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为了有效利用资源和资金,合理保护海洋生物多样性,海洋生物多样性保护优先区域的确定成为目前保护生物学领域的热点之一.本文首先探讨了生物多样性保护优先区域的定义和内涵,认为海洋生物多样性保护优先区域是指生物多样性丰富、物种特有化程度高、珍稀濒危物种分布集中、具有重要生态功能和过程的海洋区域.其次对保护优先区域确定的内容和方法进行了总结,主要包括单元区划、指标体系的构建及保护优先区域评估3个方面.继而根据我国海洋生物多样性现状提出保护优先区域确定的基本思路,即在海洋生物地理分区的基础上,根据物种和生境的生物多样性指标确定保护优先区域.最后针对存在问题提出建议,包括运用生物地理学方法进行单元区划、基于物种和生态系统的方法构建生物学指标以及信息网络数据库的构建等.  相似文献   

本文依据《国家生态保护红线——生态功能基线划定技术指南(试行)》原则和植物保护的具体情况, 探讨了我国珍稀濒危植物保护红线划定的原则与方法。研究选取《国家重点保护野生植物名录》中收录的所有物种作为研究对象。将其定义为红线保护植物, 其中的I级保护植物定义为红线关键植物, 并基于文献资料及标本记录等数据建立了我国植物的属性数据库和地理分布数据库。在GIS支持下, 以建立的数据库为基础研究了我国红线保护植物的地理分布特征; 基于保护生物学理论, 结合我国自然保护区的就地保护现状进行了分析和评价; 以热点地区和GAP分析为理论基础, 在其分布地中识别具有代表性的热点区域以及不同属性植物分布的重点区域, 进而结合土地利用和人类干扰因素, 划定我国珍稀濒危植物生境整体保护的红线。通过在全国尺度上的分析, 得出我国珍稀濒危植物的整体保护红线面积为71.63万km2, 占陆域国土面积的7.45%。植物生境保护红线划定的原则、方法和划定方案的研究对于更准确地划定生态安全预警红线具有重要意义, 同时可以为我国国土生态安全格局的构建提供依据。  相似文献   

我国是全球生物多样性大国,拥有包括大熊猫、金丝猴、华南虎、麋鹿、白鱀豚等特有物种和旗舰物种在内的丰富兽类资源。近几十年来,土地利用模式转变、盗猎、环境污染、气候变化等因素使许多兽类物种面临生存威胁,导致物种遗传多样性丧失。而遗传多样性是生物多样性的基本组成部分,决定了物种和种群能否长期生存。保护遗传学作为保护生物学的一大分支学科,旨在通过遗传学分析探明种群遗传变异和物种濒危的遗传学机制。近40年来,随着研究手段和技术的不断发展,我国兽类保护遗传学在遗传多样性和近交水平评估、景观遗传学、生态遗传学和圈养种群遗传管理等方面都取得了重要成果。然而,未来人类社会发展可能为濒危兽类带来的威胁依然存在,高通量测序等新技术的进一步发展则能够帮助我们更加深入地了解濒危物种和种群遗传适应与濒危机制,从而实现对濒危兽类的有效管理与保护。  相似文献   

濒危物种保护方法研究进展   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
对濒危物种的科学内涵、濒危机制和物种保护方法进行综述。具体阐述了种群生存力分析 (PVA)技术和复合种群理论(Meta- population)在濒危物种保护中的应用 ;总结了分子生物学方法在濒危物种保护中的作用 ;探讨了“3S”技术在濒危物种保护中的应用前景。分析和评价了各种保护方法的实用性和局限性 ,提出了各种保护方法在濒危物种保护中的应用前景和发展趋势。总之 ,物种保护方法的不断发展开创了保护生物学研究的新篇章 ,怎样运用交叉学科理论和综合应用各种保护方法探讨物种濒危机制、制定濒危物种有效管理和保护措施 ,是需要进一步解决的科学问题。  相似文献   

如何客观地确定自然保护区的保护优先性,为自然保护区的晋级和确定管理类型提供科学依据,已成为当前亟待解决的问题。本研究通过对已有评价指标和方法的对比、专家咨询、评价指标量化处理,提出了量化评价自然保护区物种多样性保护价值的方法。此评价方法包括了自然保护区野生植物、野生动物、珍稀濒危野生植物和珍稀濒危野生动物多样性保护价值指数等量化模型。同时我们应用此方法对华北暖温带区域的39个自然保护区和东北温带区域的67个自然保护区的物种多样性保护价值进行了评价。结果表明,位于华北暖温带区域的河北南大港湿地和辽河源及北京雾灵山,以及位于东北温带区域的黑龙江镜泊湖、大佳河和翠北湿地等省级自然保护区的物种多样性保护价值较高,可推荐优先晋级国家级自然保护区。该物种多样性保护价值评价方法能够较好地反映自然保护区之间物种及各类群多样性保护价值的差异,确定自然保护区保护优先序列。此外自然保护区物种多样性保护价值在不同自然保护地理区和不同类型自然保护区之间存在显著差别。  相似文献   

物种濒危的机制与保护对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文以生物多样性和保护生物学的若干基础理论为依据,分析了物种濒危的现状,论述了濒危物种的概念和特征、易于濒危和灭绝的类型,阐明了物种濒危的机制,并由此提出了濒危物种种质资源的保护对策。  相似文献   

东北虎、华南虎等虎亚种都是自然保护中的旗舰种。旗舰种一般是某一特定物种,由于常常分布于某些特定的生态系统中(如湿地生态系统)而成为这些生态系统存在的标志。旗舰种不一定是稀有濒危物种,也不一定具有重要生态作用或经济价值,但对于人类而言,它们具有重要的精神、美学价值,或在国家、民族文化上具有突出的特征,如大熊猫就是一个世界性的旗舰种,已成为世界自然基金会(WWF)的标志。  相似文献   

保护行为学: 正在兴起的保护生物学分支学科   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
过去的30年里, 人们利用动物行为的进化生物学方法来解决保护实践中遇到的问题, 行为学、行为生态学与保护生物学相结合, 产生了保护生物学的一个新分支学科--保护行为学。保护行为学的研究目的是: 从物种保护实践中发现环境对动物行为的影响以及行为的生态适应性, 并把动物行为学和行为生态学理论应用到物种保护实践中, 从而促进物种保护工作。目前全球有10%的物种濒临灭绝, 生物多样性保护日趋紧迫, 保护行为学的诞生为行为学和保护生物学研究带来了新的机遇, 也表明行为学家和保护生物学家正在担负起挽救濒危物种的使命。不久的将来, 保护行为学及其相关学科将更加繁荣。  相似文献   

《中国自然观察2014》是一份针对中国生物多样性保护状况的研究报告,由山水自然保护中心、中国观鸟组织联合行动平台和北京大学自然保护与社会发展研究中心联合发布。这份观察报告依据的是上述机构多年积累和公开发布的数据,尝试从独立视角给公众和决策者解读和勾绘出最近十多年来中国自然生态的变化图景。报告的主要内容包括基于遥感数据对我国2000–2013年森林变化情况的解读;中国最受关注的濒危物种分布格局和保护与研究现状;以及自然保护区对濒危物种和森林的保护状况。研究还发现,我国重点保护物种名录未能及时覆盖我国的濒危物种,亟需更新;民间的自然观察填补了物种的分布和数量的大量空白,是物种和生态系统基本信息收集和保护成效监督监测的可靠力量;在保护区难以覆盖的地区,特别是东部人口密集地区,以当地居民和公众参与为主体的保护小区可能是一个有效的保护途径;信息公开和长期的生态系统及物种研究与监测都迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

亚洲野驴为国家一级保护动物,2008年《IUCN红色名录》将其列为濒危物种.自19世纪中期,由于人类活动干扰,分布区日益缩小,全球范围内亚洲野驴均处于濒危状态.为有效保护该物种,众多学者针对亚洲野驴生态生物学开展了大量研究.本文从形态描述与分类、分布与种群数量、社群和领域行为、栖息地选择、觅食生态、繁殖生态、行为时间分配与活动节律、濒危原因与保护对策等方面对亚洲野驴的研究成果进行了综述,并就亚洲野驴下一步的研究工作提出3个建议.  相似文献   

The success of conservation programs depends on using appropriate methods to demonstrate the importance of conservation to society. For example, flagship species are among the key marketing tools to motivate public support. However, they are rarely selected in a systematic, manner. In this study we addressed the issue of the colonization of human information resources by birds and butterflies in the context of wildlife conservation. We used a simple method to measure the popularity of species based on Google browsing and made an attempt to link biological characteristics of the species with their popularity in human information resources. Biological traits of species contributed significantly to explaining the occupancy (invasion) of cyberspace by the species. Commonness and body size of the species appeared to be the most informative predictors of their Google score. We believe that these results may be used by conservation organizations to assist in the selection of flagship/charismatic species, and their use in logos, for TV programs or for other public presentations. Moreover, we showed that some biological traits can affect the popularity of wildlife in society and in virtual resources.  相似文献   

Biotic interactions and land uses have been proposed as factors that determine the distribution of the species at local scale. The presence of heterospecifics may modify the habitat selection pattern of the individuals and this may have important implications for the design of effective conservation strategies. However, conservation proposals are often focused on a single flagship or umbrella species taken as representative of an entire assemblage requirements. Our aim is to identify and evaluate the role of coexistence areas at local scale as conservation tools, by using distribution data of two endangered birds, the Little Bustard and the Great Bustard. Presence-only based suitability models for each species were built with MaxEnt using variables of substrate type and topography. Probability maps of habitat suitability for each species were combined to generate a map in which coexistence and exclusive use areas were delimitated. Probabilities of suitable habitat for each species inside coexistence and exclusive areas were compared. As expected, habitat requirements of Little and Great Bustards differed. Coexistence areas presented lower probabilities of habitat suitability than exclusive use ones. We conclude that differences in species'' habitat preferences can hinder the efficiency of protected areas with multi-species conservation purposes. Our results highlight the importance of taking into account the role of biotic interactions when designing conservation measurements.  相似文献   

To address the global extinction crisis, both efficient use of existing conservation funding and new sources of funding are vital. Private sponsorship of charismatic ‘flagship’ species conservation represents an important source of new funding, but has been criticized as being inefficient. However, the ancillary benefits of privately sponsored flagship species conservation via actions benefiting other species have not been quantified, nor have the benefits of incorporating such sponsorship into objective prioritization protocols. Here, we use a comprehensive dataset of conservation actions for the 700 most threatened species in New Zealand to examine the potential biodiversity gains from national private flagship species sponsorship programmes. We find that private funding for flagship species can clearly result in additional species and phylogenetic diversity conserved, via conservation actions shared with other species. When private flagship species funding is incorporated into a prioritization protocol to preferentially sponsor shared actions, expected gains can be more than doubled. However, these gains are consistently smaller than expected gains in a hypothetical scenario where private funding could be optimally allocated among all threatened species. We recommend integrating private sponsorship of flagship species into objective prioritization protocols to sponsor efficient actions that maximize biodiversity gains, or wherever possible, encouraging private donations for broader biodiversity goals.  相似文献   

Species prioritization for conservation is primarily based on extinction risk assessments but less on sociocultural factors that influence conservation effectiveness. Here, we prioritized mammals for conservation according to their need for conservation attention, the feasibility of their conservation, and their potential to be used as flagship species in a rural community in northeast Brazil. We assessed species occurrence and ethnobiology through interviews, camera trapping, and active searches, and developed a prioritization scheme that accounts for species’ threat level (conservation status and local hunting pressure), cultural importance, and popularity. We found Tolypeutes tricinctus as the overall top-priority species because of its Endangered status and high popularity, which makes its conservation needed and feasible, and this species a potential conservation flagship. Panthera onca was the highest priority regarding the need for conservation attention due to its Critically Endangered status but the least feasible to conserve as it was the most unpopular species. Mazama gouazoubira was the most hunted and popular species. Despite not being threatened, it may also be prioritized for conservation, given its high hunting pressure and popularity, thereby constituting a possible local flagship species. Our results show that priority species for conservation can be reliably identified based on measures of need for conservation attention and expected conservation feasibility in local scales using rapid assessments. Accounting for ethnobiology in species prioritization for conservation allows a better understanding of the needs, opportunities, and obstacles for their conservation, consequently leading to better resource-allocation decisions in different socio-economic scenarios.  相似文献   

Flagships remain a key approach for motivating and mobilizing conservation actions and interests. This study quantified attitudes towards two endemic globally threatened Amazona parrots, one of which was developed as a popular flagship in the 1980s. We used a mixed methods approach that included qualitative and quantitative interviewing and a newspaper content analysis to provide empirical evidence that the process of creating this conservation flagship inadvertently fostered negative attitudes and behaviors towards its non-flagship congener. We argue that, similar to other commercially branded goods and services, popular conservation flagships can produce powerful standards of comparison that may decrease the attractiveness and public acceptance of non-flagship species. These results parallel findings from the fields of consumer research and marketing psychology showing that “top-of-the-line” products may hurt sibling models. We therefore suggest that this is an important unintended consequence of the flagship approach and encourage the conservation community to learn from commercial brand developers who have been wary of the potential for exclusionary contrast effects of flagship brand deployment.  相似文献   

Understanding herbivore selection and utilization of vegetation types is fundamental to conservation of multispecies communities. We tested three hypotheses for how ungulate species select their habitats and how this changes with season: first, resources are distributed as a mosaic of patches so that ungulates are also distributed patchily; this distribution reflects habitat selection, which changes with season, the different ungulates behaving differently. Second, resources become scarcer in the dry season relative to those in the wet season. If interspecific competition prevails, then all species should show a contraction of habitats chosen. Third, if predation is limiting, competition will be minimal, and hence, habitat selection by herbivores will not differ between seasons. We used frequencies of occurrence in four common vegetation types in western Serengeti National Park to determine selection coefficients and utilization patterns and Chi‐square analysis to test the hypotheses. The results showed that selection changes differently in each species, agreeing with the first hypothesis. Herbivores did not all become more selective, as predicted by the competition hypothesis, nor did selection remain the same across seasons, as predicted by the predation hypothesis. These results can be useful in constructing habitat suitability maps for ungulate species with special conservation needs.  相似文献   

Iconic, flagship and rare threatened bird taxa attract disproportionate amounts of public attention, and are often used to enable broader conservation strategies. Yet, little is known about why certain taxa achieve iconic or flagship status. Also unclear is whether the perception of rarity among those acting to conserve threatened birds is sufficient to influence attitudes and behaviour that lead to effective conservation action and, if so, which characteristics of rare birds are important to their conservation. We interviewed 74 threatened bird conservation stakeholders to explore perceptions about iconic, flagship and rare threatened birds and classified their attitudes using a new typology of avifaunal attitudes. There was a relationship between societal interest and conservation effort for threatened species characterised as iconic, flagship and rare. Iconic species tended to arouse interest or emotion in people due to being appealing and readily encountered, thereby attracting conservation interest that can benefit other biodiversity. Flagships tended to have distinguishing physical or cultural characteristics and were used to convey conservation messages about associated biodiversity. Attitudes about rarity mostly related to a taxon’s threatened status and small population size. Rarity was important for threatened bird conservation but not always associated with attitudes and behaviour that lead to effective conservation action. We conclude that conservation action for individual threatened bird taxa is biased and directly influenced by the ways taxa are socially constructed by stakeholders, which is specific to prevailing culture and stakeholder knowledge.  相似文献   

Flagship species on covers of US conservation and nature magazines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some conservation organizations publish magazines that showcase current conservation and research projects, attract new subscribers and maintain membership, often using flagship species to promote these objectives. This study investigates the nature of flagship species featured on the covers of ten representative US conservation and nature magazines, Defenders, National Wildlife, Wildlife Conservation, Zoonooz, Nature Conservancy, Outdoor America, Sierra, Audubon, California Wild and Natural History. Operationally defining flagship species by diet, taxonomic order, body size and IUCN status, we found that magazines tend to use mammal and bird species rather than invertebrate, fish, amphibian, reptile or plant taxa on their covers. Featured birds were mostly omnivorous or piscivorous, large-bodied and of little conservation concern; featured mammals were mainly carnivorous or herbivorous, large-bodied and of considerable conservation concern. These analyses confirm, for the first time, anecdotal observations about conservation organizations focusing their publicity and programmes on large, charismatic species to raise awareness and funds and raise the spectre that the public may be exposed to only a selected sample of conservation problems.  相似文献   


Some authors have argued that human preferences for “beautiful” birds may skew the selection of species used to promote conservation programs. This evokes questions about the importance of color, shape, and other appearance traits of bird in affecting human preferences for birds. The aim of this study was to assess the traits affecting human preferences towards all non-passerine and five passerine bird families (n = 102), and to see whether such preferences correspond within a family or are species-specific. Using an Internet survey, we asked 200 human respondents to evaluate pictures of bird species, with two randomly chosen from each family, according to their attractiveness. The respondents were mainly from the Czech and Slovak Republics, but 67 came from other countries (the majority of which were English-speaking). An additional 100 respondents, exclusively from the Czech and Slovak Republics, evaluated the same pictures converted to silhouettes, to test the effect of shape versus color. We included various factors such as morphometric traits (i.e., measurements of body segments and the area the bird silhouette filled in the picture), body weight of the species, and colors, lightness, and saturation of the pictures in the statistical analyses, to help explain any variation in human preferences. We found that human preferences were significantly affected by bird morphology; however, the colors blue and yellow, as well as the overall lightness, were significant as well. The preferences for species belonging to the same family were positively correlated, possibly due to similarity in the body shape of related species. We suggest that finding the traits that determine human preferences toward birds may help conservationists promote a conservation program based on the selection of the correct, scientifically determined, flagship species.  相似文献   

指示种、伞护种和旗舰种等的运用常常可以作为解决保护生物学问题的捷径。指示种被用来评价环境中人为干扰因素的程度,监测其他物种的种群动态,或用于确定生物多样性较高的区域;伞护种则常用来确定需保护生境的类型和面积;而旗舰种被用于引起公众对保护行为的关注。本文试图对上述术语和概念在使用上加以明确区分,并对其应用提出一些指导性原则。认为针对上述不同类型的代理种,使用的目的和选择的标准应有所不同,彼此不能混淆使用。  相似文献   

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