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Abstract– Taurine levels have been determined in primary and secondary subcellular fractions of ox retina and pigment epithelium.
About the 79.5% of recovered taurine is located in the soluble fraction (S3), while the remainder is associated with the particulate components. In the secondary subcellular fractions, taurine is primarily associated with the synaptosomal fraction.
Cysteine sulphinate decarboxylase is predominantly associated with particulate components of retinal cells. About the 50% of the recovered enzyme activity of crude mitochondria is present in the synaptosomal fraction.  相似文献   

长白落叶松插穗的内源激素水平及其与扦插生根的关系   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
敖红  王崑  冯玉龙 《植物研究》2002,22(2):190-195
长白落叶松 (Larixolgensis)扦插繁殖的试验结果表明 ,嫩枝扦插效果好于硬枝扦插 ,并且母树年龄是影响其扦插生根的重要因子。母树年龄为 2年生时 ,生根率达 95 %以上。本文在此试验的基础上 ,对嫩枝和硬枝插穗中内源植物激素水平进行了测定。结果发现嫩枝插穗中IAA、CTKs的含量要高于硬枝插穗中IAA、CTKs的含量 ,并且随母树年龄的增加而降低 ;相反 ,嫩枝插穗中ABA含量要低于硬枝插穗中ABA的含量 ,并且随着母树年龄的增加而增加。实验结果表明 :IAA、ABA的含量和扦插生根有密切关系。IAA促进生根 ,ABA抑制生根。IAA/ABA比值可以用来衡量长白落叶松的生根能力  相似文献   

豆科植物的未成熟子叶由分生细胞或尚未成熟的细胞构成,在组织培养中较易诱导细胞分裂和器官分化,近来常被用作分离原生质体的材料。绿豆(Phaseolus aureus)是一种重要的杂粮作物,其组织培养中植株再生十分困难,由原生质体培养再生植株至今尚未见有报  相似文献   

以“艾西丝”南瓜组培苗为材料,研究其在诱导不定根形成过程中过氧化物酶活性及同工酶谱的变化。结果表明,当南瓜无根苗从含有较高浓度的BA培养基转入1/2MS培养基后,可诱导无根苗茎基部不定根生成,一般在转入生根培养基第3d开始生根,至第6d生根率达70%以上。在此期间,南瓜茎内过氧化物酶活性由低增高,即在不定根形成之前,过氧化物酶活性处在较低水平,而当不定根形成时,过氧化物酶活性迅速升高,以后一直维持  相似文献   

杜鹃花科植物活性成分及作用机制研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)植物约有54属,1700余种,分布极广,主产于南、北半球的温带和北半球的亚寒带。中国约有15属550余种,其中有毒品种9属100种以上,集中于金叶子属(Cribiodendron)、米饭花属(Lyonia)、马醉木属(Pieris)和杜鹃花属(Rhododendron)〔1〕。中国西南山区被认为是全国也是全世界的杜鹃花属分布中心,不少种被引种到欧美,成为当地著名庭园花卉的亲本〔2〕。杜鹃花科植物或具极高的欣赏价值,或有很高的药用价值,其广阔的开发应用前景已引起国内外的重视。笔者综述了近年来关于杜鹃花科植物活性成分、构效关系、生物活性及作用机制方…  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase activity, extracted from an acetone powder of 7-day germinated peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.), was precipitated by ammonium sulfate (40-60% saturation) and further purified by gel filtration and calcium phosphate gel treatment. When it was adsorbed to and subsequently eluted from a column of diethylaminoethyl-cellulose, two peaks of activity (designated glutamine synthetase 1 and 2) were obtained which were enriched 150- and 20-fold, respectively, over the initial extract. Glutamine synthetase 1 was present in ungerminated seeds and in the cotyledons during germination; glutamine synthetase 2 appeared during germination and was found largely in the developing plant. Compared with glutamine synthetase 2, glutamine synthetase 1 appeared to have a slightly smaller molecular weight and was more stable to heat and storage. The catalytic properties of the two forms were essentially the same. Whereas neither form catalyzed gamma-glutamyltransferase activity with 4-methyleneglutamine, both glutamine synthetases 1 and 2 catalyzed an ATP- and NH(4) (+)-dependent conversion of [(14)C]-4-methyleneglutamic acid to [(14)C]-4-methyleneglutamine, but the K(m) value for 4-methyleneglutamic acid was 10-fold greater and the V(max) only one-fourth that measured with l-glutamic acid. This is the first report of glutamine synthetase activity with 4-methyleneglutamic acid as substrate, although the level of this activity does not appear adequate to account for the rapid synthesis of 4-methyleneglutamine observed in germinating peanuts.  相似文献   

绿豆(Phaseolus vadiatus L.)子叶切段在脱分化形成愈伤组织过程中,制备的染色质具有较高的RNA聚合酶活力;3天愈伤组绢的酶活力高于5天和7天的;3天、5天和7天加激素脱柱依次分分化形成的愈伤组织,其酶活力均比不脱分化的高一倍以上;用DEAE-纤维素酶部,依据层析洗脱性质和层析图谱及对α-鹅膏菌素的敏感程度,证明三个峰是RNA聚合Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ。  相似文献   

应用电镜和DNA的DAPI荧光检测技术研究了菜豆(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)小孢子/花粉发育中质体和线粒体及其DNA存在的状况。观察表明:在小孢子分裂时质体全部分配到营养细胞中,初形成的生殖细胞已不含质体。线粒体和质体的DNA在花粉发育中也先后降解,生殖细胞从刚形成时发育至成熟花粉时期这两种细胞器DNA均不存在。研究结果为菜豆质体母系遗传提供了确切的细胞学证据。遗传分析的研究曾确定菜豆质体为双亲遗传,对与本研究结论不同的原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

促进紫草色素合成的米曲霉诱导子的纯化和活性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
米曲霉(Aspergillusoryzae)诱导子来源于该真菌的菌丝体部分。诱导子粗提物通过DEAE-Cellu-lose、Sepharose-4B、Bio-Gelp-4、732 柱层析,得到既不吸附于阴离子交换纤维素又不吸附于阳离子交换树脂、分子量约为1200~2200 D、糖含量为粗提物6.7% 的组分FⅠb2-H,与粗提物相比它的诱导子相对活性提高了120 倍。诱导子粗提物中还含有低浓度不影响滇紫草(Onosm a paniculatum )细胞合成紫草色素、而高浓度抑制紫草色素合成的核酸类组分FⅡ,核苷酸、氨基酸类组分FⅠb2-Na 及强烈抑制紫草色素合成的多糖类组分FⅠa。FⅠa可诱导细胞合成对照中没有的一种黄色素,是另一类代谢产物的诱导子  相似文献   

Development of the primary bean leaf in the dark and under continuous white light was studied during 14 days after sowing. The increase in surface area of the blade is the result of a number of sequential processes. Both in the darkness and under illumination, leaf growth is characterized by an initial cell enlargement followed by intensive cell division. Cell division in etiolated leaves continues for one day longer than in illuminated ones, but it proceeds at a slower rate. Mature leaves grown under white light undergo a phase of cell enlargement after cell division has stopped. This increases their surface area up to 800 times when compared with the blade area of the embryo. This enlargement phase is almost absent in dark-grown seedlings. Consequently the blade area of etiolated leaves is only 50 times that of the embryonic state. Thus light appears to have a dual effect on leaf development: it activates cell division and induces cell expansion.  相似文献   

本研究采用EBV-EA诱导抑制实验的方法,对40种蔬菜,60个品种,共150个样品的防癌抗促作用效果进行了筛选与比较,其中具有中等以上抑制活性的样品117个,占样品总数的78%,尤其以非洲野苋菜、辣椒、羽衣甘蓝、山药芋头、苦瓜及紫苏、罗勒等一些芳香莱的效果较好。不同品种、不同植株部位、不同提取方法以及不同产地,对蔬菜的抗促活性也有影响,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

采用复性电泳方法研究了金鱼组织器官蛋白水解酶及个体发生过程中蛋白水解酶的种类和活性变化,主要结果表明:⑴金鱼各组织器官蛋白水解酶种类差异不大,大多数组织器官都具有113、69、20、16kD四条带,但不同组织器官常具有其特异性蛋白水解酶;肠道蛋白水解酶种类最多、活性最强。⑵蛋白水解酶的活性受pH值影响和制约,大多数组织器官蛋白水解酶活性最适pH值为8.5。⑶在金鱼胚胎发育早期(从卵裂到心跳期)多数  相似文献   

应用透射电镜对矮生菜豆的游离核胚乳、胚乳细胞及珠被绒毡层的超微结构进行了观察,揭示了胚乳细胞化过程中自由生长壁的形成方式。实验表明,在游离核胚乳中存在大量有被小泡,胚乳游离核的外层核膜发生明显外突并以出芽的方式产生有被小泡。初始胚乳细胞壁为自由生长壁,大量有被小泡融合于自由生长壁末端使之不断延伸并产生分枝。与珠被绒毡层相邻的胚乳细胞产生发达的壁内突,具有传递细胞特征;在这些细胞中出现大量的核糖体及粗糙内质网,表现现高度的合成活性。  相似文献   

超结瘤大豆(Glycine m ax (L.) Merr.) nts 382 和不结瘤大豆Nod 49 的叶和根组织水提取物经Sephadex G25 过滤、洗脱,再根据洗脱物对硝酸还原酶(NR)活性的影响可划分为4 个组分(fraction)样品,即nts 382(Nod 49) F1、nts 382(Nod 49) F2、nts 382(Nod 49) F3 和nts 382(Nod 49) F4。其中, nts382 F2 和F4 抑制NR 活性作用在接种USDA110 后明显下降, 但接种的nts 382 F2 却能提高大豆Bragg 的结瘤数达一倍, 而接种的nts 382 F3 和F4 的作用不明显。NR 活性抑制因子不是刺激结瘤的因子, 刺激结瘤的因子主要分布在接种的nts382 F2 部分中。与这一现象相反, Nod 49 F2 和F4 抑制NR活性的作用在接种后更强, 且也抑制大豆nts 382 的结瘤, 其中Nod 49 F4 抑制结瘤的作用基本不能逆转。抑制结瘤因子主要分布在接过种的Nod 49 F4 部分中  相似文献   

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