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The 125-ka sea level, which was approximately 6 m above present-day sea level, led to the partial flooding of many Caribbean islands. On Grand. Cayman, this event led to the formation of the large Ironshore Lagoon that covered most of the western half of the island and numerous, small embayments along the south, east, and north coasts. At that time, at least 33 coral species grew in waters around Grand Cayman. This fauna, like the modern coral fauna of Grand Cayman, was dominated byMontastrea annularis, Porites porites, Acropora polmata, andA. cervicornis. Scolymia cubensis andMycetophyllia ferox, not previously identified from the Late Pleistocene, are found in the Pleistocene patch reefs.Madracis mirabilis, Colpophyllia breviserialis, Agaricia tenuifolia, A. lamarcki, A. undata, Millepora spp., Mycetophyllia reesi, M. aliciae, andM. danaana, found on modern reefs, have not been identified from the Late Pleistocene reefs. Conversely,Pocillopora sp. cf.P. palmata, which is found in Late Pleistocene reefs, is absent on the modern reefs around Grand Cayman. The corals in the Ironshore Formation of Grand Cayman have been divided into 10 associations according to their dominant species, overall composition, and faunal diversity. Many of these associations are similar to the modern associations around Grand Cayman. Each of the Pleistocene coral associations, which can be accurately located on the known Late Pleistocene paleogeography of Grand Cayman, developed in distinct environmental settings. Overall trends identified in the modern settings are also apparent in the Late Pleistocene faunas. Thus, the diversity of the coral faunas increased from the interior of the Ironshore Lagoon to the reef crest. Similarly, the coral diversity in the Pleistocene patch reefs was related to the size of the reefs and their position relative to breaks in the barrier reef. The barrier reef included corals that are incapable of sediment rejection; whereas the patch reefs lacked such corals.  相似文献   

Summary Modern carbonate sedimentation in the Caribbean Sea commonly occurs on banks that are surrounded and isolated by deep oceanic water. This depositional regime also occurred during the Tertiary, and many islands, such as Cayman Brac, have sequences that evolved in such settings. Cayman Brac is a small (about 39 km2) island, located on the Cayman Ridge, that has an exposed Oligocene to Pliocene succession which encompasses three unconformity-bounded formations. The upper Lower Oligocene Brac Formation is formed ofLepidocyclina limestones and sucrosis dolostones that locally contain numerous bivalves and gastropods. The overlying Lower to Middle Miocene Cayman Formation is formed of pervasively dolomitized mudstones to grainstones that contain an abundant, diverse biota of corals, gastropods, bivalves, foraminifera, and algae. Rhodolites are locally common. The Pliocene Pedro Castle Formation is formed of limestones, dolostones, and dolomitic limestones that contain a biota which is similar to that in the Cayman Formation. The unconformities between the formations represent substantial periods of time during which the previously deposited carbonates were lithified and eroded to produce karst terrains. All facies in the Brac, Cayman, and Pedro Castle formations on Cayman Brac developed on a bank that was no more than 20 km long and 3 km wide. There is no evidence of reef development other than isolated thickets ofStylophora and/orPorites and no systematic stratigraphic or geographic changes in the facies patterns of the formations. Comparison with modern Caribbean banks shows that the depositional regime was primarily controlled by water depth and energy levels. Limestones of the Brac Formation probably accumulated in low-energy conditions in water less than 10 m deep. The overlying Cayman Formation contains facies that formed in water 15 to 30 m deep with good cross-bank circulation. The Pedro Castle Formation formed in slightly shallower water (5–25 m) and lower energy conditions. The disconformities between the packages correlate with world wide eustatic drops in sea level.  相似文献   

Human-mediated dispersal has reshaped distribution patterns and biogeographic relationships for many taxa. Long-distance and over-water dispersal were historically rare events for most species, but now human activities can move organisms quickly over long distances to new places. A potential consequence of human-mediated dispersal is the eventual reintroduction of individuals from an invasive population back into their native range; a dimension of biological invasion termed “cryptic back-introduction.” We investigated whether this phenomenon was occurring in the Cayman Islands where brown anole lizards (Anolis sagrei) with red dewlaps (i.e., throat fans), either native to Little Cayman or invasive on Grand Cayman, have been found on Cayman Brac where the native A. sagrei have yellow dewlaps. Our analysis of microsatellite data shows strong population-genetic structure among the three Cayman Islands, but also evidence for non-equilibrium. We found some instances of intermediate multilocus genotypes (possibly 3–9% of individuals), particularly between Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac. Furthermore, analysis of dewlap reflectance data classified six males sampled on Cayman Brac as having red dewlaps similar to lizards from Grand Cayman and Little Cayman. Lastly, one individual from Cayman Brac had an intermediate microsatellite genotype, a red dewlap, and a mtDNA haplotype from Grand Cayman. This mismatch among genetic and phenotypic data strongly suggests that invasive A. sagrei from Grand Cayman are interbreeding with native A. sagrei on Cayman Brac. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of cryptic back-introduction. Although we demonstrate this phenomenon is occurring in the Cayman Islands, assessing its frequency there and prevalence in other systems may prove difficult due to the need for genetic data in most instances. Cryptic back-introductions may eventually provide some insight into how lineages are changed by the invasion process and may be an underappreciated way in which invasive species impact native biodiversity.  相似文献   

Muni is a closed lagoon that opens to the sea when the water level is high, especially during the rainy season. During the dry period, the water level is very low and the salinity of the lagoon water increases sometimes exceeding that of seawater. Only three finfish species and 8 shellfish species (live animals and empty shells) were found in the lagoon and surrounding wetlands during the study which was conducted in March–June 1994. The blackchin tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron (Cichlidae) is the dominant species. The castnet is the most important fishing gear used in the lagoon followed by various finfish and shellfish traps. The fishing effort in the lagoon is high and, like catch rates, it was found to be inversely related to the volume of water in the lagoon and the fishing situation in the sea. The estimated exploitation level (E = 0.65) indicates that S. melanotheron in the Muni lagoon could be considered as over-exploited. From the gonadosomatic index, S. melanotheron appears to spawn continuously in the Muni lagoon between the months of March and June. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated for S. melanotheron as L = 12.5 cm standard length (SL), K = 0.70 yr–1 and t0 = 0.01 yr. The longevity of the fish is estimated as ca. 4.2 yr. Taboos and cultural practices contribute to the management and conservation of fisheries in the lagoon. However, additional formal management is required to ensure sustainability of the fisheries in the lagoon. In addition, there is a need to manage the lagoons physical and chemical environment including planting of mangroves around the lagoon in order to restore its mangrove cover. The poverty problem in the fishing community needs to be addressed to divert labour from the lagoon.  相似文献   

Hurricane Greta was the most intense of the 1978 Atlantic hurricanes, with a minimum central pressure of 947 hPa (mb) just prior to passage across the Belize barrier reef in the western Caribbean. At Carrie Bow Cay, along the Belize barrier reef, 12 km south of the point where the storm crossed the barrier, coral reef damage was moderate and island damage rather extensive. Felled palm trees indicated that the most destructive storm force came from the SW, from across the barrier reef lagoon. Hindcasting of hurricane winds at Carrie Bow indicated that the palms probably fell in response to the most intense storm winds from the SW. Hindcast, significant waves at Carrie Bow reached a maximum height of 10.0 m with a period of 12.7 s. The largest waves that reached Carrie Bow from across the lagoon were hindcast to have a significant wave height of 2.8 m, significant period of 7.0 s and were responsible for construction of a storm berm at Carrie Bow, facing the lagoon.  相似文献   

Summary Following a phase of predominantly siliciclastic sedimentation in the Early and Middle Jurassic, a large-scale, low-latitude carbonate depositional system was established in the northern part of the Tabas Block, part of the central-east Iranian microplate, during the Callovian and persisted until the latest Oxfordian/Early Kimmeridgian. Running parallel to the present eastern block margin, a NNW/SSE-trending carbonate platform developed in an area characterized by reduced subsidence rates (Shotori Swell). The growth of this rimmed, flat-topped barrier platform strongly influenced the Upper Jurassic facies pattern and sedimentary history of the Tabas Block. The platform sediments, represented by the predominantly fine-grained carbonates of the Esfandiar Limestone Formation, pass eastward into slope to basin sediments of the Qal'eh Dokhtar Limestone Formation (platform-derived allochthonites, microbialites, and peri-platform muds). Towards the west, they interfinger with bedded limestones and marlstones (Kamar-e-Mehdi Formation), which were deposited in an extensive shelf lagoon. In a N−S direction, the Esfandiar Platform can be traced for about 170 km, in an E-W direction, the platform extended for at least 35–40 km. The width of the eastern slope of the platform is estimated at 10–15 km, the width of the western shelf lagoon varied considerably (>20–80 km). During the Late Callovian to Middle Oxfordian, the Esfandiar Platform flourished under arid climatic conditions and supplied the slope and basinal areas with large amounts of carbonates (suspended peri-platform muds and gravitational sediments). Export pulses of platform material, e.g. ooids and aggregate grains, into the slope and basinal system are interpreted as highstand shedding related to relative sealevel variations. The high-productivity phase was terminated in the Late Oxfordian when the eastern platform areas drowned and homogeneous deep water marls of the Upper Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian Korond Formation onlapped both the Qal'eh Dokhtar Limestone Formation and the drowned Esfandiar Limestone Formation. Tectonic instability, probably caused by faulting at the margins of the Tabas Block in connection with rotational movements of the east-central Iranian block assemblage, was responsible for the partial drowning of the eastern platform areas. In some areas, relicts of the platform persisted to produce shallow-water sediments into the Kimmeridgian.  相似文献   

Summary A local intraplatform basin developed in the Gartnerkofel-Zielkofel area of the Carnic Alps (southern Carinthia, Austria) during the Middle Triassic (Ladinian). This basin was filled with a transgressive basinal sequence composed of the Uggowitz Formation and overlying Buchenstein Formation. At the northwestern slope of the Gartnerkofel, the platform carbonates of the Schlern Dolomite interfinger with the Buchenstein Formation, causing the formation of two depositional sequences. The Uggowitz Formation consists of the Uggowitz Breccia and the Kühweg Member. Sediments of the Uggowitz Breccia were formed by different types of gravity induced processes. The Kühweg Member is a thin sequence of silt-and fine-grained sandstones which were deposited in a slope to basin margin environment by turbidity currents. The overlying Buchenstein Formation consists of hemipelagic to pelagic limestones of Fassanian age with intercalated pyroclastic rocks (Pietra verde). Nodular limestones were deposited under slow rates of accumulation during a relative sea-level highstand. The uppermost Buchenstein Formation is composed of hemipelagic limestone beds with intercalated graded calcarenites and breccias of platform-derived debris, showing characteristics features of a fore-reef slope of the prograding Schlern Dolomite. Uggowitz Formation and basal Buchenstein Formation are interpreted as a transgressive systems tract, nodular limestones from the middle part of the Buchenstein Formation mark an early highstand systems tract, forereef slope sediments of the upper Buchenstein Formation formed during the beginning regression of a late highstand systems tract, the basal part of the overlying Schlern Dolomite probably reflects a lowstand systems tract. The intercalated bedded limestone facies within the Schlern Dolomite is characterized by large, platform derived blocks, slump structures, breccia beds, graded calcarenites and hemipelagic limestones indicating a forereef slope environent. This intercalated facies belongs to the Buchenstein Formation and interfingers with the Schlern Dolomite. Conodonts from this intercalated slope facies point to Late Fassanian age. Therefore, the two Middle Triassic depositional sequences of the Gartnerkofel area can be correlated with the depositional sequences ‘Ladinian 1’ and ‘Ladinian 2’ of the Dolomites, proposed byDe Zanche et al. (1993). A brief comparison with the basinal sequences of similar age of the karawanken Mountains and the Carnia is presented.  相似文献   

In the locality of Colle (Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain), the upper part of the Valporquero Shale Formation (Emsian, La Vid Group) contains an interval of shales and marlstones (barren, greenish-grey shales and fossiliferous, greenish-grey or reddish shales/marlstones) with beds and packages of homogeneous and cross-bedded skeletal limestones. Metre-scale mud mounds and coral biostromes occur encased in the fossiliferous reddish and greenish-grey shale/marlstones, respectively, with the coral biostromes overlying conspicuous skeletal limestone bodies. These rocks were deposited on a carbonate ramp, ranging from above storm wave base for the cross-bedded skeletal limestones to below the storm wave base for the remaining deposits, organic buildups included. The vertical stacking of these facies and the occurrence of the two types of buildups are interpreted to reflect the interplay among several (possibly 4th and 5th) orders of relative sea-level variations, during a 3rd-order highstand. Coral biostromes occur in early 5th-order transgressive system tracts developed within late 4th-order highstand, and are interpreted to have thrived on a stable granular substrate (skeletal limestones) in non-turbid waters, being later aborted by the onset of muddy sedimentation. Biostrome features suggest that they developed under environmental conditions essentially different from those related to the sedimentation of their granular substrate. Mud mounds occur in 5th-order transgressive and early highstand system tracts tied to early 4th-order sea-level rise. Field relationships suggest that mud mounds grew coevally with muddy sedimentation, with high-frequency variations in carbonate vs. terrigenous mud sedimentation influencing their development.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

 Christmas (Kiritimati) Island is an unusually large coral atoll, of which a large proportion of the surface is presently subaerial. Extensive outcrops of in situ branching Acropora corals, together with Porites microatolls, Tridacna, and other shallow marine biota, indicate that the present low-lying area of interconnecting lakes in the island interior formed as a reticulate lagoon. Radiocarbon dating indicates that these lagoonal reefs flourished between 4500 and 1500 radiocarbon years BP, and surveying confirms that sea level was 0.5–1.0 m above present at that time, with subaerial exposure resulting from Late Holocene emergence. Boreholes undertaken for a water resources survey of the island penetrated near-surface Pleistocene limestones on the northern, southern, and eastern sides of the island. These are highly weathered and fractured, and although aragonitic clasts are preserved, U-series dating indicates a Middle Pleistocene or older age. At one location flanking the Bay of Wrecks, an outcrop of limestone, with an erosional notch, 1–2 m above present sea level, yielded a U-series age of 130 ka, and is interpreted as Last Interglacial in age. In contrast to previous interpretations which have suggested that Christmas Island comprised an atoll superstructure that is entirely Holocene, or the layer-cake interpretation appropriate for many mid-ocean atolls, Christmas Island appears to have had a form similar to its present in the Middle Pleistocene or earlier. It has undergone karstification during lowstands. Interglacials, particularly the Last Interglacial and the Holocene, appear to have resulted in only a minor veneer of coral over older limestone surfaces. Christmas Island is considered characteristic of an atoll that has not experienced significant subsidence through the Late Quaternary. Accepted: 15 May 1998  相似文献   

Isozyme markers were used to survey the genetic variability of non-bitter potatoes in 10 subsistence fields of Andean farmers at 3600-3850 m above sea level. Sixty-seven percent of the varieties were tetraploids corresponding to the speciesSolanum tuberosum ssp.andigena, 14% were triploids, probably corresponding to the speciesS. x chaucha, and 13% were diploids corresponding to the speciesS. stenotomum, S. phureja, andS. goniocalyx. The isozyme information served to determine the consistency of the folk naming system. We found a high degree of correspondence between farmer identification and electrophoretic phenotypes. The consistency of the folk system in electrophoretic terms depended on the farmer who was interviewed. The most common incongruity consisted of calling different electrophoretic phenotypes by the same variety name, leading to a slight underestimation of genetic variability present in the fields. The amount of variability observed in the sample of the Andean potato population was superior to that present in North American and European varieties. This was measured in terms of number ofalleles, number of electrophoretic phenotypes and percent of heterozygosity. This finding supports the impression that a substantial amount of yet unexploited variability remains in Andean potato populations.  相似文献   

Levels of immunoglobulins were determined in persons exposed to high altitude. The individuals studied included high altitude natives, sea level residents at high altitude for 2 years, and recent arrivals at high altitude. Increased IgG and IgA levels were found in high altitude natives and sea level residents at high altitude for 2 years when compared with sea level residents. In recent arrivals marked increase of IgG and IgG levels and slight rise in IgM was seen. Recent arrivals who suffered from high altitude pulmonary oedema showed marked elevation of IgG, IgM, and IgA. Immunoglobulin responses to both primary and secondary TAB inoculation were of a higher magnitude and more sustained at high altitude than at sea level.  相似文献   

The average biomass ofHalimeda per m2 of solid substratum increased progressively on a series of reefs situated at increasing distances from the shore in the central Great Barrier Reef. There was none on a reef close inshore, increasing to nearly 500 g m?2 total biomass (?90% calcium carbonate) on an oceanic atoll system in the Coral Sea. The biomass measured contained 13 species ofHalimeda but was dominated by only two species,H. copiosa andH. opuntia, except on the atoll whereH. minima was dominant. Three sand-dwelling species were also present but did not occur anywhere in substantial quantities. Growth rates of the dominant species were measured bv tagging individual branch tips. A mean value of 0.16 segments d?1 was recorded but 41% of the branch tips did not grow any new segments whilst only 1% grew more than one per day. The number of branch tips per unit biomass was very constant and has been used in conjunction with growth rates and biomass to calculate productivity rates, and thence sedimentation, in the lagoon of one of the reefs. Biomass doubling time of 15 d and production of 6.9 g dry wt m?2 d?1 are considerably higher than previously reported values forHalimeda vegetation and there was little seasonal change detected over a whole year. Those values indicate annual accretion of 184.9 g m?2 year?1 ofHalimeda segment debris over the entire lagoon floor (5.9 km2) of Davies Reef, equivalent to 0.13 mm year?1 due toHalimeda alone, or 1 m every 1,892 years when other contributions to that sediment are taken into account.  相似文献   

We used satellite-linked radio telemetry to document the geographic and vertical movements and thermal habitats of whale sharks in the Sea of Cortez and as they migrated into the north Pacific Ocean. Of 17 sharks tagged between 1994 and 1996, six dispersed widely in the Sea of Cortez during 12–39 days of tracking. Four others left the Sea of Cortez and ranged extensively in the north Pacific Ocean. Indeed, one whale shark migrated to the western north Pacific Ocean, covering over 13000km in 37 months of tracking. The sharks generally occupied areas where sea surface water temperatures were between 28 and 32°C, though several ranged to depths of 240m or deeper where water temperature reached 10°C or colder. Whale sharks may segregate by size and sex, and their movement patterns appear to be related to oceanographic features, such as sea mounts and boundary currents, where primary productivity may be enhanced. These results have important implications for the global conservation of the world's largest yet least known fish. We think that satellite telemetry is a exceptionally promising tool for learning more about the ecology of whale sharks, especially when combined with conventional methods of telemetry and molecular biology.authorship arranged alphabetically  相似文献   

A study of the Upper Ordovician–Lower Silurian strata in Jämtland, central Sweden, shows that large-scale changes in shelf deposition took place close to the systems boundary. These changes include unconformity development and the replacement of a siliciclastic shelf with a carbonate-dominated shelf, suggesting the interaction of allocyclic controls such as changing eustatic sea-level and climate. The 6-m-thick Ede Formation is a key lithosome for interpretation of this transition. Its sediments were deposited in the Caledonian foreland basin, situated east of the closing Iapetus Ocean on the western margin of the Baltic craton. A major part of the late Caradoc to late Ashgill (into the Hirnantian) was characterised by continuous and uniform deposition over wide areas (Kogsta Formation), whereas erosional surfaces and complex lateral facies relationships characterise the Ordovician–Silurian boundary strata (Ede Formation and lateral equivalents). The Ede Formation represents the end of terrigenous deposition, which in the middle Aeronian was followed by regional expansion of carbonate deposition (Berge Formation). A syn-sedimentary erosional surface, with at least 1 m of relief locally, forms the lower boundary of the Ede Formation. This surface is overlain by two types of conglomerate. Lower parts of the Ede Formation consist of medium to thick-bedded quartzites. A second erosional surface with only minor (few centimetres) relief occurs on top of these quartzites. The upper parts of the Ede Formation consist of a thin, basal favositid biostrome overlain by thin bedded, calcareous sandstones, limestones and intensely bioturbated shales. Analysis of stratigraphic boundaries and the facies succession suggests that the lower Ede Formation represents a major downward shift in coastal onlap and by-pass sedimentation that created the lower erosional surface. The erosional surface in the middle of the Ede Formation is inferred to have formed during the subsequent maximum lowstand or as a ravinement surface, and is interpreted as an unconformity. The succession is subdivided into four facies associations, each corresponding to a specific systems tract: (a) a Shale–Siltstone Association (uppermost Kogsta Formation), deposited during a highstand situation in mid-outer shelf areas; (b) a Quartzite Association (the lower Ede Formation), deposited during forced regression in a shoreface environment; (c) a Mixed Carbonate–Siliciclastic Association (the upper Ede Formation), deposited during transgression in a wave-dominated, proximal shelf environment when clastic supply was reduced; and (d) a Micritic Limestone Association (lowermost Berge Formation), deposited during a second highstand situation in a low-energy, offshore environment.

Conodont data, together with a previously reported Hirnantia fauna, constrain the position of the Ordovician–Silurian boundary to the lower 1.65 m of the Ede Formation, or less likely, to the uppermost metre of the underlying Kogsta Formation, i.e., within a 2.65-m-thick uncertainty interval. The base of the Berge Formation is about 4 m above the top of the uncertainty interval, and is dated as being mid-Aeronian in age, suggesting condensation and/or a hiatus close to, or at, the Ordovician–Silurian boundary. These data tie the unconformity and the regional facies change from a siliciclastic to a carbonate-dominated shelf to Late Ordovician–Early Silurian eustatic and climatic changes.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the distribution, paleogeography, age and biota of Triassic reefs in Slovenia. Most of these reefs have not been studied in detail up to now, but the paleographical distributional pattern can be outlined (Figs. 1 and 2). Triassic reefs are known from Central and Northern Slovenia, predominantly occurring at the margins of the “Slovenian trough” (which separates the northern Julian Platform and the southern Dinaric Platform) and at the margins of an intraplatform trough within the Julian platform. Reef growth started in the Ladinian and Cordevolian and continued (with interruptions during the Upper Carnian ?) to the Norian and Rhaetian. Anisian environments are characterized by the predominance of algal mats and dasycladacean algae. Cordevolian patch reefs as well as Norian and Rhaetian reefs were built during the Late Triassic by calcareous sponges and corals, which belong to different species (Tab. 1 and 2). Some smaller Cordevolian patch reefs may have been formed within deeper-water sediments. An interesting facies sequence is developed in the Norian Dachstein Limestone reef of Pokljuka (Julian Alps), starting with deeper-marine cherty limestones, which gradually succeeded by crinoidal limestones followed by reef limestones and lagoonal Dachstein Limestones.  相似文献   

Winder VL  Emslie SD 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e32257


Mercury is a persistent, biomagnifying contaminant that can cause negative effects on ecosystems. Marshes are often areas of relatively high mercury methylation and bioaccumulation. Nelson''s Sparrows (Ammodramus nelsoni) use marsh habitats year-round and have been documented to exhibit tissue mercury concentrations that exceed negative effects thresholds. We sought to further characterize the potential risk of Nelson''s Sparrows to mercury exposure by sampling individuals from sites within the range of each of its subspecies.

Methodology/Principal Findings

From 2009 to 2011, we captured adult Nelson''s Sparrows at sites within the breeding range of each subspecies (A. n. nelsoni: Grand Forks and Upham, North Dakota; A. n. alterus: Moosonee, Ontario; and A. n. subvirgatus: Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick) and sampled breast feathers, the first primary feather (P1), and blood for total mercury analysis. Mean blood mercury in nelsoni individuals captured near Grand Forks ranged from 0.84±0.37 to 1.65±1.02 SD ppm among years, between 2.0 and 4.9 times as high as concentrations at the other sites (P<0.01). Breast feather mercury did not vary among sites within a given sampling year (site means ranged from 0.98±0.69 to 2.71±2.93 ppm). Mean P1 mercury in alterus (2.96±1.84 ppm fw) was significantly lower than in any other sampled population (5.25±2.24–6.77±3.51 ppm; P≤0.03).


Our study further characterized mercury in Nelson''s Sparrows near Grand Forks; we documented localized and potentially harmful mercury concentrations, indicating that this area may represent a biological mercury hotspot. This finding warrants further research to determine if wildlife populations of conservation or recreational interest in this area may be experiencing negative effects due to mercury exposure. We present preliminary conclusions about the risk of each sampled population to mercury exposure.  相似文献   

Óbidos Lagoon is classified as a sensible system according to the eutrophication criteria in the Portuguese Decree-Law 149/2004, which transpose the standards of Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (Council Directive 91/271/EEC) concerning urban waste water treatment. From September 2005 onwards, the urban loads of five Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) were deviated to a submarine outfall to prevent water degradation and improve the lagoon trophic state (LTS). This paper evaluated the LTS after urban loads diversion, testing the hypothesis behind the management decision. First, the loads reaching the lagoon were determined with the Harp-Nut guidelines and watershed modeling. Then, the water quality in the lagoon was simulated with a hydro-ecological model and compared with measured data. Finally, management scenarios corresponding to nutrient loads reduction were tested to determine hypothesis-driven LTS. Results showed that the loads from pig farms should be diverted instead of the WWTP, to improve the LTS and achieve a “Good/Bad” status. The proposed method stresses the importance of integrated modeling tools in the Water Framework Directive, given their skill in testing various hypothesis, and ultimately ruling out inadequate management decisions before implementation.  相似文献   

The outcrops at Jesús Maria (Turrialba, Cartago Province, Costa Rica) present limestone sequences 12 to 30 m thick (packstones: biolithites, biomicrites; and wackstones: biosparites, biomicrosparites), sandstones and conglomerates of Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene age, correlated to the Punta Pelada Formation. The limestones are characterized by patch reefs with an irregular distribution and a reduced lateral extension (50 m), composed of corals (40%), calcareous algae and foraminiferans (30%), mollusks (20%), and in minor amounts fragments of barnacles, decapods, echinoderms and bryozoans. They consisted of low diversity communities possibly due to diverse geographical, geological and tectonic factors: a narrow continental shelf, very shallow and isolated environments, sea level fluctuations, and exposure to clastic sedimentation associated with intermitent volcanic activity. Equity was also low, with corals making up 40% of all macrofossils, and one species, Antiguastrea cellulosa, as predominant (80% of the corals present). These bioconstructions were developed in an open circulation lagoon environment with transitions, in several occasions, to shallower environments represented by elastic sediments.  相似文献   



In Peru, optical microscopy with the thick smear test continues to be performed for the follow-up of malaria patients. This test is simple but it requires microscopic equipment and suitable staff to perform the reading of the samples. Studies suggest that the rapid OptiMAL-IT™ test is an option for follow-up.


To evaluate the effectiveness of OptiMAL-IT™ as a follow-up test in malaria patients in endemic areas of Perú.

Materials and methods:

We conducted an observational, analytical cross-sectional study of diagnostic tests performed in patients with malaria. We selected all the patients attending different health facilities in the Peruvian departments of San Martín and Loreto who met the inclusion criteria. Optical microscopy with thick smear and OptiMAL-IT™ was used on days 2, 3, 7, and 14 for Plasmodium vivax and until day 21 of follow-up for Plasmodium falciparum. Percentages of correctly classified samples and predictive values were calculated, and the results were compared between the western jungle and the eastern jungle using Chi2 or Fisher''s exact tests.


We registered 262 patients from San Martín and 302 from Loreto. The percentage of correctly classified cases and the negative predictive value were higher than 92.0% and 93,0%, respectively, from the third day of follow-up; no statistical differences were found in the results obtained from the western jungle and those from the eastern jungle.


The OptiMAL-IT™ test would be effective as a follow-up test in patients diagnosed with malaria in endemic areas of Perú.  相似文献   

During 6 days of pea seed germination the depletion of legumin with mol. m. 390 000 from protein bodies was observed. SDS-PAGE indicated that the legumin subunits with mol. m. 41 700 and 21 000 were prevailing. Only the former of these, probably corresponding to α-subunit, was degraded rapidly during 6 days of germination. Water-soluble proteins (albumins) prepared from pea cotyledons were separated by preparative IEF into proteins with pI 7.1, 6.5, 6.0, 5.4, 5.0, and 4.6. During 6 days the components of albumin with pI 7.1, and 6.5 were dramatically depleted. Major fractions with pI 6.5, 6.0, and 5.4 were subjected to SDS-PAGE and their subunit composition was determined. Moreover, albumin of pea cotyledons was resolved into 13 components by SDS-PAGE. Mobilization of albumin began from the degradation of components with higher mol. m. during germination.  相似文献   

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