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Stomach contents of 242 brown trout, 1440 minnow and 368 stickleback from the North Lake and of 121 trout, 1079 minnow and 332 stickleback from the South Lake of an upland reservoir system in Co. Wicklow (Ireland) were analysed.Macroinvertebrates from each reservoir were sampled in September 1982, June and September 1983, and June 1984. A further sampling in September 1984 involved only the South Lake as low water levels prevented littoral samples being taken in the North Lake. Vertical and horizontal hauls of zooplankton were also collected during September 1983 and 1984.The diets of the three species were compared on each date using Spearman Rank Correlation coefficients and Schoener's index of dietary overlap. The diets of the minnow and stickleback regularly showed significant correlation but the trout diet was very different except during periods of very reduced water levels when all species fed on zooplankton.  相似文献   

Schistocephalus -infected sticklebacks ate slightly less but fed more selectively on larger prey than non-infested fish. It follows that, in the short-term, the net energy gain in foraging is larger for infested fish. This matches the expectation that infested sticklebacks compensate energy losses due to Schistocephalus.  相似文献   

Seasonal differences were detected between uninfected sticklebacks and those infected with Schistocephalus solidus in their stomach fullness and diet composition.  相似文献   

Courtship declines and ceases while parental care increases in the presence of developing eggs during the nesting cycle of the male three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus. Furthermore, circulating 11-ketotestosterone (11KT) levels are higher during the initial "courtship phase" than during the later "parental phase," similar to that found in other paternal fishes. This study aimed to investigate a possible functional relationship between changes in 11KT levels and changes in reproductive behavior during the nesting cycle. To this end, groups of nonspawned and spawned male sticklebacks were sham-operated, castrated, or castrated and treated with 11-ketoandrostenedione (11KA), and the effects of the treatments on courtship and parental care were studied. Castration removed circulating 11KT, while 11KA replacement prevented the natural decline in 11KT during the parental phase (11KA converts to 11KT extratesticularly), as assessed by radioimmunoassay. Regardless of treatment, parental care remained low and courtship was present in all nonspawned males, even at the end of the experiment. However, courtship did eventually decline in castrated nonspawned males compared to the other two nonspawned groups. In all treatments of spawned males there was a drastic decline in courtship and an increase in parental care. In castrated spawned males, however, the decline in courtship came earlier than in the other two spawned groups. 11KA treatment did not prevent the natural decline in courtship/increase in parental care in spawned males, indicating that the natural decline in 11KT is not responsible for the main portion of the rapid changes in these behaviors over the stickleback's nesting cycle. The limited effects of castration also exclude other gonadal hormones from being responsible for most of these changes.  相似文献   

Three-spined stickleback fry (mean length 20 mm, mean weight 14 mg) were reared for 14 days alone and in groups of six in a constant per capita water volume. The fish originated from two habitats (rock-pools, sea) of different predation pressure. The fry were fed nauplii of Artemia and commercial aquarium fish food ad libitum. Specific growth rates of solitary and schooling fry differed and were also affected by their origin. The specific growth rates of solitary fry from the sea averaged 1.0% day−1 (length) and 6.0% day−1 (weight) and those of solitary rock-pool fry 1.1 and 6.7%, respectively. For group-reared fish the corresponding values were 1.2% (length) and 6.6% (weight), and 1.3% (length) and 7.6% (weight). The finding that schooling sticklebacks grow faster than solitary ones implies that grouping enhances fitness in stickleback fry under the conditions of our experiments.  相似文献   

Ripe eggs removed from three-spined sticklebacks stored in 50% isopropyl alcohol showed significantly Sower mean masses than those stored in 10% formalin. These results are considered in relationship to preservation techniques for stickleback.  相似文献   

Daily increment formation was demonstrated in the sagittae of the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosieus aculeatus L., under both laboratory and field conditions. The onset of daily increment formation coincided with the day of hatching. The main sources of inaccuracy in age determination resulted from difficulties in resolving narrow increments in the sagittae of fish held at low temperatures and the increasing incidence of checks with age. The advantage of daily increments for investigating growth in this species was demonstrated from a comparison between increment-derived age-at-length data and length-at-capture data, since the latter significantly under-estimated early growth rate within a population.  相似文献   

Circulating 11-ketotestosterone (11KT) levels are higher during the courtship phase than during the later parental phase in a number of male teleosts. The present study describes the temporal changes in 11KT levels and their relationships to changes in courtship behavior, after different number of spawnings, over the nesting cycle of the male three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, a small teleost showing pronounced paternal behavior. Plasma 11KT levels, measured by radioimmunoassay, were approximately 34 times higher during the initial courtship phase than at the end of the following parental phase in spawned males. In addition, males that spawned with three or more females on a single day showed an earlier decline in 11KT levels and in courtship behavior compared to males that were only allowed to spawn with a single female. Plasma 11KT levels remained high in males not allowed to spawn.  相似文献   

We analysed a random sample of 10 three-spined stickleback nests by DNA fingerprinting. DNA from the guardian male and a random subsample of LO fry per nest were probed with pYNZ 132, a human single-locus probe for VNTR-loci (variable number of tandem repeats). On average this probe produced DNA fingerprints of 12 scoreable bands. By comparing the bands present in each individual, we calculated band sharing indices (BSIs) between the guardian male and its fry. The BSls varied between 0.40 and 0.77 with an average (± S.D.) of 0.59 ± 0.09. We therefore conclude that the guardian male was the true father of the fry in all these nests. Once the paternal bands in each fry were determined, we compared the maternal bands among the fry of each nest. Based on the BSIs obtained with these comparisons, we found that one guardian male enticed three females to spawn in its nest, six enticed two females and three enticed one female.  相似文献   

Prey may select suboptimal habitat to alleviate predation risk. Algal blooms and turbidity are potentially harmful to prey in aquatic environments, but can provide refugia against predation, given that predators avoid such conditions. Using a flow-through aquarium, we experimentally studied the habitat choice of the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) provided with toxic and non-toxic bloom-forming cyanobacteria and green flagellate-induced turbidity in the presence and absence of a chemical predator signal from a perch (Perca fluviatilis L.). We investigated whether sticklebacks separate between different algal strains and between turbid and clear water, and whether they are able to use algal toxicity and turbidity as shelter against predators. Sticklebacks preferred the toxic over the non-toxic Nodularia spumigena (Mertens) habitat in the presence of a predator signal, whereas no differences in times spent in the two habitats were detected when the predator signal was absent. There was a tendency for sticklebacks to prefer clear over turbid water in the absence of a predator signal, but no differences were found when the predator signal was present. Our results suggest that the three-spined stickleback is not fully adapted to the cyanobacterial blooms and turbidity caused by the recent eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. However, the predator-induced shifts in habitat choice are also consistent with the hypothesis that sticklebacks use algal toxicity and turbidity as shelters against predation, since these factors are likely to have only minor fitness consequences for sticklebacks.  相似文献   

Understanding of genetic mechanisms underlying variation in sexual dichromatism remains limited, especially for carotenoid‐based colors. We addressed this knowledge gap in a gene expression study with threespine stickleback. We compared male and female throat tissues across five populations, including two in which female red coloration has evolved convergently. We found that the expression of individual genes, gene ontologies, and coexpression networks associated with red female color within a population differed between California and British Columbia populations, suggesting differences in underlying mechanisms. Comparing females from each of these populations to females from populations dominated by dull females, we again found extensive expression differences. For each population, genes and networks associated with female red color showed the same patterns for males only inconsistently. The functional roles of genes showing correlated expression with female color are unclear within populations, whereas genes highlighted through inter‐population comparisons include some previously suggested to function in carotenoid pathways. Among these, the most consistent patterns involved TTC39B (Tetratricopeptide Repeat Domain 39B), which is within a known red coloration QTL in stickleback and implicated in red coloration in other taxa.  相似文献   

A molecular method of identifying sex in three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus showed that adult males had a higher prevalence of dermal Glugea anomala cysts than adult females, and young-of-the-year had more than adults. At the end of the breeding season, as predicted, the adult sex ratio became female biased and there was a disproportionate increase in G. anomala parasitism in adult males.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Monthly and diel patterns of food consumption by the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus L., were studied in Llyn Frongoch, a small reservoir in upland mid-Wales.
2. Copepods were particularly prominent in the diet in spring and autumn, with ephemeropteran nymphs prominent in summer. Chironomid pupae and stickleback eggs were also elements of the diet in summer, whereas algae, plant material and debris were more important in autumn and winter. Chironomid larvae and ostracods were present throughout the year, but there was some doubt as to the importance of ostracods as digestible food items.
3. Stomach contents were heaviest in spring and late summer and lightest in late autumn and winter.
4. Samples for the diel samples were taken four times, once in each season. These diel samples largely reflected the seasonal changes in diet noted in the monthly samples. There were few cases of a clear switch in the composition of the diet during a 24 h period. Feeding occurred during daylight, the weight of the stomach contents declined during darkness.
3. Several methods provided estimates of the daily rate of food consumption which ranged from 3.5 mg in December (4°C), to 19.0 mg in May (15°C). These estimates and others obtained independently suggest that the annual rate of food consumption for a stickleback in Llyn Frongoch is between 2000 and 5000 mg wet weight.  相似文献   

The nest site characteristics of the freshwater three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus (form leiurus ), were quantitatively investigated in springs and the main stream of the Yamayoke and the Tsuya River system, central Japan. Most nests (93·4%) were on a muddy or sandy substratum, at depths of 10–40 cm (84·3%), in water velocities less than 15 cm s−1 (76·2%) and in the temperature range of 14 to 16° C (82·7%), Spring-fed localities provided more of these conditions than the main stream channel and hence contained more potential nesting areas. Thus, they were utilized by male sticklebacks both temporally (prolonged breeding season) and spatially (more nest sites).  相似文献   

In an anadromous population of the threespine stickleback, male red coloration was correlated with agonistic and egg care behaviour of parental males, but not with hatching success. When one male took over a neighbour's territory, the dominant male had more intense red coloration.  相似文献   

We studied experimental double infections of the cestode Schistocephalus solidus in its stickleback host. In particular, we were interested in how two important components of the cestode's transmission success-establishment and growth within the fish host-were affected by the relatedness of the two parasites in a double exposure and by the timing of the two exposures, that is, whether they occurred simultaneously or sequentially. We found that male sticklebacks more often became infected (singly or doubly) if the two cestodes in the exposures were related, whereas female sticklebacks were more easily infected (singly or doubly) when exposed to two unrelated cestodes. Irrespective of the fish's gender, successful infections more often contained both cestodes when they were related. In sequential exposures with related as well as unrelated cestodes, the cestode in the later exposure survived better and also grew larger than the cestode from the first exposure, despite being one week younger. Our results emphasize that within-host dynamics and factors acting at this level can play an important role in determining a parasite's transmission success.  相似文献   

In a population of Gasterosteus aculeatus living in an infertile, upland lake, the fish bred at the age of one year and few survived to breed again. The highest growth rates were achieved in the first month of life, but in comparison with other populations of G. aculeatus growth was slow during the autumn and ceased during the winter. But in spring and early summer, there was a spurt in the growth rate.
Laboratory studies provided regression models for the prediction of the rate of food consumption from measurements of growth. The estimates of the consumption rate indicated the effect of the growth in body size and seasonal variations during the first year of life. It was estimated that a fish of mean length in the population consumed 3150 mg of food in a year in which it grew from 65.8 to 552.0 mg, with an overall gross growth efficiency of 15.4%.
The study illustrated the integration of laboratory and field studies to obtain reasonable estimates of the rate of food consumption by fish throughout their first year of life.  相似文献   

Male three‐spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus from two U.K. populations with endemic infections of the cestode Schistocephalus solidus were brought into the laboratory prior to the breeding season and transferred to nesting tanks under conditions designed to stimulate sexual maturation. Nesting and courtship behaviours were scored over a 35 day period, after which fish were euthanized and the liver, spleen, kidney and gonads were weighed. Among G. aculeatus from a park pond in Leicester, U.K., infected males rarely engaged in reproductive behaviours and exhibited reduced indices of sexual development, body condition and general health, with effects being largely independent of relative parasite mass (parasite index, IP). In contrast, the reproductive behaviour of infected fish from Kendoon Loch in Dumfriesshire, U.K. appeared to be less severely affected, with infected fish regularly building nests and courting females under laboratory conditions. This was paralleled by a more limited effect of infection on physiological indicators of development, condition and general health. Furthermore, behavioural and physiological variables typically correlated with IP among infected fish from this population. Although comparing the performance of infected fish from the two populations directly was difficult due to potentially confounding factors, the results support the findings of recent studies showing that the effects of S. solidus on host reproduction are unlikely to be uniform across G. aculeatus populations. One possibility is that variation in the effects of infection arises from differences in the co‐evolutionary association times of G. aculeatus with the parasite.  相似文献   

The effects of the digenean trematode parasite Telogaster opisthorchis on aggression and competitive ability in male upland bullies ( Gobiomorphus breviceps ) were examined using mirror-image stimulation (MIS) techniques and dyadic contests for nest sites between pairs of males. Parasite load had no significant effect on male aggression or success in dyadic contests, nor was aggression a predictor of the likely winner of these contests. The results are discussed with relation to the role of parasites in male-male competition and to possible problems in using MIS techniques for studies on dominance and aggression in fish.  相似文献   

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