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The degree of mechanical coupling of chromosomes to the spindles of Nephrotoma and Trimeratropis primary spermatocytes varies with the stage of meiosis and the birefringent retardation of the chromosomal fibers. In early prometaphase, before birefringent chromosomal fibers have formed, a bivalent can be displaced toward a spindle pole by a single, continuous pull with a microneedle. Resistance to poleward displacement increases with increased development of the chromosomal fibers, reaching a maximum at metaphase. At this stage kinetochores cannot be displaced greater than 1 micrometer toward either spindle pole, even by a force which is sufficient to displace the entire spindle within the cell. The abolition of birefringence with either colcemid or vinblastine results in the loss of chromosome-spindle attachment. In the absence of birefringent fibers a chromosome can be displaced anywhere within the cell. The photochemical inactivation of colcemid by irradiation with 366-nm light results in the reformation of birefringent chromosomal fibers and the concomitant re-establishment of chromosome attachment to the spindle. These results support the hypothesis that the birefringent chromosomal fibers anchor the chromosomes to the spindle and transmit the force for anaphase chromosome movement.  相似文献   

We investigated the nature of the asymmetric positioning and attachment of Chaetopterus oocyte meiotic spindles to the animal pole cortex by micromanipulation. The manipulated spindle's behavior was analyzed in clarified oocyte fragments using video-enhanced polarized light microscopy. As the spindle was drawn towards the cell interior with a microneedle, the cell surface dimpled inwards adjacent to the outer spindle pole. As the spindle was pulled further inwards, the dimple suddenly receded indicating a rupture of a mechanical link between the cell cortex and outer spindle pole. The spindle paused briefly when released from the microneedle; then it spontaneously migrated back to the original attachment site and reassociated with the cell cortex. Positive birefringent astral fibers were seen running between the outer spindle pole and the cortex during the migration. The velocity of the spindle during its migration tended to increase as it came closer to the cortex. Velocities as high as 1.25 micron/sec. were measured. If removed too far from the attachment site cortex (greater than 35 micron), the spindle remained stationary until pushed closer to the original attachment site. Spindles, inverted by micromanipulation, migrated and reattached to the cortical site by their former inner pole; thus either spindle pole can seek out and migrate to the original attachment site. However, spindle poles pushed against other cortical regions did not attach demonstrating that there is only one unique, localized attachment site for spindle attachment.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of a sample of baker's yeast cells were measured by micromanipulation. The relationship between the force required to burst a single cell and its corresponding diameter was established. For stationary phase cells, the compressive force required to burst a cell varied between 55 and 175N, with a mean value of 101 ± 2N. This is a substantial force compared to that required to burst a single mammalian cell (1.5–4.5N), which presumably reflects the lack of a cell wall of the latter. From measurements on 120 cells, there was no significant dependence of bursting force on yeast cell size. The micromanipulation method will be valuable for studying the dependence of mechanical properties of yeast cells on fermentation conditions, and the consequential effects of their behaviour in process disruption operations. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Summary Mitosis in living cells ofOedogonium observed by time-lapse, was blocked by cytochalasin D (CD; 25–100 g/ml). Normal prometaphase to anaphase takes 10–15 min; blockage of entry into anaphase by CD was reversible up to 2–2.5 h in CD and washout was followed within 10–20 min by normal anaphase and cytokinesis. After 3–6 h in CD, unseparated chromatids segregated randomly into two groups as the spindle slowly elongated considerably, becoming distorted and twisted. During this pseudoanaphase, chromatids sometimes split irregularly and this was stimulated by late washout of CD. CD affected chromosomal attachment to the spindle. If applied at prophase and prometaphase, spindle fibres entered the nucleus; chromosomes moved vigorously and irregularly. A few achieved metaphase only briefly. Treatment at metaphase caused chromosomes to irregularly release and after random movement, all slowly gathered at either pole. Upon removal of CD, chromosomes rapidly achieved metaphase and anaphase A and B soon followed. If CD took effect during anaphase, chromatids detaching from the spindle oscillated rapidly along it; anaphase and cytokinesis (phycoplast formation) were delayed as the cell attempted to correct for abnormal chromosomal behaviour. Thus, CD prevents normal kinetochore attachment to the spindle and actin may be the target for this response.Abbreviations A-LP anaphase-like prometaphase - CD cytochalasin D - MT microtubule  相似文献   

Living crane fly spermatocytes were irradiated in various areas, and changes in chromosome movement and changes in spindle fiber birefringence were measured.The traction system was localized in the chromosomal spindle fibers; an undamaged traction fiber extending at least 1/2 the fiber length (from the chromosome) is necessary for normal movement. The results suggest, however, that the birefringent fiber is separate from the traction fiber, and therefore that the chromosomal spindle fiber is composed of at least 2 components. Otherwise, the following results characterize the traction fiber: birefringence is not necessary for movement, birefringence and movement are affected independently, the birefringent fiber moves poleward when the associated chromosome does not move, and the birefringent fiber moves poleward at a rate not related to that of the associated chromosome. These and other results are more easily explained under the assumptions: (1) during anaphase, the birefringent fiber is independent of the traction fiber, and (2) prior to anaphase, the birefringent fiber is not independent of the traction fiber.The traction system was further characterized as follows: the anaphase movements of sister dyads are interdependent; in a cell, different sister dyad pairs are independent during anaphase but are not independent prior to anaphase; the initial separation of dyads is autonomous; the spindle organization changes markedly between metaphase and anaphase; and, something in the interzonal region is necessary for the subsequent division.It was suggested that the interdependent movement of sister dyads is mediated via functioning kinetochores. It was further suggested that this interdependence is mediated via kinetochore-interzonal region interactions, and that the interzonal region is involved with regulating the amount of force on the chromosome.Portions of this paper were presented to Dartmouth College in partial fullfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.  相似文献   

This article summarizes our current views on the dynamic structure of the mitotic spindle and its relation to mitotic chromosome movements. The following statements are based on measurements of birefringence of spindle fibers in living cells, normally developing or experimentally modified by various physical and chemical agents, including high and low temperatures, antimitotic drugs, heavy water, and ultraviolet microbeam irradiation. Data were also obtained concomitantly with electron microscopy employing a new fixative and through measurements of isolated spindle protein. Spindle fibers in living cells are labile dynamic structures whose constituent filaments (microtubules) undergo cyclic breakdown and reformation. The dynamic state is maintained by an equilibrium between a pool of protein molecules and their linearly aggregated polymers, which constitute the microtubules or filaments. In living cells under physiological conditions, the association of the molecules into polymers is very weak (absolute value of ΔF25°C < 1 kcal), and the equilibrium is readily shifted to dissociation by low temperature or by high hydrostatic pressure. The equilibrium is shifted toward formation of polymer by increase in temperature (with a large increase in entropy: ΔS25°C 100 eu) or by the addition of heavy water. The spindle proteins tend to polymerize with orienting centers as their geometrical foci. The centrioles, kinetochores, and cell plate act as orienting centers successively during mitosis. Filaments are more concentrated adjacent to an orienting center and yield higher birefringence. Astral rays, continuous fibers, chromosomal fibers, and phragmoplast fibers are thus formed by successive reorganization of the same protein molecules. During late prophase and metaphase, polymerization takes place predominantly at the kinetochores; in metaphase and anaphase, depolymerization is prevalent near the spindle poles. When the concentration of spindle protein is high, fusiform bundles of polymer are precipitated out even in the absence of obvious orienting centers. The shift of equilibrium from free protein molecules to polymer increases the length and number of the spindle microtubules or filaments. Slow depolymerization of the polymers, which can be brought about by low concentrations of colchicine or by gradual cooling, allows the filaments to shorten and perform work. The dynamic equilibrium controlled by orienting centers and other factors provides a plasusible mechanism by which chromosomes and other organelles, as well as the cell surface, are deformed or moved by temporarily organized arrays of microtubules or filaments.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint inhibits anaphase until all chromosomes have established bipolar attachment. Two kinetochore states trigger this checkpoint. The absence of microtubules activates the attachment response, while the inability of attached microtubules to generate tension triggers the tension/orientation response. The single aurora kinase of budding yeast, Ipl1, is required for the tension/orientation, but not attachment, response. In contrast, we find that the single aurora kinase of fission yeast, Ark1, is required for the attachment response. Having established that the initiator codon assigned to ark1(+) was incorrect and that Ark1-associated kinase activity depended upon survivin function and phosphorylation, we found that the loss of Ark1 from kinetochores by either depletion or use of a survivin mutant overides the checkpoint response to microtubule depolymerization. Ark1/survivin function was not required for the association of Bub1 or Mad3 with the kinetochores. However, it was required for two aspects of Mad2 function that accompany checkpoint activation: full-scale association with kinetochores and formation of a complex with Mad3. Neither the phosphorylation of histone H3 that accompanies chromosome condensation nor condensin recruitment to mitotic chromatin were seen when Ark1 function was compromised. Cytokinesis was not affected by Ark1 depletion or expression of the "kinase dead" ark1.K118R mutant.  相似文献   

Aspects of chromosomal structure. I. Circular dichroism studies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
T Wagner  T C Spelsberg 《Biochemistry》1971,10(13):2599-2605

The spindle checkpoint ensures genome fidelity by temporarily halting chromosome segregation and the ensuing mitotic exit until the last kinetochore is productively attached to the mitotic spindle. At the interface between proper chromosome attachment and the metaphase-to-anaphase transition are the mammalian spindle checkpoint kinases. Compelling evidence indicates that the checkpoint kinases Bub1 and BubR1 have the added task of regulating kinetochore-microtubule attachments. However, the debate on the requirement of kinase activity is in full swing. This minireview summarizes recent advances in our understanding of the core spindle checkpoint kinases Bub1 and BubR1 and considers evidence that supports and opposes the role of kinase activity in regulating their functions during mitosis.  相似文献   

Several recent models for spindle length regulation propose an elastic pole to pole spindle matrix that is sufficiently strong to bear or antagonize forces generated by microtubules and microtubule motors. We tested this hypothesis using microneedles to skewer metaphase spindles in Xenopus laevis egg extracts. Microneedle tips inserted into a spindle just outside the metaphase plate resulted in spindle movement along the interpolar axis at a velocity slightly slower than microtubule poleward flux, bringing the nearest pole toward the needle. Spindle velocity decreased near the pole, which often split apart slowly, eventually letting the spindle move completely off the needle. When two needles were inserted on either side of the metaphase plate and rapidly moved apart, there was minimal spindle deformation until they reached the poles. In contrast, needle separation in the equatorial direction rapidly increased spindle width as constant length spindle fibers pulled the poles together. These observations indicate that an isotropic spindle matrix does not make a significant mechanical contribution to metaphase spindle length determination.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosome elasticity and movement have been studied in living cells in two distinct situations: early anaphase stretch due to opposed external forces, and drag stretch — an elongation due to frictional resistance or drag on a chromosome being pulled toward one pole. Drag stretch provides a simultaneous display of both friction and elasticity and shows that chromosomes in living cells are elastic up to approximately six-fold increases in length.Neither early anaphase stretch nor drag stretch produce detectable alterations in the velocity of chromosome movement. A simple mechanical model is described which permits interpretation of this result for drag stretch: no matter how extensive, drag stretch should produce no change in the force required to maintain a given velocity of movement and hence should not alter movement velocity. Early anaphase stretch is a very different proposition, and additional assumptions leading to a quantitative model are necessary for its interpretation. Nevertheless it is reasonably certain that the amount of stretch actually seen in these circumstances would influence chromosome movement if the applied force were not increased over that necessary in the absence of stretch. It is concluded that the mitotic forces are continually adjusted to produce a standard velocity of movement even when an unusual hindrance to movement exists. The implications of this are considered, particularly in regard to the stretching and rupture of dikinetochoric (dicentric) bridges in anaphase.The quantitative version of the mechanical model for elasticity and movement can be applied to the drag stretch data, and permits calculation of the ratio between frictional and elastic coefficients. The chief assumptions are that the elasticity is Hookian, and the frictional resistance Newtonian in character. The model has not been critically tested, but it is consonant with existing data.This investigation was supported in part by research grant number RG-8480 from the Division of General Medical Sciences, United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

We have studied assembly of chromatin using Xenopus egg extracts and single DNA molecules held at constant tension by using magnetic tweezers. In the absence of ATP, interphase extracts were able to assemble chromatin against DNA tensions of up to 3.5 piconewtons (pN). We observed force-induced disassembly and opening-closing fluctuations, indicating our experiments were in mechanochemical equilibrium. Roughly 50-nm (150-base pair) lengthening events dominated force-driven disassembly, suggesting that the assembled fibers are chiefly composed of nucleosomes. The ATP-depleted reaction was able to do mechanical work of 27 kcal/mol per 50 nm step, which provides an estimate of the free energy difference between core histone octamers on and off DNA. Addition of ATP led to highly dynamic behavior with time courses exhibiting processive runs of assembly and disassembly not observed in the ATP-depleted case. With ATP present, application of forces of 2 pN led to nearly complete fiber disassembly. Our study suggests that ATP hydrolysis plays a major role in nucleosome rearrangement and removal and that chromatin in vivo may be subject to highly dynamic assembly and disassembly processes that are modulated by DNA tension.  相似文献   

Quantitative morphological studies of meiotic spindles in the crane fly Pales ferruginea (Fuge, 1980, 1984, 1985) were the basis for the development of a model explaining anaphase chromosome transport in higher eukaryotes. Two main features of chromosome fibres were important for the model: (1) the existence of microtubules oriented obliquely with respect to kinetochore microtubules, and (2) a higher degree of disorder in fibres exerting a pulling force. It is postulated that microtubules of the same polarity being inclined to each other at a certain angle are able to slide past each other by means of mechano-chemically active side-arms working in alternate succession. Sliding is suggested to lead to a displacement of microtubules and chromosomes in direction towards the poles. Furthermore, it is suggested that the chromosome fibre in anaphase becomes progressively disintegrated by fragmentation and disassembly of microtubules. Fragmentation may be induced by bending stress within the dynamic system.  相似文献   

Dynamic turnover of the spindle is a driving force for chromosome congression and segregation in mitosis. Through a functional genomic analysis, we identify DDA3 as a previously unknown regulator of spindle dynamics that is essential for mitotic progression. DDA3 depletion results in a high frequency of unaligned chromosomes, a substantial reduction in tension across sister kinetochores at metaphase, and a decrease in the velocity of chromosome segregation at anaphase. DDA3 associates with the mitotic spindle and controls microtubule (MT) dynamics. Mechanistically, DDA3 interacts with the MT depolymerase Kif2a in an MT-dependent manner and recruits Kif2a to the mitotic spindle and spindle poles. Depletion of DDA3 increases the steady-state levels of spindle MTs by reducing the turnover rate of the mitotic spindle and by increasing the rate of MT polymerization, which phenocopies the effects of partial knockdown of Kif2a. Thus, DDA3 represents a new class of MT-destabilizing protein that controls spindle dynamics and mitotic progression by regulating MT depolymerases.  相似文献   

C Sun  E Vaccaro    J H Waite 《Biophysical journal》2001,81(6):3590-3595
The byssal threads of marine mussels are a fiber-reinforced composite material. Fibers are continuous, separated by matrix, and consist of chimeric collagens that encompass within the same primary protein structure domains corresponding to collagen, polyhistidine, and either elastin or dragline spider silk. The elastic modulus (stiffness) of the proximal portion of byssal threads was measured by cyclic stress-strain analysis at 50% extension. Before measurement, the threads were conditioned by various treatments, particularly agitation in aerated or nitrogen-sparged seawater. Stiffness can be permanently increased by more than two times, e.g., from 25 MPa to a maximum of 65 MPa, by simple agitation in aerated seawater. Much but not all of this stiffening can be prevented by agitation under nitrogen. Reversible strain stiffening would seem to be a useful adaptation to lower residual stresses arising from the deformation of two joined materials, i.e., distal and proximal portions with rather different elastic moduli. The permanent strain stiffening that characterizes proximal byssal threads subjected to oxidative stress is probably due to protein cross-linking. In the short term, this results in a stronger thread but at the expense of dynamic interactions between the molecules in the structure.  相似文献   

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