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Waste stabilization ponds (WSPs) have been used extensively to provide wastewater treatment throughout the world. However, no rigorous assessment of WSPs that account for cost in addition to hydrodynamics and treatment efficiency has been performed. A study was conducted that utilized computational fluid dynamics (CFD) coupled with an optimization program to optimize the selection of the best WSP configuration based on cost and treatment efficiency. The results of monitoring the fecal coliform concentration at the reactor outlet showed that the conventional 70% pond-width baffle pond design is not consistently the best pond configuration as previously reported in the literature. The target effluent log reduction can be achieved by reducing the amount of construction material and tolerating some degree of fluid mixing within the pond. As expected, the multi-objective genetic algorithm optimization did produce a lower-cost WSP design compared to a SIMPLEX optimization algorithm, however, with only a marginal increase in the effluent microbial log reduction. Several other designs generated by the CFD/optimization model showed that both shorter and longer baffles, alternative depths, and reactor length to width ratios could improve the hydraulic efficiency of the ponds at a reduced overall construction cost.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the dynamical modelling and the parameter identification of a waste stabilisation pond. First, a dynamical model of the pond is proposed, based on mass balances in the first basin. It involves a reaction network involving eight (bio)chemical reactions, and in particular the (chemical or biochemical) oxidation of H2S. The height of the pond is divided into two layers: the upper layer (approximate depth: 0.8 m), and the lower layer (about 0.2 m). Three microorganism populations are considered: microalgae and aerobic bacteria (in the upper layer), and sulphate-reducing anaerobic bacteria (in the lower layer). The Droop model is introduced to emphasise the potential activity of microalgae when daylight has disappeared (sunset). The transport of organic matter between the two layers is also considered in the model. The derivation is based on collected data and intensive follow-up of a specific pond at the village of Rethondes in Northern France. The parameters of the model are then identified on the basis of these data by considering data in spring, summer and autumn. The calibration of the model parameters is a challenging problem because of the large number of parameters, the limited number of available experimental data and the model complexity. The objective in the identification procedure was thus limited to obtain the largest number of unique values for the parameters in the three instances.  相似文献   

The investigations pertaining to zoo- and phytoplankton succession during prestabilization and stabilization of domestic waste water in a facultative pond operating at 1.22 meters depth with an average BOD loading of 336.3 kg per hectare per day and a retention period of 10 days revealed the following:
  1. A photosynthetic sulphur bacterium Thiocystis violacea has been recorded during the second and third day along with a considerable population of ciliate protozoa and algae.
  2. Chlorophytes were followed by euglenoids in the ecological succession and the latter became predominant after the pond stabilized.
  3. Of the twelve protozoan species Halteria grandinella, Bursaria truncatella and Perispira ovum were associated with peaks of algae and vigorous photosynthesis in the stabilized pond water.
  4. There ia a gradual improvement in the quality of the waste water with respect to reduction in bacteria and biochemical oxygen demand and enhancement in changes in physico-chemical factors till a relatively stable community is evolved.

The seasonal dynamics of metazooplankton biomass was monitoredin an aerated waste stabilization pond during three consecutiveyears (1994–1996). The pond showed a low diversity ofplanktonic metazoans because of elevated pH, relatively highconcentration of free dissolved ammonia and low oxygen concentration.The planktonic community was composed of the anomopod branchiopodDaphnia magna, and the cyclopoid copepods Cyclops vicinus andCyclops strenuus. Both predation by cyclopoids and competitionwith D.magna excluded rotifers from the pond, except duringa short period in spring 1996. Daphnia magna was the dominantorganism from a biomass point of view. In parallel with biomass,demographic parameters, secondary production and the spatialdistribution of D.magna were studied. A significant seasonaland interannual variation in the density, biomass and productionof D.magna was observed. The maximum density of daphnids variedfrom 264 x 103 to 686 x 103 individuals m–2 and the maximumbiomass from 4 to 30 g dry weight (DW) m–2. The annualnet production was high compared with the production of Daphniain natural environments, ranging from 288 to 593 g DW m–2year–1. The annual net production of exuviae accountedfor ~25% of the total annual net production. Harvesting of daphnidsfor commercial applications that took place during the productiveperiod did not have any discernible effect on the populationdynamics of D.magna. Sexual reproduction was not observed duringthe three studied years. Negative mortality rates, occurringduring early spring, however, indicated that recruitment fromephippia was effective in the pond of Differdange and that sexualreproduction took place before 1994. Swarming was regularlyobserved in relation to high densities.  相似文献   

Sunlight inactivation in fresh (river) water of fecal coliforms, enterococci, Escherichia coli, somatic coliphages, and F-RNA phages from waste stabilization pond (WSP) effluent was compared. Ten experiments were conducted outdoors in 300-liter chambers, held at 14C (mean river water temperature). Sunlight inactivation (k(S)) rates, as a function of cumulative global solar radiation (insolation), were all more than 10 times higher than the corresponding dark inactivation (k(D)) rates in enclosed (control) chambers. The overall k(S) ranking (from greatest to least inactivation) was as follows: enterococci > fecal coliforms greater-than-or-equal E. coli > somatic coliphages > F-RNA phages. In winter, fecal coliform and enterococci inactivation rates were similar but, in summer, enterococci were inactivated far more rapidly. In four experiments that included freshwater-raw sewage mixtures, enterococci survived longer than fecal coliforms (a pattern opposite to that observed with the WSP effluent), but there was little difference in phage inactivation between effluents. In two experiments which included simulated estuarine water and seawater, sunlight inactivation of all of the indicators increased with increasing salinity. Inactivation rates in freshwater, as seen under different optical filters, decreased with the increase in the spectral cutoff (50% light transmission) wavelength. The enterococci and F-RNA phages were inactivated by a wide range of wavelengths, suggesting photooxidative damage. Inactivation of fecal coliforms and somatic coliphages was mainly by shorter (UV-B) wavelengths, a result consistent with photobiological damage. Fecal coliform repair mechanisms appear to be activated in WSPs, and the surviving cells exhibit greater sunlight resistance in natural waters than those from raw sewage. In contrast, enterococci appear to suffer photooxidative damage in WSPs, rendering them susceptible to further photooxidative damage after discharge. This suggests that they are unsuitable as indicators of WSP effluent discharges to natural waters. Although somatic coliphages are more sunlight resistant than the other indicators in seawater, F-RNA phages are the most resistant in freshwater, where they may thus better represent enteric virus survival.  相似文献   

Wine yeasts were isolated from fermenting Garnatxa and Xarel.lo musts fermented in a newly built and operated winery between 1995 and 2000. The species of non-Saccharomyces yeasts and the Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains were identified by ribosomal DNA and mitochondrial DNA RFLP analysis respectively. Non-Saccharomyces yeasts, particularly Hanseniaspora uvarum and Candida stellata, dominated the first stages of fermentation. However Saccharomyces cerevisiae was present at the beginning of the fermentation and was the main yeast in the musts in one vintage (1999). In all the cases, S. cerevisiae took over the process in the middle and final stages of fermentation. The analysis of the S. cerevisiae strains showed that indigenous strains competed with commercial strains inoculated in other fermentation tanks of the cellar. The continuous use of commercial yeasts reduced the diversity and importance of the indigenous S. cerevisiae strains.  相似文献   

AIMS: To study the diversity and dynamics of indigenous Saccharomyces wine populations during Malbec spontaneous fermentation, a representative Patagonian red wine, at both industrial and laboratory scale. METHODS AND RESULTS: Two molecular techniques, including restriction fragment length polymorphism of mitochondrial (mt) DNA and polymorphism of amplified delta interspersed element sequences, were used for characterization of indigenous yeasts at strain level. The mtDNA restriction patterns showed the major discriminative power; however, by combining the two molecular approaches it was possible to distinguish a larger number of strains and, therefore, draw more representative conclusions about yeast diversity. Although a great diversity of wild Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains was observed, only nine represented more than half of the total Saccharomyces yeast biota analysed; five of these were common and took over the Malbec must fermentation in both vinifications. CONCLUSIONS: Many different indigenous S. cerevisiae strains were identified; nevertheless, the dominant strains in both industrial and laboratory vinification processes were just a few and the same. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Small-scale fermentation appears to be a valuable tool in winemaking, one especially helpful in evaluating microbiological aspects of as well as possible interactions between inoculated selected strains and native strains.  相似文献   

模拟稳定塘系统对污染指示菌的去除作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了模拟稳定塘系统去除污染指示菌如总大肠菌群(TC),粪大肠菌群(FC),粪链球菌(FS)以及异养细菌(HPC)的作用。结果表明,16℃时污水在日进污水10t的模拟稳定塘系统停留9天后,TC与FC的密度下降4个数量级。在日进污水90t,污水理论水力停留时间10天的模拟稳定塘系统进行的全年跟踪监测结果表明,TC与FC密度随各塘依次递减。Ⅳ号塘出水的TC密度下降2.5个数量级,基本上达到了我国GB3838-88中规定的地面水Ⅲ级标准;FC密度下降3个数量级,达到WHO标准的轻污染水平,肯定了稳定塘系统去除污染指示菌的有效性。  相似文献   

The formation of amyloid-like fibrils is a hallmark of several neurodegenerative diseases. How the assembly of amyloid-like fibrils contributes to cell death is a major unresolved question in the field. The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a powerful model organism to study basic mechanisms for how cellular pathways regulate amyloid assembly and proteotoxicity. For example, studies of the amyloidogenic yeast prion [RNQ(+)] have revealed novel roles by which molecular chaperones protect cells from the accumulation of cytotoxic protein species. In budding yeast there are a variety of cellular assays that can be employed to analyze the assembly of amyloid-like aggregates and mechanistically dissect how cellular pathways influence proteotoxicity. In this review, we describe several assays that are routinely used to investigate aggregation and toxicity of the [RNQ(+)] prion in yeast.  相似文献   

The enumeration of yeast populations in a sewage treatment plant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W B Cooke 《Mycologia》1965,57(5):696-703

This paper presents the results of an investigation on the distribution of210Po in Mutharasanallur pond ecosystem. It has been demonstrated that210Po is non-uniformly distributed within the ecosystem. The results of the study show a dissolved210Po concentration in pond water of 1 4mBq 1−1. The sediment samplso recorded a210Po activity of 59 9 Bq kg−1. The aquatic organisms showed differential accumulation of the radionuclide with enhanced bioaccumulation in soft tissues and muscle. The210Po activity in the biota fell within the range of 1·2–53 3 Bq kg−1 (wet wt). The bivalve mussel,Lamellidens marginalis was identified to accumulate higher concentration of210Poin soft tissues, suggesting that these organisms could serve as a bio-monitor of210Po radionuclide in a freshwater system. The concentration factors of210Po for the biotic components ranged from ∼102–∼104. Analyses of the results indicate that prawn and fish represent an important source of supply of210Po to humans via dietary intake. Results of210Po activity in the abiotic and biotic components of the pond ecosystem were higher when compared with those of Cauvery river system, the primary water source of the pond.  相似文献   

In long-lived animals, adult survival is among the most important determinants of population dynamics. Although it may show considerable variation both in time and among populations and sites, a single survival estimate per species is often used in comparative evolutionary studies or in conservation management to identify threatened populations. We estimated adult survival of the isabelline serotine bat Eptesicus isabellinus using capture–recapture data collected on six maternity colonies scattered over a large area (distance 8–103 km) during periods varying from 8 to 26 years. We modelled temporal and inter-colony variations as random effects in a Bayesian framework and estimated mean annual adult survival of females on two scales and a single survival value across all colonies. On a coarse scale, we grouped colonies according to two different habitat types and investigated the effect on survival. A difference in adult survival was detected between the two habitat types [posterior mean of annual survival probability 0.71; 95% credible interval (CI) 0.51–0.86 vs. 0.60; 0.28–0.89], but it was not statistically supported. On a fine scale, survival of the six colonies ranged between 0.58 (95% CI 0.23–0.92) and 0.81 (0.73–0.88), with variation between only two colonies being statistically supported. Overall survival was 0.72 (95% CI 0.57–0.93) with important inter-colony variability (on a logit scale 0.98; 95% CI 0.00–8.16). Survival varied temporally in a random fashion across colonies. Our results show that inference based solely on single colonies should be treated with caution and that a representative unbiased estimate of survival for any species should ideally be based on multiple populations.  相似文献   

新型酵母表达系统的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
酵母表达系统是在酿酒酵母质粒的发现和酵母转化技术的成熟基础上建立起来的真核生物表达系统。许多有应用价值的外源基因成功地在其中表达,但也存在一些局限性。为了开发新的酵母表达系统,人们在酿酒酵母以外的酵母中寻找合适的宿主以建立新的载体-宿主系统。本文综述了建立新的酵母表达系统涉及的有关问题和近几年来的研究进展。  相似文献   

D Zuk  A Jacobson 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(10):2914-2925
Most factors known to function in mRNA turnover are not essential for cell viability. To identify essential factors, approximately 4000 temperature-sensitive yeast strains were screened for an increase in the level of the unstable CYH2 pre-mRNA. At the non-permissive temperature, five mutants exhibited decreased decay rates of the CYH2 pre-mRNA and mRNA, and the STE2, URA5 and PAB1 mRNAs. Of these, the mutant ts1159 had the most extensive phenotype. Expression of the TIF51A gene (encoding eIF-5A) complemented the temperature-sensitive growth and mRNA decay phenotypes of ts1159. The tif51A allele was rescued from these cells and shown to encode a serine to proline change within a predicted alpha-helical segment of the protein. ts1159 also exhibited an approximately 30% decrease in protein synthesis at the restrictive temperature. Measurement of amino acid incorporation in wild-type cells incubated with increasing amounts of cycloheximide demonstrated that a decrease in protein synthesis of this magnitude could not account for the full extent of the mRNA decay defects observed in ts1159. Interestingly, the ts1159 cells accumulated uncapped mRNAs at the non-permissive temperature. These results suggest that eIF-5A plays a role in mRNA turnover, perhaps acting downstream of decapping.  相似文献   

The sharing of secreted invertase by yeast cells is a well‐established laboratory model for cooperation, but the only evidence that such cooperation occurs in nature is that the SUC loci, which encode invertase, vary in number and functionality. Genotypes that do not produce invertase can act as ‘cheats’ in laboratory experiments, growing on the glucose that is released when invertase producers, or ‘cooperators’, digest sucrose. However, genetic variation for invertase production might instead be explained by adaptation of different populations to different local availabilities of sucrose, the substrate for invertase. Here we find that 110 wild yeast strains isolated from natural habitats, and all contained a single SUC locus and produced invertase; none were ‘cheats’. The only genetic variants we found were three strains isolated instead from sucrose‐rich nectar, which produced higher levels of invertase from three additional SUC loci at their subtelomeres. We argue that the pattern of SUC gene variation is better explained by local adaptation than by social conflict.  相似文献   

  1. A study was made of the populations of Collembola in the pine forest. Among the eight species commonly found, Folsomia octoculataHandschin was numerically dominant.
  2. Seasonal population changes of these eight species were described over a year. It was found that many species show two peaks in number. As for F. octoculata, the dominant species, the changes in number was discussed in connection with the variation in age structure.
  3. The census data for each species were examined for the distribution pattern by using the regression method. None of these eight species was distributed at random in the soil and they could be classified into three groups based on the differences in the degree of aggregation in terms of coefficient β of the regression. It was suggested that such differences in the distribution pattern are largely due to differences in the response to heterogeneity of the habitat. In the case of F. octoculata, the changes of distribution pattern in the course of post-embryonic development were examined and it was found that (a) the component of distribution is a single individual rather than a colony, and (b) the degree of aggregation is decreased with the development of individuals.
  4. Using the relationship, the relation of the necessary sample size to the population density was derived for a fixed level of presision (D=S.E./m=0.2) and some suggestions were given concerning sampling plans for these insects.

A study of ethanol tolerance in yeast   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The ethanol tolerance of yeast and other microorganisms has remained a controversial area despite the many years of study. The complex inhibition mechanism of ethanol and the lack of a universally accepted definition and method to measure ethanol tolerance have been prime reasons for the controversy. A number of factors such as plasma membrane composition, media composition, mode of substrate feeding, osmotic pressure, temperature, intracellular ethanol accumulation, and byproduct formation have been shown to influence the ethanol tolerance of yeast. Media composition was found to have a profound effect upon the ability of a yeast strain to ferment concentrated substrates (high osmotic pressure) and to ferment at higher temperatures. Supplementation with peptone-yeast extract, magnesium, or potassium salts has a significant and positive effect upon overall fermentation rates. An intracellular accumulation of ethanol was observed during the early stages of fermentation. As fermentation proceeds, the intracellular and extracellular ethanol concentrations become similar. In addition, increases in osmotic pressure are associated with increased intracellular accumulation of ethanol. However, it was observed that nutrient limitation, not increased intracellular accumulation of ethanol, is responsible to some extent for the decreases in growth and fermentation activity of yeast cells at higher osmotic pressure and temperature.  相似文献   

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