithon appeared to reach isotopic steadystate with the dissolved ammonium, but theisotopic enrichment of the bulk detritus andepilithon did not approach that of ammonium,probably due to a large fraction of organic Nin the bulk samples that was not turning over. The actively cycling fraction of total N inorganic compartments was estimated from theisotopic enrichment, assuming uptake ofammonium but not nitrate, to be 23% forepilithon, 1% for fine benthic organic matter,5% for small woody debris, and 7% for leaves. These percentages agree with independentestimates of epilithic algal biomass, whichwere based on carbon:chlorophyll ratios in bulksamples and in algal fractions separated bydensity-gradient centrifugation in colloidalsilica, and of microbial N in the detritus,which were based on N released by chloroformfumigations.  相似文献   

Urbanisation is one of the most significant threats to biodiversity, due to the rapid and large‐scale environmental alterations it imposes on the natural landscape. It is, therefore, imperative that we understand the consequences of and mechanisms by which, species can respond to it. In recent years, research has shown that plasticity of the gut microbiome may be an important mechanism by which animals can adapt to environmental change, yet empirical evidence of this in wild non‐model species remains sparse. Using an empirical replicated study system, we show that city life alters the gut microbiome and stable isotope profiling of a wild native non‐model species – the eastern water dragon (Intellagama lesueurii) in Queensland, Australia. City dragons exhibit a more diverse gut microbiome than their native habitat counterparts and show gut microbial signatures of a high fat and plant rich diet. Additionally, we also show that city dragons have elevated levels of the Nitrogen‐15 isotope in their blood suggesting that a city diet, which incorporates novel anthropogenic food sources, may also be richer in protein. These results highlight the role that gut microbial plasticity plays in an animals' response to human‐altered landscapes.  相似文献   

Knowledge of soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics following deforestation or reforestation is essential for evaluating carbon (C) budgets and cycle at regional or global scales. Worldwide land‐use changes involving conversion of vegetation with different photosynthetic pathways (e.g. C3 and C4) offer a unique opportunity to quantify SOM decomposition rate and its response to climatic conditions using stable isotope techniques. We synthesized the results from 131 sites (including 87 deforestation observations and 44 reforestation observations) which were compiled from 36 published papers in the literatures as well as our observations in China's Qinling Mountains. Based on the 13C natural abundance analysis, we evaluated the dynamics of new and old C in top soil (0–20 cm) following land‐use change and analyzed the relationships between soil organic C (SOC) decomposition rates and climatic factors. We found that SOC decomposition rates increased significantly with mean annual temperature and precipitation in the reforestation sites, and they were not related to any climatic factor in deforestation sites. The mean annual temperature explained 56% of variation in SOC decomposition rates by exponential model (y = 0.0014e0.1395x) in the reforestation sites. The proportion of new soil C increased following deforestation and reforestation, whereas the old soil C showed an opposite trend. The proportion of new soil C exceeded the proportion of old soil C after 45.4 years' reforestation and 43.4 years' deforestation, respectively. The rates of new soil C accumulation increased significantly with mean annual precipitation and temperature in the reforestation sites, yet only significantly increased with mean annual precipitation in the deforestation sites. Overall, our study provides evidence that SOC decomposition rates vary with temperature and precipitation, and thereby implies that global warming may accelerate SOM decomposition.  相似文献   

This paper reviews progress in understanding the processes which are important in elemental interactions and which influence organic matter composition of soils of the Great Plains in N. America. Comparison of grassland (semiarid) soils along environmental gradients and cultivation chrono- and toposequences with adjacent forest (subhumid) soils and consideration of the C/N/P/S ratios of organic matter of genetic horizons in the solum have emphasized the importance of movement of low molecular weight organic compounds in soil solution in addition to microbial degradation in the formulation of organic matter in soils. Phosphorus forms and transformations help to provide both an index on weathering and insight into textural influences. Use of 15N and 34S in combination with14C and other radioisotopes has provided valuable information on processes. Submicroscopy techniques in combination with cytoplasmic staining techniques have focussed attention in a realistic way on the mechanisms of organic matter stability. More attention must be paid to the catalytic role of soil inorganic constituents and selected minerals in the abiotic formation of stable organic matter. Conceptual and mathematical simulation models have an invaluable role in focussing attention on important processes and verifying hypotheses.  相似文献   

The late Kimmeridgian Nusplingen Plattenkalk (palaeolatitude ~30°N) is one of the well‐known European Plattenkalk konservatlagerstätten. The laminated limestones of this lagerstätte have been deposited in a shallow lagoon, surrounded by sponge‐microbial mounds, some of which formed small islands. Plattenkalk sediments are often thought to have been deposited below a halocline, which was induced by high evaporation rates. By measuring the stable isotope composition of belemnite rostra (n = 27) of the species Hibolithes semisulcatus, the depositional environment of the Nusplingen Plattenkalk has been investigated. Cathodoluminescence‐microscopy and trace element analysis have been applied to check for diagenetic alteration of the studied rostra. The mean δ13C of the well‐preserved rostra is +0.03 ± 0.27‰, the mean δ18O ?0.68 ± 0.3‰. A narrow range of stable isotope data acquired from an accumulation of rostra, regurgitated by a fish or reptile, supports the notion that belemnite calcite reflects environmental conditions. The palaeontological and sedimentological findings suggest that H. semisulcatus was autochthonous to the Nusplingen Plattenkalk. Anoxic conditions prevailed in the sediments and temporarily in the water‐column above the sediment/bottom water interface. A nektobenthic life style can be excluded for the Nusplingen belemnites; a demersal life style seems unlikely. Comparison with δ18Obel data from other latitudes indicates that a latitudinal gradient played a role in the δ18O composition of seawater. A pelagic, inner shelf setting is therefore suggested for the Plattenkalk, an interpretation that is supported by palaeontological evidence. It is here proposed that the formation of the Nusplingen Plattenkalk was not caused by salinity stratification. It is further suggested that the belemnites were not restricted to deep‐water settings, but also occurred in shallow waters and higher in the water‐column.  相似文献   

流溪河水库颗粒有机物及浮游动物碳、氮稳定同位素特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宁加佳  刘辉  古滨河  刘正文 《生态学报》2012,32(5):1502-1509
为了解影响流溪河水库颗粒有机物(POM)碳和氮稳定同位素(δ13C和δ15N)变化的主要因素,及其与浮游动物δ13C和δ15N之间的关系,于2008年5月至12月份对POM及浮游动物的δ13C和δ15N进行了研究。颗粒有机物碳稳定同位素(δ13CPOM)和氮稳定同位素(δ15NPOM)的季节性变化幅度分别为5.1‰和2.2‰,5月和7月份δ13CPOM较高,而在10月和12月份降低,这主要与降雨将大量外源有机物带入水库而引起的外源及内源有机物在POM组成上发生变化有关。δ15NPOM总体呈上升趋势,可能是由降雨引起的外源负荷、初级生产力、生物固氮等因素共同作用的结果。浮游动物的δ13C及δ15N总的变化趋势与POM的相似,也具有明显的季节性变化,食物来源的季节变化可能是造成其变化的主要原因。在5月份,浮游动物的食物来源为POM中δ13C较高的部分,也就是外源有机物,而在10月及12月份,其食物则可能主要为浮游植物。  相似文献   

通过测定上海市青浦区东风港百慕大、白花三叶草、高羊茅和白茅等4种典型滨岸草本植物各组织以及不同垂直深度土壤有机质δ13C值,对滨岸草地生态系统的植物-土壤碳稳定同位素特征进行了分析.结果表明: 白花三叶草、高羊茅属于C3植物,百慕大、白茅属于C4植物,其茎叶、凋落物和根系各组织间δ13C值无显著差异.C3和C4植物样带表层土壤有机质δ13C值随着土壤深度递增而呈现截然不同的变化特征,这与样带本底δ13C值以及碳稳定同位素分馏效应有关,同时还受植物根系分布深度的影响.植物输入是土壤有机碳(SOC)的最主要来源,植物有机体δ13C组成对土壤有机质δ13C值有直接影响,植物各组分δ13C值与土壤有机质δ13C值均存在极显著相关.4种草本植物样带SOC含量与δ13C值均呈极显著相关,其中,C3植物样带SOC含量与δ13C值呈线性负相关,C4植物样带SOC含量与δ13C值呈线性正相关.  相似文献   

Carbon ((13)C/(12)C) and nitrogen ((15)N/(14)N) stable isotope ratios were longitudinally measured in fingernail and hair samples from mother-infant pairs where infants were exclusively breastfed (n = 5), breast- and formula-fed (n = 2), or exclusively formula-fed (n = 1) from birth. All exclusively breastfed infants had a dual enrichment in carbon ( approximately 1 per thousand) and nitrogen ( approximately 2-3 per thousand) when compared to maternal values. In contrast, breast- and formula-fed subjects had reduced enrichments compared to exclusively breastfed subjects, and the exclusively formula-fed infant showed no increase in delta(13)C or delta(15)N values. This finding of a carbon trophic level effect in breastfeeding infants suggests that (13)C-enrichments of approximately 1 per thousand in archaeological populations are not necessarily the result of the consumption of C(4)-based weaning foods such as maize or millet. During the weaning process, the delta(13)C results for breastfed infants declined to maternal levels more rapidly than the delta(15)N results. This suggests that delta(13)C values have the potential to track the introduction of solid foods into the diet, whereas delta(15)N values monitor the length of time of breast milk consumption. These findings can be used to refine the isotopic analysis of breastfeeding and weaning patterns in past and modern populations.  相似文献   

We analyzed the δ13C and δ15N values in the vibrissae of captive adult breeding South American sea lions (Otaria byronia) fed at a constant diet and then used this information to analyze the change in stable isotope values along the vibrissae from wild individuals. The overall diet‐to‐vibrissa discrimination factor of the captive animals was 3.0‰ ± 0.1‰ for δ13C and 3.6‰ ± 0.1‰ for δ15N, but the stable isotope ratios fluctuated periodically despite constant diet. The δ13C and δ15N values of the captive male declined at the end of the breeding season, whereas the δ13C values of the female increased during the central part of pregnancy and the δ15N values peaked during lactation. The δ13C and δ15N values of adult wild specimens also fluctuated periodically and vibrissae growth rate (0.15 mm/d in both sexes) was slightly lower than in captivity (0.17 mm/d), assuming an annual periodicity for oscillations. Similarities in the amplitude of the cycles of captive and wild males suggested that fasting was probably the main source of periodic variability in the δ15N of wild males, whereas pregnancy and lactation were probably the main source of periodic variability for the δ13C of wild females.  相似文献   

以长江一级支流小江上游的汉丰湖为研究对象,设置了4个采样点(影响组:A, B;对照组:C, D),应用碳、氮稳定性同位素探讨人类生活污水和农业面源污染对汉丰湖水生生态系统中不同营养级水平生物类群的影响。结果表明:影响组POM(颗粒有机物)和螺类碳、氮稳定性同位素比值范围分别为-25.93‰--24.63‰、4.12‰-9.86‰,-14.28‰--21.60‰、7.97‰-19.99‰;对照组POM(颗粒有机物)和螺类碳、氮稳定性同位素比值范围分别为-25.62‰--22.51‰、0.01‰-6.56‰,-22.96‰--19.21‰、6.75‰-8.89‰;不同组间POM和初级消费者螺类碳同位素比值无明显空间变化(P>0.05), 而氮稳定性同位素比值空间变化显著(P<0.05)。因此,在汉丰湖食物网中,氮稳定性同位素特征更好地反应了营养物质(人为输入)吸收和富集的信息。与固着藻类、鱼类等相比,POM和软体动物螺类更适合作为环境评价的指示物。影响组A、B样点的部分生物类群已经受到了人为营养物质输入的影响,影响强度B样点区域>A样点区域。结果建议加强汉丰湖水环境保护,控制污水排放量及提高污水处理水平,对于保护小江和三峡库区水质具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

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