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This study aims to determine whether glucose intervenes in the regulation of lipid metabolism in long-term fasting birds, using the king penguin as an animal model. Changes in the plasma concentration of various metabolites and hormones, and in lipolytic fluxes as determined by continuous infusion of [2-3H]glycerol and [1-14C]palmitate, were examined in vivo before, during, and after a 2-h glucose infusion under field conditions. All the birds were in the phase II fasting status (large fat stores, protein sparing) but differed by their metabolic and hormonal statuses, being either nonstressed (NSB; n = 5) or stressed (SB; n = 5). In both groups, glucose infusion at 5 mg.kg-1.min-1 induced a twofold increase in glycemia. In NSB, glucose had no effect on lipolysis (maintenance of plasma concentrations and rates of appearance of glycerol and nonesterified fatty acids) and no effect on the plasma concentrations of triacylglycerols (TAG), glucagon, insulin, or corticosterone. However, it limited fatty acid (FA) oxidation, as indicated by a 25% decrease in the plasma level of beta-hydroxybutyrate (beta-OHB). In SB, glucose infusion induced an approximately 2.5-fold decrease in lipolytic fluxes and a large decrease in FA oxidation, as reflected by a 64% decrease in the plasma concentration of beta-OHB. There were also a 35% decrease in plasma TAG, a 6.5- and 2.8-fold decrease in plasma glucagon and corticosterone, respectively, and a threefold increase in insulinemia. These data show that in fasting king penguins, glucose regulates lipid metabolism (inhibition of lipolysis and/or of FA oxidation) and affects hormonal status differently in stressed vs. nonstressed individuals. The results also suggest that in birds, as in humans, the availability of glucose, not of FA, is an important determinant of the substrate mix (glucose vs. FA) that is oxidized for energy production.  相似文献   

For oceanic birds like king penguins, a major constraint is the separation of foraging areas from the breeding colony, largely because swimming increases foraging costs. However, the relationship between foraging strategy and breeding stage has been poorly investigated. Using time-depth recorders, we studied the diving behaviour of two groups of king penguins that were either incubating or brooding chicks at Crozet Islands (Southern Indian Ocean) at the same period of the year. Although birds with chicks had the highest predicted energy demand, they made foraging trips half as long as incubating birds (6 vs. 14 days) and modified their time and depth utilisation. Birds with chicks dived deeper during daylight (mean maximum depth of 280 m vs. 205 m for those incubating). At night, birds with chicks spent twice as much time diving as those incubating, but birds at both stages never dived beyond 30 m. Movements to greater depths by brooding birds are consistent with the vertical distribution of myctophid fish which are the main prey. As chick provisioning limits trip duration, it is suggested that it is more efficient for parents to change their diving patterns rather than to restrict their foraging range. Received: 23 June 1997 / Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

In the 2009–2010 austral summer, two breeding pairs of king penguins were recorded at Stinker Point, Elephant Island, Maritime Antarctic. This is the first record of king penguins breeding south of 60°S. The finding suggests a possible range extension of this species and increases the number of breeding bird species at Stinker Point, which was recently appointed as an Important Bird Area in Antarctica.  相似文献   

Because fasting king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) need to conserve energy, it is possible that they exhibit particularly low metabolic rates during periods of rest. We investigated the behavioral and physiological aspects of periods of minimum metabolic rate in king penguins under different circumstances. Heart rate (f(H)) measurements were recorded to estimate rate of oxygen consumption during periods of rest. Furthermore, apparent respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) was calculated from the f(H) data to determine probable breathing frequency in resting penguins. The most pertinent results were that minimum f(H) achieved (over 5 min) was higher during respirometry experiments in air than during periods ashore in the field; that minimum f(H) during respirometry experiments on water was similar to that while at sea; and that RSA was apparent in many of the f(H) traces during periods of minimum f(H) and provides accurate estimates of breathing rates of king penguins resting in specific situations in the field. Inferences made from the results include that king penguins do not have the capacity to reduce their metabolism to a particularly low level on land; that they can, however, achieve surprisingly low metabolic rates at sea while resting in cold water; and that during respirometry experiments king penguins are stressed to some degree, exhibiting an elevated metabolism even when resting.  相似文献   

The short-term behavioural effects of helicopter overflights on breeding king penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus at South Georgia were examined. Seventeen helicopter overflights were made at altitudes between 230 and 1,768 m (750–5,800 ft) above ground level. Noise from the aircraft engines and helicopter blades increased sound levels in the colony from a background level of 65–69 dB(A) to a maximum mean peak level of 80 dB(A) during overflights. Penguin behaviour changed significantly during all overflights at all altitudes compared to the pre- and post-flight periods. Pre-overflight behaviour resumed within 15 min of the aircraft passing overhead and no chicks or eggs were observed to be taken by predators during overflights. Non-incubating birds showed an increased response with reduced overflight altitude, but this was not observed in incubating birds. Variability in overflight noise levels did not affect significantly the behaviour of incubating or non-incubating birds. Penguins exhibited a reduced response to overflights as the study progressed (despite later flights generally being flown at lower altitudes) suggesting some degree of habituation to aircraft. To minimise disturbance to king penguins we recommend a precautionary approach such that overflights are undertaken at the maximum altitude that is operationally practical, or preferably are avoided altogether.  相似文献   

This study is directed toward understanding the process of feeding stimulation ("refeeding signal") that has been suggested to operate below a body mass threshold or critical metabolic status in spontaneously fasting birds. Behavior and egg temperature (T(egg)) were continuously monitored by video monitoring and biotelemetry, respectively, in fasting-incubating king penguins kept in a pen to prevent relief by the partner until spontaneous egg abandonment. Penned birds fasted 10 days more and lost 1.2 kg more than birds relieved normally by their partner, abandoning the egg about 1 wk after reaching a critical body mass. Definitive egg abandonment was preceded by transitory abandonments of progressively increasing duration during which time the birds went further and further away from their egg. There were marked interindividual differences but on average transitory abandonments began 36 +/- 5 h before the definitive abandonment and were paralleled by resumption of display songs signaling the readiness of the bird to depart for feeding. T(egg) was maintained at around 35.7 degrees C during normal incubation but significantly decreased the last 2 days before egg abandonment. These changes are interpreted as reflecting a stimulation to refeed at a threshold body mass corresponding to a critical fat store depletion. Thus the fasting-incubating king penguin appears to be an interesting animal model for understanding the long-term metabolic control of feeding behavior in relation to energy status.  相似文献   

Animals must make "decisions" (e.g., when or whether to breed,the effort to put into a breeding episode) by integrating physiological,environmental and social inputs. This integration can be studiedonly in a field context. In Adélie penguins (Pygoscelisadeliae) reproduction is constrained by foraging ecology, modeof transport, and the extreme latitude at which they live. Thedecision whether to breed in a given year is influenced by bodyconditions. Adélie penguins must fast for several weeksduring the early reproductive stages and use stored fat formetabolic energy. Females that return to the colony, but donot breed, are 10–12% lighter than females that do breed.Birds that are relatively low in body mass tend to have lowerreproductive success than heavier birds, and an individual'sreproductive success is positively correlated with the bodyfat stores it had on arrival. After eggs are laid, parents alternatein attending the nest. Nest failure occurs if one parent doesnot make a timely return and its fasting partner must eventuallyleave. During normal-length fasts plasma corticosterone andglucose levels do not change. Blood ß-hydroxybutyratelevels gradually increase during the fast while uric acid levelsremain low, but in birds with the longest fasts (>50 days),ketone levels may fall and uric acid levels increase, indicativeof a switch from using fat to using body proteins for metabolism.In incubating males, hematocrit and hemoglobin concentrationsalso increase, suggesting dehydration can accompany energy stressduring the breeding fast.  相似文献   

We studied haematocrit variation with age and reproductive status in chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) at Deception Island, South Shetlands. There was a significant difference in haematocrit values between different age groups (adults vs nestlings and juveniles). Adults had a higher haematocrit value than juveniles and nestlings and juveniles had higher haematocrit values than nestlings. There was also a significant difference in haematocrit values between adults of different status (breeding vs moulting). Breeding adults had higher haematocrit values than moulting adults. The observed differences between age groups were thought to be the result of different oxygen demands due to exercise. The observed differences between adults of different status could reflect the different demands associated with reproduction and moult fasting.  相似文献   

We investigated changes in the rate of oxygen consumption (V O2) and body temperature of wild king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) in different nutritional conditions during recovery after exposure to cold water. Over time, birds undertook an identical experiment three times, each characterized by different nutritional conditions: (1) having recently completed a foraging trip, (2) after fasting for many days, and (3) having been refed one meal after the fast. The experiments consisted of a 2-h session in a water channel followed by a period of recovery in a respirometer chamber on land. Refed birds recovered significantly more quickly than fed birds, in terms of both time to reach resting V O2 on land and time to reach recovery of lower abdominal temperature. Previous work found that when penguins are in cold water, abdominal temperatures decrease less in refed birds than in fed or fasted birds, suggesting that refed birds may be vasoconstricting the periphery while perfusing the gut region to access nutrients. This, alongside an increased resting [V O2], seems the most reasonable explanation for why refed birds recovered more quickly subsequent to cold-water exposure in this study; that is, vasoconstriction of the insulative periphery meant that they lost less heat generated by the body core.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine how glucagon intervenes in the regulation of fuel metabolism, especially lipolysis, at two stages of a spontaneous long-term fast characterized by marked differences in lipid and protein availability and/or utilization (phases II and III). Changes in the plasma concentration of various metabolites and hormones, and in lipolytic fluxes as determined by continuous infusion of [2-3H]glycerol and [1-14C]palmitate, were examined in vivo in a subantarctic bird (king penguin) before, during, and after a 2-h glucagon infusion. In the two fasting phases, glucagon infusion at a rate of 0.025 microg. kg(-1). min(-1) induced a three- to fourfold increase in the plasma concentration and in the rate of appearance (Ra) of glycerol and nonesterified fatty acids, the percentage of primary reesterification remaining unchanged. Infusion of glucagon also resulted in a progressive elevation of the plasma concentration of glucose and beta-hydroxybutyrate and in a twofold higher insulinemia. These changes were not significantly different between the two phases. The plasma concentrations of triacylglycerols and uric acid were unaffected by glucagon infusion, except for a 40% increase in plasma uric acid in phase II birds. Altogether, these results indicate that glucagon in a long-term fasting bird is highly lipolytic, hyperglycemic, ketogenic, and insulinogenic, these effects, however, being similar in phases II and III. The maintenance of the sensitivity of adipose tissue lipolysis to glucagon could suggest that the major role of the increase in basal glucagonemia observed in phase III is to stimulate gluconeogenesis rather than fatty acid delivery.  相似文献   

Brain and behavioral asymmetries (termed "lateralization"; e.g., preferential eye‐use) have been mostly described in controlled laboratory conditions, although striking similarities of hemispheric brain control for specific behaviors have also been shown in the wild. Visual lateralization may provide ecological advantages by allowing complementary roles played by the left–right lateral and frontal visual field in distant or close motion detection of predators or other threats. In this study, we tested for lateralization in aggressive behavior in wild king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus), seabirds breeding in a context of strong colonial aggressiveness, and subject to on‐land‐based predation of their egg or chick. We show that males initiated more agonistic interactions when a congener was located in their right frontal visual field and in their left lateral visual field. The results obtained in females were the exact opposite for each subdivision of their visual fields. Complementary lateralization in male and female penguins may be part of a more general phenomenon, allowing partners to coordinate their behavior during reproduction. This may be especially true during the period of courtship, during which these seasonally monogamous and monomorphic seabirds engage in mutual mate choice based on a complex and ritualized display of ornaments located on the left and right lateral sides of the head. Those results open exciting questions as to whether hemispheric control of aggression is a commonly selected phenotypic trait across colonial seabirds.  相似文献   

In endotherms, regulation of the degree of mitochondrial coupling affects cell metabolic efficiency. Thus it may be a key contributor to minimizing metabolic rate during long periods of fasting. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether variation in mitochondrial avian uncoupling proteins (avUCP), as putative regulators of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, may contribute to the ability of king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) to withstand fasting for several weeks. After 20 days of fasting, king penguins showed a reduced rate of whole animal oxygen consumption (Vo2; -33%) at rest, together with a reduced abundance of avUCP and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1alpha (PGC1-alpha) mRNA in pectoralis muscle (-54%, -36%, respectively). These parameters were restored after the birds had been refed for 3 days. Furthermore, in recently fed, but not in fasted penguins, isolated muscle mitochondria showed a guanosine diphosphate-inhibited, fatty acid plus superoxide-activated respiration, indicating the presence of a functional UCP. It was calculated that variation in mitochondrial UCP-dependent respiration in vitro may contribute to nearly 20% of the difference in resting Vo2 between fed or refed penguins and fasted penguins measured in vivo. These results suggest that the lowering of avUCP activity during periods of long-term energetic restriction may contribute to the reduction in metabolic rate and hence the ability of king penguins to face prolonged periods of fasting.  相似文献   

Root exudate composition and quantity vary in relation to plant nutritional status, but the impact of the differences on rhizosphere microbial communities is not known. To examine this question, we performed an experiment with barley (Hordeum vulgare) plants under iron-limiting and iron-sufficient growth conditions. Plants were grown in an iron-limiting soil in root box microcosms. One-half of the plants were treated with foliar iron every day to inhibit phytosiderophore production and to alter root exudate composition. After 30 days, the bacterial communities associated with different root zones, including the primary root tips, nonelongating secondary root tips, sites of lateral root emergence, and older roots distal from the tip, were characterized by using 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) fingerprints generated by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Our results showed that the microbial communities associated with the different root locations produced many common 16S rDNA bands but that the communities could be distinguished by using correspondence analysis. Approximately 40% of the variation between communities could be attributed to plant iron nutritional status. A sequence analysis of clones generated from a single 16S rDNA band obtained at all of the root locations revealed that there were taxonomically different species in the same band, suggesting that the resolving power of DGGE for characterization of community structure at the species level is limited. Our results suggest that the bacterial communities in the rhizosphere are substantially different in different root zones and that a rhizosphere community may be altered by changes in root exudate composition caused by changes in plant iron nutritional status.  相似文献   

We investigated annual adult survival rates of king penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus breeding at South Georgia during 6 years in relation to age/breeding experience, sex, and food availability. During the first 3 years of the study, when food availability was good, survival was 97.7% for experienced breeders, which confirmed the very high survival rates observed in penguins in general. In these years survival did not differ between the sexes, presumably because parental investment is shared equally between the sexes, and the sexual dimorphism is small in king penguins. Survival was lower for young, first-time breeders (83.0%). In experienced birds the annual survival rate decreased to 68-82% following a catastrophic year when food availability was extremely low. We address the question how parents balance their current investment in offspring against their chances to reproduce in the future. We argue that the high mortality rate among breeding individuals after the year of food stress provides support for previous suggestions that the response to increased costs in seabirds might be complex to predict and does not always follow intuitive expectations according to general life-history theory. We also found that females survived significantly less well than males following the bad year. We explain this result as follows: the male-biased sex ratio (56:44) that we observed in our study colony clearly does not result from lower female survival during normal conditions. An already existing skewed sex ratio forces males to delay the onset of breeding because of a lack of breeding partners. This in turn causes breeding females to be, on average, younger and less experienced than males and to have lower survival following a year of food shortage. In this study survival was linked with food availability and we suggest that this was connected to climatic/oceanographic features, such as the position of the Antarctic Polar Front Zone. We could, however, not verify this by anomalies in sea surface temperature data.  相似文献   

We measured oxygen consumption rate (Vo(2)) and body temperatures in 10 king penguins in air and water. Vo(2) was measured during rest and at submaximal and maximal exercise before (fed) and after (fasted) an average fasting duration of 14.4 +/- 2.3 days (mean +/- 1 SD, range 10-19 days) in air and water. Concurrently, we measured subcutaneous temperature and temperature of the upper (heart and liver), middle (stomach) and lower (intestine) abdomen. The mean body mass (M(b)) was 13.8 +/- 1.2 kg in fed and 11.0 +/- 0.6 kg in fasted birds. After fasting, resting Vo(2) was 93% higher in water than in air (air: 86.9 +/- 8.8 ml/min; water: 167.3 +/- 36.7 ml/min, P < 0.01), while there was no difference in resting Vo(2) between air and water in fed animals (air: 117.1 +/- 20.0 ml O(2)/min; water: 114.8 +/- 32.7 ml O(2)/min, P > 0.6). In air, Vo(2) decreased with M(b), while it increased with M(b) in water. Body temperature did not change with fasting in air, whereas in water, there were complex changes in the peripheral body temperatures. These latter changes may, therefore, be indicative of a loss in body insulation and of variations in peripheral perfusion. Four animals were given a single meal after fasting and the temperature changes were partly reversed 24 h after refeeding in all body regions except the subcutaneous, indicating a rapid reversal to a prefasting state where body heat loss is minimal. The data emphasize the importance in considering nutritional status when studying king penguins and that the fasting-related physiological changes diverge in air and water.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of early life stages in individuals' life history and population dynamics, very few studies have focused on the constraints to which these juvenile traits are subjected. Based on 10 years of automatic monitoring of over 2500 individuals, we present the first study on the effects of environmental conditions and individual pre-fledging traits on the post-fledging return of non-banded king penguins to their natal colony. Juvenile king penguins returned exclusively within one of the three austral summers following their departure. A key finding is that return rates (range 68-87%) were much higher than previously assumed for this species, importantly meaning that juvenile survival is very close to that of adults. Such high figures suggest little juvenile dispersal, and selection occurring mostly prior to fledging in king penguins. Pre-fledging conditions had a strong quadratic impact on juvenile return rates. As expected, cohorts reared under very unfavourable years (as inferred by the breeding success of the colony) exhibited low return rates but surprisingly, so did those fledged under very favourable conditions. Juvenile sojourns away from the colony were shorter under warm conditions and subsequent return rates higher, suggesting a positive effect of climate warming. The longer the post-fledging trip (1, 2 or 3 years), the earlier in the summer birds returned to their natal colony and the longer they stayed before leaving for the winter journey. The presence of juveniles in the colony was more than twice the duration required for moulting purposes, yet none attempted breeding in the year of their first return. Juvenile presence in the colony may be important for acquiring knowledge on the social and physical colonial environment and may play an important part in the learning process of mating behaviour. Further studies are required to investigate its potential implications on other life-history traits such as recruitment age.  相似文献   

Avian sleep is sensitive to thermal challenges. Brooding king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) defending a territory are exposed to wide daily fluctuations in ambient temperature and wind conditions. We studied the daytime behavioural time budget of 89 groups of territorial adults brooding a 1- to 5-week-old chick on Crozet Island during summer 1998. Scans were performed every 10 min and each bird was categorized as either active, resting or sleeping. Three ranges of ambient temperatures (T1=5-9°C, T2=10-13°C, T3=14-19°C) and wind conditions (calm-light, moderate, strong) were distinguished. Wind conditions did not affect the behavioural time budget of king penguins during summer. Resting, which represented about half of the daytime behavioural time budget, increased by 17% when ambient temperature increased from T1 to T3, mostly at the expense of active behaviours. The percentage of time spent sleeping was low, but was reduced by 66% when ambient temperature increased over 10°C. Thus, behavioural sleep was mainly observed in a range of temperatures within which resting metabolic rate of adult king penguins is minimal, i.e. between -1 and 11°C. It is also interesting to note that the range of ambient temperatures in which sleeping was high coincides with the most common microclimatology prevailing at the colony during summer, i.e. ambient temperatures between 5 and 10°C.  相似文献   

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