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M D Baker  L R Read  P Ng  B G Beatty 《Genetics》1999,152(2):685-697
In the present study, we investigated intrachromosomal homologous recombination in a murine hybridoma in which the recipient for recombination, the haploid, endogenous chromosomal immunoglobulin mu-gene bearing a mutation in the constant (Cmu) region, was separated from the integrated single copy wild-type donor Cmu region by approximately 1 Mb along the hybridoma chromosome. Homologous recombination between the donor and recipient Cmu region occurred with high frequency, correcting the mutant chromosomal mu-gene in the hybridoma. This enabled recombinant hybridomas to synthesize normal IgM and to be detected as plaque-forming cells (PFC). Characterization of the recombinants revealed that they could be placed into three distinct classes. The generation of the class I recombinants was consistent with a simple unequal sister chromatid exchange (USCE) between the donor and recipient Cmu region, as they contained the three Cmu-bearing fragments expected from this recombination, the original donor Cmu region along with both products of the single reciprocal crossover. However, a simple mechanism of homologous recombination was not sufficient in explaining the more complex Cmu region structures characterizing the class II and class III recombinants. To explain these recombinants, a model is proposed in which unequal pairing between the donor and recipient Cmu regions located on sister chromatids resulted in two crossover events. One crossover resulted in the deletion of sequences from one chromatid forming a DNA circle, which then integrated into the sister chromatid by a second reciprocal crossover.  相似文献   

H Puchta 《Genetics》1999,152(3):1173-1181
Homologous recombination between ectopic sites is rare in higher eukaryotes. To test whether double-strand breaks (DSBs) can induce ectopic recombination, transgenic tobacco plants harboring two unlinked, nonfunctional homologous parts of a kanamycin resistance gene were produced. To induce homologous recombination between the recipient locus (containing an I-SceI site within homologous sequences) and the donor locus, the rare cutting restriction enzyme I-SceI was transiently expressed via Agrobacterium in these plants. Whereas without I-SceI expression no recombination events were detectable, four independent recombinants could be isolated after transient I-SceI expression, corresponding to approximately one event in 10(5) transformations. After regeneration, the F1 generation of all recombinants showed Mendelian segregation of kanamycin resistance. Molecular analysis of the recombinants revealed that the resistance gene was indeed restored via homologous recombination. Three different kinds of reaction products could be identified. In one recombinant a classical gene conversion without exchange of flanking markers occurred. In the three other cases homologous sequences were transferred only to one end of the break. Whereas in three cases the ectopic donor sequence remained unchanged, in one case rearrangements were found in recipient and donor loci. Thus, ectopic homologous recombination, which seems to be a minor repair pathway for DSBs in plants, is described best by recombination models that postulate independent roles for the break ends during the repair process.  相似文献   

Intermolecular recombination in mammalian cells was studied by coinfecting African green monkey cells in culture with two shuttle vector plasmids, each carrying an incomplete but overlapping portion of the gene for neomycin resistance. The region of homology between the two plasmids was about 0.6 kilobases. Recombination between the homology regions could reconstruct the neomycin resistance gene, which was monitored by analysis of progeny plasmids in bacteria. The individual plasmids carried additional markers which, in combination with restriction analysis, allowed the determination of the frequency of formation of the heterodimeric plasmid which would be formed in a conservative recombination reaction between the homologous sequences. Reconstruction of the neomycin resistance gene was readily observed, but only 1 to 2% of the neomycin resistance plasmids had the structure of the conservative heterodimer. Treatment of the plasmids which enhanced the frequency of the neomycin resistance gene reconstruction reaction did not significantly increase the relative frequency of conservative product plasmids. The results support nonconservative models for recombination of these sequences.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli generalized recombination, utilizing the RecA RecB recombination pathway, requires large stretches (70-200 bp) of complete DNA sequence homology. In contrast, we have found that the RecE pathway can promote recombination between DNA with only short stretches of homology. A plasmid containing 10 partially homologous direct repeats was linearized by digestion with specific restriction enzymes. After transformation, a RecE+ (sbcA) host was able to circularize the plasmid by recombination between partially homologous direct repeat sequences. Recombination occurred in regions of as little as 6 bp of perfect homology. Recombination was enhanced in the regions adjacent to restriction sites used to linearize the plasmid, consistent with a role of double-strand breaks in promoting recombination. A mechanism is proposed in which the 5' exonuclease, ExoVIII, produces 3' single-stranded ends from the linearized plasmid. These pair with other sequences of partial homology. Partial homologies in the sequences flanking the actual join serve to stabilize this recombination intermediate. Recombination is completed by a process of "copy and join." This recombination mechanism requires less homology to stabilize intermediates than the degree of homology needed for mechanisms involving strand invasion. Its role in nature may be to increase genomic diversity, for example, by enhancing recombination between bacteriophages and regions of the bacterial chromosome.  相似文献   

The ability of a series of DNA-damaging agents to induce homologous intrachromosomal recombination between duplicated genes in the chromosome of mouse cells was investigated. The target cells were the thymidine kinase-deficient mouse L-cell strain 333M, which contains a single integrated copy of a plasmid with two herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (Htk) genes, each containing an 8-base-pair XhoI linker inserted at a unique site. Expression of a functional Htk enzyme requires a productive recombinational event between the two nonfunctional genes. The spontaneous rate of recombination in this strain is 3 per 10(6) cells per generation. The agents tested represent physical carcinogens (UV and ionizing radiation), a simple alkylating agent (N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine), an alkylating cross-linking agent (mitomycin C), and a reactive metabolite of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon ((+/-)-7 beta,8 alpha-dihydroxy-9 alpha,10 alpha-epoxy-7,8,9,10- tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene [BPDE] ). The background frequency of tk+ recombinants in the untreated population averaged 18 X 10(-6) +/- 5 X 10(-6). Ionizing radiation had little or no effect on recombination; exposure to mitomycin C, N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, BPDE, or UV, at doses that lowered the survival to between 90 and 10% of the control, caused a dose-dependent increase in frequency of recombinants, reaching 50 X 10(-6) to 100 X 10(-6). No tk+ cells could be generated with a control cell line that contained only one mutant copy of the Htk gene. Molecular hybridization analysis showed that 85 to 90% of the tk+ recombinants retained the Htk gene duplication, consistent with nonreciprocal transfer of wild-type genetic information, gene conversion. In the rest, only a single copy of the Htk gene remained, reflecting a single reciprocal exchange within a chromatid or a single unequal exchange between sister chromatids. Each recombinant tested contained an XhoI-resistant (wild-type) Htk gene.  相似文献   

Cultured rat cells deficient in endogenous thymidine kinase activity (tk) were stably transformed with a recombination-indicator DNA substrate constructed in vitro by rearrangement of the herpes simplex virus tk gene sequences into a partially redundant permutation of the functional gene. The recombination-indicator DNA did not express tk, but was designed to allow formation of a functional tk gene via homologous recombination. A clonal cell line (519) was isolated that harbored several permuted herpes simplex virus tk genes. 519 cells spontaneously produced progeny that survived in medium containing hypoxanthine, aminopterin, and thymidine. Acquisition of resistance to hypoxanthine, aminopterin, and thymidine was accompanied by the rearrangement of the defective tk gene to functional configuration. The rearrangement apparently occurred by unequal exchange between one permuted tk gene and a replicated copy of itself. Recombination was between 500-base-pair tracts of DNA sequence homology that were separated by 3.4 kilobases. Exchanges occurred spontaneously at a frequency of approximately 5 X 10(-6) events per cell per generation. Recombination also mediated reversion to the tk- phenotype; however, the predominant mechanism by which cells escaped death in the presence of drugs rendered toxic by thymidine kinase was not recombination, but rather inactivation of the intact tk gene.  相似文献   

Double-strand breaks (DSBs) occur frequently during cell growth. Due to the presence of repeated sequences in the genome, repair of a single DSB can result in gene conversion, translocation, deletion or tandem duplication depending on the mechanism and the sequence chosen as partner for the recombinational repair. Here, we study how yeast cells repair a single, inducible DSB when there are several potential donors to choose from, in the same chromosome and elsewhere in the genome. We systematically investigate the parameters that affect the choice of mechanism, as well as its genetic regulation. Our results indicate that intrachromosomal homologous sequences are always preferred as donors for repair. We demonstrate the occurrence of a novel tri-partite repair product that combines ectopic gene conversion and deletion. In addition, we show that increasing the distance between two repeated sequences enhances the dependence on Rad51 for colony formation after DSB repair. This is due to a role of Rad51 in the recovery from the checkpoint signal induced by the DSB. We suggest a model for the competition between the different homologous recombination pathways. Our model explains how different repair mechanisms are able to compensate for each other during DSB repair.  相似文献   

Butler DK  Gillespie D  Steele B 《Genetics》2002,161(3):1065-1075
Large DNA palindromes form sporadically in many eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes and are often associated with amplified genes. The presence of a short inverted repeat sequence near a DNA double-strand break has been implicated in the formation of large palindromes in a variety of organisms. Previously we have established that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae a linear DNA palindrome is efficiently formed from a single-copy circular plasmid when a DNA double-strand break is introduced next to a short inverted repeat sequence. In this study we address whether the linear palindromes form by an intermolecular reaction (that is, a reaction between two identical fragments in a head-to-head arrangement) or by an unusual intramolecular reaction, as it apparently does in other examples of palindrome formation. Our evidence supports a model in which palindromes are primarily formed by an intermolecular reaction involving homologous recombination of short inverted repeat sequences. We have also extended our investigation into the requirement for DNA double-strand break repair genes in palindrome formation. We have found that a deletion of the RAD52 gene significantly reduces palindrome formation by intermolecular recombination and that deletions of two other genes in the RAD52-epistasis group (RAD51 and MRE11) have little or no effect on palindrome formation. In addition, palindrome formation is dramatically reduced by a deletion of the nucleotide excision repair gene RAD1.  相似文献   

Novel recombinational repair of a site-specific double-strand break (DSB) in a yeast chromosome was investigated. When the recognition site for the HO endonuclease enzyme is embedded in nonyeast sequences and placed between two regions of homology, expression of HO endonuclease stimulates recombination between the homologous flanking regions to yield a deletion, the apparent product of an intrachromosomal exchange between direct repeats. This deletion-repair event is very efficient, thus preventing essentially all the potential lethality due to the persistence of a DSB. Interestingly, unlike previous studies involving spontaneous recombination between chromosomal repeats, the recombination events stimulated by HO-induced DSBs are accompanied by loss of the sequences separating the homologous regions greater than 99.5% of the time. Repair is dependent on the RAD52 gene. The deletion-repair event provides an in vivo assay for the sensitivity of any particular recognition site to HO cleavage. By taking advantage of a galactose-inducible HO gene, it has been possible to follow the kinetics of this event at the DNA level and to search for intermediates in this reaction. Deletion-repair requires approximately 45 min and is inhibited when cycloheximide is added after HO endonuclease cleavage.  相似文献   

GC-rich DNA sequences block homologous recombination in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The capacity of the RecA protein of Escherichia coli to promote an essential step in homologous recombination, strand transfer, was tested on DNA substrates varying in percentage GC. GC content was determined by a novel method using the polymerase chain reaction. Strand transfer activity is greatly reduced as a function of increasing GC content of the DNA. Some reduction is observed with substrates having a GC percentage similar to that of E. coli. The transfer reaction between sequences adjacent, but not distal, to GC-rich sequences is similarly decreased, suggesting that the structure of RecA-DNA complexes may differ with the GC content of DNA. Our results implicate an important role of DNA sequence in homologous recombination and suggest that many sequences are excluded due to their GC content.  相似文献   

Didelot X  Lawson D  Darling A  Falush D 《Genetics》2010,186(4):1435-1449
Bacteria and archaea reproduce clonally, but sporadically import DNA into their chromosomes from other organisms. In many of these events, the imported DNA replaces an homologous segment in the recipient genome. Here we present a new method to reconstruct the history of recombination events that affected a given sample of bacterial genomes. We introduce a mathematical model that represents both the donor and the recipient of each DNA import as an ancestor of the genomes in the sample. The model represents a simplification of the previously described coalescent with gene conversion. We implement a Monte Carlo Markov chain algorithm to perform inference under this model from sequence data alignments and show that inference is feasible for whole-genome alignments through parallelization. Using simulated data, we demonstrate accurate and reliable identification of individual recombination events and global recombination rate parameters. We applied our approach to an alignment of 13 whole genomes from the Bacillus cereus group. We find, as expected from laboratory experiments, that the recombination rate is higher between closely related organisms and also that the genome contains several broad regions of elevated levels of recombination. Application of the method to the genomic data sets that are becoming available should reveal the evolutionary history and private lives of populations of bacteria and archaea. The methods described in this article have been implemented in a computer software package, ClonalOrigin, which is freely available from http://code.google.com/p/clonalorigin/.  相似文献   

We have investigated the structure of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA integrated into the genome of transformed mouse mKS-A cells. We have identified at least six independent integration units containing intact or truncated SV40 DNA sequences. One integration unit was isolated from a genomic mKS-A cell library and investigated by restriction enzyme analysis and partial nucleotide sequencing. This integration unit contains one apparently intact SV40 genome flanked on both sides by truncated versions of the SV40 genome. One of the flanking elements contains a large deletion in the SV40 "late" region and an abbreviated SV40 "early" region. This element was efficiently excised and mobilized after fusion of mKS-A to COS cells. The excision products invariably included the entire SV40 early region even though they were derived from an integrated element lacking this part of the SV40 genome. An analysis of this discrepancy led to the conclusion that the early region sequences were acquired by homologous recombination and, furthermore, that homologous excisional recombination was clearly preferred over non-homologous recombination.  相似文献   

《Seminars in Virology》1996,7(6):363-372
Brome mosaic bromovirus, a tripartite, positive-stranded RNA virus of plants, can generate both homologous and nonhomologous recombinantsin vivo. Recombination signals in the RNAs were different for these two recombination types. Nonhomologous recombination requires the formation of local double-stranded regions between the RNA templates. In contrast, homologous recombination is facilitated by AU-rich sequences and upstream GC-rich regions common in the recombining RNAs. Mutations within the replicase proteins affect homologous and nonhomologous recombination in different ways, confirming the involvement of BMV replicase proteins in both types of events as well as the differences in their pathways. Replicase-driven template-switching models are discussed in relation to supporting evidences.  相似文献   

Previously, we observed that crossovers sites of RNA recombinants clustered within or close to AU-rich regions during genetic recombination in brome mosaic bromovirus (BMV) (P. D. Nagy and J. J. Bujarski. J. Virol. 70:415-426, 1996). To test whether AU-rich sequences can facilitate homologous recombination, AU-rich sequences were introduced into parental BMV RNAs (RNA2 and RNA3). These insertions created a homologous RNA2-RNA3 recombination hotspot. Two other AU-rich sequences also supported high-frequency homologous recombination if a common sequence with high or average G/C content was present immediately upstream of the AU-rich element. Homologous RNA recombination did not require any additional sequence motifs or RNA structures and was position nonspecific within the 3' noncoding region. These results suggest that nucleotide content (i.e., the presence of common 5' GC-rich or moderately AU-rich and 3' AU-rich regions) is the important factor that determines the sites of homologous recombination. A mechanism that involves replicase switching during synthesis of positive-sense RNA strands is presented to explain the observed results.  相似文献   

Using an assay for recombination that measures deletion of a beta-galactosidase gene positioned between two directly repeated 350-bp sequences in plasmids transiently maintained in COS cells, we have found that replication from a simian virus 40 origin produces a high frequency of nonhomologous recombination. In contrast, plasmids replicating from a herpesvirus origin (oris) in COS cells superinfected with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) show high levels of homologous recombination between the repeats and an enhanced recombinogenicity of the HSV-1 a sequence that is not seen during simian virus 40 replication. When the same assay was used to study recombination between 120- to 150-bp repeats in uninfected Vero cells, the level of recombination was extremely low or undetectable (< 0.03%), consistent with the fact that these repeats are smaller than the minimal efficient processing sequence for homologous recombination in mammalian cells. Recombination between these short repeats was easily measurable (0.5 to 0.8%) following HSV-1 infection, suggesting that there is an alteration of the recombination machinery. The frequency of recombination between repeats of the Uc-DR1 region, previously identified as the only segment of the HSV-1 a sequence indispensable for enhanced a-sequence recombination, was not significantly higher than that measured for other short sequences.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination between alleles or non-allelic paralogous sequences does not occur uniformly but is concentrated in 'hotspots' with high recombination rates. Recent studies of these hotspots show that they do not share common sequence motifs, but they do have other features in common.  相似文献   

We investigated whether mouse short interspersed elements (SINEs) could influence the recombination frequency of foreign DNA. Vectors harboring a reporter gene in combinations of SINEs B1 and/or B2 or a portion of long interspersed element-1 were prepared and tested in vitro by a colony assay using HC11 murine mammary epithelial cells and in vivo by microinjection into fertilized mouse eggs. In transfected HC11 cells, the number of colonies surviving G418 selection increased by 3.5-fold compared with control when the reporter was flanked by fused B1-B2 sequences. Similar results were obtained from microinjection study; in fetuses 11.5 days post coitum, transgene positives in control and SINE-flanked vectors were 16 and 53%, respectively. Individual B1- and B2-harboring vectors showed equivalent activities with each other, as determined by the colony assay (2.8-fold versus 3.2-fold compared with control). We determined the contribution of homologous recombination to the SINE-mediated increase in integration frequency through a polymerase chain reaction-based strategy; in more than half of embryos transgenes underwent homologous recombinations involving B1 sequences. These results demonstrate that the SINE sequences can increase the integration rate of foreign DNA and that such an increase is most likely due to the enhancement of homologous recombination.  相似文献   

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