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The structure and membrane interaction of the N-terminal sequence (1-30) of the bovine prion protein (bPrPp) has been investigated by NMR spectroscopy in phospholipid membrane mimetic systems. CD spectroscopy revealed that the peptide adopts a largely alpha-helical structure in zwitterionic bicelles as well as in DHPC micelles but has a less degree of alpha-helix structure in partly charged bicelles. The solution structure of bPrPp was determined in DHPC micelles, and an alpha-helix was found between residues Ser8 and Ile21. The residues within the helical region show slow amide hydrogen exchange. Translational diffusion measurements in zwitterionic q = 0.5 bicelles show that the peptide does not induce aggregation of the bicelles. Increased quadrupolar splittings were observed in the outer part of the (2)H spectrum of DMPC in q = 3.5 bicelles, indicating that the peptide induces a certain degree of order in the bilayer. The amide hydrogen exchange and the (2)H NMR results are consistent with a slight positive hydrophobic mismatch and that bPrPp forms a stable helix that inserts in a transmembrane location in the bilayer. The structure of bPrPp and its position in the membrane may be relevant for the understanding of how the N-terminal (1-30) part of the bovine PrP functions as a cell-penetrating peptide. These findings may lead to a better understanding of how the prion protein accumulates at the membrane surface and also how the conversion into the scrapie form is carried out.  相似文献   

The prion diseases are transmissible neurodegenerative disorders linked to a pathogenic conformer (PrP(Sc)) of the normal prion protein (PrP(C)). Accumulation of PrP(Sc) occurs via a poorly defined process in which PrP(Sc) complexes with and converts endogenous PrP(C) to nascent PrP(Sc). Recent experiments have focused on the highly charged first alpha helix (H1) of PrP. It has been proposed that two putative asparagine-to-arginine intrahelical salt bridges stabilize H1 in PrP(C) yet form intermolecular ionic bonds with adjacent PrP molecules during conversion of PrP(C) to PrP(Sc) (M. P. Morrissey and E. I. Shakhnovich, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96:11293-11298, 1999). Subsequent work (J. O. Speare et al., J. Biol. Chem. 278:12522-12529, 2003 using a cell-free assay of PrP(Sc) conversion suggested that rather than promoting conversion, the salt bridges stabilize PrP(C) against it. However, the role of individual H1 charges in PrP(Sc) generation has not yet been investigated. To approach this question, we systematically reversed or neutralized each charged residue in H1 and tested the effect on conversion to PrP(Sc) in scrapie-infected murine neuroblastoma (ScN2a) cells. We find that replacements of charged H1 residues with like charges permit conversion, while charge reversals hinder it. Neutralization of charges in the N-terminal (amino acids 143 to 146) but not the C-terminal (amino acids 147 to 151) half of H1 permits conversion, while complete reversal of charge orientation of the putative salt bridges produces a nonconvertible PrP. Circular dichroism spectroscopy studies and confocal microscopy immunofluorescence localization studies indicated that charge substitutions did not alter the secondary structure or cell surface expression of PrP(C). These data support the necessity of specific charge orientations in H1 for a productive PrP(Sc)-PrP(C) complex.  相似文献   

Vorberg I  Chan K  Priola SA 《Journal of virology》2001,75(21):10024-10032
A fundamental event in the pathogenesis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) is the conversion of a normal, proteinase K-sensitive, host-encoded protein, PrP-sen, into its protease-resistant isoform, PrP-res. During the formation of PrP-res, PrP-sen undergoes conformational changes that involve an increase of beta-sheet secondary structure. While previous studies in which PrP-sen deletion mutants were expressed in transgenic mice or scrapie-infected cell cultures have identified regions in PrP-sen that are important in the formation of PrP-res, the exact role of PrP-sen secondary structures in the conformational transition of PrP-sen to PrP-res has not yet been defined. We constructed PrP-sen mutants with deletions of the first beta-strand, the second beta-strand, or the first alpha-helix and tested whether these mutants could be converted to PrP-res in both scrapie-infected neuroblastoma cells (Sc(+)-MNB cells) and a cell-free conversion assay. Removal of the second beta-strand or the first alpha-helix significantly altered both processing and the cellular localization of PrP-sen, while deletion of the first beta-strand had no effect on these events. However, all of the mutants significantly inhibited the formation of PrP-res in Sc(+)-MNB cells and had a greatly reduced ability to form protease-resistant PrP in a cell-free assay system. Thus, our results demonstrate that deletion of the beta-strands and the first alpha-helix of PrP-sen can fundamentally affect PrP-res formation and/or PrP-sen processing.  相似文献   

Solution structure of Syrian hamster prion protein rPrP(90-231)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
NMR has been used to refine the structure of Syrian hamster (SHa) prion protein rPrP(90-231), which is commensurate with the infectious protease-resistant core of the scrapie prion protein PrPSc. The structure of rPrP(90-231), refolded to resemble the normal cellular isoform PrPC spectroscopically and immunologically, has been studied using multidimensional NMR; initial results were published [James et al. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 94, 10086-10091]. We now report refinement with better definition revealing important structural and dynamic features which can be related to biological observations pertinent to prion diseases. Structure refinement was based on 2778 unambiguously assigned nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) connectivities, 297 ambiguous NOE restraints, and 63 scalar coupling constants (3JHNHa). The structure is represented by an ensemble of 25 best-scoring structures from 100 structures calculated using ARIA/X-PLOR and further refined with restrained molecular dynamics using the AMBER 4.1 force field with an explicit shell of water molecules. The rPrP(90-231) structure features a core domain (residues 125-228), with a backbone atomic root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of 0.67 A, consisting of three alpha-helices (residues 144-154, 172-193, and 200-227) and two short antiparallel beta-strands (residues 129-131 and 161-163). The N-terminus (residues 90-119) is largely unstructured despite some sparse and weak medium-range NOEs implying the existence of bends or turns. The transition region between the core domain and flexible N-terminus, i.e., residues 113-128, consists of hydrophobic residues or glycines and does not adopt any regular secondary structure in aqueous solution. There are about 30 medium- and long-range NOEs within this hydrophobic cluster, so it clearly manifests structure. Multiple discrete conformations are evident, implying the possible existence of one or more metastable states, which may feature in conversion of PrPC to PrPSc. To obtain a more comprehensive picture of rPrP(90-231), dynamics have been studied using amide hydrogen-deuterium exchange and 15N NMR relaxation times (T1 and T2) and 15N{1H} NOE measurements. Comparison of the structure with previous reports suggests sequence-dependent features that may be reflected in a species barrier to prion disease transmission.  相似文献   

Parathyroid hormone-related protein plays a major role in the pathogenesis of humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy. Under normal physiological conditions, parathyroid hormone-related protein is produced in a wide variety of tissues and acts in an autocrine or paracrine fashion. Parathyroid hormone-related protein and parathyroid hormone bind to and activate the same G-protein-coupled receptor. Here we present the structure of the biologically active NH2-terminal domain of human parathyroid hormone-related protein(1-34) in near-physiological solution in the absence of crowding reagents as determined by two-dimensional proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. An improved strategy for structure calculation revealed the presence of two helices, His-5-Leu-8 and Gln-16-Leu-27, connected by a flexible linker. The parathyroid hormone-related protein(1-34) structure and the structure of human parathyroid hormone(1-37) as well as human parathyroid hormone(1-34) are highly similar, except for the well defined turn, His-14-Ser-17, present in parathyroid hormone. Thus, the similarity of the binding affinities of parathyroid hormone and parathyroid hormone-related protein to their common receptor may be based on their structural similarity.  相似文献   

Sequence-specific nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) assignments have been determined for the peptide alphaS2-CN(2-20) containing the multiphosphorylated motif-8Ser(P)-Ser(P)-Ser(P)-Glu-Glu12- in the presence of molar excess Ca2+. The secondary structure of the peptide was characterized by sequential (i,i + 1), medium-range (i,i + 2/3/4) nOes and H alpha chemical shifts. Molecular modelling of the peptide based on these constraints suggests a nascent helix for residues Ser(P)9 to Glu12. The spectral data for alphaS2-CN(2-20) were compared with those of other casein phosphopeptides beta-CN(1-25) and alphaS1-CN(59-79) that also contain the multiphosphorylated motif. This comparison revealed a similar pattern of secondary amide chemical shifts in the multiphosphorylated motif. However, the patterns of medium-range nOe connectivities in the three peptides suggests they have distinctly different conformations in the presence of Ca2+ despite having a high degree of sequential similarity.  相似文献   

Amyloid-like fibrils have been associated with the pathogenesis of human prion diseases. Prion peptide of aa 106-126 (PrP106-126) exhibits many PrP(Sc)-like biochemical features, forming amyloid-like fibrils in vitro. Here, we found that the recombinant yeast-derived molecular chaperon Hsp104 inhibited significantly the fibril assembly of the synthetic PrP106-126 peptide by dynamic ThT assays in vitro. EM assays revealed almost no fibril-like structure after incubation of the synthetic PrP106-126 peptides with Hsp104 for 12h. Circular dichroism assays identified that treatment of Hsp104 shifted the secondary structure of PrP106-126 fibrils from β-sheet to a random coil. MTT tests confirmed that interaction of PrP106-126 with Hsp104 maintained the toxicity of PrP106-126 on human neuroblastoma cell line SK-N-SH. Additionally, Hsp104 was able to disassemble the mature PrP106-126 fibrils in vitro, leading to recovering the cytotoxicity of PrP106-126 on SK-N-SH cells. Our study provides the molecular evidences that the yeast-derived Hsp104 can interfere in the fibril assembly and disassembly of human PrP106-126 segment.  相似文献   

The refined solution structure of an 18-residue HIV-1IIIB V3 peptide in complex with the Fv fragment of an anti-gp120 antibody reveals an unexpected type VI beta-turn comprising residues RGPG at the center of a beta-hairpin. The central glycine and proline of this turn are linked by a cis peptide bond. The residues of the turn interact extensively with the antibody Fv. 15N[1H] NOE measurements show that the backbone of the peptide, including the central QRGPGR loop, is well ordered in the complex. The solution structure is significantly different from the X-ray structures of HIV-1MN V3 peptides bound to anti-peptide antibodies. These differences could be due to a two-residue (QR) insertion preceding the GPGR sequence in the HIV-1IIIB strain, and the much longer peptide epitope immobilized by the anti-gp120 antibody.  相似文献   

In prion-related encephalopathies, the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) undergoes a change in conformation to become the scrapie prion protein (PrP(Sc)) which forms infectious deposits in the brain. Conceivably, the conformational transition of PrP(C) to PrP(Sc) might be linked with posttranslational alterations in the covalent structure of a fraction of the PrP molecules. We tested a synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 106-126 of human PrP for the occurrence of spontaneous chemical modifications. The only asparagine residue, Asn108, was deamidated to aspartic acid and isoaspartic acid with a half-life of about 12 days. The same posttranslational modifications were found in recombinant murine full-length protein. On aging, 0.8 mol of isoaspartyl residue per mole of protein was detected by the protein-l-isoaspartyl methyltransferase assay (t(1/2) approximately 30 days). Mass spectrometry and Edman degradation of Lys-C fragments identified Asn108 in the amino-terminal flexible part of the protein to be partially converted to aspartic acid and isoaspartic acid. A second modification was the partial isomerization of Asp226' which is only present in rodents.  相似文献   

A fragment corresponding to the putative membrane-associating domain of the prion protein (residues 110-136) was analyzed in phospholipid bicelles. Prion(110-136) associated with bicelles and exhibited a lipid- and pH-dependent conformational dimorphism between unstructured (pH 4.5) and alpha-helical (pH 7.5). Mutational analysis indicated that the charge state of a single histidine residue was largely responsible for the dimorphism. Amide-lipid NOEs and amide-water chemical exchange measurements revealed that the helical conformation of prion(110-136) spanned the bilayer, and were corroborated by solid-state deuterium NMR experiments indicating that the helical axis rested at a 16 degrees angle with respect to the bilayer normal.  相似文献   

Region specific antisera for human fibroblast interferon (IFN-β) was obtained from New Zealand white rabbits immunized with the immunogen which was the synthetic tridecapeptide corresponding to the N-terminal sequence of native human IFN-β coupled to bovine serum albumin. A sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay for IFN-β was developed and these antisera was successfully applied in the purification of human IFN-β by affinity chromatography, resulting in about 100-fold purification in one step.  相似文献   

A key event in the pathogenesis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies is the conversion of PrP-sen to PrP-res. Morrissey and Shakhnovich (Morrissey, M. P., and Shakhnovich, E. I. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 96, 11293-11298) proposed that the conversion mechanism involves critical interactions at helix 1 (residues 144-153) and that the helix is stabilized on PrP-sen by intra-helix salt bridges between two aspartic acid-arginine ion pairs at positions 144 and 148 and at 147 and 151, respectively. Mutants of the hamster prion protein were constructed by replacing the aspartic acids with either asparagines or alanines to destabilize the proposed helix 1 salt bridges. Thermal and chemical denaturation experiments using circular dichroism spectroscopy indicated the overall structures of the mutants are not substantially destabilized but appear to unfold differently. Cell-free conversion reactions performed using ionic denaturants, detergents, and salts (conditions unfavorable to salt bridge formation) showed no significant differences between conversion efficiencies of mutant and wild type proteins. Using conditions more favorable to salt bridge formation, the mutant proteins converted with up to 4-fold higher efficiency than the wild type protein. Thus, although spectroscopic data indicate the salt bridges do not substantially stabilize PrP-sen, the cell-free conversion data suggest that Asp-144 and Asp-147 and their respective salt bridges stabilize PrP-sen from converting to PrP-res.  相似文献   

We report the NMR solution structure of a synthetic 40-mer (T377-E416) that encompasses human cannabinoid receptor-1 (hCB1) transmembrane helix 7 (TMH7) and helix 8 (H8) [hCB1(TMH7/H8)] in 30% trifluoroethanol/H2O. Structural features include, from the peptide’s amino terminus, a hydrophobic α-helix (TMH7); a loop-like, 11 residue segment featuring a pronounced Pro-kink within the conserved NPxxY motif; a short amphipathic α-helix (H8) orthogonal to TMH7 with cationic and hydrophobic amino-acid clusters; and an unstructured C-terminal end. The hCB1(TMH7/H8) NMR solution structure suggests multiple electrostatic amino-acid interactions, including an intrahelical H8 salt bridge and a hydrogen-bond network involving the peptide’s loop-like region. Potential cation-π and cation-phenolic OH interactions between Y397 in the TMH7 NPxxY motif and R405 in H8 are identified as candidate structural forces promoting interhelical microdomain formation. This microdomain may function as a flexible molecular hinge during ligand-induced hCB1 conformer transitions.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s and prion diseases. In both pathologies fibrils are found associated to glycosaminoglycans, modulators of the aggregation process. Amyloid peptides and proteins with very poor sequence homologies originate very similar aggregates. This implies the possible existence of a common formation mechanism. A homologous structural motif has recently been described for the Alzheimer’s peptide Aβ(1-28) and the prion protein fragment PrP(185-208). We have studied the influence histidine residues and heparin on the aggregation process of both peptides and determined the possible amyloid characteristics of PrP(185-208), still unknown. The results show that PrP(185-208) forms amyloid aggregates in the presence of heparin. Histidines influence the aggregation kinetics, as in Aβ(1-28), although to a lesser extent. Other spectroscopic properties of the PrP(185-208) fragment are shown to be equivalent to those of other amyloid peptides and PrP(185-208) is shown to be cytotoxic using a neuroblastoma cell line.  相似文献   

The Hsp70 family of molecular chaperones participates in a number of cellular processes, including binding to nascent polypeptide chains and assistance in protein (re)folding and degradation. We present the solution structure of the substrate binding domain (residues 393-507) of the Escherichia coli Hsp70, DnaK, that is bound to the peptide NRLLLTG and compare it to the crystal structure of DnaK(389-607) bound to the same peptide. The construct discussed here does not contain the alpha-helical domain that characterizes earlier published peptide-bound structures of the Hsp70s. It is established that removing the alpha-helical domain in its entirety does not affect the primary interactions or structure of the DnaK(393-507) in complex with the peptide NRLLLTG. In particular, the arch that protects the substrate-binding cleft is also formed in the absence of the helical lid. 15N-relaxation measurements show that the peptide-bound form of DnaK(393-507) is relatively rigid. As compared to the peptide-free state, the peptide-bound state of the domain shows distinct, widespread, and contiguous differences in structure extending toward areas previously defined as important to the allosteric regulation of the Hsp70 chaperones.  相似文献   

Ure2p is the precursor protein of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae prion [URE3]. Ure2p shows homology to glutathione transferases but lacks typical glutathione transferase activity. A recent study found that deletion of the Ure2 gene causes increased sensitivity to heavy metal ions and oxidants, whereas prion strains show normal sensitivity. To demonstrate that protection against oxidant toxicity is an inherent property of native and prion Ure2p requires biochemical characterization of the purified protein. Here we use steady-state kinetic methods to characterize the multisubstrate peroxidase activity of Ure2p using GSH with cumene hydroperoxide, hydrogen peroxide, or tert-butyl hydroperoxide as substrates. Glutathione-dependent peroxidase activity was proportional to the Ure2p concentration and showed optima at pH 8 and 40 degrees C. Michaelis-Menten behavior with convergent straight lines in double reciprocal plots was observed. This excludes a ping-pong mechanism and implies either a rapid-equilibrium random or a steady-state ordered sequential mechanism for Ure2p, consistent with its classification as a glutathione transferase. The mutant 90Ure2, which lacks the unstructured N-terminal prion domain, showed kinetic parameters identical to wild type. Fibrillar aggregates showed the same level of activity as native protein. Demonstration of peroxidase activity for Ure2 represents important progress in elucidation of its role in vivo. Further, establishment of an in vitro activity assay provides a valuable tool for the study of structure-function relationships of the Ure2 protein as both a prion and an enzyme.  相似文献   

Chang WT  Pan CY  Rajanbabu V  Cheng CW  Chen JY 《Peptides》2011,32(2):342-352
The inhibitory function of tilapia hepcidin (TH)1-5, an antimicrobial peptide, was not examined in previous studies. In this study, we synthesized the TH1-5 peptide and tested TH1-5's antitumor activity against several tumor cell lines. We show that TH1-5 inhibited the proliferation of tumor cells and reduced colony formation in a soft agar assay. Scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy showed that TH1-5 altered the membrane structure similar to the function of a lytic peptide. Acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining, a wound-healing assay, and a flow cytometric analysis showed that TH1-5 induced necrosis with high-concentration treatment and induced apoptosis with low-concentration treatment. Inflammation is known to be closely associated with the development of cancer. TH1-5 showing anti-inflammatory effects in a previous publication induced us to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects in cancer cell lines through the expressions of immune-related genes after being treated with the TH1-5 peptide. However, real-time qualitative RT-PCR indicated that TH1-5 treatment induced downregulation of the expressions of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-12, IL-15, interferon-γ, CTSG, caspase-7, and Bcl-2, and upregulation of IL-2 and CAPN5 in HeLa cells, and upregulation of IL-8 and CTSG in HT1080 cells. These results suggest that TH1-5 possibly induces an inflammatory response in HeLa cells, but not in HT1080 cells. Overall, these results indicate that TH1-5 possesses the potential to be a novel peptide for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

From our topological arrangement model of prostaglandin I(2) synthase (PGIS) created by homology modeling and topology studies, we hypothesized that the helix F/G loop of PGIS contains a membrane contact region distinct from the N-terminal membrane anchor domain. To provide direct experimental data we have explored the relationship between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane and the PGIS F/G loop using a constrained synthetic peptide to mimic PGIS residues 208-230 cyclized on both ends through a disulfide bond with added Cys residues. The solution structure and the residues important for membrane contact of the constrained PGIS F/G loop peptide were investigated by high-resolution 1H two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (2D NMR) experiments and a spin label incorporation technique. Through the combination of 2D NMR experiments in the presence of dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles used to mimic the membrane environment, complete 1H NMR assignments of the F/G loop segment have been obtained and the solution structure of the peptide has been determined. The PGIS F/G loop segment shows a defined helix turn helix conformation, which is similar to the three-dimensional crystallography structure of P450BM3 in the corresponding region. The orientation and the residues contacted with the membrane of the PGIS F/G loop were evaluated from the effect of incorporation of a spin-labeled 12-doxylstearate into the DPC micelles with the peptide. Three residues in the peptide corresponding to the PGIS residues L217 (L11), L222 (L16), and V224 (V18) have been demonstrated to contact the DPC micelles, which implies that the residues are involved in contact with the ER membrane in the native membrane-bound PGIS. These results provided the first experimental evidence to localize the membrane contact residues in the F/G loop region of microsomal P450 and are valuable to further define and understand the membrane topology of PGIS and those of other microsomal P450s in the native membrane environment.  相似文献   

Hoh F  Cerdan R  Kaas Q  Nishi Y  Chiche L  Kubo S  Chino N  Kobayashi Y  Dumas C  Aumelas A 《Biochemistry》2004,43(48):15154-15168
Previous structural studies on the [Lys((-2))-Arg((-1))]endothelin-1 peptide (KR-ET-1), 540-fold less potent than ET-1, strongly suggested the presence of an intramolecular Arg(-1)-Asp(8) (R(-1)-D(8)) salt bridge that was also observed in the shorter [Lys((-2))-Arg((-1))-des(17-21)]endothelin-1 derivative (KR-CSH-ET). In addition, for these two analogues, we have shown that the Lys-Arg dipeptide, which belongs to the prosequence, significantly improves the formation of the native disulfide bonds (>or=96% instead of approximately 70% for ET-1). In contrast to what was inferred from NMR data, molecular dynamics simulations suggested that such an intramolecular salt bridge would be unstable. The KR-CSH-ET peptide has now been crystallized at pH 5.0 and its high-resolution structure determined ab initio at 1.13 A using direct methods. Unexpectedly, KR-CSH-ET was shown to be a head-to-tail symmetric dimer, and the overall interface involves two intermolecular R(-1)-D(8) salt bridges, a two-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet, and hydrophobic contacts. Molecular dynamics simulations carried out on this dimer clearly showed that the two intermolecular salt bridges were in this case very stable. Sedimentation equilibrium experiments unambiguously confirmed that KR-ET-1 and KR-CSH-ET also exist as dimers in solution at pH 5.0. On the basis of the new dimeric structure, previous NMR data were reinterpreted. Structure calculations were performed using 484 intramolecular and 38 intermolecular NMR-derived constraints. The solution and the X-ray structures of the dimer are very similar (mean rmsd of 0.85 A). Since the KR dipeptide at the N-terminus of KR-CSH-ET is present in the prosequence, it can be hypothesized that similar intermolecular salt bridges could be involved in the in vivo formation of the native disulfide bonds of ET-1. Therefore, it appears to be likely that the prosequence does assist the ET-1 folding in a chaperone-like manner before successive cleavages that yield the bioactive ET-1 hormone.  相似文献   

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