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Wolf J  Cheverud JM 《Genetics》2012,191(1):261-277
Great progress has been made in understanding the genetic architecture of phenotypic variation, but it is almost entirely focused on how the genotype of an individual affects the phenotype of that same individual. However, in many species the genotype of the mother is a major determinant of the phenotype of her offspring. Therefore, a complete picture of genetic architecture must include these maternal genetic effects, but they can be difficult to identify because maternal and offspring genotypes are correlated and therefore, partially confounded. We present a conceptual framework that overcomes this challenge to separate direct and maternal effects in intact families through an analysis that we call "statistical cross-fostering." Our approach combines genotype data from mothers and their offspring to remove the confounding effects of the offspring's own genotype on measures of maternal genetic effects. We formalize our approach in an orthogonal model and apply this model to an experimental population of mice. We identify a set of six maternal genetic effect loci that explain a substantial portion of variation in body size at all ages. This variation would be missed in an approach focused solely on direct genetic effects, but is clearly a major component of genetic architecture. Our approach can easily be adapted to examine maternal effects in different systems, and because it does not require experimental manipulation, it provides a framework that can be used to understand the contribution of maternal genetic effects in both natural and experimental populations.  相似文献   

Alternative genetically determined color morphs within a population or species are believed to successfully interbreed within a population. However, the occurrence of prezygotic or ecological selection in a number of polymorphic systems may lead to nonrandom mating and prevent genetic morphs from fully interbreeding. Here we show that postzygotic incompatibility significantly limits gene flow between the sympatric red and black color morphs of the Gouldian finch ( Erythrura gouldiae ). Using a balanced within-female experimental design, in which individuals were forced to breed in pure and mixed morph crosses, we found large inviability effects (>30%) in offspring resulting from genetically mixed genotypes. The consistent mortality effects across different stages of development (e.g., prehatching, juvenile, adulthood), unconfounded by environmentally derived parental effects or social environments, reveal an underlying genetic incompatibility between different genotypes. Furthermore, mortality in mixed morph genotypes was particularly severe (43.6%) for the heterogametic sex (daughters), which is consistent with Haldane's rule predicted for postzygotic incompatibilities between hybridizing species. This significant, but incomplete, postzygotic isolation suggests that the sympatric morphs may represent transient stages in the speciation–hybridization process.  相似文献   

Sequential polyandry may evolve as an insurance mechanism to reduce the risk of females choosing mates who are genetically inferior (intrinsic male quality hypothesis) or genetically incompatible (genetic incompatibility hypothesis). The prevalence of such indirect benefits remains controversial, however, because studies estimating the contributions of additive and nonadditive sources of genetic variation to offspring fitness have been limited to a small number of taxonomic groups. Here, we used artificial fertilization techniques combined with a crossclassified breeding design (North Carolina Type II) to simultaneously test the “good genes hypothesis” and the “genetic incompatibility hypothesis” in the brown toadlet (Pseudophryne bibronii); a terrestrial‐breeding species with extreme sequential polyandry. Our results revealed no significant additive or nonadditive genetic effects on fertilization success. Moreover, they revealed no significant additive genetic effects, but highly significant nonadditive genetic effects (sire by dam interaction effects), on hatching success and larval survival to initial and complete metamorphosis. Taken together, these results indicate that offspring viability is significantly influenced by the combination of parental genotypes, and that negative interactions between parental genetic elements manifest during embryonic and larval development. More broadly, our findings provide quantitative genetic evidence that insurance against genetic incompatibility favors the evolution and maintenance of sequential polyandry.  相似文献   

To predict the possible evolutionary response of a plant species to a new environment, it is necessary to separate genetic from environmental sources of phenotypic variation. In a case study of the invader Solidago altissima, the influences of several kinds of parental effects and of direct inheritance and environment on offspring phenotype were separated. Fifteen genotypes were crossed in three 5 × 5 diallels excluding selfs. Clonal replicates of the parental genotypes were grown in two environments such that each diallel could be made with maternal/paternal plants from sand/sand, sand/soil, soil/sand, and soil/soil. In a first experiment (1989) offspring were raised in the experimental garden and in a second experiment (1990) in the glasshouse. Parent plants growing in sand invested less biomass in inflorescences but produced larger seeds than parent plants growing in soil. In the garden experiment, phenotypic variation among offspring was greatly influenced by environmental heterogeneity. Direct genetic variation (within diallels) was found only for leaf characters and total leaf mass. Germination probability and early seedling mass were significantly affected by phenotypic differences among maternal plants because of genotype ( genetic maternal effects ) and soil environment ( general environmental maternal effects ). Seeds from maternal plants in sand germinated better and produced bigger seedlings than seeds from maternal plants in soil. They also grew taller with time, probably because competition accentuated the initial differences. Height growth and stem mass at harvest (an integrated account of individual growth history) of offspring varied significantly among crosses within parental combinations ( specific environmental maternal effects ). In the glasshouse experiment, the influence of environmental heterogeneity and competition could be kept low. Except for early characters, the influence of direct genetic variation was large but again leaf characters (= basic module morphology) seemed to be under stricter genetic control than did size characters. Genetic maternal effects, general environmental maternal effects, and specific environmental maternal effects dominated in early characters. The maternal effects were exerted both via seed mass and directly on characters of young offspring. Persistent effects of the general paternal environment ( general environmental paternal effects ) were found for leaf length and stem and leaf mass at harvest. They were opposite in direction to the general environmental maternal effects, that is the same genotypes produced “better mothers” in sand but “better fathers” in soil. The general environmental paternal effects must have been due to differences in pollen quality, resulting from pollen selection within the male parent or leading to pre- or postzygotic selection within the female parent. The ranking of crosses according to mean offspring phenotypes was different in the two experiments, suggesting strong interaction of the observed effects with the environment. The correlation structure among characters changed less between experiments than did the pattern of variation of single characters, but under the competitive conditions in the garden plant height seemed to be more directly related to fitness than in the glasshouse. Reduced competition could also explain why maternal effects were less persistent in the glasshouse than in the garden experiment. Evolution via selection of maternal effects would be possible in the study population because these effects are in part due to genetic differences among parents.  相似文献   

The existence of genetic variation in offspring size in plants and animals is puzzling because offspring size is often strongly associated with fitness and expected to be under stabilizing selection. An explanation for variation in seed size is conflict between parents and between parents and offspring. However, for this hypothesis to be true, it must be shown that the offspring genotype can affect its own size. The existence of paternal effects would support this hypothesis, but these have rarely been shown. Using a diallel cross among four natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana we show that maternal, paternal and positional effects jointly influence seed size, number and the frequency of seed abortion. We found that seed abortion (%) depends on the combination of maternal and paternal genotypes, suggesting the existence of mate choice or epistatic incompatibility among accessions of A. thaliana. In addition, since paternal genotype explains approximately 10 per cent of the variation in seed size, we propose that A. thaliana''s offspring must influence the amount of resources allocated to themselves. Identification of paternal effects in Arabidopsis should facilitate dissection of the genetic mechanisms involved in paternal effects.  相似文献   

Suppose DNA is available from affected individuals, their parents, and their grandparents. Particularly for early-onset diseases, maternally mediated genetic effects can play a role, because the mother determines the prenatal environment. The proposed maximum-likelihood approach for the detection of apparent transmission distortion treats the triad consisting of the affected individual and his or her two parents as the outcome, conditioning on grandparental mating types. Under a null model in which the allele under study does not confer susceptibility, either through linkage or directly, and when there are no maternally mediated genetic effects, conditional probabilities for specific triads are easily derived. A log-linear model permits a likelihood-ratio test (LRT) and allows the estimation of relative penetrances. The proposed approach is robust against genetic population stratification. Missing-data methods permit the inclusion of incomplete families, even if the missing person is the affected grandchild, as is the case when an induced abortion has followed the detection of a malformation. When screening multiple markers, one can begin by genotyping only the grandparents and the affected grandchildren. LRTs based on conditioning on grandparental mating types (i.e., ignoring the parents) have asymptotic relative efficiencies that are typically >150% (per family), compared with tests based on parents. A test for asymmetry in the number of copies carried by maternal versus paternal grandparents yields an LRT specific to maternal effects. One can then genotype the parents for only the genes that passed the initial screen. Conditioning on both the grandparents' and the affected grandchild's genotypes, a third log-linear model captures the remaining information, in an independent LRT for maternal effects.  相似文献   

We consider the effect of informative missingness on association tests that use parental genotypes as controls and that allow for missing parental data. Parental data can be informatively missing when the probability of a parent being available for study is related to that parent's genotype; when this occurs, the distribution of genotypes among observed parents is not representative of the distribution of genotypes among the missing parents. Many previously proposed procedures that allow for missing parental data assume that these distributions are the same. We propose association tests that behave well when parental data are informatively missing, under the assumption that, for a given trio of paternal, maternal, and affected offspring genotypes, the genotypes of the parents and the sex of the missing parents, but not the genotype of the affected offspring, can affect parental missingness. (This same assumption is required for validity of an analysis that ignores incomplete parent-offspring trios.) We use simulations to compare our approach with previously proposed procedures, and we show that if even small amounts of informative missingness are not taken into account, they can have large, deleterious effects on the performance of tests.  相似文献   

Most noninfectious disease is caused by low-penetrance alleles interacting with other genes and environmental factors. Consider the simple setting where a diallelic autosomal candidate gene and a binary exposure together affect disease susceptibility. Suppose that one has genotyped affected probands and their parents and has determined each proband's exposure status. One proposed method for assessment of etiologic interaction of genotype and exposure, an extension of the transmission/disequilibrium test, tests for differences in transmission of the variant allele from heterozygous parents to exposed versus unexposed probands. We show that this test is not generally valid. An alternative approach compares the conditional genotype distribution of unexposed cases, given parental genotypes, versus that of exposed cases. This approach provides maximum-likelihood estimators for genetic relative-risk parameters and genotype-exposure-interaction parameters, as well as a likelihood-ratio test (LRT) of the no-interaction null hypothesis. We show how to apply this approach, using log-linear models. When a genotype-exposure association arises solely through incomplete mixing of subpopulations that differ in both exposure prevalence and allele frequency, the LRT remains valid. The LRT becomes invalid, however, if offspring genotypes do not follow Mendelian proportions in each parental mating type-for example, because of genotypic differences in survival-or if a genotype-exposure association reflects an influence of genotype on propensity for exposure-for example, through behavioral mechanisms. Because the needed assumptions likely hold in many situations, the likelihood-based approach should be broadly applicable for diseases in which probands commonly have living parents.  相似文献   

Mothers can determine which genotypes of offspring they will produce through selective abortion or selective implantation. This process can, at some loci, favour matching between maternal and offspring genotype whereas at other loci mismatching may be favoured (e.g. MHC, HLA). Genomic imprinting generally renders gene expression monoallelic and could thus be adaptive at loci where matching or mismatching is beneficial. This hypothesis, however, remains unexplored despite evidence that loci known to play a role in genetic compatibility may be imprinted. We develop a simple model demonstrating that, when matching is beneficial, imprinting with maternal expression is adaptive because the incompatible paternal allele is not detected, protecting offspring from selective abortion. Conversely, when mismatching is beneficial, imprinting with paternal expression is adaptive because the maternal genotype is more able to identify the presence of a foreign allele in offspring. Thus, imprinting may act as a genomic ‘cloaking device’ during critical periods in development when selective abortion is possible.  相似文献   

Maternal effects can form an important source of variation in offspring fitness and have important evolutionary and ecological consequences. To explore genetic control for body size of newborn offspring, the present study examined maternal brood size and offspring body size in 14 strains and performed cross experiments in an ovoviviparous fish, guppy. Correlation analyses among the strains indicated that the strains with larger brood size have smaller offspring body size. Diallel and reciprocal crosses among four strains revealed a large maternal, but no paternal, contribution to offspring body size. To examine whether offspring body size is determined by maternal genotypes and whether offspring body size correlates with albinism, backcrosses were performed between a wild-type strain with large offspring body size and an albino strain. Offspring body size differed from both the parental strains in one generation of backcrossing but was not significantly different from the paternal strains after three generations. In the backcross generations, the offspring yielded by albino individuals showed significantly smaller body size than those yielded by normal individuals. These results indicated that offspring body size is determined by maternal genotypes, suggesting that offspring body size is influenced by the maternal albinism gene or the maternal locus linked with the albinism locus. The significant negative correlation between maternal brood size and offspring body size detected through our experiments showed that the maternal genetic character of brood size strongly correlated with offspring body size, indicating genetic trade-off between maternal brood size and offspring body size in the guppy.  相似文献   

Despite a growing interest in the evolutionary aspects of maternal effects, few studies have examined the genetic consequences of maternal effects associated with parental care. To begin to provide data on nonlaboratory or nondomestic animals, we compared the effect of presence and absence of parental care on phenotype expression of larval mass and development time at different life-history stages in the burying beetle Nicrophorus pustulatus. This beetle has facultative care; parents can feed their larvae through regurgitation of digested carrion or offspring can feed by themselves from previously prepared carrion. To investigate larval responses to these two levels of care, including estimates of additive genetic effects, maternal effects, and genotype-by-environment interactions, we used a half-sibling split-family breeding experiment-raising half of the offspring of a family in the presence of their mother and the other half without their mother present. Larvae reared with their mother present were on average heavier and developed faster, although some of the differences in development decreased or were eliminated by the adult stage. These results suggest that presence or absence of post-hatching maternal care plays an important role in phenotype expression early in life, whereas later the phenotype of the offspring is determined mainly by the genotype and/or unshared environmental effects. Our study also permitted us to examine the differences in genetic effects between the two care environments. Heritabilities, maternal/common environment effect, and most genetic correlations did not differ between the care treatments. Genetic analyses revealed substantial additive genetic effects for development time but small effects for measures of body mass. Maternal plus common environment effects were high for measures of mass but low for development time, suggesting that indirect genetic effects of maternal and/or common environment are less important for the evolution of development time than for mass. Estimates of genetic correlations revealed a trade-off between the duration of the two development stages after the offspring left the carrion. There was also a negative genetic correlation between the time spent on carrion and the mass at 72 h, when mothers usually stop feeding. The analysis of genotype-by-environment interactions indicates substantial variation among maternal families in response to care. Presence or absence of parental care may therefore contribute to the additive genetic variance through its interaction with the maternal component of the additive genetic variance. The presence of this interaction further suggests that parents may vary in care strategies, with some parents dispersing after preparation of the carrion and some parents staying with the larvae. This interaction may help maintain genetic variation in growth, development time, and parental care behavior. Additional work is needed, however, to quantify indirect genetic effects and genetic variation in parental care behavior itself.  相似文献   

用银鲫克隆D,克隆A和鲤鱼的精子分别与银鲫克隆F的卵子受精产生了三种繁殖组合FD,FA和FL;再用转铁蛋白和同工酶标记对这三种组合的遗传模式进行比较研究。结果发现,FL组合的子代具有其母本完全相同的体形和电泳图谱,表现出雌核生殖银鲫的克隆品性。而在FD组合中则出现了体形的分化和酶谱的多态性;在一些个体的蛋白座位上同时检测到了父本和母本各自特有的谱带,证明FD生殖过程中有性重组的发生。同时,在所研究的蛋白的不同座位上存在着极端的连锁不平衡现象,可以推断在FD的重组过程中多个基因座位组成的连锁群(甚至是染色体组)可能作为一个整体参与基因的传递。此外,不同的蛋白座位上都未观察到重组的纯合表型,暗示在不同的基因连锁群之间还可能存在一种平衡致死的机制。FA组合的F1代具有类似母本克隆F的体形和蛋白表型,FA组合俱本近交产生的F2代却同时出现了克隆F和克隆A的体形和表型。即父本和母本的染色体组都能够通过有性生殖传递给FA子代,然而可能由于父母本基因的不相容性而使F1代父本的基因表达受到抑制。相对于雌核生殖的克隆遗传 ,本研究的揭示出来的有性生殖特性及伴随的有性质组能够使银鲫在一定程度上卸去积累的遗传负荷并从其它种群获取新的基因型,以维持其遗传多样性。多种可选择的生殖方式可能对于银鲫在自然条件下的生态适应有着重要意义,对于银鲫的遗传选育和养殖管理也有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The expression of infectious disease is increasingly recognized to be impacted by maternal effects, where the environmental conditions experienced by mothers alter resistance to infection in offspring, independent of heritability. Here, we studied how maternal effects (high or low food availability to mothers) mediated the resistance of the crustacean Daphnia magna to its bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa. We sought to disentangle maternal effects from the effects of host genetic background by studying how maternal effects varied across 24 host genotypes sampled from a natural population. Under low‐food conditions, females produced offspring that were relatively resistant, but this maternal effect varied strikingly between host genotypes, i.e. there were genotype by maternal environment interactions. As infection with P. ramosa causes a substantial reduction in host fecundity, this maternal effect had a large effect on host fitness. Maternal effects were also shown to impact parasite fitness, both because they prevented the establishment of the parasites and because even when parasites did establish in the offspring of poorly fed mothers, and they tended to grow more slowly. These effects indicate that food stress in the maternal generation can greatly influence parasite susceptibility and thus perhaps the evolution and coevolution of host–parasite interactions.  相似文献   

Parents often have important influences on their offspring's traits and/or fitness (i.e., maternal or paternal effects). When offspring fitness is determined by the joint influences of offspring and parental traits, selection may favor particular combinations that generate high offspring fitness. We show that this epistasis for fitness between the parental and offspring genotypes can result in the evolution of their joint distribution, generating genetic correlations between the parental and offspring characters. This phenomenon can be viewed as a coadaptive process in which offspring genotypes evolve to function with the parentally provided environment and, in turn, the genes for this environment become associated with specific offspring genes adapted to it. To illustrate this point, we present two scenarios in which selection on offspring alone alters the correlation between a maternal and an offspring character. We use a quantitative genetic maternal effect model combined with a simple quadratic model of fitness to examine changes in the linkage disequilibrium between the maternal and offspring genotypes. In the first scenario, stabilizing selection on a maternally affected offspring character results in a genetic correlation that is opposite in sign to the maternal effect. In the second scenario, directional selection on an offspring trait that shows a nonadditive maternal effect can result in selection for positive covariances between the traits. This form of selection also results in increased genetic variation in maternal and offspring characters, and may, in the extreme case, promote host-race formation or speciation. This model provides a possible evolutionary explanation for the ubiquity of large genetic correlations between maternal and offspring traits, and suggests that this pattern of coinheritance may reflect functional relationships between these characters (i.e., functional integration).  相似文献   

To determine whether genetic differences in fitness components exist among seeds and seedlings in a natural population, weighed propagules of six parents of Anthoxanthum odoratum from a reciprocal diallel cross were planted into the parental source population, a mown field. Seed families of maternal genotypes differed in germination success, while paternal families showed no detectable differences. Differential germination success could not be attributed to propagule weight. Seed families ranked differently in germination percentage in different blocks. No survivorship differences among parental seed families could be detected. There were significant cross × block × germination and cross × block × survivorship interactions; different crosses performed better or worse in different blocks. In some cases, crosses sired by different fathers within a maternal seed family differed in germination or survivorship, suggesting that natural selection may be capable of discriminating among juvenile genotypes within a maternal family despite the presence of large overall maternal effects. These results indicate that seedling establishment may differ according to genotype and that microsite heterogeneity may maintain genetic variation in juvenile traits in natural plant populations.  相似文献   

Missing data occur in genetic association studies for several reasons including missing family members and uncertain haplotype phase. Maximum likelihood is a commonly used approach to accommodate missing data, but it can be difficult to apply to family-based association studies, because of possible loss of robustness to confounding by population stratification. Here a novel likelihood for nuclear families is proposed, in which distinct sets of association parameters are used to model the parental genotypes and the offspring genotypes. This approach is robust to population structure when the data are complete, and has only minor loss of robustness when there are missing data. It also allows a novel conditioning step that gives valid analysis for multiple offspring in the presence of linkage. Unrelated subjects are included by regarding them as the children of two missing parents. Simulations and theory indicate similar operating characteristics to TRANSMIT, but with no bias with missing data in the presence of linkage. In comparison with FBAT and PCPH, the proposed model is slightly less robust to population structure but has greater power to detect strong effects. In comparison to APL and MITDT, the model is more robust to stratification and can accommodate sibships of any size. The methods are implemented for binary and continuous traits in software, UNPHASED, available from the author.  相似文献   

Sebastiani P  Abad MM  Alpargu G  Ramoni MF 《Genetics》2004,168(4):2329-2337
Several solutions have been proposed to extend the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) to include cases with missing parental genotype. However, completion of the missing parental genotype may bias the test if the underlying missing data mechanism is informative. Furthermore, all these solutions resolve the problem of missing parental genotype, while offspring with missing genotypes are typically ignored. We propose here an extension to the TDT, called robust TDT (rTDT), able to handle incomplete genotypes on both parents and children and that does not rest on any assumption about the missing data mechanism. rTDT returns minimum and maximum values of TDT that are consistent with all the possible completions of the missing data. We also show that, in some situations, rTDT can achieve both greater power and greater significance than the popular TDT analysis of incomplete data. rTDT is applied to a database of markers of susceptibility to Crohn's disease and it shows that only 2 of the 11 markers originally associated with the phenotype do not depend on assumptions about the missing data mechanism.  相似文献   

Various family-based association methods have recently been proposed that allow testing for linkage in the presence of linkage disequilibrium between a marker and a disease even if there is only incomplete parental-genotype information. For some families, it may be possible to reconstruct missing parental genotypes from the genotypes of their offspring. Treating such a reconstructed family as if parental genotypes have been typed, however, can introduce bias. The reconstruction-combined transmission/disequilibrium test (RC-TDT) and its X-chromosomal counterpart, XRC-TDT, employ parental-genotype reconstruction and correct for the biases involved in this reconstruction without relying on population marker allele frequencies. For the two tests, exact P values can be obtained by numerically calculating the convolution of the null distributions corresponding to the families in the sample.  相似文献   

Together with the avoidance of any negative impact of inbreeding, preservation of genetic variability for life‐history traits that could undergo future selective pressure is a major issue in endangered species management programmes. However, most of these programmes ignore that, apart from the direct action of genes on such traits, parents, as contributors of offspring environment, can influence offspring performance through indirect parental effects (when parental genotype and phenotype exerts environmental influences on offspring phenotype independently of additive genetic effects). Using quantitative genetic models, we estimated the additive genetic variance for juvenile survival in a population of the endangered Cuvier's gazelle kept in captivity since 1975. The dataset analyzed included performance recording for 700 calves and a total pedigree of 740 individuals. Results indicated that in this population juvenile survival harbors significant additive genetic variance. The estimates of heritability obtained were in general moderate (0.115–0.457) and not affected by the inclusion of inbreeding in the models. Maternal genetic contribution to juvenile survival seems to be of major importance in this gazelle's population as well. Indirect genetic and indirect environmental effects assigned to mothers (i.e., maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects) roughly explain a quarter of the total variance estimated for the trait analyzed. These findings have major evolutionary consequences for the species as show that offspring phenotypes can evolve strictly through changes in the environment provided by mothers. They are also relevant for the captive breeding programme of the species. To take into account, the contribution that mothers have on offspring phenotype through indirect genetic effects when designing pairing strategies might serve to identify those females with better ability to recruit, and, additionally, to predict reliable responses to selection in the captive population.  相似文献   

We measured follicle production from a diallel cross among ten clones of the common milkweed Asclepias syriaca, to assess the relative contributions of maternal and paternal parents. Specific parental combinations differed in the ability to set fruit, indicated by a significant nuclear specific effect accounting for 28% of the observed variance in follicle production. Several mechanisms might contribute to this effect, including shared incompatibility alleles and expression of zygotic genotypes. The nuclear general effect was not significant, however, suggesting a lack of additive genetic variation for offspring control of fruit maturation. Maternal effects also had an important effect on follicle production, as demonstrated by a significant reciprocal general effect (26% of the variance), almost entirely due to a large maternal component. The small reciprocal general variance component attributable to paternal effects, and nonsignificant reciprocal specific effect, indicating little maternal parent-zygote interaction, suggest that female choice through selective follicle maturation was not important in this experiment. The clones varied in proportion of reproductive output through female function, but a significant tradeoff between male and female success was not detected.  相似文献   

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