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Little is known about baseline concentrations of adrenal hormones and hormonal responses to stress in sea ducks, although significant population declines documented in several species suggest that sea ducks are exposed to increased levels of environmental stress. Such declines have been observed in geographically distinct harlequin duck populations. We performed an adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) challenge to evaluate adrenal function and characterize corticosterone concentrations in captive harlequin ducks and investigated the effects of capture, surgery, and short term confinement on corticosterone concentrations in wild harlequin ducks. Harlequin ducks responded to the ACTH challenge with an average three-fold increase in serum corticosterone concentration approximately 90 min post injection, and a four- to five-fold increase in fecal glucocorticoid concentration 2 to 4 h post injection. Serum corticosterone concentrations in wild harlequin ducks increased within min of capture and elevated levels were found for several hours post capture, indicating that surgery and confinement maintain elevated corticosterone concentrations in this species. Mean corticosterone concentrations in wild harlequin ducks held in temporary captivity were similar to the maximum response levels during the ACTH challenge in captive birds. However, large variation among individuals was observed in responses of wild birds, and we found additional evidence suggesting that corticosterone responses varied between hatch year and after hatch year birds.  相似文献   

Understanding the degree of demographic connectivity among population segments is increasingly recognized as central to the fields of population ecology and conservation biology. However, delineating discrete population units has proven challenging, particularly for migratory birds as they move through their annual cycle. In this study, radio telemetry was used to assess movement rates among habitats by harlequin ducks Histrionicus histrionicus during the non-breeding season in Prince William Sound, Alaska. A total of 434 females were outfitted with radio transmitters over six years of data collection, and their signals tracked by aircraft. Using a spatially nested design, it was determined that 75% of radioed females remained in the bay or coastline area where they were originally trapped, 94% remained on the same island or mainland region of Prince William Sound where they began the winter period, and 98% remained within the 4500 km2 study area as a whole. Home range analyses corroborated these findings, indicating that the scale of individual movements was small, with 95% kernel home range estimates averaging only 11.5±2.2 km2. A simple demographic model, which incorporated estimates for population size, survival, and movement rates, was used to infer the degree of independence among population segments. Immigrant females were found to contribute little to population numbers in most areas, accounting for only 4% of the adult female population at a scale of approximately 100 km2. These results have important implications for the scale of conservation action for the species and demonstrate that winter movements can have a strong influence local population dynamics.  相似文献   

We measured intra- and postoperative mortality rates of captive and free-ranging Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) undergoing surgical liver biopsy sampling for determination of the induction of cytochrome P4501A, a biomarker of oil exposure. Liver biopsies were taken from and radio transmitters were implanted into 157 free-ranging Harlequin Ducks over three winters (55 in 2000, 55 in 2001, and 47 in 2002). No birds died during surgery, but seven (4.5%) died during recovery from anesthesia (three in 2001 and four in 2002). None of the deaths could be attributed directly to the liver biopsy. Four of the 150 (2.7%) birds that were released died in the 2 wk period after surgery. All post-release deaths occurred in 2001; no birds died after release in 2000 or 2002. No mortalities of 36 captive birds occurred during surgery or recovery or in the 2 wk period following surgery. Hemorrhage was a minor problem with one captive bird. Surgical liver biopsies appear to be a safe procedure, but anesthetic complications may occur with overwintering ducks.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) and 26 Barrow's Goldeneyes (Bucephala islandica) were captured in Prince William Sound, Alaska, between 1 and 15 March 2005. Blood was collected for quantification of element concentrations, prevalence of antibodies to several viruses, and hemoparasite prevalence and identification. Although we found selenium concentrations that have been associated with selenosis in some birds (>or=2.0 ppm ww), our findings contribute to a growing literature describing relatively high selenium in apparently healthy birds in marine environments. Avian influenza virus antibodies were detected in the plasma of 28% of the ducks. No antibodies against adenovirus, reovirus, or paramyxovirus 1 were detected. Several hemo-parasite species were identified in 7% of ducks. Our findings are similar to those in other free-living marine waterfowl and do not indicate unusual concerns for the health of these species in this area in late winter.  相似文献   

Energy demands in the platypus are likely to increase in the breeding season, which occurs from winter to early spring. Glucocorticoids, which play a major role in energy mobilisation, were measured in consecutive blood samples from free-ranging adults at approximately monthly intervals throughout the year. Glucose and free fatty acids were also measured in some samples. Plasma concentrations of glucocorticoids rose significantly during the first 30 min after capture, accompanied by a rise in free fatty acids, but no corresponding increase in glucose concentrations. We observed a strong pattern in plasma glucocorticoids in samples collected within 15 min of capture (indicative of pre-disturbance concentrations) in different phases of the annual reproductive cycle, with significantly higher levels in both males and females in the breeding season compared to the non-breeding season. These data, and the decline in tail fat stores that occur towards the end of the mating period (around October), suggest that platypus experience high-energy demands during this phase of reproduction. Plasma glucocorticoid concentrations in females sampled during the lactation period (October-February) were relatively low, and similar to those in females sampled in the non-breeding, non-lactation period (March-June). The latter requires further investigation as results may have been influenced by sampling limitations.  相似文献   

Marine mammals are routinely caught in the wild in an effort to monitor their health. However, capture-associated stress could potentially bias various biochemical parameters used to monitor the health of these wild caught animals. Therefore, the effects of capture were quantified by measuring plasma adrenal steroids and arginine vasopressin (AVP) in free-ranging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) (n=31). Total capture and restraint times were also correlated to hormone concentrations to quantify the effects of capture. Significant, positive correlations between corticosterone and cortisol (R=0.752; P<0.0001), and between corticosterone and aldosterone (R=0.441; P=0.045) were demonstrated. Significant correlations between capture and restraint time and hormone levels were not observed. Animals restrained for less than 20 min exhibited hormone levels similar to those for animals restrained for more than 20 min. The positive correlations among the adrenal steroids suggest that release of these steroids was stimulated by adrenocorticotropin (ACTH). The lack of a correlation between cortisol and AVP indicates that AVP did not influence ACTH-induced cortisol release in this situation. The study suggests that (1) a typical hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is present in these animals, and (2) the relatively short capture and restraint times did not induce a significant neuroendocrine stress response.  相似文献   

The effect of short term confinement stress on sex steroid binding protein (SBP) binding characteristics was examined in female black bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri), and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Black bream were sampled immediately after capture from the wild and again after 1, 6 or 24 h confinement. Rainbow trout were sampled before and after 5 h confinement. Confinement of black bream for 6 h after capture significantly reduced the binding capacity of SBP. Binding affinity also tended to be lower after confinement. There were no differences in binding affinity or capacity of black bream SBP after 1 or 24 h confinement, or rainbow trout SBP after 5 h confinement. Plasma from rainbow trout at 3 and 6 h after treatment with cortisol was compared to plasma from saline-injected controls. No significant differences in binding characteristics were detected, but there was a trend of decreased binding capacity in cortisol-injected fish compared to controls at 6 h post-injection. Relative binding studies indicated that plasma cortisol at concentrations 100x or more greater than plasma estradiol (E(2)) may displace E(2) from SBP in black bream, and act to reduce circulating levels of E(2) through increased clearance of free steroid. Physiological levels of cortisol did not displace E(2) from SBP in trout. The observed changes in SBP and the competition of physiological concentrations of cortisol for SBP binding sites may generate a component of the stress-induced falls in plasma levels of E(2) reported across a range of species.  相似文献   

Peijie C  Zicai D  Haowen X  Renbao X 《Life sciences》2004,75(11):1303-1311
The effects of chronic endurance training and acute exercise on glucocorticoid receptors were investigated in rats. For chronic endurance training, rats were exposed to progressive running training on a motor-driven treadmill for 3, 5 and 7 weeks, twice a day and 6 days a week. The samples were taken, 34-36 hours after the last exercise bout. Some of the 7-week training rats were killed by decapitation 7 days following the last exercise bout. The glucocorticoid receptors in hepatic cytosol in 5-week and 7-week rats decreased as compared to the sedentary control. There was no significant difference between the glucocorticoid receptors in hepatic cytosol in some of the 7-week rats those who had stopped training for 7 days and those in the controls. The chronic endurance training did not lead to change of the apparent dissociation constant (Kd). The changes of glucocorticoid receptors after acute exercise have also been investigated and it showed profound decreases of glucocorticoid receptors in renal and myocardial cytosol in low intensity (swimming without an extra weight for 60 minutes) and high intensity (swimming with a weight equal to 6% of body mass for 60 minutes) training groups. The decreases in glucocorticoid receptors in renal and myocardial cytosol were less prominent after low intensity training. These results demonstrated that both acute exercise training and chronic endurance training could lead to a decrease in glucocorticoid receptors, which was in a training intensity- and training load volume-dependent manner, and the changes in glucocorticoid receptors during exercise training were reversible.  相似文献   

The effect of oxygen limitation on the respiration rate of Penicillium chrysogenum was studied. The results show that measurements of critical oxygen tensions within a process that on morphological or on physical grounds exhibits an inhomogenous structure are not likely to resemble the Monod model.In order to study the effects of short term oxygen starvation on the respiratory capacity of Penicillium chrysogenum, a two compartment fermenter was constructed. This fermenter consists of one well mixed aerobic part (CSTR) and one minor anaerobic part (CPFR). In the latter the circulation time as well as the volume can be varied. After passage of the whole cell culture volume through the anaerobic part, irreversible inhibition of the respiration was observed. This was caused by a circulation time of 5 and 10 min in the plug flow reactor and with a volume of 6% of the stirred tank reactor volume. However, circulation times of 1 and 2 min with an anaerobic zone of 1% of the stirred tank reactor volume did not give any irreversible effects on the respiratory capacity.This was compared with the results of the previously established model ln(1 — I OUR//100)–1 = kt [1]. The I OUR is the percentage irreversible inhibition of the respiration, t is the anaerobic circulation time and k is a constant. The two compartment fermenter results agree with the earlier model at circulation times of 5 and 10 min, but not with the shorter times, and this suggests that a lag phase exists in the inactivation kinetics.  相似文献   

Habitat modifications and supplemental feeding artificially aggregate some wildlife populations, with potential impacts upon contact and parasite transmission rates. Less well recognized, however, is how increased aggregation may affect wildlife physiology. Crowding has been shown to induce stress responses, and increased glucocorticoid (GC) concentrations can reduce immune function and increase disease susceptibility. We investigated the effects of supplemental feeding and the aggregation that it induces on behavior and fecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations (fGCM) in elk (Cervus elaphus) using observational and experimental approaches. We first compared fGCM levels of elk on supplemental feedgrounds to neighboring elk populations wintering in native habitats using data from 2003 to 2008. We then experimentally manipulated the distribution of supplemental food on feedgrounds to investigate whether more widely distributed food would result in lower rates of aggression and stress hormone levels. Contrary to some expectations that fed elk may be less stressed than unfed elk during the winter, we found that elk on feedgrounds had fecal GC levels at least 31% higher than non-feedground populations. Within feedgrounds, fGCM levels were strongly correlated with local measures of elk density (r2 = 0.81). Dispersing feed more broadly, however, did not have a detectable effect on fGCM levels or aggression rates. Our results suggest that increases in aggregation associated with winter feedgrounds affects elk physiology, and the resulting increases in fGCM levels are not likely to be mitigated by management efforts that distribute the feed more widely. Additional research is needed to assess whether these increases in fGCMs directly alter parasite transmission and disease dynamics. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Developmental conditions in early life frequently have long-term consequences on the adult phenotype, but the adult environment can modulate such long-term effects. Glucocorticoid hormones may be instrumental in mediating developmental effects, but the permanency of such endocrine changes is still debated. Here, we manipulated environmental conditions during development (small vs. large brood size, and hence sibling competition) and in adulthood (easy vs. hard foraging conditions) in a full factorial design in zebra finches, and studied effects on baseline (Bas-CORT) and stress-induced (SI-CORT) corticosterone in adulthood. Treatments affected Bas-CORT in females, but not in males. Females reared in small broods had intermediate Bas-CORT levels as adults, regardless of foraging conditions in adulthood, while females reared in large broods showed higher Bas-CORT levels in hard foraging conditions and lower levels in easy foraging conditions. Female Bas-CORT was also more susceptible than male Bas-CORT to non-biological variables, such as ambient temperature. In line with these results, repeatability of Bas-CORT was higher in males (up to 51%) than in females (25%). SI-CORT was not responsive to the experimental manipulations in either sex and its repeatability was high in both sexes. We conclude that Bas-CORT responsiveness to intrinsic and extrinsic conditions is higher in females than in males, and that the expression of developmental conditions may depend on the adult environment. The latter finding illustrates the critical importance of studying of causes and consequences of long-term developmental effects in other environments in addition to standard laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Serotonin metabolism was studied in several brain regions of control and Streptozotocin-treated male Wistar rats. After induction of diabetes, the animals were killed at 24 hours. Concentrations of brain tryptophan show a generalized increase in all brain regions, being only significant in medulla-pons. Serotonin levels do not change, while 5-HIAA concentrations, as well as the ratio 5-HIAA/5-HT, show significant increases in medulla-pons and mid-brain.  相似文献   

J Panksepp  L Normansell 《Peptides》1990,11(5):915-919
The effects of centrally administered ACTH(1-24) and ACTH(4-10) on isolation-induced distress vocalizations (DVs) were assessed in the presence or absence of social cues (mirrored and plain environments). A dose-response analysis indicated that ACTH(1-24) at doses of 0.5 nM and above increased DVs relative to controls when the animals were tested in mirrored or social environments which reduce baseline levels of calling. This effect, however, was short-lived (approx. 15 min). When tested again 1 hr after injection, the treated animals did not differ from controls. ACTH/MSH(4-10) had no effect on vocalization when the animals were tested immediately after injection, but marginally increased calling when animals were tested an hour later. In addition to vocalization changes, ACTH(1-24) induced squatting when animals were isolated in the test boxes, and yawning, head shaking, wing flapping and preening when animals were reunited after testing. ACTH(1-24)-treated chicks also exhibited longer latencies to close their eyes when they were held in the cupped hands of the experimenter. Taken together, the results suggest that ACTH(1-24) induces a central state of arousal in chicks that resembles fear/anxiety.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effect of cannulation and chronic'black-box' confinement, as well as epinephrine administration (4–0 μg kg−1), on the degree and time-course of alterations in trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) catecholamine and cortisol concentrations. Plasma cortisol concentrations in seawater trout acclimated to 3–6° C reached 104 ng ml−1 1 day after cannulation/confinement and remained elevated above resting levels (8 ng ml−1) until 6 days post-confinement. Although plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine generally declined over the period of confinement (day 1 approx. 12 nM; day 7 approx. 6 nM), norepinephrine titres were usually higher and more variable. Epinephrine injection caused elevations in plasma epinephrine levels but not in norepinephrine levels; epinephrine titres reaching 107 ± 26 nM (range 65–238 nM) at 2 min post-injection and returning to pre-injection levels by 30 min post-injection. Plasma cortisol increased by 20 ng ml−1 following epinephrine administration. Based on the time-course for post-confinement alterations in plasma cortisol, it appears that up to a week may be required before cannulated fish are completely acclimated to 'black-box' confinement. The findings suggest that meaningful results from experiments utilizing epinephrine injection and 'black-box confinement are contingent upon: (1) knowledge of circulating epinephrine levels shortly after injection (i.e. within 2 min post-injection); and (2) an experimental design that takes into account the elevated cortisol titres that are inherent with cannulation/confinement and epinephrine injection.  相似文献   

An intravenous administration of (D-ala2, met5)-enkephalinamide (DALA) caused a significant elevation of plasma ACTH and corticosterone at 10 to 20 min after injection in unanesthetized freely moving rats. An intraperitoneal administration of cyproheptadine tended to reduce plasma ACTH and corticosterone levels at 60 min after injection, but it did not attenuate the DALA-induced ACTH and corticosterone elevation. A large dose of naloxone (1-10 mg/kg body weight) caused a significant elevation in plasma corticosterone, but naloxone at 10 mg/kg body weight reduced the basal ACTH level and DALA-induced ACTH elevation. When both DALA and naloxone were injected, the steroidogenic effect was attenuated. Neither DALA nor naloxone affected the basal ACTH release and CRF-induced ACTH stimulation in rat anterior pituitary cell cultures. These results suggest that DALA acts at the extra-hypophyseal level to stimulate ACTH and corticosterone and that the naloxone stimulatory effect on steroidogenesis acts on the adrenal gland or is mediated by stimulating corticosterone stimulating factors other than ACTH.  相似文献   

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