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Xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH) are the key enzymes for xylose fermentation and have been widely used for construction of a recombinant xylose fermenting yeast. The effective recycling of cofactors between XR and XDH has been thought to be important to achieve effective xylose fermentation. Efforts to alter the coenzyme specificity of XR and HDX by site-directed mutagenesis have been widely made for improvement of efficiency of xylose fermentation. We previously succeeded by protein engineering to improve ethanol production by reversing XDH dependency from NAD+ to NADP+. In this study, we applied protein engineering to construct a novel strictly NADPH-dependent XR from Pichia stipitis by site-directed mutagenesis, in order to recycle NADPH between XR and XDH effectively. One double mutant, E223A/S271A showing strict NADPH dependency with 106% activity of wild-type was generated. A second double mutant, E223D/S271A, showed a 1.27-fold increased activity compared to the wild-type XR with NADPH and almost negligible activity with NADH.  相似文献   

Xiao YH  Yin MH  Hou L  Luo M  Pei Y 《Biotechnology letters》2007,29(6):925-930
By combining asymmetric PCR and overlap extension, we developed a novel asymmetric overlap extension PCR (AOE-PCR) method for site-directed mutagenesis which bypassed the need for intermediate purification and excluded the amplification of a wild-type template. This method was used to introduce single base mutations into a small GTPase gene from cotton and to simultaneously introduce two mutations just by repeating this method using the first round AOE-PCR products as template. Our results suggested that the AOE-PCR method represents a valuable improvement of the original overlap extension PCR for site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

A new method of site-directed mutagenesis was developed to allow manipulation with extended plasmid-cloned gene fragments irrespective of their position and the presence of restriction sites. The method was used to obtain chimeric constructs encoding a Pisum sativum lectin with the native carbohydrate-binding region replaced by its counterpart from other legumes. The method can be used in plasmid construction to clone a coding gene fragment under the control of a promoter in a certain reading frame.  相似文献   

In this study, we report a novel megaprimed and ligase-free, PCR-based, site-directed mutagenesis method modified from the QuikChange site-directed mutagenesis (QCM). One mutagenic oligonucleotide and one universal flanking primer were used to produce the complementary megaprimers that were then used to amplify the whole plasmid template. This method yields a mutagenesis efficiency ( approximately 90%) similar to that of QCM but uses only one mutagenic oligonucleotide instead of two of them, and the length of the oligonucleotide could be shorter. This method can be further extended to double mutations that are located at distant sites by using two mutagenic oligonucleotides and even to site saturation mutagenesis by introducing randomized codons.  相似文献   

一种改进的快速PCR定点突变技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在基因工程与蛋白质工程研究中常常用到基因突变技术制备突变体,用于研究基因调控、蛋白质的结构与功能。本项研究在快速PCR定点突变技术的基础上,改进实验方法,简化实验步骤,以适用蛋白质结构改造研究的需要。建立的突变技术仅需一次PCR反应即可完成基因的定点突变,突变效率为79.6%左右。该法对1~3个连续碱基的突变和对间隔4个甚至多达15个碱基的数个密码子突变效果都很好。  相似文献   

Here we present a QuikChange-like method to efficiently realize blunt-ended DNA cloning and conveniently introduce a site-directed mutation to recombinant plasmid at the same time. After blunt-ended DNA ligation and transformation, the plasmid DNA mixture is extracted from pooled transformants and directly used as template for PCR amplification with a pair of complementary mutagenic primers. With this method, sam1 gene was inserted into pUC19 vector by blunt-end ligation, and a unique restriction site Spe I was introduced to the recombinant plasmid at the same time. The randomly selected transformants were analyzed by DNA sequencing, and most of the clones were found to have correct sequences. However, no correct construct was found from randomly selected transformants after traditional blunt-ended DNA ligation and transformation.  相似文献   

为了解决在一些特殊位点上利用Quick Change方法进行定点突变时会在突变位点处额外插入引物序列导致突变失败的问题,对Quick Change法进行了改良。改良方法为:合成在突变位点处点突变的一对反向互补引物,分别进行单引物PCR扩增,将两种扩增产物混合,变性复性后加入Dpn I进行酶切,酶切产物转化大肠杆菌DH5α,抗性筛选阳性克隆进行测序验证。利用此法成功突变紫穗槐二烯合酶(amorpha-4,11-diene synthase,ADS)基因中多个利用常规方法突变均因引入额外引物而无法成功的特殊位点,证明此方法实践上可行,而且也可以避免插入额外引物序列,这也从侧面证明额外引物插入的原因是双引物同时反应。  相似文献   

Attempts at site-directed mutagenesis of the fructosyltransferase (ftf) gene of Streptococcus salivarius ATCC 25975 using standard protocols were unsuccessful and resulted in a series of deletions. These deletions appeared to commence at points within the ftf gene where there were palindromic sequences which were capable of forming closed loop structures that acted as terminators under the conditions of mutagenesis. To overcome this problem, two modified mutagenic techniques were developed. They made use of T4 DNA polymerase in conjunction with either T7 DNA polymerase at 37°C or Vent DNA polymerase from Thermococcus litoralis at an elevated temperature. These methods eliminated the need for a single-stranded DNA template and allowed polymerisation through palindromic sequences to rapidly produce multiple site-directed mutations.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to improve the acid stability of alpha amylase from Bacillus licheniformis (BLA) under acidic conditions by site-directed mutagenesis. Based on the analysis of three dimensional structure of BLA, five histidine residues at positions 281, 289, 293, 316, and 327 in BLA were substituted by arginine residues and aspartic acid residues, respectively. Ten mutants H281R/D, H289R/D, H293R/D, H316R/D, and H327R/D were obtained and H293R, H316R, and H327R were active at pH 4.5 and 6.5. Triple mutations of BLA was modified for the construction of H293R/H316R/H327R. Compared with wild type, which lost the activity, H293R, H316R, H327R, and H293R/H316R/H327R could maintain 8, 10, 20, 31% of the initial activity when incubated at pH 4.5 and 70 °C for 40 min, respectively. The results combined with three-dimensional structure analysis demonstrated that H293R, H316R, H327R, and H293R/H316R/H327R showed an improved acid stability under low pH condition as a result of the interactions of electrostatic fields, hydrogen bonding, and hydrophilcity. This work provides the theoretical basis and background data on the improvement of acid stability in BLA for satisfying the industrial requirements by protein engineering, which is beneficial to molecular modification of other industrial enzymes for acid-tolerance ability.  相似文献   

Generally, halophilic enzymes present a characteristic amino acid composition, showing an increase in the content of acidic residues and a decrease in the content of basic residues, particularly lysines. The latter decrease appears to be responsible for a reduction in the proportion of solvent-exposed hydrophobic surface. This role was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis of glucose dehydrogenase from Haloferax mediterranei, in which surface aspartic residues were changed to lysine residues. From the biochemical analysis of the mutant proteins, it is concluded that the replacement of the aspartic residues by lysines results in slightly less halotolerant proteins, although they retain the same enzymatic activities and kinetic parameters compared to the wild type enzyme.  相似文献   

The structural gene for glutathione transferase (XlGSTS1-1) in the amphibia Xenopus laevis has been cloned from an embryo library and its nucleotide sequence has been determined. Open reading frame analysis indicated that xlgsts1 gene encodes the smallest protein of sigma class GST so far identified as being composed of only 194 amino acid residues. The recombinant XlGSTS1-1 shows a narrow range of substrate specificity as well as a significantly lower 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene conjugation capacity than that of squid sigma class GST. To compare the structural and functional differences between the squid and amphibian enzymes, several site-specific mutations were introduced in XlGSTS1-1, i.e., Ser100Asn, Phe102Tyr, Trp143Leu, Phe146Leu, and Trp148Cys. The results obtained indicate that Trp143 and Trp148 are more important determinants for the structural stability of XlGSTS1-1 rather than for its substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Nitroalkane oxidase (NAO) catalyzes neutral nitroalkanes to their corresponding aldehydes or ketones, hydrogen peroxide and nitrite. The crystal structure of NAO from Streptomyces ansochromogenes was determined; it consists of two domains, a TIM barrel domain bound to FMN and C-terminal domain with a novel folding pattern. Site-directed mutagenesis of His179, which is spatially adjacent to FMN, resulted in the loss of enzyme activity, demonstrating that this amino acid residue is important for catalysis. The crystal structure of mutant H179D-nitroethane was also analyzed. Interestingly, Sa-NAO shows the typical function as nitroalkane oxidase but its structure is similar to that of 2-nitropropane dioxygenase. Overall, these results suggest that Sa-NAO is a novel nitroalkane oxidase with TIM barrel structure.  相似文献   

Endo-1,4-β-glucanase from Penicillium verruculosum (PvEGIII) belongs to family 12 of glycoside hydrolases (GH12). Analysis of the enzyme 3D model structure showed that the amino acid residue Asp98 may directly affect the pH-profile of enzyme activity since it is located at the distance of hydrogen bond formation from Glu203 that plays the role of a general acid in catalysis. The gene encoding the PvEGIII was cloned into Escherichia coli. After the deletion of two introns, a plasmid construction was obtained allowing the PvEGIII expression in E. coli. Using site-directed mutagenesis, the Asp98Asn mutant of the PvEGIII was obtained. Both the wild type and mutant PvEGIIIs were expressed in E. coli with a yield of up to 1 g/L and then isolated in a highly purified form. The enzyme specific activity against soluble carboxymethylcellulose was not changed after a single amino acid substitution. However, the pH-optimum of activity of the mutant PvEGIII was shifted from pH 4.0 to 5.1, compared to the wild type enzyme. The shift in the enzyme pH-optimum to more neutral pH was also observed on insoluble cellulose, in the process of enzymatic depigmentation of denim fabric. Similar situation featuring the effect of the Asp/Asn residue, located near the Glu catalytic residue, on the enzyme activity pH-profile has previously been described for xylanases of the GH11 family. Thus, the glycoside hydrolases belonging to the GH11 and GH12 families function by a rather similar mechanism of catalysis.  相似文献   

Recombinant human interleukin-11 (rhIL-11) has been shown to increase platelet counts in animals and humans and is the only drug approved for its use in chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia (CIT). However, due to its serious side effects, its clinical use has been limited. The current work presents significantly improved efficacy of rhIL-11 via knowledge based re-designing process. The interleukin-11 mutein (mIL-11) was found to endure chemical and proteolytic stresses, while retaining the biological activity of rhIL-11. The improved efficacy of mIL-11 was evident after subcutaneous administration of mIL-11 and rhIL-11 in the rodent and primate models. More than three-fold increase in maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and area-under-the curve (AUC) was observed. Furthermore, three-fold higher increase in the platelet counts was obtained after seven consecutive daily subcutaneous mIL-11 injections than that with rhIL-11. The mIL-11 demonstrated not only improved stability but also enhanced efficacy over the currently used rhIL-11 regimen, thereby suggesting less toxicity.  相似文献   

A psychrophilic alanine racemase from Bacillus psychrosaccharolyticus has a higher catalytic activity than a thermophilic alanine racemase from Bacillus stearothermophilus even at 60 °C in the presence of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP), although the thermostability of the former enzyme is lower than that of the latter one [FEMS Microbial. Lett. 192 (2000) 169]. In order to improve the thermostability of the psychrophilic enzyme, two hydrophilic amino acid residues (Glu150 and Arg151) at a surface loop surrounding the active site of the enzyme were substituted with the corresponding residues (Val and Ala) in the B. stearothermophilus alanine racemase. The mutant enzyme (ER150,151VA) showed a higher thermostability, and a markedly lower Km value for PLP, than the wild type one. In addition, the catalytic activities at low temperatures and kinetic parameters of the two enzymes indicated that the mutant enzyme was more psychrophilic than the wild type one. Thus, the psychrophilic alanine racemase was improved in both psychrophilicity and thermostability by the site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant enzyme may be useful for the production of stereospecifically deuterated NADH and various -amino acids.  相似文献   

In this study the putative catalytic triad Ser-His-Asp of the Staphylococcus hyicus ssp. hyicus lipase was investigated. Putative catalytic sites determined by homology comparisons of three staphylococcal and other non-staphylococcal lipases were altered by site-directed mutagenesis. Since the mutations did not influence the secretion of the lipase, the decrease in lipase activity of the mutants strongly supports the proposed involvement of Ser369 and His600 in catalysis. Asp559 is postulated to be the third amino acid of the triad.  相似文献   

Carboxylesterases are enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of ester and amide moieties. These enzymes have an active site that is composed of a nucleophile (Ser), a base (His), and an acid (Glu) that is commonly known as a catalytic triad. It has previously been observed that the majority of carboxylesterases and lipases contain a second conserved serine in their active site [Proteins, 34 (1999) 184]. To investigate whether this second serine is also involved in the catalytic mechanism, it was mutated to an alanine, a glycine or a cysteine. Site-directed mutagenesis of this conserved serine resulted in a loss of specific activity, in both the S247G and S247A mutants (5- to 15-fold), which was due to a decrease in the rate of catalysis (kcat). Due to the instability of the S247C mutant no reliable data could be attained. A carbamate inhibitor, carbaryl, was then employed to investigate whether this decrease in the kcat was due to the rate of formation of the acyl-enzyme intermediate (k2) or the rate of deacylation (k3). The S247A mutant was found only to alter k2 (2.5-fold decrease), with no effect on k3. Together with information inferred from a human carboxylesterase crystal structure, it was concluded that this serine provides an important structural support for the spatial orientation of the glutamic acid, stabilizing the catalytic triad so that it can perform the hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Yao Q  Sun T  Chen G  Liu W 《Biotechnology letters》2007,29(8):1243-1247
The endoglucanase CelA from Clostridium thermocellum was strongly expressed in Bacillus subtilis. The enzyme was purified by Ni2+-affinity chromatography. Site-directed substitution of D278 with an asparagine or an alanine residue surprisingly did not decrease the apparent k cat value. Further substitutions of two other potentially critical residues, Y215 and D152, resulted in a 2-fold decrease in apparent k cat value for Y215P and complete loss of activity for D152N.  相似文献   

Huang Y  Lu Z  Liu N  Chen Y 《Biochimie》2012,94(2):471-478
Diketoreductase (DKR) from Acinetobacter baylyi exhibits a unique property of double reduction of a β, δ-diketo ester with excellent stereoselectivity, which can serve as an efficient biocatalyst for the preparation of an important chiral intermediate for cholesterol lowering statin drugs. Taken the advantage of high homology between DKR and human heart 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (HAD), a molecular model was created to compare the tertiary structures of DKR and HAD. In addition to the possible participation of His-143 in the enzyme catalysis by pH profile, three key amino acid residues, Ser-122, His-143 and Glu-155, were identified and mutated to explore the possibility of involving in the catalytic process. The catalytic activities for mutants S122A/C, H143A/K and E155Q were below detectable level, while their binding affinities to the diketo ester substrate and cofactor NADH did not change obviously. The experimental results were further supported by molecular docking, suggesting that Ser-122 and His-143 were essential for the proton transfer to the carbonyl functional groups of the substrate. Moreover, Glu-155 was crucial for maintaining the proper orientation and protonation of the imidazole ring of His-143 for efficient catalysis.  相似文献   

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