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解焱 《生物多样性》2022,30(10):22445-3254
IUCN受威胁物种红色名录已经成为世界上最全面的关于全球动物、真菌和植物物种灭绝风险状况的信息来源, 是生物多样性健康的关键指标, 是促进生物多样性保护和决策的有力工具。本文全面介绍IUCN受威胁物种红色名录(简称IUCN红色名录)的发展以及应用状况, 积极推动其在中国的物种评估和广泛应用。总结了IUCN红色名录从依赖于评估专家的主观意志决定物种濒危等级的濒危物种红皮书(Red Data Book)到IUCN受威胁物种等级和标准(3.1版)的客观量化和所有门类使用统一标准的过程。该等级体系可囊括全球所有物种, 其中“受威胁”的3个等级——极危(CR)、濒危(EN)或易危(VU)需使用5个标准进行量化评估, 对评估规范有非常严格的要求。该等级和标准体系不仅适用于全球层面, 同样也适用于地区层面物种评估, 只是在具体物种种群如果和周边其他地区(国家)存在种群交流情况时, 评估结果要进行调整。迄今为止, 全球层面使用该等级体系和标准评估了14万多种(其中在中国有分布的物种10,846种), 100多个国家和地方制定了地区/国家层面的红色名录, 中国红色名录评估了5.5万多种。IUCN红色名录已广泛应用于评估生物多样性变化速度; 为保护规划提供决策信息; 支持履行国际公约、修订国家/地区重点保护物种名录和自然保护地管理等; 指导资源有效合理分配和宣传教育等。广泛应用过程中, 讨论主要集中在获取数据的方法改进上; 另外, 一方面有专家认为标准存在缺陷需要完善, 另一方面有呼吁维持标准的长期相对稳定, 以便进行跨时间、跨区域、跨物种门类的比较。本文提出来了中国红色名录的持续机制和应用建议, 包括建立中国红色名录委员会、建立中国红色名录专业网站、发展评估专家队伍、建立中国红色名录评估更新机制, 以及加强国际协作、促进全球和中国红色名录的应用和发展。  相似文献   

国家重点保护野生植物受威胁等级的评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
物种受威胁等级的评估是确定物种优先保护顺序和制订濒危物种保护策略的重要依据,是生物多样性保护工作中的一个重要步骤.本研究以<国家重点保护野生植物名录>所列物种(包括即将发布的物种)为评估对象,采用IUCN红色名录受威胁等级和标准,从全国尺度上对我国重点保护野生植物的受威胁等级进行了评估.评估结果为:绝灭(EX)2种,野外绝灭(EW)3种,极危(CR)310种,濒危(EN)638种,易危(VU)911种,近危(NT)117种,无危(LC)162种,数据缺乏(DD)34种.将评估结果与国家Ⅰ、Ⅱ保护级别进行对比,发现两者之间存在较为明显的不一致性,其原因是物种的受威胁程度并不是确定受保护物种以及划分保护级别的唯一依据.该研究为建立我国重点保护野生植物受威胁等级体系、实施有效的保护策略提供了科学参考.  相似文献   

未来气候变化是全球生物多样性面临的重要威胁之一,给全球生物多样性维持和生态系统稳定带来了巨大挑战.为降低生物灭绝风险并维持生态系统稳定,优先保护受威胁物种成为全球生物多样性保护的共识,而完善的受威胁物种名录对生物多样性保护有基石意义.本研究基于28450种中国种子植物(约占中国种子总数的82.3%)的10 km×10 km分布数据,通过物种分布模型预测了这些物种的未来分布区并计算了其未来分布区面积的变化;进而基于IUCN红色名录A3c的判断标准,评估了受未来气候变化情景下的种子植物受威胁等级;整合本文的评估结果和现有受威胁物种名录,提出了新的中国种子植物受威胁等级和名录.更新后的受威胁名录共包含34550种中国种子植物(约为现有全部中国种子植物).在3种未来气候变化情景(SSP126, SSP245和SSP585)和3种物种扩散情景(完全扩散、每10年扩散20 km和不扩散)下,受威胁种子植物数量为4444~11467种,占中国种子植物总数的12.9%~33.2%;其中木本植物1878~4330种,占全部木本植物总数的14.8~34.1%.草本植物2566~7137种,占全部草本植物总...  相似文献   

依据中国哺乳类野生种群与生境现状, 我们利用IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (Version 3.1), Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and CriteriaGuidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional and National Levels (Version 4.0), 评价了中国所有已知的673种哺乳动物的濒危状况。本次评估了71种《IUCN濒危物种红色名录(2015)》没有评估的哺乳动物, 还评估了60种《IUCN濒危物种红色名录(2015)》误认为中国没有分布的哺乳动物。发现中国有3种哺乳动物“野外灭绝”, 3种“区域灭绝”。受威胁中国哺乳动物共计178种, 约占评估物种总数的26.4%, 高于IUCN濒危物种红色名录的物种平均受威胁率(21.8%)。中国哺乳动物1/4的特有种属于受威胁物种。受威胁比例最高的目是灵长目、食肉目与鲸偶蹄目。多数省区的受威胁哺乳动物物种占本省区哺乳动物总数的20-30%。中国哺乳动物种类多分布在中国第二级地理阶梯。生活在高海拔地区的哺乳动物虽然种类少, 但是受威胁哺乳动物的种类比例高。过度利用、生境丧失和人类干扰名列受威胁哺乳动物致危因子的前3位。自从1989年《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法》实施以来, 一些中国濒危哺乳动物的生存状况得到了改善。然而, 鉴于中国哺乳动物区系的独特性和多样性, 以及中国地形地貌的复杂性, 如何拯救这些濒危物种仍是中国生物多样性保护的一项艰巨任务。  相似文献   

为了了解我国两栖动物受威胁现状和致危因素, 进而制定相关的保护措施和开展国际合作, 本文依据中国两栖动物野生种群与生境现状, 利用《IUCN物种红色名录濒危等级和标准》(3.1版)和《IUCN物种红色名录标准在国家或地区的应用指南》(4.0版), 对中国已知的408种两栖动物的濒危状况进行了评估, 并编制了《中国两栖动物红色名录》。评估结果表明: 中国两栖动物有1种灭绝, 1种区域灭绝, 受威胁的两栖动物共计176种, 占评估物种总数的43.1%, 明显高于《IUCN濒危物种红色名录》(2015)的物种受威胁率(30.8%)。中国两栖动物特有种272种, 其中48.9%属于受威胁物种。中国两栖动物受威胁比例最高的目是有尾目(63.4%), 明显高于无尾目(39.0%); 受威胁比例最高的科是隐鳃鲵科(Cryptobranchidae) (仅有1种, 100%受威胁), 小鲵科(Hynobiidae) (86.7%)和叉舌蛙科(Dicroglossidae) (78.1%)。有11个省区的受威胁物种数占本省区两栖动物物种总数的30%及以上, 前3位分别是四川(40.8%)、广西(39.2%)和云南(37%)。中国大多数两栖动物物种分布在西南山地和华南地区, 以海拔2,000 m以下区域为主。栖息地退化或丧失、捕捉、环境污染列受威胁两栖动物致危因子的前3位。鉴于中国两栖动物区系的复杂性和独特性, 进一步加强两栖动物资源调查、种群和生境监测及相关科学研究, 仍是今后一段时期开展两栖动物多样性保护和濒危物种拯救行动的关键性基础工作。  相似文献   

大型真菌具有重要的生态价值和经济价值, 但由于环境污染、气候变化、生境丧失与破碎化, 以及资源过度利用等因素, 其生物多样性受到严重威胁。为了全面评估中国大型真菌的生存状况, 国家生态环境部(原环境保护部)联合中国科学院于2016年启动了《中国生物多样性红色名录——大型真菌卷》的编制工作。经广泛和全面收集文献资料, 依据IUCN物种红色名录等级与标准, 结合大型真菌特点和国内研究现状, 制定了中国大型真菌红色名录评估方法和流程, 动员和组织了全国相关研究力量, 对9,302种大型真菌的受威胁状况进行了评估。结果显示, 中国大型真菌受威胁物种(包括疑似灭绝、极危、濒危、易危)共97个, 占被评估物种总数的1.04%; 近危101种, 占总数的1.09%; 无危2,764种, 占总数的29.71%; 数据不足6,340种, 占总数的68.16%。此次评估工作汇集了全国140多位专家的智慧, 是国内外迄今为止涉及物种数量最大、类群范围最宽、覆盖地域最广、参与人员最多的一次大型真菌生存状况评估, 对我国大型真菌多样性保护与管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

物种受威胁状况的及时评估是调整物种濒危状态,继而实施有效保护措施的重要依据。该文以金沙江流域特有植物贯叶马兜铃(Aristolochia delavayi)、旱地木槿(Hibiscus aridicola)、云南百部(Stemona mairei)和白魔芋(Amorphophallus albus)为调查评估对象,通过多年野外调查,依据《IUCN物种红色名录等级和标准: 3.1版》和《使用指南: 15.1版》对4物种的濒危现状进行了重新分析和评估。结果表明,在现有野生种群资源下贯叶马兜铃被列为易危(VU),旱地木槿和白魔芋被列为濒危(EN),云南百部为近危(NT)。与4物种现行濒危等级的比较表明,贯叶马兜铃的濒危等级由濒危降级为易危,旱地木槿由易危上调为濒危,白魔芋由近危上调为濒危,云南百部的濒危状态则维持不变。这为4种特有植物的野生资源现状了解、濒危状态更新以及适时调整有效保护策略提供了科学参考。  相似文献   

濒危物种保护是生物多样性保护工作的重要组成部分, 而物种受威胁等级评估则是濒危物种保护的方向指引。经过多年的发展, 物种受威胁等级的评估由定性评估逐渐向定量评估为主、定性评估为辅的方向发展。本文综述了国内植物受威胁等级定量评估系统的研究进展, 同时介绍了国外较为成熟的IUCN红色名录评估系统、CITES评估系统、美国自然保育协会评估系统, 提出未来制定受威胁物种定量评估标准时要兼顾以下方面: (1)等级设置定义要明确、统一且合理; (2)评估标准应该定量化、客观且不冗余; (3)评估系统应该适应不同地理范围, 最好能同时表达出各范围的受威胁等级; (4)评估指标要包含物种动态信息, 能定量分析物种在过去或者未来的变化。此外, 本文认为国内的物种受威胁等级定量评估系统应该形成规范化的大纲, 加大宣传力度, 尽量将理论研究与具体的保护行动结合起来; 同时, 我国还应该采用全球广泛应用的受威胁等级评估系统获取物种受威胁等级, 将国内生物多样性保护工作纳入到全球范围中去。  相似文献   

IUCN濒危物种红色名录与国家濒危物种红色名录都是物种灭绝风险的测度, 前者是全球性评估, 后者则是国别研究。IUCN濒危物种红色名录预警了全球物种的濒危状况, 为全球生物多样性研究提供了大数据; 国别红色名录确定了各国物种受威胁状况, 填补了前者的知识空缺, 两份名录互为补充。目前对国家濒危物种红色名录重视不够。基于如下原因, 应当重视国别濒危物种红色名录的意义: (1)国家是濒危物种保护的行为主体, 物种在一个国家的生存状况是确定其保护级别、开展濒危物种保育的依据; (2)对于仅分布于一个国家的特有物种来说, 其国别濒危物种红色名录等级即是其全球濒危等级; (3)对于跨国境分布的物种来说, 国别濒危物种红色名录等级则确定了该物种在本国的生存状况; (4)结合IUCN濒危物种红色名录, 国别濒危物种红色名录为建立跨国保护地、保护迁徙物种的栖息地与跨国迁徙洄游通道提供依据; (5)国别濒危物种红色名录所特有的“区域灭绝”等级, 反映了一个物种边缘种群在该国的区域灭绝, 恢复“区域灭绝”物种是该物种原分布国重引入保育工作的重点; (6)国别濒危物种红色名录提供了该国物种编目、分类、分布和生存状况的最新信息。然而, 国别濒危物种红色名录的重要性在许多情况下被忽视了。目前正值全球新冠肺炎大流行, 人们正在重新审视人与野生动物的关系。我国将修订有关野生动物保护与防疫法法律以及《国家重点保护野生动物名录》, 防控新的人与野生动物共患疾病再次暴发。对于确定国家重点保护野生动物物种名录来言, 物种受威胁程度是物种列为国家重点保护物种的特征之一。重视国别红色名录有特别的意义。  相似文献   

中国首批濒危苔藓植物红色名录简报   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
初步报道了2004年上海中国苔藓植物多样性保护国际研讨会上通过的中国首批濒危苔藓植物红色名录。名录共计82种,其中藓类植物28科、47属、50种,苔类植物12科、26属、31种和角苔类植物1科、1属、1种。根据修订的IUCN/IAB标准, 82种苔藓植物中,36种划为极危(CR),29种划为濒危(EN),17种划为易危(VU)。对中国首批濒危苔藓植物的地理分布特点、濒危原因及今后的保护行动也进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

Conifers (the fast-growing softwoods of the world) occur as the dominant plants of most temperate rainforest communities. Almost all are tall forest trees, whose high commercial value creates conservation vulnerability for many local species in our increasingly resource-hungry world. Counting species, of an estimated 600 world total 362 would fall into this category and consequently appear on this list. This paper provides a preliminary analytical world census list of 416 conifer taxa (species, subspecies and varieties) considered to be of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Climate change is already affecting species worldwide, yet existing methods of risk assessment have not considered interactions between demography and climate and their simultaneous effect on habitat distribution and population viability. To address this issue, an international workshop was held at the University of Adelaide in Australia, 25–29 May 2009, bringing leading species distribution and population modellers together with plant ecologists. Building on two previous workshops in the UK and Spain, the participants aimed to develop methodological standards and case studies for integrating bioclimatic and metapopulation models, to provide more realistic forecasts of population change, habitat fragmentation and extinction risk under climate change. The discussions and case studies focused on several challenges, including spatial and temporal scale contingencies, choice of predictive climate, land use, soil type and topographic variables, procedures for ensemble forecasting of both global climate and bioclimate models and developing demographic structures that are realistic and species-specific and yet allow generalizations of traits that make species vulnerable to climate change. The goal is to provide general guidelines for assessing the Red-List status of large numbers of species potentially at risk, owing to the interactions of climate change with other threats such as habitat destruction, overexploitation and invasive species.  相似文献   

Climate change is likely to become an increasingly major obstacle to slowing the rate of species extinctions. Several new assessment approaches have been proposed for identifying climate‐vulnerable species, based on the assumption that established systems such as the IUCN Red List need revising or replacing because they were not developed to explicitly consider climate change. However, no assessment approach has been tested to determine its ability to provide advanced warning time for conservation action for species that might go extinct due to climate change. To test the performance of the Red List system in this capacity, we used linked niche‐demographic models with habitat dynamics driven by a ‘business‐as‐usual’ climate change scenario. We generated replicate 100‐year trajectories for range‐restricted reptiles and amphibians endemic to the United States. For each replicate, we categorized the simulated species according to IUCN Red List criteria at annual, 5‐year, and 10‐year intervals (the latter representing current practice). For replicates that went extinct, we calculated warning time as the number of years the simulated species was continuously listed in a threatened category prior to extinction. To simulate data limitations, we repeated the analysis using a single criterion at a time (disregarding other listing criteria). Results show that when all criteria can be used, the Red List system would provide several decades of warning time (median = 62 years; >20 years for 99% of replicates), but suggest that conservation actions should begin as soon as a species is listed as Vulnerable, because 50% of replicates went extinct within 20 years of becoming uplisted to Critically Endangered. When only one criterion was used, warning times were substantially shorter, but more frequent assessments increased the warning time by about a decade. Overall, we found that the Red List criteria reliably provide a sensitive and precautionary way to assess extinction risk under climate change.  相似文献   

Risk‐ranking protocols are used widely to classify the conservation status of the world's species. Here we report on the first empirical assessment of their reliability by using a retrospective study of 18 pairs of bird and mammal species (one species extinct and the other extant) with eight different assessors. The performance of individual assessors varied substantially, but performance was improved by incorporating uncertainty in parameter estimates and consensus among the assessors. When this was done, the ranks from the protocols were consistent with the extinction outcome in 70–80% of pairs and there were mismatches in only 10–20% of cases. This performance was similar to the subjective judgements of the assessors after they had estimated the range and population parameters required by the protocols, and better than any single parameter. When used to inform subjective judgement, the protocols therefore offer a means of reducing unpredictable biases that may be associated with expert input and have the advantage of making the logic behind assessments explicit. We conclude that the protocols are useful for forecasting extinctions, although they are prone to some errors that have implications for conservation. Some level of error is to be expected, however, given the influence of chance on extinction. The performance of risk assessment protocols may be improved by providing training in the application of the protocols, incorporating uncertainty in parameter estimates and using consensus among multiple assessors, including some who are experts in the application of the protocols. Continued testing and refinement of the protocols may help to provide better absolute estimates of risk, particularly by re‐evaluating how the protocols accommodate missing data.  相似文献   

Large scale heterogeneous distribution of biodiversity has become a hot topic for ecologists and conservationists. A threat status assessment combined with geographic distribution patterns of threatened plants in China has been conducted at a national scale in this study based upon a distribution database that refers to both specimen records and published references. Currently, 302 threatened plant species are cataloged in the “National Protected Key Wild Plants” in China belonging to 92 families and 194 genera. Results of the assessment according to the Categories and Criteria system of The World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List indicate that three species have been assessed as Extinct in Wild (EW) while a further 79, 99 and 112 species have been assessed as Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), and Vulnerable (VU), respectively. Distribution patterns of threatened plants were analyzed with GIS to identify areas of high species diversity. It was found that threatened plant species occur unevenly within counties and are concentrated in the following eight hotspots: the central and southern Hengduanshan mountain area; the southeast regions of Yunnan as well as Xishuangbanna and southwestern Guangxi; the southern Hainan island; the border mountainous regions of Guizhou, Hunan and Guangxi provinces; the mountainous regions of southwestern Hubei and northern Hunan; southwestern Zhejiang and western Fujian; central Sichuan and southern Gansu; and the western mountains of Guangdong. Moreover, the 12 counties with the greatest number of threatened plant species represent cumulatively more than 50% of the total listed species and, therefore, are the regions in China that should be prioritized for conservation efforts. By overlapping the map of threatened plant species with the distribution of national nature reserves, a gap was identified in protected areas. This research will ultimately provide insights for prioritizing biodiversity conservation as well as processing the mechanisms of distribution patterns.  相似文献   

中国松杉类植物濒危等级划分的比较   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文根据世界保护监测中心(WCMC)和国际松杉类植物专家(CSG)编制的濒危植物名录,以及中国植物红皮书(第1卷)列出中国受威胁松杉类植物共141种及变种。通过对上述三者濒危等级的比较表明,它们在中国松杉类植物濒危等级的划分上并不完全一致,主要原因是划分物种濒危等级的标准不同或资料依据不完全等。最后,作者根据1994年IUCN提出的物种受威胁等级划分标准草案(2.3版本),对中国松杉类一些濒危种类的等级划分作了初步分析和讨论。  相似文献   

Some plants of Hebei Province in China are under threat from human activities, such as over-herding and over-exploitation of wild medicinal plants and industrial plants, etc. To identify the plants in danger in the province and to inspect the quality of the environment encompassing Beijing and Tianjin, a red list of the threatened flora of Hebei Province was produced by using the IUCN Red List Criteria (version 3.1) and its guidelines (version 6.2). Some 262 species were assessed and the results were as follows: (1) the threatened flora include 211 species, accounting for 7.95% of the total native vascular plants. Among them, 44 are Critically Endangered, 80 Endangered and 87 Vulnerable; (2) the destruction of the habitat caused by human activities and the actual or potential exploitation of the plants themselves were the main threat factors of Hebei flora; (3) most of the threatened plants are located in the western, northern and northeastern mountainous regions, namely the key regions of Hebei plant diversity; the endemic and regionally endemic species are severely threatened. Consequently, the assessment not only presented the threatened status of Hebei flora but also indicated the relatively fragile health status of the environment of Beijing and Tianjin. Thus, it is suggested that the application of the IUCN Red List Criteria at the regional level, as an index, could reflect the health status of the local ecosystem. In addition, more concrete measures are needed to conserve the plant diversity and the natural ecosystem of Hebei Province and even the whole region encompassing Beijing and Tianjin.  相似文献   

Some plants of Hebei Province in China are under threat from human activities,such as over-herding and over-exploitation of wild medicinal plants and industrial plants,etc.To identify the plants in danger in the province and to inspect the quality of the environment encompassing Beijing and Tianjin,a red list of the threatened flora of Hebei Province was produced by using the IUCN Red List Criteria (version 3.1) and its guidelines (version 6.2).Some 262 species were assessed and the results were as follows:(1) the threatened flora include 211 species,accounting for 7.95% of the total native vascular plants.Among them,44 are Critically Endangered,80 Endangered and 87 Vulnerable;(2) the destruction of the habitat caused by human activities and the actual or potential exploitation of the plants themselves were the main threat factors of Hebei flora;(3) most of the threatened plants are located in the western,northern and northeastern mountainous regions,namely the key regions of Hebei plant diversity;the endemic and regionally endemic species are severely threatened.Consequently,the assessment not only presented the threatened status of Hebei flora but also indicated the relatively fragile health status of the environment of Beijing and Tianjin.Thus,it is suggested that the application of the IUCN Red List Criteria at the regional level,as an index,could reflect the health status of the local ecosystem,In addition,more concrete measures are needed to conserve the plant diversity and the natural ecosystem of Hebei Province and even the whole region encompassing Beijing and Tianjin.  相似文献   

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