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The early history of tRNA recognition by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In previous work we identified several specific sites in Escherichia coli tRNAfMet that are essential for recognition of this tRNA by E. coli methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS) (EC Particularly strong evidence indicated a role for the nucleotide base at the wobble position of the anticodon in the discrimination process. We have now investigated the aminoacylation activity of a series of tRNAfMet derivatives containing single base changes in each position of the anticodon. In addition, derivatives containing permuted sequences and larger and smaller anticodon loops have been prepared. The variant tRNAs have been enzymatically synthesized in vitro by using T4 RNA ligase (EC Base substitutions in the wobble position have been found to reduce aminoacylation rates by at least five orders of magnitude. Derivatives having base substitutions in the other two positions of the anticodon are aminoacylated 55-18,500 times slower than normal. Nucleotides that have specific functional groups in common with the normal anticodon bases are better tolerated at each of these positions than those that do not. A tRNAfMet variant having a six-membered loop containing only the CA sequence of the anticodon is aminoacylated still more slowly, and a derivative containing a five-membered loop is not measurably active. The normal loop size can be increased by one nucleotide with a relatively small effect on the rate of aminoacylation, which indicates that the spatial arrangement of the nucleotides is less critical than their chemical nature. We conclude from these data that recognition of tRNAfMet requires highly specific interactions of MetRS with functional groups on the nucleotide bases of the anticodon sequence. Several other aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are known to require one or more anticodon bases for efficient aminoacylation of their tRNA substrates, and data from other laboratories suggest that anticodon sequences may be important for accurate discrimination between cognate and noncoagnate tRNAs by these enzymes.  相似文献   

This review summarizes results of numerous (mainly functional) studies that have been accumulated over recent years on the problem of tRNA recognition by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Development and employment of approaches that use synthetic mutant and chimeric tRNAs have demonstrated general principles underlying highly specific interaction in different systems. The specificity of interaction is determined by a certain number of nucleotides and structural elements of tRNA (constituting the set of recognition elements or specificity determinants), which are characteristic of each pair. Crystallographic structures available for many systems provide the details of the molecular basis of selective interaction. Diversity and identity of biochemical functions of the recognition elements make substantial contribution to the specificity of such interactions.  相似文献   

Previous sequence analyses have suggested the existence of two distinct classes of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. The partition was established on the basis of exclusive sets of sequence motifs (Eriani et al. [1990] Nature 347:203–306). X-ray studies have now well defined the structural basis of the two classes: the class I enzymes share with dehydrogenases and kinases the classic nucleotide binding fold called the Rossmann fold, whereas the class II enzymes possess a different fold, not found elsewhere, built around a six-stranded antiparallel -sheet. The two classes of synthetases catalyze the same global reaction that is the attachment of an amino acid to the tRNA, but differ as to where on the terminal adenosine of the tRNA the amino acid is placed: class I enzymes act on the 2 hydroxyl whereas the class II enzymes prefer the 3 hydroxyl group. The three-dimensional structure of aspartyl-tRNA synthetase from yeast, a typical class II enzyme, is described here, in relation to its function. The crucial role of the sequence motifs in substrate binding and enzyme structure is high-lighted. Overall these results underline the existence of an intimate evolutionary link between the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, despite their actual structural diversity.Based on a presentation made at a workshop— Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases and the Evolution of the Genetic Code—held at Berkeley, CA, July 17–20, 1994 Correspondence to: G. Eriani  相似文献   

The rates of the cross-aminoacylation reactions of tRNAs(Met) catalyzed by methionyl-tRNA synthetases from various organisms suggest the occurrence of two types of tRNA(Met)/methionyl-tRNA synthetase systems. In this study, the tRNA determinants recognized by mammalian or E. coli methionyl-tRNA synthetases, which are representative members of the two types, have been examined. Like its prokaryotic counterpart, the mammalian enzyme utilizes the anticodon of tRNA as main recognition element. However, the mammalian cytoplasmic elongator tRNA(Met) species is not recognized by the bacterial synthetase, and both the initiator and elongator E. coli tRNA(Met) behave as poor substrates of the mammalian cytoplasmic synthetase. Synthetic genes encoding variants of tRNAs(Met), including the elongator one from mammals, were expressed in E. coli. tRNAs(Met) recognized by a synthetase of a given type can be converted into a substrate of an enzyme of the other type by introducing one-base substitutions in the anticodon loop or stem. In particular, a reduction of the size of the anticodon loop of cytoplasmic mammalian elongator tRNA(Met) from 9 to 7 bases, through the creation of an additional Watson-Crick pair at the bottom of the anticodon stem, makes it a substrate of the prokaryotic enzyme and decreases its ability to be methionylated by the mammalian enzyme. Moreover, enlarging the size of the anticodon loop of E. coli tRNA(Metm) from 7 to 9 bases, by disrupting the base pair at the bottom of the anticodon stem, renders the resulting tRNA a good substrate of the mammalian enzyme, while strongly altering its reaction with the prokaryotic synthetase. Finally, E. coli tRNA(Metf) can be rendered a better substrate of the mammalian enzyme by changing its U33 into a C. This modification makes the sequence of the anticodon loop of tRNA(Metf) identical to that of cytoplasmic initiator tRNA(Met).  相似文献   

Growth of Escherichia coli AB 2271 under threonine or isoleucine deficiency leads to a depression of the threonyl-tRNA synthetase and isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase respectively. During this amino-acid-limited growth the concentrations of isoaccepting fractions of the cognate tRNA species were changed, as demonstrated by their altered reversed-phase-5 chromatograms. But, in addition, the profiles of the isoacceptors of all other tRNA species investigated, i.e. of tRNAsLeu, tRNAsSer and tRNAsArg were also altered. This means that, if there is a correlation between regulation of the level of an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase and its cognate isoaccepting tRNAs, it is superimposed by the effect of amino acid limitation upon the concentration of all isoaccepting tRNAs. So far drastic changes in profiles of isoaccepting tRNAs have only been observed under unbalanced growth in relaxed cells or during treatment with antibiotics. Here we demonstrate that similar heavy alterations in patterns of isoaccepting tRNAs occur in a proven stringent E. coli strain growing exponentially under amino acid limitation. Thus the observed changes in the profiles of isoaccepting tRNAs during amino acid limitation signal a meaningful biological function of those newly or increasingly occurring isoaccepting tRNAs. During the growth under amino acid limitation the total acceptor activity of eight investigated tRNA species, however, stayed unchanged, except that under threonine-limited growth the total amount of tRNAIle was reduced to about half and that of tRNAGlu increased; both tRNA species of these isoacceptors are known [30,31] as spacers between ribosomal RNAs.  相似文献   

Detailed calculations of the conformational characteristics of a primitive decoding system are presented. A penta-nucleotide serves as the primitive tRNA (PIT) with a triplet of primitive anticodon (PAC) in a helical conformation. This molecular moiety has a cleft in the middle. An amino acid can comfortably nestle into the cleft. The conformation of this molecular association is stabilised by a few hydrogen bonds. The stereochemistry of the moiety restricts the conformational possibilities and the sidechain of the amino acid gets oriented at a proper position and in the correct direction to interact intimately with the PAC in the middle of the PIT. The model favours L-amino acids for beta-D-ribonucleotides. The location of the sidechain of the amino acid in the PIT gives a raison d'être for the important features of the organisation of nucleotide triplets for amino acids in the Genetic Code. The interaction of a few key amino acids with the different combinations of bases as PAC sequences has been studied and the stereochemical basis for the selection of the anticodons for amino acids is elucidated.  相似文献   

A new method for looking at relationships between nucleotide sequences has been used to analyze divergence both within and between the families of isoaccepting tRNA sets. A dendrogram of the relationships between 21 tRNA sets with different amino acid specificities is presented as the result of the analysis. Methionine initiator tRNAs are included as a separate set. The dendrogram has been interpreted with respect to the final stage of the evolutionary pathway with the development of highly specific tRNAs from ambiguous molecular adaptors. The location of the sets on the dendrogram was therefore analyzed in relation to hypotheses on the origin of the genetic code: the coevolution theory, the physicochemical hypothesis, and the hypothesis of ambiguity reduction of the genetic code. Pairs of 16 sets of isoacceptor tRNAs, whose amino acids are in biosynthetic relationships, occupied contiguous positions on the dendrogram, thus supporting the coevolution theory of the genetic code. Received: 4 May 1998 / Accepted: 11 July 1998  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli a UGA codon can be efficiently suppressedby a suppressor tRNATrp called Su9. Here, we show that the levelof UGA suppression is determined by the nature of the nucleotideat the 5' side of the anticodon of the suppressor (position33). UGA suppression occurs when a pyrimidine residue is locatedin position 33 of the tRNA, and suppression is more efficientwith a U than with a C in this position. On the other hand,when a purine residue is located at this position UGA suppressionis extremely low. These results show that in the case of tRNASu9, the UGA codon context effect does not require base pairingbetween the nucleotide at the 3' side of the codon and the 5'side of the anticodon.  相似文献   

D Kern  J Lapointe 《Biochimie》1979,61(11-12):1257-1272
A general separation procedure of the twenty E. coli aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases including either a 105 000 g centrifugation or a poly-ethyleneglycol-dextran two-phases partition fractionation, and chromatographies on DEAE-cellulose, phosphocellulose and hydroxyapatite is described. The specific activities of the synthetases have been determined after each chromatographic step and compared to their respective activities in the 105 000 g supernatant. Some aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases were obtained at 80 per cent purity. The presence of phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride does not significantly modify either the elution patterns of the synthetases during the various chromatographic steps or their specific activities. Thus, contrarily to enzymes from various eukaryotic organisms no significant inactivation of the E. coli aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases occurs via proteolytic processes during the purification procedure. The effects of various factors: pH, magnesium, and other bivalent cations including spermidine, were tested on the aminoacylation and the [32P] PPi-ATP isotope-exchange reactions, and the optimal aminoacylation and isotope-exchange conditions determined for 18 of the 20 E. coli aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.  相似文献   

In attempting to understand how life originated, we search for a detailed sequence of experimentally testable physico-chemical steps in an appropriately structured system. This goal is approached in two stages. First we search for the organizational structure of processes leading to systems with the basic features of living organisms. This is an engineering problem: finding a certain construct by taking care of logical requirements and restrictions from physics. Then we face this construct with the chemical and geophysical reality, and this leads to the view that systems with the essential features of early living organisms evolve following a distinct pathway. Energy supply and the presence of a particular structure in space and time are necessary to induce and drive the processes triggered by stochastic events; but if these particular conditions are given, the broad line of the evolutionary processes is determined by logical requirements and by chemical and geophysical constrains and invariants. The genetic machinery considered to evolve in this manner agrees, in its organizational structure and in many details, with the actual genetic machinery of biosystems. A surprising simplicity and transparency is observed in the logic of the basic processes involved in the origin of life.In the present view, the processes leading to the origin of life begin in a very particular, highly structured, small region where the relevant chemistry can be quite different from overall prebiotic chemistry. Energy-rich compounds are present in ample amounts and a succession of physico-chemical processes, which are per se thermodynamically allowed, takes place. This is in contrast to popular views that the origin of life is connected with fundamental thermodynamic questions related to the problem of getting order out of chaos.  相似文献   

We describe, on the molecular level, a possible fuzzy and primordial translation apparatus capable of synthesizing polypeptides from nucleic acids in a world containing a mixture of coevolving molecules of RNA and proteins already arranged in metabolic cycles (including cofactors). Close attention is paid to template-free systems because they are believed to be the immediate ancestors of this primordial translation apparatus. The two classes of amnoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs), as seen today, are considered as the remnants of such a simple imprecise translation apparatus and are used as guidelines for the construction of the model. Earlier theoretical work by Bedian on a related system is invoked to show how specificity and stability could have been achieved automatically and rather quickly, starting from such an imprecise system, i.e., how the encoded synthesis of proteins could have appeared. Because of the binary nature of the underlying proto-code, the first genetically encoded proteins would then have been alternating copolymers with a high degree of degeneracy, but not random. Indeed, a clear signal for alternating hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues in present-day protein sequences can be detected. Later evolution of the genetic code would have proceeded along lines already discussed by Crick. However, in the initial stages, the translation apparatus proposed here is in fact very similar to the one postulated by Woese, only here it is given a molecular framework. This hypothesis departs from the paradigm of the RNA world in that it supposes that the origin of the genetic code occurred after the apparition of some functional (statistical) proteins first. Implications for protein design are also discussed.  相似文献   

A general separation procedure of the twenty E. coli aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases including either a 105 000 g centrifugation or a polyethyleneglycol-dextran two-phases partition fractionation, and chromatographies on DEAE-cellulose, phosphocellulose and hydroxyapatite is described. The specific activities of the synthetases have been determined after each chromatographic step and compared to their respective activities in the 105 000 g supernatant. Some aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases were obtained at 80 per cent purity.The presence of phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride does not significantly modify either the elution patterns of the synthetases during the various chromatographic steps or their specific activities. Thus, contrarily to enzymes from various eukaryotic organisms no significant inactivation of the E. coli aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases occurs via proteolytic processes during the purification procedure.The effects of various factors: pH, magnesium, and other bivalent cations including spermidine, were tested on the aminoacylation and the [32P] PPi-ATP isotope-exchange reactions, and the optimal aminoacylation and isotope-exchange conditions determined for 18 of the 20 E. coli aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.  相似文献   

There is little consensus regarding the plausibility of organic synthesis in submarine hydrothermal systems (SHSs) and its possible relevance to the origin of life. The primary reason for the persistence of this debate is that most experimental high temperature and high-pressure organic synthesis studies have neglected important geochemical constraints with respect to source material composition. We report here the results of experiments exploring the potential for amino acid synthesis at high temperature from synthetic seawater solutions of varying composition. The synthesis of amino acids was examined as a function of temperature, heating time, starting material composition and concentration. Using very favorable reactant conditions (high concentrations of reactive, reduced species), small amounts of a limited set of amino acids are generated at moderate temperature conditions (∼125–175°C) over short heating times of a few days, but even these products are significantly decomposed after exposure times of approximately 1 week. The high concentration dependence observed for these synthetic reactions are demonstrated by the fact that a 10-fold drop in concentration results in orders of magnitude lower yields of amino acids. There may be other synthetic mechanisms not studied herein that merit investigation, but the results are likely to be similar. We conclude that although amino acids can be generated from simple likely environmentally available precursors under SHS conditions, the equilibrium at high temperatures characteristic of SHSs favors net amino acid degradation rather than synthesis, and that synthesis at lower temperatures may be more favorable.  相似文献   

研究了2.5L罐分批培养时pH和温度对重组大肠杆菌生产谷胱甘肽合成酶系的影响,确定了分批培养时生产谷胱甘肽合成酶系的最佳pH和最佳温度。研究结果表明:在发酵液的pH为7.2和温度为37℃时,谷胱甘肽合成酶系产量和细胞干重达到最大,分别为690.6U/L和3.77g/L。采用变温控制对菌体的生长和谷胱甘肽合成酶系的合成并没有明显的优点。  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the genetic diversity of generic Escherichia coli recovered from the oral cavities of beef cattle and their relatedness to E. coli isolated from the faeces of cattle during pasture grazing and feedlot finishing. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 484 E. coli (248 oral and 236 faecal isolates) were obtained from eight beef cattle after 1 and 5 months of grazing on pasture and after 1 and 5 months in a feedlot. The random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was used to genetically characterize these isolates. The RAPD patterns showed that ca 60% of E. coli recovered from the oral cavities and faeces during pasture and feedlot shared a close genetic relatedness. A number of E. coli with unique RAPD types were also found either in the oral cavities or faeces. Most of the E. coli RAPD types recovered from the oral cavities were shared among animals, but there were also RAPD types which were unique to individual animals. The E. coli populations of the oral cavities were genetically diverse and changed over time. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that there are large numbers of E. coli carried in the oral cavities of beef cattle and those E. coli are closely related to strains found in the faeces. The oral cavities of cattle harbour a genetically diverse E. coli population. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The oral cavity may be an important reservoir of enteric pathogens which may transfer to meat during carcass dressing. A better understanding of the molecular ecology of E. coli in cattle would assist the design of approaches to control pathogenic strains during beef production and processing.  相似文献   

Summary Amino acid amides effectively reacted to produce polypeptides in response to microwave heating during repeated hydration-dehydration cycles. The polypeptides, formed from a mixture of glycinamide, alaninamide, valinamide, and aspartic acid -amide, had molecular weights ranging from 1000 to 4000 daltons. Amino acids were incorporated into the polypeptides in proportion to the starting concentrations, with the exception of glycine whose incorporation was 1.5 times higher than that of the other amino acids. The polypeptides had some definite secondary structure, such as -helix and -sheet, in aqueous solution. This reaction provides not only a convenient method for abiotic peptide formation but also a convenient method for the chemical synthesis of peptides.  相似文献   

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