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The golden-striped salamander (Chioglossa lusitanica) is an ecologically specialized species, endemic to north-western Iberia. Patterns of genetic variation were assessed at seven polymorphic enzyme loci and one mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) marker (cytochrome b) in 17 populations across its range. Estimates of enzyme genetic diversity revealed a high degree of genetic subdivision (FST = 0.68), mainly attributable to the existence of two groups of populations. The groups were located, respectively, north and south of the Mondego River, indicating that this river coincided with a major historical barrier to gene flow. A significant decrease in genetic variability from the Mondego northwards was associated with the Douro and Minho rivers. mtDNA sequence variation revealed a congruent pattern of two haplotype groups (d = 2.2%), with a geographical distribution resembling that of allozymes. The pattern and depth of genetic variation is consistent with the following hypotheses: (i) subdivision of an ancestral range of the species prior to the middle Pleistocene; (ii) secondary contact between populations representing historical refugia; (iii) relatively recent range expansion giving rise to the northern part of the species range; and (iv) loss of genetic variation through founder effects during range expansion across major rivers.  相似文献   

We used the widely distributed freshwater fish, perch (Perca fluviatilis), to investigate the postglacial colonization routes of freshwater fishes in Europe. Genetic variability within and among drainages was assessed using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop sequencing and RAPD markers from 55 populations all over Europe as well as one Siberian population. High level of structuring for both markers was observed among drainages and regions, while little differentiation was seen within drainages and regions. Phylogeographic relationships among European perch were determined from the distribution of 35 mtDNA haplotypes detected in the samples. In addition to a distinct southern European group, which includes a Greek and a southern Danubian population, three major groups of perch are observed: the western European drainages, the eastern European drainages including the Siberian population, and Norwegian populations from northern Norway, and western side of Oslofjord. Our data suggest that present perch populations in western and northern Europe were colonized from three main refugia, located in southeastern, northeastern and western Europe. In support of this, nested cladistic analysis of mtDNA clade and nested clade distances suggested historical range expansion as the main factor determining geographical distribution of haplotypes. The Baltic Sea has been colonized from all three refugia, and northeastern Europe harbours descendants from both eastern European refugia. In the upper part of the Danube lineages from the western European and the southern European refugia meet. The southern European refugium probably did not contribute to the recolonization of other western and northern European drainages after the last glaciation. However, phylogenetic analyses suggest that the southern European mtDNA lineage is the most ancient, and therefore likely to be the founder of all present perch lineages. The colonization routes used by perch probably also apply to other freshwater species with similar distribution patterns.  相似文献   

The organization of microtubules in germinated pollen of the conifer Picea abies (Norway spruce, Pinaceae) was examined using primarily confocal microscopy. Pollination in conifers differs from angiosperms in the number of mitotic divisions between the microspore and the sperm and in the growth rate of the pollen tube. These differences may be orchestrated by the cytoskeleton, and this study finds that there are important functional differences in microtubule organization within conifer pollen compared to the angiosperm model systems. Pollen from P. abies contains two degenerated prothallial cells, a body cell, a stalk cell, and a vegetative cell. The body cell produces the sperm. In the vegetative cell, microtubules form a continuous network from within the pollen grain, out through the aperture, and down the length of the tube to the elongating tip. Within the grain, this network extends from the pollen grain wall to the body and stalk cell complex. Microtubules within the body and stalk cells form a densely packed array that enmeshes amyloplasts and the nucleus. Microtubule bundles can be traced between the body and stalk cells from the cytoplasm of the body cell to the adjoining cell wall and into the cytoplasm of the stalk cell. Body and stalk cells are connected by plasmodesmata. The organization of microtubules and the presence of plasmodesmata suggest that microtubules form a path for intercellular communication by projecting from the cytoplasm to interconnecting plasmodesmata. Microtubules in the elongating tube form a net axial array that ensheathes the vegetative nucleus. Microtubules are enriched at the elongating tip, where they form an array beneath the plasma membrane that is perpendicular to the direction of tube growth. This enriched region extends back 20 μm from the tip. There is an abrupt transition from a net perpendicular to a net axial organization at the edge of the enriched region. In medial sections, microtubules are present in the core of the elongating tip. The organization of microtubules in the tip differs from that seen in angiosperm pollen tubes.  相似文献   

Aim  In order to look for a possible centre of survival for the Norway spruce ( Picea abies Karst.) in the south-western Alps, six natural populations of this area were investigated by means of genetic markers in order to assess the degree and the distribution of genetic diversity within the species.
Location  Western and South-western Alps.
Methods  Populations were genotyped using seven simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Basic population genetics parameters were estimated and the amount of genetic differentiation calculated.
Results  A large amount of variability was found (0.59 <  H e < 0.67); genetic differentiation as measured by F ST was 0.05, close to other similar studies; no isolation by distance was detected by a Mantel test. Analysis of molecular variance confirmed a high degree of variability within populations and a low degree of variability among populations. Finally, the number of populations from which those observed could have arisen was estimated by Bayesian analysis.
Main conclusions  The results presented here suggest that the present populations derive their genetic make-up from three inferred clusters. The possible existence in this area of a relict/refuge population during the last glaciation is discussed.  相似文献   

Aim It has been proposed that the root vole subspecies, Microtus oeconomus finmarchicus, survived the last glacial period on islands on the north‐west coast of Norway. The Norwegian island of Andøya may have constituted the only site with permanent ice‐free conditions. Geological surveys and fossil finds from Andøya demonstrate that survival throughout the last glacial maximum was probably possible for some plants and animals. In this study we aim to infer the recent evolutionary history of Norwegian root vole populations and to evaluate the glacial survival hypothesis. Methods DNA sequence variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene was studied in 46 root voles from 19 localities. Location Northern Fennoscandia and north‐west Russia with a focus on islands on the north‐west coast of Norway. Results The phylogeographical analyses revealed two North European phylogroups labelled ‘Andøya’ and ‘Fennoscandia’. The Andøya phylogroup contained root voles from the Norwegian islands of Andøya, Ringvassøya and Reinøya and two localities in north‐west Russia. The Fennoscandian phylogroup encompassed root voles from the three Norwegian islands of Kvaløya, Håkøya and Arnøya and the remaining specimens from Norway, northern Sweden and Finland. Nucleotide diversity within the Andøya and Fennoscandian phylogroups was similar, ranging from 0.5% to 0.7%. Main conclusions Both our genetic data and previously published morphological data are consistent with in situ glacial survival of root voles on Andøya during the last glacial maximum. However, the level of genetic diversity observed in the extant island populations, the past periods of severe climatic conditions on Andøya and the ecology of the root vole are somewhat difficult to reconcile with this model. A biogeographical scenario involving late glacial recolonization along the northern coasts of Russia and Norway therefore represents a viable alternative. Our results demonstrate that complex recolonization and extinction histories can generate intricate phylogeographical patterns and relatively high levels of genetic variation in northern populations.  相似文献   

In order to optimize transient gene expression in Norway spruce pollen after DNA delivery with particle bombardment, effects of different conditions during homhardmenl were analysed using β-glucuroniduse (GUS) driven by the rice Act I promoter and Inciferase (LUS) driven by the tomato !at 52 promoter as reporter genes. Transient gene expression was significantly increased hy using two bombardments. Also the distance from the stopping plate to the sample was critical to gam maximum gene expression. There was no significant difference between gold and tungsten particles, and the number of positively stained pollen increased with increasing DNA concentration, from 5 to 40 pg DNA added in the DNA/tungsten solution The DNA delivery to Norway spruce pollen was most efficient at a chamber pressure above 70 kPa.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA, widely applied in studies of population differentiation in animals, is rarely used in plants because of its slow rate of sequence evolution and its complex genomic organization. We demonstrate the utility of two polymorphic mitochondrial tandem repeats located in the second intron of the nad1 gene of Norway spruce. Most of the size variants showed pronounced population differentiation and a distinct geographical distribution. A GenBank search revealed that mitochondrial tandem repeats occur in a broad range of plant species and may serve as a novel molecular marker for unravelling population processes in plants.  相似文献   

Thirteen primer pairs generating intraspecific length and/or presence‐absence polymorphism in Picea abies have been obtained from a P. abies mtDNA library, using different methodologies (agarose gel electrophoresis, polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR‐RFLP), single‐strand conformation (SSCP). Poly‐morphism tests were extended successfully to other Picea species (P. omorika, P. engelmanii and P. glauca) and species belonging to other conifer genera (Abies alba, Larix laricina and Pinus pinaster). This set of PCR‐based mitochondrial markers can provide promising tools for studying phylogeography or phylogeny in P. abies and other conifer species in which the mt genome is generally the only one to be transmitted via the female gamete.  相似文献   

Aoki K  Kato M  Murakami N 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(14):3276-3289
Climatic changes during glacial periods have had a major influence on the recent evolutionary history of living organisms, even in the warm temperate zone. We investigated phylogeographical patterns of a weevil Curculio hilgendorfi (Curculionidae), a host-specific seed predator of Castanopsis (Fagaceae) growing in the broadleaved evergreen forests in Japan. We examined 2709 bp of mitochondrial DNA for 204 individuals collected from 62 populations of the weevil. Four major haplogroups were detected, in southwestern and northeastern parts of the main islands and in central and southern parts of the Ryukyu Islands. The demographic population expansion was detected for the two groups in the main islands but not for the Ryukyu groups. The beginning time of the expansion was dated to 39 000–59 000 years ago, which is consistent with the end of the last glacial period. Our data also demonstrated that the southwestern population of the main islands has experienced a more severe bottleneck and more rapid population growth after glacial ages than the northeastern population. At least three refugial areas in the main islands were likely to have existed during the last glacial periods, one of which had not previously been recognized by analyses of intraspecific chloroplast DNA variation of several plant species growing in the broadleaved evergreen forests. Our results represent the first phylogeographical and population demographic analysis of an insect species associated with the broadleaved evergreen forests in Japan, and reveal more detailed postglacial history of the forests.  相似文献   

Assessing species' range-wide cytoplasmic diversity provides valuable insights regarding their dispersal and adaptive potential in a changing environment. Transcontinental chloroplast (cpDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) population structures were compared to identify putative ancestral and new cytoplasmic genome assemblages in black spruce (Picea mariana), a North American boreal conifer. Mean within-population diversity and allelic richness for cpSSR markers were 0.80 and 4.21, respectively, and diminished westward. Population differentiation based on G(ST) was lower for cpDNA than for mtDNA (G(ST) =0.104 and 0.645, respectively) but appeared comparable when estimated using Jost differentiation index (D=0.459 and 0.537, respectively). Further analyses resulted in the delineation of at least three genetically distinct cpDNA lineages partially congruent with those inferred from mtDNA data, which roughly corresponded to western, central and eastern Canada. Additionally, the patterns of variation in Alaska for both cpDNA and mtDNA markers suggested that black spruce survived the last glacial maximum in this northern region. The range-wide comparison of the geographic extent of cytoplasmic DNA lineages revealed that extensive pollen gene flow between ancestral lineages occurred preferentially from west to east during the postglacial expansion of the species, while seed-mediated gene flow remained geographically restricted. This differential gene flow promoted intraspecific cytoplasmic capture that generated new assemblages of cpDNA and mtDNA genomes during the Holocene. Hence, black spruce postglacial colonization unexpectedly resulted in an increase in genetic diversity with possible adaptive consequences.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (1043 base pairs) and 162-bp of flanking transfer RNA genes were sequenced in 316 European grayling, Thymallus thymallus, from 44 populations throughout the Western European range of the species. A total of 58 haplotypes were revealed with pairwise divergence ranging from 0.001 to 0.038. An inferred intraspecific phylogenetic tree revealed two well-supported clades within the Danube basin, one highly divergent clade in the Adriatic basin, and one large, diverse group representing most other populations. A deeply divergent haplotype fixed in the Loire basin in central France, more groups of haplotypes from distinct Danubian tributaries, and a relatively ancestral haplotype fixed in former tributaries of the Elbe in Denmark all suggest a complex pattern of interglacial and postglacial expansions originating from disjunct refugia throughout central Europe. Despite some evidence of human-mediated stock transfers, parsimony-network-based nested-clade analysis (NCA) supported specific inferences relating to corridors of postglacial expansion such as the lower Rhine (Moselle) and Elbe systems (Danish populations) serving as sources for expansion into the Baltic to the north as well as the upper Rhine and Danube to the south; and specific Rhine populations (Doller, Orbe and Reuss) serving as sources for colonization of the Rhone. The multiple divergent clades representing populations in the upper Danube, as well as the deeply divergent haplotypes found in the Adriatic and Loire basins (> 5% divergence from Asian outgroups) support the theory that European grayling have had a long history in Western Europe, pre-dating Pleistocene glacial cycles. The patterns of mtDNA divergence shown here support a perspective of rich inter- and intrabasin genetic diversity that should be protected from current trends to translocate brood stocks for rearing and release in response to declining populations, especially in southern European basins.  相似文献   

High-latitude ecotonal populations at the species margins may exhibit altered patterns of genetic diversity, resulting from more or less recent founder events and from bottleneck effects in response to climate oscillations. Patterns of genetic diversity were investigated in nine populations of the conifer black spruce (Picea mariana [Mill.] BSP.) in northwestern Québec, Canada, using seed-dispersed mitochondrial (mt) DNA and nuclear (nc) DNA. mtDNA diversity (mitotypes) was assessed at three loci, and ncDNA diversity was estimated for nine expressed sequence tag polymorphism (ESTP) loci. Sampling included populations from the boreal forest and the southern and northern subzones of the subarctic forest-tundra, a fire-born ecotone. For ncDNA, populations from all three vegetation zones were highly diverse with little population differentiation (thetaN = 0.014); even the northernmost populations showed no loss of rare alleles. Patterns of mitotype diversity were strikingly different: within-population diversity and population differentiation were high for boreal forest populations [expected heterozygosity per locus (HE) = 0.58 and thetaM = 0.529], but all subarctic populations were fixed for a single mitotype (HE = 0). This lack of variation suggests a founder event caused by long-distance seed establishment during postglacial colonization, consistent with palaeoecological data. The estimated movement of seeds alone (effective number of migrants per generation, NmM < 2) was much restricted compared to that estimated from nuclear variants, which including pollen movement (NmN > 17). This could account for the conservation of a founder imprint in the mtDNA of subarctic black spruce. After reduction, presumably in the early Holocene, the diversity in ncDNA would have been replenished rapidly by pollen-mediated gene flow, and maintained subsequently through vegetative layering during the current cooler period covering the last 3000 years.  相似文献   

The phylogeographic structures of taiga species often support the hypothesis of East Palaearctic refugia for these taxa, but the phylogeographic structures of northern temperate and southern boreal bog species are still poorly understood. Therefore, we analysed the genetic diversity and differentiation of a stenotopic damselfly, Nehalennia speciosa, across its trans‐Palaearctic range by means of sequencing two mitochondrial gene fragments, 16S rRNA‐ND1 and cytochrome c oxidase II. Only four single nucleotide polymorphisms were detected over the 1130 sequenced nucleotides. This low genetic diversity and differentiation and thus the lack of phylogeographic structure imply postglacial expansion from a single Würm Ice Age refugium, most likely located in the Far East of Asia, i.e. Manchurian refugium. From here, the species could have colonized large parts of the Palaearctics, including Europe, during the postglacial.  相似文献   

Wounding of Norway spruce by inoculation with sterile agar, or agar containing the pathogenic fungus Ceratocystis polonica, induced traumatic resin duct formation in the stem. Visible anatomical responses occurred in the cambium 6-9 d post-inoculation. Near the inoculation site cellular proliferation, polyphenolic accumulation, and lignification were induced as a wound reaction to seal the damaged area. Five centimetres from the inoculation site cells in the cambial zone swelled and divided to form clusters. By 18 d post-inoculation, these cells began to differentiate into resin duct epithelial cells surrounding incipient schizogenous lumens. Mature axial traumatic ducts appeared by 36 d as a row of ducts in the xylem centripetal to the cambium. The ducts formed an interconnected network continuous with radial resin ducts. Parenchyma cells surrounding the ducts accumulated polyphenols that disappeared as the cells differentiated into tracheids. These polyphenols appeared to contain fewer sugar residues compared to those accumulating in the secondary phloem, as indicated by the periodic acid-Schiff's staining. The epithelial cells did not accumulate polyphenols but contained immunologically detectable phenylalanine ammonia lyase (EC, indicating synthesis of phenolics as a possible resin component. These findings may represent a defense mechanism in Norway spruce against the pathogenic fungus Ceratocystis polonica.  相似文献   

Here, palaeobotanical and genetic data for common beech (Fagus sylvatica) in Europe are used to evaluate the genetic consequences of long-term survival in refuge areas and postglacial spread. Four large datasets are presented, including over 400 fossil-pollen sites, 80 plant-macrofossil sites, and 450 and 600 modern beech populations for chloroplast and nuclear markers, respectively. The largely complementary palaeobotanical and genetic data indicate that: (i) beech survived the last glacial period in multiple refuge areas; (ii) the central European refugia were separated from the Mediterranean refugia; (iii) the Mediterranean refuges did not contribute to the colonization of central and northern Europe; (iv) some populations expanded considerably during the postglacial period, while others experienced only a limited expansion; (v) the mountain chains were not geographical barriers for beech but rather facilitated its diffusion; and (vi) the modern genetic diversity was shaped over multiple glacial-interglacial cycles. This scenario differs from many recent treatments of tree phylogeography in Europe that largely focus on the last ice age and the postglacial period to interpret genetic structure and argue that the southern peninsulas (Iberian, Italian and Balkan) were the main source areas for trees in central and northern Europe.  相似文献   

There is now considerable evidence for the survival of temperate species within glacial refugia that were situated at relatively high latitudes, notably the Carpathian Basin and Dordogne region in Europe. However, the prevalence of fossil remains in such locations is rarely matched by molecular evidence for their contribution to subsequent geographical and demographic expansion of the species in question. One obstacle to this has been insufficient analysis of modern samples from the relevant areas, in particular the parts of eastern Europe that surround the Carpathian refugium. In the present study, we examine the patterns of variation in mitochondrial DNA of the common vole (Microtus arvalis), obtained from existing museum specimens and from newly‐collected samples obtained in this area. We show that common voles from one of six extant mitochondrial DNA lineages have colonized most of the species' range in eastern Europe. We contend that the post‐glacial dispersal of this lineage most likely originated from the Carpathian refugium, adding support to the argument that such northern refugia made an important contribution to existing genetic diversity in Europe. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse patterns of nuclear and mitochondrial genetic variation in the European chub, Squalius cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758), in order to understand the evolutionary history of this species and to test biogeographical hypotheses for the existence of co‐distributed European freshwater fish species. Location Rivers in Europe (Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, France, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy). Methods We genotyped 12 polymorphic microsatellite markers derived from 310 individuals collected from across the distribution of S. cephalus in Europe (including a total of 15 populations) and sequenced mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from a subset of 75 individuals. Sequences of mtDNA cytochrome b were analysed using both phylogenetic (median‐joining networks) and population genetic methods (tests for demographic history, mismatch distributions, Bayesian coalescent analysis). Geographical structure in microsatellite loci was examined using a distance method (FST), factorial correspondence analysis (FCA) and a Bayesian clustering method (structure ). Results The mtDNA network showed a clear split into four different haplogroup lineages: Western (separated into Atlantic and Danubian sublineages), Eastern, Aegean (occurring in two distinct sublineages in the Balkans and in Spain) and Adriatic. Our results indicate recent population expansion in the Eastern and Western Atlantic lineages and the admixture of two previously separate sublineages (Atlantic and Danubian) in the Western lineage. Bayesian structure analysis as well as FCA results roughly corresponded to the mtDNA‐based structure, separating the sampled individuals into almost non‐overlapping groups. Main conclusions Our results support hypotheses suggesting origins of extant lineages of freshwater fishes in multiple refugia and the subsequent post‐glacial colonization of Europe via different routes. We confirmed the previously proposed two‐step expansion scenario from the Danube refuge, the existence of a secondary (Atlantic) refuge during the last glaciation (probably in the Rhone River) and population expansion of this lineage. Conspicuous divergences among Mediterranean populations reflect their different origin, as well as their low contribution to the recent genetic pool of chub in central Europe.  相似文献   

Recent human activities have spread numerous plant species across the globe, yet it is unclear to what degree historical human activities influenced plant dispersal. In western North America, Camassia quamash was one of the most important food plants for indigenous peoples, who transported its propagules either intentionally or accidentally. We investigated how human and natural dispersal might have contributed to the current pattern of spatial genetic structure in C. quamash by performing phylogeographical surveys at two geographical scales. We sequenced two noncoding regions of chloroplast deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in 226 individuals from 53 populations of C. quamash as well as 126 individuals from 21 populations of the non-food plant Zigadenus venenosus . Contrary to the expectation of anthropogenic transport, C. quamash populations did not exhibit weaker genetic structure than Z. venenosus populations. We also failed to find convincing evidence for signatures of transport. Instead, our data showed strong effects of past glaciation and geographical barriers of the mountains in the Cascade Range, Olympic Peninsula and Vancouver Island. West of the Cascades, the species appears to have largely migrated northward from a southern refugium after deglaciation, whereas few populations having a highly divergent haplotype might have survived in southwestern Washington. Our data suggest that despite substantial ethnobotanical evidence for anthropogenic transport, the current pattern of genetic structure of C. quamash does not show any detectable signatures of transport by indigenous peoples and is better understood as the result of natural dispersal processes.  相似文献   

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