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Ensuring food security for the rapidly increasing population and changing climatic scenarios are requisites for exploiting the genetic divergence of food crops. A study was undertaken to sort out an early maturing chickpea variety for fitting easily between rice-rice cropping systems in the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plain of Bangladesh. The trial was comprised of eight elite lines of chickpea and executed at various localities in Bangladesh from 2014– 15 to 2017–18. The result explored the chickpea genotype, BARI Chola-11 remained superior to the rest of the elite genotypes for having a short maturity period (100–106 days), and lesser days to 50% flowering (47– 55 days). The same genotype was recorded to have robust vegetative and reproductive yield attributes including plant height (49–57 cm), podsplant−1 (37–50), and optimum 100 seed weight (19.5–20.6 g). Owing to better yield attributes, BARI Chola-11 resulted in the maximum seed yield (1200–1500 kg ha−1 ) of chickpea and might be recommended for general adoption in the region for boosting nutritional security status through improved productivity under changing climate.  相似文献   

Drought stress has become more common in recent years as a result of climate change impacts on the production of banana crops and other fruit trees. The growth and productivity of Musa spp are severely impacted by the gradual degradation of water resources and the erratic distribution pattern of annual precipitation amount. The aim of the work includes increased drought tolerance in light of water scarcity in the world as a result of the bananas’ being gluttonous for water needs. This investigation was carried out from 2019 to 2020 to study the effect of potassium silicate on morphological growth and biochemical parameters of Musa acuminata L under drought stress by PEG. As a result, drought stress reduced the morphological characteristics such as shoots number, shoot length, roots number, and survival percentage and biochemical characteristics such as chlorophyll a, b, carotenoids, stomatal status, and RWC. While proline content increased in the leaf of M. acuminata L. Media complemented with K2SiO3 (2 to 6 mM) either individually or in combination with PEG led to an improvement in all morphological and biochemical characteristics. The activities of CAT, POD, and PPO enzymes increased signifi- cantly compared to control. Furthermore, the lowest PPO, CAT, and POD activity were achieved. Additionally, K2SiO3 treatments under drought stress successfully enhanced the leaf stomatal behavior. Our results suggest that K2SiO3 can help to maintain plant integrity in the tested cultivar under drought stress.  相似文献   

Salinity is one of the most severe abiotic stresses for crop production. The present study investigates the salinity-induced modulation in growth indicators, morphology and movement of stomata, photosynthetic pigments, activity of carbonic anhydrase as well as nitrate reductase, and antioxidant systems in two varieties of chickpea (Pusa-BG5023, and Pusa-BGD72). On 20th day of sowing, plants were treated with varying levels of NaCl (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mM) followed by sampling on 45 days of sowing. Recorded observations on both the varieties reveal that salt stress leads to a significant decline in growth, dry biomass, leaf area, photosynthetic pigments, protein content, stomatal behavior, cell viability, activity of nitrate reductase and carbonic anhydrase with the rise in the concentration of salt. However, quantitatively these changes were less in Pusa-BG5023 as compared to Pusa-BGD72. Furthermore, salinity-induced oxidative stress enhanced malondialdehyde content, superoxide radicals, foliar proline content, and the enzymatic activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidase. The variety Pusa-BGD72 was found more sensitive than Pusa-BG5023 to salt stress. Out of different graded concentrations (50, 100, 150 and 200 mM) of sodium chloride, 50 mM was least toxic, and 200 mM was most damaging. The differential behavior of these two varieties measured in terms of stomatal behavior, cell viability, photosynthetic pigments, and antioxidant defense system can be used as prospective indicators for selection of chickpea plants for salt tolerance and sensitivity.  相似文献   

Mineral nutrient malnutrition, especially deficiency in selenium (Se),affects the health of approximately 1 billion people worldwide. Wheat, a staplefood crop, plays an important role in producing Se-enriched foodstuffs to increasethe Se intake of humans. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different Seapplication methods on grain yield and nutritional quality, grain Se absorption andaccumulation, as well as 14 other trace elements concentrations in wheat grains.A sand culture experiment was conducted via a completely randomized 3 × 2 × 1factorial scheme (three Se levels × two methods of Se application, foliar or soil ×one Se sources, selenite), with two wheat cultivars (Guizi No.1, Chinese Spring).The results showed that both foliar Se and soil Se application methods had effectson wheat pollination. Foliar Se application resulted in early flowering of wheat,while soil Se application caused early flowering of wheat at low Se levels(5 mg kg−1) and delayed wheat flowering at high selenium levels (10 mg kg−1),respectively. For trace elements, human essential trace elements (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu,Cr, Mo, Co and Ni) concentrations in wheat grains were dependent of Se application methods and wheat cultivars. However, toxic trace elements (Cd, Pb, Hg, As,Li and Al) concentrations can be decreased by both methods, indicating a possibleantagonistic effect. Moreover, both methods increased Se concentrations, andimproved grain yield and nutritional quality, while the foliar application was better than soil. Accordingly, this study provided useful information concerningnutritional biofortification of wheat, indicating that it is feasible to apply Se toconduct Se biofortification, inhibit the heavy metal elements concentrations andimprove yield and quality in crops, which caused human health benefits.  相似文献   

Drought is the major detrimental environmental factor for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production. The exploration of genetic patterns underlying drought tolerance is of great significance. Here we report the gene actions controlling the phenological traits using the line × tester model studying 27 crosses and 12 parents under normal irrigation and drought conditions. The results interpreted via multiple analysis (mean performance, correlations, principal component, genetic analysis, heterotic and heterobeltiotic potential) disclosed highly significant differences among germplasm. The phenological waxiness traits (glume, boom, and sheath) were strongly interlinked. Flag leaf area exhibits a positive association with peduncle and spike length under drought. The growing degree days (heat-units) greatly influence spikelets and grains per spike, however, the grain yield/plant was significantly reduced (17.44 g to 13.25 g) under drought. The principal components based on eigenvalue indicated significant PCs (first-seven) accounted for 79.9% and 73.9% of total variability under normal irrigation and drought, respectively. The investigated yield traits showed complex genetic behaviour. The genetic advance confronted a moderate to high heritability for spikelets/spike and grain yield/plant. The traits conditioned by dominant genetic effects in normal irrigation were inversely controlled by additive genetic effects under drought and vice versa. The magnitude of dominance effects for phenological and yield traits, i.e., leaf twist, auricle hairiness, grain yield/plant, spikelets, and grains/spike suggests that selection by the pedigree method is appropriate for improving these traits under normal irrigation conditions and could serve as an indirect selection index for improving yield-oriented traits in wheat populations for drought tolerance. However, the phenotypic selection could be more than effective for traits conditioned by additive genetic effects under drought. We suggest five significant cross combinations based on heterotic and heterobeltiotic potential of wheat genotypes for improved yield and enhanced biological production of wheat in advanced generations under drought.  相似文献   

Eating quality is of paramount importance to rice (Oryza sativa L.) consumers and soft rice with low amylose content has become popular in China. This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of soft rice grown in the early season (ES) dominated by non-soft rice. Field experiments were conducted in Yongan and Santang, Hunan Province, China from 2016-2018. Results showed that grain amylose content in soft rice cultivars was consistently lower in the ES compared to the late season (LS). The lower grain amylose content in the ES compared to the LS was partly attributed to higher average daily mean temperature during grain filling. No significant relationship was observed between grain yield and seed amylose content in ES rice. Soft rice cultivars produced a similar average grain yield to non-soft rice cultivars in the ES. These results encourage breeders to develop more ES rice cultivars with soft texture to meet the consumer demand for this type of rice.  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N), the building block of plant proteins and enzymes, is an essential macronutrient for plant functions. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the impact of different N application rates (28, 57, 85, 114, 142, 171, and 200 kg ha−1) on the performance of spring wheat (cv. Ujala-2016) during the 2017–2018 and 2018–2019 growing seasons. A control without N application was kept for comparison. Two years mean data showed optimum seed yield (5,461.3 kg ha−1) for N-application at 142 kg ha−1 whereas application of lower and higher rates of N did not result in significant and economically higher seed yield. A higher seed yield was obtained in the 2017–2018 (5,595 kg ha−1) than in the 2018–2019 (5,328 kg ha−1) growing seasons under an N application of 142 kg ha−1. It was attributed to the greater number of growing degree days in the first (1,942.35°C days) than in the second year (1,813.75°C). Higher rates of N (171 and 200 kg ha−1) than 142 kg ha−1 produced more number of tillers (i.e., 948,300 and 666,650 ha−1, respectively). However, this increase did not contribute in achieving higher yields. Application of 142, 171, and 200 kg ha−1 resulted in 14.15%, 15.0% and 15.35% grain protein concentrations in comparison to 13.15% with the application of 114 kg ha−1. It is concluded that the application of N at 142 kg ha−1 could be beneficial for attaining higher grain yields and protein concentrations of wheat cultivar Ujala-2016.



The current work was performed to know the impact of cadmium (Cd) toxicity on two different genotypes of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) namely Pusa-BG1053 and Pusa-BG372. Cadmium was applied in the form of cadmium chloride (CdCl2), in varying levels, 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 mg Cd kg-1 soil. Plant growth as well as physiological attributes were decreased with increasing concentration of Cd. Both genotypes showed the maximum and significant reduction at the maximum dose of Cd (100 mg Cd kg-1 soil). Results of this study proved that the genotype Pusa-BG1053 was more tolerant and showed a lower decline in growth, photosynthetic and biochemical attributes than Pusa-BG372. This later genotype showed the maximum reduction and was sensitive to Cd stress. A better activity of antioxidants protected Pusa-BG1053 from Cd toxicity; on the other hand, the activity of antioxidants was much lower in Pusa-BG372. Scanning electron microscopic studies showed differences in both genotypes. In Pusa-BG1053, stomatal quantity was higher and stomata were slightly close to the characteristic guard cells. In Pusa-BG372 stomata were lower, slightly open and with highly affected guard cells. Root cell mortality due to the harsh effects of Cd appeared to be more evident in Pusa-BG372 than Pusa-BG1053, which was visible under a confocal microscope. As a result of this study, Pusa-BG1053 was a more tolerant genotype, and exhibited a minimum reduction in terms of all studied parameters than Pusa-BG372, which was a sensitive genotype to Cd toxicity.


Mechanical stimulation of plants can be caused by various abiotic and biotic environmental factors. Apart from the negative consequences, it can also cause positive changes, such as acclimatization of plants to stress conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to study the physiological and biochemical mechanisms underlying the response of plants to mechanical stimulation. Our aim was to evaluate the response of model plant Arabidopsis thaliana to a moderate force of 5 N (newton) for 20 s, which could be compared with the pressure caused by animal movement and weather conditions such as heavy rain. Mechanically stimulated leaves were sampled 1 h after exposure and after a recovery period of 20 h. To study a possible systemic response, unstimulated leaves of treated plants were collected 20 h after exposure alongside the stimulated leaves from the same plants. The effect of stimulation was assessed by measuring oxidative stress parameters, antioxidant enzymes activity, total phenolics, and photosynthetic performance. Stimulated leaves showed increased lipid peroxidation 1 h after treatment and increased superoxide dismutase activity and phenolic oxidation rate after a 20-h recovery period. Considering photosynthetic performance after the 20-h recovery period, the effective quantum yield of the photosystem II was lower in the stimulated leaves, whereas photochemical quenching was lower in the unstimulated leaves of the treated plants. Nonphotochemical quenching was lower in the stimulated leaves 1 h after treatment. Our study suggested that plants sensed moderate force, but it did not induce pronounced change in metabolism or photosynthetic performance. Principal component analysis distinguished three groups–leaves of untreated plants, leaves analysed 1 h after stimulation, while stimulated and unstimulated leaves of treated plants analysed 20 h after treatment formed together the third group. Observed grouping of stimulated and unstimulated leaves of treated plants could indicate signal transduction from the stimulated to distant leaves, that is, a systemic response to a local application of mechanical stimuli.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Fall cultivation of field crops such as chickpea is prone to the risk of freezing stress. It is required to identify the mechanisms through which plants can...  相似文献   

Drought susceptibility and low genetic variability are the major constraints of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) production worldwide. Development of an efficient pre-field drought phenotyping technique and identification of diversified drought tolerant lentil genotype(s) are therefore vital and necessary. Two separate experiments were conducted using thirty diverse lentil genotypes to isolate drought tolerant genotype(s) as well as to assess their diversity. In both of the experiments, significant (p ≤ 0.01) variation in genotype (G), treatment (T) and G X T was observed for most of the studied traits. In experiment I, genotypes were examined for drought tolerance at the seedlings stage under hydroponic conditions by assessing root and shoot traits. Among the 30 genotypes studied, BM-1247, BM-1227 and BM-502 were selected as highly tolerant to drought stress as they showed maximum seedling survivability and minimum reduction in growth parameters under drought stress. In experiment II, the genotypes were assayed for diversity and drought stress tolerance based on morphological traits grown under field condition. Drought stress caused a substantial reduction in yield attributing traits, however, the genotypes BM-1247, BM-981, BM-1227 and BM-502 were categorized as drought tolerant genotypes with less than 20% yield reduction. The field screening result of drought stress tolerance was coincided well with the results of laboratory screening. Genetic divergence study reflected the presence of considerable diversity among the genotypes. Considering laboratory and field screening results, the genotypes, BM-1247, BM-1227, BM-981 and BM- 502 were selected as the best drought tolerant genotypes. This information can be exploited for further breeding in developing drought tolerance in lentil.  相似文献   

Due to the unpredictable climate change, drought stress is being considered as one of the major threats to crop production. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. BARI Gom-26) being a dry season crop frequently faces scarcity of water and results in a lower yield. Therefore, this experiment aims to explore the role of different organic amendments (OAs) in mitigating drought stress-induced damage. The pot experiment consisted of different organic amendments viz. compost, vermicompost and poultry manure @0.09 kg m−2 soil, biochar @2.5% w/w soil and chitosan @1% w/w soil which was imposed on the plants grown under both well-watered and drought conditions. Results showed that drought stress reduced plant height (15%), SPAD value (16%), relative water content (13%), number of spikelet spike−1 (17%), number of grains spike−1 (12%), and 100-grain weight (18%). Organic amendments act as a protectant and reduce drought stress-induced damages by enhancing the morpho-physiological and yield attributes. Vermicompost enhanced SPAD value by 18%, number of spikelets spike−1 by 20%, number of grains spike−1 by 17%, whereas poultry manure increased plant height by 16% under drought condition compared to control plant. Unlike other OAs applied, vermicompost was proved to be capable of reducing the higher lipid peroxidation and proline content raised by drought condition. Drought stress-induced increment of catalase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities were also efficiently modulated by the organic amendment application. The present study concluded that OAs play significant roles in alleviating drought stressinduced damages by improving the morpho-physiological attributes and among the different types of OAs used vermicompost performed better which in addition ceased the production of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Sugarcane is one of the major important sugar yielding crops in Bangladesh. As an exhaustive crop, sugarcane removes a huge amount of plant nutrients from the soil. However, the combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizers can be a good approach to deal with nutrient depletion and promote sustainable crop production as well as improve soil health. Therefore, an attempt was made to identify the most fruitful and profitable integrated nutrient management on the aspects of growth, yield and quality of sugarcane in two consecutive growing seasons. Seven treatments: T1 =Control, T2 =165:55:120:30:10:2.5:4 kg N:P:K:S:Mg:Zn:B ha−1, T3 =Poultry Litter (PL) at 5 t ha−1 +95:51:87:9:10:2.5:4 kg N:P:K:S:Mg:Zn:B ha−1, T4 =Cow Dung (CD) at 15 t ha−1 + 36:52:60:17:10:2.5:4 kg N:P:K:S:Mg:Zn:B ha−1, T5 =Press Mud (PM) at 15 t ha−1 +10:50:43:0:10:2.5:4 kg N:P:K:S:Mg:Zn:B ha−1, T6 =Mustard Oil Cake (MOC) at 0.5 t ha−1 +140:54:115:25:10:2.5:4 kg N:P:K:S:Mg:Zn:B ha−1 and T7 =GM (Green Manure) at 5 t ha−1 +140:53:100:28:10:2.5:4 kg N:P:K:S:Mg:Zn:B ha−1 were used in this experiment. Two years data showed that treatment T3 produced the maximum amount of tillers, total dry matter yield, millable sugarcane, cane yield and sugar yield, followed by the T4 treatment. The highest stalk heights were recorded in the T3 treatment, which was statistically similar to all other treatments except T1 and T2. The juice quality parameters viz., brix and pol in cane were found significant in treatment T3 while the highest purity was obtained in the T7 treatment. All the data of Jaggery (goor) quality parameters, the highest sucrose content, color transmittance, Jaggery (goor) recovery and the lowest ash content of Jaggery (goor) were observed in the T3 treatment, which was statistically similar to the T4 treatment in both seasons. The highest cost of production was obtained from the T6 treatment while the highest gross return, net return and BCR were recorded in the T3 treatment. No significant changes were found in one cycle of sugarcane in initial and post-harvest soil characteristics viz., pH, organic carbon, total N, and available P, K and S contents due to integrated use of different fertilizer packages. From the experimental findings, it was concluded that treatment T3 followed by T4 treatment would be the better productive and profitable integrated nutrient management technology for ensuring higher yields and quality of sugarcane without soil fertility degradation in the High Ganges River Floodplain soils.  相似文献   

Abdelmajid Krouma 《Phyton》2023,92(7):2133-2150
Iron is an essential element for plants as well as all living organisms, functioning in various physiological and biochemical processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, DNA synthesis, and N2 fixation. In the soil, Fe bioavailability is extremely low, especially under aerobic conditions and at high pH ranges. In contrast, plants with nodules on their roots that fix atmospheric nitrogen need much more iron. To highlight the physiological traits underlying the tolerance of N2-fixing common bean to iron deficiency, two genotypes were hydroponically cultivated in a greenhouse: Coco nain (CN) and Coco blanc (CB). Plants were inoculated with an efficient strain of Rhizobium tropici, CIAT899, and received a nutrient solution added with 0 µM Fe (severe Fe deficiency, SFeD), 5 µM Fe (moderate Fe deficiency, MFeD) or 45 µM Fe (control, C). Several physiological parameters related to photosynthesis and symbiotic nitrogen fixation were then analyzed. Iron deficiency significantly reduced whole plant and nodule growth, chlorophyll biosynthesis, photosynthesis, leghemoglobin (LgHb), nitrogenase (N2ase) activity, nitrogen, and Fe nutrition, with some genotypic differences. As compared to CB, CN maintained better Fe allocation to shoots and nodules, allowing it to preserve the integrity of its photosynthetic and symbiotic apparatus, thus maintaining the key functional traits of the plant metabolism (chlorophyll biosynthesis and photosynthesis in shoots, leghemoglobin accumulation, and nitrogenase activity in root nodules). Plant growth depends on photosynthesis, which needs to be supplied with sufficient iron and nitrogen. Fe deficiency stress index (FeD-SI) and Fe use efficiency (FeUE) are two physiological traits of tolerance that discriminated the studied genotypes.  相似文献   

Cultivating salt-tolerant crops is a feasible way to effectively utilize saline-alkali land and solve the problem of underutilization of saline soils. Quinoa, a protein-comprehensive cereal in the plant kingdom, is an exceptional crop in terms of salt stress tolerance level. It seems an excellent model for the exploration of salt-tolerance mechanisms and cultivation of salt-tolerant germplasms. In this study, the seeds and seedlings of the quinoa cultivar Shelly were treated with different concentrations of NaCl solution. The physiological, biochemical characteristics and agronomic traits were investigated, and the response patterns of three salt stress-responsive genes (SSRGs) in quinoa were determined by real-time PCR. The optimum level of stress tolerance of quinoa cultivar Shelly was found in the range of 250–350 mM concentration of NaCl. Salt stress significantly induced expression of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), and particularly betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH). BADH was discovered to be more sensitive to salt stress and played an important role in the salt stress tolerance of quinoa seedlings, particularly at high NaCl concentrations, as it displayed upregulation until 24 h under 100 mM salt treatment. Moreover, it showed upregulation until 12 h under 250 mM salt stress. Taken together, these results suggest that BADH played an essential role in the salt-tolerance mechanism of quinoa. Based on the expression level and prompt response induced by NaCl, we suggest that the BADH can be considered as a molecular marker for screening salt-tolerant quinoa germplasm at the early stages of crop development. Salt treatment at different plant ontogeny or at different concentrations had a significant impact on quinoa growth. Therefore, an appropriate treatment approach needs to be chosen rationally in the process of screening salt-tolerant quinoa germplasm, which is useful to the utilization of saline soils. Our study provides a fundamental information to deepen knowledge of the salt tolerance mechanism of quinoa for the development of salt-tolerant germplasm in crop breeding programs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the impact of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris on the rice seedlings at physiological conditions and under cadmium (Cd) stress. We examined the effects of C. vulgaris in the nutrient solution on rice seedlings grown hydroponically in the presence and the absence of 150 μM CdCl2, using the low (77 K) temperature and pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence, P700 photooxidation measurements, photochemical activities of both photosystems, kinetic parameters of oxygen evolution, oxidative stress markers (MDA, H2O2 and proline), pigment content, growth parameters and Cd accumulation. Data revealed that the application C. vulgaris not only stimulates growth and improves the functions of photosynthetic apparatus under physiological conditions, but also reduces the toxic effect of Cd on rice seedlings. Furthermore, the presence of the green microalgae in the nutrient solution of the rice seedlings during Cd exposure, significantly improved the growth, photochemical activities of both photosystems, the kinetic parameters of the oxygen-evolving reactions, pigment content and decreased lipid peroxidation, H2O2 and proline content. Data showed that the alleviation of Cd-induced effects in rice seedlings is a result of the Cd sorption by microalgae, as well as the reduced Cd accumulation in the roots and its translocation from the roots to the shoots.  相似文献   

Salt stress is one of the major abiotic stress in plants. However, traditional approaches are not always efficient in conferring salt tolerance. Experiments were conducted to understand the role of Trichoderma spp. (T. harzianum and T. viride) in growth, chlorophyll (Chl) synthesis, and proline accumulation of C. pepo exposed to salinity stress. There were three salt stress (50, 100, and 150 mM NaCl) lavels and three different Trichoderma inoculation viz. T. harzianum, T. viride, and T. harzianum + T. viride. Salt stress significantly declined the growth in terms of the shoot and root lengths; however, it was improved by the inoculation of Trichoderma spp. C. pepo inoculated with Trichoderma exhibited increased synthesis of pigments like chl a, chl b, carotenoids, and anthocyanins under normal conditions. It was interesting to observe that such positive effects were maintained under salt-stressed conditions, as reflected by the amelioration of the salinity-mediated decline in growth, physiology and antioxidant defense. The inoculation of Trichoderma spp. enhanced the synthesis of proline, glutathione, proteins and increased the relative water content. In addition, Trichoderma inoculation increased membrane stability and reduced the generation of hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, Trichoderma spp. can be exploited either individually or in combination to enhance the growth and physiology of C. pepo under saline conditions.  相似文献   

A. americana L. is a crop with very little genetic variability. In order to evaluate the effect of ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) to induce variability in in vitro plantlets of A. americana, different explants (meristems, leaves and roots) were evaluated for the production of callus. MS medium supplemented with ANA (2.68 μM) and BAP (2.68 μM) was used. Callus obtained from apical meristem were treated with 15 mM EMS for two hours after which shoot formation was induced using 2,4-D (0.11 μM) and BAP (44 μM). The EMS induced variations in the morphometric and morphological parameters of the plantlets obtained, with 60% of the plantlets presenting differences such as dwarfism and different leaf forms, without the presence of spines, as well as an increase in fructan content of 30% with respect to the control plantlets. PAL was increased and this activity is related with higher anthocyanins concentration in A. americana L. plantlets.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is a key fiber crop of great commercial importance. Numerous phytopathogens decimate crop production by causing various diseases. During July-August 2018, leaf spot symptoms were recurrently observed on cotton leaves in Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan and adjacent areas. Infected leaf samples were collected and plated on potato dextrose agar (PDA) media. Causal agent of cotton leaf spot was isolated, characterized and identified as Aspergillus tubingensis based on morphological and microscopic observations. Conclusive identification of pathogen was done on the comparative molecular analysis of CaM and β-tubulin gene sequences. BLAST analysis of both sequenced genes showed 99% similarity with A. tubingensis. Koch’s postulates were followed to confirm the pathogenicity of the isolated fungus. Healthy plants were inoculated with fungus and similar disease symptoms were observed. Fungus was re-isolated and identified to be identical to the inoculated fungus. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing the involvement of A. tubingensis in causing leaf spot disease of cotton in Pakistan and around the world.  相似文献   

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