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To select elite materials, the growth traits of 32 Betula platyphylla clones at three separated northern sites in Northeast China were investigated and analyzed. The results showed that there were significant differences among all variation sources in the different investigated traits (P <0.01). Except for the carbon contents, all the coefficients of phenotypic variation of the other investigated traits were higher than 10%. The repeatability of different traits ranged from 0.760 to 0.998. Correlation analysis showed that tree height were significantly correlated with diameter at breast height, but neither was significantly correlated with leaf traits nor element contents. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis showed that genotype, environment and genotype × environment interactions were significantly different in diameter at breast height, which indicated that environment had a significant effect on genotype. Comprehensive assessment results showed that three clones with high and stable diameters at breast height were selected, and the genetic gains of diameter at breast height on sites Maoershan, Qingan, and Yongji were 21.24%, 20.58%, and 38.65%, respectively. The results could provide a theoretical basis for elite clone selection in B. platyphylla and other broad leaved species.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters were evaluated for growth and cone characteristics (tree height, diameter at breast height, volume, cone number, thousand seeds weight and single cone seeds weight) on 86 half-sib families of Pinus koraiensis aged 31 years. Analyses of variance revealed significant differences (p < 0.001) in all growth and cone traits among families while no significant differences were detected among blocks and the interaction between blocks and families. The average family values for growth traits were 17.22 m, 8.67 cm and 0.43 m3 for tree height, diameter at breast height and volume, respectively. The average cone number, thousand seeds weight and single cone seeds weight were 17.57, 748.91 g and 77.25 g, respectively. Genotypic additive variance and phenotypic variances ranged from 0.00009 to 3.820 and from 0.0005 to 23.066, while genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation ranged from 2.693% to 37.196% and 4.963% to 60.595%, respectively. Heritability at the individual and family level ranged from 0.152 to 0.215 and 0.611 to 0.862, respectively. Growth traits were significantly positively correlated with each other, but cone traits showed a weak correlation with growth traits. Based on 10% selection rate, nine families each were selected as elite materials in terms of high performance in volume and cone numbers, with 22.16% and 43.82% genetic gain in volume and cone number, respectively. These results provide beneficial information to select excellent families and establish orchards of P. koraiensis from improved seeds.  相似文献   

为探讨不同入侵压力下入侵植物对本地植物功能性状土壤碳、氮、磷化学计量特征的影响,以入侵植物曼陀罗(Datura stramonium)及共存本地植物为研究对象,调查了无入侵区、轻度入侵区和重度入侵区(按入侵种盖度比例划分)的植物种类、株数、株高及本地植物群落的物种多样性,分析了各区入侵植物和本地植物叶片的比叶面积、碳含量、氮含量、碳氮比、叶片建成成本以及不同土层的碳、氮、磷化学计量特征。结果显示:随曼陀罗入侵压力的增加,本地植物种类及株数逐渐减少;曼陀罗株高和叶片氮含量在不同入侵压力下均显著高于本地植物,且随入侵压力的增加具有升高趋势;叶片碳氮比显著低于无入侵区本地植物;比叶面积、叶片碳含量和叶片建成成本等与入侵区本地植物相比不具有显著差异。随曼陀罗入侵压力的增加,土壤全氮含量、全碳含量、氮磷比与碳磷比显著增加,而全磷含量与碳氮比显著下降;土壤碳氮化学计量特征呈现出一定的表聚效应。这些研究结果表明,曼陀罗具有较高的资源捕获能力,并且改变了入侵地土壤特性,进而增强自身竞争能力以提高入侵力,这些可能是曼陀罗成功入侵的原因之一。  相似文献   

植物能够调整叶片或根系功能性状的变化来适应气候变化,从而形成多样性的环境适应策略。该研究以内蒙古温带草原降水量存在差异的草原群落(较为湿润的多伦草原和较为干旱的正镶白旗草原)为研究对象,分别测定两个草原群落优势种(多伦20种和正镶白旗13种)和共有种(8种)的根系功能性状(根直径、比根长和根组织密度)和叶片功能性状(叶面积、比叶面积、叶干物质含量、叶碳含量、叶氮含量),分析根叶性状的变异规律及其关系,以探究草种对不同降水环境的适应策略,为不同降水区域草种的选择以及草原经营管理提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)随着降水量的变化,草种的根性状在两个群落间无显著差异,多伦草原植物的比叶面积显著高于正镶白旗草原,而叶干物质含量和叶碳含量则呈相反趋势;两个草原群落的单子叶禾草类植物根直径最小,比根长最大,叶干物质含量最高;单子叶百合科类植物的根组织密度最小,叶干物质含量和叶氮含量最低;双子叶非禾草类植物的根组织密度最大,比叶面积最高而叶面积最低。(2)随降水量的减少,两个群落共有种的叶面积、比叶面积降低,叶干物质含量和叶碳含量增加;其中,羊草、冰草、糙隐子草的直径增加,比根长和根组织密度降低,而猪毛蒿的直径和比根长则呈相反的趋势;糙隐子草、羊草、猪毛蒿的叶氮含量增加,冰草、克氏针茅叶氮含量降低。(3)主成分分析表明,单个草原或综合两个草原的植物根与叶性状几乎不相关。研究表明,单子叶禾草类植物的根系性状在降水变化中差异较为明显,而双子叶非禾草类植物基本没有变化;干旱对植物叶性状的影响大于根性状;在不同降水环境下,草原植物根系存在独特的资源获取方式,根与叶性状对环境变化的适应策略均具有独立性。  相似文献   

Duyun Maojian tea is a famous tea in China. In this study, the specific-locus amplified fragment (SLAF) sequencing method was used to analyze the population structure and conduct a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of 2 leaf traits of 123 tea plants in Qiannan, China. A total of 462,019 SLAF tags and 11,362,041 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci were obtained. The results of phylogenetic tree analysis, cluster analysis, and principal component analysis showed that 123 tea germplasms were clustered into three groups, and the heterozygosity rates for Groups I, II, and II were 0.206, 0.224, and 0.34, respectively. Generally, tea germplasms in a production area are clustered in a group, indicating that tea germplasms in different production areas have certain genetic diversity. The traditional Duyun Maojian tea core production areas, TS and DC-SJ, are clustered into Group I and Group II respectively, while the ZY production area is relatively independent in Group III. Furthermore, based on GWAS analysis, 11 candidate genes related to leaf apex and 7 candidate genes related to leaf shape were obtained. This study clarified the genetic relationship among eight Duyun Maojian tea production areas and obtained candidate genes related to leaf apex and leaf shape development. The results showed that population structure and candidate genes are an effective basis for the breeding of Duyun Maojian tea germplasm.  相似文献   

The Infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) and Taura syndrome virus (TSV) are two important shrimp viruses in cultured shrimp in America. These two viruses were transmitted to China at the beginning of the 21st century. In this study, 214 shrimp samples of Penaeus vannamei were collected from seven different areas of China and tested by PCR for IHHNV and TSV infection. The results showed that there were a high prevalence of IHHNV (65.42%) and low prevalence of TSV (3.27%) in the tested samples. Several samples were found to be co-infected with these two viruses. A 3 kb fragment of 7 positive IHHNV samples and a structure protein region (ORF2) of three TSV positive samples were amplified and sequenced. The sequence comparison indicated that both IHHNV and TSV sequenced in China have a low genetic variations compared with the prototype IHHNV and TSV from Hawaii. Phylogenetic analysis showed that TSV isolates were clustered into two groups, Asia and America group, which was genetically correlated to geographic distribution. Foundation item: This work was supported by 973 project (2006CB101801)  相似文献   

冬小麦粒叶比杂种优势及遗传效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用9个冬小麦品种按5×4不完全双列杂交设计组配20个杂交组合,对小麦粒叶比的杂种优势和遗传效应进行分析。结果表明,小麦粒叶比表现出一定的杂种优势;一般配合力和特殊配合力方差均达极显著水平,说明亲本的粒叶比差异及杂交互作均对F1代产生遗传差异,该试验中石6021、农大99260080等的一般配合力较大,石6021×农大99260080、鲁麦14×济南17等组合的特殊配合力较大,产生了较强的杂种优势;粒叶比遗传符合加性-显性遗传模型,但以加性效应为主,其遗传决定度达87.65%,狭义遗传力为64.71%;在高粒叶比品种选育上应重视高粒叶比亲本筛选利用和杂交后代的早代选择。  相似文献   

Invasions by exotic forbs are changing large areas of North American grasslands, but their biogeochemical impacts are not well characterized. Additionally, although many invasive plants may alter biogeochemistry, an invasive species effects have rarely been evaluated across physically diverse sites. We sampled nine sites containing the perennial Eurasian forb Centaurea maculosa to determine if this invasive species alters soil C and N pools in native grasslands in Montana, USA. We sampled surface soil in adjacent microsites with C. maculosa and native grasses and analyzed soil C and N pools with slow to rapid turnover. None of the pools evaluated in the laboratory showed significant differences between C. maculosa and grass microsites when analyzed across all sites. Some differences were found at individual sites, but they were infrequent and inconsistent: Four sites had no differences, four had differences in one or two pools with intermediate (particulate organic matter C or N) or rapid turnover rates (potentially mineralizable N), and just one site had differences encompassing pools with rapid, intermediate, and slow (total C and N, silt-and-clay-associated N) turnover rates. Where they differed, pools were usually smaller under C. maculosa plants than under native grasses, but the opposite was found at one site. In situ N availability, estimated using ion exchange resins, was significantly lower under C. maculosa than under grasses at one of three sites sampled. Results indicate that C. maculosa may sometimes reduce soil C and N pools, including those related to N availability, but they argue against generalizing about the impacts of C. maculosa in grasslands.  相似文献   

基于17 yr的野外实验数据,研究了内蒙古羊草草原群落刈割演替过程中的功能群组成动态,探索了功能群组成变化与群落净初级生产力(ANPP)之间的关系,分析了结构参数怎样影响功能参数。结果显示:在17 yr的割草演替过程中,群落的结构与功能均发生了变化。随着羊草群落刈割演替的进行,群落的功能群组成发生了显著变化,根茎禾草在群落中的优势地位相继被一、二年生植物、高丛生禾草和矮丛生禾草所取代。到17 yr末,群落变成根茎禾草、矮丛生禾草、高丛生禾草共同建群的群落。在对照群落中ANPP与年降水量显著相关,但在刈割群落中二者则不相关。年降水量解释对照群落ANPP变异的62%,而连年的刈割干扰则是刈割群落中ANPP动态的主要驱动因子。群落净初级生产则显出对刈割干扰的抵抗能力,在刈割干扰的前几年,依靠群落内功能群组成的不断调节,保持相对稳定的水平,当刈割进行5 yr之后,群落结构的变化积累到一定程度,净初级生产迅速下降到一个较低的水平,此后依靠群落结构的不断调节来维持这一功能水平。因此,群落结构是以渐变的方式改变的,而群落功能的下降则是以跃变的形式完成的。群落依赖于结构的不断调整来保持功能的相对稳定,但结构变化到一定程度也会导致功能的衰退。  相似文献   

基于17 yr的野外实验数据,研究了内蒙古羊草草原群落刈割演替过程中的功能群组成动态,探索了功能群组成变化与群落净初级生产力(ANPP)之间的关系,分析了结构参数怎样影响功能参数.结果显示:在17 yr的割草演替过程中,群落的结构与功能均发生了变化.随着羊草群落刈割演替的进行,群落的功能群组成发生了显著变化,根茎禾草在群落中的优势地位相继被一、二年生植物、高丛生禾草和矮丛生禾草所取代.到17 yr末,群落变成根茎禾草、矮丛生禾草、高丛生禾草共同建群的群落.在对照群落中ANPP与年降水量显著相关,但在刈割群落中二者则不相关.年降水量解释对照群落ANPP变异的62%,而连年的刈割干扰则是刈割群落中ANPP动态的主要驱动因子.群落净初级生产则显出对刈割干扰的抵抗能力,在刈割干扰的前几年,依靠群落内功能群组成的不断调节,保持相对稳定的水平,当刈割进行5 yr之后,群落结构的变化积累到一定程度,净初级生产迅速下降到一个较低的水平,此后依靠群落结构的不断调节来维持这一功能水平.因此,群落结构是以渐变的方式改变的,而群落功能的下降则是以跃变的形式完成的.群落依赖于结构的不断调整来保持功能的相对稳定,但结构变化到一定程度也会导致功能的衰退.  相似文献   

Low testosterone and estradiol concentrations are predictive for the development of the metabolic syndrome in men and women, respectively. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of sex hormone deficiency on food intake, body weight, body composition and glucose metabolism in male Göttingen minipigs.Five adult male Göttingen minipigs were studied before castration (pre-cast), 10-18 days (post-cast 1) and 10-11 weeks (post-cast 2) after castration. Parameters of interest were food intake, body weight, body fat percentage and sex hormone concentrations. Furthermore glucose tolerance, glucagon suppression, insulin resistance, beta cell function and disposition index were evaluated by oral and intravenous glucose tolerance tests.Castration led to almost complete disappearance of circulating testosterone and estradiol and secondarily to increased food intake, body weight and body fat percentage. Ten-eighteen days sex hormone deficiency (post-cast 1) did not significantly change any of the investigated metabolic parameters compared to pre-cast levels. Ten weeks after castration (post-cast 2) significant insulin resistance, glucose intolerance and hyperglucagonemia was found, and the beta cell function and the disposition index both were decreased.In conclusion, castration-induced sex hormone deficiency in male Göttingen minipigs results in hyperphagia, obesity and disturbed glucose metabolism, which are some of the features typical for the human metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

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