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采用RAPD-SCAR分子标记技术,从300条RAPD随机引物中筛选到了对条形柄锈菌Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici 33号生理小种特异的2条引物,将特异性片段回收、克隆和测序后(GenBank注册号为AB914691和AB914692),依据其序列设计出了2对引物S261F33/S261R33和S300F33/S300R33,能够特异性地从33号生理小种基因组DNA及发病小麦叶片总DNA中分别扩增出247bp和763bp的片段,其结果与采用常规的鉴别寄主法鉴定的结果一致。因此,这2对引物都可用于条形柄锈菌33号生理小种的快速鉴定与监测。  相似文献   

RAPD标记构建水稻分子连锁图   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
利用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD),在一个水稻(Oryza sativa L.)的双单倍体(DH)群体中发展分子标记,仅用52 个RAPD标记建成了一个水稻RAPD分子连锁图。该图覆盖基因组的总长度为898.4 cM (centim organ),标记间的平均间距为17.3 cM,它能与用同一群体构成的RFLP图谱互相补充  相似文献   

小麦条锈菌条中31号生理小种SCAR检测标记的建立   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
建立小麦条锈菌Pucciniastriiformisf.sp.tritici生理小种的快速分子检测技术对我国小麦条锈病的监测和防治策略的制定具有重要价值,本文首次报道了利用SCAR—PCR技术进行条锈菌生理小种分子检测的方法。通过对我国目前主要优势小种条中31号RAPD片段的规模筛选,在对特异片段回收、克隆、测序的基础上,设计特异PCR引物,成功获得了条中31号生理小种专化的SCAR检测标记。  相似文献   

RAPD标记构建家蚕分子连锁图   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以大造、C108及其F2群体构建了1个家蚕的RAPD连锁框架图,该图含RAPD标记位点182个,来自大造的103个标记分属前23个连锁群,来自C108的79个标记分属后16个连锁群,覆盖基因组的总长度为1148.3cM(centimorgan),它能与本室用同一群体构建的SADF图谱相整合,亦可与相应的RFLP图谱相互补充。  相似文献   

施江  辛莉  谭琳  郑学勤 《生物技术》2007,17(1):17-20
目的:采用6份卡瓦胡椒材料、21份栽培胡椒和野生胡椒材料1、份不同属的草胡椒材料共计28份试验材料,开发1对特异SCAR引物。方法:在对它们进行了RAPD研究的基础上,通过克隆、测序和引物设计进行了SCAR分子标记研究。结果:研究开发了1对卡瓦胡椒特异SCAR引物P4.1和P4.2,用这对特异引物对试验的28份材料进行PCR扩增,结果只有6份卡瓦胡椒材料扩增出了预期大小562bp的特异带,其它材料均无任何扩增。结论:这说明引物P4.1和P4.2为卡瓦胡椒特异SCAR引物,可用于卡瓦胡椒的分子鉴定,这对卡瓦胡椒种质资源的真伪鉴定有一定帮助。  相似文献   

利用300个随机的寡核苷酸引物和马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb.)种子的胚乳(大配子体)产生的随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分子标记,进行马尾松标记连锁图谱的构建。经筛选共获得64个稳定的RAPD标记,利用多点连锁分析,其中的48个标记分属于13个不同的连锁群(连锁对),该图谱覆盖的基因组总长度约为692.5cM(centimorgan),标记间平均距离约为14.7cM,它为马尾松连锁图谱的构建提供了一个连锁框架。  相似文献   

香菇品种遗传多样性RAPD分子标记的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对32个中国栽培香菇品种和2个野生子实体的遗传多样性进行了RAPD标记研究,9个引物共扩增出113条DNA带,83.19%具有多态性。结果显示,34个香菇菌株间均有遗传上的差异,但遗传相关性极高,表明中国栽培菌株间的遗传背景单一。  相似文献   

棉铃虫性染色体两种分子标记的克隆及序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了建立棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera性染色体的特异性分子标记,利用RAPD-PCR技术对雌雄棉铃虫基因组DNA进行筛选,从500种随机引物中筛选到1 条引物(Operon编号为AF-18),可扩增出1条约450 bp 的雌性特异片段。经克隆测序并合成特异引物进行验证,表明该片段为棉铃虫雌性特异分子标记,位于W染色体上。利用家蚕、果蝇等昆虫Kettin基因序列,克隆了棉铃虫的同源基因HaKettin片段,并采用荧光定量PCR技术,以棉铃虫的DH-PBAN基因为参照基因,检测棉铃虫雌雄不同个体间HaKettin基因与DH-PBAN基因的拷贝数之比,结果表明:雄体HaKettinDH-PBAN=1.0,雌体HaKettinDH-PBAN=0.5,据此推断HaKettin基因位于棉铃虫Z染色体上。  相似文献   

利用RAPD标记构建响叶杨和银白杨分子标记连锁图谱   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
利用RAPD标记响叶杨( Populus adenopoda Maxim .) ×银白杨( P. alba L.) 的F1 群体,按照拟测交的作图策略,分别构建了响叶杨和银白杨的分子标记连锁图谱。实验过程中对600 个随机的寡核苷酸引物进行了重复筛选,共选出128 个引物用于作图群体的随机扩增,选择符合1∶1 分离的拟测交位点。作图群体大小为82 个单株( 包括双亲) 。结果获得了326 个拟测交分离位点和7 个3∶1 分离位点。拟测交位点中有238 个位点来源于银白杨,有88个位点来源于响叶杨。经偏分离检测,用于银白杨作图的位点共计212 个(26 个位点偏分离) ,用于响叶杨作图的位点共计78 个(10 个位点偏分离) 。利用多点连锁分析,银白杨中有189 个连锁标记构成了20 个不同的连锁群(4个以上标记),6 个三连体和16 个连锁对,连锁标记覆盖的总图距为2402 .4 cM(centimorgan) 。而响叶杨有41 个连锁标记分属于12 个不同的连锁群(2 个以上标记) ,标记覆盖的总图距为479 .4 cM。获得了中等密度的银白杨连锁图谱和响叶杨图谱的一个连锁框架  相似文献   

分子标记技术在蛛形学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA分子标记作为新发展起来的一种遗传标记形式,凭借其可靠有效等优点,在动植物研究中的应用已越来越广泛。简述了DNA分子标记技术的种类、原理和特点,并综述了分子标记技术在蜘蛛亲缘关系界定和系统进化等方面的研究进展,对有关问题进行了初步讨论和展望。  相似文献   

Host resistance is the most economical way to manage wheat stripe rust caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Slow rusting, a type of quantitative resistance, has been reported to last for a long time. Quantitative resistance, in terms of slow rusting parameters including final rust severity (FRS), apparent infection rate (r), relative area under disease progress curve (rAUDPC) and coefficient of infection (CI), was evaluated in a set of 29 wheat genotypes along with susceptible control during 2008–2009 and 2009–2010 cropping seasons. This study was conducted in field plots at Ardabil Agricultural Research Station (Iran) under natural infection conditions with two times artificial inoculation. Artificial inoculation was carried out by yellow rust inoculum having virulent genes against Yr2, Yr6, Yr7, Yr9, Yr22, Yr23, Yr24, Yr25, Yr26, Yr27, YrA and YrSU. Results of mean comparison for resistance parameters showed that lines C-86-1, C-86-2, C-87-1 and C-87-3 along with susceptible had the highest values of FRS, CI, r and rAUDPC, therefore were selected as susceptible lines. The lines C-86-3, C-86-9, C-87-2, C-87-6, C-87-8, C-87-11 and C-87-18 were susceptible at the seedling stage and had low level infection at adult plant stage. Consequently, these lines with low different parameters most probably have slow rusting resistance. The remaining lines had no infection or were at low level of infection. Thus, they were selected as resistant or moderately resistant lines. In this study, correlation coefficient between different parameters of slow rusting was significantly high (r = 0.92–0.99).  相似文献   

小麦条锈菌冬孢子发生的组织学和超微结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用冷冻切片技术、光学显微镜和电子显微镜技术,系统研究了小麦条锈菌冬孢子的个体发生过程和超微结构特征。结果表明,小麦条锈菌冬孢子由排列在冬孢子堆基部的双核产孢细胞产生。在发育初期,产孢细胞一端产生突起形成冬孢子芽,随后冬孢子芽经延伸并形成隔膜,依次分化形成冬孢子原基、柄细胞和冬孢子原体。冬孢子原体经有丝分裂后产生隔膜发育形成双核双细胞冬孢子。成熟的冬孢子表面光滑,具有明显加厚的细胞壁,双核融合,原生质密度增加,富含脂肪粒和糖原类物质。在部分冬孢子堆周围还可观察到莲花状包被结构。  相似文献   

由条形柄锈菌小麦专化型(小麦条锈菌)Puccinia striiformisf.sp.tritici引起的条锈病是小麦上重大的生物灾害,严重威胁小麦安全生产.应用抗病品种是防治小麦条锈病最为经济有效的措施,但是条锈菌毒性的频繁变异,常常导致品种抗病性丧失,从而引发条锈病新的大流行.有性生殖是条锈菌毒性变异的重要途径,本...  相似文献   

Race‐specific resistance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to yellow rust caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend. f.sp. tritici is often short‐lived. Slow‐rusting resistance has been reported to be a more durable type of resistance. A set of sixteen bread wheat varieties along with a susceptible control Morocco was tested during 2004–05 to 2006–07 in field plots at Peshawar (Pakistan) to identify slow rusting genotypes through epidemiological variables including final rust severity (FRS), apparent infection rate (r), area under disease progress curve (AUDPC), average coefficients of infection (ACI) and leaf tip necrosis (LTN). Epidemiological parameters of resistance were significantly (P < 0.01) different for years/varieties in three seasons, while variety × year interactions remained non‐significant. Sequence tagged site (STS) marker, csLV34 analyses revealed that cultivars Faisalabad‐83, Bahawalpur‐95, Suleman‐96, Punjab‐96, Bakhtawar‐93, Faisalabad‐85, Shahkar‐95 and Kohsar‐95 possessed Yr18 linked allele. Faisalabad‐83, Bahawalpur‐95, Suleman‐96, Punjab‐96, Bakhtawar‐93 and Faisalabad‐85 were relatively more stable over 3‐years where FRS, AUDPC and r values reduced by 80, 84 and 70% respectively compared to control Morocco. These six varieties therefore could be exploited for the deployment of Yr18 in breeding for slow rusting in wheat. Both FRS and ACI are suitable parameters for phenotypic selection.  相似文献   

Yellow rust populations of Pakistan were characterised for their virulence pathotypes/races and pathogenetic variation using seedling evaluation of differential genotypes under glasshouse conditions in Murree (6000 feet above sea level). Differential genotypes comprised a world set, an European set, near isogenic lines and the universally susceptible bread wheat cultivar “Morocco”. Over the two-year study a total of 18 race groups were identified. Out of these 18 race groups, several (68E0, 64E0, 66E0, 70E0, 6E0, 71E0, 6E0, 2E0, 67E0, and 68E16) were found previously. The new race group 70E32 found probably evolved because of mutation from the previously existing 70E16. Virulence frequencies of yellow rust (Yr) resistance genes were also determined on near isogenic lines. The highest virulence frequencies (%) were found for Yr7 (88%), Yr9 (57%), Yr18 (70%), and Yr24 (69%). Virulence frequencies were low for Yr 1 (4%), Yr5 (7%), Yr10 (10%) and Yr15 (4%). Our studies indicated that virulence existed for almost all yr genes, necessitating regular monitoring of the yellow rust populations and intensifying efforts to identify new sources of resistance to this pathogen.  相似文献   

赵琦  李曼  康振生  汪自庆  刘杰 《菌物学报》2021,40(1):152-160
脂肪作为条形柄锈菌小麦专化型夏孢子萌发及侵染初期的主要营养物质,酶解产物通过乙醛酸循环转化为糖类成分供病菌生长发育所需。脂肪酶是脂肪代谢的关键酶。基于已测序的基因组序列,利用RT-PCR方法克隆了该病菌脂肪酶基因PsLIP1序列(1 302bp),编码433个氨基酸的蛋白。在毕赤酵母细胞(GS115)中成功表达PsLIP1后,酶学活性分析显示其最适pH为8.0,最适温度为60℃,此外,发现Zn2+、Cu2+和Ca2+对脂肪酶PsLIP1活力有一定激活作用,Fe2+、Mn2+则对酶活力有抑制作用。研究结果为进一步解析脂肪酶作用机理奠定基础,同时也为从能量代谢角度制定小麦条锈病防控策略提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The effects of evolutionary processes in fungal pathogen populations may occur more rapidly and display larger effects in agricultural systems than in wild ecosystems because of human involvement by plant breeding and crop management. In this study, we analysed the rate of evolution in three lineages of a northwest European population of a biotrophic and asexual reproduced fungal pathogen, Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, causing yellow rust on wheat. Pathogen samples were collected between 1975 and 2002 in the UK and Denmark, and assayed for 14 individual avirulence/virulence alleles and up to 234 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) primer pairs producing approximately 17,000 AFLP fragments. The large number of fragments and a targeted sampling of isolates allowed a reconstruction of phylogenies in great detail, i.e. no homoplasy and a representation of sequential, evolutionary steps by pathogen samples. A recent, phenotypic loss of avirulence was observed at least once for loci corresponding to P. striiformis f. sp. tritici resistance Yr2, Yr3, Yr4, Yr7, Yr9, and Yr15, whereas Avr6 and Avr17 were lost independently in all three lineages, corresponding to 16 events of loss of avirulence (emergence of virulence). The opposite process, restoration of avirulence, was observed for Yr9 and Yr32. An interpretation of phenotypic changes within lineages as independent mutation events resulted in mutation frequencies from 1.4x10(-6) to 4.1x10(-6) per AFLP fragment (locus) per generation, whereas the effective rate by which a mutation from avirulence to virulence was established in the pathogen population, when subject to selection by host resistance genes, was approximately three orders of magnitude faster.  相似文献   

Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (PST), a clonal basidiomycete causing yellow rust disease on wheat, has a long record of 'overcoming' cultivar resistance introduced by breeders. Despite the long dispersal capacity of its spores, the French population of PST presents a strong geographical structure, with the presence of a specific pathotype (array of avirulence genes) at high frequencies in the south of France. The genetic diversity underlying this differentiation was analysed by microsatellite and AFLP markers. A total of 213 French isolates belonging to 10 pathotypes collected over a 15-year period were investigated. For each of the 12 microsatellites used, polymorphism resulted from a unique allelic variant associated to the south-specific pathotype. This pathotype was characterized by 40 specific markers over the total of 63 polymorphins detected using 15 AFLP primer combinations. Phylogeographical analysis indicated a strictly clonal structure of the population, and a strong genomic divergence between the northern population and a south-specific clone. Both virulence and molecular data show that the northern French population belongs to the northwestern European population, whereas the southern clone is most likely related to a Mediterranean population, the two subpopulations resulting from the ancient divergence of two clonal lineages. While the virulence complexity in the northern population may be explained by the successive introduction of corresponding resistance genes in cultivars, the maintenance of a simple virulence type in southern France, despite gene flow between the two populations, may be explained in terms of host cultivars repartition and local adaptation to specific host or climatic conditions.  相似文献   

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