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截至2023年1月,中国共记录312种蛇类,是世界上蛇类多样性最丰富的国家之一。物种特征决定其在环境中的生存能力,在进化生物学、生态学和保护生物学研究中具有重要作用。但是,目前还没有关于我国蛇类形态学、生活史和生态学等特征的完整数据库。本文通过系统查阅已出版的蛇类专业书籍、已发表的文献和爬行动物数据库,共收集整理了中国现有312种蛇类的41个特征数据。这些特征包括以下3个方面:形态特征(包括鳞片、牙齿等25个特征)、生活史特征(包括体长、食性、捕食方式、繁殖方式、活动时间、有无毒性等11个特征)和生态学特征(包括是否中国/岛屿特有种、成体生境、地理分布范围和海拔分布等5个特征)。在收集的41个特征中,除颏鳞、吻鳞和地理分布范围数据完整外(100%),其余特征数据都有不同程度的缺失(完整度为7.72%–99.70%)。本数据集是目前中国最新和最完整的蛇类特征数据集,可为我国蛇类的生态学、生物地理学和保护生物学等方面的研究提供基础数据支持。 相似文献
中国现有1,445种鸟类, 是世界上鸟类物种数最多的国家之一。物种特征反映了生物有机体的功能和适合度, 在生态学、进化生物学和保护生物学研究中具有重要作用。但是, 目前还没有关于我国鸟类生活史、生态学和地理分布等物种特征的完整数据库。通过系统查阅文献和各种数据资料, 本文共收集整理出了中国1,445种鸟类17个功能特征数据: 体重、体长、嘴峰长、翅长、尾长、跗蹠长、食性、窝卵数、卵大小、卵体积、巢址、巢的类型、集群状况、迁徙状况、是否特有种、地理分布范围和分布省份等。在这些特征中, 除迁徙状况、是否特有种、地理分布范围和分布省份外, 其余特征数据均存在不同程度的缺失, 数据的完整度为60.83%‒100%。本数据库是目前关于中国鸟类最新和最全的物种特征数据库, 期望能为我国鸟类生态学、进化生物学、生物地理学、保护生物学等研究提供支持。 相似文献
截至2021年底, 中国共记载591种两栖类(不包括外来入侵种), 是世界上两栖类物种数最多的国家之一。物种特征影响和决定了物种在环境中的生存能力, 在进化生物学、生态学和保护生物学研究中具有重要作用。目前, 中国两栖类在线数据库(https://www.amphibiachina.org )已经整理了我国两栖类的形态特征、生物学信息和地理分布等部分物种特征, 但仍缺乏一个完整的、可自由检索的数据集。通过系统查阅文献和数据检索, 本文收集整理了中国全部591种本土两栖类的22个特征数据, 包括物种发现时间(最早发现和描述新物种文章的发表时间)、模式产地、中国受威胁等级、全球受威胁等级、致危因子、是否中国特有种、是否岛屿特有种、雄性体长、雌性体长、窝卵数、卵径、产卵地点、幼体主要生境、成体微生境、活动模式、生殖周期、繁殖时间、是否有亲本照顾、受精方式、海拔范围、分布地区、分布省份数。除了物种发现时间、是否岛屿特有种、分布地区、分布省份数外, 其余特征数据都有不同程度的缺失, 数据完整度为27.92%-100%, 平均完整度为71.72%, 标准差为24%。本数据集是目前我国两栖类最新和最全的物种特征数据库, 希望可以为我国两栖类生态学、保护生物学、生物地理学等研究提供数据支持。 相似文献
截至2020年底, 中国共有226种蜥蜴类(不包括外来入侵种), 是世界上蜥蜴类多样性最丰富的国家之一。系统整理中国现有蜥蜴类的特征数据在物种起源与进化、形成与灭绝、保护生物学等研究中具有重要意义。但是, 目前还没有关于我国蜥蜴类生活史、生态学和地理分布等物种特征的完整数据库。本文通过系统查阅文献和数据资料, 共收集整理了中国现有226种本土蜥蜴类19个特征数据: 描述年份、中国受威胁等级、全球受威胁等级、是否中国特有种、是否岛屿特有种、平均体长、平均体重、食性、窝卵数、繁殖模式、四肢发育、活动时间、栖息生境、栖息地类型、栖息地宽度、海拔分布范围、地理分布范围、动物地理界和分布省份。在上述特征中, 除了四肢发育、描述年份、是否中国特有种、是否岛屿特有种和分布省份外, 其余特征数据均存在不同程度的缺失, 数据完整度为47.14%-100%。本数据集是目前关于中国蜥蜴类最新和最全的物种特征数据库, 可为我国蜥蜴类生态学、进化生物学、生物地理学和保护生物学等研究领域提供数据支持。 相似文献
峨眉黄连(Coptis omeiensis(Chen)C.Y.Cheng)是一种药用价值较高的国家二级保护植物。采用野外观察与室内解剖的方法,详细描述和分析了峨眉黄连的生活史、繁殖特性及生态特征,并寻找致危因子。结果表明:峨眉黄连从种子萌发至自然死亡,其生活史可分为4个时期,寿命长达15年以上。峨眉黄连行有性繁殖,无侧生无性繁殖枝;顶生芽是一个混合芽,由侧生花序和1个定芽组成;花的各部分均发育正常,花瓣原基和雄蕊原基同源;花粉粒直径16-24μm,有刺状雕纹。种子腹面有窄翼状突起,胚后熟,翌年萌发。海拔1100-1700m的阴湿岩壁是其最适生长环境,降雨量、温度、湿度和光照等因素对其生存与分布至关重要。 相似文献
全球生物多样性逐渐丧失已成为最严重的环境问题之一, 探究各地生物多样性资源及形成机制是生态学和生物地理学领域关注的重要科学问题。生物多样性数据的整合和共享可以为相关研究的开展提供科学依据。昆虫是地球上多样性最高的生物类群, 但是由于目前关于昆虫多样性数据的整理不足, 相关研究较为缺乏。为了促进昆虫类群的多样性数据整理和共享工作的发展, 本研究选取昆虫纲中重要且多样的半翅目作为对象, 通过广泛的数据检索和收集, 系统整理了截至2017年已发表的中国半翅目昆虫的多样性及地理分布信息。数据集中共收集了102科2,090属7,822种半翅目昆虫的分类信息及其39,298条地理分布记录。该数据集可以为今后开展生物多样性格局、生物区系演化和害虫防治等方面的研究工作提供帮助。 相似文献
【目的】初步研究旋歧夜蛾Discestratrifolii(Hufnagel)的形态特征、生物学特性以及生活史。【方法】通过室内观察,数据测量与统计,总结与分析了旋歧夜蛾的形态、生物学特性等问题。【结果】在室内饲养条件下,旋歧夜蛾幼虫6龄,旋歧夜蛾完成1代的生命周期为(44.27±3.10)d,卵期(4.02±0.35)d,存活率96.97%±1.20%,幼虫期(17.87±1.40)d,存活率75.76%±6.94%,蛹期(10.48±0.80)d,存活率93.86%±0.46%,成虫期(12.62±2.82)d。【结论】基本明确了旋歧夜蛾的形态和生活史,有助于制定有效的旋歧夜蛾防治措施,同时为旋歧夜蛾其它研究奠定基础。 相似文献
多子小瓜虫的形态、生活史及其防治方法和一新种的描述 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
一、引言 小瓜虫是一种身体比较大,肉眼能见的原生动物,寄生在各种淡水鱼的上皮粗械和鳃系粗械中,剥取寄主的上皮细胞和红血球为生。同时,由于它在粗械中不停的活动和钻营的结果,上皮粗械引起病态的浮肿,形成白色突出的小点,故有“白点”病之称。 相似文献
嘴壶夜蛾的形态、生活史及昼夜节律 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
嘴壶夜蛾Oraesia emarginata (Fabricius)是危害水果果实的重要害虫之一, 其成虫和幼虫取食不同的寄主植物, 可以作为理想的嗅觉研究模式昆虫。为了全面地了解嘴壶夜蛾的形态特性和生物学特性, 本实验通过室内饲喂和红外摄像机观察, 对嘴壶夜蛾各虫态的外部形态、 发育以及昼夜活动节律进行了系统研究。结果表明: 嘴壶夜蛾的各龄幼虫可以通过体色, 体表色斑的类型、 位置和数量, 以及腹足的数量进行区别。通过蛹的生殖孔和成虫触角能够很好地区别雌雄。在室内饲养条件下, 嘴壶夜蛾的寿命为53.18±1.70 d, 存活率为63.62%±2.15%, 其中幼虫的发育历期最长, 存活率最低, 卵的发育历期最短, 存活率最高, 雄成虫的存活时间显著长于雌成虫(P=0.008)。6龄幼虫的发育历期(5.29±0.15 d)显著长于其余各龄幼虫(P<0.001)。同一龄发育中期幼虫的体长和体重显著大于将蜕皮幼虫和刚蜕皮幼虫(P≤0.037); 第2-6龄刚蜕皮幼虫的体重和体长与前一龄发育中期幼虫之间没有显著差异(P≥0.106)。幼虫在光期的孵化、 蜕皮和化蛹比例高于暗期, 而成虫在暗期的飞行、 产卵比例高于光期, 成虫的飞行随着暗期时间的增加而逐渐变少, 光期成虫的飞行主要在开灯之后1 h。成虫交配集中在暗期的第3-5 小时。本研究结果有助于制定有效的嘴壶夜蛾防治措施, 而且为嘴壶夜蛾作为嗅觉研究模式奠定基础。 相似文献
Marcel M. Lambrechts Jacques Blondel Sylvie Hurtrez-Bousses Marie Maistre Philippe Perret 《Evolutionary ecology》1997,11(5):599-612
Few studies of natural populations have investigated how phenotypic variation across populations relates to key factors in the environment and landscape structure. In the blue tits of southern France, inter-population differences in reproductive life-history traits (e.g. laying date and clutch size) are small, whatever the timing of maximum caterpillar availability, a key factor for offspring survival in tits. These small differences are attributed to gene flow between local populations occupying different habitat types. In contrast, in blue tits on the island of Corsica, we noted large differences in reproductive life-history traits between two populations, where each population is synchronized with the peak-date of caterpillar abundance. These occur over a short geographical distance (25km). Considering our study within a framework of long-term population studies in tits, our results support the hypothesis that different blue tit populations on Corsica show adaptive differences in life-history traits, and suggest that landscape structure at a small spatial scale can have profound effects on adaptive between-population differentiation in life-history traits that are closely linked with fitness. 相似文献
A minimalist approach to the effects of density-dependent competition on insect life-history traits 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Philip Agnew Mallorie Hide Christine Sidobre Yannis Michalakis 《Ecological Entomology》2002,27(4):396-402
Abstract 1. Due to its effects on the phenotypic and genotypic expression of life-history traits, density-dependent competition is an important factor regulating the growth of populations. Specifically for insects, density-dependent competition among juveniles is often associated with increased juvenile mortality, delayed maturity, and reduced adult size.
2. The aim of the work reported here was to test whether the established phenotypic effects of density-dependent competition on life-history traits could be reproduced in an experimental design requiring a minimal number of individuals. Larvae of the mosquito Aedes aegypti were reared at densities of one, two, or three individuals per standard Drosophila vial and in six different conditions of larval food availability. This design required relatively few individuals per independent replicate and included a control treatment where individuals reared at a density of one larva per vial experienced no density-dependent interactions with other larvae.
3. Increased larval densities or reduced food availability led to increased larval mortality, delayed pupation, and the emergence of smaller adults that starved to death in a shorter time (indicating emergence with fewer nutritional reserves).
4. Female mosquitoes were relatively larger than males (as measured by wing length) but males tended to survive for longer. These differences increased as larval food availability increased, indicating the relative importance of these two traits for the fitness of each sex. The role of nutritional reserves for the reproductive success of males was highlighted in particular.
5. This minimalist approach may provide a useful model for investigating the effects of density-dependent competition on insect life-history traits. 相似文献
2. The aim of the work reported here was to test whether the established phenotypic effects of density-dependent competition on life-history traits could be reproduced in an experimental design requiring a minimal number of individuals. Larvae of the mosquito Aedes aegypti were reared at densities of one, two, or three individuals per standard Drosophila vial and in six different conditions of larval food availability. This design required relatively few individuals per independent replicate and included a control treatment where individuals reared at a density of one larva per vial experienced no density-dependent interactions with other larvae.
3. Increased larval densities or reduced food availability led to increased larval mortality, delayed pupation, and the emergence of smaller adults that starved to death in a shorter time (indicating emergence with fewer nutritional reserves).
4. Female mosquitoes were relatively larger than males (as measured by wing length) but males tended to survive for longer. These differences increased as larval food availability increased, indicating the relative importance of these two traits for the fitness of each sex. The role of nutritional reserves for the reproductive success of males was highlighted in particular.
5. This minimalist approach may provide a useful model for investigating the effects of density-dependent competition on insect life-history traits. 相似文献
Lyons SK Wagner PJ Dzikiewicz K 《Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences》2010,365(1558):3681-3693
Understanding and predicting how species' distributions will shift as climate changes are central questions in ecology today. The late Quaternary of North America represents a natural experiment in which we can evaluate how species responded during the expansion and contraction of the glaciers. Here, we ask whether species' range shifts differ because of taxonomic affinity, life-history traits, body size or topographic heterogeneity and whether the species survived the megafaunal extinction. There was no difference in range shifts between victims and survivors of the megafaunal extinction. In general, the change in the size of a species' range is not well correlated with any of the ecological or life-history traits evaluated. However, there are significant relationships between some variables and the movements of the centroids of ranges. Differences in the distances shifted exist among orders, although this is probably a result of body size differences as larger bodied species show larger shifts. Although there are a few exceptions, the distance that species shifted their range was weakly correlated with life-history traits. Finally, species in more topographically heterogeneous areas show smaller shifts than species in less-diverse areas. Overall, these results indicate that when trying to predict species range shifts in the future, body size, lifespan and the topographic relief of the landscape should be taken into account. 相似文献
A comparative analysis of some life-history traits between cooperatively and non-cooperatively breeding Australian passerines 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Summary Comparative analyses were carried out for some life-history traits of cooperatively and non-cooperatively breeding Australian Corvida (i.e. old-endemic passerines). Multivariate statistical analyses at the family and genus levels revealed no significant differences between cooperative and non-cooperative breeders. A matched-pairs analysis between congeneric species showed that cooperatively breeding species lay smaller clutches than non-cooperatively breeding congenerics. Preliminary results also suggest that cooperative breeders have higher probabilities of rearing a second brood in the season and lower probabilities of survival than do non-cooperative breeders. However, the result for survival was significant in only one out of three tests. We conclude that cooperatively and non-cooperatively breeding Australian Corvida cannot be separated into distinct groups showingK- andr-selected life-history traits, respectively. Some life-history traits follow the prediction of ther-K selection model, others show evidence of co-adaptation instead, whereas still others show evidence of trade-offs. 相似文献
Masami Hasegawa 《Ecological Research》1997,12(2):111-118
Long-term monitoring of life-history traits and the effects of density upon them were studied in an island population of the
lizardEumeces okadae. Although life-history traits such as clutch size, egg size and the proportion of mature reproductive females varied little
over 7 years in the intact population, manipulation of density to simulate decreased population density enhanced juvenile
growth rate, age at first reproduction, frequency of female reproduction and size-specific clutch mass. In particular, the
proportion of mature females reproducing annually increased almost 10 times from 5.6% to 53.8% after the removal of some lizards.
However, body size at first reproduction and egg size were almost identical under both high and low density conditions. This
study suggests that there were strong density-dependent effects on several life-history traits and thatE. okadae attained a density close to the carrying capacity of the environment. 相似文献
The effect of pollution of urban soils by traffic exhausts on oribatid mites was studied along a traffic gradient of the city of Thessaloniki. Although the population density of the main orbatid species appeared increased in polluted areas, the total orbatid numbers were reduced due to the reduction in species richness. The highest species diversity was recorded in moderately polluted areas. The morphometric characteristics as well as certain life-history traits did no correlate with the level of traffic influence. Nevertheless, these characteristics were considered important for the understanding of the pollution impact on life in soils. Moderate body size, sexual reproduction, increased reproductive effort and wide habitat preferences characterize species in urban sites. Scheloribates latipes and Tectocepheus sarekensis can be used as bioindicators for Pb and Zn pollution of soils, respectively. 相似文献