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 Theoretical studies of protein-protein association and electron transfer were performed on the binary systems formed by Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough (D. v. H.) flavodoxin and D. v. H. cytochrome c 553 and by flavodoxin and horse heart cytochrome c. Initial structures for the complexes were obtained by rigid-body docking and were refined by MD to allow for molecular flexibility. The structures thus obtained were analysed in terms of their relative stability through the calculation of excess energies. Electrostatic, van der Waals and solvation energy terms showed all to have significant contributions to the stability of complexes. In the best association solutions found for both cytochromes, these bind to different zones of flavodoxin. The binding site of flavodoxin observed for cytochrome c is in accordance with earlier works [27]. The various association modes found were characterised in terms of electron transfer using the Pathways model. For complexes between flavodoxin and horse heart cytochrome c, some correlation was observed between electron tunnelling coupling factors and conformation energy; the best conformation found for electron transfer corresponded also to the best one in terms of energy. For complexes between flavodoxin and cytochrome c 553 this was not the case and a lower correlation was observed between electron tunnelling coupling factors and excess energies. These results are in accordance with the differences in the experimental dependence of electron transfer rates with ionic strength observed between these two cases. Received: 29 December 1998 / Accepted: 22 March 1999  相似文献   

 The singlet state of stilbene-4,4′-dicarboxamide can serve as a fluorescent probe of both DNA conformation and electron transfer. Covalent incorporation of the stilbene-dicarboxamide into DNA structures with restricted conformational mobility results in inhibition of stilbene isomerization and an increase in its fluorescence quantum yield and lifetime. The fluorescence of stilbenedicarboxamide is selectively quenched by proximate guanine, but not by the three other DNA nucleobases. Selective quenching occurs via an electron transfer mechanism in which stilbene serves as the electron acceptor and guanine as the electron donor. Kinetic analysis of the distance dependence of electron transfer in stilbene-bridged hairpins suggests that duplex DNA is more effective than proteins as a medium for electron transfer, but that it does not function as a molecular wire. Received, accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

Cytochrome oxidase: pathways for electron tunneling and proton transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Electrons from cytochrome c, the substrate of cytochrome oxidase, a redox-linked proton pump, are accepted by CuA in subunit II. From there they are transferred to the proton pumping machinery in subunit I, cytochrome a and cytochrome a 3–CuB. The reduction of the latter site, which is the dioxygen reducing unit, is coupled to proton uptake. Dioxygen reduction involves a peroxide and a ferryl ion intermediate, and it is the transition between these and back to the resting oxidized enzyme that are coupled to proton pumping. The X-ray structures suggest electron–transfer pathways that can account for the observed rates provided that the reorganization energies are small. They also reveal two proton-transfer pathways, and mutagenesis experiments have shown that one is used for proton uptake during the initial reduction of cytochrome a 3–CuB, whereas the other mediates transfer of the pumped protons. Received: 23 March 1998 / Accepted: 11 May 1998  相似文献   

 This commentary article presents an overview of recent experimental results on DNA-mediated electron transfer (ET) from the perspective of semiclassical ET theory. The question concerning whether or not DNA can act as a wire is addressed. Much of the article focuses on a discussion of the decay of electronic coupling (β) between electron donors and acceptors with increasing donor/acceptor separation in DNA and in protein systems. In particular, the dependence of the electronic coupling itself (H AB) on the energy gap between the tunneling energy of the reactants and the virtual ionic states of the DNA bridge is highlighted. The article concludes by suggesting that future experimental and theoretical work in this field should focus on the tunneling gap energies of the systems studied and that special attention should be paid to systems that are likely to be in the "small tunneling gap" regime. It is these systems that are expected to exhibit enhanced electronic couplings and consequently enhanced rates of long-distance ET. Received, accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

Analysis of electron-transfer (ET) kinetics data obtained from experiments on Ru-modified proteins (azurin, cytochrome c, myoglobin) and the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center reveals that distant donor-acceptor electronic couplings depend upon the secondary structure of the intervening polypeptide matrix. The β-sheet azurin structure efficiently and isotropically mediates coupling with an exponential distance-decay constant of 1.1?Å–1. The experimentally derived distance-decay constant of 1.4?Å–1 for long-range ET in myoglobin and the reaction center suggests that hydrogen-bond couplings are weaker through α helices than across β sheets. The donor-acceptor interactions of systems with comparable tunneling energies fall into two coupling zones: the β zone (bounded by distance-decay constants of 0.9?and 1.15 Å–1) includes all the β-sheet (azurin) couplings and all but one coupling in cytochrome c; the α zone (boundaries: 1.25 and 1.6?Å–1) includes less strongly coupled donor-acceptor pairs in myoglobin and the reaction center as well as a relatively weakly coupled pair in cytochrome c.  相似文献   

 The role of the polypeptide matrix in electron transfer processes in proteins has been studied in two distinct systems: first in a protein where the induced ET is artificial, and second as part of the catalytic cycle of an enzyme. Azurins are structurally well-characterized blue single-copper proteins consisting of a rigid β-sheet polypeptide matrix. We have determined rate constants and activation parameters for intramolecular long-range electron transfer between the disulfide radical anions (generated by pulse radiolysis) and the copper(II) centre as a function of driving force and nature of the intervening medium in a large number of wild-type and single-site-mutated proteins. In ascorbate oxidase, for which the three-dimensional structure is equally well characterized, the internal ET from the type-I Cu(I) to the trinuclear Cu(II) centre has been studied. We find that the results correlate well with distance through well-defined pathways using a through-bond electron tunnelling mechanism. Received: 2 January 1997 / Accepted: 6 February 1997  相似文献   

 A comparative study of electron transfer between the 16 heme high molecular mass cytochrome (Hmc) from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough and the [Fe] and [NiFe] hydrogenases from the same organism was carried out, both in the presence and in the absence of catalytic amounts of cytochrome c 3. For comparison, this study was repeated with the [NiFe] hydrogenase from D. gigas. Hmc is very slowly reduced by the [Fe] hydrogenase, but faster by either of the two [NiFe] hydrogenases. In the presence of cytochrome c 3, in equimolar amounts to the hydrogenases, the rates of electron transfer are significantly increased and are similar for the three hydrogenases. The results obtained indicate that the reduction of Hmc by the [Fe] or [NiFe] hydrogenases is most likely mediated by cytochrome c 3. A similar study with D. vulgaris Hildenborough cytochrome c 553 shows that, in contrast, this cytochrome is reduced faster by the [Fe] hydrogenase than by the [NiFe] hydrogenases. However, although catalytic amounts of cytochrome c 3 have no effect in the reduction by the [Fe] hydrogenase, it significantly increases the rate of reduction by the [NiFe] hydrogenases. Received: 14 April 1998 / Accepted: 25 June 1998  相似文献   

It is typical of the present time, that two practically unknown chemists, one from a veterinary college and the other from an agricultural institute, pass judgement on the loftiest problems of Chemistry, those which will probably never be solved, particularly the question of the position of atoms in space, and they undertake such a paradigm with an impudence and assurance that absolutely astonish the true scientist H. Kolbe [1] New paradigms and new truths in science are not usually adopted because opponents are eventually convinced of their persuasive character, but, more often, because opponents gradually die; the new paradigms are readily adopted by the new generation of students as the laws of nature, just as the dead opponents accepted the old paradigm M. Planck [2] Received, accepted: 23 January 1998  相似文献   

 The individual rate constants for intramolecular electron transfer (IET) between the MoVIFeII and MoVFeIII forms of chicken liver sulfite oxidase (SO) have been determined at a variety of pH values, and at high and low anion concentrations. Large anions such as EDTA do not inhibit IET as dramatically as do small anions such as SO4 2– and Cl, which suggests that specific anion binding at the sterically constrained Mo active site is necessary for IET inhibition to occur.IET may require that SO adopt a conformation in which the Mo and Fe centers are held in close proximity by electrostatic interactions between the predominantly positively charged Mo active site, and the negatively charged heme edge. Thus, small anions which can fit into the Mo active site will weaken this electrostatic attraction and disfavor IET. The rate constant for IET from FeII to MoVI decreases with increasing pH, both in the presence and absence of 50 mM SO4 2–. However, the rate constant for the reverse process exhibits no significant pH dependence in the absence of SO4 2–, and increases with pH in the presence of 50 mM SO4 2–. This behavior is consistent with a mechanism in which IET from MoV to FeIII is coupled to proton transfer from MoV–OH to OH, and the reverse IET process is coupled to proton transfer from H2O to MoVI=O. At high concentrations of small anions, direct access of H2O or OHto the Mo-OH will be blocked, which provides a second possible mechanism for inhibition of IET by such anions. Inhibition by anions is not strictly competitive, however, and Tyr322 may play an important intermediary role in transferring the proton when an anion blocks direct access of H2O or OH to the Mo-OH. Competing H-bonding interactions of the Mo-OH moiety with Tyr322 and with the anion occupying the active site may also be responsible for the well-known equilibrium between two EPR-distinct forms of SO that is observed for the two-electron reduced enzyme. Received: 21 December 1998 / Accepted: 6 April 1999  相似文献   

Monitoring electron transfer by photoacoustic spectroscopy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The electron transfer process between octaethylporphin and quinone molecules dispersed in a polymeric matrix was studied by the photoacoustic technique. It was observed that there was an enhancement of the octaethylporphin photoacoustic signal with an increase of the quinone concentration in the films. This increase appeared to be complementary to octaethylporphin fluorescence quenching and was associated with the electron transfer process. The data were analyzed according to the theory developed by Kaneko for fluorescence data (Kaneko 1992). Correspondence to: R. Sanches  相似文献   

 The intramolecular electron-transfer rate constant for the Cu(II)–topaNH2⇌ Cu(I)–topaSQ equilibrium in methylamine oxidase has been measured by temperature-jump relaxation techniques. At pH 7.0 the estimated kobs = 150±30 s–1 for both methylamine and benzylamine; assuming the equilibrium constant is ≈0.7–1 at pH 7.0 and 296 K, this would correspond to a forward electron-transfer rate constant kET≈ 60–75 s–1. Although substantially slower than the previously determined kET≈ 20 000 s–1 for pea seedling amine oxidase [5] steady-state kinetics measurements established that kET > kcat≈ 4–10 s–1. Thus the Cu(I)-semiquinone state is a viable intermediate in methylamine oxidase turnover. Received: 16 August 1995 / Accepted: 21 December 1995  相似文献   

Photoinduced hole transfer reaction in DNA duplex bearing cytosine-cytosine (CC) or thymine-thymine (TT) mismatched base pairs as metal-ion binding sites was studied using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Site-specific binding of silver (I) ion to a CC mismatched base pair as well as non-specific binding to multiple sites of nucleobases in the DNA suppressed hole migration through the sequence. In the case of mercury (II) binding to duplex DNA containing single TT mismatch at N3 of the pyrimidine rings, little effect on the efficiency of hole transfer was observed, which is in accordance with a recent theoretical prediction. On the other hand, addition of Hg(II) to duplex containing tandem TT base pairs remarkably reduced hole transfer efficiency, although the calculation has suggested such binding could form high degree of electronic coupling between the hole carrier bases.  相似文献   

 A central step in the metabolism of Desulfovibrio spp. is the oxidation of molecular hydrogen catalyzed by a periplasmic hydrogenase. However, this enzymatic activity is quite low at physiological pH. The hypothesis that, in the presence of the tetrahaem cytochrome c 3, hydrogenase can maintain full activity at physiological pH through the concerted capture of the resulting electrons and protons by the cytochrome was tested for the case of Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough). The crucial step involves an electron-to-proton energy transduction, and is achieved through a network of cooperativities between redox and ionizable centers within the cytochrome (redox-Bohr effect). This mechanism, which requires a relocation of the proposed proton channel in the hydrogenase structure, is similar to that proposed for the transmembrane proton pumps, and is the first example which shows evidence of functional energy transduction in the absence of a membrane confinement. Received: 2 April 1997 / Accepted: 23 May 1997  相似文献   

Chiral induction has been examined in the four diastereomeric products formed in a series of outer-sphere electron transfer reactions between the oxidants [Co(ox)3]3−, [Co(edta)], [Co(gly)(ox)2]2−, C1-cis(N)-[Co(gly)2(ox)], [Co(en)(ox)2], C2-cis(N)-[Co(gly)2(ox)] and trans(N)-[Co(gly)2(ox)] with [Co((RR,SS)-chxn)3]2+ and [Co((R, S)-pn)3]2+ as reductants. The products; [Co((RR,SS)-chxn)3-lel3]3+, [Co((RR,SS)-chxn)3-lel2ob]3+, [Co((RR,SS)-chxn)3-lelob2]3+, [Co((RR,SS)-chxn)3-ob3]3+ and corresponding species for [Co((R, S)-pn)3]3+ show patterns of selectivity which are analyzed in terms of the size and structure of the reactants. The presence of a pseudo-C3 carboxylate face on the oxidant enhances selectivity but the pattern is quite different for those oxidants that contain oxalate as one of their ligands compared with non-oxalate containing species such as [Co(edta)]. A very simple model is developed in which the reductant employs a limited set of interactions corresponding to the major symmetry axes. The unrestricted reductant has very low aggregate selectvity. Steric and hydrogen bonding patterns in both oxidant and reductant enhance individual interactions resulting in the observed selectivities.  相似文献   

Recent results regarding the importance of tunneling-barrier heights for charge transfer between distant redox partners are reviewed. Examples include studies of photoinduced hole transfer in donor-bridge-acceptor systems, as well as work on mixed valence molecules. The barrier heights imposed by different bridging units are discussed. Key examples include the comparison of biphenyl and fluorene spacers, and the comparison of p-xylene and p-dimethoxybenzene bridging units.  相似文献   

 Three-level electron transfer follows superexchange patterns when the intermediate electronic level is off-resonance with the donor and acceptor levels. Close to resonance, new patterns emerge where the intermediate level is temporarily populated in vibrationally coherent or incoherent modes. We discuss energy and distance relations associated with such electron transfer modes. These appear to accord with fast electron transfer in several chemical and biological systems. We also discuss some recent observations on in situ scanning tunnelling microscopy of metalloproteins and large transition metal complexes which enable, in principle, a distinction between superexchange, coherent, and sequential three-level electron transfer. Received: 9 November 1997 / Accepted 16 March 1998  相似文献   

 Native nitrite reductases (NIRs) containing both type 1 and 2 Cu ions and type 2 Cu-depleted (T2D) NIRs from three denitrifying bacteria (Achromobacter cycloclastes IAM 1013, Alcaligenes xylosoxidans NCIB 11015, and Alcaligenes xylosoxidans GIFU 1051) have been characterized by electronic absorption, circular dichroism, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra. The characteristic visible absorption spectra of these NIRs are due to the type 1 Cu centers, while the type 2 Cu centers hardly contribute in the same region. The intramolecular electron transfer (ET) process from the type 1 Cu to the type 2 Cu in native NIRs has been observed as the reoxidation of the type 1 Cu(I) center by pulse radiolysis, whereas no type 1 Cu in T2D NIRs exhibits the same reoxidation. The ET process obeys first-order kinetics, and observed rate constants are 1400–1900 s–1 (t1/2 = ca. 0.5 ms) at pH 7.0. In the presence of nitrite, the ET process also obeys first-order kinetics, with rate constants decreased by factors of 1/12–1/2 at the same pH. The redox potential of the type 2 Cu site is estimated to be +0.24 - +0.28 V, close to that of the type 1 Cu site. Nitrate and azide ions bound to the type 2 Cu site change the redox potential. Nitrite also would shift the redox potential of the type 2 Cu by coordination, and hence the intramolecular ET rate constant is decreased. Pulse radiolysis experiments on T2D NIRs in the presence of nitrite demonstrate that the type 1 Cu(I) site is slowly oxidized with a first-order rate constant of 0.03 s–1 at pH 7.0, suggesting that nitrite bound to the protein accepts an electron from the type 1 Cu. This result is in accord with the finding that T2D NIRs show enzymatic activities, although they are lower than those of the native enzymes. Received: 9 July 1996 / Accepted: 30 January 1997  相似文献   

The simplest views of long-range electron transfer utilize flat one-dimensional barrier tunneling models, neglecting structural details of the protein medium. The pathway model of protein electron transfer reintroduces structure by distinguishing between covalent bonds, hydrogen bonds, and van der Waals contacts. These three kinds of interactions in a tunneling pathway each have distinctive decay factors associated with them. The distribution and arrangement of these bonded and nonbonded contacts in a folded protein varies tremendously between structures, adding a richness to the tunneling problem that is absent in simpler views. We review the pathway model and the predictions that it makes for protein electron transfer rates in small proteins, docked proteins, and the photosynthetic reactions center. We also review the formulation of the protein electron transfer problem as an effective two-level system. New multi-pathway approaches and improved electronic Hamiltonians are described briefly as well.  相似文献   

A new theory for the electron transfer by the non-adiabatic process is formulated taking into account the origin shift and the frequency change of the vibration. The resultant formulas are quite similar to those of Jortner (Jortner, J. (1976) J. Chem. Phys. 64, 4860–4867) except that the free energy gap ΔG is used instead of the energy gap ΔE. By applying this theory to the photosynthetic electron transfer, the role of the remarkable temperature dependence of the electron transfer from cytochrome to P+ in Chromatium vinosum and the experimental data were reproduced very well using a small value of the coupling strength in contrast with the previous theory. This implies that proteins play a role to exclude many of the solvent molecules from the region of the electron transfer reaction between the donor and acceptor molecules. The negative activation process in the back electron transfer from Q?A to P+, the very slow back electron transfer from I? to P+ and the solvent isotope effect on the cytochrome oxidation are also successfully explained by this new theory. It is shown that even a qualitative conclusion as to the molecular parameters obtained from the temperature dependence of the electron transfer is different between the present theory and that of Jortner.  相似文献   

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