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We developed a combined molecular and morphological approach to unravel complex variation at low taxonomic levels, exemplified by some arctic members of Potentilla. Twenty-one populations from Svalbard were analyzed for random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) and 64 morphological characters to test the hypotheses that (1) the P. nivea complex (section Niveae) consists of three taxa (P. chamissonis, P. insularis, and P. nivea), (2) three "eco-morphotypes" in P. pulchella (section Multifidae) should be considered different taxa, and (3) P. insularis originated as an intersectional hybrid (Niveae × Multifidae). Twenty-two RAPD multilocus phenotypes were observed in the 136 plants analyzed based on 35 markers. Three fairly distinct groups of RAPD phenotypes were identified in the P. nivea complex based on multivariate analyses and an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA; 77.6% among-group variation). The variation within the P. nivea complex was more or less continuous in multivariate analyses of the morphological data. We identified, however, several individual morphological characters that separated unambiguously among the three groups of RAPD phenotypes, revealing that these groups correspond to the previously hypothesized taxa. Many identical RAPD multilocus phenotypes were observed in the "eco-morphotypes" of P. pulchella, suggesting that its conspicuous morphological variation is caused by plasticity or by genetic variation at a small number of loci. The hypothesis of the hybrid origin of P. insularis was not supported by the RAPD data. Overall, very little RAPD variation was observed within populations of the four taxa (2.1-16.7% in AMOVA analyses; average genotypic diversity, D, was 0.10-0.30). We conclude that detailed, concerted analysis of molecules and morphology is a powerful tool in low-level taxonomy.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of eight different species from the genera Comarum, Fragaria, Potentilla and Sibbaldia, usually considered as one type, the “Potentilla type”, were examined and morphological features making distinction possible are described  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Intraspecific reproductive differentiation into sexual and apomictic cytotypes of differing ploidy is a common phenomenon. However, mechanisms enabling the maintenance of both reproductive modes and integrity of cytotypes in sympatry are as yet poorly understood. This study examined the association of sexual and apomictic seed formation with ploidy as well as gene flow towards sexuals within populations of purely polyploid Potentilla puberula.


The study is based on 22 populations representing various combinations of five polyploid cytotypes (tetraploid–octoploid) from East Tyrol, Austria. Embryo ploidy and the endosperm/embryo ploidy ratio obtained by a flow cytometric seed screen were used to infer reproductive modes of seed formation and to calculate the male and female genomic contributions to the embryo and endosperm. Self-incompatibility (SI) patterns were assessed and a new indirect approach was used to test for the occurrence of intercytotype matings based on the variation in the male genomic contribution to sexually derived embryos on the level of developed seed.

Key Results

Tetraploids formed seeds almost exclusively via sexual reproduction, whereas penta- to octoploids were preferentially apomictic. Non-random distribution of reproductive modes within maternal plants further revealed a tendency to separate the sexual from the apomictic mode among individuals. Self-incompatibility of sexuals indicated functionality of the gametophytic SI system despite tetraploidy of the nuclear genome. We found no indication for significant cross-fertilization of tetraploids by the high polyploids.


The study revealed a rare example of intraspecific differentiation into sexual and apomictic cytotypes at the polyploid level. The integrity of the sexual tetraploids was maintained due to reproductive isolation from the apomictic higher polyploids. Functionality of the gametophytic SI system suggested that the tetraploids are functional diploids.  相似文献   

To date, little is still known about how alpine species occurring in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) responded to past climatic oscillations. Here, by using variations of the chloroplast trnJ-L, we examined the genetic distribution pattern of 101 individuals of Potentilla glabra, comprising both the interior QTP and the plateau edge. Phylogenetic and network analyses of 31 recovered haplotypes identified three tentative clades (A, B and C). Analysis of molecular variance (amova) revealed that most of the genetic variability was found within populations (0.693), while differentiations between populations were obviously distinct (Fst = 0.307). Two independent range expansions within clades A and B occurring at approximately 316 and 201 thousand years ago (kya) were recovered from the hierarchical mismatch analysis, and these two expansions were also confirmed by Fu's Fs values and 'g' tests. However, distant distributions of clade C and private haplotypes from clades A and B suggest that they had survived the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and previous glaciers in situ since their origins. Our findings based on available limited samples support that multiple refugia of a few cold-enduring species had been maintained in the QTP platform during LGM and/or previous glacial stages.  相似文献   

根据 2 2个等位酶位点遗传变异 ,探讨了韩国境内委陵菜 (PotentillafragarioidesL .var.sprengeliana)的遗传多样性和种群结构。酶位点的多态位点百分比为 5 9 1%。种和种群水平上的遗传多样性比较高 ,分别为Hes=0 .2 10 ,Hep=0 .199;而种群的分化水平则相对较低 (GST=0 .0 74)。 19个种群中随机交配的偏差为FIS=0 .331。每代迁移数的间接估计 (Nm=3.15 )表明该种在韩国的种群间基因流较高。另外 ,固定指数分析显示在一些种群和位点有轻微的杂合子缺乏。种群间平均遗传一致度为 0 985。这些韩国委陵菜种群存在于较为均一的生境 ,这很有可能是造成其种群遗传一致性较高的原因。  相似文献   

Background: Most empirical studies to date have suggested that alpine plants in the central Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) originated from the south-eastern QTP. However, previous phylogeographcial analysis of Potentilla fruticosa suggested that it diversified in the central QTP, which has also been assumed to have been a glacial refugium, and expanded to the north-eastern regions during the mid-Holocene period.

Aim: We reappraise this claim in the light of information acquired from sampling, haplotyping and analysing additional populations.

Methods: We sequenced the chloroplast trnT-L intergenic spacer of 346 individuals collected from 52 populations. We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships among haplotypes through Bayesian and Network analysis, and used several methods for demographic analysis.

Results: Some common and highly divergent haplotypes were distributed in the central, western and south-eastern QTP. Mismatch and other population genetic analyses applied to our data suggested that a distinct range expansion had occurred between approximately 30,000 and 325,000 years ago (kya).

Conclusions: Besides the possible postglacial expansion in the north-eastern QTP, our results further suggested that the range of the species radically expanded across the whole Plateau before the last glacial maximum (around 18 kya) and the south-eastern, western and central QTP regions had together provided important refugia during recent glacial stages. These findings, in contrast to the previous conclusions, highlight the importance of adequate sampling strategies in phylogeographical studies.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and population structure of Potentilla fragarioides var. sprengeliana(Rosaceae) in Korea were investigated using genetic variation at 22 allozyme loci. The percent of polymorphic loci within the enzymes was 59.1%. The genetic diversity at the species level and at the population level was high (Hes=0.210; Hep=0.199, respectively), whereas the extent of the population divergence was relatively low (GST=0.074). FIS, a measure of the deviation from random mating within the 19 populations, was 0.331. An indirect estimate of the number of migrants per generation (Nm=3.15) indicates that gene flow is high among Korean populations of the species. In addition, analysis of fixation indices revealed a slight heterozygote deficiency in some populations and at some loci. The mean genetic identity between populations was 0.985. It is highly probable that the trend of genetic uniformity in a relatively homogeneous habitat is thought to be operated among Korean populations of P. fragarioides var.sprengeliana.  相似文献   

Potentilla matsumurae has a wide distribution from wind-blown fellfields to snowbeds in alpine regions of Japan. The environmental factors influencing seedling establishment differ between the fellfield and snowbed habitats; plants growing in each habitat may therefore have different germination strategies. Using a reciprocal sowing experiment, patterns of seedling emergence and survivorship were examined in both habitat types in the Taisetsu Mountains, Japan. Seeds derived from a fellfield population germinated earlier than did those derived from a snowbed population at both habitats, and the germination of fellfield seeds continued throughout the growing season. The timing of seedling emergence greatly affected subsequent survival at the fellfield. Seedlings that emerged in the first half of the growing season had low survivorship during the first year because of frost and drought damage, but the remaining seedlings had high survivorship during the winter; seedlings that emerged in the latter half of the growing season showed the opposite trend. At the snowbed, seedling survival was high throughout the growing season. Germination experiments in the laboratory highlighted a difference in the sensitivity of seeds from the fellfield and snowbed populations to fluctuating temperatures. These results indicate that intraspecific variation in emergence and survivorship may occur over a small scale in an alpine environment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Prunus, subgenus Padus, exhibits two completely different calcium oxalate crystal macropatterns in mature leaves. Foliar macropattern development has been described previously in P. virginiana, representing one version. Prunus serotina, in the group exhibiting the second macropattern, is described here. The goal was to describe developmental details for comparison with P. virginiana, and to extend the sparse current knowledge of crystal macropatterns. METHODS: Leaves at various developmental stages were removed from local trees and from herbarium specimens. Early leaf stages and freehand leaf and stem sections were mounted directly in aqueous glycerine; larger leaves were processed whole or in representative pieces in household bleach, dehydrated in alcohol/xylol, and mounted in Permount. Crystals were detected microscopically between crossed polarizers. KEY RESULTS: Bud scales have a dense druse population. Druses appear first at the stipule tip and proliferate basipetally but soon stop forming; growing stipules therefore have a declining density of druses. Druses appear at the tip of leaves <1 mm long, then proliferate basipetally in the midrib. Lamina druses appear in the distal marginal teeth of leaves 3 cm long; from here they proliferate basipetally and towards midrib along major veins. In about two-thirds-grown leaves (6-9 cm length) druses are all adaxial to veins of most orders; a shift occurs then to formation of prisms, which appear first abaxial to, then all around, veins. Mature leaves have virtually all prisms encrusting all major veins, more sparsely along smaller minor veins. Late season leaves form epitactic crystals on existing prismatics. CONCLUSIONS: The developing and mature macropattern of P. serotina is almost the reverse of the pattern described previously in P. virginiana, and shows that two closely related species can develop radically different modes of crystallization. The few detailed macropattern studies to date reveal striking variations that indicate a new level of organization that must be integrated with the anatomical, physiological and molecular approaches that have been dominant so far.  相似文献   

The degree of sexual seed set and the ability to cross were investigated in three taxa of Potentilla section Niveae ( P. chamissonis , P. insularis and P. nivea ) from the Svalbard Archipelago. Emasculated and bagged flowers had little or no seed set, while 71% of the emasculated, bagged and pollinated flowers had some. The taxa are interpreted as pseudogamous apomicts. Parental plants and offspring were subjected to isozyme analysis. Most of the offspring were clones of the mother plant, but 1.7% had bands from the pollen donor. The sexual offspring were all produced by mother plants of P. insularis , which is interpreted as a facultative apomict. Surprisingly, crosses between different taxa gave higher seed to ovule ratios and numbers of sexually produced offspring than crosses within taxa. Some of the sexually produced hybrid offspring had the same kind of hairs on the petioles as their mother taxon, showing that hybrids may not be intermediate in hair characters, which are considered important in the delimitation of these taxa. The results of the present study indicate very close relationships among the investigated plants.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 373−381.  相似文献   

Crataegus section Douglasii exhibits variation in stamen number per flower typical for the genus throughout North America. To understand the developmental basis for this variation we studied the early floral ontogeny of the three taxa in section Douglasii: C. douglasii (both Pacific northwest and the upper Great Lakes basin), C. rivularis, and C. suksdorfii. Crataegus suksdorfii, like all known diploid Crataegus, has ≈20 stamens; the two other taxa have ≈10 stamens, a condition associated only with polyploidy. In all taxa petal primordia and a whorl of five pairs of stamen primordia develop from five common primordia. The 10-stamen∗∗∗ condition results from loss of two whorls of five stamens that are subsequently formed in C. suksdorfii. Loss of these two whorls in the 10-stamen taxa is the result of neither a smaller floral apex at initiation, nor a smaller flower at anthesis. Stamen number variability, particularly in C. douglasii and C. rivularis, is the result predominantly of fewer than two stamen primordia developing between adjacent petal primordia. Pollen production in C. douglasii is half that in C. suksdorfii because of the reduction in stamen number. The results are presented and discussed in terms of morphogenetic explanations of meristic variation.  相似文献   

LOURO, R. P., MIGUENS, F. C. & MACHADO, R. D., 1992. Structure and development of stellate trichomes in Andradea ftoribunda Fr. Allem. (Nyctaginaceae). Trichomes occur on both faces of young leaves. They are peltate-stellate on the abaxial face, and comprise a stalk and radiating cells with a rudimentary central apex. On the adaxial face the trichomes arc stellate with a large apex comprising one to three cells. In both cases the stalk is formed by three to six cells of which the most distal may contain a tannoid substance. In the adult leaf only the abaxial surface exhibits stellate trichomes, with two to three celled stalks. The central region of radial cells is depressed. On the adaxial side the hairs are shed during maturation of the leaf.  相似文献   

Rubus is a taxonomically difficult group and cytological data are expected hopefully to gain insight into the relationships of the genus. In this study the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 18 taxa from sect. Idaeobatus and 10 taxa from sect. Malachobatus were investigated. Among them, the chromosome numbers of 10 taxa and karyotypes of 26 taxa were reported for the first time and mixoploidy was observed new in the genus. The chromosomes are small in size with a length of less than 3 µm and metacentric (about 90%) or submetacentric. All taxa have karyotypes of “1A” except R. cockburnianus, R. innominatus and R. ellipticus var. obcordatus, which have karyotypes of “2A”. No aneuploids were found in all the 28 taxa studied. Plants of sect. Idaeobatus have diploids with 2n=2x=14, except R. idaeopsis (2n=3x=21) and R. parvifolius (A mixoploid of 2n=2x=14 and 2n=4x=28). However, plants of sect. Malachobatus have tetraploids with 2n=4x=28, except for R. buergeri with 2n=8x=56. In addition, conspicuous karyotype differences existed within the 18 taxa belonging to 11 of 7 subsections in sect. Idaeobatus, and the differences between some species within subsections are greater than that between subsections, while uniform karyotypes within subsections and variable karyotypes between subsections were observed in six of 13 subsections in sect. Malachobatus represented by 10 taxa. Systematic values of the cytological data were discussed for some cases when applicable to the two sections.  相似文献   

The influence of the sequence of maternal tissue development in Betula pendula upon the potential for male gamete selection was investigated, and the timing of the fixed abortion of one of the two ovules was determined. We used scanning electronic microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and blue light microscopy. The stigmas remain fresh throughout male anthesis, and may also last after its end, depending on ambient temperatures. The presence of germinated pollen does not induce stigmatic necrotization, and grains may arrive at different times. The pollen tube tips remain within the stigma base until the end of female anthesis. The ovules will not develop until after necrotization of the stigmas. The pollen tubes thus have a fair start to the ovules, regardless of their different arrival times and of the original positions of the pollen grains at the stigma surface. Therefore, competition among different microgametophytes is possible, in spite of low pollination intensity. Our results indicate that when the first pollen tube penetrates an ovule, this ovule starts to outgrow the other one, and even if the other is also penetrated, its vascular support soon atrophies and the megagametophyte will shrivel. Fertilization of both ovules was never seen in this study.  相似文献   

Three fragilarioid diatom taxa were studied in detail at the light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy levels from samples collected from Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia. Two of the taxa are new to science, described here as Staurosirella minuta Morales et M. B. Edlund and Pseudostaurosira tenuis Morales et M. B. Edlund, and may be endemic to Lake Hovsgol. The third taxon has been identified as Fragilaria polonica Witak et Lange‐Bertalot and it is transferred to the genus Pseudostaurosira (Grunow) D. M. Williams et Round as Pseudostaurosira polonica (Witak et Lange‐Bertalot) Morales et M. B. Edlund comb. nov. based on the ultrastructural features of its valves. The relationship of the above taxa to others reported in the literature is included herein, and the nomenclatural transfer, Pseudostaurosira naveana (Le Cohu) Morales et M. B. Edlund comb. nov., is proposed.  相似文献   

细胞外钙调素对百合花粉细胞内钙离子浓度的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
以川百合(Lilium davidii Duchartre)花粉为材料,利用低温装载法在完整花粉粒中成功地装置了酯化形式的钙离子荧光指示剂fluo-3AM,利用激光共聚焦显微技术研究了细胞外钙调素对细胞内游离钙离子浓度的影响,结果发现外源纯化钙调素可以使细胞内游离钙离子的浓度升高,在一定范围内促进效果与钙调素浓度呈正相关。不能透过细胞膜的钙调素拮抗剂W7-agarose和植物钙调素抗血清处理都可 使花粉细胞质中游离钙离子浓度降低,表明内源细胞外钙调素可能在维持和促进花粉细胞质中游离离子方面具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Enhanced UV‐radiation (UVR) through stratospheric ozone depletion and global warming are crucial stressors to marine macroalgae. Damages may arise through formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in gametophytes of ecologically important kelps, brown algae of the order Laminariales, Such stress‐induced damages may have a negative impact on their fitness and further impact their following life stages. In our study, gametophytes of three kelp species Alaria esculenta (L.) Grev., Laminaria digitata (Huds.) Lamour., Saccharina latissima (L.) Lane, Mayes, Druehl, Saunders from the Arctic, and of L. hyperborea (Gunnerus) Foslie from the North Sea were exposed to photosynthetically active radiation, UV‐A, and UV‐B radiation and four temperatures (2–18°C). ROS are formed predominantly in the peripheral cytoplasm and in chloroplasts especially after exposure to UVR. Superoxide (O2*) is additionally formed in small, globular cytoplasmic structures, possibly mitochondria. In the surrounding medium O2*‐concentration increased markedly at elevated temperatures and under UV stress in some cases. Ultrastructural damage was negligible pointing to a high stress tolerance of this developmental stage. Our data indicate that stress tolerant gametophytes of three Arctic kelp species should sustain their crucial function as seed bank for kelp populations even under prospective rising environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

, , , and 1988. Schistosoma japonicum (Chinese): changes of the tegument surface in cercariae, schistosomula and juvenile parasites during development. International Journal for Parasitology18: 1093–1104. The surface of cercariae of S. japonicum (Chinese) and changes following their transformation into schistosomula were observed at 0.5,1, 3,6,12,24 and 48 hand 5,7,10 and 15 days by scanning electron microscopy. The cercarial surface shows two distinct regions: on the head and the body it is mildly undulating and covered throughout with numerous spines that are partially embedded in a thick layer of glycocalyx; on the tail it is highly folded into tall and thin circumferential ridges, spines are confined to the dorsal and ventral aspects and are prominent due to a thinner glycocalyx. Between 0.5 and 12 h following skin penetration, the surface of schistosomula is gradually cleared of glycocalyx, while small blebs and slender microvilli project out from the glycocalyx-free area and from spines. Subsequently, these structures are detached from the surface and thus responsible for the shedding of the original cercarial membrane and glycocalyx. Between 24 and 48 h, schistosomula show little change in the body size in comparison to earlier stages, and most of the surface is still covered with spines but devoid of blebs and microvilli. From day 2 onwards schistosomula are lengthened but with little net growth. Spines decrease in the middle region of the body; and the surface is invaginated by small pits and folded into thin ridges, which result in rapid increase of the surface area. Between days 5 and 7 schistosomula elongate further, and the disappearance of the spines in the middle region becomes even more pronounced, while those remaining are confined only to the anterior and posterior extremities. Ridges and pits are more developed, and the former begin to show regular foldings throughout all parts of the body. Between days 7 and 10 schistosomula grow rapidly and the body is quadrupled in size. Between days 10 and 15 sexes can be differentiated. The male has a flat ovoid shape body, whose ridges and pitting on the surface are highly developed almost to the same extent as in adult parasites, while spines remain mostly on the posterior end. Sensory papillae greatly increase in number, especially on the ventral and lateral aspects and around the suckers. The surface of the female is relatively smooth; ridges are developed only on the posterior part, while the remaining surface is flat and extensively pitted. Spines are present throughout but less concentrated in the middle region.  相似文献   

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